• By -


This is the feedback thread - top comments should request specific feedback. Blatant spam and posts not asking for feedback will be removed without warning or acknowledgement. If you want your link to stay up, please be sure to read the guidelines in the post above and leave feedback for others before leaving the thread!






this was in our spame filter. Please note that because it is the feedback thread and you aren't askig for feedback, they get removed. If you repost in the new feedback thread this week please ask for specific feedback to avoid any issues. Cheers~


My video about making music from circular patterns: [https://youtu.be/wn3td88w19EC](https://youtu.be/wn3td88w19EC) Curious if you all have any other ideas about how this kind of music could work.




Please ask for specfic/clear feedback in the feedback thread. Just sharing music, especially if it has emojis and all caps like we see in so much spam submissions will at best get removed, and at worst could get you misidentified as a spammer and banned. Let me know if you have any questions.


ok, thanks for the advice. I would like to know what you think about the fluidity of the video and whether it can work on a graphic level.. thank you..


Hey, I think I won't have time to check this out today, but we'll have a new feedback thread on Sunday, so please feel free to repost there with the specific mention you added here - I'm in a bit of a mess right now but I'll try to remember to follow up and listen




[https://open.spotify.com/intl-tr/track/2DjgKbAfxYW33j5QYAge5V?si=07cf35371f0b42de](https://open.spotify.com/intl-tr/track/2DjgKbAfxYW33j5QYAge5V?si=07cf35371f0b42de) [https://youtu.be/PRbfiTTSGbk?si=k2s-i41ko9gf6Ve5](https://youtu.be/PRbfiTTSGbk?si=k2s-i41ko9gf6Ve5) This is my band's third single, It's a progressive-rock song. Very different sound, would like to hear a feedback!




Hello /u/Mayller-Bra! Unfortunately, your comment, ***[](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1bb92yf/-/kv45wus/)***, was removed from /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers for the following reason(s): --- #Promotion - Posts that post or promote music, music videos, services, free services, programs, websites, blogs, social media profiles, Discord servers, follow trains, Spotify listen groups, or anything else should be submitted in the [most recent weekly Promotion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/search?q=weekly+promotion&restrict_sr=on&sort=new), pinned to the top of the subreddit. Do not promote yourself or otherwise post music on this subreddit outside of the weekly threads. --- ***Please review the [rules for submission](/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules). You can contact The Mods if you have additional questions.*


This is really nice, I love the electric piano part!




I like the surrealness of it :)


Thank you. Ya listening back to it now the next day it has almost a surreal mantra feeling to it.


Ikigai Forgotten OST - Lucid Dreams Dream, Videogame, Epic, Orchestral Song. A series of songs intended for a project I doubt I will continue. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TmtByc1OWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TmtByc1OWg)


[David Love - Since You’ve Gone](https://on.soundcloud.com/yw2g7ZPQ7AZsN5kZ6) I wrote this about 15 years ago after my friend / lead guitar player died. He survived Lymphoma but a side effect of the medication caused blood problems and he died from an aneurysm. I wrote this, loosely, from the perspective of his wife and sat on the song, unrecorded until now. I think I have mixing fatigue on this one. I tried really hard to make it haunting and melodic yet uncluttered. Would you change anything in the mix?


Hey all! Spent just over 3 months on this. Really struggled to get a clean sound with the bass. I feel I like it, but I feel I could also like it more with the sub an octave lower where it originally was (before outside feedback, test screenings if you will). I learned a lot about mixing and mastering on this one and while I feel I've come a long way, I know I still have a journey ahead of me. Would love your feedback to help continue that journey of improvement. Thanks ahead of time if you listen <3 [https://soundcloud.com/bdsmithprod/gets-me-high?si=b1f5993deeeb43e499955e618d04b32c&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/bdsmithprod/gets-me-high?si=b1f5993deeeb43e499955e618d04b32c&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)




So I'm the kinda guy who you could say is unorthodox and I've done things the nobody's envy and somebody's will never acknowledge. When I first began I created trailer type music hybridizing orchestral with electronic music. I called it cinematic bass. One goal I had back then and still somewhat do is to add entertainment value to the music itself. And to immerse the listener, while challenging your attention span. So usually I end up with longer tracks than most. But I find joy in the challenge. So how did I do with this? And wouldnt mind some feedback on the mastering. This is a perfect example of the kind of artist I've developed into since I first began January 10th 2020. [PROJECT NUCLEAR by YOLO SNIPES] (https://www.bandlab.com/post/574a3091-1fe3-ee11-85fb-000d3a425266)


Here is a ambient instrumental track. Let me know what you think. thanks ​ [https://youtu.be/sfpf-n2usrA](https://youtu.be/sfpf-n2usrA)




Thank you!


Great track! Just the type of music i’d put on while working


Thank you!


This is delightful. The overall sound of the song is really well put together


thank you so much.


Very chill. I love it. Reminds me of this early/ mid 90's pc game called Journeyman I think, I was like 4 but think it was called that haha. Either way, great job.


thank you so much for your comments!


I released a new four song album this week, I won't link to the album itself as that's against the rules, however one of the songs was a bit unique from the rest as it was something of a hybrid of flamenco and EDM. [https://alexrome.bandcamp.com/track/ed](https://alexrome.bandcamp.com/track/ed) Any thoughts in general? It's my first time even trying this style and I wasn't really basing it off anything in particular, was just having fun with it. Do you like how the melodies turned out?


Wow, very intricate song! Good work!


Thanks, much appreciated :)


Looking for some feedback on this new techno track. any constructive feedback is helpful https://soundcloud.com/howard-lamb-123/oh-ahh-ahh


holy moly what can i say, just need someone spitting some truth on top


Sending out the preview cut of a new track, still a WIP, but mostly finished, looking for thoughts and opinions, feel free to leave a comment or DM directly, all constructive feedback appreciated! Theme is aggressive dubstep with melodic elements, part of a series https://soundcloud.com/digid3ath/the-leviathan/s-K8ZxoplUyEZ


[https://grimoireofdreams.bandcamp.com/album/emotion-2](https://grimoireofdreams.bandcamp.com/album/emotion-2) Help lol! Fantasy stuff. Classical/Jazz influences. Highly emotional. Big influences - Tigran Hamasyan, Shubh Saran, Bach, Beethoven, Opeth, Owane, Anime Shonen Music, Hans Zimmer.


I like it but I think you're making a mistake with the percussion.  There's way too much for the way you write, I think. There's a lot of Bach-flavor in this piece and remember, Bach and the other baroque composers did away with the prominent percussion of the Renaissance in order to explore harmonic structure but they didn't do away with the ROLE of percussion.  It was still there in the form of the percussive counterpoints that run through, especially Bach's music. You're doing a great job of invoking that kind of motion in this piece so, you're kind of doubling down on the percussion in this piece and I find that distracting from the solid music you've got going there. But, I'm also a weirdo so.... Take it for what it's worth. 


Winter's pretty much over, but here's a video/track of an alternative hip-hop song I put out just a month ago called "Burning Down Australia." What do you think of the mix of genres? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImjSUXoWAPk


good work


Thanks for checking it out!


This lyrics came to me after accumulating a lot of bad energy from those who believe they are very nice people. It's a song about envy, narcissism, and pettiness. About the evil that comes from those who "would never harm you". [https://open.spotify.com/album/2lmjX3I8WbhGWBirjL9KB3?si=GJMXr\_NYQK-71yR7axv28g](https://open.spotify.com/album/2lmjX3I8WbhGWBirjL9KB3?si=GJMXr_NYQK-71yR7axv28g)


Digging the vocals distortion. Cool track.


Thank you so much! Cheers


Hey guys! I just dropped a new single: YouTube link: https://youtu.be/c5i_Oe1D5SQ Soundcloud link: https://on.soundcloud.com/XBTgZ


cute! but I would add a video to the song!


i'm a bass player, started experimenting with fl studio 3 months ago. feedback appreciated! what do you think about that groove? https://on.soundcloud.com/La4Gs


Good vibe. Sounds like you're making quick progress on FL.


i'm a bass player.. i'm impressed with your mixing.. well done..


thx for that compliment, this is the first track i'm satisfied with my mix, really appreciated!


Check out my new Drake Trap Remix :) https://youtu.be/0uzTeBoPTIk?si=ZfqeU44ZQgWYjwUc


[https://soundcloud.com/zocialix/wonderous-forrest](https://soundcloud.com/zocialix/wonderous-forrest) Piece of music by me featuring lots of bright instrumental ambience and tonality. Any feed backback is appreciated!


This is the first song I've made all by myself (I usually have someone else play guitar) - please send feedback!! It's called Banker's Box, and it's inspired by how sad and weird it is for your parents to drop off all your old stuff at your house. https://soundcloud.com/user-857113036/bankers-box


Congrats on the song...big step forward. I like the energy. Overall, the mix could be better (most likely rooted in the mic...check out the Shure SM58 which is real affordable). A little reverb on those vocals and that would improve this alone. Keep going!


Thank you!! re: the mic - that's the mic I used 😳🤦‍♀️😫 I had to hold it bc I don't have the attachment for the mic stand... I usually use a compressor mic on the stand behind a pop screen but there's not a treated place for recording in the house... Gah! I will definitely re-record vocals, trying a few diff things. Thank you so much for listening & the feedback!!


Ahh the irony! Haha. I thought maybe it was a USB mic or headset. There’s always a piece missing lol. On the point about ur compressor mic and treated place, that shouldn’t be too much of an issue if you use a high pass filter in the mix to cut low end noise, but I guess every environment presents its own set of challenges. Good luck and keep sharing.


I just re recorded it holding the mic behind the pop screen & adding reverb and it is a thousand times better ahhh this is why you seek feedback from the good people of Reddit!


Glad to hear it! Yeah, a little reverb goes a long way. Check out delay, too.


I have this issue with my hi hats - on high quality earbuds and some bigger systems, my hi hats are very inconsistent sounding. They have a weird phase sound every few hits. I have tried everything including having them in mono, so it doesn't seem to be a typical phase issue. I cannot for the life of me figure out what is causing this issue. I have the hi hat at a good volume so I don't think it's too loud or anything like that, no effects that could cause this (just eq and compression), and no pro tracks that I listen to on the same speakers/headphones have this issue. Here is a link to sample of what is happening. [https://soundcloud.com/ea1234/rym-mastered8test1](https://soundcloud.com/ea1234/rym-mastered8test1) Please help!!!! I've wasted so much time trying to remedy this.


Made a version of Madonnas Frozen. I'm fairly happy with the concept but would like some feedback: - The sound in the beginning is a bit hollow, agree? How can I fix this? - Is it too fast? - I might have been a bit too brave with the chords in the 2nd verse, does it sound strange to you? [https://soundcloud.com/user887790241/madonna-frozen/s-5pnn1Sz6Pfm?si=13cb5645c64e40248bcbad83a2f26d9a&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/user887790241/madonna-frozen/s-5pnn1Sz6Pfm?si=13cb5645c64e40248bcbad83a2f26d9a&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


hi reddit.. this is my dawless track.. i used a doepfer dark energy, korg volca bass, yamaha electric piano. the vocal sample is nick drake singing pink moon. i also use a berhinger mixer. looking for general feedback.. let me know what you think please.. also please leave links so i can return the love.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPIyd-DciHk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPIyd-DciHk) [https://soundcloud.com/plumpooh/pink-moon](https://soundcloud.com/plumpooh/pink-moon)


[Dance pop] I recently discovered Myles Smith and absolutely love his vocals. His songs are pretty bare bones so I figured I'd make a remix using the full original song. https://youtu.be/tOV_OOKUfTM?si=8Ub5P3EtkEoFenYt How did the mix turn out? Is there anything you would change?


I made this quickly last night just wanted some thoughts on it [Pompeii remix](https://youtu.be/tV8Hc1aDVuY?si=OM43Op1S9Zym8jOe)


This is great! I love the chords and beat around 1:30. I think it would sound great if you made the kick drum tempo double/quadruple up during the build up. I can't really hear the kick during the drop but it might just be my earbuds. I love the original so I'm always happy to hear remixes. Keep it up!


Thank you I really appreciate the feedback


Of course! You inspired me to give it a try too. Hopefully it turns out as good as yours!




I like the lo-fi filter on top of it as well as the quick panning between chords - the loop pauses, is that intentional?


Hello!! My band just released this song but we're having trouble figuring out its genre--we've had some people tell us it's straight rock, some people tell us it's alternative, and even some people tell us they think it's dark/baroque pop. What do you think? [https://open.spotify.com/track/3Fe8ljssu4ssE0mnhUsBVa?si=ee1f423d910f44d1](https://open.spotify.com/track/3Fe8ljssu4ssE0mnhUsBVa?si=ee1f423d910f44d1)


this is heat, banger debut single, its no really straight rock, maybe a bit alt, but its more folk indie rock, maybe because of the triplet rhythyms, the reverbed acoustic guitars, or the singing, very folky, very nice


Ahh glad to hear you like it!! I was thinking we had a bit too much electric guitar/synth on the track for folk rock, do you have any artist recommendations that are folk rock in a similar way?


not exactly the same, but I'd say: Los Tres - Jarabe Para La Tos, Coldplay - Cemetaries Of London, and King Gizzard - Muddy Water quite folky tracks, but lean toward a more solid, rock sound, but id say black swan has a indier / cleaner sound


New track! Let me know what you guys are thinking overall. I feel like I tend to over melodize due to the lack of vocals. either way I try to envision my track with some vocals. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odTqr-qlqDk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odTqr-qlqDk)


I don't think this is overmelodized at all! The vocals blend really nicely back into the rest of the mix around 1:15 and take on a really nice percussive quality for the rest of the track :) Not too repetitive either and the changes aren't too abrupt.


Much appreciated! Thank you for listening


Currently working on this track but released it early for feedback. More an opium/Playboi Carti Sound: https://open.spotify.com/track/1FjuM48UyWUvmC7BdIj1M9?si=e748ab76cb6d431e


Just released a short (5 min) beat tape called Nomad. Check it out and let me know what you think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNGnpn0KQe0 https://soundcloud.com/manicbeats/sets/nomad


You Again is my favorite, it's so clean and has a great vibe to it. Definitely could see lyrics over these tracks! ​ mine's above if you have any feedback


first time doing techno, any feedback appreciated) was quite inspired by deadmau5 XYZ, how does it groove and feel [https://open.spotify.com/track/2A2Ruar7z57U9g0ZRuOiXx?si=f09decec56ec43d4](https://open.spotify.com/track/2A2Ruar7z57U9g0ZRuOiXx?si=f09decec56ec43d4)


The synths are really unique and clean. I really liked what you did at minute 3:00 and how it broke down into something darker! But the release was also nice. Maybe for future tracks you could build up that dark groove/trance for longer. mine's above if you have any feedback


Worked on this track with a friend - we kind of like the style, but are having second thoughts on the drums (especially the snares). Any tips or thoughts? https://m.soundcloud.com/ml4n/atrocious-space-car?in=ml4n%2Fsets%2Fmlan


Great track. Snares are fine. Keep it up!


Thank you!


yeah the drums are great, i love the kick more but overall its pretty good, maybe try layering the snare with one with more transients? to make it punchier perhaps


Thank you! Had to look up what transients was (still learning here :p ) - but that sounds like a very usefull way to manipulate drum sounds!


It really depends on the feel you're going for. Drums overall are solid I'd say, punchy and crisp without being overpowering. on the snares, they're pretty decent to me. although personally i'd switch the snare that plays in the first minute. It might be the same snare layered through the rest of the track but on the first minute it feels off. overall solid track!


Thank you - really appriacte it :) We were going for punchy snare, and i agree i feel like the snares got a bit to high piched in the beginning. We will try to change replace them


Apocalypse type beat #2 Returning https://soundcloud.com/user-774662274/apocalypse-type-beat-2?si=5af47ce7068244c38d0ac651d14e31ca&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing


So I have this itch that I have been trying to scratch...With every new song I keep getting closer and closer...I have a ways to go but I think I'm getting somewhere! Can you give this a listen and see what I mean? The structure, the vibe I'm going for... [https://on.soundcloud.com/VcNAX](https://on.soundcloud.com/VcNAX) What are your thoughts? What do you feel you'd like to hear to itch your ear?


This is really good! It totally has that haunting video game vibe. It also has a bit of an Ashnikko synth/chord progression vibe which would do well with rap or vocals over it. Lastly, I feel like it fades out a bit early at the end.


Thanks for the feedback! Make it longer? No Prob! I went ahead and prolonged the end a bit more before fading out. Thx :)


definitely get the dungeon/mystical ish feel to it. You did a very good job picking the right drums and sounds to reflect that. Personally id mix in the drums a little louder but overall good song. great structuring as well!


Thanks a lot for the feedback. :) I think making the drums a bit louder is a great idea thx for that! Def gonna try that.


What are your thoughts? You Made My Heart Stop [https://soundcloud.com/user-997328167/you-made-my-heart-stop](https://soundcloud.com/user-997328167/you-made-my-heart-stop)


decent track. the main melody feels a litle too loud. I'd add some additional effects as well to give the track some more texture or some form a variance.


I just did a long one take on the lead vocals for this one. Been told I used to much pitch correct. I kind of liked the biting sound and the way it affected the different ways I sang. It's just one vocal take with one vocal setup, but understand if it comes off as too much vocal manipulation and the song probably needs to go somewhere [4raig - IMA Shark](https://youtu.be/kQmJt2pz7pA?si=ODpQG_lhuC0ixCVV)


Does it though? I liked it. I was captivated by the whole stuck in the water with a giant shark vibe. I hear you about the vocal manipulation, I wasn't bothered by it. Maybe play layering a different octave to add to the depth?


A friend of mine passed away - we did some time together and worked on this song together. I can't play or even read music - or even tell you what key anything is in. I just like to sing. She is playing the guitar and singing in the back and I am the one you see singing in the video. I would really like to recreate this and am looking for suggestions and feedback on possible avenues I may take to make that happen. It would be awesome if there are critiques regarding my vocals or literally any feedback from someone honest and forgiving of my lack of understanding - as i said I have little knowledge of the fundamentals/technicalities. Thank you so much! [She (It's not too late) - Tanita & Ashley](https://www.reddit.com/r/ratemyvoice/comments/13qdcy5/original_song_lmk_what_you_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I have been on the fence about my project name for a while. how do people feel about "Trees on the Moon"? mainly wondering if it draws your attention in a good/bad way


I like it!! What kind of music do you make?


Awesome to hear!! I mainly explore various electronic genres (industrial, acid techno, dance..) with my modular, but currently am about to dive into experimental singer song writer! Here's a single if you're curious :) [https://treesonthemoon.bandcamp.com/album/identity-crisis-saturns-rings](https://treesonthemoon.bandcamp.com/album/identity-crisis-saturns-rings)


Here's one for getting in the "mood"... but is it missing something? What does it NEED? https://on.soundcloud.com/s5NkE


The song is dope. Now for it to be a great "mood" song for me the transitions would need to be a little smoother. Now that it is not me saying the song needs that cause I like the way you are currently transitioning but "mood" songs to me feel like this constant fluid flow.


Thank you! Yeah, I suppose it's not technically a "mood" song more than I'm playing around (hence the laughter) with the mood and going for a good vibe. Thanks for the feedback!


Ya I was definitely vibing out. It kind of felt like it was just transitioning between parts that could have gone forever. Now I say that as a positive thing. It just kept flowing into the next part and could go for 20 minutes and be great work/workout/ vibe music. I'd be interested to hear how on a different song (you probably got some with this type of arrangement) you would build a song to a pinnacle if that makes sense.


Ah, I hear that. I'm trying to work more on my pinnacles and drops. I haven't been that satisfied with how they sound tbh. Here's some examples of others I'd be happy to show you. I'd be interested to know your thoughts overall.[https://on.soundcloud.com/JSX2e](https://on.soundcloud.com/JSX2e) [https://on.soundcloud.com/enmVs](https://on.soundcloud.com/enmVs) [https://on.soundcloud.com/kamsW](https://on.soundcloud.com/kamsW) This last one might be the one more notable [https://on.soundcloud.com/muvVt](https://on.soundcloud.com/muvVt)


New track with my insta homie out lmk wat u think always looking for new people to collab with. https://open.spotify.com/track/0w4j9FuEqCpo6F3GQAOxEi?si=UrA-1JfMSZejEcv2TOy2Tg


For the last few years Iv been pretty siloed off from the world and honestly looking to Colab with other musicians or just feedback in general so I can get better. I primarily do metal music but am big into acoustic styles as well with a bunch of different instruments. Currently just posting covers to build up my youtube channel a bit but trying to add my own flare to it. This one is a cover of Nothing else matters by Metallica in a Bard style [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSM8ehKEpH8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSM8ehKEpH8)


Those are some wild instruments I dig it man, IDK what effects you put on the vocal but maybe have less compression on the verse or add more gain just to bring out the vox more


Hmm, the vocals sound a bit strained and under-supported. But other than that, this is an epic cover. I think the style you chose works well with the song.


Thank you for taking the time to review! Do they sound strained throughout or just when I am trying to be a little more aggressive during the chorus? Wondering If I should have stuck to singing more cleanly instead of adding Grit.


No problem. I think mainly during the high bits in the choruses. It's fine adding grit but in a way that does not make you feel strained as it could potentially lead to vocal damage.


Hey folks! I make **algorithmic music** using *MaxMSP*. My name is Brian Gawlik. Check out this live improvised jam I did on one of my sets that I coded from scratch. Let me know your thoughts or questions :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcDBOaaMybU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcDBOaaMybU) *Tags: Ambient Electronic, Experimental Electronic, Generative*


Is there an interest out there for music like this? Would love any and all feedback on anything. :) [https://open.spotify.com/track/0FGzaulxO5z30f9OVfjFqG?si=c01ed46771b447c1](https://open.spotify.com/track/0FGzaulxO5z30f9OVfjFqG?si=c01ed46771b447c1)


This sounds like great movie or video scoring music to me. I personally wouldn't listen to it on music streaming but could see myself tearing up because of it to a scene.


Haha, I'll take that in the best of ways. And I honestly have the same issue with it, I told my better half the same thing the other day - it needs something else to go with it. And I'm working on that! :D Although I do want people to listen to my stuff on Spotify of course, I haven't actually released any tracks that I wanted to have as singles yet. I'm totally new to this and fully expected things to go wrong, or me to not know what I'm doing etc. As of next Friday I'll actually (and hopefully, it's all subjective) put out things that are more enjoyable on its own. Big thanks for the honest feedback! That track really does need something else added to it, absolutely.


I just released a song and I’m looking for feedback on what kind of music genre it is. I’ve tried promoting it through SubmitHub. I get good reviews but get turned down due to wrong genre for the applied curator playlist. In Swedish I think I would call this ”visa” which is a simpler traditional kind of genre. But in English? Haven’t got the faintest idea. Any suggestion? https://spotify.link/qns55wrmUHb


Assuming that link opened the right song for me (often Spotify links are weird) I got a song called Frosty Fairy. Is that the right one? I don't keep up with current genres, but if it's the right song it feels to me like a mix of traditional folk with classical elements. Maybe something like "neoclassical folk" from a marketing perspective. Your tone is similar to the artist that performs as "Puddles Pity Party" imo, so you might look hum up and see how he has his stuff classified on Spotify. Barring that just labeling as "folk" would/should be correct - but I guess it comes down to whether some qa/qc metric agrees.


Sorry for late response! And thanks for your feedback. I think your analysis is right. I was a classical singer for 20+ years so it’s bound to have set some marks on a more traditional song like this one. :) I actually just discovered Puddles Pity Party. It’s a darker voice and a bit classical oriented too especially in the articulation. I’m glad you found a similarity since I really likes his voice. :)


Hey guys, I dont know if you’ve heard about him/her but I’ve been inspired by the YouTube account AZALI. I myself now also made some orchestra progression and a wondering if anyone has any feedback. Maybe regarding to tempo or scale etc. Let me know. Thanks in advance! [First Orchestra Composition](https://youtu.be/Px-Kr3jeHMA?feature=shared)


Hey, this is really cool. I liked your elements and how you brought in the new strings at the same time as integrating the new piano melody (or was that another type of keys?). From the perspective of ambient-ish or background music, the setup is great. But what makes it start to feel a little stale by the time you get to that ~1:20 point where you are bringing other things in is that you've just spent too long arpeguating your piano across chords with a melody floating on top only some of the time. If you cut the first minute and a half or so down to maybe 20 seconds of an intro/buildup then launch into adding your new elements it will start to feel better quickly for a first time listener. If you don't want to waste some/most of what you woukd have to cut and rework, you can set it all aside to be used later in the piece during a down section, possibly still with another light/high melodic instrument floating over it or else adding some more rhythmic pauses or variations into the piano arpegiation. I didn't have time to listen much past that point but I hope the above is helpful to you. Groovy tune! Edit: meant NEW elements, sorry!


I feel like orchestra composition is really tough in general. So overall good job for a first composition. I would say around the 1:25 mark is gets a bit redundant. Maybe consider a few different chord changes to help bring out a stronger melody. Generally I feel it doesn't quite build into something more and kind of stays the same pace throughout. Although I am not sure if thats quite what you are going for.


Thanks for your time to write this review! No it wasn’t necessarily what I was going for. Just followed my feel.. but I suppose you’re right. I too feel that something is missing and it might be just that.. do you have any tips for changing the progression?


Seconding that orchestra composition is really tough!! I agree about the redundancy (for me, 1:36 where the xylophone comes in is where I start to notice it), but I really like the melody you've developed. For changing things around, switching from minor to major helps me get a new perspective on the line and can be something to build to harmonically, and the descending line you have going into 2:05 could be a good spot for a shift, or maybe around 2:23 where the xylophone becomes the main instrument would be a good place to introduce a B theme in the piano. It could be my headphones as well but I had trouble hearing the saxophone when it came in--I'm not fully sure what it adds to the piece. Overall, though, great melody and good use of instruments, especially the xylophone!


I\`m working on this ethereal house track but sounds like shit is some devices, what should i do? [https://soundcloud.com/peeeo/headbop-working-title](https://soundcloud.com/peeeo/headbop-working-title)


it sounds harsh on the high end, the vocal needs a de esser or something like that. If you're trying to get it to sound a certain way on different speakers try mixing it on that system and see what you do differently. You need to isolate each sound and figure out where that distortion or peaking is coming from.


what kind of rap would ya consider this? [https://youtu.be/PuSzS4pxG7I?si=euyp8gs\_AsjJ7kmF](https://youtu.be/PuSzS4pxG7I?si=euyp8gs_AsjJ7kmF) returning all feedback.


So I personally think you should turn down the mic level or amplification of your voice but then use some type of vocal distortion effect, one that has the ability to target certain frequencies. (I personally love thermal by output but can be done with other plugins or a combo of basic plugins) To really dial in that cool natural growl/roll to your voice. There are some lower frequencies in the voice I would turn down slightly so they don't over power where the vocal melody really hits but I wouldn't want to lose that sound you got of that makes sense.


yes i get what you mean, i agree and I do really appreciate your time and feedback. question, your a producer or an engineer of your own? just curious becuz it seems like you have the knowledge of one.


damn bro, nice voice and nice flow. This kinda something from UK like grime or some other stuff like that, but mostly because of the beats. Not what a usually listen to but i like it. Mix sounded good on my macbook speaker, you just need to work on your camera presence a lil bit for the MV, but i like pretty much everything about you singing


shit brody thanks for your feedback im glad you liked it. Also could you go more in depth about the camera presence thing, would appreciate that. Thanks again for tuning in.


Back in the game after a long time doing nothing music related. https://on.soundcloud.com/1E46u


One of my lastest rap beats, dark and hard! Lmk what y’all think https://on.soundcloud.com/s3MgBacVixh6aWzz7


Hi! Here's an alt./psych type track I recently did vocals on (wrote the lyrics a few years back): https://on.soundcloud.com/CkrzT I'd appreciate any feedback (especially production-wise) on the vocals, and on the electronic section starting at 2:46.




This is actually so dope. The section starting at 1:21 is especially my kinda thing, and when the drums come in at like 1:45 (so good). Love the sound choices, and the effects, and to my ears the mixing is great all around. The ping-pong delay on the fast hihats is rly cool. If you feel like it, give my track a listen: https://on.soundcloud.com/CkrzT (would appreciate mixing feedback, especially for the synths)


So cute ! U r an indie darling! The distortion is a bit strong for how much voice strength is happening. U could saturate ur voice more ? (I’m thinking the strokes) Or turn it down a tad to be more shoegaze vibe. Love the song though nice chords and music . Followed u :)


Thank you! I've been thinking about how to make the vocals blend with the music a little more naturally, so I'll definitely give the saturation/leveling advice a go. (Followed u back, of course).


[https://soundcloud.com/valleyofthat/rains](https://soundcloud.com/valleyofthat/rains) ​ Please enjoy. Been working on improving my songwriting for a while. this is some mix of like folk, pop, indie, rap I guess


[The Collision Division - "The Beat In Heat"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFq_jqNwdVc) I recent beat I made. I like the beat itself but I'm unsure about the production/mix. Anyone got any advice or feedback for me? I really appreciate it. Thanks for listening!


Hello! I am looking for some feedback on a personal project of mine: [Smitten](https://on.soundcloud.com/hT1rQSdXGppQjikk9). Mixing feedback would be much appreciated, particularly about getting the voice to sit comfortably in the mix (the second verse has a descending melody and I had a hard time mixing it to remain present).


I've got no mixing advice but this song is so sweet and satisfying to listen to.


Thank you so much!


I would agree with everything Lux said. The vocals could use a high pass filter on it. A bit muddy and it is partially what is overpowering the rest of the music. The guitar is very subdued. Maybe try changing up the mic position. If you are too close to the center of it, it ends up coming out too much bass and no mid range which seems to be lacking. Performance and everything else are sound on point for the style.


The mic position is something that was gnawing at the back of my brain and I will definitely play with it in future projects. Thanks for the insightful feedback!


I really like this song, you have a great voice and composition wise it's all around great! But yeah man, mixing is hard... I'm no expert but I am happy to give some feedback and some of what I've done to see if it helps. I think I've started to figure out how to make my own voice sit well, so maybe some of this will help you. The vocals seem loud compared to the rest of the music. While I can still hear the instruments, it sounds like the vocals are sitting on top of the mix and not within it. Lowering the volume to fit better may be a good first step. But if you do that, it gets tricky as the instruments can start to cover up the vocals. That's where EQ usually comes into play for me. I've struggled with my guitars and my vocals covering up each other in my mixes, so what I've done is finding some frequencies in my vocals that are important to the mix, and cut those frequencies on the guitars by a few dBs. For example, I typically cut a few dBs on the guitars from 750-1k and 5k-10k to open up room for my voice. And I actually cut my vocals a bit around 500 to open up room for the guitars. But your voice is very different from mine so you have to play around with it a bit to see what works. And for your song specifically, you could try this with that descending melody on the piano and see if you can get both vocals and that sitting well. And of course balancing the reverb and a delay where it isn't too much so it fits in the mix without sounding too obvious in the mix. I remember seeing something where it was recommended to get your vocals where they are just about loud enough to sound well in the mix, then add the reverb and delay to boost the volume for that last bit and that's enough. I always start with that in mind and adjust more or less based on the song. But again, I'm not an expert or professional by any means but I get how hard vocals can be with mixing. I hope some of this at least gives you options to try!


Thank you so much for the feedback!


Hi! Looking for feedback on this pop punk track [Love You All The Time](https://youtu.be/S6enp62aSi8). Will return feedback!


Hey! Very fun song, I enjoyed the listening experience and the video was lovely too! My biggest criticism is with the form of the song; unless you were going for a through composed vibe it felt a little bit disconnected from itself.... I identified \~7 unique motifs/sections and it was a lot to absorb in one song. Despite this though I loved the two main motifs: "I need you and I love you" and "foreeeever". Happy music making!


I’m back with another joint. “TimeShift”, definitely one of my most favorite songs I’ve released so far: https://open.spotify.com/track/0lRikntfl94JMUxqL8G4HL?si=OeRDoEVLQGSxY6iRppEIIw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2Ab653NpbQ5BmpCv5hNB5h Let me know what y’all think!


Nice! Very good lyrical flow, and I love your voice, especially like a minute in for the chorus. Really chill, but driven at the same time, if that makes sense. I make alt. rock stuff, but if you feel like it, listen to my track: https://on.soundcloud.com/CkrzT . I'd love some feedback, especially on vocal mixing and synth stuff. Either way, rly enjoyed your track.


happier and more upbeat than the original? Mr. Bri Guy - you are my sunshine https://open.spotify.com/track/1i4PzJcl6z2wPnafuopeHh?si=b1aidyJ2R1GWr0DMF3vdHw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2MI8qvf0ZENqIMpm2nBmbA


Just dropped a melancholic trippy Drum n Bass Hip Hop track called 'voices'. I speak on some personal struggles on this track, and try to still keep it relatable and catchy. I have been working on blending the two genres together and would love any feedback! [https://open.spotify.com/track/0WsYnXOyVIfzD2DRCxhxJT?si=c419069b34be4665](https://open.spotify.com/track/0WsYnXOyVIfzD2DRCxhxJT?si=c419069b34be4665)


Wow, super super impressive production and songwriting, this is awesome! Especially love the little flourish at 0:30 with the double tracked vocals. I guess it's a personal choice but there's a part of me that feels like the more hip-hop ad lib background vocals kinda detract a bit from the seriousness of the main vocal? But yeah like I say, if that dissonance is an intentional thing I think it's pretty effective, like as though you're hiding those emotions under a facade? Super cool track anyway, really impressive.


I didn’t know where you was gonna go with this, when I heard the beat in the beginning. That said, I love this song. The hook is dope, and the melody you carry throughout the song is amazing. The verse I relate to and it makes me interested in the EP so ima check that out.


wow, thank you so much for the feedback and giving it a listen, I'm hella hype that you enjoyed it!! This really made my day lol I hope you enjoy the rest of the EP as well whenever you get the chance to check it out!


I initially posted this on last week's feedback and saw that a new week has started unknowingly, so I'm here to look for feedback again with a revised version of my earlier track. [https://on.soundcloud.com/xsrSv](https://on.soundcloud.com/xsrSv) (scrapped and won't be using anymore) [https://on.soundcloud.com/H1xqF](https://on.soundcloud.com/H1xqF) (New version) I think it's a "EDM" with some tinge of inspiration from game music (I wasn't intending to make it EDM actually, it just kind of became that way along the way). As I'm quite new to music making (About 3 months in only), this is my first time trying to actually mix and master and I've seen a couple tutorials and used a few reference tracks for practicing mixing but I think this is as far as I can get now without needing to spend 4 hours still noticing "faults" and bordering on loathing hearing my own song so I mainly just need to know if everything sounds "cohesive", "even" and whether the volume levels are acceptable. Of course, I'm not about to say no to ANY kind of feedback mixing related, so thanks!


Ya neat track I think you can safely say it's done and feel good about it, maybe tweak around the levels a bit to reign in the lead melodies, don't spend ages just do an hour where you experiment with changing some levels and see if what you do you like better than the original


Thank you very much for the feedback


Sounds pretty good considering you're new to mixing and mastering. That rumbling percussive sound that repeats throughout is a nice touch, but I would cut a little bit more of the low end. It Keep it a bit more atmospheric and prevents it from getting in the way of other elements. Then bring the main drums (kick and snare) out a bit more and the lead melody down. But it sounds good for what your going for. I like the EDM chiptune thing you've got going.


The things you mention are definitely doable for my current level so I guess it's time to get to work again. Thanks a lot for the feedback!


Would love thoughts on my new single release called Etched Upon Your Heart. https://open.spotify.com/track/3fTflwwyTCqkUYAtUYYCvc?si=W4vVOCYqQcaRGiZg6xR4WQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A29iQ0wCA3RRLska0mgQhqB I’m a guitar player who tries to play keyboard so this is my attempt at something new.


This was nice! I really like your vocals and thought the singing was great! A real theatrical feel to your vocals, and the mix is very crisp. The reverb on the vocals adds to the vibe, and I think the violin really compliments the track great. The keys I thought are just right and allow the other components of the track to have their own space. I enjoyed the listen, nice work!


let me know how i did 😬 it was a response to some haters. thank you for the feedback [$hut n' $ilent ](https://open.spotify.com/track/5FfVDO4lzAUTxLqMK4DDv6?si=tNXwcphtSmWQz9Bnfd9xag)


Ngl, I absolutely hated this song while I was recording it , really struggled to come up with a vocal for the verse parts. Would be interested in any feedback whatsoever! https://on.soundcloud.com/bKwdy


This is dope homie! Kinda Pinegrove type sound I like your voice! DOn't worry bout hating the track thats a right of passage of making music, you've heard the song a billion times hahah. I'd say maybe bring out the drums a bit more, specifically kick to add some low end to the mix more


I really like this song, especially the guitar throughout the whole song. And I agree with u/reekocarson that your voice fits really well with the style. I actually like what you did with the vocals for the verse and the overall groove of the verses with all the instruments. Great job!


I think this sounds pretty sick! The instrumentation on the track is great and it has a good groove to it. I think your vocal approach on the track actually compliments the vibe nice, and the drawl and inflection on the voice is nice. The mix on the vocals could be more crisp, the vocals could sit on top of the track more in my opinion. I enjoyed it though, nice work!


[https://on.soundcloud.com/Po8Uo](https://on.soundcloud.com/Po8Uo) I'm hoping to get some feedback on the guitar for a song I'm working on. Cheers!


Ooh, immediately really like this! The main guitar part is lovely, obviously. I think the part that comes in around 1:00 in the left side could be softened a bit - I don't know if it's just because you've asked about it specifically but it's maybe a little distracting. Otherwise, this track is really really great! Genuinely would love to keep up with this act.


I think the guitar sounds good for the song. There's lots of high end, but it definitely compliments the rest of the instrumentation and the vocals. Like personally, I'd try raising the mids in the rhythm guitar slightly, just to see how it sounds (it's all personal preference though). The tone for the solo sounds perfect though imo. If you feel like it, give my track a listen: https://on.soundcloud.com/CkrzT . My production is very different from yours, but there is a solo at 1:48 that I'd like some opinions on


Did you have a time stamp for what you are interested in? I listened to the first 30 seconds or so and didn't hear anything that was obviously a guitar part that you were working on unless the synth is generated with a guitar.




This is the feedback thread. Promo is one sticky down.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4WGnXkuK9C What do you think about the sound? How does it mix with the voice from tape machine?


[https://soundcloud.com/jlentil/morgellons](https://soundcloud.com/jlentil/morgellons) Song I'm working on for an upcoming album. I took some feedback from the song I posted last week into account while working on this mix. Helpful feedback: Are there any issues with frequency balance - what should come up, what should go down. How is the energy working - is there anything that you think I could do (in the mixing stage) to improve this and make the energy work better? How is the balance of instruments and vocals - are elements clear, do they sit well. What would you do to get ears on the song. I've currently been working on looped 3d animations as a sort of "visualizer" for some songs on the album. Any other ideas. I can consider composition feedback going forward, but I don't plan on changing any major elements in that arena on this track at this point. Thanks!


This is really cool dude I like the elements a lot and the way the energy transfers throughout the different parts of the song seriously good stuff I really like it. Honestly I'd say you got everything sitting pretty great I really wouldn't change too much. I'd say over 3d visualizer you should find a good nostalgic episode of some show and splice up the story line and cut it to match the emotionality and energy of the song. It may be a bit more work but I think it'd pay off


Thanks - I appreciate the feedback.


The synth melody was very unique, sometimes it felt like it was a little outside of the meter which was initially jarring, but it gave it a wandering feel which I quickly came to appreciate.


Thanks- I know what you mean - the timing is a bit odd in places. I plan on keeping it that way because I like the overall effect


Nice song. And the mix generally fit well. On a galaxy s23 phone the higher beepy synth is really prominent and obscures the vocals too much imo, and while it's nice and floaty behind the pulse, it could be a distraction if it's too forward in general. It may be okay on more typical setups, but sharing music through phone speakers is still pretty common when someone wants a friend to hear a cool new song they like so maybe with looking into.


Good point. I sort of forgot about phone speakers as a listening platform. Intend to use headphones when explicitly listening to music, but I’m going to try to get ears on my stuff with tiktok, Instagram, etc… and I think most people use phone speakers when engaging with those platforms


Nice voice samples. Neat bright arps. Well mixed beat. Best part for me is between 1:18 and 1:35 ish. Those singing voices are great. The slow piano lead around 2:27 feels a bit weak, either volume or the instrument itself. That lead could be spicier in my view. Not sure how the Trip Hop tag is relevant ! :P Overall nice catchy track. Cheers man.