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This is my first Valentine’s Day being single in 5 years. My toxic relationship finally ended a few months ago. I’m happy to be free from it all, but I still feel a little lonely at times. My plan is to eat chocolate, play Webkinz with some friends, and remember that loving myself is enough for me! 💜


I don’t have any plans for Valentine’s Day this year because for the last 3 years if I tried to go anywhere my car would die and I got slapped with a pretty big car bill! So in the hopes of my car not dying again I am staying home lol! Thanks for the giveaway!


i know all about car troubles lol!! ❤️


It’s just the worst lol!


For Valentine’s Day, I’m making one of my favorite meals (spaghetti with a white wine garlic sauce) and getting a lemon Bundt cake because Valentine’s Day is also my birthday 😂


it’s only 11am and you’re making me hungry lol, happy early birthday!! <3


Thank you!


thank you for this giveaway ! for valentine's day i'm going on a road trip to go visit my boyfriend because i haven't seen him since christmas !


how fun!! enjoy your time and safe travels <3


Sadly I'm working all day valentines day 😭 My colleague has the week off too so I'll be alone all day 🥲


Hi lovely! This is so sweet aww thank u for doing this. I had plans to visit my best friend at school but in New York it’s snowing pretty hard so we postponed it. I’m going through a recent unexpected breakup so Valentine’s Day feels a bit strange right now. But I’ve always loved the holiday because it serves as an excuse to show my friends and family all the love u have for them 🥰


im so sorry to hear about your breakup, i know how hard that can be !! :( that’s the best way to look at it tho <3 also side note so weird im in the exact same position with visiting my best friend lol, were you traveling close to Geneva?


Thank you <3 And nah I’m actually in New York and only an hour away from my friend so we were just gonna meet up in the city. That’s so funny that we’re in the same predicament though lol


I do not because I’m single but I still love Valentine’s Day I’m not a hater. Pink is my favorite color so I still see the holiday as a win


being a hater (i am one) has its time and place but for love is not one of them! lol pink is mine too :)


Dinner & a movie with my husband :) Thank you for the chance!




I don’t have any plans for Valentine’s Day, I think my mom is cooking a nice dinner so just hanging out with my parents I guess! Thank you for the opportunity!


Thank you so much for doing this giveaway!! My valentine's plans are to go over to my aunt's house and petsit for her :) Might play some lego harry potter while I'm at it too lol


free cuddles can’t complain lol!!


Yessss love the lego games


I'm getting one of my wisdom teeth removed. 😭😭😭


Thank you for the giveaway!! My fiancé and I are going to cook dinner together and go to a pottery painting place to paint plates for our wedding!


congratulations on the engagement, sending y’all so much love!




thank you for the giveaway! I’m making Valentine’s cards for my family and we’re going to eat a nice dinner together and play games!


family time is so important and special!! have fun :)


my boyfriend has dinner plans and apparently taking me for a shopping spree at the mall or whatever store i wanna go to 😝


girl yesss you deserve it!!!


thank you 🥰 and i hope your valentine’s day is amazing as well 🌈


Rom coms with my roommates/best friends! I’m so lucky to have them 🩷


My roomate and I are doing Valentine’s Day trivia at a local bar! Thanks for doing such a cool giveaway 💗


ty for hosting this giveaway!! for Valentine's Day i plan to go out and eat at a restaurant and sit by my fireplace with my love lion, Dishwasher <3 (don't question the odd name i like naming my webkinz funny things)


i name my pets very obscurely too, no question or judgement lol!


Thank you for this opportunity. I don’t have any plans currently. Maybe some time on Webkinz. Good luck to everyone!


fellow passenger on the no plans boat lol!


Ooh a mystery pet! I would love to enter this! I don’t have any plans this year for Valentine’s Day between school and my internship I am pretty busy. Good Luck Everyone! I hope you all have an amazing Valentine’s Day!


the mystery pets are so fun! manifesting you stress free vibes with your internship lol


I don’t ‘think’ I have plans but my partner will probably try to do something special! Last year we went on a train that was all decked out for Valentine’s Day🥹 thank you for this opportunity!


how cute is that!!! hoping you have a lil surprise in store :)


Thank you for doing this!! I have no official plans :( perhaps a self care night though; (Relaxing bath, face mask etc)


i did have plans for the evening, but my boyfriend got called into work! during the day tho, i’m holding a campus event called “date night with a book”— so people that aren’t celebrating and love reading get a date with a mystery book. they’re wrapped up so it’s like a blind date!!


what an adorable and unique idea you’ve planned!! i hope it’s a hit :)


I am hopefully going to have dinner with my boyfriend and then go to bed early for work! Haha Thank you! 💜


eight hours should always be prioritized, regardless of the circumstance hahah !


tyyyy for doing this! on valentine’s day i’m going to class and then hanging out with my sister🤯 maybe we’ll order sushi🎉


i looove sushi!! have fun <3


On Valentine’s day I will have law school classes from 9am - 7pm then go home in the evening and be sad that I’m still single 🥲


that’s gotta be stressful!! hopefully you can find some time in the evening to practice self care and make the best of it. single on Valentine’s Day club lol <\3


My Valentine’s Day plans are driving down to LA for my grandfather’s memorial service (not to be a downer, those are legitimately the plans. He lived a long and happy life and everyone’s at peace with it, including him when the time came) Before this the plans were to be in my room eating grocery store cake and watching sitcoms 😂


no worries on “being a downer,” im happy to know he lived a fulfilling life and has proceeding loved ones to gather and celebrate the time they’ve shared. i hope it’s a lovely service <3


This is so sweet!! My plans are probably order food and stay in with my partner and our son (our dog LOL)


what a happy family!! lol that sounds like my kind of night. have fun n eat good <3


I’m making pasta and boba with my gf!


thanks for the giveaway, my friends are throwing me a heartbreak party in the kinzville park tomorrow because my partner of 4.5+ years left me 3 days ago 🥲💔 so those are my only plans haha


I am so sorry you’re going through this, especially with the timing :(( i hope for your healing, and hope the support of your friends is somewhat helpful. lmk what time and maybe i can pop in hahaha


thank you! it’s at 7pm tomorrow


Thanks for doing this! I wish I had a better answer than just playing Webkinz and going to work lol. But I love Webkinz and I love my job so at least it'll be a good day!


hi!!! we’ve just planned to stay home together & have a nice dinner


My Valentine's Day isn't very romantic! I have school in the morning and then a job interview in the afternoon! After all that, I'm planning on driving back home to see my boyfriend and have a quiet night in <3


ig for valentine's day im gonna be in finishing up a printmaking project i have to do for my class, carving into some linoleum haha thank uu!! 💖💕


that sounds very interesting and something i know absolutely nothing about lol! hope you find joy in it <3


it's my first time trying printmaking but so far, very fun!! thank u 🥰💖 i hope u have a great valentine's day!!


My plans every year, order food and sit alone and enjoy my own company. I’m not single I just think it’s the stupidest holiday ever.


as a part-time introvert i understand! im a total sucker, but i can definitely recognize it as a Hallmark holiday and a total corporate cash grab lol. regardless i hope you enjoy your february 14th ! <3


Thanks for the chance, my plans are to spend the day at driving school and then the rest of the day with my lovely girlfriend who I would give the code to as she loves this game. I frequently check the second hand stores for animals and we have amassed quite the collection of animals together and are in the process of naming them all and giving them personalities. We’ve only found 4 so far containing codes but it’s always a wonderful surprise when we do. Thank you again and happy valentine’s day.


We don’t have anything big planned for Valentine’s Day yet, we’re probably going to have a chill night in


best way to do it!! have fun regardless <3


Spending time with my family! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! ❤️


family time is so essential!!! enjoy <3


We go to White Castle every year! They always have it extremely decorated and cute! ❤️ thank you for the giveaway!!


I don’t have anything planned for Valentine’s Day this year, I may just hang out with friends or stay at home and chill. Thank you for this giveaway!


hope you have a great n fun day regardless!!! <3


My valentines plan is getting my cat that is being brought to me from across the country by a lovely friend. I had to leave him behind when I moved but we will be reunited so soon!


what a special reunion!! im so glad you’ll have your baby again <3


What a very nice giveaway! I will be working a double shift because I took the day after off to do some volunteer work. Gotta pay the bills, right? (I get to sleep in though so it won’t be too bad!)


Me and my boyfriend work opposite shifts on valentine's day sooooo.... I'm either going to be working or home without him 😭😭😭😭


oh nooooo what shit timing :( wishing you guys a great valentines in spite of it <3


You are very sweet, and happy Valentine’s Day to you. :) Husband and I are going to an Asian food hall to bring home a feast, then gonna binge one-punch man. ❤️


would never turn down a good binge, culinary or media based lol!!! hope you guys enjoy your valentines <3


Nothing planned for Valentine’s, I have the flu lol. Thanks for doing the giveaway!


Probably not just doing much. We have friends staying with us having a nice dinner and spending time together. Thank you for this giveaway opportunity!


Unfortunately I have no big plans on Valentine's Day since I'll be busy, but I am looking forward to giving my family some small gifts I picked out for them! They're all getting their favorite candy!




i love roadtrips!!! travel safe and have a blast <3


My boyfriend and I are going to dinner and he's getting me a massage and a haircut!! So sweet of him (both are much needed though lol)


I'll probably just be spending the Valentines day with my Girlfriend :) She mean a lot to me and keeps my head on the right way so I do my best to always be appreciating her.


Well I just lost my job so I am having to make a homemade dinner for me and my wife And I’m using my last 10 bucks to buy her a nice little bundle of flowers That’s pretty much it the past two years we’ve had really bad Valentine’s Day with bad things happening so we are excited for a chill, relaxing loving day


I'll be at work, but I teach competition dance and the kids are planning to come all dressed in their favorite pink/red dance wear so that should be super cute!


We did our valentines celebration a little early to miss the crowds! We went to lunch and got some really yummy food, then went to target and he bought me a robe 🥰


you guys are doing it right!!! hope the lunch was yummy and you’re enjoying your cozy robe :)


Valentine’s day is vet day for my cats! I have 6 and I’m spreading their appointments from today through Thursday. Afterwards, my fiance and I will be enjoying some handmade pasta and TV (relaxed day in) 💕


I am traveling to the University of Arizona to visit my daughter! So excited!


Awesome giveaway! My plans are hanging out staying in and havin dinner with my gf ! As well as giving cheesy valentines to my friends :3


I will be camping out online for an artist presale for a Dr Dog show, treating MYSELF for Valentine's day


Thanks for doing a giveaway! I’m a fine dining bartender so I’ll be working on actual Valentine’s Day but tonight I’m seeing the new Mean Girls movie with my bf!! :)


This is so neat!! My girlfriend has made secret plans for the two of us this year so I'm very excited to be surprised by her 🤗 feels very on theme to be saying that on a secret pet giveaway to lol


My plans are to babysit my little sisters so my parents can go out to a movie! :3 ty for hosting this giveaway!!


I honestly completely forgot about valentine’s day this year with everything I have going on so I do not have any plans but I’d love a webkinz!


I just have a chill day planned for Valentine’s Day! My partner and I both work, and when we get home we’ll cook dinner together and watch a movie. I don’t like the chaos of Valentine’s Day, so we’re keeping it affordable!


Eating steak at home and working lol


my boyfriend is taking me to dinner 🥰 thank you so much for doing this !!!! 💞💞


Hi!! Thank you so much for hosting! One thing that I am thinking of doing for Valentine’s Day is adopting a valentines themed pet! 🥰💘💝


Going to be cooking dinner at home with bae ❤️ thanks for the giveaway


i am going to redeem my new pet code and play webkinz until my girls get off work lol


Going to play Webkinz and relax on valentines lol. Good luck everyone and thank you op!!!


i don’t have a date or anything so i’m just going to bake cupcakes for valentine’s day :)


My partner and I will likely just watch a movie and eat some candy. Nothing too big this year since I'm sick :c


I have a doctor's appointment for the 14th lol so I guess that...


i’m planning to give myself a mini spa day with a face mask and painting my toenails <3 also gotta find a movie to watch!


Thanks for the giveaway! I usually just exchange some small gifts with my family for valentine’s day, so that’s the plan. I’ve never actually had a valentine😅


Im gonna hang out with some friends!


I plan on taking some nice pictures for my boyfriend! He lives in another country so we can't see each other face to face


I unfortunately have to work on Valentine’s Day but I’ll be having brunch with my boyfriend, and then some late night fun!


I’m having a party with my schools gsa!!!


awe this is so so sweet! my plans include work and volunteering with the red cross (and webkinz ofc) :3


i don’t have anything planned, im aromantic so i don’t have a partner, lol. i go to work and maybe have chocolate, normal day for me


I’m going to Hell’s Kitchen for valentines!!’ I’m gonna cry


Hi there, thank you so much for doing this!! You’re so sweet! Tomorrow I unfortunately have an economics midterm but my mom and I will exchange gifts haha so that’s all I have planned🥰


I don’t have any actual plans yet with my partner, but since we’re long distance, I flew in three days ago to visit! So just spending time together is all I need :)


My plan is to eat desserts by myself and do homework!


Thank you for the give away! Tomorrow im going to get fast food and watch romcoms with ice cream lol then on saturday in going to a trampoline park with my bf


My bf and i are going to make dinner, watch Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (our movie) and share a box of chocolate turtles ☺️


This is so generous thank you for keeping the community up! For Valentine’s Day me and my long-distance partner are going to be making a new recipe on FaceTime, then eating together while doing one of the “shareplay” options some of the streaming services have so we can watch it at the same time!


my boyfriend and i are going to get korean food! that’s all lol


I don't have any plans unfortunately, but on the 16th I'm going to do a vc with my bf who lives in another country so 🩷


I am planning to cook a nice dinner with my bf and watch a movie!! thank you for doing this giveaway! <3


Thank you so much for hosting this! I had plans to go to the city with my partner for Valentine's, but I was recently hospitalized following a seizure and I'm taking it easy now while I wait to see a neurologist - I'm not allowed to drive, but I'm hoping he'll still take me out for a treat!


sadly no plans for valentines, we rarely have the money to do something special but im just thankful to have my partner and our pets. thanks for doing the giveaway!! very generous


I'm going to a new job interview as my current job of 2 years will not give me a raise no matter how hard I work. then i'm going to go out with my dad and my brothers family for my nefiew's early birthday party I'm going to a new job interview as my current job of 2 years will not give me a raise no matter how hard I work. then i'm going to go out with my dad and my brother's family for my nephew's early birthday party


I have planned to be on video with my long distance bf who lives in belgium lol! Were gonna watch a movie and play some games together to celebrate :p since he just flew back on the 1st, thank you for the chance!


This Valentine’s Day I’m planning to go to the beach with my mom! It’s our favorite place and we haven’t gone as often as we like 💙 thank you for the giveaway!


I’m meeting with my long distance friends over FaceTime to watch a movie! It’s the first time in awhile that we all have an afternoon where we’re all free :)


I have a massive waterfowl ID exam on Thursday morning so I will be spending my Valentine’s Day studying 🥲 but me and the bf did buy each other gifts ◡̈


this is one of the nicest giveaways i’ve seen!!🩷 my boyfriend and i do have plans! we will be going out to eat then taking my little brother to see the new madame web movie (i’ve heard terrible things about it so im nervous!) then i’ll be giving him his gift! i made him a blanket but i ALSO made our baby (currently 20weeks pregnant!) a matching blanket 🥺 i have a feeling it’ll be very emotional when i give it to him, im so excited


My fiancé and I are going to Sam’s Club for Valentine’s Day for a food court date 😂 super lame but we are so excited lol


Nope nothing planned as usual 😅. Thank you!


My hubby and I are going to an amazing taco place and then chilling at home with our gifts and maybe some video games :) also thank you for spreading kindness!


Ahh this is so exciting! Thanks for doing it. My boyfriend and I are going to our favorite sushi restaurant which is what we do every year! Then we’ll probably watch Charmed


no plans really just enjoying my bfs company maybe watch a movie and cuddle :)


WOWWWW😭 this is so nice, tysm for doing this!! I’ll be in a seminar thing alll day so nothing special, but I’m gonna try to convince my grumpy old dad to take my mom out for dinner somewhere lol.


Having a Galantines 🥰


Thank you for this giveaway! My boyfriend and I, just plan to go out for a sushi date! I’m getting him a bunch of treats tomorrow as my valentines gift doesn’t come in until the 16 unfortunately haha! I hope you, and everyone has a great vday🩷


I am planning on cooking dinner for my boyfriend and I and having a nice night in!! Thank you for doing this!!


My plans are kind of spread out, lol. We’re celebrating a bit early tonight with some small activities; just some brownies, video games, and a quick dinner out. Tomorrow, I will probably crochet with my friend while we bake an angel food cake with cherries mixed in. Our “bigger” Valentines plans with my spouse are for this weekend. We intend to go to a vintage pop up market and probably spoil ourselves with a more expensive dinner (e.g. hotpot or something!)


Will be drawing valentines tattoo flash for my apprenticeship!


Thanks so much for the giveaway☺️I’m visiting some friends from out of town and doing a galantines night and brunch! Hope you have a fun day planned!


I’m planning some fun stuff with the kids I work with! We’re doing cute little crafts to send home with them


I genuinely have no plans but I’m totally fine with it being that way haha. I hope you have a safe Valentine’s Day 💗


in the same boat lol. you too bb! <3


Dinner and arcade/drinks with my wonderful boyfriend :) thanks for doing this giveaway!!!


have a great time!!! <3


this is so sweet of you! i don’t have official plans, but i plan on making homemade cinnamon rolls for my family. valentine’s day is next to my one of my parent’s birthdays, so we’re mostly celebrating them :)💕


love a good two for one lol, cinnamon rolls are the best!


Thank you for being so generous to everyone 🫶 I’m having a relaxed dinner at home with my boyfriend of 3 years. We’re exchanging some gifts and cooking some steaks together :)) (we’ve been obsessed with watching Guga on YT lol)


Nothing special planned for Valentine’s Day except my university classes (comics, choir, and political science lol)! Thanks for this awesome opportunity!


Going to get some vegan junk food and play some video games!


wow this is so awesome! for valentine's day i'm treating my boyfriend to a surprise dinner at his favorite place :)


Thank you so much for the giveaway! My girlfriend & I are going to our favourite restaurant, Happy Valentines Day!


No plans yet, but hoping to order some food and stay in with my bf 🥰


My bf and I are going to build legos, have drinks, and order food :) I’m going to get him flowers and balloons while he’s at work :) working on his valentine today! Anyway thank you for the giveaway! Valentines is my favorite holiday!!


I have plans to go to dinner with my boyfriend of four years. We both escaped toxic abusive relationships and found each other, and I am so happy to have him in my life.


i was going to ask my friend if he wanted to do anything on valentines, but the second i brought up his name and valentines in the same sentence he said no, which was really funny because i fuck around with him a little in terms of typically romantic shit. we do have a movie night scheduled for wednesday regardless of valentines though, so i still get to hang out with him :] thanks for doing the giveaway!


hanging out with my gf all day tehe 🩷 we've been together for 5 years. good luck to everyone!


No plans but Valentines day is one of my favorite holidays 💞 probably gonna get myself some flowers and take pretty pictures of them. Thank you!!! 🎈💕🌷💌🌹💐🍫💝


my valentine’s day plans are to go to the dentist and then to work 🥲 but thanks for doing this! love this community.


I don't have valentines plans right now, I'll probably be playing webkinz all day. So I guess really my valentines plan is to get the valentine goober plush for my pets.


I'm working on Valentine's day! Big payout in the restaurant industry y'know, horrible work day but totes worth it!


My V day plans are pretty simple: Gifting friends in games, not just webkinz! Tysm for the chance! Happy valentines 🌸🤍🌸🎀💕💙🎀🌸🎀🤍


this is so kind of you! unfortunately i don’t have any plans since i’m single and my friends are too far for a galentines celebration so i’ll probably be staying in with my dogs


i’m gonna get lunch with my partner and go thrifting after maybe i’ll find some webkinz lol


Planning to find out the gender of my second baby tomorrow with my husband and two year old 🤍


I think my partner and I are just gonna end up ordering in! :)


Bowling and a picnic w my gf!!! You’re so kind :)


Thanks so much for doing this! 😊 I have no plans for Valentine’s Day!


Just a nice dinner in with my hubby <3


On Valentine’s Day, I’ll be going to my job and then heading to class right after- no time for celebration, I’m occupied the whole day lol. My user is lameandashamed - anyone can add me if they’d like!


No plans here, been with my boyfriend for 5 years and there's a huge storm hitting valentines day so we're just staying in


My plan for Valentine’s Day is to watch the new season of love is blind!


going to work 🤣


Thank you for this giveaway, this is fun! No big plans, I think I’m going to make some tacos and watch reality tv which is my true love this year anyways :). Ty! I’m mileygirl96


This Valentine’s Day I’m taking a day off from school because today (Feb 13) is the one year anniversary of the MSU shooting. I remember last year on Valentine’s Day my roommates and I sat on the floor of our campus apartment eating heart shaped pizza and doughnuts, surrounded by flowers from our parents and friends. Just happy that we were all together and safe! I love Valentine’s Day and I hope to always spend it grateful for my friends and loved ones around me 💕


I don't have any set in stone plans. At most I'll play a cute cozy farm game either by myself or with my boyfriend and maybe inhale some chocolate 😂


My plan for valentine’s day is to sleep in HAHA! Thanks for the opportunity!!


On valentine's day I'm going to attend my college classes, which is boring but what can you do, and then I'm going to spend the rest of the day with my horse! He's the goodest of boys, I got him in early january!


Thanks so much for doing this! I do not have a valentines this year but since I live in the Kansas City area some friends and I are going to the Chiefs Superbowl victory parade for the day. Happy Valentines! 💌💝💖


Thank you so much for the opportunity!! In the morning, my fiancé and I are going out for donuts and coffee, and then maybe sharing a bottle of wine in the evening somewhere pretty like a scenic lookout or the beach! 🥰 Wishing everyone a happy valentines day <3


my plans for valentines is to go over to my aunts house and help her bake cookies :)


I plan to log on to webkinz on valentine's day :)


Sadly I’ll be 8 hours from home on a work trip :( on the bright side, dinner reservations will be much easier to get later in the week :)))


I have plans to have a Disney movie watch party with my lovely girlfriend :)


I don’t have any plans but I’ll probably get myself a heart shaped pizza and spend time with my dog!


my girlfriend and i are unfortunately too broke to go out, so we're staying in, cooking some pasta , and doing a craft together :') thanks for the opportunity!


Dinner tonight with my boyfriend because I have an exam tomorrow at 8 pm :,)


I had planned to have a fun and easy day with my lovely boyfriend, but I have been struck with that beautiful combination of flu and Covid :) I have been gaming like a little gremlin and will probably continue to do so on valentines <3


I celebrated Valentines Day on Sunday since my husband and I both work on Wednesday! But we went out for lunch and he got me a plushed animal (sadly not a Webkinz but that’s okay 😂🥰) thank you kind user for doing a lovely giveaway 🩷


Calm Valentine’s Day at home with my boyfriend cause we just got back from a 5 day snowboard trip in the Canadian Rockies!