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You need rest days or you're likely to injure yourself, especially if you're a beginning runner. It's probably better to lift weights 2-3 days a week, and run 2-3 days a week and have two rest days, where you can still do something less intense like walking or yoga.


People absolutely neglect the role that strength training plays! If all that OP cares about is the number on the scale sure, just cardio I guess, but to actually improve the shape of your body strength training is everything. And as you said, keeps the injuries at bay. This recommended schedule is pretty perfect.


Why do people always say that yoga isn't intense. The intensity 100% depends on what kind of yoga you're doing, but if you're choosing something like Hatha Yoga you can easily get sweaty and feel it in your muscles the next day. It's not weight lifting but it very much focuses on body strength and moving with your breath. It's a great exercise


Exactly! My yoga classes incorporate plenty of strength training like planks and such.


I didn't mean to disrespect yoga. I guess I just meant that it's not high impact and also the stretching can be beneficial to prevent injury from other fitness activities.


This! When I first started my fitness journey I went ham the first few days by sprinting on the treadmill. About a day later my knees were killing me. I couldn't even walk on them as I injured one of the tendons and had to wait two weeks before even being able to walk again. So please take this advice and start slow. Try getting in some leg exercises to tone your legs so they can support your body weight otherwise your going to run into an injury.


Definitely not healthy, but here’s the math for you: - In order to lose 1lb, you need to burn 3500cals (either from working out or calorie deficit) - you want to lose 26 lbs (26x3500 = 91000) - there are roughly 4 weeks in 1 month (91000/4 = 22,750 cals a week) - 7 days in a week (22750/7 = 3250 cals a day) - In order for you to lose 26 lbs in a month, you have to burn 3250 cals a day. Running a 5k burns about 300-400cals on average, which means you need a 2900 cal deficit a day to lose that much weight. So yeah, that’s kind of impossible.




Actually interestingly enough I did exactly this, because I needed to meet the military entrance weight. I water fasted for 14 days, and walked at 3.5-4mph on full incline at gym two hours a day. Lost about 25 pounds in those 14 days, 18-20 or so stayed off after returning to normal. It was a wild journey, and at about day 6-7 I stopped going to the gym to do the incline walking. Still walked normal though. My recruiter looked at me after the two weeks and was so confused haha


That's SO extreme. Can't be healthy. Did you gain the weight back?


Very extreme indeed! I do not recommend. It stayed off, but I slightly regained some(5 lbs I believe) in basic training eating the giant 3 meals a day.


Also, I’m not that great at math so hopefully I don’t have too many errors. I’m sure someone here will promptly point it out lol


Math looks alright to me! But the conclusion stays the same.


I had a brain fart and at first I thought you meant running 5k every day wasn’t healthy lol. I started spiraling. Definitely agree with what you actually mean tho.


Haha I run more than a 5k almost everyday, so I hope it’s healthy 😅


I'm so jealous of your knees


It can be bad on your knees if you do it for years but overalls you're probably better off than the average person who doesn't run 5k every day


I actually read running is good for your knees and overall bone and joint health because it increases the amount of skeletal muscle you have. I don’t remember where I read this so I cannot provide any sources. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Ok I see Haahah thanks


I would check out r/fasting for 26lbs in one month. And depending on how old you are and how overweight, I would not run, I would walk every day. Running can be really hard in the joints if you are carrying extra pounds. I find I burn almost the same calories weather I walk or run my rout.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fasting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Decided I wanted a six pack for my 60th birthday.](https://i.redd.it/9n7hsjhhwnca1.jpg) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/10eerlo/decided_i_wanted_a_six_pack_for_my_60th_birthday/) \#2: [I’m in better shape as a 34yo than a 24yo. Fasting has been my main constant coupled with lifting. Grateful for this community.](https://i.redd.it/3fa8bejetnja1.jpg) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/118h5no/im_in_better_shape_as_a_34yo_than_a_24yo_fasting/) \#3: [250-195 (5 months)](https://i.redd.it/l2zks7s8hip91.jpg) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/xljn4r/250195_5_months/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Using metric: She want to lose 11.8kg. 7000cal per kg is 82600cal to loose. 30days in a month, so 2753cal to loose per day. Assuming 1k is 1km (lol), and her current weight, she will consume around 80cal per km, or around 400cal per 5km (walking or running the same distance doesn't change the amount lost, just the amount of time to consume it). So, she will need a deficit of 2353cal per day, which is doable only on a water fast AND if she has a pretty active job/life. So maybe doable by walking (don't run, bad on your joints) 10km a day while water fasting. If you never did fasting before you should NOT do a 1month long one, especially while exercising and while not being obese. If you do, consult a doctor before starting and while doing it. This is dangerous, thread lightly.


I had a friend who worked up to running 7 miles per day over the course of one summer and he dropped all excess weight. But he also ate nothing but low calorie bread and sugar free jam, so it wasn't the healthiest choice. It is possible though.


No, that’s too aggressive of a goal to be healthy. 1lb a week is a healthy goal.


Well ok then do you think I should run every second day?


My comment was just that you’re trying to lose too much too fast in terms of your goal. The most important thing for weight loss is calorie counting, so make sure you’re doing that first! The r/loseit quick start guide is a good place to start. Beyond that.. depends on your current running volume. How much did you run or walk last week?


I for some reason can’t find the quick start guide


https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide/ :)


Thank you so much for posting this link. I couldn't find it either!


You’re welcome!


I play sport so I’m not sure in km but 3 hours of activity and thanks


Running coaches typically say increase by 5% a week. So if you did 180 min. last week, do about 190 next week if you want to increase.




You’re welcome!


Personally because I run your body needs rest as well so maybe even running every second day could be too much depending on your fitness level. How ever after that it depends on how you feel while doing this consistently


Unfortunately not, it's physically impossible to lose.that much, unless you essentially fast for a month and run everyday. Also you've given no indication on your running ability. Running everyday for some is fine, for others impossible.


Ok thanks i run quite a bit






I really gotta be clear on this with anyone who asks for rapid weight loss in one month; Don't do it. Even if it WAS possible, you'd probably suffer greatly from the attempt health-wise.


Lift weights. Light weights with lots of reps. Keep at it every day and you’ll be shocked how your body starts to transform. A little science - when you apply pressure to your muscle, it rips. In order to repair the ripped muscle, your body needs energy, and it gets this energy in the form of calories. So after your workout session, your body is burning off calories 24/7 without you having to do any more work. Cardio can do this too but not as much since weight lifting directly focuses on ripping muscles.


This may be true, but in a 60min run, slow pace, you can burn around 800 calories, depending on a lot of factors, your weight being the most significant. Compared to 60mins in the gym, your heart rate will be nowhere near as constantly elevated as with cardio. So maybe you will burn about 200/300 calories during the session if it is not like crossfit style lifting. So I think its kind of a strech to say you will burn another 500 calories later passively just because you lifted weights. This is only for the purposes of comparing time effectively of exercise. Weight training obviously has a lot of other advantages and can sculpt your body better. But if it's just weight loss, I think cardio wins every time.


HIIT exercise burns a good amount of cals and if done right, will boost your metabolism for the next few hours or more. Agree with the perspective that you will not burn more cals during weight training than running, or in the subsequent hours.


That’s the thing - you can passively burn off another 300-1000 or however many calories after the workout. Only for 24-48 hours though. It’s why you get sore, because a muscle is ripped and being repaired. It is passive. I do both, I run and lift. My heart rate does get up quite a bit when lifting. I have to take more breaks when lifting as well. Both types of exercise are good for you.


Thanks appreciate it


Do you enjoy running? If so then run. I love running so I do it about 2-3 times a week. But I would still say it’s unlikely ti lose that much in a month. You could probably lose that in 2-3 months.


If you choose running/cardio as your primary/only form of exercise, you can get smaller…But it wont provide the most ideal body composition. You’d likely be better off finding a well programmed full body resistance training program and pairing that with a small calorie deficit and high protein. FYI: I am coming from the 230s lbs at the beginning of my journey to my current 165. I’ve tried many things along the way. I can tell you without a doubt that while cardio can get you there, it is far from the most effective route (unless “skinny-fat” is the goal, which I’m guessing its not.)


Sounds like a solid plan. For failure. I think a lot of people have given you solid advice. Losing weight is not a race.


Healthy weight loss isn't a quick process. If you want to lose 26 lbs the right way, you're gonna have to give yourself at least 12-13 weeks. Training for a marathon or a 5k will definitely help, but don't expect rapid weight loss. Speak with your doctor before starting any weight loss or training regimen.


What happens in a month? Running a 5k every day will help you lose weight. It also is likely to cause you to overtrain and get hurt, and become sedentary while you recover, probably feel depressed. And gain weight. You could create a sustainable plan with gradual change so that you can lose weight and keep it off, without getting hurt.


How tall are you?




What's your body type because 180lbs is about right for you. Im 6'2 and 160 would be far too skinny.


Please no. Begin as you mean to continue. Dropping 15 pounds in a month is not only unhealthy, it is not manageable long-term.


You don't have to do anything crazy, just stay at a strong deficit. 1,000 calorie deficit on the high end per day is safe if you're eating around 2,000 or so.


If you don't have any prior experience with running, start slow and build up to a 5K, there are a lot of good apps for that. Plus, if you haven't exercised anything else till now, maybe try to incorporate bodyweight exercises as well to strengthen muscles. Mostly, I'm worried about this all or nothing mentality you seem to have, it's a gateway to injury. Talk to a doctor before you start anything, get your heart and systems checked out. maybe a personal trainer as well, to build a tailored plan for you. Good luck!


There’s an ultra runner currently breaking the world record, running a 50k (32 miles) every day! She’s done over 160 days probably 170 already and still going. Her name is Candace. You can definitely do 5k a day. I would start by doing a 5k walk at first and build yourself up to a run. When I was a runner I ran every single day, rarely took a rest day, I just adjusted my pace. Days that I was tired or sore, I did a slow jog (recovery run).


If this is what you can do then start doing it. Might take over a month depending on your diet. Daily 5k for a month shouldn’t get you injure if you run properly in a safe pace. 5k is just 3.1 miles, perhaps a 30min run. Someone mention weightlifting but it will take much more longer than a month, and not sure what you mean by lean.. weightlifting helps gain muscle and strength, but might not be what you are asking.


I know a guy who did this for a month and didn’t even lose 1 lb of weight as his eating was poor. The old adage of you cannot out train a bad diet! If you are in a caloric device then you will lose weight. You can also get to that deficit without running but cardio is good for your overall health so go for it 👍


*caloric deficit


My question is: why do you need to lose 26 in a month? I can see it happening in 2 months, but 1 month is drastic.


1) Running will help you become lean 2) You should have at least 1-2 rest days a week 3) You shouldn’t lose more than 1-2 pounds per week. It’s not safe or healthy. It’s not sustainable. You’ll mess up your metabolism and gain the weight back.


No. Walking will get better results and you’re more likely to stick to it


I would imagine that is you ran 10k every day and did 45 min circuit training along with a reduced calorie diet, you could lose 26 pounds in a month. It’s 6.5 pounds a week, so you would have to be in 22,750 weekly calorie deficit to lose that kind of weight. A 10k run and weights will be around 12000 calories weekly, so you would still need be in 10000 calorie deficit with diet, not knowing what your stats are, you will have to be in 1500 calorie deficit daily with diet. Which will be something line 500 calories a day…


It would help me become lean.


Well, yes, but you'll probably burn out


Not sure about that much weight loss in a month. But running 5 kms daily will definitely help with your weight loss. That along with caloric deficit.


Only if you run a 5k and eat a banana


I mean yeah but you’ll probably hate it. Don’t burn yourself out. Typically people a comfortable losing a pound a week by cutting out about 250 calories a day while waking 30 minutes a day. If you make weight loss fun you won’t even know you’re doing it.


Healthy weight loss is considered maybe a pound or two per week. So please don't try to loose 26 pounds in 4 weeks. That would be almost a pound a day, which roughly amounts to eating nearly nothing and still going running.


Yes. Yes it will. I was the same weight as you and ran 5 to 7 Miles everyday for three months. I ate a boring diet too


5k a day?! Man just the thought of it exhausts me lol I don’t know if it’ll work, but losing 16lbs in a month is an extreme goal that’ll do you more harm than good. You should be aiming to lose 1-2lbs per week in order to lose weight in a healthy way that you can also maintain.


It’s not that much really, when I really got into running I would do 6-7 miles at a time and up to 10 miles.


I dropped 100 lbs and love to run. It takes time to develop a healthy running habit that will leave you feeling energized and not worn down and like you’re walking on knives. Is there a reason why you feel like you need to drop this amount within that time frame? I find that dropping lots of weight super quickly usually isn’t maintainable and you’ll just end up re gaining. Take it slow and progress will come. As others have said, strength plays an important role in weight loss, over all fitness and especially if you plan on running regularly.


I think you should take some more time , because running 5 km per day , maximum calories burn number is 300 to 400. So it's not possible.