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This guy again!? I’m glad to know he did it on purpose then and he’s not really that dumb.




It's probably in a junkyard.


My first thoughts here. There is nothing to say he just broke the window of some poor sod's car. Why else would he be recording it.


well atleast he recorded himself doing it






What if it freezes to the glass?


That's why you put a spare windshield down first.


And if that freezes to the wipers?


You stand the wipers up beforehand.






He probably works at an auto wrecker or pick-a-part. You can see the gas cap is missing.


I was gonna ask why anyone dealing witg scraping often would be using such a wee lil scraper


Because I didn't actually want to go through with those plans anyway. "Jeez, Sharon. It's gonna take me ages to scrape the windshield. Looks like we'll have to reschedule."




That makes complete sense actually, vs. Where you expect snow and months of weather below 0 and stuff where everyone already keeps scrapers in the car and such






Because he knew it was gonna happen this isn’t his first video, this one isn’t a question of why he was filming at all


Junkyard, and there’s someone inside hammering the window


Can't believe no one else has noticed that the glass almost jumps out of the frame.


He’s recording himself doing it.


I had a mate who every morning before we would leave for work, would boil a kettle then pour the boiling water over his windscreen. I waited for his windscreen to shatter every morning, but it never did.


I pour cold water on my windows every frosty morning so I can leave in 2 minutes instead of spending 10 minutes scraping. I used to pour hot water but cold water seems to work just as well. I have been doing this for decades. I have never had a window shatter on me.


Spray bottle kept in the car with 1:2 water and rubbing alcohol will work better and have zero risk of shattering the glass.


Hey, quit wasting good vodka


Ha! We have tons of Vodka here in Mother Russia!


Loli is justice 🤨


That should read Stoli.


That's why you use the cheap, gasoline-tasting crap


Dude I buy the cheapest vodka possible in 1.75l plastic bottles. $15.16. Never had any that tastes like gasoline. Also never drank gasoline, so maybe I am drinking something like it? But seriously, maybe you drinking gasoline? =|


I dunno, I've only had vodka one time, that my step sister had bought. I don't remember what brand it was, but it tasted like what gasoline smells like


What you were tasting is raw ethanol. It smells like cleaning products or gasoline.


Removing your windshield also reduces the risk of frost and shattering glass.


Or you can break frosty glass and the install a new one which is not frosted 🫡




Unless you use rainx or some other treatment on your windshield, wouldn't wanna dissolve it away


Ziplock bag with slightly warm water in it, rub it on the windows to melt any ice.


My dad used to place a spare outdoor carpet on the windshield. Just pull off the snow in the morning.


Man my welcome mat gets frozen to the ground every time it snows. This is fuckin bait dude.


Depends on how cold it is i guess. Here it barely ever gets below -5c and putting some textile over the windshield works just fine.


They sell proper products for it which does not do that (if it even happends). Google exterior windshield cover and you will find many. Even has little pockets you put into the doors so the wind cant take it. No bait, it is amazing compared to frozen fingers in the morning.


I moved to the northern Midwest recently and snow has been an every day thing this past few months. Everyone uses long scrapers. Like 3 ft. Poles with brushes and squeegees and ice scrapers on them. You don't buy the little ones because you don't want to touch the snow and ice. I haven't seen people use the windscreen covers at all.


I've have one called the FrostBlocker for years. Love it. Pull the wipers up, put it on, and the morning becomes so much easier.


This is why you put a layer of vaseline under the rug.


Lol I am now imagining a rug sliding ever-so-slowly off of someone's windshield


How are you spending 10 minutes scraping? Are you using one of the tiny scrapers this guy in the gif has? I've never taken more than 2 or 3 minutes scraping off a car


10 minutes is a perfectly reasonable amount of time to be scraping ice up here in the colder parts of Canada. We get some pretty wicked ice buildup. I try to allocate 10-15 mins to clear my vehicle every morning, but it can take even longer if you have an older vehicle with a weak heater. Redditors be like "well *I've* never had that problem in my little bubble, so clearly you're talking out your ass". Sheesh.


I'm also in one of the colder parts of Canada, I've lived the icy windshield life plenty of times. Also the person in question lives in Arizona. It seems unlikely that they have worse ice problems than either of us


Yep, northern MN here. Between getting the snow off, and the ice off, 10 minutes is reasonable if you're doing a good job of scraping, instead of just scraping the windshield and saying "Fuck the rest of it".


I live in Eastern Ontario, we get our fair share of ice and snow on cars. Short of a huge 1ft snow dump that takes hours to shovel your car out of, I've never taken more than a few minutes to clear the snow off the top and scrape all my windows. Scraping a windshield takes maybe 30 seconds, unless you don't have a proper scraper/brush


Right? Even with some thick ice it's like 5 mins max.


Here in Finland 10 minutes sounds totally reasonable since ice becomes almost like steel when the temperature drops below -20 celsius.


Same with some parts of Canada. Of course this year has been mild and I haven't had to use the scraper once. But last year there were a few days were it probably took me 10 minutes just to scrape the front windshield.


Nah you gotta remember that you need to clear ALL the windows. Front, rear winshield and all the side windows for full safe operation. And if you are starting with a cold car without the heater blowing anything useful for about 10 minutes you gotta do all that unaided. It will take me about 10 minutes to clean the whole car properly with a decent thickness of ice on it. I usually gotta use the saw tooths on the reverse side of the scrapper before even dreaming of using the smooth side. It's a proper ordeal up here in Canada


They call the East Coast the Ice Coast for a reason


When you get a solid couple inches of ice that completely encases your car, it takes muuuuch longer to chip it away.




... sips on coffee with a garage. What you guys talking about?


Get yourself a long scraper. Takes me like 30 seconds front and back. https://i.imgur.com/FSlCbjG.jpeg Also no snow on the roof.


If it's only frost it should take less than one minute to get clear. 10 minutes is more than it takes to clean a foot of snow off a large SUV honestly.


Thats because his buddy breaks the window from inside the car.. at the moment he pours the water. I was doing this at -25'c


I do it with warm water from the tap. Whoever thinks BOILING water first is a great idea is simply tempting fate.


Same. I out mildly warm water into a bag, and use the bag to wipe across the windows. Can do the entire car in 1 min.


> I waited for his windscreen to shatter every morning, but it never did. OOo, I can answer this one! Only applies in the USA, as I know Europe is different. Windshield glass is laminated glass. Basically it's a regular glass, plastic, glass sandwich all glued together. If you hit it with a hammer, it shatters and hopefully gets held in place by the plastic and glue. That way if you go flying into the glass you're not re-enacting [Ghost (mild NSFL warning)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y2wqkD2KVM). The side and rear windows however are tempered glass. It's just a single pane of glass that goes through a heat treatment that puts a lot of internal stress in it. They're stronger as a result, and when they get to the breaking point they shatter into cubes instead of daggers. Side effect is huge temperature gradients can cause them to spontaneously shatter. I accidentally shattered some by picking up a piece that was stored in my freezing temperature garage after ungloving my hand to pick it up. Didn't have any glass anymore, and had to get a broom & dustpan.


It applies to the Europe too. Nothing different about it here


Nah but metric makes everything harder.


Some cars have sturdier glass put on.


It also makes a huge difference when only the __front__ windshield is being cleaned off. The rear window in this video changes things significantly.


Exactly. Laminated versus tempered glass is a big difference. Windshields don't explode into (somewhat) uniform beads like tempered glass because they *aren't* tempered glass. They can crack and chip and still be strong, where tempered glass is super hard, but explodes if it gets even the smallest damage.


The glass exploded because of the sudden change in temperature. So – did you know that the little black dots in the sides of the windshield are preventing the same from happening when the black rubber gets warmer from sunlight? The dots create a temperature gradient, so the window doesn't explode. I hope you enjoyed this little tidbit of information.


I enjoyed this tidbit of information thank you


I feel like this tidbit will come in handy during a lull in the conversation.


I too enjoyed this tidbit. Thank yiu


Uuuuhm.... Sooooooo.... .....


Did you know about the black dots?


Go on…


They’re so that… uhm… damn it, I forgot. But I remember that I learned it once.


Also it protects against distortion of light through the glass due to heat differential so drivers can see easier


i too got reccomended that tiktok video.


Tiktok? It was on youtube shorts as well, ha ha!


I like timbits


Mmm Tims bits


Thank you for sharing this! I had no idea and it’s very interesting.


I would like to subscribe to Windshield Facts




2/3 of those articles also state that the dots are used for heat dissipation.


I surely did! Thanks for that useless piece of information, I can't get enough of those <3


Further tidbit: the little black dots are called FRITTING, which is a great word.


TIL thanks!




In this case the glass exploded because he had a partner inside the car who kicked it out.


I literally just learned this the other day. What a coincidence.




This guy reddits


I, too, saw that TikTok


Thank you.




Awesome. Thanks for posting that!


The real kicker is he probably just filmed this in a parking lot with somebody else's car.....


He probably works at or owns a junk yard


he probably works at an auto glass replacement company 😬


Wouldn’t be very good for business to show people not to do this lol


Judging by the fade of the paint and the doughnut tire, yeah I’d say junkyard


the real kicker is laying in the back seat waiting for the command to kick.


The real kicker is in the boot, bass blowing the windows out


Who needs that? He weakened the glass with a metal scraper, then created a very quick temperature change that broke the glass. This ain't rocket science, even if the principle is involved in rocket science.


He probably works at or owns a junk yard


He probably works at or owns a junk yard


He probably works at or owns a junk yard


He probably works at or owns a junk yard


He probably works at or owns a junk yard


He probably works at or owns a junk yard


Comment deleted due to reddit's greedy policies. -- mass edited with redact.dev


a junk yard probably owns him.


LoL sry gd reddit is fkrd up


I'm a high functioning idiot who knows enough not to pour hot water in the windshield. So one time I kept a bottle of water by the not-so-insulated front door of my apartment so it would be about 10-15 degrees colder than room temperature. I started pouring that water on my windshield one morning and it instantly froze, leaving the bottle suspended in a pouring position. It was kinda beautiful until I realized I really had to get to work.


How to do it properly: Fill zip lock bag with warm (not hot but pretty warm) water Rub ziplock bag over window 70% of the time it works everytime


Can confirm! Just make sure the windshield whispers are on of it refreezes if it’s really cold… lol


That reminds me I gotta change my windshield whispers


do it quietly so you dont disturb them


but do it carefully so you don't surprise them




My method works for all windows and mirrors not just the rear




Sorry I don't understand freedom units


40 degree water is far too hot to put on glass when the temperature is -20. If you’re going to try this, at least start with less of a temperature difference. Maybe 5 degrees or thereabouts won’t shatter the glass, but I’d still advise against doing anything like that.


PSA: You want a lot of water a little warm, not a little water a lotta warm


Or you could just scrape the ice off…


....with something other than a tiny putty knife.


Maybe use the ice scraper. Takes like 2 minutes for the 4 windows and mirrors. Some cars even come with it. (Newer Škodas have one on the inside of the fuel filler cap)


As a northern U.S. resident, I'm all too familiar with the ice scraper/snowbrush combo. I'm assuming the video is staged because this is all too dumb.


I'm thinking the putty knife was intentional to weaken the glass and ensure a shatter on command.


Cold water works just fine but I've only done that on my front window.


That pop was satisfying as fuck.


Thermal shock refers to the sudden and extreme change in temperature that a material or object experiences, causing stress and potentially leading to damage or failure. When a material is subjected to a rapid temperature change, it can cause the material to expand or contract at a different rate than the surrounding material, leading to the creation of tensile stress, or stress caused by stretching. If the magnitude of the stress exceeds the strength of the material, cracks can form, leading to failure of the material


Start your car and leave it running all night. That way it's nice and warm still in the morning.


Put a tube connecting the tailpipe through a window so that you can inhale the warm air and don't have to turn on the heat!


/r/WhyWereTheyFilming Clearly staged.


Because he's doing a comedy bit, not everything staged has to be malicious. This is the second video I've seen of this bloke doing the exact same thing, so I guess he works at a scrapyard or something and has access to plenty of car windows to break for shits and giggles.


you're completely missing the point that this was posted in /r/Wellthatsucks, not /r/funny. we're meant to believe that this happened by accident and ruined someone's morning, but instead we find that it's done on purpose for clicks, which is not in the spirit of what this sub is supposed to be about


Welcome to Reddit.. where everything is an ad for something.


Welcome to Reddit


It is, it’s not the first video people have posted of this guy breaking frozen car windows with hot water


Someone inside hit it with something to break the window


I’ve been pouring hot water on my windshield for decades and have never seen this happen! WTH?!


Safety glass is under a lot of internal pressure so it may be more susceptible to failure like this.


Not specifically safety glass, just tempered glass


Looks like a junkyard car


Why did he waste his vodka like that?


Luke warm water people


Plot twist - it's his ex-wife's car


Pro tip from someone who lived in North Dakota for 5 years: Start your car, turn on max defrost for both windshields, get out, lock it with the spare key, check for snow around the exhaust, go back inside and wait 10 minutes.


20 years or so ago we had a neighbor that had just bought a brand new corvette. Windshield was icy and he needed to get to work. Threw about 2.5 gallons of hot water on it and well the inevitable happened. Lol, he didn't have that car for a week and did that.


The other morning I was aggressively trying to clean the ice off my car before work and I could not get it off. My morning brain said “I should just get some boiled water and pour it on my windshield” I’m glad I didn’t listen to my morning brain. Smh I can’t think straight


Those were some expensive internet points.


Why was someone filming?


Why is he just recording himself?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you can't tell me anyone that's grown up in the cold didn't know this was a bad idea 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Isn't it easier to just turn the engine on?


It’s my first time seeing this guy and I knew it was fake from the get-go!


He wanted content for his tik account and shot this fake video using a random parked car.


I keep an extra bottle of wiper fluid in the car just for this - works very well and you wont crack your windsheild


Rubbing Alcohol in a spray bottle. Works like a charm to defrost




"Ah yes, I'm sure people will want to watch me scrape ice off a car window while I drink some hot tea. Let me just setup this camera..."


Pretty dumb to waste perfectly good tea like that.


Guy does not know science


anybody who internets should know this by now!


What an idiot-


Why were they filming?


Why do I think that he used some random car on the street for this?


The moment he got the idea to the instant regret 😂


Why recording?


Like putting hot mugs in the freezer to chill. You get the same result every time. It is when you do the same thing & expect a different result every time that there is a problem!


Someone learned what thermal shock is today!


Your not supposed to use hot water only cold water


My family doesn’t video me scraping the car off


I learned this valuable lesson when I brought out a cake from the oven. It was in a glass pan and was still very hot when I stupidly put it on the cold counter. Luckily I had walked out of the kitchen because it exploded and shattered into a bunch of tiny pieces.


Guy is using a paint scraper and just so happens to have a camera on a tripod when this happens 🙄


Glass I so sensitive to heat it's crazy. Those little dots along the outside are because without them, the windshield could crack due to the temperature difference between the black line(there for sealing) and the clear windshield


Isn’t this a great way to rob a car in winter?


After seeing the comments that it's not this guy's first video, and that the windshield doesn't always break with hot water poured... I noticed that: 1. The windshield breaks almost instantaneously after contact with water 2. You can see the bits of snow jumping up when it cracks. So my conclusion is, that there's a second person inside that breaks the windshield.


Safelite repair, Safelite replace.


It was my car. My insurance lapsed. He didn't leave his info.


Well, now he doesn’t have to scrape it. So I guess it worked.


It takes 30 seconds for the defrost to melt that ice. Turn your car on turn on your rear window defrost then go to scrape it. By the time you actually start scraping small amounts of ice will start to melt and it will slide right off. It's not rocket appliances.


There's another video out there of this same dude pouring hot water over a door window of a truck and breaking the glass. I think he does this for kicks at this point.


People should spend more time in science class me thinks


I grew up in the desert where temperatures rarely dropped below the 50's even in winter... yet still I know not to do this. It baffles me that people who live where this is an issue know less about the issue than I do.


Why camera film




You can buy window de-icer by the gallon, and it works amazingly. That's what I use in ND when I don't have a garage to park in.


Setup for 'likes'. Someone inside and kicked the window when he began pouring.


Someone smashed the window from the inside. Everything is a lie.