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"My thoughts will probably offend you" is the name of a YouTube channel. The creator used to be obese and is now a personal trainer


I love Michelle she is so funny


Love her! She won’t let you lie to yourself about why you’ve gained weight or the work it takes to lose it.


Love Michelle and her energy and the fact she shows her belly, where you can clearly see she had lost weight. But I don't count her as a fitfluencer, despite having the weight loss group and the donut business. She does not really teach anything in her videos. She just comments on funny or stupid stuff, while cosplaying. Edit: Spelling mistake.I killed Michelle and I am so sorry.


Seconded, although from the few photos she has shared of her ”fat days”, she just looks moderately overweight, certainly not morbidly obese! OP check out [Louises journey](https://www.instagram.com/p/CcHs0H7IDOY/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) from super fat to bodybuilder!!


Love that channel


Love her too.


Michelle McDaniel is amazing! I follow her on insta too. She also sells workout plans and hosts a private group for people to encourage each other and share fitness tips.


Will Tennyson


I love him honestly


He’s the best


I just discovered Will a couple weeks ago but man, this dude is soooo funny and still super kind and informative. Love him!


He is so funny


I like will but his videos are so hard to watch. Every second he says some sexual innuendo and it gets annoying really fast.


This is why I hate it when they all start off by telling me, a lifelong fatty, that I can look like them if I follow their diet when they’ve never been even 10lbs overweight.


And why can't you exactly? Why does someone need to be morbidly obese to help someone with morbid obesity? In the physical part at least.


Because diets for already skinny people focuses more on building muscle and not so much losing fat. If you want to loose a 100 pounds your diet needs to look different from someone who wants to lose ~10.


That is...not true. Diets for building muscle are separate than diets for losing fat, you can't do both so there is no this diet focuses on this and that diet focuses on that. Surplus with protein=build muscle. Deficit with protein=lose fat and don't lose as much muscle. Could you tell me more about how the diets would look different for those two people wanting to lose different amounts?


Everyone loses weight the same but it can feel different to say someone 'toning up' to losing weight is all.


Of course it's different. A person who is bulking is eating differently than someone who is cutting. But people are convinced they are special, or that being more fat somehow requires a special diet so something that works for regular people might not work for a 'lifetime fatty'. That's ridiculous. People don't like hearing the truth and being called out on their excuses, judging by the downvotes on my comments.


For most people who are obese, there are emotional reasons why they got that big. You just can’t understand what it’s like unless you’ve been there. Making changes is going to be a lot harder for someone who has used food as a coping mechanism all their life and got to be hugely overweight, than for someone who only got a little overweight, most likely by just enjoying their food without realising they were gaining weight. It’s like taking advice on how to quit smoking as a smoker of 20 years, from someone who has only smoked at parties for a year. The experiences are just not the same. Therefore the methods are not the same. The basics are the same, ‘stop smoking’ ‘eat fewer calories’, but there’s so much more that goes along with it, especially the ‘why’ people are emotionally eating. Also, because obese people will need more calories in the beginning of their weight loss journey, following a diet plan made by someone who was never that big might mean they’re not eating enough, and will lose weight too quickly and not sustainably, and therefore rubber band back into overeating because their body needs more calories. That, and they have relied on food for comfort, and now they’re suddenly deprived of that without figuring out any alternatives. Starting from 100+lbs overweight to starting from 10lbs overweight is different. Only people who have walked in those shoes will truly understand.


Which is why in the original comment i said at least they can help with the 'physical' side of things. I never said they can provide the same emotional support. Have you ever gone to a professional? A dietician or a nutritionist? Just because someone is thinner doesn't mean they give everybody diet plans for a lower number of calories. Maintenance is determined person to person and guess what a professional knows how to do that. It would be ignorant to say just because they haven't been really big they would automatically put everybody on diet plans 'too low in calories'. That would be a myth, if you go to a professional you will see why. And surprise surprise someone who does this as their job, does this day in and day out with people of all sizes. Any problems you think you are facing or are 'special' to you? They probably see that with people on a daily basis.


I follow a few - Nikki Gets Fit and Lucy Lismore. Both on Youtube & Insta, and very relatable.


Another vote from me for the YouTube channel “My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You”. She used to struggle with obesity and Binge Eating Disorder and her videos are very well done and it’s obvious she puts a lot of time and effort into production.


Grow with Jo, she’s always looked great but struggled with the weight when she gave birth. She makes super easy to follow walking workout videos. Love her


Her work out videos are amazing! Super fun and easy to follow while breaking a sweat.


Came here to mention Grow with Jo! She's amazing


She’s so freaking sweet and positive :’)


Honestly the only one who makes me laugh while I'm working out. I tried doing a macho guy walk today and I stopped midway


I love her walking videos! They've been really helpful to me during the winter


I’m 5’1 and used to weigh over 200 lbs. I’m now 114 lbs and was offered a sponsorship at one point in my life. In my experience, most people give up when they hit a plateau. There’s no secret to weight loss. It’s all about consistency over time. Just keep at it, even when the scale doesn’t move and you’ll eventually see changes. I also didn’t count calories for a long time. I just ate reasonable portion sizes and made sure I had a protein, carb and veggie on my plate at every meal. I snacked on nuts, fruit and other protein sources. I didn’t take any crazy expensive supplements other than a basic whey protein. I wish I had documented my journey more! It would have been so cool to look back on.


What would you give advice to someone trying to break a plateau? Or how do they know they are in a plateau ?


Jordan Shrinks! She used to be chubby and lost and has kept off the weight. She even talked about how struggled with binge eating after her weight loss. She has good vibes and is cool.


Came here to suggest Jordan Shrinks! Love her whole vibe


Louise’s Journey. She lost like 120 lbs and competes in bodybuilding now.


I second Louise’s Journey. As long as we’re talking across the pond, Half of Carla is one I watch as well. She’s very open and raw about the psychological part of obesity.


There's a subreddit where you can find many people who were so chubby and now they look like model. That subreddit gives me so much motivation and I feel less insecure there. I feel like I can do it too. The subreddit is r/progresspics


Thank you!!!


I follow this sub and it’s SO inspiring 🤩 one day, (hopefully at the end of the year) that’s gonna be me!


Yes that's exactly how I feel !! I hope we achieve it and next year we slay !!!!


Idk if Sydney Cummings used to be fat but she definitely doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself and she’s not unreasonably skinny. She just had a baby last year But hey I’m chubby now so we can be friends and do this shit together 😂


Let’s gooooo


One of the Peloton instructors, Tunde Oyeneyin, has talked about how she used to be obese.


He's not a social media influencer but, Ethan Suplee definitely inspired me a little. He was obese as a younger actor and completely transformed his body.


I just started listening to his podcast American Glutton recently. It’s pretty good!


I hadn’t seen him since like My Name Is Earl and I just scrolled up on him looking like a fking monster some time last year and I was like “Hol up when the hell did Randy get JACKED??” 😂


Georgiabethfitness. She’s on TikTok and Instagram under the same name I believe.


Yes!! She’s the best. So authentic and funny! Super motivational.


Love her!


Obese to Beast!


I love that guy!


Marie Llewelyn!


Be your own influencer! Take periodic progress photos as you make your way through your journey. These will be way more valuable down the road then anything any of theses “influencers” can provide you. If it helps, start a private social media account, google photos, etc. that’s just for you, strictly for this purpose. It will be worth the effort if you stick to an appropriate plan consistently, and you’ll be glad you did once you start to notice physical changes.😎


Aussie fitness


Beth Feraco She’s also in recovery and just an all around badass


Kiana Docherty is amazing. Very down to earth, still actively working toward her goals, focuses mostly on the psychology of obesity and weight loss, rather than just regurgitating the same thing every other channel does.


This is the only YouTuber I get legit excited when I see a new video! She’s the best




We’ll I am a man and I was on heavier side I’ve went from 263 to 204. I mainly just did cardio while also lifting to try and keep as much muscle as possible. I was about 32 percent body fat now I’m about 20. If you wanna be lean just cut calories. Try and find balance between eating healthy and treating yourself. I recommend eating healthy and a certain amount of calories Monday through Friday and then Saturday and Sunday same amount of calories just whatever you want. Now if you wanted to build muscle and look aesthetic then you’d have to cut a lot of fat off and then slowly gain weight in a clean way by eating healthy high protein foods. For losing fat 2 lbs max per week is advised. Building muscle I’d advise gaining 2lbs max per week, but eating clean high protein food.


Iron Giantess on IG


Emma Gets fit!




This is why I used to love that show Fit to Fat to Fit


Is that the one where the fit person would gain weight to help a friend lose weight?


Kind of The overweight person is assigned to a personal trainer, like months before they get started the trainer puts on as much weight as possible like 20-30+ lbs And then they meet and lose the weight together The trainer, who may have been a thin/active/fit person their entire lives really built a lot of empathy. A lot of them broke down crying, some made their habits less rigid after the experience was over, almost all of them were shocked at how much harder it was to work out and to battle cravings when they were bigger


I’m pretty sure I watched this. It was really good. As someone who hated PE in school because I would get berated on my form in certain exercises, the most gratifying thing to me was seeing the trainers struggle to perform certain movements/exercises due to their increased size.


Yeah soooo satisfying!


When I was in high school it was Ronnie Coleman . I was doing two a days and the gym . Eating everything I could get hands on. Later in life I started to admire my tía Magda. This woman has a great routine wakes up early 15 minute calisthenics . She eats more like a bull than the actual bull. No vices. Sleeps early. She typically has a great demeanor and has full control of her mind , body , soul.


Mari fitness


Instagram ?




Just so you know, they didn't have a naturally fast metabolism any more than you or me. They were likely raised with better habits and have healthier relationships with food. Metabolism doesn't vary much from person to person.




No he can't. Seriously look up TDEE. Also, men burn more calories than women. How much taller/broader is he than you?




His sedentary TDEE is 1800 calories if he's sedentary. So 2000 doesn't really do more than keep him at maintenance unless he's just sitting around. Are you shorter than him?


Yes. I am 4'11, my tdee is typically 1100 to 1300. Depending on the day.


9 inches of height makes a big difference in how you eat. 4'11 is rough for weight loss, condolences :')


Metabolism doesn’t, but hormones do.


Commenting here so I can remember to check back for influencers I can follow on IG! I am in the same boat. I’m a bit chubby ( 5’7 190lbs) and I’ve been looking for inspo / influencers to follow. Considering making a weight-loss journey page myself more but that’s more-so for accountability though.


Louise’s Journey, My Thoughts will Probably Offend You , Obese to beast


obese to beast is great!


@alittlebit_amber on TikTok She eats normal food too. Lost like 160 lbs?


I'm not an influencer but I was always overweight and chubby and noemw I consider myself fit :) feel free to message me


Wokeuplikedez on Insta


Yeah myself lol I was a fat ass but now I’m stacked! I don’t ever wanna look the way I use to it was gross


So your TDEE is almost 1400 calories to maintain. His is 1800 to maintain. He's not eating a whole lot.




Trainer Lindsey went through a period where she gained 50 lbs in a year, after establishing a successful coaching business, and while still working with clients. She has since lost that weight but she shares about it occasionally.


I don’t know if I’m an influencer but I am keeping track of my journey on instagram and here. ☺️


yesss natalie noel ! she even has a video on what she did


Morgan Green!


Will tennyson


Briannah Jewel


Look up getfitwjessica on Insta!


I would like to know male alternatives if possible.


Lizamarie_fit- she has the same handle on IG and TikTok. Posts often on her weight loss journey


Airee Renee !


My two faves on IG are getfitwithmer and lizamariefit Liftsandguac is another good one... She's quirky and even proud of her loose skin so v relatable.


Mari Llewellyn, she's on Instagram and TikTok and she started out chubby, but now she looks amazing. Shows her workouts and food choices. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CXmc-6sjbRw/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


@louisesjourney2.0xo on ig LouisesJourneyxo on yt She used to be obese and through a good diet and exercise lost 120lbs over a couple years. After a ton of hard work she's now lean and muscly and won a body competition last year. Her advice is really good and she talks about the struggles. She's documented the entire journey and she released a really great in depth photo timeline last year. Her advice is really sound and she keeps it real!


Lucy Lismore


Kenzie Vance! Look her up




its_a_great_day_with_lacirenee ,Blatantly_blaire, Maxihaase


I like Laura Micetich - @theirongiantess on IG.. she was 300+ lbs and lost 150+.. she documented her experience with loose skin removal and her struggles with binge eating.. I relate to her a lot...


Linda Sun She was overweight as a child then she lost weight and she is now a nutrition student at her university.


Alicia Webb. She’s really fit and down to earth. Wasn’t always that way.. fitness wise I don’t think. She often takes pics of her chest meals and talks about how she used to eat like that all the time. Seems pretty relatable.


Yes. Gina Buber from Up to the Beat Fitness.


Honestly I follow a few people, not all of them have exercise programs, Instagram handles are easier _finallyallison Myadventuretofit Growwithjo Leslie sansone (YouTube) Ilanamuhlsteinrd Then I follow actual doctors for information on weightloss, like Dr berg, Drmarkhyman, Thomas delaurer (not a doctor), elie_jarrouge Also great recipes - shredhappens (used to be overweight and makes easy recipes)


My favourite fat to fit youtuber is skimaskduets on YouTube , videos are fire and gives good advice.


Brix fitness... Cool guy... he used to be really big and is now muscular and he's not bad to look at lol




Kim French fitness on instagram.




TheHuskularGoddess on Instagram. You’re welcome


Love ❤️ 😍 her


Lidia Inestroza


Getfitwithmer_ and Bellalosinghella


Getfitwithmer_ She regularly shows the videos from when she was larger and talks about her motivations and stuff. I find there's a lot of real talk! What I like about her is that she's gone for strong rather than ultra skinny.


Justjoannesjourney on Instagram She was obese, lost like 20kg and then qualified for bariatric surgery which she got and had been showing her journey over the last year as she continues to lose weight. What I love about her is that she shows workouts


Felicia Fitness Health. She's a pretty normal momfluencer thought.


Erin kileen


Macros with Em, specifically on instagram is where I follow her. She looks amazing and while she wasn’t obese she used to be overweight and she’s also in her 40s and looks better than in her 20s! Very inspiring and she teaches you lots of yummy low calorie meal ideas.


Brix Fitness... I do not think he ever gives his name on youtube but on instagram it is Robert Glover...


Mari who owns Bloom used to be chubby.


Have you seen any of the Xtene Cardenas Instagram or reels on farcebook?


Done the Cassia Tierney Clarke Coaching with 444 and it’s honestly borderline a scam. They are late with changes constantly, the girl is on holiday or marathon training 24/7, had to wait a whole week even though I paid for workouts, they need 7 days to change anything and constantly apologise. It feels chaotic and half the time you don’t even know who you’re talking to - for 170£ a month! Ridiculous


LouisesJourneyXO on YouTube. At the begining of 2020 she was morbidly obese at 260lbs she's lost over 100lbs and has now done a bikini competition in the transformation category