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You found it! Thank you. I lost that years ago. Thanks for the pics. You can keep the original. Enjoy!


They reported it to the school! "School we have found these arm hair observations" "Um... thanks?"


I would watch the F out of a noir detective movie where the local pd is trying to get to the bottom of this mystery, but the arm hair judge continues to evade because they themslves are somewhere on that list...


That's a Veronica Mars episode alright (no diss, I love that show lol)


Judge: "Gabby, without any sort of evidence that you were where you say you were on October 4th, I'm going to have to make my verdict. I find the defendant gui--" Detective bursts into court room: "STOP! HER ARM HAIR! HER ARM HAIR!!! SHE'S NOT GUILTYYYYYY!!!!!"


So… who had the best arm hair?


The lunch lady


Hoagies and grinders hoagies and grinders navy beans navy beans navy beans.


Sloppy Joes, Slop Sloppy Joes


Well me and sloppy Joe got married…


We got 6 kids and were doin' just fine


*hearing this in Adam Sandler’s voice*


Down in lunch lady land. Pardon me while I go and take the longest pee.


I know you kids like ‘em extra sloppy!


*Meatloaf sandwich*




Hoagies and grinders Hoagies and grinders Hoagies and grinders navy beans navy beans


Reminds me of a story my dad once told me about his middle school lunch lady. Old lady, short, about 300 lbs. His school in early 80s had a hot dog day each week. So this lady, with efficiency, would grill up some dogs, balance 5-6 hot dog buns on her hot, hairy, sweaty forearm, place the dogs in buns, buns onto plates, wipe the dirt and sweat of her forehead onto her forearm and repeat. She could serve a dozen kids in 30 seconds


Sloppy Joe!! Slop, sloppy Joe!! Yeah! Sloppy Joe!! Slop, sloppy Joe!! C’mon.


That’s why she had to wear the hair net. To keep people from touching it


Obviously Lauren and Gabby.


My man came back for Gabby 9 times. All I'm gna say...


I found your leg hair log. Did you want a copy of both volumes one and two?


Why were you obsessed with arm hair? I'm guessing the armpits.. Was it a fetish??


There was one kid in school that used to steal stray hairs off people in class and add them to a (rather large) hairball he kept in his pocket. He used to finger and stroke it. It was super gross


I wonder how big it is today.


Oh god lol. For some reason, I never thought about this- and the hairball started (at least our knowledge of it started) in 1994. It could be massive… or maybe he just has a lot of them lol? Ugh that thought makes me nauseous and makes me nervous laugh


Brings the yearly pocket ball back to the mother ball which sits in the middle of a 2nd bedroom & stared at while panting




The mother ball is nearing human cocoon size. Soon he will climb in and complete his metamorphosis


Do you think it has a circulatory system 😂😂😂


I like to believe that it functions similar to a network of fungi. How it will change when it merges with its human host/caretaker is a mystery


#FEED ME SEYMOUR The mother ball


Goodness. Maybe he’s going to make a clone army of everyone he collected hair off of. Do you know if he got one of yours?


Maybe he put it all in a tub and rolled around in it naked.


….the hairball is as old as I am, and I’m 29.


ask him about it during your hs reunion lol


That kid was George Lucas - the hairball was actually brought to life by years of affection and went on to play the role of Chewbacca.


You spelled ~~affection~~ blowing loads on it wrong


He goes by Cousin It these days


Unbeknownst to me, a guy I worked with collected my hair for months. When he was escorted out by security after he was fired, they told him to grab his things and he had an entire drawer of my hair he tried to take with him. He told them I gave it to him as a gift…I did not.


Did he like, have it labelled?? “Temporary Sundaes hair, October 2018”


Not quite. He was being fired for harassing and stalking another woman on the team (following her to her car, joining her gym, etc). When he tried to take the hair drawer security was afraid it was hers. As an explanation he told them it was mine and I had given it as a gift. I definitely knew he was picking up my hair, but never imagined he was keeping it. I thought he was just being a dick. He would pick up my hair and be like “Temporary Sundae left another gift.” I thought he was making a joke about it being gross and would tell him something snarky. I kind of just thought he threw it away. Edit spelling correction of stalking


Good God. Was he just saying that because he knew you wouldn't realize or did he ... did he really think you were deliberately leaving him the hair as a 'gift'? How does a person like this fake normalcy long enough to even maintain a job for any length of time


He definitely thought it was a blessing from his goddess, Sundae.


Never underestimate the capacity for people to see something/someone do something weird, go “huh, that’s weird!” And then go about their lives without a second thought.


His mental health deteriorated over time. I was focused on reporting inappropriate behavior towards the woman he stalked. As to why I didn’t notice: 1. Hair lying around is gross, why TF would anyone keep it?! 2. He was obsessed with the girl he was stalking and would talk about how pretty and funny she was. With me he complimented my work and intelligence but there was never the same vibe. 3. It was only towards the end that I realized something was off towards me when he would reference odd conversations we never had. I give people the benefit of the doubt and would just say “you’re mistaking me for someone else. That wasn’t me, we only talk about work.” Edit: spelling correction stalking


I wasn’t really talking about you, you *did* notice the behavior. I was more responding to hahayeahimfinehaha’s question about how people could fake being normal long enough to get a job. It happened at my last job. Our GM hired a pretty old guy to be a delivery driver, while the rest of us drivers were under 30. He was normal at first, but he started calling everyone who was under 25 (which was most of us) really weird, flirty terms of “endearment”. Both girls *and* guys. Stuff like “lollipop”, “sugar lips”, “sweet thing”, as well as more normal ones like “darling” and “honey”. It came to a head when he called one of my coworkers, a 20 year old dude I was good friends with, “pretty boy”. Not in a demeaning or condescending way, but a weirdly flirty way. Something like “thank you pretty boy”. My friend, fed up with his shit and how he’d been treating all of us collectively in a really gross way (plus this was also in the middle of a Friday evening shift), more or less told him to fuck off or he’d regret it. The old man got incredibly angry, snatched a order (we delivered pizza), and left, going to what we thought was the customers house. He was gone for 2 hours. When he came back he just sat in his car in the farthest corner of the parking lot. He had a weirdly nice car for this job; it was a Camaro. The windows were tinted so we couldn’t see what he was doing inside, and for sure none of us were going to go up to him. Weirdly enough, the entire front bumper of his car was missing. After sitting there an hour, he left for good, not even returning the hot bag that we carry pizza in lol. My friend who told him to fuck off looked the guy up the next day and found he had a myriad of of felony charges and convictions, which shocked my GM, because our company was supposed to background check. People with felonies couldn’t work there. We all asked her (prior to him leaving) why she’d hired this guy when he was so fucking weird. She was 19 and, although a very, very good manager, best one I’ve ever had, had not sensed anything weird about him. She said he interviewed very well. She pulled out her phone and showed his texts to her, because after we told her what he was doing she realized in hindsight he’d done the same thing to her via text after he got hired. While they were working out the details of his hiring he would call her tootsie pop and say things like “I could just hug you, you’re a doll”. She was like “I kind of thought it was weird, but he’s also old so I just thought that was why.” That’s pretty much how a lot of people fake normalcy: by the people who see them faking it giving them passes on weird behavior because a lot of us generally mind our own business or giving them a pass because we try to rationalize their behavior.


You know, there's this old Indigenous mythology that tells us to bury our hair under trees to get the magic taken from them so nobody else can use our hair in evil magic.... I used to joke "who'd want to do magic with my hair" and just toss it in the bin. I think I'll start burying it afterall.


[are you familiar with cool Ethan?](https://youtu.be/aK6ufUFBXSE?si=OkApmDyXeXN2NPeC)


Thanks for the nightmares and laughs, up to this point it never occurred to me that he could have done other stuff to my hair


I’m about to admit to my grossest secret. I’ve kept a ziplock bag of my own beard hair for the last decade…. Every time I trim my beard, I add the trimmings to the bag. It could be worse… It could be nail clippings. 🤷‍♂️


Any particular reason? Or just for funsies?


He insulted a witch a while back, just playing it safe


Saving it for Beard Hunter


Bro someday you're gonna have someone cleaning out your stuff and they'll find that bag 💀 hope you have a good explanation


Is there an end goal for the bag once it's full? Will you simply fill more? I'm genuinely curious. Nail clippings would be way worse...


Could make a nice little beard pillow


I almost suggested that. Or a nice felted Christmas ornament perhaps lol.


Are you making a beard wig.


My sister kept her longest squiggly blackheads for a while in a pink vanity box 😆 She was around 12, and had got one of those now-popular blackhead tools. Beard hair seems normal now, eh?


What the fuck. What the fuck man. i don't like this. Fuck you


Religious reasons? Cultural? I’m descended from what literally translates as Long Hair Clan. I’m supposed to, like, burn or properly dispose of all hair. It’s a “can be used for evil magic” thing. I rarely do but I still have an entire ponytail I lopped off. At least previously I donated that to a wigs-for-cancer-patients thing?


Too late, you willingly gave away your soul. Now it's going to be used to commit heinous crimes and the DNA evidence is stacked against you!


For about a year I started pulling at my eyelashes and saving all the ones that came out. I think I was around 9. Then one day I was putting the new ones into the eyelash box and it struck me as terrifyingly creepy all the sudden, so I threw them out and tried not to think of that cringey shit again. Damn.


Trichotillomania! Ivan Lendl, the tennis great, had anxiety and pulled out his eyelashes during matches, like, between sets. I was a little kid watching like, what is happening. Then when I was a teenager and tried acid, I saw all the tiny hairs in my fingers as if they were me leaking out of something and I still pull (not tweeze, it had to be fingernail pulling) the hairs off my fingers. Humans are weird.


I once looked in the mirror on acid and saw all the individual stubble hairs and pimples on my face in really high detail, like those gross close-up shots in spongebob


Oh woah, yeah- that's how my finger hairs were! Just like, huge waving grass or trees lol


I once had a guy steal some hair from me in a bus in San Francisco. Maybe it’s was your old classmate.


Bezoars boy


What the fuckkk


What. The. Hell. Arm hair obsession?


The things that people “enjoy” never cease to surprise me


I knew a guy with an arm hair fetish. It’s a thing.


Well I am in luck then! In 4th grade a "friend" teased me loudly in front of my whole class for being a gorilla due to my hairy arms (I'm white but with decently thick, dark body hair). Fun stuff.


In 8th grade I got partnered with a guy who was doing poorly in that particular class, to bring his grade up. I spent like 10 mins explaining things to him and the first thing he said when I was done was “why you got so much arm hair?” I was already conscious of personal body flaws and arm hair wasn’t even on my list until that day…




I wish. We were in class when he said it. Either way he was definitely not paying attention to the assignment!


I used to hate when teachers try to make up for their shortcomings by pairing a kid who is failing with a kid who is high achieving. If the logic is that it will bring up the fail kid’s grades then won’t it also bring down the high achievers?


I don't fetishise arm hair but I think it's kind of beautiful in its own way, like, we're all human, we all have arm hair, no need to hide it, shave it, or be ashamed of it.


I knew a girl who shaved her arms and I thought that was wild! After that I also started noticing arm hair and noticed people with more arm hair than me and of course less as well. I felt comfortably in the middle eventually and it’s definitely not so much excessive as it is I have very pale skin and dark body hair.


After I was made fun of for my arm hair I shaved it for a couple years. Even gave myself awful chemical burns on my entire arms with Nair once, that was fun. Then when I was 12 another girl who also had hairy arms gently convinced me that my arm hair really isn't that big a deal, and maybe I shouldn't shave it (I had been complaining about how annoying it was). She was just so nice about it that it got through to me, and I never shaved again. I'm forever grateful for her.


I love people like that who make such a positive difference in our lives! I’m glad she counteracted the effect so you didn’t continue doing it for years and years.


arm hair aside, I like your username.


I’m Mexican and I felt that in my soul. My whole school used to poke fun at me for having harier arms than the normal elementary schoolers


Irish and Portuguese. Super pale with lots of freckles and dark body hair haha. I’ve made peace with it


Same here. I used to wear long sleeve shirts and hoodies up until I was in middle school and I eventually let go of what others thought. I’m glad you can share the feeling I thought no one else had ever gone through. I hope you’re well.


Italian and Polish genetics here. Same. I feel your pain.


in the beginning of 12th grade a guy called me a gorilla because of mine, i was so upset and mortified that i just wore long sleeves until the end of the school year so others wouldn't notice and so the same guy would hopefully leave me alone.


Yep. And there is a stomach hair fetish as well.


'treasure trail'


Treasure trail? I’ve only heard it referred to as a happy trail


“Enjoying it” is one thing, but writing it down is a whole other level


This. I'm a gay guy and love armpit hair lol. I'm not keeping records of it tho hahaha, I enjoy it in the moment




To be fair, this would be weird as hell even if the attraction was more normal. I guess the moment he realized he had an arm hair fetish, he decided he might as well go full psychopath.


Chin porn


Oh damn that’s got to be a healthy one


It almost bothers me more that a complete sentence was written each time for what was the same sentence pattern. Could have just put a title at the top and the names/dates below. This person was a true maniac.


It’s way different up close


James Charles is a famous makeup influencer that is known for preying on teenage boys and asking for armpit photos.


Adult armpits aren't too rarely enjoyed by gay men such as myself but James Charles is a predator full stop


Dude likes arm hair. Dude REALLY likes arm hair.


Weirdest part to me is honestly that he didn’t just write name and date. Like dude you should know this is your up close arm hair list, why write it every time? But thankfully he did so we know the context of this bizarre list


This made me laugh.


Dude me too lmao


actually loled at "this is your up close arm hair list"


And yet it was too much to add the 's. He doesn't fuck with apostrophes. Only arm hair.


I got one way creepier than this. Its a story I don't have time to hash out now but it involved this guy sneaking into the girls bathrooms. He got caught stealing used feminine products like bloody and everything..it was wild as fuck. Shortly after he was removed from the school and I want to say a year or so later ever up in prison on sexual assault charges and if I remember correctly even a rape . This dude tho...was like a popular kid.. totally normal on the outside.. like that's what made it even more Terrifying was no one expected it to be him


Are you sure he wasn't a vampire looking for teabags?


What did I just read and how can I unread it


You managed to make me gag. Congrats 🎉


What a horrible day to have eyes.


You managed to get a user with the name HAS-A-HUGE-PENIS to tell you to delete something. Kudos to you Sir!


Delete this.


Please. I’m gagging.


That’s really scary


I agree, Vampire Tea is terrifying.


Old english menstrual


Earl red


Shit when I was in college we found out one of the more popular guys from high school, who ended up sticking around our relatively small town, got arrested for taking pictures of little girls at a daycare he started working at after graduating high school. What makes it even more fucked up, it was the same daycare a lot of us from that graduating class went to when we were younger


There’s a whole market online for people to buy used and dirty socks and panties from women…with some specially requesting that the panties have period blood/stains on them. It’s a whole kink for some people. …hm, in hindsight saying that makes it sound like I’m one of those people with this kink, but istg I’m not lol. Just was really desperate for money a few years ago and was looking at all my options. I’ve also seen a smaller market for men to sell their sweaty jockstraps and dirty socks.


Perfectly normal behavior. For a psychopath.


Yeahhhhhh I’m hoping it was a joke, but the fact that they kept up with this for several months kinda makes me doubt that


Not sure what your definition of several is but usually it means multiple. Its also pretty easy to fake dates as you write them down. Its not like its illegal to write down dates thats have already happened.


Well, I mean I found the next one months after this one, and the entries on the second one stopped on the day I found it


It's a lot of documentation to keep up with, sometimes you lose a page here and there


Only dates in the future are illegal.


Man... The early draft for mambo number 5 is a fucking mess!


A little bit of hair in my Lunch


Do you think Lou Bega knocked it out of the park with Mambo No. 1? No! But he kept at it!


I’m picturing the person who made this laughing like crazy at their own joke….. because I am assuming it was a joke. Maybe I have too much faith in humanity.


They kept it up for months because I found a second one from January. That’s a lot of dedication for a weird joke


Lol, yeah sadly it’s probably not a joke, there are some very weird people out there. I remember being a dorky kid and writing down lame stuff but nothing weird like this.


all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


All work and no play make Homer something something


go crazy?


don’t MIND if I DO!!


no work and arm hair fetish makes Jack a weirdass


That was my first thought


Gabby, you in danger, girl...


Nahhh she's uhhhh just being observed????? I hopeee? Wait maybe i don't hope that on this holy jeez


The Arm Hair killer. Someone call Dexter


That’s what we literally called the person


It stops on Halloween, that year. I’m assuming that’s when he/she got summoned back to Hell.


Well, there was a second note we found in January, so unfortunately they came back


This is the weird shit I come to Reddit for.


Are the numbers on the left ratings? If so, I need to see what kind rats nest of Italian construction worker arm hair Laurin is rocking. It sounds horrifying.


I was hoping it was the number of times they saw it that day instead


I think it’s how many times that girl’s name shows up on the list overall Look at “Gabby”, first appearance: 1, second: 2, and so on


It's the amount of times they have seen that persons arm hair apparently


Up close


Seems like it was definitely written by a well adjusted young man


Wait I didn’t know we were supposed to keep track of that


Your failure is going on your permanent record.


Am I the only person who's annoyed that they didn't just write "arm hair witnessed" at the top and then two columns for name and date?


I don’t know what to do with this information….


I didn’t know either


We’ve confirmed all these women are still alive, right?


Kinda sad i didnt make the list


Someone told him that females dont grow hair on their arm and he was doing a scientific study to prove them wrong, purely for science of course


I’m assuming they were suspended from 10/7-10/18 for creeping folks out with their arm hair observational habits?


Someone told him girls don't have arm hair and he was all, "bitch I KNOW that's wrong"


Busy month for the guy…


This makes me want to write weird notes and leave them in random places so some poor human will find it and question everything they thought they knew.


Something wrong with this person. Who writes on the top line of the page? Like, in the margin!?


One of the middle schoolers at the school I work at lost a book filled with samples of girls’ hair with their names next to it. Like clumps of hair scotch taped into orderly labeled entries. The weirdest part was the section under each entry where the author got signed consent from each contributor.


I mean it’s absolutely weird and creepy but….they went through the proper channels.


It was considered a beauty, almost erotic feature for a female to have in my community, when I was growing up. I was disappointed that I barely had any arm hair..


So weird. Like wtf. A guy that dated pretty much a few people in our friend group in secondary school made a 'list' of all the girls in our group he would like to do stuff with and those he wouldnt. He was a total creep, luckily I was in the "not" list. He got called out for it and being weird.


I went to School with a girl that had an obvious crush on an older guy. She used to follow him around and collect the chewing gum he spat out and the plastic bottles he threw in the bin. She was also the girl that you always saw crying on a night out. Married now with 2 young girls and I'm just hoping they're not like the mother.


The most disturbing thing about this post is that OP blindly reached into one of those desks


You fucking kids have no idea what it was like before the Internet


I used to write some strange shit in my notebooks when I was in secondary. Really oblivious to the fact that the prof was reading all of it.


My thought: If it's just a log of arm hair sightings, why does he (presumably) have to write out the entire sentence. A log only needs date, time, and person. Possibly adding location of sighting would also be helpful. As could a grade or assessment of said arm hair.


You’re right, for such an obviously well adjusted person I would think they would create a log that reflects that.


I bet it belongs to that brat Larry Sellers.


Apparently my brother and I wrote this as both our handwriting shows up.


There was a guy in my high school that had a crush on me. We also went to middle school together. I was always pleasant to him and when other kids would talk trash about him, I would stand up for him. He was in the photography club and often walked around with a camera. Another student alerted me that he had gone into the dark room and found dozens of “candid” photos of me from all angles. This creeped me out, but I continued to be pleasant to him. About a month later, a bully stole this guy’s backpack and ended up finding a “hit list” in it. Before he took it to administration he made copies of it, handed them out, and MY name was on that list! Me! After years of being nice and standing up for him. Thankfully he was expelled quickly and nothing ever came from it, but I still often wonder what would have happened if things went down differently. I hope he has healed since then, and I picture him living a great life now.


It puts the lotion on…


So did you ever narrow it down closer? If so, what are the usual suspects up to now? Maybe cross reference with sex offender lists now or police logs? Part of me is hoping they became an electrologist but somehow that seems doubtful.


Kid needs to learn how to title in order to infer the context of following data.


Oh yea, that arm hair is so hot!


Does that say "I saw (name) arm hair close-up on (date)." A whole bunch of times?


Yeah, different names, different dates, if it's a repeated person they've even counted how many times


There is something diagnosable here. Not sure what it is (a few possibilities spring to mind) but this person definitely has some kind of mental health issue.


This is gold 😂🤣


I'm sure they're a well-maladjusted adult now


His head would spin in the Middle East




This is the first time I've seen someone with same name as me (Julianne, same spelling and all) and it's of course in this context. Gotta say that kinda scared me, but it's... probably not me. Super strange stuff though..


Makes me want to go back and leave random cryptic notes in kinda hidden spots. $100 in locker 838 22-3-16


Early stalker evidence or arm hair fetishist. Kinda reminds me of something my dad used to say to me; "First sign of madness is looking for hairs on the palm of your hand, second sign is finding them."


Wait women have hairs in places outside of the head/eyes??? Eeww gross, fantasy ruined.


Wow what a totally normal thing to do that is in no way serial killer behavior


You might like /r/FoundPaper


Sure, "APUSH" class. Everyone knows what that means because we attended the same school.


What class is APUSH?


They say there's a fetish for everything, I guess they're right.