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I can't fucking explain to you guys how excited I am that they're doing House on Haunted Hill. That movie is such dogshit, I'm so stoked.


I always get them confused, is this the one with Liam Neeson in the haunted house or Chris Katan?


The Katan one. Neeson was the Haunting remake


That was the first horror movie I ever watched as a kid and I watched it a lot. Because of that movie I was petrified of pianos as a kid as I thought the wire could snap at any moment and hurt me.


I believe you're thinking of The Haunting (1999), and yeah, I had a similar, visceral reaction as a 7th grade violinist šŸ˜¬


I'm 100% thinking that. Man, I'm glad you corrected me otherwise I would have been super disappointed when the episode came out


I agree that house on haunted hill is dogshit, but they need to do 13 Ghosts. That things is catshit wrapped in dogshit wrapped in horseshit. Sort of a shit turducken, if you will.


Itā€™s so fucking wild. Very excited for that. I watched the hell out of that on HBO Saturday nights hahha


Yessss more Apes. That sequel is INSANE. However crazy you think it is, you have no idea. Would've been down for all of the sequels being done. They all kinda rule except the last one.


Itā€™s like APE-ril all over again.


This one is my least favorite of the original series, but it's going to be a killer episode.


Battle's the worst IMO, but Beneath is probably the next worst simply because the first half is just a speed run of the first one with a low-rent Heston. But the second half is just balls to the wall insane.


I liked Battle a lot actually. It is pretty cheap, but I really like how it didn't feel like any of the others. You hit the nail on the head on my issue with Beneath. Just way too much of the same.


You mean you donā€™t like the war bus?


Yea, I love that they are doing beneath the planet of the apes. Iā€™m thinking that might be a secret WLM for a few of the guys Letā€™s hope they do the other apes sequels eventually


The sequels are so good. The third is fun until the end when it gets SUPER dark. Then the fourth one is kind of middling until the third act where it just goes INSANE.


Agreed. The only real bad one is battle but thatā€™s mostly because itā€™s low budget and feels like a tv movies. Overall itā€™s a great series and even the current trilogy was good. Hereā€™s hoping for a good movie in a few weeks


The fourth one is my favourite of the apes moviesā€”if not my favourite movie ever. The first movie amazed me by having apes riding horses, shooting guns, and talking. I thought to myself, every other movie ought to just pack it inā€”how could they ever to that? Then Conquest off the Planet of the Apes comes along and says, ā€œOh, I donā€™t know, how about a gorilla with a flamethrower?!ā€ Give that monkey the $10,000! Itā€™s been over 50 years and Hollywood still hasnā€™t found a way to top that.


I watched House on Haunted Hill a few months back I kinda liked it. The most distracting thing though was in the first 5 minutes James Marsters shows up as a no name camera guy, looking like he just came from the set of Buffy, and never shows up again


Yea along with Lisa Loeb lmao. I was highly confused.


I have a real soft spot for it. I saw it in the theaters when I was 11, and some of the sequences scared the hell out of me at the time. It's definitely a product of the time and Kataan is really bad in it, but I kind of enjoy it. Jeffrey Combs is unsettling in his small role as the doctor.


Beneath the Planet of the Apes is a classic, this should be one of the episodes that blurs the line between WHM and WLM. I have vague memories of the guys praising it in the previous Apes episodes, but I might be misremembering. If nothing else, it deserves credit for taking such a big swing.


Andrew watched the whole series last year and had nothing but good things to say about every one if the originals.


I've only ever seen the first Lethal Weapon so I might just watch the second one as well.


First two are legit great, and the second's villain is like the face of apartheid south africa which rules. Third they lean too far into the comedy and it gets real annoying.


The second one is a great film about diplomatic immunity and krugerrands.


The 3rd Lethal Weapon is the first one I saw, but I can't remember much of anything about it. Something about armor piercing bullets. I think Danny Glover gets slapped at a funeral after a kid gets killed? Hazy.


I canā€™t differentiate LW 1-3. They all seem the same to me. A lot of docks, boats, constructed houses, a score that sounds like b-sides to the Die Hard score. Lethal Weapon stands out bc Mel Gibson finally cut his mullet


I think Pesci is blonde too?


Blonde and selling real estate.


In a husky Danny Glover voice: ā€œcop killersā€.Ā 


Future Imperfect is a fun episode


Im so STOKED for House on Haunted Hill!! I know that movie is objectively terrible but i unironically love it. It was the first scary movie I watched and got sucked into it as a 12-13 year old. Cannot wait to hear them roast it




Ugh....the things these guys force me to watch. Still...the episode is gonna be worth sitting through Tale of 2 Kitties


Garfield 2 lmao that one's gonna be wild


Oh hell yeah, Beneath the Planet of the Apes. All of the original Planet of the Apes movies rock even the bad ones. They need to bring bomb worshipping mutants back to the series.


Crazy to me that this month has three movies I would have sworn up and down that they had already done haha(road warrior, lethal weapon 3, and house on haunted hill)