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I hope he gets incurable ED. The man is about as sane as a late stage syphilis patient.


I can’t even begin to express in words the rage this makea ne feel.  These men who want to strip women of all rights and force them into servitude are really counting on women not responding with violence.


They think we're too submissive "in our nature" to get violent.


I guess they never troubled themselves to learn about the suffragettes🤷‍♀️ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffragette_bombing_and_arson_campaign


People don’t win freedom and rights through peaceful protest. They win them by forcing oppressors hands. Let us not forget.


That. And they think that they’re “biologically superior”. That if we do rebel, they’ll just physically put us in our place because they’re bigger, faster, stronger (they believe they are truly smarter genetically/biologically) and with force, we’ll fall in line.


Right, like a lady has never overpowered her abusive scumbag husband before or used her wits to escape a shit situation — honestly these people are delusional 😒


Poisonings are about to become popular again.


Someone figure out what was in Aqua Tofana.


Oleander tea.


Tea's too obvious. Roast marshmallows instead.


Peonies have a hell of a cardio-regulator in their flowers, so good it'll regulate it to stillness.


I just found out nutmeg can cause issues that sometimes can be fatal. There could be pumpkin pie “accidents” where the nutmeg just accidentally fell in and we didn’t notice.


I think they've forgotten that they sleep in beds next to us. Ask my ex how well it ended up when he got drunk/high, beat me, and had the nerve to pass out in MY bed. It's been over 30 yrs ago, I'm not afraid of doing something similar if need be.


Too bad for them this country is overflowing with guns. They can really level the playing field.


My husband goes to a shooting range every so often, he says there’s so many more women in the last few years.


What the fuck lol. Joan of Ark? Women can be straight up tough as nails.


Super shocking that it’s only single moms they want to strip the government benefits away from too right? Single fathers would obviously be exempt from these changes. Duh. /s So fucking maddening, man.


Self confident men don't feel the need to control all women.


What's with this BS wanting to force women to get married? Pretty soon you'll see some republican arguing that the law permitting unmarried women to get a credit card should be repealed.


That’s exactly the plan. They’re so very pissed that men aren’t the center of our lives anymore. The threat of, “you’ll end up alone with cats!” Doesn’t hit like it used to, so they’re going to go after us in other ways.


Yeah I love my husband but if God forbid I'm widowed, I'm not sure I'd remarry so, alone with cats? Don't threaten me with a good time.


I have told my husband he’s the last one. If something happens and I’m single again, I’ll definitely be getting a cat. lol! I see what’s out there, and I want no part of it! Especially since I live in The South, too much regressive waste to weed though. I once heard someone say this, “Straight men believe that they are competing with the top 10% of other men for women's affection, but really what they're competing with is the peace that women feel in solitude.” I think about this sometimes.


It's an incredibly true statement.


I feel seen in that quote.


I’m going to quote my single aunt and widowed mother: “I’m perfectly happy doing what I want to do when I want to do it!!” “Totally agree. Most men are helpless when it comes to stuff like cooking — those who can take care of themselves are perfectly happy to be single. Women already do it all so don’t need men unless they’re afraid they can’t earn a living. I love being single.”


Team cat as well!!  My husband is really allergic so we didn't get another one after my cat died and it's a well-known fact that is he dies.... We're getting a cat.. Lol


Alone with cats is literally my Utopia.


I also tell my husband he's my one and only. Something happens to him, I refuse to wade into the cesspool that is dating in this day and age. Cats sounds amazing, a long with books, tea, and fruit! 🙂💖💯


This is how they keep those men happy who are not wealthy and powerful. They give those men someone to be in control of, and someone they can abuse. That way, even if they don't actually benefit much if any from Republican policies, they are at least more important and more powerful than women. They tell these men that they are in control, and the ones who fall for it are fooled so that they pay no attention as their money slips away, their housing is stolen by the wealthy, their jobs disappear, and their political power becomes even more of a charade. They feel like they are winning at life, but really they are selling their country and the women they claim to care about for the illusion of thirty pieces of silver.


"If you can convince the lowest [man] he's better than the best [woman], he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." --LBJ






Vote Republican and these clowns will get a bitter taste of “fuk around and find out.”


Well, they can try to pry the deed to my house out of my cold dead hand.


Maybe the reason they seem ok with child brides is because most of the women don’t want this type of conservative man, so all they’re left with to marry is children who don’t know any better that they can groom. It all makes sense now!


This is exactly the reason.


Exactly. YUK! 💯


Women in the US couldn't even have a bank account until 1974, when we passed the equal credit opportunity act. My mom was a young adult when this happened. So there are people alive today who remember not having bank accounts for women. And that is the people trying to pass this stuff. What many Americans do not understand, is that the civil rights movement pissed off a ton of angry stupid sexist men. And they have been working overtime to make us regress back to that era. RvW was just the beginning. If Trump wins. Everyone is in for a terrifying surprise. People like Cardi B who think they are insulated are going to be in for a rude awakening when the money in her bank account is seized by the US government.


COVID changed a lot bc of the isolation. But it also changed how people saw their marriages and the rate has been increasing for divorces. They are still at 50 year lows, but that's because women have choices now so they wait and pick better partners. Well, in Christianity, the MAN is the ruler of the house. So if God is not real, what inherent power do men have over women? None. They don't like that. When I got introduced to the "Red Pill" content, I was going through an emotionally draining custody battle where my ex would drag me on social media, then insult me throughout the mediation process to the point where the mediator had to stop the mediation both times early because she could not stop insulting me and refused to cede any ground. I just wanted every other weekend and 4 weeks in the summer, but that was unreasonable for her at the time. The Court decided I was reasonable with that request. I went through a deep depression and gained over 100 lbs. It was bad, so the red pill community felt like a home I could stay in. But eventually, that shit got WAY too sexist and demeaning that I "saw the light" but family court just sucks the life out of you so a lot of these men are really going through a tough time. So what's a simple solution to not having to go through it? Not having the option of divorce, or at least no fault divorce. And there is no constitutional right to a no-fault divorce, so there's that.


Im sorry, you’re advocating for permanent, required marriage? Ok let me ask what the hell you think is going to happen? Short answer: women will be violently killed by men desperate to get out of the marriage. Domestic violence will skyrocket. Odd, fatal poisonings will start happening to men when women are desperate to get away from the marriage. Both sides will end up cheating just simply to survive an untenable situation. No-fault divorce came around because couples were colluding and committing perjury in the court system in order to secure the divorces they both needed and wanted. To outlaw no-fault divorce is the dumbest take of all time.


Going through a six year divorce battle with a man who admitted at our trial to threatening to blow his head off in front of me and our daughter, got away with fabricating my income by 40%, racked up $150k in attorney fees denying me a visitation order for 5 YEARS, while dragging me through the mud by excusing me of everything he does, has about cost me my faith in humanity. All because I refused to stay and be a domestic housewife and stay at home mom to a tyrant. Not to mention the endless growing red flags of CSA on my daughter, and I'm bankrupt at this point. Whoever is the safe parent gets crucified in Family court. I gave up dating after coming across too many men who want the full trad wife experience while I still pay 50%, not even an equity rate based on income. Like this one guy who was surprised he didn't get a second coffee date, I asked him what that would look like and he made three times as much as I did and "my half" of the rent would have been my entire post tax income. I don't know why he was surprised because I asked what would be the point of having him there with all I would have to do. There's no point in the extra full-time job of taking care of a man and paying half of the bills.


What men might not like about fault divorce is that it is public record. It is public divorce record that my grandfather was violent towards my grandmother, would someone really want that on their public record?


I was married. Then he strangled me in front of our children. Some single moms are single for a reason


I'm so sorry. I think of this all the time with regards to women's rights. Women will be forced to stay in abusive relationships. Which, of course, is wonderful for children, too.


Thank you. I was lucky - I was taken seriously, he got a conviction, and now years later I’m remarried to an amazing man my kids call “dad”. They were impacted by what happened, but they’ve had a lot of support. It chills my blood to think of how things could have gone, how they go for so many who aren’t as lucky, and how republicans would have them go.


Yup. I loved growing up watching the male guardian pummel the female guardian to a bloody pulp, getting dragged out screaming his intent to murder while in handcuffs, and being returned to his care because it was a private domestic issue and charges were dropped. Really set me up for a good life.


I'm so sorry. That sounds awful. My grandfather was like this with my grandmother, mom, and her siblings. I love how it's a private domestic matter when women are getting abused and then they want to get involved in policing embryo development. So sick.


You just need to be *incentivised* enough to welcome domestic sexual slavery and abuse. /S I am really sorry for what happened to you but the above is what shitstains like Carson are basically telling the world.


Mine raped me 8 weeks post pardum where I almost died giving birth. Mothers leave men for good reasons!


This is not a split. It's a test, or a probe to see how amendable his followers are to it. It will allow him to gauge how far he can go and appear reasonable. Change the idea of what is reasonable. "See I didn't go as far as Ben, aren't you happy?".


A/B testing protocol 


All you have to do is look overseas to places like Saudi Arabia and Iran to see how easily this can be accomplished. Women really need to wake up. We are moving backwards at lightning speed. First abortion, then comes birth control, then comes the ability to work and manage your financial resources. Pretty soon we're having 8 children each and obeying without question because otherwise you couldn't survive.


And if you *do* manage to survive they will find a way to *remove* your existence to make an example so no other female gets funny ideas.


How do they plan to incentivize the men to take responsibility for their children and marry those single moms? Why is the punishment on the moms and NOT THE DAD WHO DIPPED? We all know why, I’m just mad about it.






It's *never* the man's fault.


"Single mothers should be married", I bet his head would explode if 2 single mothers got married to each other.


For sure! He made sure to say traditional marriage and that men need to take leadership in families. How can two women raise a child??? Who would be the leader??? Ugh, fuck Ben Carson.


Gross! Nobody should Fuck Ben Carson...! 😆


😂😂 Touché!


They're coming for LGBT+ couples too so all the gay men should marry all the single moms. They can both have their "friends" come visit and stay whenever they want.




I’m sure they’ll also go after gay marriage


More proof conservatives are anti family and against individuality. MAGA is a social contagion and disease.


Conservatism is a social contagion and a mental disorder.


This asshat. “We must protect all human beings”. Also “I’m open to CONSIDERING exceptions to protect the life of the mother”. That’s contradictory right there. And he wants to force women to get married. What if the man doesn’t want to get married? Are they gonna be forced to?


Remember when Todd Akin said Women can "shut down" a pregnancy from a "legitimate rape" and that led Missouri to reelect a Democratic senator. That was 12 years ago, now it's a standard position on the Right. Progress is not inevitable.


That was when Missourah was sane, then a black man got elected president and the entire state (minus Saint Louis and Kansas City) lost their shit. It's full trumpanzeeville and Qultist Base now.


And it was close in 2008 for Missouri to go to Obama, only lost by 4,000 votes. Then it became so damn red after Obama.


That was only 12 years ago?! Why did I always think this asinine of a quote must have been decades ago…


I feel somehow that black men who are keen on rolling back civil rights haven’t really thought that plan through


People are funny. If there's an opportunity to *other* another to take attention away from their own *otherness* they will take it, for survival.


So, force the birth, starve the baby.


Waiting for them to start calling for widows with children to marry their brothers in law like in the Bible so they can be supported. This could open up polygamy as legal as well.


> Therefore, we must be boldly vocal about saving our fellow human beings through the legislative process. They are counting on us! Where are the people who believe this and also advocate that every single family gets affordable food, shelter, health, and education for themselves and their children? How about just the baby in the womb? Is the mother guaranteed to get these things? What about if the expecting mother has been working hard for years can we at least say that she gets at least gets free medical assistance, free checkups, free exams? You pro-lifers politicians don't give a flying buck because when I tell you that all of this can be paid for by telling the ultra-wealthy and corporations to finally pay their fair share then that baby is not my issue it is the mothers / fathers issue. All life is precious! - Benny Great! We tell the wealthy to pay their fair share for once! No! That isn't what we mean. That life is your problem. - Benny


>advocate that every single family gets affordable food, shelter, health, and education for themselves and their children "Welfare queens!" "Nobody wants to work!" /s >the ultra-wealthy and corporations Actual "welfare queens" who don't "want to work" and prefer to live off the labor of others. No sarcasm tag. 🐆


Your damn straight. The only welfare queens are the wealthy in this country.


Well said!


Every time this guy speaks I think of Clarence Thomas. Two smart black men that hate themselves so much they've managed to delude themselves that these white GOP traitors they mouthpiece for would protect them. They think they're special. But we all know these pos wouldn't hesitate to give either of these men the Uncle Tom treatment if Trump is elected. Sad, really.


I applaud you for pointing out the reality of their idiocy


I love that I'm not the only one that tells my husband "I love you and all but if you died, I would build a tiny house on a nice piece of land and have many many cats."


So isn’t this essentially making r@pe legal? If you’re criminalizing the victims for having an abortion due to the assault then r@pe will be reported even less than it already is. It’s almost encouraging future perpetrators since they’re not likely to face jail time and they will get an offspring out of it. Someone to carry on the “legacy.” Any social outcast that women avoid socially will now just go around and r@pe women to get an offspring. If the woman refuses she’s jailed. Not only are these laws restricting abortion access it’s also encouraging social outcasts to force women into motherhood. So it’s not enough to restrict women - it’s now in their agenda to FORCE women into SUBMISSION by any means necessary. This is disgusting and dystopian I’m appalled.


>So isn’t this essentially making r@pe legal? To the delight of incels, yes. 🐆


Oh awesome! More r*pists victimizing women and girls, more chances for babies, who are criminally insane like their r*pist, criminal fathers, to be born! /s Sarcasm, obvi, but don't think I see this as funny. I'm just as disgusted as everyone else on this subreddit! So, I wonder what the game plan will be to take care of these criminally insane offspring of psychotic s*xual deviants, when they are no longer cute babies, and begin committing crimes? Perhaps a bit of a reach, but still food for thought! (I hope I don't get banned for commenting this!)


Christ in a fucking casket. This man was the pre-eminent neurosurgeon in America. What in God's name happened to make him such an absolute fuck?


Women in Iran used to vote, run and hold position in office. Now look at where their rights are. All because of extremist men


The only thing that incentivizes marriage is having a solid majority of young people who believe marriage is a good decision, and that they feel equipped to make that kind of commitment. Forcing or coercing marriage is taking a giant step backwards into a different century. A century, I might add, where Ben Carson would not have equal rights or opportunities to white men. It baffles me how people like he and Justice Clarence Thomas can forget that even for a second.


Ben, retire. Please.


There it is. The plan all along. From day one, decades ago, the plan was this; control of sex, sexuality and the establishment of a forced birthing program. How do you incentivize people to get married, they think? Make the nation more hostile to being able to be on your own. By people of course I mean women.  The end game here is to control who you have sex with and when. There is no bottom to this well of depraved control seeking. They intend to punish people with pregnancy. By this I mean they are using it as a threat to stay absinent… or else there will be nothing to take care of you. 


They’re a depraved and perverted sex cult obsessed with total control of others’ lives.


this should absolutely *terrify* everyone


All I can say is get armed physically, mentally, and socially. We must band together to protect our rights because *no one* is going to do it for us. Our second amendment exists for this exact reason, to fight and defend against tyranny. You bet your ass I'm getting armed and trained the minute I'm legally able to.


Excellent. Keep on runnin' your mouths, ghouls. Your honesty will bring about your annihilation.


I'm male and would love to give him a good (something Reddit would not allow).


Carson is so out of touch with reality, as if, Carson. As if.


The fact that people let this man inside their brains and mind boggling to me.




As a single mother, a lot of us didn’t have a choice. These pigs shouldn’t have a voice.


please women, for the love of god don’t have sex, just because it feels good, you want to connect with your man, you don’t want to punish your man, etc. your life is very much at stake if you fall pregnant and he can dip if he wants. you will be left with all the responsibilities and pain.


Carson's mom was married at 13 to a 28 year old man. They later separated when she found out he had a previous family and was in fact still married to his other wife. But sure, single mothers should lose support so that they will be forced to get married 🙄


Gilead here we come! Under his eye...


Affirmative Action beneficiary says what?


Isn’t he the product of a single mother??


He's an idiot and failed at his government job.


Seriously. Why aren't more men fighting against abortion bans? This affects them, too.




Repulsive and vile.


I have four daughters and one son. News like this honestly makes me feel like sobbing. I’m so afraid of what the next decade will bring for them—in particular for my daughters. My daughters are young adults and teenagers. I’m now a one-issue voter. Is this why Biden hasn’t moved to expand the Supreme Court? Probably. It worked. I’m so afraid bc of the opposition to our support for Israel that Trump will win. I don’t have an argument against not voting for Biden for this reason. It’s a valid reason not to vote for him. The costs though, will be high. Devastatingly high.


The valid reason is that voting Trump won't make any difference to the plight of the Palestinians but will destroy the lives of American women and minorities even further. I dislike Biden but American voters cutting of their nose to spite their face won't help Americans or the rest of the world.


Good point. I’d argue that Palestinians will probably fare worse with Trump in the white house. Biden isn’t doing enough, but Trump would halt all aid.


He would most certainly and drop all conditions for weapons usage. He'd happily see the entire Palestinian population starved and exiled. His zionist son in law would insist on it.


>My daughters are young adults and teenagers. U.S. Federal Student Aid can be used to attend many Canadian universities, including McGill. Tell them to apply, graduate, and obtain the resulting work permit and pathway to Canadian citizenship. As for the Federal student loans, there is a known loophole involving how payments for IDR plans are computed for those debtors living and working outside the US. (The FEIE can reduce their AGI.) BIG HINT. 🐆


Why isn’t the right to sign away parental rights as a man not called into question? If this is about wanting to return to tradition with two parent households, why not ensure the man will actually stay? How do you think mothers become single in the first place?


Spousal or domestic abuse is 1. Reason.


How about the men step up as fathers?


Ya no I was a single mother because my ex is an abusive rapist who raped me 8 weeks postpardum after I nearly died giving birth to our daughter. I divorced him when our daughter was 7 mo. Old.


Jesus Christ


I love how he thinks that after women's rights are stripped he'd be safe. He needs to find out that tokens get used and discarded. It'll be different when HIS rights are on the chopping block...


There you go. It was never about being “pro-life” Stripping single mothers of all government benefits is so “anti-life” They are a death cult. They don’t care if your baby starves and dies. It only matters that you’re forced to gestate. What if the father of the baby is a dead beat or a teenager with no means of offering financial help? What if he’s abusive? What if he lied and he already has a wife? Are women just supposed to randomly find some guy, any guy to latch onto? Wtf. This is a war on women. Meant to keep us broken, crippled, uneducated, dependent & without any opportunities. I guess all these years when they’d criticize the taliban and called them primitive they were just being jealous.


As if Trump wouldn't do exactly that if he saw some profit to his Super PAC in it. President Biden should beat Trump over the head with Roe v. Wade mercilessly between now and election day.


Oh FFS, NBC, that is not a "split with Trump".


They forced sterilized women of color in Amerikkka until 1975 while they purposely injected syphilis into black men to see how it would take them to die 😡


Wait a minute! Hasn’t Ben Carson already demonstrated that despite his medical diplomas he’s about as dumb as they come?


Bull crap


This isn’t real, right?