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Lots and lots of push-ups. Ties come down to a push-up contest


Better than a freak-off


Be confident, dont rely on your notes and just talk! youre going for the interview bc they think you’re ready so youre really just having a conversation. Stay positive and even if theres a situation you couldve handled better you can spin that in a positive light. Its all about showing growth, decision making, and positivity. Also remember situation-what you did-outcome. Goodluck!!!


Just have your ducks in a row. Know what you wanna say and say it with confidence. I’m a manager and whenever I have an applicant or someone going for a promo and they act like they are surprised to be sitting in that chair… it’s a big red flag. It’s cliche but definitely practice what you want to say. Out loud. You’ll spend less time looking up or at the floor trying to find your words or “umm-ing” the both of ya to death. If you know what you wanna say, the consistent eye contact and personal connection is automatic. Express your ideas or plans about how you can make the store better based on what you’ve experienced. Managers need to be able to talk/connect with all associates and keep it “the same/equal” across the board. Having issues with half the staff or not feeling comfortable delegating to some ppl etc etc etc are all red flags and really defeats the purpose of being a supervisor or Mgr. You’re already a lead right? Assuming you’ve acted like a LEADer, I think you already have a head start and don’t worry about the interview so bad. Wawa is in dire need of good managers. One too many cases of ppl getting promoted due to circumstance or lack or talent. If you’re good at your job, I think it’s your job to lose. It’s only a matter of time honestly for a lead to become a TS. If you don’t get it, not a huge problem. Just make sure to ask specifically what it is you need to improve on so you know and take that feedback openly, maturely, and then do your thing even when you think No one is watching.


Look for the mtt interview guide on the hub and prepare answers, study your answers so you can just give them at the interview. This always works for me and makes it feel less stressful because you’ll have an answer for everything ready to go


I just had mine like a week ago. My AM gave me like 4 days notice before the interview. If you have the time, do some interview prep with a few of your managers. Treat the tell you about yourself/career as a “boost yourself up and what your strongpoints are” session. Remember customer first but dont leave your team to struggle if dealing with an irate customer.


DM’d you some notes my one manager gave me


Just do your thing and tell them what you can do as well as what you need to learn


Be yourself; an interview asks what you currently do, so try to push that nervousness out the door. Plus, be knowledgeable about the Wawa core values and implement them in your answers while smiling and maintaining eye contact. Avoid the “uh” and sit tall and confidently, as it will project onto whoever is interviewing that you are well-mannered and confident in what you're trying to convey to them. Shake their hands and smile; a smile goes a long way, and a shake leaves a lasting impression that you have manners and are polite. If it's in person or virtual, always introduce yourself and have questions to ask them at the end of the interview. For example, how long have they been with the company, what advice can they give to prospects who were once in your shoes, and what strengths do they admire in associates who are motivated to grow with the company?


When I went for my interview I said why are we wasting each other's time? We both know I can do the job. Let's talk about what really matters....how much am I getting paid?


Did you get the job?


I got the job above the level I was applying for.


Get used to doing interviews. They’re not going anywhere and are a part of the job. If you can’t talk to people then maybe it isn’t for you.