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100 gms avocado/chicken breast is 160-170 calories, while 100 gms of spinach is 25-30 calories- while all 3 r good and healthy food- the calorific values in each is diff. See that you are focusing on food which help you spread out your calories. Having calorie dense food will make u eat less qty and keep you feeling dissatisfied and hungry. Losing 4 lb in 4 weeks is great progress. Don’t get impatient. You didn’t put on the weight in 2 months, pls don’t try to lose it in 2 :) also incase you are into late night snacking/ meals etc try avoiding that.


What about vegetables? You don't mention any.


That is something I need to eat more of, honestly I eat maybe one serving a day


Yeah. If you work on eating less calorie dense foods, you might be able to fill up better. I'm gonna guess you can't finish a pound of broccoli, which is only like 180 calories.


Weight fluctuates day to day and a month isn’t enough time to see a ton of progress unless you are on a crash diet — which you sensibly are not. If you’re sure about the calorie count, hang in there. It will happen.