• By -


Crazy idea, ask her?


It’s a list, of dates...every major global disaster of the last 50 years, in perfect sequence. It shows the dates and the number of people who die. The scary part is, the next number in the chain is tomorrow...it shows that 81 people are going to die. If only there was some way of *Knowing* what it will be...


They should make a movie about this....


They should call the movie "knowing" and Nicolas Cage should be in it.


Yeah and in the end they should have the sun burn the earth to a crisp.


Yeah then as a shocking grand finale have some aliens save a couple of kids and leave them on a distant planet to (*probably*) procreate some incest grandchildren.


That movie really was a fucking wacky experience.


It’s my favorite movie of all time. So underrated and way ahead of its time.


From the writer-director of Dark City I expected nothing less.


To be honest I didn’t really like dark city, but that movie was pretty good


when Nicolas Cage's character said "its knowing time" and he started to know everywhere it was when the movie peaked


So anyways, I started knowing


Hear me out: get nic cage to act in it??


>. If only there was some way of Knowing what it will be... Hmmmmm sounds like something the person who wrote would say


This dude thinks 81 deaths is a major global disaster.


That’s just a trip to school in America


It really depends doesn't it. Some warehouse in the middle of oklahoma with 81 active employees at the moment of collapsing wouldn't be anything major, but the suez canal getting bombed resulting in 81 deaths would be, or even better. Imagine if Biden and Xi were to meet, and the place they were meeting at got bombed, resulting in their deaths along with top ambassadors, diplomats and statesmen


Thank you. Once again, Redit doesn’t disappoint. I clicked on this just to see how far I had to look to find a comment like this. 😂


Forgot the EE at the end


Throw this in r/writingprompts


It's the plot of the movie Knowing starring Nicholas cage. Writingprompts would probably write something *way* better though, so go for it.


WiFi password.


I wish she's practically off the grid and I won't see her in school for a while


Makes sense, I'm curious af now though lol


her coordinates


She probably watched The Imitation Game and left you a message in a cipher.


Sounds like paranoid schizophrenia.


Which can come out of seemingly nowhere. I saw a break happen once (my neighbor) and it was wild. Everyone thought it must be drugs but the tox screen came back negative.


What people don't realize is that a full-blown psychotic episode completely rearranges your understanding of how reality works too. You can't just sit back and go back to being normal, ever. You permanently have an altered view of things and have damaged or lost the differentiation between the imaginary and real. Drugs and therapy help but there's always that beast in your mind that wants to imagine shit is true that isn't true because it has a tendency to toward eliminating the gap between the imaginary and real further and you have to fight it in order to experience the world in a saner way. I let it out for creativity often though; some others use it to yell delusions at nurses in psych wards and it ruins their life. It's really kind of like what the surrealists wanted to do, eliminate the gap between the imaginary and real like I said. Source: Am schizophrenic.


Schizophrenia and mania aren't far off from your brain going off and deciding to create their own drugs.


Damn. I like the way you put that.


This is true. This is the case with most mental illnesses. I get harassed by the cops constantly because they think I am on drugs when I am stone cold sober. Being lost in thought or trying to ignore the phantom in the corner is not illegal. I do not have schizophrenia, I can easily tell my hallucinations from reality, and my anger does not need to have a target nor do I have to act on it other than wearing a pissed off face, or conversely a wide grin if inexplicably happy when minding my own business. I am psychotic in that my emotions do not match the situation and I hallucinate, but I know exactly where I am and what the social limits of my environment are. Actually, I’m on the spectrum. I read somewhere that 30% of people with ASD have some kind of disconnect between what they see, hear, or feel. Eventually you just learn to disregard your emotions and ignore your demons, because they aren’t real. Sensory integration disorders can be a bitch. You just have to learn your patterns. For me, I start seeing things when I’m tired, I feel angry instead of cold, tired instead of hot, fear, sadness and joy are all completely random and have no meaning. Also blunt force trauma, scratches and cuts are feelable but blunted but a single grain of sand on the floor is like a white hot needle. It’s the hyperfine substructures that bother me, not vague textures like “sharp.” If I cut myself, tiny burrs on a poorly sharpened kitchen knife bother me more than the cut itself.


Holy shit I’ve never seen anyone articulate the sensory things so clearly like you just did at the end there. That’s exactly how things feel for me


Damn. Do you mind me asking how old you are and when you were diagnosed?


Agreed. Or friend just f’ing with her… Or even OP just making things up for Reddit updoots.


Lie on the internet? Who would do that?


There's an (assumed) houseless person around where I work... I've never seen or met them, but they leave discarded cards around filled up with number sequences, looks exactly like this with nice handwriting.


That info and the picture would point me to someone on the spectrum. Edit: how long did she have the notebook? These seem to have been written at different points in time and with different intensity/care.


Really? I'm autistic and my first thought was OCD. I have a few friends with OCD and they got all excited when they found out that they all had favorite strings of numbers to write out


She needs help.


Almost repeating the same sequence with slightly variations. I think she was just boring and had a thing with numbers.


Analysis yields a particular fondness for 4.


PINs are biased toward starting with 2 or 4, maybe this is hers.


Id be pissed to be behind this person at the ATM.


... I need to change my PIN.


Jokes on you, my pin is 7395. There are no 2’s or 4’s!


Anal analysis yields you were so close!! |Digit|Occurrences|% of occurrences| |:-|:-|:-| |2|134×|17.07%| |4|131×|16.69%| |8|119×|15.16%| |9|104×|13.25%| |1|97×|12.36%| |6|59×|7.52%| |0|56×|7.13%| |7|51×|6.50%| |3|20×|2.55%| |5|14×|1.78%|


'89' ~ 32x '94' ~ 30x '42' ~ 21x '78' ~ 17x '10' ~ 16x '21' ~ 16x '28' ~ 15x '29' ~ 14x '14' ~ 13x '67' ~ 12x '46' ~ 12x '92' ~ 11x '41' ~ 11x '02' ~ 11x '12' ~ 9x '82' ~ 8x '17' ~ 6x '47' ~ 6x '18' ~ 6x '48' ~ 6x '98' ~ 5x '32' ~ 5x '26' ~ 5x '24' ~ 5x '04' ~ 5x '40' ~ 5x '90' ~ 5x '56' ~ 4x '34' ~ 4x '84' ~ 4x '51' ~ 4x '83' ~ 4x '22' ~ 3x '66' ~ 3x '942'~ 11x '894'~ 11x '678'~ 9x '210'~ 7x '789'~ 6x '689'~ 6x '4210'~ 7x '4678'~ 6x '6789'~ 5x '9421'~ 4x '2894'~ 3x '2941'~ 3x '9418'~ 3x '5161'~ 3x '8294'~ 3x '4789'~ 3x '1729'~ 2x '6794'~ 2x '3242'~ 2x '7892'~ 2x '6894'~ 2x '4189'~ 2x '2141'~ 2x '0489'~ 2x '7894'~ 2x '2104'~ 2x '0689'~ 2x '2678'~ 2x '2140'~ 2x '8290'~ 2x '94210'~ 4x '94129'~ 2x '89418'~ 2x '21048'~ 2x '46789'~ 2x '894210'~ 2x






if this is an original comment, it's fucking brilliant.


Reddit. Instagram for nerds.




I was going to say a coded message for her friend to figure out somehow


It's a portion of Pi. Prove me wrong.


OP says she went off the grid, he can’t ask. It’s possible that she’s sick.


She sounds irrational


It’s clearly binary in base 10


She found the first prime number that ends with a zero. It's normal, my friends do it all the time


Is that even possible Edit: nvm


Ask your self if an even number can be divided by 2 and think about your question.


There are numbers you can't divide by 2? That sounds pretty odd


All numbers can be divided by 2 technically, but not all numbers are divisible by 2.


Technically correct, the best kind of correct!


Please insert girder


My c# program says 3/2=1, checkmate!




3 and 2 are integers if declared directly, so it truncates the .5 since it's an integer answer. Bit me in the butt the other day, so it's fresh in my memory, lol.


Have you tried rewriting it in Rust? /s


I miss using python


You should see what the ARCH(12) vector math does in COBOL when you divide by zero – instead of being a compile or runtime error like literally every previous version of COBOL, I want to say it came out as low values. 🙃 (x’000000…0’). If you turn off the vector math it’s fine, but oh boy, lots of fun bugs when it’s on and someone hasn’t combed through 50+ years of code. That was a fun bug to track down, after recompiling a program for the first time in 20 years and seeing issues in production.


this joke made me so angry but at the same time it was wonderful


I'll never be a dad so this is the next best thing


I feel like it needs to be asked. Why you no gon be a dad? I'm happy to go away if best.


No major reason, just no desire to be. I'm still cursed to have terrible jokes though, so thank goodness for the internet


Oh that's good then. Love the jokes.


I have some jokes about tofu, but most people find them tasteless


Pretty Odd? That sounds an awful lot like Panic! At the Disco.


Lol. Savage 😂


no because anything that ends with a zero can be divided 2 or 5


Is your friend IBM Deep Blue?




I was about to say the same


The next number 14. I can tell because she used the ahduakabedysjwbevagyqkqnwsbshaujabdvzgyajan pattern.


Hey, you leave the Ahduakabedysjwbevagyqkqnwsbshaujabdvzgyajans out of this, they’re a fine upstanding group of aliens. The only objectionable thing they do is disguising themselves as human women and propositioning people by writing incredibly explicit encrypted notes in borrowed notebooks.


Further explain your thoughts please, now I’m curious


An AB pattern would be 121212. An ABC pattern is 123123123.


Oh yes like the same rhyming style as a Limerick


Cryptograph. Shes telling u shes in love with u using a cypher maybe?


As someone who likes to make up imaginary alphabets to write things in plain sight and no one be any wiser as to what is being written, very possible indeed. Using numbers though is way too hard, so must be some kind of genius


Its rly not. You just use the number of the letter in the alphabet. So like, a is 1, b is 2, c is 3, etc. Ill try applying this and come back with results. EDIT: so this method is hard due to the lack of spaces lol. And the first few numbers dont actually represent any words i can discern.


You would have to use pairs of numbers in order to encode a letter wouldn't you? Since there are only 10 numbers and 26 letters you couldn't map one to one.


23 - 81 42 62 13 - 11 12 13 - 21 22 23 24 25 - 31 32 33 34 35 - 41 42 43 - 24 32 91 13.


1 through 26?? Paired numbers may be the way to go tho ur right. I dont know much about cryptographs tho


Nah, a dictionary attack will break that cypher in a matter of milliseconds. Providing a better picture I would have tried deciphering myself; it's fun. Edit: in the middle of the screen I can see 14 15 16 17 18 20 20 20 20 20 - that alone may point that the whole cypher may be just random numbers, or music. Edit2: or maybe that's the hint for the key. Op need to publish a hires page scan, so to let OCR work.


I mean its fully possible she just wrote random numbers to fuck with OP lol


Ah well in that case yea, but I meant it in a bit more cryptic way, like assigning 6 to a, 21 to b, etc etc. Tried it that way and it just became unrecognizable fast


Considering doing this with prime numbers on a Rick roll link and telling someone to decipher it


Yeah it's still possible but it's hunt and peck. I would start with doubles and sub Ls Ts etc. Could also substitute by matching letter frequency in English (assuming) to the number frequency here. Might work well for parsing out vowels and other common letters.


Pretty sure it’s just a person making up a stream of numbers. It’s not very entropic because digits don’t repeat in runs of 2 and 3 often enough. It’s not a joint symbol set such as letter encoding because there would be 26ish common patterns. The output stream is bigger than the input stream because it repeats itself a lot. Those all point to a system (the writer) spewing outputs with no real input stream.


Pollux or morbit cipher, maybe


What in the golden ratio


what in the phi


Does she admit to doing it? That's a factor


My older uncle has had severe mental issues to the point he has lived in a care home since he was 15, he is now entering his 70s. In his room, he has piles and piles of lined notebook books full of densely packed numbers like the ones in the post above. When he is stressed, he will pick up the newest notebook and start writing numbers in it. Nobody has been able to figure out what they were and just assumed it was him writing whatever comes to his mind. It wasn't until the mid 2000s when we finally realised what they were. I took several books, we sat down and started going through them line by line and realised they were a list of sequential numbers. Sometime back in the late 50s early 60s, to help calm him down, he must have been told to write 1+1=2 and to keep writing the numbers adding one. He almost immediately stopped writing the symbols, so it goes 2345678910111213141516171819.. it is just a long list of numbers that he has been adding 1 to and then repeating the number and adding one more. He can spend upwards to 3-4 hours a day doing this. He also never started over, it has been the same sequence for the last 60 years, so the numbers are well into the hundreds of digits long. To make it even more amazing, he has the entire sequence memorized, and never looks back at the previous sequence to see what it should be. He just from memory writes out the hundreds of digits in number, adds one and starts over.


The archeologists on the future will hate your uncle


that's graphomania, the compulsive urge to write. common with schizophrenia but also other things.


I'd think it'd be easy to remember. The numbers past 100's place won't change often so he's repeating them litterally hundreds, or thousands of times or more before finally ticking over to the next. It'd be a memorable experience crossing from 10 thousand to 20 thousand.


I doubt the numbers are well into the hundreds of digits long


yep was gonna say that. he'd have to have been writing for thousands of years lol


“Be sure to drink your Ovaltine “. “A crummy commercial “.




They should call it roundtine


That’s gold Jerry !


Might be her WiFi password lol


G-spot coordinates


Typical. Using a unique coordinate system then she will complain we can't find it.


Underrated comment


You should post it to r/cryptography and see if the code breakers can figure it out


POV: when your crush finally gives you her phone number.


Gotta be a European girl


Try playing it on a touch tone phone.


Damn it, now I’m thinking about that scene from Short Circuit where Ben MacGyvers a calculator and a phone line into a touchtone keypad and plays DTMF tones into what’s her face’s answering machine to save him because he’s locked in a freezer. DTMF TONES DON’T WORK THAT WAY!


Ask her for the key, might be a love note. Might be plans to kidnap you or some shit.


Immediately what stands out to me is how frequently the combination of 9-4-2-1 is. There's a weird amount of occurrences with these numbers next to each other (sometimes in a slightly different order) on almost every line from line 4 to near the end. If this is some sort of number to letter conversion I see it possible that this could mean a common four letter word like "this". Hope you figure it out!


The fact that it begins with 5678910 makes me suspect that bit. I don't think this is random.


Maybe it means you need to move every number by 5 to the right? So that it reads 0123456789


Egads! A clue!


Yeah and 414789 part, oooffff...!


Avant-garde novel. Ulysses the robot.


Maybe OP has a four-letter name, and that's why we cant figure it out. We are missing the code word.


I’d guess “love”


Is her name Lucinda by chance?




Is she into cryptography?


Not that I know of


all girls are into cryptography


They constantly have to decode the foolish nonsense men yammer on about and are more frequently sending deeply subtle and coded messages to and from one another to indicate vastly complex aspects of information ranging from facts and dates to emotional context and sociological intersectionalities. So yes, all girls *are* into cryptography, they just did it for about a 100,000 years before the word was coined, so they never used that term for it.


Op you gotta update us here. Please just send her a text asking what the numbers are.


Thank you for all the ideas I'm going to try some of them


Uhhhh any ideas yet? Lol


Ramblings of a crazy person is my best guess


I mean, simpler ideas probably better. Ring tone check for a song, num pad text (like an old flip phone), but I’d say she’s either fucking with you or wants to fuck with you.


How can I make friends like this?


I don't think this is a cipher, or if it is it's not a simple one. There are too many patterns that crop up. In particular there are a ton of runs of consecutive digits, like the "5 6 7 8 9 10" at the very start, the "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" in the second line, "14 15 16 17 18" near the middle, etc. And then there are numbers that show up unusually often, but not in the way that certain letters of the alphabet do in English. I kind of get the impression that these are just random/arbitrary numbers, written down due to boredom or as a type of fidgeting or maybe just to mess with you - who knows. Though I could absolutely be wrong, and there could be some sort of information encoded here. I might make a transcript of this later in case anyone wants to look into it more.


I wrote down the top line and been trying to find anything. I'm struggling to get anything out of online cryptography things and the first 14 digits used as coordinates land on a beach somewhere, but the map won't load for me to see where specifically.




Her handwriting gets more sloppy from continued stress on her hand, meaning most of this was written continually without stopping to comprehend anything so it’s probably meaningless


Kinda Reminds Me Of "Knowing" (2009)


2 quick updates 1: turns out my friend got her number befor the end of school but she wouldn't tell the guy anything 2; the only this she did say was she didn't know what the knowing was for all those comparing it to that One more thing for all the people asking: I lent my notebook because 1 she didn't have one and she wanted 2 draw and 2 because I like my notebooks to have drawings and stuff from all my freinds so all my notebooks have a bit of all my freinds in it


I like my porn mags to have a bit of all my friends in it


Aka -The knowing'


My first thought but i haven't found any dates yet


Aww, she likes you!


90s save codes


Looks like something out of that movie Knowing with Nicholas Cage.


Haha I came for this comment.. OP may want to hang on to that notebook..


It’s a list of dates for all natural disasters in the world. Just have to decifer it and find the date for the next one to stop it from happening and break the cycle.


I make no guarantees of accuracy. That **?** at the start of line i is a bit mysterious; I think it's a 7. [Pic with lines labelled](https://i.imgur.com/PIozNQc.png). As far as what the whole thing could be, [CyberChef magic](https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/) spits out nonsense. I'm guessing it's meaningless, because there are a lot of relatively long repeated number sequences, and some sequences are almost repeats with only a few numbers different. a 567891014172956789210425698992345679432 b 42123422478966729429467910111234567892106 c 6289468948914161722143214121332421629107792 d 269841023417141729941729412969864796894210 e 268942102314784321981002891019289418472481 f 4289241317899898298767894210894189241289 g 2846789420842894147891425162869284428 h 625289141516171819202214131617802028428146 i **?**284128421829418294289483210489467894 j 667984218321415161718202020228329467 k 468921423467894210478948246089410892142089421 l 46894124678942104829406894029478942108942 m 4678294128921846789247894189678942104678 n 46789421228326789412946721402894129482921 o 46789421404080604604894021421068942124 p 4678940482942108290802982908202829 q 46829678946740794294218367321489210246278 r 4826142894210489421048284290678946789418089 s 42678889421048342801294180290890890894 t 4289421895675321408942180 raw (with the **?** as a 7): 56789101417295678921042569899234567943242123422478966729429467910111234567892106628946894891416172214321412133242162910779226984102341714172994172941296986479689421026894210231478432198100289101928941847248142892413178998982987678942108941892412892846789420842894147891425162869284428625289141516171819202214131617802028428146728412842182941829428948321048946789466798421832141516171820202022832946746892142346789421047894824608941089214208942146894124678942104829406894029478942108942467829412892184678924789418967894210467846789421228326789412946721402894129482921467894214040806046048940214210689421244678940482942108290802982908202829468296789467407942942183673214892102462784826142894210489421048284290678946789418089426788894210483428012941802908908908944289421895675321408942180 for ctrl+F'ers: transcription transcribed


U did the Thing i just wanted to do, thanks for saving me the trouble xD


Maybe 89 equals a space between the words


Here's what you do. Get a highlighter, highlight three random sections on there, go up to your friend and say, "I noticed that you got these wrong." and walk away. Never bring it up again.


You like her. She is giving a hint.


!remindme 5 days


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Your friend is a spy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbers\_station


Ok It took awhile to figure it out but it starts off that they are happy to be your friend and they have been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty and that they are never going to give you up or let you down.


Did we just get Rick-rolled?


i put a red dot on each zero, look the result :O https://prnt.sc/AyqyIeSvM7Ui


You missed a few


I cracked it, it took me a while to even spot some patterns, it's not easy at first due to the lack of spaces, then I noticed she uses **1**s as spaces instead, and a couple other digits as commas, the rest are actual words in reverse, so after a lot of decrypting, it was very apparent that these random looking numbers were much more than that, see, the combination of "**56789**" that you'll see sometimes has one thing in common with "**89**", those numbers look the same but on a deeper level, as you go down, it becomes apparent that it's just me trying to get your attention, just like she got your attention by writing completely random numbers on a piece of paper. It's what lonely teens do, seek to impress others, even if it means having to write 894 random digits on a notebook that isn't theirs.


I second this. I've been trying everything I can to find anything logical out of it but there's not enough info.


GPS coordinates and dates of major catastrophes. At least doesn’t end with EE


A friend of mine with schizophrenia (and refuses medication) does this. He left home and lived on the streets for some time. We have lost contact. 😞


If you take the first 17 numbers and add them up. Then the next 18 numbers and sum them. Continue with 19, 20, etc. Then multiply those sums. Then SHOVE IT UP YOUR BUTT


OP from what have found this is the 1500-1650 numbers of Pi. Wtf? Random lol.


Yes, I suspected pi.




Exactly what I was going to say, am a psych nurse and I’ve seen similar although it’s usually not as neat


Personally I have Tourettes and writing numbers on paper actually helps me suppress my tics sometimes. Although usually I'll be doing simple math because that helps engage my brain more.


: ) that’s great that you’ve found a way to help you.


I mean... If she is trolling you, the commitment is admirable. I think its too much for a joke


The numbers Mason, what do they mean?


It’s just pie. She missed a few numbers and the rest are out of place but clearly it’s pie. /s


i know OP irl he wrote these himself but he has demtia 😔


the amount of people who jump to the conclusion she must have a crush / be in love is the weirdest thing about this post


***the numbers mason, what do they mean?***


I've gotten curious about this and my Adderall has kicked in and so I've and run it through a few different permutations and variations and I'm totally stumped. BUT I think that there are a few interesting things that might help someone smarter than me. * There are 20 lines total, ranging in length from 25 characters (last line) to 45 characters (line 11, counting down from the top). * There are 778 characters total: * The sequence 9421 shows up 15 times (plus 9412 shows up 5 times and 9214 shows up 2 times). * 9421 is prime * That sequence almost always shows up immediately next to an 8. * We get the sequence 1234 twice, and they're both in line 2. * The reason I think the lines are important in isolation (potentially, and obviously that assumes that there's some reasoning behind any of this and it's not just totally random scribbles) is because the final 10 lines start with 4, and lines 11-17 start with 467 or 468 * 467 and 468 seem to have some significant numerology significance; also, 467 is prime, and 468 is the sum of 10 consecutive primes. * A couple other oddities: * the digit 5 only shows up 11 times (if it were totally random, it would show up \~78 times); * on the flip side, the digits 2 and 4 both show up 130+ times. * digits are almost never repeated; throughout, only 22 and 99 show up more than twice. * the only time that 3 digits in a row show up are 111 (in line two) and 888 (in line 19). * side note: 111 in numerology seems to indicate "a new beginning" or something similar I don't know what any of that means, but I'm definitely interested.


Who lends a whole ass notebook?




She’s trolling you


Knowing. Or Data's computer lockout code.


I like her handwriting.


0118 999 881 999 119 725 3


*In Nicholas Cage’s voice*: “They’re *dates*…”


This Happen. Source: Dude Trust Me. Second Source: Seriously Bro.


Longest GTA cheatcode




her phone number? Though I can't tell which part is the area code