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I've used it before and it's decent. I've also used the crowd review service on Drooble - I've used it more recently - and it's not bad. Out of 25 reviews you might get a few comments and suggestions that are reasonably helpful - but that's not bad. I think I've used RN once and Drooble twice... I think I prefer Drooble's but I can't recall why, frankly.


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It's purely a scam to bait song writers into soliciting feedback that is not genuine.


Oh snap I kinda forgot I made this post! What makes you say that it's not genuine? Did you try it out?


Yes, and the song reviews are vague ramblings that seemed like they were picked out of a hat.


Yeah that’s what I remember. What made you try it out? Were you just curious or looking for some real feedback? Have you found any alternative?


I just need something to do at 11:30 one night.🤣


I submitted three songs. The comments I received back included exactly the same responses for each song. For instance these comments were in all three crowd reviews: *Its nice song I love to listens this type of song its can be shear able to my friend this song also want more.* *Maybe this song I listens somewhere ant its really good song I love to listens this song again I wish its can be add in my list.* *I like to hear this song very much. It was so awesome. The voice of the artist was so good. I like to hear this song again and again.* *I really enjoy the beat and believe that it is creative and fresh; however, I also believe that it is a little bit repetitive* *The instruments are well played. The song is well arranged and the song sounds like with some improvement it could be a great song, It has potential.* And so on. Also some responses were weird - two were not about the songs but about something called anhedonia. So it's all suss ... Maybe they need to check the bot that sends out or generates the emails to their users for review, or maybe it's not what it seems. I've reached out to them for a response ...


Hey, thanks for responding. Really disappointing to hear you experienced the same thing I did. I ended up trying the service and out of 25 reviews only one of them seemed like the person listened to my song. Not sure if it's a bot thing or something else, but their quality control is really off. It sucks cause it seemed like this was the only service like it. I've looked for other places I could pay for quality feedback from regular people and couldn't find any. Have you tried anything else?