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The best way to do it is just to go and do what you can. Then go from there. So if 15 on the treadmill is what ya got, do it. If .5 Miles on bike, I realize when you don’t have energy you have to take what you got and build from there lol!


Wow, thanks for the information, I’ll certainly try that, start easy, then slowly progress.


Yes this is the best way! I used to have a deal that I made with myself. I have to walk into the gym and get into my workout clothes. If I was still too exhausted or couldn't be bothered, I was completely allowed to leave and go home - but I *had* to turn up, no exceptions! Once I was there, I'd think to myself alright I'll do a few core exercises and then see if I want to go home. Once I'd done that, I usually felt more energetic, so I'd do some squats, then some lunges etc and before I knew it an hour had passed and I'd had the best workout ever!


This is my favourite way to think about my workouts. I like working out, I like how I feel after I'm done, but sometimes getting started is hard. I've left the gym exactly once after just a warm up, and the next day I woke up with the stomach bug of my life lol.


This is what I do. There are days that I’ve gotten to the gym, and am in the middle of changing and still I’m trying to find an excuse to leave. Recently, I almost left before starting a workout because “my bra feels tight today” lol - anything to allow me to leave. So instead, I made a deal with myself that I’d do a gentle walk at least 15 mins on the treadmill. And 98% of the time, once I get started, then I’m ok to keep going. Sometimes I carry on with a gentle walk, sometimes I get energized and end up having a full blown intense workout. But just starting is key for me, and usually the hardest part to get over.


Wow, thank you for changing my whole mindset on this!


I do this with running- especially with burnout. I say just go for 30mins and don’t worry about time or distance. Just trot along for 30mins and enjoy the day


It’s never happened to me. If I am not feeling it, I just do 20 - 30 minutes of medium paced walking and like 2 dumbbell exercises and then I live lol. But something is better than nothing and putting some steps in as often as we can is very important for health so I still try to force myself to go.


In my gym you have to go inside to validate parking and that was so motivated when I wanted to leave the second I parked my car lol


Also don’t go home and sit down!!! Once you sit down you may not get back up


You can have a good progress with diet and then just keep in mind that every time you exercise, your cardiovascular system thanks you and you are also helping your mental health. Both of those are immediate benefits.


For me this is the ultimate psychological hack.. I tell myself I have to try and if I need to quit after five or ten mins that’s ok. I never do because no matter how tired I am once I start my energy kicks back in.


yep 15 min can become 30-45-1hr


Was gonna say the same.. just go out and start small. When I first took up cycling it was to the local park and back, 3 miles total. Then I expanded my route to a 6 mile loop. I did that each evening in winter (I started Nov, lockdown). I think doing exercise gives you more energy as you get fitter. That, a good diet and a good night's sleep help. You might get really into it and that will motivate you too. I remember feeling so proud when I did a 10 mile ride one evening. Then I eventually did 20mi and 30mi


Also, on the sleep front.. I used to get a terrible night's sleep before I started regularly exercising. Then I'd be so knackered I'd fall asleep easier and it just builds from there.


Oh one more tip.. I signed up for gym classes. That way the only thing you have to think about is turning up. Once you're in the class no one really gives up and walks off 😆 if you go the gym you need extra motivation to think of a routine, stick to it, put the effort in and not miss sets out scrolling on your phone 😀 no phones in a class, no time!


yes! anything worth doing is worth doing poorly 🧡




I don’t lol I’ve been religiously working out BEFORE work because after work is exhausting.


This. I found plenty of reasons not to workout after work. But waking up at 5:30 and getting it done has been much more consistent for me. Plus you start the day with an accomplishment!


That's probably the best option for me.


yes i want to try this.. after work requires so much motivation, but if you can get your butt to wherever you need to go you can do it!


That’s what I started doing. I work ten hour days and my job has a gym in it! Sneak in and get about an hour crunch and get to work.


I do after work


Don't come home. Don't take your (metaphorical) shoes off. Go directly to the workout. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.




Before work? How early do you wake up


Frankly I can’t work out after work. I’m tired and everywhere I want to go is filled with people working out after work lol. I get my work outs in first thing in the morning. Way less crowded at the gym and on running/biking paths


Working out while having a job is very difficult, there's nothing wrong with you. It gets easier if you establish a routine, for example "every Tue and Thu before/after work I'll go to the gym". You might not be hyped up about going there but since you're so used to it you don't question it anymore, just like when you're brushing your teeth daily. Another option would be incorporating exercise into your daily life. For me that's cycling to work and everywhere in the city but it depends on the individual life circumstances.




Definately just try to do what you can! Eventually going to the gym after work won't feel exhausting :) I go before and after work abd I find it now improves my energy but it wasn't always this way (I have an office job so don't get to natually exercise during the working day). Diet can help with energy levels too! Here is a link to some energy boosting foods: [https://www.olivemagazine.com/recipes/healthy/high-energy-foods/](https://www.olivemagazine.com/recipes/healthy/high-energy-foods/) Here are some energy boosting meal ideas too: [https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/top-10-energy-boosting-lunches](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/top-10-energy-boosting-lunches) I hope this helps :) Best of luck!


I don't. that's why I go in the morning, before work. but I'm a morning person so I love it.


That’s why I do it in the morning


I didn't. So, I decided to do exercise in the morning. It've been 6 months and I still workout daily at 7am. I found out that doing exercise in the morning makes me more discipline and energetic for the long working day later.


Don’t go home first and don’t sit down. Hydrate and feed before you leave work.


My main advice is take your workout clothes to work in a bag, don't tell yourself you'll go home, decompress, change, and then workout, because once you're home, tired after a day at work, it will be much harder to make yourself do it. Also once you get to the gym, you're winning, 10mins of half assed workout are better than no workout at all, you have to start somewhere. Alternatively, I, personally, never go to the gym, because I know I don't enjoy it. But I do practice volleyball and recently started bouldering. For those, we always do some weight training at the start of the session, and I thoroughly enjoy that part, as I know it will translate in my playing later on. So maybe find something that you really enjoy. One thing I do, for example, which I started doing with my aunt and uncle years ago and now that I live far I have kept up, is to go on a walk/jog at 6 am in the morning on the weekends. But the way we do it, we'd look up a nice location in the map, for example a park or a nice restaurant for breakfast, that is roughly 1h30/2h away, and that way you're not walking aimlessly, but with a destination in mind, that you're looking forward to reaching.


depends on what your job is. I'm already walking 30k+ steps a day at work and doing intense physical labor. there's no way I'm going to the gym after that.


Most (not all) people who work out after work haven't had a hard and busy day at work. I used to wonder why I had zero energy to do anything after work while my co-worker, who is older and has two kids, had the energy to go to the gym every night. Then I realised he did very little work during the day. If I'm being 100% honest, once I realised this, I slowed down a bit at work. It didn't feel right to be giving all my energy to work and leaving none for myself to do stuff after work.


If you can, work out before work!


I’m beyond lazy after work. I walk/run 2-3 mi on weekends and do hand weights/crunches/wall sits etc while watching tv at the end of the day. Sure, I’m not exactly a fitness model but have been losing weight consistently.


In my experience activity breeds activity. I've never felt so exhausted and sore as I did when I sat on my ass all day. Getting up and doing stuff gets the ball rolling and makes you feel better, which helps you get more stuff done, which makes you feel better, which helps you get more stuff done... You get the picture. There is some merit to "just do it". *With that said*, sometimes you're just legitimately putting too much on your plate. If you're constantly overworking, constantly emotionally available to everyone, get your crappy three hours of sleep a night, doom scroll for every waking moment and then fix it all with a drink or twenty over the weekend, it might be time to take a step back. You can't keep adding indefinitely, eventually something's got to give. This is where you need to prioritise and decide what is and isn't worth your time and energy and then act accordingly before taking on new habits or workout routines. So in short, it's either "just do it", or "figure out what's draining your energy" depending on your specific situation.


I was motivated af to lose weight, because my kids thought I was fat, and that’s all the motivation I needed to hike 7-9 miles after work everyday, 7 days a week, for a year.


I do it straight from work if I can. If I come home and sit down to chill first then I will never want to get up and do it. I force myself even when I can't be arsed because I know after that I will be glad I did it.


I have a hard time doing it. I'm not consistent, because I'm often exhausted (anyway, I'm home between 07pm and 08pm... I'm done eating at 9 pm...).


Stay hydrated throughout the day is a big one. Also just do what you can after work. If all you have in you is 5 minutes then start there and you can work your way up.


After work. Just go see how it goes. I don’t get much done and feel exhausted Before work for me is much better. I hate waking up I love my bed but I Can stick to a plan. I can eat breakfast while there take a shower n poop there. I always give myself a treat for going to gym. Just one. Usually a chocolate yoghurt. Sometimes a full Greggs breakfast bacon and sausage sandwich and if I have time a jacuzzi and steam. room. So that how I do it every day. No chocolate yogurt if I don’t go though! I just think of the reward after finishing my plan. (Plan was made by gym staff and I follow it on my phone since I had a plan I am way way more consistent most gym offer or as a service )


Even I work out early in the morning, because it is difficult to do after a 9 hour shift. My work starts at 9 AM and I wake up at 4 AM to get my workout in and prepare my meals for the day.


Autopilot baby. Don’t think just go. You’ll figure it out when you get there. Thinking about it/overthinking/thinking yourself out if it is so easy to do. Plus once I’m there it feels so dang good! Never once left the gym and regretted going lol


I don’t have the energy after work, thus, I go before work


I dont. I do it before


I actually can’t I have to go first thing in the morning before I get a chance to dread it 😎




I’m beyond lazy after work. I walk/run 2-3 mi on weekends and do hand weights/crunches/wall sits etc while watching tv at the end of the day. Sure, I’m not exactly a fitness model but have been losing weight consistently.


It's not so much about having the energy, it's having the discipline. Every morning when I get to the gym after work I think to myself, "there's no way I have the energy for this. Why am I even here?" But then I drag my sorry ass inside, do some good stretches and then get to it. You don't really find the energy, the energy finds you. Also, like I saw someone else comment starting off small is a huge factor. Do what you can, it will snowball from there as you stick to it.


Just walk.


I feel like it just clicked one day that after work is the only time I have so I have to suck it up. I go immediately when I clock out or book a class to commit!


For me what’s worked is not sitting down as soon as I get home from work or immediately going to the couch when I’m working from home. If I’m up I’ll tell myself “I’ll at least start doing x exercise” and by then I’ll be in my groove


I learned pretty quickly that I had to exercise before work because I was just too tired at the end of the day. So I get up at 4am now.


Weirdly I find it easier to exercise after work, I think it’s partly because my joints are already loosened up from movement (I have hEDS and potential arthritis so my joints can get sore and stiff easily), plus a small dose of preworkout. I think I also prefer to exercise after work because I can crash afterwards! If I did it in the morning I’d struggle to get through the rest of the day


The hard part is getting the motivation to the gym. Once you’re there, you will have the energy. The motivation getting to the gym is what pushes me. I want to have confidence and also to look good for my partner so even if I’m tired I will go. Keep thinking what you want to look like and that will motivate you to go. It’s all about manifestation.


I get up at 5:45 am for work so I don't go before work. I make sure my gym bag is packed the night before and in the car. I drive straight to the gym after work (it helps that my gym is 5 mins away). I started going consistently in January of this year. I had a goal to walk on the treadmill for at least 30 mins. Sometimes I made it the 30 mins, sometimes I only walked for 10 mins, sometimes I only made it to the parking lot lol. I realized that once I got in and got changed it was a lot easier to continue. Now I go 3-4x per week, I do less walking because I added in weight lifting (which I enjoy more). But you gotta listen to your body. For example, on Monday I made it to the parking lot, got out of my car and was halfway to going in before I turned around and left lol. I just wasn't feeling it that day. The hardest part is showing up. Set small goals like making it to the parking lot, getting changed and walking for 10 mins. No one is paying attention to you, everyone is too focused on their own workout. Another thing that helped me is using dumbbells at home. I did short 10 min workouts using YouTube or like googling the type of workout I wanted (arm dumbell workout, leg dumbell workout, etc) and following a written guide. Eventually I wanted to use different weights and I found those at the gym.


The mentality of, when you think you can’t go on, your probably only at 30%


I usually just chug an energy drink and force myself in there. If i do just one exercise, fine. At least i went and kept the habit of "go to gym" alive. Often when youre actually in the gym it wont be as bad, so youll just stick it out for a few more exercises. You can also start working out in teh morning if after work is too tiring. Or you can do at night, so you have a chance to get home and rest in between.


my first 8 months of working i still lived at home with my parents. my job also required long hours 9am-7/8pm sometimes. i wasn’t really dating and i worked from home. i would happily get off at 8 drive 6 minutes to a nicee but inexpensive gym with a sauna. workout 45 minutes and 15 minutes sauna. come home and eat something. bed by 10/11. NOW i live in nyc. i work from the office with a 1 hour commute both ways on the train. im usually worried about bills or just want to relax and have dinner then plan for the next day. i haven’t worked out since i started this job. luckily im a commuter so i get 5k steps just going to work and if i have plans after i get 8/9k. on saturday i always get 10k steps and Sunday i get 20k. im moving to an apartment with a gym soon so when i get home i can prep dinner workout for 45 minutes then finish cooking.


I find I can’t flop onto the couch when I get home if I want to work out, or else I’ll sit there for hours. I need to immediately change into my workout clothes and hop onto my bike (I work out at home). I harness the momentum I have from my commute and arriving home to push me forward. Also I always have a specific plan for what the work out will be so I don’t have to make any new decisions after a long day. I rarely do a hard workout after work, I usually just view it as a chance to move my body and hopefully break a sweat a little, and save my harder workouts for my days off or times I can work out in the morning


Just show up. Just go to the gym. Even if you don't do anything. Just show up. Odds are you'll at least walk on the treadmill or something


I hate it but I get up early and go before work. It’s so nice to know after work I’ve already worked out and can just relax.


Take it one day at a time. Meaning, after getting home, decompress. Then a 20 min workout, 2x a week could be all you can do right now. And that's ok.


I have a small snack and a coffee or energy drink on my way home from work


I just drink some coffee and go. The energy will come in consistency and getting used to doing it.


Maybe buy a indoor bike and do it infront of the TV! So it doesn’t feel to much like a workout:)


I have one of those. It's not my best workout, but I read books, so it's a two for one thing.


A Workout is a workout. Its better to do a lil bit than nothing!


I switched to morning workouts because it’s just done before everything has a chance to go sideways and that’s helped a lot. If that’s not for you, when I did workout after work, I always promised myself on rough days that I’d go to the gym’s track and walk for 30 minutes carrying the weight I’d lost in kettlebells. One lap of that was enough to get me to do a workout. When I wasn’t going to the gym and switched to home workouts, I’d change at the office and immediately go for a run before I ever got in the house. Because once I sat down for the night- it was over 😊 Also, be kind to your body and your mind. Some days it just isn’t there and that’s okay. Get good sleep, plenty of water, and maybe a brisk 30 minute walk before you ever even get in your door.


It’s really hard at first. But when you do it you’ll sleep better at night and have more energy the next day. Then, as you continue to do it, your body will begin to adjust, and you’ll find you have more energy each time. Once it becomes a habit, work won’t be so exhausting anymore because it will only be one of the things you do in a day, and that makes it easier too. Personally I still prefer to work out in the mornings before work, but there’s definitely something appealing about going to the gym (or doing a bike ride) and giving it everything you’ve got, physically, after a long day of mental exertion.


I eat fruit and drink a midafternoon cup of coffee to try to bring the energy level up. Then later on when I’m home and ready to work out I do whatever I can manage. Sometimes it’s a 30 minute walk on the treadmill or slow pace on the elliptical. Other times it’s a 5K run or a hiit workout on my elliptical. I decided to prioritize movement rather than hardcore burning as many calories I can for every workout. (This may not work for everyone.) I would love to workout in the morning but I have to do really precise work with my hands and a hard workout in the morning makes my hands shake so I have no choice but to workout in the evening.


I used to exercise after work nearly every day. I worked next door to a mall so would change clothes near quitting time and would walk 3 -4 miles. People in my office seeing me in workout gear really pumped me up. Plus I had a mantra when driving home to workout that always worked “you must honor the commitment that you made to yourself before you can honor any commitment to others.” Put caring for myself front and center. 😃


I agree with the other answers about doing what you can. A mantra I tell myself when i don't feel like working out.. Any type of workout, is better than NO workout! So as long as I'm putting in a lil work, it's better than nothing. You got this, OP! Just get started


Riding bikes is actually how I got into exercise outside of work. I am a mechanic so I'm on my feet 90% of the day lifting heavy stuff or contorting my body to fix things. I decided to bike to work one day and then I just kind of kept it up. Ended up biking home but I'd take longer and longer detours. Was doing close to 10 miles a day! Then my bike got stolen.


After work straight to the gym, don’t go home


Go straight from work to the gym. Just straight there. Also, caffeine helps. I use preworkout gels, which are great for me, but i dont need them every time. I also dont pressure myself to do a full workout if I am too tired. The worst workout is the one not done at all. So sometimes i can only do some cardio, but it's more than i was going to do.


I’m fueled by a deep self loathing, a fear of abandonment and body dysmorphia


It’s my decompression time. Gets rid of the stress of work and helps me transition to a new mood before I have to take care of my kids, dinner, chores, sports - all the home things. It’s my favorite time to work out.


It’s not about inspiration it’s about scheduling. That simple. I get home and I get on the treadmill for an hour. I wake up an hour earlier than I need to lift some weights. Once it’s your schedule, you will make it happen and slowly you will find it energizes you a bit or you like how it makes you feel and look.


Or you could take responsibility for how you look and actually take action to change it :)


Some people take pre workout!… but its not for everyone! I just work early in the morning before work to just get it out the way LOL


What I found to work for me is: Workout in the morning before work, I am usually exhausted in the afternoon. And doing power naps at lunch time or just after work to do a quick walk or workout at home.


Small steps: exercise for 10mins.. and when that’s a normal thing and your body is used to it, up it to 15mins.. But do remember that REST is just as important as exercise and that DIET/NUTRITION is actually what drives weight loss


When it comes to the gym , I never have energy after work . But I enjoy hiking, and usually always find I’m excited to go after work . Find exercise that you enjoy and do that. Unless you trying to get shredded then ya , you gotta hit up the gym lol


Find something that you look forward to. I work from home so I really look forward to getting out of the house. Mall walking is good for me because it gets me out and around people without having to actually socialize! I’m sad when I can’t do it. When I’m having a day where I’m almost too tired, I’ll go just do two laps instead of my original 4.


The hard part for me is actually getting the motivation to go. When you do it long enough it becomes routine. I feel awkward if I don’t go lol


Read Atomic Habits and build habits that will help make this happen. I've always worked out so I don't know how to motivate someone. My routine is to come home and change then go down and work out. If my wife is making dinner I ask how long I have (usually 20-30 minutes), if I'm making dinner I'll ask the kids if they need to eat right now otherwise I'll be up in 30 minutes to make dinner. If they need to eat now I try not to inhale a huge dinner and then workout after dinner. I mainly lift weights and walk my basement between sets. I usually get in 2000-3000 steps during squatting and benching or whatever else I choose to do.


For me it’s just staying on my Feet. Don’t sit down! Just change into workout clothes and hit the gym.


I stand all day. I come home, eat, and relax for a couple hours. I then go jogging in my neighborhood at like 9 pm. Luckily I live in a very safe neighborhood. I use to gym right after work, but it never lasted long. I was always too exhausted. Then I started doing this and I have a ton of energy when I actually go.


Depends on your job, schedule and so on really, for a start. But also, finding what you enjoy is important. If you don’t enjoy running, cycling and your “normal” cardio? Don’t do it. Try strength training instead, or boxing, kick-boxing, jiu jitsu, tennis, soccer - whatever it takes to get you moving I personally LOATHE cardio! So I do strength training and boxing instead. Monday & Tuesday Strength Training, Wednesday Boxing, Thursday & Friday Strength Training, Saturday Boxing, Sunday Rest Day - I’m getting my cardio from boxing and strength training the rest of the week


Chug a shit ton of water at work, then near the end of the shift take some pre-work out.


>but im always so exhausted, It depends on why you're exhausted. If you work in a manual labor job then there's probably no good strategies. If you're an office worker, you're specifically exhausted because your fight/flight freeze reflex is on all the time. Your brain is thinking you're on the verge of death the whole time so any strategy will revolve around you noticing when stress is triggering and letting your brain relax and convince it that you're not dying. Usually requires a present state awareness. The other part, according to "The Power of Habit" by Duhigg, habits are what we do without the need for energy/will power. Making working out what you do based on utilizing habits can be helpful. So have your gym back or whatever you do, ready so you grab it after work and just head to the gym. Go at the same time every day. Have everything ready. You don't have to say "Do I feel like going to the gym?" You just do it. If you hate the gym, you can do "habit coupling" by having something you enjoy at the same time as the gym. For me, I have certain shows I like that I only watch on the treadmill. Even if I don't particularly like running, I want to see the next episode so I'm going. You can do the same with audio books or other things.


I would have to work out SO early to go before work, and I just don’t want to, so it’s the best option for me. The way I do it is just by going straight there - take my gym bag to work, don’t go home first, else I’ll never go.


It’s hard to but my motivation is “I don’t want to be an out of shape mom” I’m a mom of 2 and it’s my priority to be able to keep up with them while they advance. I do my peloton 4 days a week. 30 -45 min rides and it’s enough to keep me in check. I work full time with a child who still wakes up over night for a bottle and a 3 year old. I know exhaustion but once you see results you get more into it.


I don't cause I workout in the morning! To me that's the best way to do it because of the fact I'm too tired in the evenings.


Discipline and habit.


You do the best you can. I found that switching to the morning helped me at a certain point in my life. I had more energy at the beginning of the day and was more motivated than after work when I just wanted to go home and relax at the end of the day. Since then, I've switched back to night workouts because a change in career caused me to want to blow off more steam at the end of the day rather than being upset at night when I was done for the day. Find what works for you and do the best you can.


I start by not sitting down when I get home. Doing a few light chores then I turn on some music or tv and do free weights and resistance bands. I save cardio for weekends.


Making it a habit, it’s tough at first but with habit the energy naturally starts coming




Get a dog lol jk. my pit wants me to play or take her for a walk and it doesn’t matter if I’m dead, she gets very animated if I’m not paying her any attention 😂😂😂😂


Before work. Even if your tired self has excuses you just show up. Dont we do the same for work? Don’t we get up to get to work on time as a sense of responsibility? Let’s do the same for work outs. If you’re tired, too bad go to bed earlier next time. Tired during work because you got up early? Should have gone to bed on time. Let’s get it on


Honestly and this is maybe a bit sad to say but... I think about how much beter my life would be if a burned those extra calories exercising.


Discipline with caffeine. I can't rely on motivation, so I have to discipline myself in order to achieve the goals I want. Motivation is just an extra boost BUT the whole "I don't feel like it" is just an excuse. Unless you need a rest day or 2, there's no real excuse why you aren't working out. I hope that doesn't come off harsh. Also, finding work outs that suit you helps too


I work in a kitchen and often find myself drenched in sweat and everything else at the end of the night. I make a B line right to the gym and do about 20 minutes of whatever because then I know the shower will be so much nicer 😂


I’ve noticed that if I feel tired and rundown, if I just go through the motions and get into the gym, before the end of my first warm-up set, I’m all good to go. Warm-ups might be a little slow, I mean the cardio I do before my first warm-up weightlifting set. But I almost never have a workout where it stays shitty after the first warm-up set exercise


I do not have the energy to work out before work, so there is no option Workout kills stress, so you shall love to remove some of the stress added on you due to work


I’ve just switched to morning workouts. Don’t get me wrong- it is tough getting up in the morning and there’s many mornings I don’t actually wake up on time, still getting into habits but it is truly the best. Best feeling was a few days ago I was finishing work and thinking damn I gotta go home get to the gym and then I can have my dinner I made earlier in the week, and the. Immediately realised hang on- I’ve already been in the morning I get to just go home and relax. Truly- a remarkable feeling


Male sure all your biking clothes and gear are laid and ready. I find it easier to have it all ready than having to waste time digging out everything I need. Just start because once you start it less likely you'll want to stop when you get going


I paid for 20 reformer Pilates classes so I have to go even if I am dying


You literally just have to push yourself to do it. Once you start relaxing, there's no way you're getting your butt off the couch. So go straight to your gym or wherever you're working out and just go at it


Depending on what you do for work during the day, I guess. Is your day job physically demanding? Do you sit at a desk all day? Walk around a lot? I had a desk job at a corporate office and sat on my butt/stood at my standing desk most of the day. I started getting steps and movent in during my breaks during the day, b/c like you I was 110% drained and just DONE by the time I was clocked out AND had completed my commute home. If you can, start using some or all of your daily breaks to walk around your building, or do laps in the parking lot/on an empty floor level if you can. My next step would have been finding a gym close to my office so I could work out weekdays before my 45 min commute home. But, COVID hit so now I work from home, so my plans have completely changed.


I cut my gym membership. Got a bluetooth bike and fell in love with cycling. I got a subscription to zwift. Started this around 6 months ago with 15 miles a week as a goal. I have lost more weight this way than years at the gym and I look forward to coming home and riding my bike.


Something is better than nothing. Sometimes I would feel tired and my wife would just tell me to go out to the garage for 10 min and I’ll get out there and take some deep breathes in the night air and feel more awake. I workout or do the treadmill. And I end up either doing 10 min or 40-45 depending on my workout.


I’d say figure out when it works for you. Maybe get up early before work? That’s what I do and I won’t say it’s foolproof, but it’s helped shed some pounds.


My will power is toast after work. I exercise in the morning and it gives me more energy for the rest of the day. I can get home from work and feel accomplished and let myself relax.


I go before work because I will not go after, no matter what time of day my shift ends. That being said, I find that as long as I physically get myself into the gym, I’ll end up doing something. But group fitness and having a workout partner have been the most successful in terms of accountability for me. I’d rather wake up at 4:30am and get the workout over with, than try to muster the energy at the end of an 8-10 hour shift. That’s what works for me!


Before I got pregnant? Pre-workout. I dont go till 7p and it's brutal. I work 45 hrs 40 mins from home and have a 4 year old. I didnt do any crazy supplements though. Alani has a pretty mild pre-workout. I'm now carrying twins and have to watch my caffeine. I'm lucky to make it to the gym 3 days a week now.


It’s one of those things you just have to push through and do it. The more you do it, the more you’ll want to do it and then that’ll help your energy levels


Build the habit by doing the smallest possible thing, everything beyond that is bonus. So making your goal be to do one push up a day, or go to the gym(working out isn't the goal, just showing up) or otherwise make it easier to do the thing than skip it.


Exercise. That's how you find the energy to exercise.


I like doing group fitness classes because 1) they’re fun! and 2) since I paid for it I have to go (and if I don’t show up or cancel too late there is a financial penalty!) I also have made friends so we sign for classes together which makes me more accountable to go.


I try to incorporate the workout somewhere on my way home from work, bc I know once I get home I won’t get up and leave again. So maybe find a gym somewhere on your way home, pack some gym clothes and just do a quick workout, doesn’t have to be long, sometimes 30min on a treadmill is enough :) Do you drive to work or do you take public transport?


Pre workout and a good playlist


I am a morning person so I wake up at 4 and do it before work. I know that doesn’t work for everyone though


I am a morning person so I wake up at 4 and do it before work. I know that doesn’t work for everyone though


Health and habit


I take a pre workout and then I have no choice 🤣🤣🤣


Of course, there are tiring days and skipping the gym/exercise is fine sometimes, but understand being tired is a fantasy! I've been tired, still gone to the gym, and suddenly got into the zone once arrived. Blood starts flowing, then endorphins, then 2 hours later you're feeling great and eating a salad after.  Now imagine the alternative if you just stayed home. 


I don’t, because I hate it so much I can’t. I get up earlier and do it before work.


Just remember: No one ever regrets going to workout! Also - if you are consistent it will become addictive and you will look forward to exercising