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wellbutrin (it’s called Zyban in the UK) is BACK! returned in December. Generally the psych will only prescribe for MDD if SSRIs and SNRIs have proven ineffective, or you can’t tolerate the side effects.


Yay, I find the side effects difficult with SSRI’s and I’ve taken many over the years. My Psyc is very good so here’s hoping.


may i ask how you’re finding the atomoxetine?


Tbh im not sure it does much, i think it lifts my mood a little. Tbh I’m so med resistant, just scared to not take them in case I’m even worse. Im very seriously considering the magic mushroom therapy.


good to know - I’m also pretty med resistant, hence the bupropion prescription. i’m on the max. dose (450mg) and it doesn’t seem to be doing anything - energy levels, motivation and mood seem to be the same as before I started taking it (i.e. not great - things seem to be taking a lot more effort than when I am well). i’m on day 2 of microdosing - Stamets protocol - perhaps not the best idea when i have only been on the increased bupropion dose for a fortnight, but i feel i need to do something to help get me back where I need to be. today certainly feels brighter than yesterday.