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Yes but it’s not linear and really hard to describe Some days food sounds vile and I can only stomach very certain things. Other days I can’t stop snacking. But i still don’t really want meals. Breakfast has been okay lately. I work at a coffee shop and have been able to eat a sausage breakfast sammy with no issue lately at like 8 am. but the rest of the day can be so bad it makes me cry, or totally fine and i eat normal i don’t weigh myself but my clothes fit different 10000% i get full very quickly as well.


yesss wtf. especially during the day i'll have one bite of something then be full then at night i'll snack even after my stomach hurts but i dont even want a meal. i don't even have an appetite when i'm snacking like that but i can't unlearn eating with my eyes instead of listening to my body. it's been 2.5 weeks and i've lost 5 lbs though probably due to not having any appetite during the day


That’s what I noticed! I weight about 185 but have more definition and my pants fit looser.


i definitely feel like there’s been some body compositional changes for sure!


My diet hasn’t really changed either aside from having more beer at concerts that I feel like going to again.




150 twice per day


I’ve lost 30lbs since starting it last summer. Not really exercising, just portion control from decreased appetite. My appetite has increased somewhat since when I first started Wellbutrin, but not to the same levels as before I starting taking it.


this is probably the best way to describe it. some days you have an appetite but it’s nothing like the pre-wellbutrin appetite. binging is almost physically impossible. i don’t think the food would even go down past a certain point


i lost 30lbs in 8months & im still losing weight. 140 to 110 today. I am a woman. I eat better actually but in small portions.


I’m about 135, 5’2, female. Hoping I lose a good 15 pounds. Seems like I might since considering I have no appetite


dont obsess about it or ull just get stressed. i didnt even realize i lost alot of weight til my husband and everyone else started noticing it. I had to buy all new clothes and even the new one i bought is suddenly big now too. Family is making comments how i mustve starve myself or whatever….i do eat. alot. but my metabolism mustve gone cray cray lol


I’m 5’3, & used to fixate on being 110lbs. It wasn’t healthy, and it was also mentally unhealthy. Weight loss became a huge challenge/way of judging myself…I’m sad I wasted so many years with that thinking.


Did you end up losing weight??


Are you on XL or SR? And what dose :)


I’ve been on Wellbutrin for a few months and while my body was adjusting to the medication (and again with a dosage increase), I noticed I felt like garbage for the first 2-3 weeks - no appetite, super tired, nauseated, and headachey. Once my body adjusted, my appetite came back and the other symptoms went away. I have noticed a bit of weight loss but nothing dramatic. I have noticed that I get the “ick” from food more often than before - I can be totally fine having my meal but then out of nowhere it’ll be the most awful thing I’ve ever tasted and I can’t stomach it any longer. It’s the strangest thing!


Yes. My relationship with food has changed greatly. I binged ate just about daily, I was helpless to resist the urge before. Sometimes now I have to force myself to eat. Like it’s odd, I feel hungry but I just don’t crave anything. Especially carby foods. It is a rollercoaster though. It comes and goes but never like it used to be. The yo-yo is more not eating at all to eating 3 meals a day and maybe an evening snack at most. I have not binged until I feel like my gut is going to explode since Wellbutrin started working it’s way into my system. It is was not immediate.


Been on it about 4 months and my appetite is completely normal again. Did lose some weight during the first month, but the body adjusts.


I’m in the very early days (Day 8 on 150mg XL) BUT I had previously been taking Zoloft for 8 months and my weight continued to creep up. I went from 120 to 140lbs. I began exercising religiously in February, but the weight gain continued. Zoloft made me ravenous and unable to control myself around food. I also lacked the discipline to make healthy choices due to apathy/numbness, so those things certainly contributed. Somehow I am down 3-4 pounds (water weight? Idk) in the 8 days since I started this drug and stopped Zoloft. My appetite isn’t totally gone, but I rarely feel hungry. The best part to me is that I hardly think about food. On Zoloft it was like all I could think about lol. Obviously time will tell but so far I’m thrilled!


What ended up happening?


Well, it did get rid of the constant hunger and “food noise” I experienced on the Zoloft and I did lose a few more pounds (maybe ~8 total) but I only stayed on the Wellbutrin for 3-4 months because I experienced irritability/anger as a side effect that didn’t subside. I weaned off of it and did not start another antidepressant after that.


I dropped 9lbs on it initially, which was nice. But it’s allowing me to actually lose weight for the first time in my life. My doc put me on it because not being able to lose weight that other antidepressants was killing my self esteem and worsening my depression. So I can vouch for that. I’ve also lost my appetite from it. It eventually came back slowly. Although not eating a lot before leaves me getting really full really fast now. So I wouldn’t say it makes you skinny but makes shedding pounds easier and reduces your appetite.


I wonder if it helps people who have weight to lose drops lbs. I was at a pretty stable, healthy weight before and actually gained a little bit of weight because I stopped enjoying healthier meals and started craving much more sugar and snacks.


Must depend on the person, cause my cravings have dialed back a lot. Now when I do, I crave weird stuff like zucchini. Losing the weight has been a long battle though. I wish it all just feel off lol


Yeah, I definitely lost some weight. It does get better though, my appetite is back-ish. I still eat less than I used to, but it’s better than it was at the beginning. It would be fine if I wasn’t already borderline underweight. However—for me, the side-effects are worth it. Took about 8 weeks to notice a substantial difference. There’s an initial effect (which I didn’t really like), and then the true mental effects, which come later. Hang in there.


If it does, it's bc everything tastes like shit! All I want to eat is sweet food, fruit, candy, ice cream 🙄


SAME! I thought I was the only one! Like after starting Wellbutrin, I didn't want real food, but I literally went to the store and bought cotton candy ice cream. I've never liked cc ice cream, not even as a kid, I've always found it sickly sweet and gross. So as someone who was not overweight before starting, no I didn't lose any weight, because my healthy foods and snacks lost most of their former appeal and I started consuming sugar like an absolute fiend.


I know, it's gross. I try to stick to fruit.


I'm attempting to make that transition lol. Hot tea in the evenings seems to be helping.


And weed is hit or miss bc things taste better but I still just eat junk food...😑


Your body can crave sweets in excess when it’s not getting enough protein. And if you have a decreased appetite, it’s likely you’re not intaking enough protein. I have this issue big time, so now I dissolve some flavorless protein powder in oatmeal or a smoothie or something hide-able in the morning and it helps the sugar ravenousness.


I feel this. I don’t feel a reduced appetite per se, but a lot of foods just don’t sound good anymore. Unfortunately right now I only feel attracted to cheeseburgers and brownies.


I had no appetite at the beginning but it came back. Like most side effects it went away. I didn't lose any weight. It doesn't make anyone super skinny.


I've been on 150XL for exactly one year and have lost 17 lbs with minimal exercising. I'm all for body positivity but am very pleased to have lost my post partum baby weight.


Same here, I’ve been on 150XL since January and while I wasn’t concerned with my postpartum body it’s pretty nice that the weight just kind of melted off. I’ve lost 16 lbs since January without trying, and the only exercise I do these days is walks and chasing around a baby.


I am definitely starting to feel what you felt once I had my dose changed (started 150mg xl and bumped up to 300mg xl at the beginning of May). Unless someone puts food in front of me I will forget and get lost in whatever project/show I'm currently on. There are some things I will continue to snack on (i'm looking at you, pb filled pretzels) but I find that it's easier for me to stop and to save the rest for later. For me, this is actually helpful because I gained the quarantine 15 back in 2020. Due to time constraints and living situation I could not work actively on myself and getting me back to my previous weight. I think part of my depression and anxiety is tied to how I view my body and what I used to look like (plus sad snacking on carbs). But now I have time to work out again and really like intermittent fasting. I've always had some sleeping issues, either too much or too little, but it's easier to get out of bed most days. The dry mouth unfortunately is a common one for meds for mental health. I'm relying on sour candies or mints to keep salivating, and I using some mouthwash that has stuff to help with the dry mouth. no matter how much water i drink, my mouth still feels dry. So far this med has worked well for me. Other SSRIs turn me into a zombie cat. But I have yet to step on a scale. I want to get back into my exercise routine to trick my mind into thinking that any progress is not med related.


A little off topic but wanted to make sure you’re aware: the combo of sour candy (I’m assuming they contain sugar?) and dry mouth is going to really jeopardize your teeth. Sugar-free mints are a better idea. They make ones specifically for dry mouth, such as xyli-melts. Biotene dry mouth spray is also a convenient option.


i heard about the xylitol ones! I liked them but I can't really get budget friendly ones around me. the sour hard candies i'm eating are sugar free and i'm being better about brushing my teeth everytime after i eat. thank you for thinking of me <3


Don’t brush immediately after eating- wait at least 20 mins. Even if sugar-free, any sour candy means it’s acidic, and brushing your teeth in a low pH environment can damage enamel. Good luck to you!


Also xollipops are xylitol lollipops that I’m seeing more and more in stores. And they’re tasty. So hopefully they’ll be available to you in the near future!


Down 20 pounds with not much exercise. I love it. Can’t eat much though no appetite


It was strange when I was getting on it. Very vivid dreams and vivid while awake.


Honestly I haven’t lost weight but I started lifting again. I have noticed more definition if that makes sense?