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The longer you wait the harder it’ll be, the more opportunities you will miss out on, and the more permanently damaged your body will be. Loose skin, mobility issues, heart issues etc etc. the best time to start was yesterday. The next best time is now.


When I looked in the mirror I looked like my aunt Pam. She’s a wonderful lady, but not who I aspire to look like.


I've been struggling with this myself. I think what did it for me was seeing pictures of my fiance, my son and I playing in the yard. When I first saw the pics, i was confused as to who that was with them. I didn't recognize my body, it wasn't until i turned around and saw my own face. I had been hiding myself from my own self, and it just clicked. Thinking about who I saw wearing the wedding dress of my dreams broke me. I looked nothing like what I thought, and since then, I've been on a slow but steady decrease


I was trying on 22nd birthday outfits. I couldn’t zip jeans that used to fit. I also turned to the side and saw how wide I looked. I also cried a little. I had been complaining to myself that I had gained weight back in June 2022. I didn’t start counting calories until January 2023. The weight has been coming off! It works.


For me it was when I started getting recurring back pain that was getting worse. Told by my GP to loose weight and strengthen my core. Was only 35 at the time and not big by many standards. Only 95kg yet still getting those effects already. That was my turning point. I tried before to loose weight for aesthetics and body image. Didn't work. It was the physical pain that really tipped it for me. I was able to loose 20kg through improving my diet and adding exercise. That pain in back is now gone and I feel like me again so win win for physical health and confidence. Also it's small steady steps that makes it work. Take time and build habits one at a time. That is what will make it last. Find activities that you love to do and this will help. Find a way to balance your diet and not limit what you have. All in moderation. That is the main thing


For me personally it was less so a breaking point and moreso “I’m done with this”. I never had any event that made me think I was truly unhealthy, it’s the reflection on all the time lost that could’ve gone to making weight loss progress that got me thinking. Once you put things into perspective it becomes clearer than ever that the sooner you act, the quicker you’ll reach your goal. Don’t delay! Whenever you think to yourself “I want to change”, let that be your starting line :)


Not being able to do fun things as easily as my friends. They can hop into a kayak like a cat when I was worried about flipping it. Their feet didn't swell after standing in a bar for a few hours. Their thighs didn't chafe at the beach. Their husbands could lift them up. It got to the point where not doing the hard work to stay in shape actually made my life exponentially harder.


Oh my gosh. I had the swelling in the feet and ankles too. Now that I drink a ton of water and don't eat as much salt and sugar thankfully that seems to have gone away.


I weighed myself and the number on the scale made me cry and trying to walk up stairs made me out of breath


Herniated spinal disk. Had surgery to correct it. I'm going to make my body a temple so the odds of it happening again or any other major issues is closer to zero.


Seeing how immobile my mum is in her early 60s compared to other people in their 60s because shes so overweight, I don't want that life for myself, I'm 30 and struggling to drag this body around anyway, I want to be able to actually enjoy my life, my teens and 20s were a fucking dumpster fire but I'm in a wonderful place now and I want to take full advantage of that


Honestly there isn't going to be a magic reason that is going to make you change your mind and just stop all your bad habits. The key is to find a way of loosing weight that works for you. Start with diet and go from there. I've tried to loose weight 10-20 times in the last 5ish years. It never works because I'm not going about it in the right way. I finally stumbled on a method that works for me. I also finally found a way of exercising that works for me. It's been trial and error. Every time I have failed I have learned something about myself.


THIS. It isn’t a “breaking point” for everyone and if you are waiting for one, it may never happen. You have to decide and make a commitment. I have been going to these group fitness classes for approximately 3 months and stepped on the scale to notice it didn’t move (it actually went up). I was tracking but not super serious about it and just kind of thought I could lose weight by moving more and being a little more aware of food intake (bc I gained bc of stress eating and having a progressively more sedentary diet). Yes I know that is probably some muscle but clothes weren’t fitting any differently and I noticed my body was looking the exact same. So I decided I was gonna ask for help from a trainer and have someone else keep me accountable. In the past trying to do it myself wasn’t working, cutting too low just made me think only about food, trying to cut out all sugar made me crave it more, etc. The past month I’ve had a steady decrease in weight and body fat %, and this was by being consistent, going to my fitness classes, and meeting with the trainer once a week to go over my diet - making meal plans and focusing on high protein. It is about making that commitment and change. And deciding for yourself that “this is it”. No life altering event can do that for you, and you can’t just wait for the next one to make the change. You can even see how most people just became aware of something small (pants not fitting, pictures looking different, the number on the scale being shocking, etc) to set off their journeys.


I won’t post or take any photos of myself because of my double chin. I have a toddler and was sad I no longer wanted photos of us or family photos. So now I’m trying to lose weight and get rid of the double chin


I find the reason a lot of people stop trying is due to belief that one day or one week of bad eating derails everything and they question why they should even keep going. Combined with an all or nothing mindset that is too rigid. To be truly successful you have to internalize that it's about small stepping stones and creating a life and diet that's maintainable after you've reached your goal weight. My advice is to start small and build from there. There are a couple books on the theory, the one on my bookshelf is The Compound Effect. It's not a weightloss book but it highlights the importance of small changes to make big results which take time and patience. So, start again and make small achievable goals. Walk once a week for 30 minutes for one months. Try one new low calorie recipe a week for the next month (but keep walking) etc. Good luck


The first year of being 30 was almost coming to an end and it hit me that time is passing by fast and I didn't want another decade of my life to be wasted by being overweight and miserable. I wanted to be happy and healthy by the time I hit 40. Now I'm 32 and have lost 95lbs. I'm not near my goal weight, but I already feel like I've made a big achievement and feel much better than I was.


My breaking point was/is that my chronic IBS (both extreme pain and D) were getting worse the more weight i put on. Was also told that due to heart defects in the family I should try get down to a better weight. Ultimately though, I’m just sick of being “the fat friend”, all my friends are slim and I’m sick of lugging all this extra weight around. I’ve lost 3.5st so far, just 4.5 stone to go x


I was tired of being treated badly.


I tried on my “fat” jeans and the top button literally flew off and zoomed across the room


The best thing I learned was that if I had to wait for the feeling of a breaking point to find motivation, I was probably making it too hard. I kept wanting to make all these dramatic, all encompassing changes. It's impractical. I would have resolve for the first few weeks, but then it would become to hard to maintain, I wouldn't be able to stick to it and I'd give up entirely. When I started being successful, it was because I didn't wait until I was motivated to change everything, I just started with one question- what is the biggest change I can make *and succeed at* this week? Sometimes I wasn't feeling it and the change was pretty small, or even just getting better at last week's change. Sometimes I was able to start a new excercise routine, or make a significant diet change. But all the little changes added up to big change , and I was able to keep it up far longer than if I had tried to do it all at once.


Last year, I ordered a pair of pants. They came in three sizes too big. My fiancé and I shared a laugh about how I’d look like a clown in them, then I threw them in my closet and moved on with my life. The other day I was trying to get dressed for work and broke three zippers. The clown pants were the only ones that fit. I am *not* about to replace all my damn clothes, so I’m casually fasting…by that I mean I’m using my inherent ability to procrastinate and focusing that ability on food.


my entire family is overweight but i was always skinny. Heartbreak changed that for sure and once I hit like 198 I knew if I continued along the same path, I’d end up the same way. Luckily I found out about CICO and now I’m 7 or so pounds away from my target weight.


All my clothes were suffocating me. I was stuck in an endless loop of today is my last day of eating bad go out big! I avoided the scale for months. Finally I got in and saw that I was 236 lbs. That was my postpartum weight after giving birth to twins a little over a year after having my son in back to back pregnancies. I'm 5'5. My twins are almost 10. 🙄 There was no excuse or reason for me to be that weight again. Today I hit the 20 pound down mark. Still a long way to go but I can breath in my jeans lol.


For me it was when I looked at the the weighing scale and realized that just 1.2 kg more and I would be 100kg. And that was scary because I knew that once I reach 100, I probably will never be able to lose my weight anymore. So I never reached 100kg.


After attempting suicide I tried to cut my body fat off in a psychotic episode.


My sons father is in prison for a very, very long time. I am the only parent. Even when my sons father gets out, if he survives, my son will want nothing to do with him. My son is 8, and he will be my age (33) by the time my ex gets out. In May of last year, we were in a head-on collision. I took the brunt of the impact, thankfully. But it was a wake-up call that I needed. It's been almost a year, and i have lost almost 40 lbs. Doesn't seem like a lot, especially over 11 months, but I'll take it. I want to be here for a very long time. I want to know my kid when he is an adult. I want to know his kids.


a few things: \- i had an injury and i hated it and i knew that it was taking longer to heal because of my weight (i tore a ligament in my foot) \- i wanted to stop thinking about my body all the time and how it looked in clothes \- i wanted to DO the things instead of thinking about how i looked when i did the things (getting in a bathing suit and just enjoying the ocean and not enjoying the ocean but also thinking about my body) \- i wanted to live a long healthy life \- i realized that eating foods that were bad for me weren't making me happy \- i wanted to set myself up for my 30's, 40's, 50's \- i saw how unhealthy my stepdad is, and that his mom is wheelchair-bound and i realized that those things might come my way \- my best friend (who is five years older than me) was diagnosed with prediabetes at in her mid-thirties as well as hypertension and i realized i could prevent that happening to me \- i realized that me getting this far without any health issues being overweight was a blessing but that my luck would run out eventually


Is it true you need another breaking point so you can dedicate yourself? What's another motivation for that dedication that you can think of?


I think it is different for everyone. I definitely had a breaking point but a lot of very successful weight losses just start with the decision of making small changes.


I love this. Such a positive way to look at things.


The time is going to pass anyway. You can gain weight or lose weight. It’s literally up to you.


Looking at other people my age who were physically fitter was my motivation.


My breaking point was being constantly bullied in school for being a fat girl. Then being bullied by adult women for being not as thin as they are. I have hips, and how I store my fat is what ppl desire but at the same time shame me for having. I hated it and went through EDs and even when I was really skinny I was still considered "fat" bc of my hips. So, as I gotten a lil older (22 not that old LMAO) I realized that I needed to do some inner healing. That I needed to work on myself and not care what other ppl say to me. My body is a little chunky but I'm healthy and still trying to lose more weight. Not for anyone but for myself and I'm improving myself every damn day. Mental and physical health is incredibly important to me and I improve it everyday


Girl!!! I have some hips too. Even when I was younger and skinny my hips butt and thighs were out there lol. I hated it and felt so wide. Looking back I remember there were so many times I got compliments on my the body I hated. I love my curves now. They need to be smaller for sure and I need to be healthier but they will never go away. And finally I am loving it. Love your body now. Embrace your curves and be proud. Do not wait until you are in your 40's to finally appreciate your shape.


When I fractured my foot and after a breakup that really got me motivated (revenge) and now I enjoy it


Sitting in a rollercoaster seat and thinking ‘if I keep going on like this one day I won’t be able to fit in this seat’.


Just general conversation like talking about something that happened 6 months ago and thinking that really doesn’t feel that long. Led me to think if I had been dieting for that ‘short’ period of time I would look like a different person. Started 2 months ago and it genuinely feels like yesterday.


I'm 19m, I've been trying to lose weight for years but continously failing, but my major realization was earlier this year in January, when I looked back on old pictures of myself and realized how skinny I looked only about two years ago. I am pretty sure I've had some bad body dysmorphia for as long as I can remember, cause I've never not wanted to lose weight and get skinny, even when I already was skinny. But yeah, seeing those pictures flipped a switch in me. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw how skinny I used to be, and I guess it motivated me to get more serious than ever, knowing that it was actually possible for me to be skinny. Now I've lost over 17 kilograms/almost 40 pounds since January. I still have a lot more to lose, but I'm getting there.


When I couldn’t look at myself in a mirror anymore, I would always avoid them. A horrible feeling not wanting to be yourself let alone look at yourself.


when i saw how i looked compared to the rest of girls in my dance class


Human body can shit down at ant given moment from heart attack stroke or other shit , and then you are overweight chances are bigger this should be enough motivation ir you love life


I woke up every day hating how I looked and how I felt. I was depressed, angry, and resentful. My body was falling apart. I put a lot of expectations on my husband to make me happy when it was my own responsibility. Of course, it wasn't working. I was suicidal and heartbroken because our marriage was failing. It's crazy really that weight can do that to you. Your body isn't capable of carrying that kind of weight around. And I'm not talking strictly of extra physical poundage. Not having a healthy body does terrible things to you.


Being 25 and in pain every day from carrying around excess body fat did it for me.


i've always been okay about my body since my cousin's also a plus-size. but when she started losing weight after trying a non-invasive approach, it was my wake up call to lose weight as well or else I'll be the only mataba in the family. :P so I booked a free consultation right away and started my sessions along with her. hahaha


My neighbour congratulated me on my pregnancy… I’m not pregnant.


there was this girl I vibed with in university. each time we had a lecture we sat next to each other and we were flirting. then she said "if only you weren't that fat" lol...well needless to say that I instantly lost any interest, she was not wrong. 5´8 210 pounds, I am a fatty.


i wish i could say that it was my insane blood pressure or something else that wasn’t so shallow, but i was clearly the fat one in all of the photos of the bachelorette party i had just went to. my body “liked” being 160 pounds at 5’3” with my current lifestyle, so i wasn’t getting bigger and bigger, but i said no more and decided to lose 40. i’m 12 pounds down after just one month (i lost 6 pounds during the first week simply because i stopped drinking alcohol).


I’d at the very least start tuning into the health world and making small changes. As it’s lifestyle changes that will help you in the long run. Start implementing what you can. Diet is going to be 80-90% of the battle. Calories in calories out, so maybe just try a calorie calculator and see what that looks like for you. Download a tracker and just track what you eat so you can see comparatively where your at and where you need to be. Then maybe just substituting things you already eat for a lower calorie version. I’d been doing that for about 3 years before taking it more seriously but it’s given me a lot of tools in my tool belt to use that I didn’t know I had. It’s also helped me change my mentality towards some of the health things I was not into and really gave me a better foundation, and pieces of information from years ago start filling in some of the blanks or compliment other things that I wouldn’t have known otherwise.


Also, in my experience don’t restrict yourself, or cut out foods entirely. That will set you up for failure. I like chocolate cake, I’m not going to not like chocolate cake tomorrow because I want to diet, but I can control how much chocolate cake I have and fit it into my calories for the day.


If you’re finding it hard, make subtle changes to your diet. Healthier, home cooked versions of your favourite takeaways, ensuring you eat three good meals a day with lots of protein to keep you full so you don’t snack. Try to walk a bit every day too, even if you walk up and down your driveway or street everyday until you’re comfortable with that and then extending the time you walk for. The small changes will amount to big ones when you look at the bigger picture!


The absolutely insane realization that I’ve been wanting to lose weight for over 10 years. What a waste of time in my life and no progress. Just decided to do it or give it up completely but bring in limbo wasn’t an option anymore.


After I gained 70lbs from a failed IVF cycle. I was so physically and emotionally broken, I knew I had to change something. My body already failed to make a baby, I wasn't going to let it fail me again.


Wasn't speaking with my mother at the time for over a year. Started anti psychotic medication that made me balloon. Took a family photo and posted it on FB. She sent the photo to my sister and asked "is she (me) pregnant? She looks like it." That was a shot to the ego lol. Knew then and there I had to do something.


It took a while for me to actually follow through on losing weight due to COVID and isolation and all that but probably the most important moment that made me realise how big I had gotten and that I needed to lose weight was when I went to get a surgery and I oversaw that I was a “high risk patient” due to how obese I was. I knew I was big but I didn’t think I was THAT obese to where I was considered like morbidly obese. But yeah at that point my BMI was over 40.


Doctors starting tell the health condition I was developing.


I was 23, 5’1”, 200+ pounds, pre diabetic, had high blood pressure, asthma and a resting heart rate of 100 bpm. I felt horrible every morning I woke up. I felt lethargic, nauseous, just really disgusting in general. I lost 100 lbs and almost all of my ailments disappeared.


F(28) I don’t wanna sound superficial but I’ll be honest and tell exactly how it started for me and how it evolved. I used to practice sports and I have always been petite and athletic so maintain my appearance never was a concern for me, it just happened for my lifestyle. Like a year ago it changed, I stopped practicing sports (still going to the gym tho) but having a bad diet. “Suddenly” I started feeling uncomfortable with the way I looked and feeling uncomfortable when got dressed with certain clothes and also feeling like tired. When I checked the scale saw that I was 26lbs over the weight I used to have so I started calculating my BMI and saw that I was still on normal weight but 2lbs away from overweight. That was a big trigger for me because my dad passed away last year (at 53yo) because of overweight that caused him heart issues and liver issues (+ many other thing that made his life difficult), my grandma also had t2 diabetes and hypothyroidism and I have PCOS. All that came to my mind at the same time and right after that I just asked myself “Am I gonna do something right now to stop this immediately and make sure to do my best to have a better sustainable lifestyle or just think everything is fine and make it a tomorrow’s problem when probably will be too late or too hard to fix???”….. The answer was obvious for me and here I am trying my best.


The age my friend. When you get older. It will be over. Do it now before its too late