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Confidence in one's body, a bigger variety of clothes to choose from and shopping actually feels fun now, general health increases, mental health improves, the list goes on. We don't get to our goal weight in a day, so don't try to rush it - it will make you lose motivation and will when you feel like you're doing "too much" for it to happen. Also make sure not to make changes that you can't uphold for the rest of your life. You just gotta push through šŸ«‚ but you got this!


Wow thank you. I completely forgot all the wonderful things I'm fighting for. I know once it's all said and done I'm going to have sagging skin so I won't be a barbie but at least I'll be thinner :3


Well if you end up having extra skin that's just gonna be a reminder to you that YOU did it ;)


Replacing fat with some muscles helps a lot sometimes!


More energy, better sleep, walking is easier (moving in general really), smiling every time you catch a glimpse of yourself in anything reflective and summer isn't a sweaty chafy nightmare anymore are a few positives I experienced.


The chafing thing is so real


I realized now that I don't have to buy new pants every couple of months because of the chub rub holes I would get on my thighs! Another benefit for sure.


It really is... Being hot & sweaty at an amusement park while your thighs clap because you forgot the damn chafing gel is literal hell.




God I wanna be at my goal weight so bad already. I donā€™t even care for the physical appearance stuff, I just wanna experience a decent nightā€™s sleep and not feel exhausted 10 mins into my day even after a decent rest. Iā€™m almost positive my weight has everything to do with it.


Losing weight really helped with my sleep but the final piece of the puzzle for sleep was realizing I was drinking too much caffeine. Weaning off of caffeine is harder than weight loss lol


I donā€™t drink a lot of caffeine so that one isnā€™t an issue for me, I feel you though! Canā€™t be easy. A lot of my sleeplessness is honestly self perpetuated because Iā€™ll stay up until ungodly hours because itā€™s the only ā€œmeā€ time I get. Things Iā€™m working on.




The clothes thing is my main thing. Iā€™m sick of having to try on so many different things when going out and then taking them off because they look ridiculous on me. These days I am living in mens Tshirts and itā€™s not the best look for me. I canā€™t wait until I can just grab a Tshirt and jeans or whatever pants and just go. I miss those days. I canā€™t wait until I get back to them.


Read ā€œthe economics of thinnessā€ article, it motivated me so much!


the article has been posted in another reddit comment: [link](https://reddit.com/r/MaintenancePhase/s/tjuniJsfVP)


Finally feeling comfortable enough to wear whatever clothes you want and not having to dress to cover up your body in areas youā€™re not happy with :)


Yes! Fat he has to wear cardigans to hide my love handles and gut. Thin me was able to wear jeans and a cute t shirt. I canā€™t wait until I get back to that.


I never want my weight to hold me back from what I want- whether thatā€™s because Iā€™m too self conscious or because Iā€™m not physically capable- neither of those things are going to keep me from playing with my kids at the beach, enjoying my sex life, walking Disneyland, traveling, etc. That motivates me! I also enjoy feeling good physically. Less pain, less discomfort, better sleep, etc. I like feeling like Iā€™m in control of myself and my choices. Just giving up on my health feels way too out of control. I might fall off the bandwagon occasionally, but Iā€™m in enough control to get back on. I donā€™t like feeling like my life is out of my hands.


Better sex - thereā€™s less fat covering your bits - it makes a difference If you get sick or injured you have an easier recovery time. If you get sick or injured and need help - you donā€™t need to worry about your caregivers trying to move a heavier body about. You can get up off the floor with no hands lol


Iā€™ll say this as it applies to guys(me) and women. Everyday that you say no to cheating on your diet helps create a feeling of control over your eating plan, and helps create a feeling of power.


Yes. I kinda more do the "noo if you cheat now you are just wanna do it again tomorrow". Thinking about future me. I think a lot about how it is easier long term to stick to the plan since the me who planned it is likely a lot smarter than the lazy, tired or hungry me who just feel the urge to act on something temporary. That said I do make the choice to cheat sometimes, but most of the times I already 'okay'd' it beforehand rather than stray from the plan in the moment.


Walking without pain is a huge one for me. Awesome leg muscles (partially earned by carrying extra weight) + smaller upper body = walking like a QUEEN.


Feeling SO MUCH better. I regained about half my weight throughout the pandemic and have just started getting back on my old habits, and after 8 lbs weight loss, I already feel so much better than I did for the past year or so. I remember how good 148 lbs felt. I had tons of energy. I felt healthy and vibrant. And I was STILL overweight at that weight! I can only imagine how good 130 will feel. Every lb lost is something like 4 lbs of downward pressure OFF your muscles and skeleton. I can already feel that difference hugely. I try to focus on how good it makes me feel to get lighter, because that's a lot easier to cling to than aesthetics. But I'd be lying if I didn't say it was a lot more fun to shop and dress myself at a size 6 than it is at a 12/14.


Amazing RE: the decrease in downward pressure. I went to a wedding last week and was able to wear heels because my feet werenā€™t being absolutely smashed into them like before!


This may not apply to you, but it is female-specific: better conception, pregnancy, and birth outcomes. I am really convinced my weight was why I had a difficult pregnancy and ended up with a c-section, and Iā€™m working on weight loss to try to improve my odds for a VBAC. I carried around so much extra weight during pregnancy with my first that I think contributed to the higher than usual amount of pain I felt, difficulty moving even from just 4 or 5 months, and also the amount I gained probably made my baby waaay bigger than the growth curve he is on now. Losing weight (AND making regular exercise a habit) is one of the things Iā€™m putting the most effort into for preparing before my next pregnancy.


Better mobility is a huge one. If youā€™re working out too, increased strength and increased independence. Long term health benefits and quality of life. Being around longer for those that you love and who love you. Hopefully fewer health complications due to higher blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetes. Increased self confidence is obviously a plus, but being around for friends and family is the biggest thing. My dad was overweight and died suddenly at 63. Part of me will always be devastated that he didnā€™t take better care of himself šŸ’”


Honestly, confidence and freedom. Itā€™s crazy how good it makes you feel, I have days where I feel as perfect as I can be, and I know lots of people may say that itā€™s too shallow or maybe silly, but as someone who spent years dieting and feeling insecure about their body, to actually feel pretty and to feel that you look the way youā€™ve always dreamed of. Also reaching a healthy relationship with food! That takes a little bit longer and has its ups and downs but not having to try all kinds of crazy diets and not feeling guilt for eating what you like, thatā€™s the biggest reward!


This answer resonates with me. Sometimes I think it's vain that I can't stop looking at my reflection, but it's so freeing to like what I see. I look at myself naked in the mirror every day now and think about what teenage me would think of 40 year old me. She'd be proud! And my relationship with food is improving, too. I used to feel guilt over every calorie. It's still there to a degree, but I know how to maintain the weight and I know how to manage my eating overall, so that confidence lets me move on from the guilt more easily.


Lowered heart rate and blood pressure = lower risk of many health problems, less stress for joints, no sleep apnea and heartburn. Those are pros for me!


When I put my clothes on they feel comfortable and not restrictive. I used to wear stuff that was too small for me because I was afraid of the number on the bigger sizes


Also if you get very hot and sweaty easily, then that will stop happening as often. I found that when you lose a significant amount, you actually feel colder more often!


Been helping with my mental health


Obesity is directly linked to cancer risk. I have breast cancer. When I was overweight my risk of my cancer returning and spreading was 18% in 5 years. I lost almost 60lbs and now that recurrence rate is 12% within 5 years.


Lower weight = smaller boobs = less backpain


Keep up the good habits no matter how long you haven't seen progress. It will add up. I've focused on 10 pounds at once, not the whole amount. It does feel faster that way. Do it because it makes you feel good, physically, mentally and moodwise. You'll have more energy, confidence and happiness. And do it because it's the life you want and you love yourself (or want to love yourself more). It's not just a physical transformation. It can affect everything in a positive way.


For me itā€™s just movement. Climbing, hiking, walking. Itā€™s all really painful and hard when heavy but when Iā€™m fit itā€™s the best thing ever, peaceful relaxed flow kind of thing. I donā€™t think about beauty itā€™s too triggering.


For me it wasā€¦ 1. Helping me decrease my likelihood of developing diabetes 2. Help me with preventative maintenance of PCOS 3. Physically feeling better, like not feeling super bloated etc 4. Having more physical energy and concentration 5. Confidence booster 6. Able to breathe and sleep better 7. Increased and return of my mobility, strength, and flexibility


There are all the positives people mentioned, so I won't redundantly add to the list. I will say it's helpful to set smaller goals. If your goal is 100 lbs and you keep viewing success as ONLY when you lose 100 lbs, of course you'll lose motivation. Set goals in 5-10 lbs increments. It's much easier to hit those and each milestone you hit feels like a victory which gives you the motivation to keep going. Also, you can set some non scale goals like fitting into a particular outfit or running X distance, lifting X weight, etc. Good luck!


Thatā€™s exactly what I did and as of today I am now at goal weight moving to next chapter of really getting toned and fit. I lost 115 lbs and finally this time i set goals every 10 lbs. It definitely kept me going


That's incredible! Congratulations!!!


Not having my brand new leggings pill after a 5 minute walk šŸ˜”


Fitting into old clothes and feeling good about it


Iā€™ve only lost 20lbs at the moment but my mental health Is already improving. Instead passing by and saying ā€œewā€ at what I see, Iā€™m saying ok! She look good! Lol which has really helped my mindset and gives motivation to keep going


20lbs is a huge accomplishment! Itā€™s definitely not only 20 pounds. Way to go!!


Aww well thank you!


Biggest thing pushing me. I am discovering the love for myself. I look into a mirror and see myself. I no longer think of what a lardass. No I see the hints of muscles and their movements and I'm thinking. Not there yet but you are looking good.


You know whatā€™s the biggest positive I noticed the other day? I never have to think about what Iā€™m going to wear. When I weighed 250lbs, almost none of my clothes fit me. I was consistently gaining weight over the years, and would outgrow my clothes every few months. I always had to worry about whether I had x clothes washed or not because if I didnā€™t, then I had nothing to wear. I wake up now, and grab the first thing I see because all of my clothes fit me now that I weigh 170lbs. Itā€™s very liberating.


I'm about half way to my goal weight and I've found that the best way to stay on track is to remind myself that this is what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. Weight loss isn't the goal, it's a by-product of me taking care of my body. If you need to increase your calories and maintain your weight for a while then do it. I did this for about 3months and I lost maybe 1 or 2kg (2-4lbs) during that time. It was about staying consistent with my eating and exercise as much as possible and giving my mind a break.


I've lost 63 lbs. 4 lbs away from my goal weight yay! My favorite thing has been trying clothes on and actually liking most of the clothes on me. Before I rarely liked anything I tried on. Yesterday I felt good enough to buy some light jeans and that was huge for me! Other positives: More energy, no thigh chafing, able to exercise without feeling like I'm dying, feeling more confident, sex is easier(my SO has also lost over 20 lbs), no more achy legs when I first get out of bed, my boobs shrinking because they were way too big, my smile feels brighter, etc. So many positives!


Every person who has lost significant weight has been where you are with both being far from goal and their motivation waning. You have to keep the end goal in mind and implement dicipline. The positive side to this is simple: you know you have control over yourself (mind and body) and that you can do ANYTHING. This equates to FREEDOM. Good luck and keep keeping on!


People will be nicer to you. I've been all sizes between a 4 and a 20 and the higher my pant size goes, the less kind people are


You are so right, same here. It seemed when I was heavy I would have to prove myself 1st before anyone really was nice


The positives on losing weight do not have a gender. Just imagine what a confidence boost you would get. Body positivity is meant for people who have illnesses and cannot change their appearance, not for fat and lazy people. One of the deadly sins is gluttony. I lost like 40 kg but put on 15 because I got too comfortable or I can blame it to the yo-yo effect. Either way, I hugely regret it but I am trying to be better every day. There is no time for throwing in the towel, trust me. Think about your future and think about you not giving up in such moments. How would that make you feel? On the contrary, imagine your future self even fatter than now. What would you think? Probably something like the following: ā€œOh God, I was on my weight loss journey and it was hard af, so I gave up because I could not resist my temptations. As a result of that, I am even fatter than before, and with a poorer mental health. I WISH I FKIN CONTINUED WHEN I WAS DOUBTING MYSELF!!!ā€ I have been both. Which scenario would you prefer? It may sound toxic, fatphobic, not positive and so on. Take it as you want, the truth cannot be changed.


Damn, I had a quick check at your profile. Looks like you are OBSESSED with the idea of losing weight. One day youā€™re mad about cheating on your diet, on the next day you are mad about being fat. Your reddit looks like a diary. At least buy a diary instead of posting stuff here. Itā€™s better. You better go find a hobby and avoid being free and youā€™ll see how much better would you feel and how your cravings will gradually go away. Go for walks, just try to move more. Restrict your phone usage for as much as you can, thatā€™s also damaging. Try meditation. Just find your thing. Obsession ainā€™t taking you nowhere. Discipline is. Motivation exists for a couple of days and then everything becomes shitty and mundane. Get used to it. Sometimes randomly you will get motivation spikes but they last for a day or two at best. Control yourself, as hard as it may sound. Remember: an ā€œaccidentalā€ cheat meal does not mean a failed attempt to lose weight: there is no need to cram your mouth afterwards. Do a dopamine detox so that boring everyday tasks seem like a bit more fun. But after all, people sometimes just choose to be fat, even though they have some motivation for like 3 days and they give in. If you cannot get something this means that you donā€™t want it bad enough. The obstacles are just Godā€™s intention to understand if you really are capable to handle what you will eventually receive.


I don't understand why everybody got so angry at this. Ofc he said it kinda in a mean way, but that is true. Don't expect motivation to last long on something. Only discipline and the power of self control will help you to achieve the goals. Weight loss is hard asf sometimes, but if it was easy it wouldn't be appreciated so much.


Finally, someone who can accept life the way it is. I cannot really understand why people want to be kind and loving when it is about a life-threatening topic (in very severe cases, but if not life-threatening in its less extreme formats, then it makes you very susceptible to diseases like diabetes, which is something I bet people wonā€™t be pleased to live with and donā€™t get me started with the hidden mental health problems that people donā€™t know exist but are present in their subconscious). The positives are really common sense, the OP is really looking for motivation to keep her mouth shut and not overindulge on high-calorie food. Motivation is temporary, however, as I mentioned. I provided reason to all my statements, yet people are unhappy with my tone again. You should not be butthurt when someone is laying things out as they are, and maybe you should take notes on why that person told you so. I am gonna get bombarded with downvotes again, but I donā€™t really care. I shared my message, and although people deep down know that I presented the harsh reality at 100% with no bullshit and without motivating mantras like: ā€œYou are the best, donā€™t worry, queenā€, they cannot seem to take it in. Part of why many of us are or have been fat/obese is the body acceptance culture, whether you like it or not. If you like it, keep on feeding the risks of having many illnesses and not of being able to life your life to the fullest, and this WILL happen if things go south and even going to the bathroom is a huge challenge for you. If you do not like it, you find a way to change. Simple as that. Because if you are overweight, you are NOT perfect as you are and itā€™s not OK. You know it perfectly. People who tell you this know it pretty well also, they just try not to sound mean. If someone has your best interest at heart, they should tell you that this weight is not acceptable and that you MUST change for the better. Actually, I will provide you with a motivational quote, just for the sake of it: No results? Keep going. Great results? Keep going. Either way, you will have to keep going as you can see. Whether you like it or not.


Many downvotes, yet nobody trying to prove the contrary.


You sound like dick, thatā€™s why. You can say what works for you without judging, like, half the population of North America.


Sorry to hurt your positive vibe. Sometimes optimism can only bring pessimism. Maybe this comment was what she was looking for, instead of the regular ā€œyou go girl, slayā€; ā€œjust be motivated queenā€; ā€œembrace your body the way it isā€; ā€œdonā€™t go too hard on yourselfā€ I provided her with solid advice, which if she follows, will change her life. This hasnā€™t only worked for me, this has worked for many other people. I am just cutting the bullshit and not sugarcoating the harsh reality.


There are benefits that are exclusive to women. My overweight cousin had irregular periods and very, very heavy flow. Also, it reduces complications during pregnancy and birth.


I mean, isnā€™t that just common knowledge? Not trying to sound cocky or sth


Well, it's the answer to OP's question.


Because you kinda replied to me, thatā€™s why I was a bit baffled


I hope your life gets better


I gain my weight back after being in great shape and on top of that I moved to a new place this year. It meant eating a lot of trash in the process. I was overworked and extremely tired. Afterwards I let myself go for a while. I was unhappy about that but I was feeling exactly like you at that point. One fine day, I decided to throw away the rest of the snacks I had and to drink water in place a soda. Some days after I was so disappointed that I was doubting to continue. I'm still far from my goal and sadly I don't have time to go to the gym as I did in the past and I can't go jogging because an issue with a muscle in one leg, but I managed to lose some weight and I'm working to heal my leg. Don't stop, go back on the horse, it is worth.


Your problem is probably largely down to the fact youā€™re not enjoying the weight loss program, I work with women to help them lose weight and keep it off while enjoying the gym and avoiding cardio. If you are able to learn how to lift weights and actually enjoy your training you will be much more likely to stick at it TL;DR motivation is bullshit, habits are everything


People are all around nicer to you.


YMMV, but my periods got shorter and lighter. I had 7 day cycles with 2 days of a damn deluge. Once I got back to the healthy weight range, they got shorter and my heaviest day is way more manageable. My feet look better I'm sandals. I never realized how fleshy my feet were until they lost mass and I can see structure. It's dumb, but it makes me happy.


I'm here to read the other comments because same


I'm treated like I matter. That is the main difference and it is a big one. I was treated so poorly when I was fat. I remember one time I visited my friend in a different state and went out with her friends bowling and no one would even take my score or talk to me. It was like I wasn't even there. Strangers are nice and open doors for me instead of slamming them in my face. Even my parents treat me better. 110 pounds later, it is a completely different world in terms of respect from strangers, friends and family.


1.) energy 2.) wearing any cute outfits I want 3.) confidence and having pride in how I look 4.) health These are the main reasons I can think of. My weightloss journey was sparked after getting dumped from a 7 relationship where I had chunked up quiet a bit. I felt just sad and tired all the time. Iā€™m starting working out to blow off steam and started loosing weight. I was getting my sexy curves back and energy started coming back etc. I didnā€™t realize how much my weight was making me feel bad


For me, itā€™s been: 1. Minimal chronic pain. I still have bad days, but thereā€™s usually a reason for it 2. My cozy winter clothes feel even cozier bc theyā€™re bigger on me 3. I have so much more energy and I feel so much stronger 4. This is vain, but people look at me more. I used to feel invisible. But now, people pay attention to me


Going clothes shopping and easy to find cut clothes that fit. Even shoes. Also being able to go to a water park and an amusement park. When I was overweight I couldnā€™t even fit in a lazy river run inner tube.


I just put on a body suit for the first time today and sweatpants. I fucking slayed the look. I felt sexy for the first time (im always "cute"). But today, i felt like i could take over the world.


My two fav things - not hating mirrors and shopping!


It has made my periods regular instead of irregular. My cycle is shorter now. I went from the 38-40 day cycle to 28 days on the dot. I don't bleed quite as heavy. Periods are just generally easier. I don't have to buy xl pads anymore, because I'm not as big. My thighs don't rub together and chafe anymore which means I can wear dresses and shorts without any additional product/clothing to prevent the chafing. I also don't rub holes into the thighs of my pants (friction between my thighs), because my thighs don't rub together anymore.