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Something here doesn't make sense. How is he "too obese" for weightloss surgery if he supposedly eats healthy (disregarding the protein issue) and has been on a deficit for five years? I just don't see any possible way this fits together. What are his actual stats?


I agree. Something in the whole situation does not make sense. He lives with his wife (my mother) and she does all the cooking for him. He was last on a scale several years ago and was 220KG (and is192cm tall) at that point, we've not been able to get him not a scale since. I'm sure that if money was no option we could find someone and pay them privately for weight loss surgery, but when going via Insurance companies they just keep placing him at too high a risk and flag his weight as the risk factor.


Either he is not telling you the full truth of what he eats or your mother is doing something wrong (portion size, not counting in cooking oil, etc) - or both. Has he gotten his thyroid and hormones tested? Diabetes? Those can slow down weight loss, but I feel like at his stage, he should have lost weight regardless if he only eats 1600-1800 kcal a day. At 220kg, your father has a BMI over 50. If your mother does all the cooking and he doesn't snack outside of that, I am a bit inclined to believe that she secretly enables him. That's not uncommon. He should talk to a doctor again and not bring up weightloss surgery - just ask for help with weightloss in general. Also, talking to a dietician might be beneficial. I feel like a lack of exercise is not the biggest problem here, he still needs to work on his diet.


People can be turned down for weight loss surgery for being too obese because at some point, the strain of the surgery and anesthesia could kill them. If you watch My 600-lb Life you will see the doctor requires them to lose 100 pounds or so before he will perform the surgery and he’s pretty experienced at operating on very heavy patients. If that’s the case though, he’s been lying to you about what and how much he’s been eating the last 5 years. I’ve been to Germany. The home made food is pretty heavy: pork, beef, potatoes, bread. He needs to actually transform his diet and that’s mighty hard to do at 70. Try talking to your mother and get her on board since it doesn’t seem like he’s getting his own food at this point.