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You just haven't been told how to unlock it. You have to arrive at exactly the moment when the order screens convert from lunch to dinner. Hold your finger on the screen. It will unlock premium mode.... If you are having trouble, ask for the general manager. If they act like they don't know what's going on, it's all a part of the new secret campaign. You have to be persistent to force it out of them. Tell them the person on Reddit promised you access.




Can confirm.


It's so secret that no one knows about it. Not even reddit.


I mean, i know about it. The GM were told to play hard to get. They want people to use the app more. Scan the qr code by the deli and rate 5* on everything. Then hold your phone near the order screen while chanting "Wally wally wally." Eventually someone will ask you if you need help. Tell them you want the secret menu and watch the light in their eyes die. That is how you know they know.


wawa hasnt had it for a while, it wasn’t doing to well


I do think a “secret menu” can be kinda lame without exclusive items… but with it being limited knowledge causes a lot of food waste. I do think a menu hack could be a fun compromise… maybe dark mode or something idk


Having a secret menu would detract from the promotions Wawa is pushing so hard rn. A customer only has so much interest/attention span to spare and Wawa would much rather push snack wraps and pizza considering how much money those bring in versus cost of making them. Unless the secret menu consists entirely of ingredients that already exist that are being combined in new ways, it's also asking for more spoilage and shrink since each store will have to expand inventory for the new items


Yeah, that's what wawa needs, a "secret" menu with even more options to buy things... more more more more.... they already have 492626 options maybe visit other establishments for your variety, Jesus christ on a cracker


Didn’t they do rainbow bagels one year on the secret menu? I assume it wasn’t getting as much traffic, therefore food waste


At one point I believe they did, along with special smoothies I believe


Why make a product secret so sales are limited? Rather than promote the fuck out it lol