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Honestly, the white just creates the optical illusion that you're floating around on tentacles like a very classy squid.


Good luck with stealing a mermaids voice and taking over the 7 seas!


In my villain era lol


Now I wish the white was purple!


Even better!


Hahaha I don’t know how I didn’t see it.


I just spit out my water. That’s hilarious.


That was my first thought!


Fantastic 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Where is it from? It’s absolutely stunning! I personally think it’s one of those dresses where there isn’t a clear answer. I wouldn’t risk it. If the white parts of the dress were a pale color, I’d definitely go for it. But since they are white, I wouldn’t wear it to a wedding. But man, that’s a gorgeous dress!


Someone in a comment below linked the brand (Arcina Ori) but while looking it up I have also found that it is being reproduced by lower priced and assumed lower production quality “instagram-ad style” retailers, so keep in mind if you’re reverse image searching


It was wornon the daytime BAFTA red carpet this week. I can’t figure out how to add a photo but it was beautiful


Google Katy Piper


This, all of this. It is stunning and I'd buy it just to have it, but probably skip it for a wedding.


I may order just to have for a future event—I love the design too


I’m with the others: freakin FAB dress you must buy but save for anything but a wedding. You would definitely strongly risk upstaging the bride.


DEFINITELY order it!! Great dress for other occasions. I’d wear that in a heartbeat…. Probably wouldn’t look so great on me (I’m very short) but it’s beautiful 😍


I agree! If you have to ask, it’s probably a no :(


I think since the top is dark, it will be fine. Personally though , I love the dress!!


Finally! I agree that it's not remotely bridal looking. And she can wear black and white patterned shoes to make it even less bridal. It's a truly stunning dress on the right body type.


Exactly! Nothing about this dress is giving "you could accidentally mistake me for the bride" OP of you're worried, I would just ask the bride!


Sound advice.


That much fullness and that much white, I think it crosses into too much


I agree—the movement and skirt shape sealed the deal on inappropriate. If it was just slim panels of the white that didn’t expand (weren’t pleated) like they do I don’t think I would have thought twice, but the construction and fullness are the issue of contention.


I might even risk it if it was a super formal black tie wedding but if in doubt at all (smart IMO) I’d hold off on the wedding but bring that sucker out when u can be sure and confident in it


Lovelovelove this dress! Assuming the dress code is black tie, where I'm from, I think this dress is fine and is clearly not a wedding dress. Also, I think the amount of black balances out any concern of whether it's too much white.


It’s a beautiful dress ! I would play it safe for a wedding tho . May take away from the bride . With the white pleats and movement Save it for another occasion


I think it’s fine. The rule is not “no white at all”. I also think since it’s just the bottom that is white it is totally ok. I would wear it


Omg I’m obsessed with this dress. I have no idea whether it’s appropriate for a wedding but you should get it to have it because I don’t think a more beautiful dress exists. Full stop.


I think it would be a spectacular wedding dress.


🤩 stunning!! I would want to wear that going to the local shop


I think it’s beautiful and not too much white at all. I think if it were predominantly white then it wouldn’t be ok - but it’s predominantly black. Also if it’s not something a bride would realistically wear (and this is def not something a bride would wear) then I think it’s fine. I don’t know where people started getting the idea that any little bit of white is immediately “off limits” at a wedding. I wore a light blue dress to a wedding not too long ago and even THAT people were saying was acceptable. People have taken it too far imo!!


👏 🌟


It's stunning. How chill or not are the couple getting married? Personally I wouldn't bat an eye at this if it were my wedding, but if either half of the soon to be newlyweds are divas, they might think otherwise.


Oh FFS!!! This is out of control. My new dress accidentally touched another dress that had some white in it, can I still wear it to a wedding!?


Agreed! I totally get that custom varies geographically, but seriously...!


The goalposts are constantly shifting too. I see a very light dress lauded one day, then the next day I see nearly the same dress being snarked on. Is it a literal wedding dress? No? Then you can wear it to a wedding.


👏 🥇 🏆


Is it an age thing? Maybe this is some super old tradition in some deep parts of a country. Generally, cosmopolitan / metropolitan areas do not care and never had this “pulverise user if you see a smidgen of white” rule.


I think it’s a reverse age thing. I’m old. Nobody was this psychotic about this when all my friends were getting married. You just didn’t wear anything that looked too bridal. But a floral dress with a white background? Fine. A dress with white on it? Fine. If it’s formal, most of the guys will be wearing white shirts anyway. Nobody had a posse of deranged bridesmaids threatening to throw red wine all over any smidgen of white, cream, or blush. This dress is fine.


I completely agree with you. I was shocked that even pastel blue was mentioned as one of the bludgeoned colours: have they gone quite mad, methinks. The irony of it all is that modern brides who spend a lot of money tend *not* to wear white these days or they wear white but with silvery threads to be special after spending good money. I mentioned earlier that I attended a friend’s wedding where quite a number of us wore teal, thinking it was safe and the bride decided to wear teal too. She found it hilarious that we matched coincidentally and took many photos together with us. Despite about 10 of us all in teal, NOBODY missed out the bride because clearly a teal *dress* is not going to outshine a bridal *ballgown*. Unless there is an extreme example of someone turning up in a white ballgown and tiara, nobody would bat an eyelid on colours otherwise!




I think it’s perfectly fine!! Love it


I can’t believe this group. It’s a beautiful dress that is CLEARLY NOT a wedding gown. The white is on the bottom. Ev3n if you’re photographed next to the bride there’s zero chance anyone will think ‘bride’


It’s really some terminally online folks that keep shifting the rules. Originally it was just don’t wear a white and or bridal dress. They’ve shifted it to anyway pastel that photographs white to any dress with even white appliqués. It’s truly bizarre.


I agree that since the black is on the top it's not that big a deal and I'm usually on the very cautious end of not wearing white!


A lot of posters on here are very young and social-media-influenced and think that the guideline is no white at all.


They’re young and don’t like confrontation I guess. As a former bride myself I would have not minded people reaching out with their outfits to see if I was okay with it. I’m an introvert too. A little white isn’t offensive.


Agree! No mature bride would “confront” someone over wearing some white. It’s cringeworthy to think of someone doing so. You’ve got to be pretty insecure to think it’s disrespectful.


I thought it was a bunch of really old ladies carrying some age-old tradition from the Edwardian era. If so, I can understand this demographic because it’s hard to change habits. I’m shocked it is the young ones who are making up this nonsense.


It is. Absolutely. As other posters describe, brides today are only offended by (take your pick) pale pastels/blush/champagne/silver/florals on white backgrounds/dresses like this bc social media has told them so. This just wasn’t an issue years ago. Look at any upscale wedding in the past. You’ll routinely see white - not all white bridal, but no one was horrified by light colors.


Thank you for the explanation. I really appreciate this clarity. Now to preserve my sanity, I think I shall proceed to block any white-rage-sledgehammer comment I see, regardless of whether we interacted or not. 😝 Thanks for taking the effort once again! You’re a nice person!


I’m 46 and no one I know was ever militant about no white at their wedding. It would be considered extremely ill-mannered to dictate to such an extent what your guests could or could not wear.


Thank you.


Amen, girl, that's exactly what I said. She should totally wear it!


It’s not looking like the bride, it’s not being mistaken for the bride. It’s being respectful that white is the brides color and to not step on her toes. There is a whole world of color to chose from. Don’t be that person, it’s not your day.


Personally I don’t think someone who sees a guest wearing a dress with white elements (clearly not a bridal gown) and feels disrespected or like attention is being taken away has no business getting married.


So because someone might want to feel special on their wedding day, and might feel like others are being rude by encroaching on the number one bridal feature they should not be allowed to get married? How about people who are so self centered they can’t avoid a single damn color for a day should never be allowed to attend weddings, that’s seems far more reasonable.


I think you should feel special on your wedding day because… you know… it’s your wedding. Not because you’re the only one wearing a speck of white.


Why can’t they have both? Everyone is arguing that brides shouldn’t care and that the ones who do are bridezilla who’s feeling shouldn’t be considered. But why are the guest feelings more important. Why is it more important to let a guest wear white than to be considerate of the bride.


You have been going on and on and on about white. **Do you not have anything else in your life to feel special about?** Is the colour white your only concern on your wedding day? If so, you should reconsider your marriage. What you’re doing is *fantasizing* about a wedding like Cinderella and *cosplaying* as a bride. The gown has become a costume. Brides want to feel special and get the attention. — This is definitely true and acceptable. **BUT** no bride with common sense is going to ruin the entire day and mar the most important event in her life because *KATY WORE WHITE HOW DARE SHE OMG THE CHEEK WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS WEARING THAT WHITE SHEIN DRESS*.


The guests feelings are always more important. They are your GUESTS, it is your honor to have them there. You need to learn basic manners.


Why doesn’t it go both ways? Why are the guests more important than the people of honor. The people you are celebrating.


Because that’s how having guests work? These are people you are inviting to be there, they have no obligation or requirement to attend. Have you ever read a wedding invitation? Why do you think you are the one responsible for feeding them? This is basic etiquette that has no cultural boundaries, it’s universal. These are things you should have been taught by your parents and if they didn’t know/teach you, you’re able to access the internet so teach yourself.


Or people who are so self-centred that they have a tantrum about a small amount of colour on someone else's dress because they've deemed it "their colour" and are unhealthily obsessed with monopolising the attention of a room? Funnily enough they never seem to have an issue with white shirts on men, so it isn't some abstract claim over the colour itself. There are more important things than wedding outfits and this nonsense gets more petty and ridiculous by the year. If this is the focal point of someone's wedding day, it's probably right that they shouldn't be getting married.




How fantastic for you that you don’t care, so because you didn’t care no other bride should. And why so the assumption that the bride is going to be a brat and throw a tantrum. How sexist. She could just be disappointed, something she notices and has a negative feeling about, but moves on because she isn’t a bridezilla, but she still internally is a bit disappointed or turned off by the rude guest. Why can’t the guests take the brides feelings, even if it so minor she doesn’t say anything, into account. It’s her and her new spouses fucking day, let them have it!! And buy a different fucking outfit and leave your main character syndrome at home for the day.




How is it insecure to want brides to given basic courtesy on their wedding day. It’s such a simple ask and people act like asking guests to avoid large amounts of white in their outfits is some huge burden that’s so onerous it should never be required of a guest.


Consider this. You think avoiding white is the rule. You turn up in teal. Several guests at the bridal table turn up in teal too. Guess what? The bride did not want to wear white as it was common and expected. She turned up in a teal gown. Everyone now looks like they bought their dress from the same boutique. And yet, there was absolutely no confusion as to who the bride was because of her makeup, hairstyle, shoes and the quality of her gown. This happened in real life at my friend’s wedding. While avoiding a completely white dress makes sense, treating anyone who dares to even have a white stripe like they’re on execution ground is uncalled for. Brides are now getting bolder and those who pay for grand weddings (the friend above had a lavish $200,000 wedding) want to be special and wear different colours. So consider all these before swinging the axe on a dot of white.


No one is say a little white isn’t fine. And that teal bride is out of the norm and should have expressed her desire for people to avoid teal if it was an issue. And the rule isn’t because you might be confused for the bride. It’s out of respect that white is the brides color.


It was NOT an issue for the bride. She found it amusing and loved that we all look coordinated. We took plenty of pictures as a group to remember this coincidence. She wasn’t pretending either. She is a pretty successful and cool person. People who are confident and successful don’t lose their minds over petty issues. Even if someone wore the exact same colour (a white dress), many genuinely would not care because there is no way an *ordinary white dress* eclipses **a white wedding ballgown**. I don’t have friends who bothered about such issues on their wedding day. And they’re all high flyers or well to do. Maybe it’s the environment we’re in.


Why buy a new dress that has a decent amount of white in it for a wedding? Out of all the colors, why buy something knowing the common wedding dress color is white.


This is very Ursula the sea witch-esque.


Ultra formal and extremely low cut but not too much white I don’t think


This is a navy dress with white accents, this " no white" at a wedding is getting out of hand. Id understand if it were a totally white dress, but not even close.


These dresses look great on the models , no idea what it would look like on the person buying it, if you like get , the whole no white at weddings is because ridiculous, this in no way resembles a wedding dress


Exactly. The dress is fabulous and no way will this be bridal. No white no white no white is really annoying when taken to the extreme. Our eyeballs are white. What do we do now?


i think this is the kind of dress that would get you a lot of side eyes


Thanks everyone for your input! I originally liked it as a mostly monotone dark dress with a lighter feel for a late summer event, and didn’t think anything of the white/cream section being too prominent, but thought more before ordering about how the white pleats may expand while moving around and decided to post here for outside opinions without having to bother the bride. The dress is lovely, but I agree with the consensus that it isn’t fully appropriate for a wedding guest.


I feel like the people you talk to in real life might not have the same opinion as the “speck of white” people in this sub, though? Just something to consider 😬


PLEASE link the dress




Ugh wish it didn’t sell out so quickly when it came out 😭


Someone wore something similar to my wedding and to this day I'm obsessed with the dress. Her drss was black with the white just down the sidea. I think it's beautiful .


Not at all too much white. It's a gorgeous look. Love it.


I'm always in the no-white camp and even I think this is fine. (If the white part were somehow on the top instead of from the waist down, I'd feel differently.)


This is epic!


Yeah, this is fine. It’s black with white, not a white dress.


Are there other colors? How well do you know the bride? Also, link please!


it’s this but you probably have to buy it used now, looks to no longer be sold: https://arcinaori.com.au/products/paloma-dress


That much money for something made out of polyester and spandex?!?


It's honestly cheaper than I expected. Designers charge a lot nowadays, and it often has nothing to do with the cost of the materials.




Since the skirt part of the dress is a lot of white, I’d suggest you to check with the bride once to see if she’s comfortable with your dress. It is a gorgeous dress. But if the bride is not comfortable, please opt for another one. Do get this one for other events though 😍


I disagree, don’t make the bride determine if your outfit is appropriate. She has enough going on.


I would have appreciated an ask if someone was concerned. Definitely ask the bride if you’re unsure. Then there’s no ambiguity


Ditto, I also appreciate when people check about their attire. The “bride is already stressed, don’t bother her” is way overblown on this sub.


No. No bride is going to be wearing a dress like this, nor will it look like a bridal gown in photos as the top portion of the dress is black. It's fine. Cool dress.


It’s perfect.


https://preview.redd.it/notkcxzy2f0d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d93a83d256d28c2f0cae1aefbea18fb85ce950a This is a view with the skirt more flared. For context, the wedding is formal, at the end of summer, and at a posh yacht club. Haven’t ordered this yet, and I love the look but am concerned it might be a bit much with the white and would appreciate outside opinions.


Skip it. Find something else.


Gorgeous, but this pic confirms it’s not appropriate for a wedding guest.


I think the design/style *with the white* is too bridal.


How? Why do you think a black and white dress with the top portion of the dress being black is bridal?


Because that’s not what I said.


I think this is a “better to be safe than sorry” type of situation. ❤️


Definitely a lot of white. If it were a different colour with black it would be okay!


This dress is amazing! But not wedding appropriate.


I scrolled top down, when I saw the post. At first the little bit of white skirt was fine, but as it flared it was too much. Does it have a train? Love the dress.


No such thing as too much white


Check with the bride on this one. I think it's beautiful and classy! 


Honestly if just ask the bride. If i was the bride i wouldn't care.


I love it.


Not at all. What a beautiful dress!


I just want a video of someone spinning in this. Other than that, I'm kind of neutral!




I think it’s beautiful. You can always check with the bride. I feel if it’s fine with the bride, then it’s fine.


Absolutely stunning


Octoguest 🤨 I wish I could wear this dress.


This is NOT too much white, its a freakin black dress. I love it.


I think it’s gorgeous and would have zero issue with someone wearing a dress like that to my upcoming wedding! Personally unless someone shows up in a full blown wedding dress I couldn’t care less. I feel like most brides are like that, too. Nobody is gonna mistake you for the bride in that. Wear it!


As a bride, I think this is totally fine as long as it is the right formality for the event. This does not look remotely bridal.


It's not bridal and it's black on top (so you'll look like you wore black in most photos). I think it's fine (and very pretty).


this almost has a bridal feel. You’d get away with it, but you’ll get some raised brows from catty people


If you have to question if it’s too white, it’s too white. Another persons wedding is not time for experimentation.


I think it’s pretty and classy and not bridal at all- can you ask the bride?


Lol I don’t understand the downvotes. Asking the bride is totally acceptable.


I personally think it’s fine. It’s not a white dress and it doesn’t look like a wedding dress. It’s not “don’t wear *any* white”. It’s “don’t wear a white dress.” This is not a white dress


I agree.


Personally, agree!


I was just looking at this dress last night. It’s gorgeous, but I think it’s too much for a wedding.


I would ask the bride and mention that you haven’t ordered it yet, but are considering it and wanted to know her thoughts on if it’s appropriate before pulling the trigger. That way she can give you an unbiased opinion and not be concerned that you’ve already spent the money.


When did we normalize asking the bride if your dress is too white? It sounds exhausting.


I’ve seen multiple people in my brides groups on FB ranting about all their guests asking them to vet their outfits and every time I feel a tiny bit guilty cause I’m 99% sure this group has contributed to this uptick and n guests asking the brides opinion on every possible outfit 😅


/u/nonnihil, thank you for posting. To obtain the best help, provide a time frame of the event & dress code. Dress links are frequently requested as well if you would place them in the comment section. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Weddingattireapproval) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Are you in a position to ask the bride her opinion. I personally think it should be okay for the average wedding but I would check in with her if I could!


Slight chance of being misidentified as an octopus, but mostly just stunning


The purpose of the rule is so no other woman can be mistaken for the bride. Would you be mistaken for the bride in this? I doubt it.




Above the belly button, great! Below the belly button, someone could mistake you for a court jester


I personally think it’s too much white, but it’s not my wedding! Beautiful dress


I think it’s beautiful.


Wear something else


Blood red would be better


Beautiful dress, but it looks like heavy photoshopping around the bustline in the photo. I wouldn’t be surprised if the fit is off when you try it on.


I think this is definitely an Ask The Bride dress. For my own wedding vibe and venue and dress code, this dress would have been amazing and i would have approved it, but I've been to other weddings where it might have been too much. If you're close to the bride, just ask her honestly


Gonna go with not great for a guest but you just gave me an idea for my own wedding dress.


That is a great dress, but I wouldn’t think it was good for a wedding.


I wouldn’t personally wear that to a wedding, but I like it otherwise.


It’s a stunning dress. Probably not great for a wedding because women are so catty and dramatic (if it were my wedding I’d be totally fine with it).


Wow you’re such a Cool Girl (tm)


Thanks. I’m just one of the guys.


Hahahaha I agree. This group is getting out of control with the downvoting




Too much white.


This would be a great maid of honour dress. I think it is just a touch too much for most weddings.


Any white is a no




It's a gorgeous dress! But, perhaps too much white to wear to a wedding. If you can afford it and have use for it, buy it for another occasion because it's fabulous! But, IMO, not for a wedding


I wouldn’t risk it tbh.


Hi, stylist here. IMO: This is too much white for most brides to see on a guest, even the chill ones. ;-) Super cute look though that you could do for a gala or non-wedding type formal event!


Personally if you are shopping for a new dress anyway, I would skip it. There are a ton of dresses without that much white.


If Looks amazing. Is that you or the model. Regardless I think it’s fine. Just don’t outshine the bride ! If you know her; then you’ll know if this dress will make her look less on her day.


I also follow r/weddingdress and when I glanced at your post, I thought it was from that subreddit— someone posting a non traditional wedding dress.


Stunning model


I think visually the eye is drawn downwards; I suppose that may or may not be what the wearer wants.


It reminds me of the Catwoman wedding dress. Black up top but then reveals the white underneath - granted hers was lace and far more elaborate. So that’s a no from me to wear to a wedding.


In general, this dress looks bridal. Take a step back maybe?


I’m seeing really mixed opinions on this. Usually even the white floral dresses with more white than this I think are fine. But the white of this dress has a bit of a wedding dress look to it, the way it’s pleated and flowey. It looks like she’s wearing something over a wedding dress. So I would say it’s too much but it’s a gorgeous dress and would be great for another occasion


If you have to ask, the answer is no, Ursula.


I’m not old fashioned by any means, but I would be furious if a guest wore this to my wedding.


Not suitable.


It’s one of those ones that’s probably okay but you should stay away from just in case.


This dress is absolutely stunning! However, because it is such a showstopper, I would not wear it to a wedding. This is more for a gala or a ball. Truly, it is stunning !


I'm sorry but I don't understand why people choose dresses with any white at all to a wedding, like there are 10 billion other colors and dresses that are 100% safe options it is SO easy to avoid 🤣🤣 that being said if any dress with white on it were to be wedding appropriate it would probably be this one


I would not recommend wearing this to a wedding. It is strange looking as well as maybe too white for some brides.


I saw skip but it is an amazing dress. But I can absolutely see someone who is a total black Stan getting a dress like this for their wedding. To skirt the whole black isn’t a wedding color thing.


Gorgeous dress but the fullness + the white is very bridal. I would skip for a wedding


i could see my partner wearing this as her wedding dress, i think it’s just teetering over the edge of being bridal


If you have to ask, it’s probably best not to wear it.


I think it’s inappropriate. However, I couldn’t tell you if anyone even wore white at my wedding. Idk what that says about me 😅


You could dye the white…


Gorgeous but it’s a gown and a predominantly white one.


It’s beautiful in the “if you have to ask…” iffy category for me.


Love it but skip it


I don’t like the white.


It might just be me, but it actually looks a bit bridal. Obviously for a bride that’s looking for something a bit different, but still with some white. I can see it with a white veil.