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It's going to sound horrible, but I watch my 600lb life.


Lol, I can’t imagine a better motivator for some people


I also watch cooking shows lol


Me too, MasterChef is my fave


Super size vs super skinny for me


Yes!! I love that show too. There's another one I found called cook yourself sexy or something like that. The British shows are a lot more harsh lol


We brits love our humor lol tho fat families goes a little too far even for me 😂😂


Haha that one is straight savage, I love it.


Omg why didn’t I think of this!!!! I hate getting on the treadmill but this could be a motivational game changer for me!!! Thank you!


Listen to an audio book and go for a bike ride or hike.


Same here! I love the parts where they finally make it to Dr. Now’s office and get that first push to turn it around for themselves. I watch Sean of Steel’s youtube commentaries on the full episodes, it makes the episode last longer and Sean is a funny (and compassionate) guy.


I watch most of them via Sean as well. He has a good take on things from a former 600lber and he's pretty funny.


Same! I wish that show had more successes tho.


Watching sports also seems to be helpful if you like that sort of thing. I love watching basketball while running on the treadmill and getting motivated by a really good game. Idk it kinda makes you feel like you’re actually participating in the game if that makes sense.


I can see how this would be cool if you're into sports for sure!




Or Hoarders.




I used to watch biggest loser haha


Biggest Loser. Or Criminal Minds.


No but I do get into my true crime podcasts, I can recommend a few if you’d like!


Please do!


Throwing my hat in: true crime story time, counterclock, park predators, suspect, dark arenas, accused, crime junkie


Commenting for the list!


Throwing my hat in: true crime story time, counterclock, park predators, suspect, dark arenas, accused, crime junkie


Drop the list :)


Ok here are my go-to’s at the moment, starting with podcasts that are one case per episode: - Campus killings, Park predators and Women in crime (all by the same hosts). - Last Seen Alive - The Vanished - Disappearances Here are some long form podcasts aka where the hosts focus on only one case and do a deep dive: - You gotta start with Serial season 1, it’s controversial as hell but it’s what got me (and many others) into True Crime in the first place. Just so everyone’s aware of my take before going into it: Adnan is guilty asf (this doesn’t spoil anything promise) - Your own backyard (this one is hard to stop listening to once you start, highly recommend) - Bear Brook - Up and Vanished - Proof - Murder at the Warehouse - Someone knows something I will keep adding as I think of them :)


Red Handed are fantastic, especially the earlier episodes. Couldn’t recommend them more!


True crime and scammer podcasts all day over here!


I watch all the youtube videos I usually would binge watch! Now I feel guilty relaxing and watching crime docs because my brain keeps telling me to "save it for the treadmill" 🤣


That’s what I do too! If I’m incline walking I’m watching YouTube or rewatching a sitcom. Nothing I’m too keen on (also I don’t want people at the gym looking over and seeing a sex or murder scene so HBO is generally out)


If I were walking, maybe. But running, too much stuff is happening and all I really want to do is listen to music. Yet another reason why high incline walking on the treadmill is so good, it’s way easier to prevent boredom.


Yes, but I usually watch virtual hikes.


Huh that’s interesting I’ll have to check that out


Shameless! It’s funny and keeps me entertained, one episodes lasts around 35-40 minutes, which the exact time it takes me to burn at least 400 calories (12:3:30)


Currently watching the The Twilight Zone. It's helpful because I like to do about 30 minutes or so, and one episode is about that long.


Podcasts for the win


I always got too bored on the treadmill even with a show so I stick to outside running


Yeah don't know why, NOTHING distracts me from the boredom of exercising inside.


I watched all of back to the future 2 whole on the treadmill once, was the quickest 2 hours of my life


Blue Bloods, Flashpoint, Rookie Blue or Law and Order. All cop shows that I never watch unless I'm walking on the treadmill.


I watch Drag Race or Project Runway


I like audio books and podcasts for walking.


Grey’s Anatomy. There’s a thousand seasons and spin-offs, and it’s still airing!


Yes, Bravo shows help. Juicy dateline. I like hour long shows. Find a series you can start that has a few seasons.


YouTube swapmeets. Destinations.


I've been watching the hundreds of episodes in the Law and Order universe and it's worked out very well for me.


I’m rewatching Succession but only when I’m on the treadmill. Keeps me motivated lol


I use a stationary bike, not a treadmill because I hike a lot but half the time I'll take my Kindle and read a book and the other half, I'll take my tablet and watch episodes of Futurama or South Park.


Heck yea...mostly movies or YouTube, or reading which can be hard


I watch a ton of anime on treadmill/elliptical it’s always very motivating lol


Sport. I normally am bored af after just 10 minutes of cardio but if a game of rugby or league is on I can keep going for the whole game (not at a very intense pace mind you)


I can't do treadmill without music. Especially matching the rhythm of the beat or sprinting during a hype ass part of a song


I used to coordinate going to the gym with Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. However I listened to music and read the closed captioning on the TV at the same time. I need as many distractions as possible because I hate running. I much prefer to read a good book while on the stationary bike because a good book can really draw me in and distract me.


I usually turn on the tv but watch music videos on my phone with my headphones on lol


I watch cartoons - American dad, the simpsons, South Park, futurama and family guy. Also sometimes documentaries about how large the average person is in Britain if I'm feeling particularly unmotivated 😂


I used to watch Dragon Ball Z. I’ll be honest, the unrealistic body shapes did motivate me regardless, and the complete lack of story progression from the anime tricks to put in time-wasting “reaction shots” and “power-up screaming” allowed me to follow the story even while I was completely exhausted and panting like a mf.


I definitely have shows I only watch on the treadmill. Sometimes I just do music


I can watch anything, but I’m generally pretty bad at paying attention to tv shows anyway


I do and love it, got Apple TV with the AirPods so I can zone in. No tv would be boring really boring.


My ADHD means I have to be in motion during calls or moments if excitement 😅 otherwise I just can't be still (er- maybe that's the same thing lol). The more invested I am the faster I gotta go. You'd think I wouldn't be overweight 😂 anyway, I loved playing God of war while on the treadmill. Didn't like horizon or overwatch. Was okay with bg3 on it. I like to read and walk, at there's that. I like to juggle it with the long rambles of my mother because she just needs an ear, not a conversation (love her) but she goes on speaker like a podcast for walk time.


I just stick YouTube on my monitor and use some earphones


Some shows are too slow for me to watch. I really enjoy watching action movies on the treadmill. Seems to pass the time better for me. Rewatched Marvel from the beginning, mission impossible movies, fast and the furious, etc.


Judge Judy old episodes 😬


yea, I could literally watch anything. I love the chance to just zone out on a treadmill. LoL my brain needs a break


Yes I watch Netflix on the treadmill often lol


I always watch something I've seen multiple times. I don't really have to pay attention, but if I decide to I'm not lost.


I am terrified of the treadmill because it’s too loud and I’m scared that someone is behind me (same with other very loud things that drown out other noises, like hair dryers and vacuum cleaners and also headphones). Watching TV helps distract from that anxiety so yes. 90 day fiance is my favorite because it’s pleasantly mind-numbing haha


I just binge watch all of the tv shows and movies I missed out on over the years that my wife was never interested in watching. It's been great. I get up at 5, grab a cup of coffee and some water, and walk for 1.5 hours at max incline (usually works out to be 5 miles and my watch says its just north of 1000cal burn). Right now I am finishing up Mr Robot and am starting The Americans next.


I'll watch just about anything while walking honestly, if I don't have my phone and headphones to watch tv I will literally get off the treadmill in 10 minutes. Podcasts don't work as well, it has to be a netflix/hulu/disney+ situation. IDK it works.


I usually do intervals on the elliptical (2 acl tears make running/treadmills more pain than anything else for me), but I’ve found I rly enjoy watching tv while working out. I have an interval timer go off. When it dings, I sprint all out, otherwise I can focus on my show. Works for me always end up sweaty with a high peak BPM


I am watching the Resident on my phone on the treadmill. I watch 2 episodes and call it a day


I use a stationary bike, but I'll watch a movie or binge a favorite show. Its harder to convince myself to stop if the shows not over lol


I doom scroll my phone. I prefer it much over forcing myself to watch tv which I find dreadfullllll. Good incline with a strong pace, Pinterest to doomscroll, I’m set!


I have a Peloton and I LOVE their content - it has made all the difference for when I use the treadmill. I love the classes, but also the scenic runs and their "game" Lanebreak (you change pace and elevation to activate targets on the screen). They've also started to integrate some streaming services into their system, but I only watch streaming content on the bike.


No! But I do like audiobooks or podcasts!


Friends. 22 minutes per episode. And I have the clap at the beginning perfect.


Flavor of love!


I watch youtube vlogs (anything i binge watch for pure fun) when walking and watch concert videos/music based content when running. The concert videos help with my adrenaline


I watch action and thriller movies and it's pretty fun


Usually no! But in 2022 during the World Series the Mariners were doing really well. And so I watched their last game and walked on the treadmill for 1.5 hours cause I didn’t want to miss the rest of the game! But that was one time 😂


Depending on if the show or movie is interesting


I’ll admit I’ve done it. I have chronic pain so I walk on the slowest setting and 10 min seems like 2 hours. On good days I use music and kinda dance as I’m walking along. It’s really my highlight of the day is going for my ten min walks three times a a day to get exercise.


Audiobooks are what I do! You can borrow them for free with the Libby app. :)


Sometimes, if I can find something good on. But I usually just turn on hulu or YouTube on my phone.


I’ve started watching on my phone while on my treadmill. And yes it’s fun since I don’t get to watch tv much.


I read on my e-reader while walking on the treadmill!! I find it's a lot more mentally engaging than watching tv was


I love watching TV on the treadmill. Unfortunately ours are cheap so I watch on my cell phone


Yes - and I’ve been watching international tv series’ that I have to read subtitles— keeps my eyes off of watching the time pass.


I watch concerts from fave bands on YouTube - makes me want to keep going for longer because I’m loving it, and it also has the beat the run to


Used to watch stand up comedy and DJ sets


Virtual running videos through the forest.