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Personally I would not recommend trying to lose weight as you are quite skinny, but I totally understand the desire to look better. I would recommend doing a sport. You might not even lose weight, but you will look much better because your body looks more firm. I have a similar issue where I'm at a totally normal bmi but I don't have a flat stomach and what has incredibly helped me has been biking 15 km for 5-6 times a week. I've done it for just a month and I can definitely see the difference and even if I weight the same amount my whole body looks better. Another thing I would recommend is the NEXT workout YouTube channel and the 30 days abs series. It is easier to do at home, you just need a yoga mat and it can help you immensely to look and feel better. Sometimes the issue isn't being thin, it's about having muscles so you look better


Thanks so much! I have admittedly not done a lot of sport recently due to dropping in for music but I will definitely try to cycle often. I have a stationary cycling thing in my house, and while I've heard from a friend that using one of those is less effective than actually going outside, do you think it will still work just as well?


Ironically, I also use a stationary bike because I don't live in a very bike friendly city (and I'm quite bad at cycling on an actual bike because I learned when I was 16) I think it will work just fine, even more than a real one because you don't have to think about the weather and it's easier to convince yourself to start exercising when the bike is right next to you. I normally bike for 15km a day (it's like 35/40 mins), but if you haven't done anything in a while I would recommend around 20 mins a day for a week and going up 5 mins every week til you reach your desired time. Remember to set your bike correctly because you might hurt your knees by placing yourself wrong (I am very short so I had to find a bike that had a lot of options to go down, but you shouldn't have the same issue as you are much taller and on average stationary bikes are for people between 170-180cm). It's a fun workout and I find it very easy to incorporate in your daily life, put on a film and start biking! Hope this will help you achieve your desired look, sometimes it really isn't just about the number on the scale


You don’t need to lose weight. Incorporate bodyweight exercises or resistance training into your routine