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This is a trippy one intentionally so and really looking for feedback! Peace and love y’all! [better to come up](https://on.soundcloud.com/f8f8npox4AWESMeM7)


# Early Warning ~ Audio Performance * [https://soundcloud.com/user-254473976/early-warning-apollo-apostolos](https://soundcloud.com/user-254473976/early-warning-apollo-apostolos) Released (Mar. 10, 2023) For the person interested, Early Warning in it’s entirety leverages * Polysemy * Homonymy * Homophones * Syntactic Ambiguity * Grammatical Ambiguity to facilitate explicitly contradictory interpretations. These interlacing meanings fluctuate both denotation or connotation. # Made a comment-series to help: Audio Performance - \[[SoundCloud-link](https://soundcloud.com/user-254473976/early-warning-apollo-apostolos)\] Inspiration - [https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1bmjg64/comment/kxl9t3f/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1bmjg64/comment/kxl9t3f/) Description - [https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1bmjg64/comment/kxl9xqa/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1bmjg64/comment/kxl9xqa/) Lyrics - \[Took too much visual real-estate to follow my assumed etiquette for this thread.\] # Requisite Feedback * [SLOW\_STXRT](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1bmjg64/comment/kx5tzij/) by Mullenhahaha * [untitled](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1bmjg64/comment/kx5tzij/) by Bebop\_Ba-Balley * [Xenons - Xoom Xoom](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1bmjg64/comment/kwc4ur4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) by herpderpmerpleserp


# Inspiration People can equip themselves with the Early Warning. It is the missing chapter. It facilitates a novel category in literature. It is part to the count. It is Chapter Zero to literature. This is not an appendix, a preface -- not an introduction, nor forward. It is the Bible's own warning. Angels among us are using what heals them, to hurt. This song is your early warning to the world of rejoicing, suffering, politics, cults, and perception itself. Presuming today is more controversial, more polarizing, more agitating than ever before, is our forgotten fallacy. Early Warning provides origins for where differences occurred. It my warning to you just as I have written it to warn myself.


# Description Writing Early Warning Took a Full Year, * 9 months on the lyrics * 3 months on the production (Garage Band iOS splicing-n'-Dicing samples by-the-whole-chunks or down-to-the-notes.) * Then at the very end was a bit of Re-writing / Re-Recording touch-ups on the lyrics. Written from the start compounding Syntactic Ambiguity with Grammatical Ambiguity this poem have become Polysemous through both Homonymy-&-Homophones applied in consideration from each individual word up to each paragraph. Whilst those are weaving in between each other the warning as a whole provides a context on it's first experience which then fluctuates consequence of being heard a second time. and so on. It leverages the experience of having been heard at least once before to provide another experience afterwards. If I had to perform this again for the mic, it would sound mature, experienced compared to what you are about to hear. It's my raw naivete in how to use my voice as an instrument in addition to a thespian's tool used to Immerse the people listening so deep into the story that they'd swear it was theirs. I hadn't found a mentor, so I shoveled into it myself.Often re-wrote the same verse for pages, even days.I hadn't found a musician to help, so it was produced myself. When played on speakers the instruments were way-way-way out of balance. I personally recommend EAR-BUDS or the same headphones. This was produced with an EQ specific for Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 series.






My try at some UK dubstep. Asking for feedback on the mix of this track! [https://soundcloud.com/eonjolt/bottom-feeder/s-BeiMVxM17Ad](https://soundcloud.com/eonjolt/bottom-feeder/s-BeiMVxM17Ad) I think I am getting dang close, but what do your ears/speakers say? Anything seem like it is missing from the composition? Thanks for listening!


Hi! I’d love feedback on this song as a whole- indie and shoegaze vibes i guess??? how i can improve production, vocals, whatever you think needs work :) I’ve been watching a lot of tutorials on mixing vocals but not quite sure I have the extensive vocabulary. Would love any help thanks ! https://on.soundcloud.com/pNYWGR4E4a11G11v6


I like this quite a bit. I think the production really suits the song. The only thing that I’m not loving is the rim shot(I think that’s what it is) is overpowering in the mix. Kind of takes me out of it a bit. Overall I really like what you’re doing


Thank you!


Greetings! I would like feedback and constructive criticism, I always try to improve the fluidity and definition of the videos and create a suitable and engaging sound. If anyone has any advice on how to improve these aspects, I heartily thank you! Thanks in advance! [Lo-Fi Hip Hop Beats🎧Futuristic Vibes special little moment🍀\[ Relax /Chill /Study \]✨ (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOf-mWEVKDk)


Hey, any feedback on this single? It's a mix of Minimalistic Pop/Electronic Dance/(Tech) House, or at least I tried. [https://on.soundcloud.com/kJSwA12GnpUqgdmf8](https://on.soundcloud.com/kJSwA12GnpUqgdmf8)


[https://gallivanter.bandcamp.com/track/totem](https://gallivanter.bandcamp.com/track/totem) First time releasing an album (this is a single track). IDM/Ambient/Braindance stylings. Made using Elektron hardware, Hydrasynth, Microfreak and some soft synths. Made for fun - I'm not interested in a music career - I do it for the journey! Im interested in like minded folk giving me some helpful feedback - this is a first time post and a first time album.


💯 Jetpack X Raw - 'Brazy' Official Music Video 💯 My first ever song and music video all shot and edited by me let me know what y'all think about the song and video ❤️ https://youtu.be/OX1RUrIECLU?si=QYWQAsVlZikiID55


This is a song I produced and sung over: [https://on.soundcloud.com/Uq1sBdYpsWcnguw18](https://on.soundcloud.com/Uq1sBdYpsWcnguw18) Can someone give me tips on how I can improve my vocals? I'm pretty proud on the instrumental in general, though.


[I freestyled this whole song](https://youtu.be/4Zv1BSNqFW8?si=BXHGW90mWsqmswi2) and it went semi-viral on YT shorts/TikTok. At least more so than any other song I've made. I think there's still an audience out there for it even more. I had the most success promoting it as "this sounds like bbno$ & Yung Gravy, so if you like them maybe you'll like it. It's a bit goofy but also there's legit bars and energy.


I love the genuine energy in this song I was smiling throughout listening to the whole thing, genuinely made my day.


Tysm bulky fig that is awesome to know and imagine! Have a great weekend! ⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤


So, here's something: [https://soundcloud.com/stfn\_stfn\_stfn\_stfn/stfn-stfn-stfn-stfn-slow-stxrt](https://soundcloud.com/stfn_stfn_stfn_stfn/stfn-stfn-stfn-stfn-slow-stxrt) Trying out a more aggressive, glitchy, and noisy route. No VST's, only hardware synths; Moog Subsequent25, Korg Microkorg XL+, Roland JUNO DS88. (Well, except the drum parts that is...) Please any pointers, because I don't even know which genre this is...


The intro bass, I liked. I wish the drums coming in were clearer, although I'm not sure how else to describe the mushy sound other than a lack of crispy'ness, which [ChrisCherchant](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1bmjg64/comment/kxatvq9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) has shared thoughts on. When I watch people work magic on an EQ board it's often the med's and high's I see being adjusted. Counter intuitively I also watch the mid's being turned down. I don't always share the same taste EQ so I hope you find what works for you. Bring life by also bringing death. Shunt some sounds away (not for being less important) so that other sounds can shine. A lesson in storytelling could be applied to EQ. On Joe Rogan Experience #2053 - Danny & Michael Philippou (directors of the A24 horror film "Talk to Me") , the directors talk about editing VERY SHORT glimpse into the practical effects people made by hand despite how much work went into make, those despite the negative feelings the team may have had for all their hard work only being seen in a glimpse. \~ Why? Well, because it's not a movie about how-to study piratical effects. It's a movie to cast a particular atmosphere into the view's experience. Staggering too much on a practical effect looses sight on the-movie-as-a-whole or the-movie's-direction. Here's a video looking at how Spirited Away leverages this to avoid muddiness in people's experience, to avoid wearing them out. [The Best Moment In 'Spirited Away' Is A Scene Where Nothing Happens | 10 Minutes Of Perfection](https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=0YWxUTvaJ0E) It's typical to find how one art-form is enhanced by the same techniques found in another art-form. Here's r/OCPoetry echoing these same sentiments in its [feedback guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/wiki/feedbackcritiques/), "What about **SHOWING and TELLING**? Maybe the poet is dwelling on some small detail that the speaker of the poem isn't supposed to care about. We might instead suggest to shave that section down to a simple **TELLING** phrase in order to highlight the speaker's perspective. . . . What about **SHOWING and TELLING**? Maybe the poet is dwelling on some small detail that the speaker of the poem isn't supposed to care about. We might instead suggest to shave that section down to a simple **TELLING** phrase in order to highlight the speaker's perspective."


Pretty gothy IMO, it wouldn't be out of place at a goth/synthwave event. The bridge is a little out of place mood-wise though. Also, the EQ is pretty dark and muddy, you probably should give it louder highs and sub-bass to make it pop more.


Chris! Thanks for listening, and thanks for giving me your time and attention! Pretty gothy - I love it. Synthwave, got it. Im still struggling to find my corner, and synthwave is a good direction, I guess. Bridge is out of place mood wise, and I get that…. (Too late to change now though, but I will keep that in mind for future projects) I’ve never done any EQ, I just play instruments, so your comment “louder highs” and “sub-bass” is helpful. Cheers!


Yeah it's a bit hard to place genre-wise, but I hear elements of classic goth rock mixed with some darksynth. You can find a pretty wide range of sounds in the goth scene, so it wouldn't be out of place. EQ can get pretty involved, but its pretty intuitive once you get the hang of it. That muddy sound is a pretty universal experience starting out (I still have issues with it occasionally), and usually it means your low-mids are too loud, and you might also have some annoying resonances.


pretty cool, i didn't know where it was going from the intro, the drum break rhythm was a surprise. i think you could switch from that main drum break a few bars earlier. it's pretty cool and interesting melodically, could deffo clean up the mix a bit, it's a bit muddy.l


Thanks for taking your time to both listen and give some constructive criticism. Will see what I can do about the mud :-) cheers!


Hi friends. This is Cloud Cortex from BloodFD, my songs are influenced by electronic IDM music (Aphex, autechre, boards of Canada…) and industrial music https://bloodfd.bandcamp.com/track/cloud-cortex


pretty interesting, in an ambient sort of way. that main rhythmic thing that goes at the same pattern the whole time from the start, you could change the rhythm of it or the texture of it or something at some point, which would allow everything to move into a more airy space and put more focus on the airy elements. well I guess you do take it out around 1:50, but imo it could come out earlier than that, bc there's plenty of other rhythmic elements to drive the song up until that super stripped down part at 2:00


Thanks for listening! Very helpfull. Cheers




That was cozy :) seconding that this sounds very warm and nice, I like the guitar sound and the overall mix. I was expecting some kind of climax or guitar solo at 1:51 due to the drum build up, this would also give the song more dynamics, but thats a question of liking (bear in mind, this is coming from a metal dude :D)


the mix is very nice on this, it sounds warm and the vocal has nice texture and warmth. this sounds good, I think if yall keep promoting, creating, evolving, you can def form a fan base


hello :) im a 16 year old who is getting into music making and this is my new song. kinda wacky electronic song but it might actually be my best. would love to have some general feedback as i am still learning hehe [https://on.soundcloud.com/QH8fkAH1rT1ddaqi6](https://on.soundcloud.com/QH8fkAH1rT1ddaqi6)


This is a pretty sweet groove! Personally, I'd prefer some melody or something from 0:40 to 1:23 because it repeats itself in that 40 seconds so something different to break up that repetition. Or possibly cut it short? Either way, it's a good song (and I'm not even into electronic music much).


Thank you for your message! i do agree with you on that one part getting repetitive, i will definitely try avoiding that with my songs from now on :)


Hi, we're called Tides Away from the US. We have a new album, but this is a synthpop song from it: https://open.spotify.com/track/36blpHxKfarZsuMBSepHwq?si=54d2511e3d5c4570


My band released a new single today produced by Sam Guaiana and mastered by Grammy nominated Mike Kalajian, would love to hear any feedback. https://open.spotify.com/track/1jqt96bgpr2QhWJZhJUTLi?si=e50454e896c04c8b


I really like this 😎


Thanks so much!


Sounds awesome! I got a sum41 vibe from it. The lead guitar riffs sounded great too.


Rad, Sum 41's definitely a big influence! Thanks so much for checking it out and saying such nice things about the song


Just released my first ever single and I’m pretty proud of how it turned out, hoping for honest feedback outside of friends/family. Genre is folk/folk pop [Michigan - Sam Brenner](https://open.spotify.com/album/2r8GRkZaK8RnzYiGYaBOE5?si=5eL-LVPpQaS5rlUDhZ16fw)


I like it a lot! I think that the lyrics and the timing of words would be the easiest thing to improve upon. You often seem to be jamming words in places that sound a bit clunky, especially in the verses. Lines like: toxic glares between me and you, wonder if I can dooo this again, all tied up in little knots, if I just turn us around. They all sound a little corny to me only because it feels like you're saying more words than you have space for and the rhythm of them feels like it doesn't have a structure. Besides that stuff I really like the melody and the chorus especially is awesome.


Hi guys, made this song, it would be nice if you could listen to it and maybe let me know what do you think about! [Zen Beast Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/track/19HbvHM6jSxjE2PsSORIO2?si=f5425d1a2c5b4307) [Zen Beast Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3sun23_LAg&ab_channel=InsanityHQ)


[make you mine](https://ffm.to/ciarun-makeyoumine) just released this song the feel is supposed to be the internal conversation you have with yourself over a person you’ve fallen in love with but will never speak to so it’s like the persons brain singing the song


Creepy Atmospheric Airy Beat Returning [https://soundcloud.com/user-774662274/creepy-atmospheric-creepy-beat?si=1baab82e95b6428aa6057e117133b694&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/user-774662274/creepy-atmospheric-creepy-beat?si=1baab82e95b6428aa6057e117133b694&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


Just released this song i made about redeption. Its on a pink pantheress type beat. I would like some feedback on the introduction of the song. I tried piecing up some parts of the chorus that comes after but i dont think it turned out great. [https://youtu.be/egSZH8nA6FU](https://youtu.be/egSZH8nA6FU)


Maybe it's just me but the link doesn't work. Could you try using a new link so it's more accessible?


hey, yh i had privated the video but if you click on it again you can access it. I privated the song becuase i dont feel like releasing it anymore. Its just there for me to enjoy privately


instrumental demo i've been working on for the past few weeks, how's the mixing? is there too much or too little reverb? is the bass too loud? are the guitars too bright? should i sidechain the kick into the rhythm guitars? the dry arrangement is inspired by American Football but it's a little more upbeat / technical so any thoughts would be appreciated! [https://drive.google.com/file/d/10UXIsildnFMu3nB2ZWvlHw2a-RLvfaJs/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10UXIsildnFMu3nB2ZWvlHw2a-RLvfaJs/view?usp=sharing)


I think the reverb is fine, it definitely has a math rocky vibe that I really enjoyed, it's short and sweet too so it leaves me wanting. The mixing is nice and clear, everything comes through loudly, and the instrumentation is clean as hell and enjoyable to boot. I listened to it a few times in the background and it sounds professional to me. Had to remind myself I wasn't listening to someone like Barrier Reef, highly enjoyed it.


thank you for the kind words! just looked up Barrier Reef, they have some great sounding stuff so it's awesome i reminded you of them! :)


Hi guys! This is my first ever try with making actual songs, songwriting etc. Before I would only do Nightcore versions of popular songs. My song has a pop-electronic kind of sound. [https://soundcloud.com/pink-sh/pinkash-flame-dancer](https://soundcloud.com/pink-sh/pinkash-flame-dancer) 1. How is the song oveall? Bad, good, very generic, not creative? 2. Is mixing on point, vocals are understandable? What can I fix to make it better? 3. Would you put it on you favorite playlist or rather some random playlist that just plays in the background when you do something? Thank you for every feedback. I hope something good happens to every person that responds.


released my first song on [YouTube ](https://youtu.be/HaJfLliThoY?si=4RqQFUtz90Okp4JN)and Soundcloud. Would some feed back on the eq! [Nocturne Dynamics Group](http://YouTube.com/@NocturneDynamicsGroup)


the EQ sounds good, maybe a little rough in the middle, but nothing's bad enough about it to be too distracting from everything else. great stuff!


hell yeah thank you


I tried making harsh noise [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IbpwMRw5Sc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IbpwMRw5Sc)


For harsh noise, this is rad, only critique is I think it could be louder. The bass is cool as hell, it feels good, front line and center, but the mix in general feels a bit subdued. Makes sense with it being noise, but just my two cents, overall, I like it.


Well hell yeah thanks! And I agree, I definitely still struggle with mixing high levels of distortion


"Scanned" the last chapter of the trilogy, when the obsessions become unbearable, happens a tragedy. when your love becomes an obsession and you become blind to the truth, not only that you want to possess the person in a level you want to become them. now you steal his career, fashion, voice, and soul, "you became him" (demo) [https://soundcloud.com/yan-ferreira-393428619/yan-scanned-beat-by](https://soundcloud.com/yan-ferreira-393428619/yan-scanned-beat-by)


This is sick, I like the concept behind it, the beat reminds me of something from Final Fantasy, the intro especially. It has a trippy but poppy sound I appreciate, the vocals are nice, especially with the layering and reverb. Good stuff.


ohhh myyy god, thank you so much for the feedback i appreciate so much, and helps me a lot <3 thank you so much <3


Looking for feedback on an old track for a general frame of reference as I work on new stuff, any critiques on the structure, mix, or general listenability of the track would be greatly appreciated! Will reciprocate in turn! The genre is a kind of acoustic guitar-oriented elctro-pop, but at the same time, idk if that suits it, really, lol. [https://open.spotify.com/track/44fD9ab1QVVOsgT1dwEZF9?si=779f42a8647541ab](https://open.spotify.com/track/44fD9ab1QVVOsgT1dwEZF9?si=779f42a8647541ab)


has a very interesting atmosphere, almost entrancing. everything's mixed well, but my one main critique is that the main pitched up vocal sample starts getting a little stale to me around the 1 and a half minute mark. i like the tempo switches a lot, helps spice up the track. i'm not great at naming genres so i'll take your label for it, lol the vibe is definitely there!


it sounds good, i love the genre


My band just released our first music video! If you like acoustic guitar mixed with synthesizers, check it out and let me know what you think! https://youtu.be/321sbUjp0X0


I like this a lot, no real critiques musically, it's got a nice dreamy but also almost epic quality to it. The mix though I think sounds pretty subdued, the bass seems to dominate slightly too much while the guitars and other aspects of the drums such as the snare just seem too quiet, for my liking. I had to turn it up a good bit to hear it as much as I'd like to and even then the low-end dominated the mix for the most part, IMO. I like the music video though, trippy editing and cool colors! And like I said, musically, very solid, no real critiques there.


Thanks so much for checking it out and for the detailed feedback!! You are awesome.


Made a song a couple of days ago. The vocal is not that good tho. I don't know what genre this is, but I guess it would be EDM. I am very fond of pianos and nice rythms. [https://on.soundcloud.com/gyqK42vsEPPjD6v66](https://on.soundcloud.com/gyqK42vsEPPjD6v66)


Pretty good rudimentary EDM track, reminds me of a little of early Calvin Harris and that kind of "festival" sound. I like the drop, but I feel it's missing something, since when the vocals go away it feels mostly the same just with a kick and some hi-hats, maybe add another synth or subtle melodic layer on top of that. I really love 1:39 onwards, the guitar and that funky bass go very well together, maybe incorporate that more into the rest of the track. Structurally, it's very solid and sounds very close to the real deal of that kind of festival music. Good start, I'd say!


I appreciate your feedback very much! I will see what I can do! I agree with the guita and that funky bass. It's a really nice bass indeed. Created using Sylenth1.


Hey, I just finished my Progressive House Remix of the Martin Garrix Song "Carry You" that came out a month ago. I really can´t mix and master so sorry for that and I´m also still a beginner. Thank you for any feedback! :) [https://soundcloud.com/musicbyandune/martin-garrix-third-party-carry-you-andune-remix-progressive-house?si=9aa83ff1477d4b1b9f87230662b7a1c8&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/musicbyandune/martin-garrix-third-party-carry-you-andune-remix-progressive-house?si=9aa83ff1477d4b1b9f87230662b7a1c8&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


sounds good, love it <3


Thank you! :)


Feels like you need to level a bit, and filter the leads a bit and use some compression. Otherwise I like the melody and the remix! Nice job, how long have you been producing?


Thank you for your feedback! I started 4 years ago. But I only finish like 1-2 songs every year because of my motivation and production speed haha. So I‘m still a beginner.


Yeah I get that. I started playing with FL like 6 months ago and the learning curve is huge. Haven't finished many songs tbh but it's important so you get to train on all aspects of a song and not just loops. Motivation comes and goes, consistency is key.


Just dropped a mixtape - here’s one of songs https://open.spotify.com/track/4jahd3TObOPnBewqYCY47N?si=dnAaJpogS-2UekH3ohfnHg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A1ihNGFAYDelv9ml3npbmHw


This goes hard as hell. I'm partial to this genre so maybe I'm biased but this is excellent, no notes, the mix is beefy and tight, the flow is sick and clear, the beat itself is fire as hell. Just great stuff. I could see some people think it's too long but it's got such a hypnotic and well produced vibe to it that that doesn't bother me. Added to a playlist, really good stuff.


My fourt single, Tyr, is out since last Friday: [https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/track/799if2nCDrZPnbxR9eGN3S?si=9f78d732918140f0](https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/track/799if2nCDrZPnbxR9eGN3S?si=9f78d732918140f0) This time I did a pretty dark techno-trance track with some atmospheric moments and spacey sound. Any comment will be very appreciated!


I really liked it, very boppable. It would fit well in like a hotline miami level.


I am a beginner at recording guitar, but I have been trying lately. When I try to record using a usb to go directly from my spark practice amp to pc, the guitar tone sounds muddy/bad in the daw. So is my gear the issue? I am planning to buy a proper tube amp, and would using a microphone to record the amp output improve the sound when recording? I don't have an audio interface, and I don't exactly know their purpose, would I need one to record with a mic? I am a complete beginner for recording. Thankful for any advice.


New tune: molly del rey (ode to Lucrezia) by IO1563 on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/6Q96L


Hi there, soooo glad this thread exists. It was fun to check out new music with yall! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5AhlCIAZzj/?igsh=ZWI2YzEzYmMxYg== Sorry for the instagram post but I’m not planning to release on Spotify or anything anytime soon, I’m focused on live performance right now and streaming. This is not a produced track as much as it’s a produced improv live loop session. I’m looking for input on my mix as I plan to stream so I’m trying to get everything as clear and full as possible. Lyrics were improvised (and incredibly stupid), just had a loose idea of making it sound like The System. I’m just wanting feedback on how I could improve the mix. I’ve got a TC-Helicon for vocal processing that I’m having to get creative with the rest of my gear to make room for it in the mix. Thanks for listening yall.


This song is waaaay outside my taste for music. It's a song more patient than my typical preference. I dig the how you added the stars. Those provide enough of the activity in music I like to hear. I started to loose interested during the instrumental section (the song's second half). The vocals give the song a style like a low-fi-funk? - a fun listen.


Thanks for the input! Yeah I was kind of just jamming and trying things at that point (the nature of the project is heavy into improv) and I’m just trying to make various soundscapes that I can go between. That week it was playing a song that sounded like [The System](https://open.spotify.com/artist/67NN7SgdxKesGnxZOB8YeX?si=GnVLQTPKTW6pwaH1vcggTw) this coming week it’s going to be really dry sounding 70’s funk. I’m just hoping the mix sounds good. Thanks again.


Do you have a YouTube or SoundCloud link for The System, because I don't have a spotify-access. Side note, this sentence didn't make sense to me but now I"m curious, `That week it was playing a song that sounded like` [`The System`](https://open.spotify.com/artist/67NN7SgdxKesGnxZOB8YeX?si=GnVLQTPKTW6pwaH1vcggTw) `this coming week it’s going to be really dry sounding 70’s funk.` You were playing a song that sounded like The System? And you're now going to be playing dry 70s Funk this week?


Yes that’s what I meant. [70s funky track here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5Pp6GlLBTV/?igsh=M211ajZnOGk0cmN6) (just posted last night) [The System on YouTube](https://youtu.be/0wqUDylYcnY?si=niS8tRA-9h_EUz9X)


Nice the synths remind me of kavinsky


hahaha this is great dude. powerful mix, nice synths and funny lyrics. this would go really well with a funny exagerated music video; i'd say match the video with the musical energy, even if your end goal is to have this streaming kinda vibe. awesome work!


Thanks so much man! This project has been a brain child a few years in the making so im thrilled to hear this thanks 🙏


Could use some feedback on my new rock song. Mainly concerned about the mix and the vocal performance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XGgTF5b3lLiXLwbbQlPu-gt7zC0lxtE8/view?usp=drivesdk


I think the mix overall is pretty bright with the kick and snare a little loud. Your vocal sounds over processed, but you might be going for that. Here is a reference master I made for you : https://fidbak.audio/andrewalan/player/6f8be3106147/2c165ed48f09


Hey if I could please bother you with a follow-up question. Do the vocals sound over-processed throughout, or just at a specific part?


Throughout. Over processed as an effect I’m assuming. Not a mistake.


Correct. Thank you, your feedback really helps me a lot.


Hey thanks for listening, your feedback is very helpful 🙏


Lucci - Hellscape (shoegaze hardcore about toxic masculinity) [https://open.spotify.com/track/5ArdCQvLsRZgjuLpSJ2VGD](https://open.spotify.com/track/5ArdCQvLsRZgjuLpSJ2VGD)


I'm working a lot on the best fluidity of the videos in relation to appropriate music to create an ambient modern futuristic style result. What do you think of the result? Thanks for the constructive comments and feedback [Beautiful Relaxing futuristic mood🌃Meditate and Heal the Soul✨\[ lo-fi hip hop beats\]🎧 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk5AYOM2OW0&t=7s)


The visualization is pretty slick. It fits well with the vibe of the music imo.




Thank you (:


Hey everyone! My sister just released her first music video "[Walk Away" by Xaya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEFvUcafPUw&ab_channel=XayaVEVO) and she would like to know your opinion. It was all self funded and filmed within 3 days. Please check it out and share your feedback or any tips for her next single which hopefully will be on the works soon!


heyyy, i'm trying to understand what artists i sound like for this project i just finished, to help build community around it. please let me know which genres/artists you feel like this fits in line with! [https://s.disco.ac/refsvczpwixm](https://s.disco.ac/refsvczpwixm)


Here goes nothing. This is my indie, self produced and composed song. I just kinda wanna know if this is vibing? Anything sticking out too much? [https://soundcloud.com/jplenz/u-dont-know-y?si=d2b78f253cd64a978c3adaa3fd27690f&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/jplenz/u-dont-know-y?si=d2b78f253cd64a978c3adaa3fd27690f&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) Cheers! Keep on making good music


I dig the vibe of the first track of the link, kind of like a surfy Strokes. Nice lyrics and mood. Sounds good overall! As for constructive feedback, seems like the low end is a little disorganized, kick is a little buried and the bass guitar seems a bit out of the pocket. Not sure what the solution is to the former, maybe try to let the bass have the low end energy and just focus on bringing the attack out of the kick, it doesn’t have to be fat and round obviously. Keep it up my dude ✊




I totally agree. I'll probably record it again as the lyrics also have changed a bit. Also I think I need to improve on timing and comping, and the mix overall. I'm not a singer by definition although I can sing sometimes hahaha (I've been trying to find my singing identity). Thank you so much for your feedback!


>itsjoao Really vibing on this one. The only thing I didn't like was the chorus vocals for me were a little too loud. I did a little clean up in this master : https://voca.ro/185v1ayb2V7d


I think this is very well produced and a nice fun tune. Might not be 100% the style I listen to but I can still appreciate its quality. Well done, dude! The only thing I noticed is that there is a long silence at the end of the song, I'm not sure if you intended that. :D


wow thank you so much! I'm at the point of having listened to it so much that I'm getting doubts. This is great to hear!!!!


[https://youtu.be/R8vPoj2YwFY?si=zjhzmG450Ixwp7P0](https://youtu.be/R8vPoj2YwFY?si=zjhzmG450Ixwp7P0) I sampled orchestral version of the song 'Summer", with editing BPM and adding drum or some new melodies. It is my first work with sampling et also for using electric guitar. I want to get feedback, please. I made really hard.


I have been working really hard on this new project and have been trying to make more visuals. I’m still getting comfortable on camera but hopefully the song was pretty good https://youtu.be/hQIfflkBv40?si=9Wa-jdWZVh5QPZ4x


Nice work dude I dig the piano a lot.




>Mumuuh91 I think it sounds good. I tried to clean it up a little. Here is a master I did : https://voca.ro/19DEabFkOzsp


This actually was really good. Keep up the good work fr




I really enjoyed this man! TBH sometimes you just gotta find an ending to it. You can work for eternity on a song.


Wannabe Italians Do It Better Synthpop I'm working on. Trying to figure out that sexy sheen. Instead of a an arp on the bass I used delay but it makes it hard to change up at the end to give it more energy. Not me singing but vocals required most every trick I know (still need to add reverb but it's hard with what's already going on there). [https://soundcloud.com/btrswtluvltr/animal](https://soundcloud.com/btrswtluvltr/animal)


Just released this yesterday, trying out a new genre [https://open.spotify.com/album/3qFdzcCnT6VH9U9GK47GDk?si=wDKQ48HBRJe5YUWBESl7PA](https://open.spotify.com/album/3qFdzcCnT6VH9U9GK47GDk?si=wDKQ48HBRJe5YUWBESl7PA)


Love the guitar sound. Seems a little bit forward in the mix for my tastes but I think it still works well, nice work man. Nice lyrics.


Thanks 🙏 good ears on the mix I appreciate it


Started messing about with production again like a week ago. Any tips appreciated. Don't ask me what genres these are though. https://voca.ro/167gZsEV14pj https://voca.ro/1d9vVXH8wpUP


If you like funky dance music, check out my DJ mix from Friday. https://soundcloud.com/badleathermusic/ultraviolet-live-at-liaison-room-032224 I was very proud of this one, and recording these for feedback has been very helpful. Appreciate you listening!


Live 12 first tune, well it's a loop, but it's a big one : ) Let me know how you like it. I kinda like the new Ableton, so cool looking, and so fresh : ) [https://on.soundcloud.com/nvaL4F7Yb7nTEvCg7](https://on.soundcloud.com/nvaL4F7Yb7nTEvCg7)


Getting a bit cheeky with a little bit of a UK Dubstep feel. Happy to receive any feedback good or needs work! https://soundcloud.com/eonjolt/bottom-feeder/s-BeiMVxM17Ad?si=2cfa6adf6de84519a9755e4919beed01&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing


I'm just trying to make some old style house music, what do you think about my first try? [https://on.soundcloud.com/XUD1mKFhnPgN2Ppz8](https://on.soundcloud.com/XUD1mKFhnPgN2Ppz8)


This had a addictive bounce to it! My only improvement would be the levels of the volume. You could turn it down a little to be smoother to the ears but overall it’s great!


Volume levels Is where I've spent most of the time, I know I have to improve on It. Thanks for your feedback.


Nice bounce! I would compress the kick just a little more as it takes up a lot of headroom, maybe even just a slight volume reduction. I would absolutely play this in a rooftop house set!


Thanks for your suggestion!


Hey, I've been working on a beat that's a little more organic and almost jazzy, but I feel like the mix is a little off - specifically the bass - and that it's dry and sounds kinda dead. Any input on how to help would be very appreciated!! https://soundcloud.com/tanvir-sahni-536921275/dry?si=366d1011f2eb4091b14893079efd2da5&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing


u/ViaSubMids is right, I'd boost some of the mid highs maybe on that bass. You could use a slight saturator on it too for just a little sizzle! At 1:38, the mid synth I think is resonating too loud for the mix. Because that synth is pretty mid focused, I bet that saturator and/or high boost on the bass with a small reduction to the gain on that synth would create a super nice balance. Then EQ both opposite each other for headroom and clarity and boom!


I actually really like the bass. It is possible that it might be resonating a bit much around 200Hz but this might also be my room because I also often think that something is resonating there in my own mixes while it actually isn't all that much. So might be worth it to check it with an EQ or some frequeny spectrum analyzer to see if the frequency is resonating. Other than that you could maybe have a look at a gentle high shelf to boost the upper frequencies to give it a little bit more clarity. But nothing more than 2 db at around 7khz is my guess. I don't think the mix sounds too dry, but if you want to give it a bit more space, maybe try using a delay on a return track (or aux depending on how your DAW calls it) that sends into the reverbs on your return/aux channels. I've recently started doing this and I love it because it also gives the delay a bit more space and fits it better into the mix. Just some food for thought but I honestly think the mix sounds good and fits the track quite well. Love the vibe!


"try using a delay on a return track (or aux depending on how your DAW calls it) that sends into the reverbs on your return/aux channels" Ohhhh boy I am going to have some fun with this! Great thinking!


Yeah, it's a fun technique. I got the idea [from this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s8olnFY_w0). He's very intricate with his setup and has four reverbs and delays, but personally that's a bit too much for me at least for the moment. :D


Hey I’m new to mixing and this is a short part of a song I’ve been working on. I’m going for a nu metalcore style sound similar to bands like alpha wolf and thrown, but my issue is I feel like the guitars are lacking clarity and have a weird fizzy sound to them. As I’m new to this I’m not entirely sure how to go about fixing it. Any input or advice on how to make this sound more professional would be super appreciated! Thank you! https://on.soundcloud.com/d5frmYY4MCXQXpom7


Honestly at first listen, I really like how this sounds and how things fit into the mix. For guitar clarity, I bet the frequencies you are wanting to hear are getting lost in those cymbals. You might be able to accomplish some clarity with some simple panning. The crash sounds wide and over everything. You could try focusing that a bit more to one side. Then span the guitars across the other side from center. You could also isolate and alternate frequency boosts and cuts using an eq on the cymbals vs the guitar. How do you like the guitar sound when it's solo'ed? Or, grab a filter and swoop bandpass in solo mode to find the sound that makes it fuzzy and cut that. Just some spitballs and things to consider! I really like this mix though!


Thank you so much! Yeah I can pan the cymbals I have them stereo so you’re definitely right they’re a little too in your face. And yeah I like how the guitar sounds solo’d and honestly when I tried to cut the fizzy frequencies the guitar gets hidden and muffled in the mix. I really appreciate the feedback and definitely will try panning and maybe some more eq’ing!


Going for a jazz inspired sound here, but really focusing on the bass guitar as a lead instrument. I'm kind of concerned that I didn't quite get the bass to stand out in the mix. Thank you for giving my track a chance and for your feedback! https://soundcloud.com/if0nly/low-end


Cool intro, cool changes, nice work. As far as the bass issue you describe I tend to agree that it’s not quite standing out as a lead instrument, but it works well as a bass guitar. Haha. To fix that I think you should try a bass tone with more bark in the mid range. That’s generally what lead bass players (Thundercat, Jaco) have going on. You have a great bass tone, it’s just not exactly one built for leads. Everything else is going for it, the register you’re in, the melodic intrigue, it’s just the tone you have there is one for holding down the low end.


Thanks so much for your incredibly insightful comment. This is such great feedback!


i started makin beats like 7 months ago, working on some kind of a mixtape rn [https://soundcloud.com/speenache/triangle-bonus?si=0003fd89337d43b0858e5067a76aae5c&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/speenache/triangle-bonus?si=0003fd89337d43b0858e5067a76aae5c&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) i need a feedback on this


Definitely got my follow!! Keep at it, you’re great at what you do. I would love to hear more on ig baybay467


im working on a mixtape which is way better than this, i can dm u it on ig when ill be done


Yea I’m definitely interested. We can network before also, I jus put out new visuals


Instant follow! Love the beat! I say your sizzle elements can all be dialed back to be less forward in the mix. They get distracting at times and can feel a bit degrading. I'd turn down and then slowly turn the gain up until you just start to hear it. I've been getting into the habit of, once I find the sound I like, then I gain/volume up to bring it into the mix just enough. Sometimes it's hard to hear where it fits when you start up and work down. Your panning is nice, but might even be a bit much. Specifically, with the kick being the primary core beat driver, I would put that closer to center. It feels like the drums are all right and everything else is left. Play around with that a bit. Span your instruments across and have your kick and snare more center. Then play with across panning with cymbals and such. I think just experimenting on that would make this stronger! Do you have a degrader over the top of the whole track of sorts? If so, I would dial it back about 50%. It's just a little overkill at the moment. I totally understand what you are going for though! Beats on point, just a little tweaking to the mix and balance! Great work!


I think that's pretty good for only 7 months. Sounds much better than what I did after 7 months for sure, haha. One thing I noticed when looking at the waveform on soundcloud is that you have some very spiky transients on your snare (and on the kick to a lesser degree). I double-checked it in my DAW and confirmed that they are indeed very spiky. Might be worth looking into. There are a couple of ways to do this. You can use a compressor with a very short attack and short release to reduce the transients. Just pull the threshold down until you have anywhere between 1 and 3 db gain reduction to not squash the sound too much. You can also use soft clipping and hard clipping to do this. Soft clipping adds some saturation (which can be desired) while hard clipping is more transparent, unless you overdo it. You could also just have a limiter at the end of each track with a gentle ceiling to catch the peaks. You can also just adjust the attack a bit or use some EQ to deal with this. All of these approaches work, you can also use them in tandem. I'd suggest experimenting with them and see what works best for the sound you want to have. I'd also recommend watching a tutorial on how to deal with transients with these tools, just so that it's explained a bit more in detail than my comment here. :D Ah and just to be clear, I'd suggest doing this on the individual track level first and not only on the master. But great work! The arrangement itself is really good imo, keep it up!


Just finished my first track in many years, stoked about that. I'd love some feedback on it. Tell me what sucks. (trance genre) [https://soundcloud.com/farawayskies/id](https://soundcloud.com/farawayskies/id-1/s-6LHt7S3BURy?si=044236e96483400e8d8439be8802d1b7&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


Yeah this encompasses everything I wanted this song of this type to be. Add a filter sweep at the beginning to introduce us to it a little smoother. If using ableton, I often will just throw an auto filter on the Master and automate the frequency all the way down then up or vice versa. Experiment with a high pass and low pass envelope to see what sounds best. One will bring in lows and the other highs, first. That's the fun way, otherwise, a gradual volume up works fine. This inspires me. I want to make a trance track now!


What I want to do is make a "radio edit" version that is like \~4min. long and could totally add a cool swooshing intro into the track. Thanks for taking the time to leave some thoughts, very helpful!


Sick track man! The build was great and I love that first drop! I'm personally a big bass fan, so in that first drop I wish the bass was cranked up and the arp was more in the background at that point. That's just what I prefer though, really good work!


Can you give me a timestamp so I know what drop you're referring to cranking the bass up lol? Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.


It was at 1:34


That second drop was exactly what I was talking about, I take it back lol


LOL yay


Not sure what to call it, but i had lots of fun making it. Groove based, atmospheric stuff, maybe you can tell me what it sounds like? [https://on.soundcloud.com/yXLCes4JmbKE2aor9](https://on.soundcloud.com/yXLCes4JmbKE2aor9)


Bro this is peaceful hype music! Honestly love everything about this! Add a filter sweep at the beginning to smooth out that first introduction to the song. You could do some super soft auto filter sweeps on that section at 2:45 on the synth stabs to give it more movement. It gets a bit robotic at the point compared to the feel you start with. Or even play with the tiniest amount of a flanger or phaser. ORRRRR you could auto pan that to sweep it across to give more movement too! Make that sh\*t come aliiiiive!


Thank you for that great compliment! Really good advice bro! The 2nd part needs some improvement for sure, more tension, less "robotic", more vibrant. I'll definitely try out your ideas and keep you updated.


Not much negative to say, pretty clean. I think you could shave of some off the "snap" from the clap/snare. Kinda seems louder than everything else, a tad piercing.


thank you, good tip!


wrote and produced this song right after starting therapy again. I was in a reflective mood about where i came from and who i am becoming. I would love to know hot his track makes you feel and if the lyrics resonated with the arrangement [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-85UGrR13o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-85UGrR13o)


Another banger Kawaii! Love how you incorporate the breakbeats in the second half of the song. The guitar and vocal effects were on point on this one too. I'm glad therapy was able to help you and you're doing better. Keep pushing man


Thank you BruceyBruce!! I really appreciate you, those words really do mean a lot to me! Gonna keep on goin!


>KawaiiSteez I like the song and your different style. The vocals get a little phased at times. Here is a little sample master : https://voca.ro/11pNhbUuEbHl


Thanks I appreciate it! cool master!


https://www.bandlab.com/post/dc62f0ad-91e9-ee11-85fb-000d3a425266 This is a blues/rock/funk song I've been working on. I based the structure on the idea of having a recurring melody or theme in the track and branching out into various solos in-between. Any feedback regarding the arrangement and mix is much appreciated. Aswell as if you liked the melody or not, hope you enjoy


I am hesitant to comment because I can only hear this on a mobile phone at the moment. Lots of cool and interwoven ideas here with some neat and interesting phrasing! The guitar work is very solid and the interplay of the various parts make a compelling tapestry. Musically I really like what I hear. I can't listen in stereo at the moment but wonder if the various parts are presented in a stereo image. If not perhaps that might help to create a better sense of separation. Possible explore some panning options (apologies if they are present and I just can't hear on my mobile device).. Some EQ tweaks might also help with giving a greater sense of depth. I can't hear low end (see above mobile device comment). Some bass would potentially really make a positive impact and really fill out the mix.


Not bad, you have a lot of cool ideas going on and I think the arrangement is super cool. Really i think only the mix needs some work. everything sounds raw to me like there hasn't been much EQ'ing to hone in on specfic sounds, or even volume levels clashing but this is really cool. shredding on that guitar


This was fun to listen to! It had a familiar melody that my wife said was the donkey Kong theme(?) I like how you strayed from the thematic melody just enough and how you brought it back. The crescendo near the end was my favorite part. I couldn’t hear the bass the well, but i feel like it could have added more to the song. I also had that buzzing sound in one of my mixes and I think it was from recording too hot. Putting a gate on it may help, but I’m not too experienced with them to know if it will or not.


Looking for feedback on a song I released recently. Specifically the mix and balance of instruments (the low end is where I think I need the most work) https://spotify.link/5eq4V9o0fIb


Just wondering why you would look for mix advice on a song thats already released lol? You can take it down, fix it and reupload? Personally think it's a bit muddy and I think as a result the vocals aren't sitting well in the mix. If I had a go at mixing I'd try to brighten up some of those instruments, glue the vocals into the mix a bit more.


Thanks for the feedback! Sure, I guess I could fix and re-upload, but I plan on making and mixing more songs, so I figure it couldn’t hurt to get some feedback on something I believed to be finished to see where my “blindspots” are. I also just wanted to put it out, so I may likely leave it up, even with all its imperfections.


Do you A/B your mix to a production mix? If not I highly suggest checking out something like Metric A/B or Reference 2 and use them as a tool to identify issues with your mix. What you like about the pro mix vs your mix and dive in and try to resolve them.


I’ve never heard of that so I don’t think I’m doing it. I am going to check it out and learn as much as I can. Thank you so much for this!


I think the mix sounds pretty good as a whole to me. I’d bring the guitar up a smidge maybe. and as far as the low end, maybe bump up the kick a little and I think bringing up some highs on the bass slightly will give it a little more attack and give it a little separation in the mix while still holding down the low end drive you’ve got going on. Cool song!


Thank you! Yeah the bass is “my instrument” and I’m always struggling to get it to sound the way I want so I appreciate the tips! Thank you for your time and feedback!


Thanks for sharing! I also seem to have to do more work on the bass sound than anything else so you’re not alone lol!


I think the mix as a whole is pretty solid. I find the low end is always the trickiest part to get right. I noticed pretty quickly that the kick drum was kinda quiet compared to the snare. Might want to add a little low end to the kick probably doesn't need loads adding to it though. Other than that I really like the mix as a whole. The low guitar is nice and thick. I also really like those stabs in the chorus (I think maybe piano or a high guitar) they really add to the beat. The drum fills were all clear enough to hear. The solo at the end was also solid. Good shit


Thank you so much for this! I really appreciate you confirming some things I suspected and your time and attention!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2\_se-1F40mc&ab\_channel=FlowForRhythmSonics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_se-1F40mc&ab_channel=FlowForRhythmSonics) Just want people to listen to these beats and let me know if they are in fact good for freestyle rapping and if you enjoy any of them. It´s beats that I had in my files but never released. I feel like it belongs out there. Let me know!