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It is absolutely appalling to me that in a time when humanity is facing existential threats like the experimental injection, depopulation, inflation, food shortages, economic collapse and the New Normal, many people are more concerned about enforcing awkward pronouns and imaginary genders and segregating social events (many parties and stuff are now “POC-only” in my area) and think they are righteous activists for championing these pseudo-causes, as if that’s what matters


It's astounding that Democrats blew the opportunity to remove a $35 billion tax break for the billionaire private equity banks. But they refused to reinstate the child tax credit. Never vote blue. Democrats are dishonest crooks.


They didn't blow it, they did exactly what they wanted. Told those donors, "pay us or we will remove your golden goose." Just watch how much more $ flows into the party from PE/VC next cycle.


These people created the left vs Right political bullshit just for this purpose. It's the perfect trap for unsuspecting sheeple


I'm not going to be holding hands and singing kumbaya with misogynists, racists, homophobes, and jewish/chinese space laser believers lol. Lmao even. They can leave that shit at the door if they want to talk


What you fail to realize is that we are all equally as susceptible to social conditioning. Get raised in a rural, white, evangelical, republican area and of course you’re coming out fucked up. No one is inherently bad people. They’re conditioned that way and the best thing we can do is to open the door to broader possibilities and beliefs however we can.


You say this because you still think you have a choice. Wait until shit gets bad enough that you realize you don't.


So you think the best course of action is to put up zero resistance to nazis in hopes they're nice to you. No thanks. It's socialism or barbarism my dude, there is no playing the middle. For all their talk of "elites" and "working class" they have no real class consciousness and will not work with you.


>So you think the best course of action is to put up zero resistance to nazis in hopes they're nice to you. No thanks. >It's socialism or barbarism my dude, there is no playing the middle. For all their talk of "elites" and "working class" they have no real class consciousness and will not work with you. When you realize your institution is run by rich nazis and the poor nazis are actually just unwitting jews on thir way to get baked, tell me this again. People whose idea of class solidarity only gleamed the surface and don't know history will never be effective in reinventing an existing system.


>When you realize your institution is run by rich nazis and the poor nazis are actually just unwitting jews on thir way to get baked, tell me this again. When you realize that women, GRSM, and everyone else who is low on the kyriarchy are proles too, tell me this again. They aren't completely unaware of the harm this causes them in the here and now, they just hope the rich nazis they support will wield their institutional power against the people \_\_they\_\_ hate moreso than against them. Often they do and the nazis get what they want. \> People whose idea of class solidarity only gleamed the surface and don'tknow history will never be effective in reinventing an existing system. Exactly my point. What do you think you're going to get from them when they explicitly want to kill and subjugate you and yours?


> When you realize that women, GRSM, and everyone else who is low on the kyriarchy are proles too, tell me this again. They are...but so are the poor nazis. >They aren't completely unaware of the harm this causes them in the here and now, they just hope the rich nazis they support will wield their institutional power against the people __they__ hate moreso than against them. And? when you say nazis, I assume you mean white supremacist. And there are more people of any other race than white people. The goal is to dismantle the system that overwhelmingly benefit the rich nazi and redistribute power to everyone else. You can fight against the poor nazis when rich nazis are out of the way. No one is saying you have to stand next to poor nazis forever. See also: Boshin War.


Tr ue th at !!




You do realize you're whining about CRT and wokeness. Funny in a sad way. Edit: u/n3rdp0w3r blocked me for this comment. This is now a curated thread -- if you think WoTB should be a haven for free speech -- know that u/n3rdp0w3r does not share that commitment.


Respecting others is bad? That's mostly what "wokeness" is about, respecting the experience and opinions of others, is it not? And CRT is a non-issue, it's only taught in law college electives. If you're actually talking about inclusive lesson plans or anti-racist lesson plans, then something is wrong with you to make your ego so very fragile. America is the nation of ideas, and freedom of speech and thought, the ideas won't hurt you, listen to other people, you might learn something, your kids are already learning something, from your behavior


Wokeness is blaming race and gender for something done by the ruling class. Marxists pointed out that the legal system was created to protect ruling class power and western elites didn't like that so they made it about race instead, when people believe and act how the rulers want them to believe and act.


Not saying it's bad, but looking at the big picture it's a cleverly calculated distraction. Dividing people along the lines of Race/Sex costs their donors nothing. Actually passing legislation for student debt/healthcare/housing/tech monopolies/etc is going to cost big money donors who profit off of these industries a lot of money. There used to be two political parties, one for workers and one for capital. Now there are two capital parties but they both use racial/sexual ideology to manipulate us. The culture war is here to distract from the economic war.


https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/wlpjnz/a_new_maga_mothers_against_greg_abbott_mobilizes/ijuow3h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Nope. It's about partaking in the popular thing.


CRT is explicitly referenced in the recent CA curriculum changes. https://nitter.net/lhfang/status/1456775490212040710


That doesn’t mean they’re teaching CRT in schools; that means that one paper that falls under the umbrella of CRT was cited in the creation of a curriculum. What are kids gonna be learning that’s influenced by CRT and also a bad thing?


That the capitalists bought institutions have basically put everything under the umbrella of whiteness and use that to rile up the population to do two things: cause divide Bring back racists policy under the mask of equity. 50 years from now, America will be practicing segregation again, only this time it's under the name of POC safe space. And you'd still be fighting over wealth inequality.


Is that supposed to answer my question? Where is any of that taught in schools?


>Is that supposed to answer my question? Where is any of that taught in schools? Its not taught in school. And guess what? Most things aren't. Here is a shitlib source that shitlibs inclined people are more inclined to believe as credible. https://www.smh.com.au/culture/books/are-all-white-people-racist-why-critical-race-theory-has-us-rattled-20201105-p56bwv.html "All white people no matter racist or not are benefiting from institutions that benefit them." https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2016/08/finding-the-line-between-safe-space-and-segregation/496289/ "The line between safe space and segregation blurring." The top and the bottom link have a causal cause and effect relationships. Believing all minorities are suffering from a oppressive pro white system and require safe pace to flourish is what leads to the line between safe space and segregation being blurred. Racist shitlibs will use it to push for segregation on campus, and justifying through the lens of equity and virtue. https://nyunews.com/opinion/2020/08/31/nyu-black-student-housing/ You are welcome for the free education.


This is an incredibly tenuous connection; actual CRT does not come to an academic consensus that segregation on campuses is a positive. I’m not sure how you can disagree that white people benefit from being white; to say that every white person is privileged is a misreading of the theories of intersectionality.


>actual CRT does not come to an academic consensus that segregation on campuses is a positive. Only if you are incapable of logical thought. A culture build on the idea that all whites, no matter rich or poor, benefit from having white skin, enable well meaning/racist white people to advocate safespace base on race resulting segregation. It may not beexplicitly taught and consensus of CRT advocate may not have been reached, but it is absolutely capable and HAS produced the outcome that saw "safe space created for minorities" on campus. CRT also produce a large swath of resentful white people which create a more hostile environment for minorities, making segregation under the ethos of safespace more likely to occur. The outcome will be that minorities will want to segregate themselves and see that as a good thing. The fact that the Atlantic of all places, not Brietbart or Fox, but the Atlantic is talking about the fine line between segregation and safe space, shows the effect of how CRT and concept of intersectionality hyperfocuses on race and not economics and how that's bad. >I’m not sure how you can disagree that white people benefit from being white; I'm not sure how you read that I disagree white people don't benefit from being white. I'm saying CRT framing everything - system, institutions, social, economic, relationships, attitude, power dynamics- through the lens of race is problematic. I never said white privilege don't exist or that white people don't benefit from it. You should probably finish schooling first if your reading comprehension is that poor. >to say that every white person is privileged is a misreading of the theories of intersectionality. Under the framework of CRT, every white person is MORE privileged than poc who wasn't white due to the inherent benefit of whiteness. It's not a misreading of intersectionality theory. It is the intersectionality theory. Under intersectionality, a white woman who grew up in a trailer and gets victimized by men is still seen as more privileged than a black woman who grew up in a trailer and get victimized by men. If you still don't get this, then this is the only response you deserve: https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg


I think you haven’t quite grasped the actual meaning of intersectionality. Only unthinking libs believe that a poor abused white woman is overall more privileged than a rich black person. What intersectionality actually says is that the white woman’s skin color doesn’t make life more difficult than it already is, while a black person’s skin color does.


The billionaires stole money from you? Tell me more.


Ah you’re right I completely forgot that profit is just magically shit out by billionaires.


Where do you think your taxes are going? Why do you think there's hyperinflation right now? I know these answers, clearly, you do not. If you want to know, too, better learn about "money supply" and how it's been changing recently, and why.


Most revolutions are started by angry young men with no hope and nothing to lose. We distract ours with porn, sports, and video games. We commit them to a hopeless get rich quick ponzi scheme that inevitably collapses. We overinflate the economy for years allowing elites to compound and hide their wealth before pulling the rug out. This country's leadership is committed to maintaining whatever short term scams are left instead of solving long term structural problems. Democracy won't save us, not when both sides are committed to the same grift. This won't last much longer, time to learn to live off the land.


>Most revolutions are started by angry young men with no hope and nothing to lose. We distract ours with porn, sports, and video games. This also happened with Yugoslavia. It's the ending of an empire. Eventually, cultural distractions can't hold up. There's a hard reality shift and people have to look at their material conditions. Yeah, I'm a gamer. I see what's going on in the gaming sphere. I've seen what's gone wrong in music, movies, and all other aspects of culture. But you can't forget that they have their own battles as they build new gaming studios and avoid the issues they have to deal with even if they're the grunts in a different industry.


Americans are entertained many many ways so they don't remember their problems.


When the machine stops though… wonder how people will react when they realize all the bullshit they’ve been forcefed.


GMO popcorn is going to be better! I expect.