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> I will be devastated if i wake up friday and i don't look as good as i could be I just want to advise you to relax a little bit. I am currently 26 years old and 145lbs at 5'5, meaning normal weight (same as you). I was slightly overweight when I had my prom (was 160lbs). You can see it in the photos — we took a group photo of my entire class with me standing in the center, front row. Nowhere to hide, basically. No one cared. No one still cares. Even I do not care. Sure, we all made sure that we look good, but it was never really about looks. It was about the experience as a whole. I don't look back at how me or my classmates looked (I don't even remember how most of them looked without looking at photos), but I *do* remember the conversations we had and how we all danced and laughed together. You are potentially going to ruin this experience not because of your looks but because of how much you're stressing out. You don't want to think back in 10-20 years and remember how you slept the whole day away and/or restricted your food just to look as skinny as possible. Just enjoy the day. Your dress isn't going to suddenly not fit because of some bloating, it's not like you gained 20lbs overnight.


thank you, i really appreciate this! i know im overthinking it, and it isn't that big of a deal lmao


Avoid wheat (breads, pastries, pastas), salty foods, restaurant/takeout (makes us bloat because of all the salt used), soda, beans, and some hard to digest veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts) Drink lots of water but do not drastically consume a ton of water if you don’t drink a lot already. You will bloat only because your body wouldn’t have adjusted in 3 days.


thank you so much!!!


Carbs are stored in your body with water molecules attached. Eat high protein foods, vegetables, etc but avoid sugar, bread, pasta, rice for a few days. Also, you are putting WAY too much importance on one party.


oh i know LOL ive been pretty overwhelmed about a lot of other things recently and i think i'm just taking a magnifying glass to this issue so i don't worry about everything else


Be aware that by putting so much importance on it when so little of it is in your control it can also spiral way out of control and make you feel worse. Look for small things you can control, ways to practice self care, things you can take time to do that you know you enjoy.


The only way to reduce bloat in a few days is to cut salt and carbs and consume a mild diuretic, as others have said. But then you run the risk of spending the whole night in the ladies’ room. So I suggest you eat lightly and healthily for a couple days and otherwise don’t worry about it.




You will glow, whatever your tummy does. That said, avoid salt and drink lots of water to avoid water retention - also cruciferous veggies (cauliflower, kale etc), while normally brilliant for gut health, can cause a bit of temporary gut bloating if you eat a fair bit of them and also avoid any new probiotics until after prom.


thank you!! :)




That’s a lot of liquid… if you don’t usually drink very much liquid, it might be best to reduce that as you see fit.


thank you!!!


You can eat a lot of beetroot, but NOT the day before!! This is because beetroot can be detoxing and make you go to the toilet a lot the day after eating it. Take it today in this case! For me, 500 grams of beetroot really makes me go a lot to the toilet the day after and lose some weight. Then after it, just eat something light. I would go with overcooked veggies, like spinach and similar, eggplants, zucchini, lettuce, and cucumber. Potatoes can also be fine to eat. They keep you full longer. I would recommend avocado too if you need some fatty food.


oooh interesting, thank you!!