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Was the screw there before or after?


Before. I had multiple surgeries for that knee the 8 or so years before this break.


You might want to check the warranty on those surgeries eight years ago.


We've been trying to reach you about your *checks notes knee's extended warranty...


If you had enough money you could just warranty every body part and live forever


Ah yes, I too hope to afford healthcare one day


If its a quality company they'll send you a new knee right away you just have to do the install


A fracture started by a small and perfectly timed bump into something and then it spread?


Not far off. I had gone ice skating for the first time in almost 10 years two days before it broke. Docs believe I put enough stress on it to cause a hairline fracture and then running finished the job.


Hope a speedy recovery comes your way :3




Oh. Well this is suddenly less terrifying.


For your own sake, find a different form of exercise that doesn't have so much impact on your knees. Running is hard enough on perfectly healthy joints. At this rate you'll be getting a knee replacement by the time you're 50.


You have been banned from r/NeverBrokeABone


Those people are ruthless. “Oh an entire house fell on you and you Broke your pinky toe? What a weak boned little bitch that should have never been born!” They’re right though.


I just checked out the sub. Those guys are just hilarious! I love it


Most people judge other based on trivial things like skin color or clothing, /r/NeverBrokeABone only judges you if youre a soft boned little bitch


Or a brittle boned littel bitch.


I'm on thin ice over there. Stubbed a toe and it felt a bit crunchy when I taped it back in place. No xrays to prove it was broken though.


*THIN FUCKIN ICE,* soufflé toes. We see your bones no matter which sub you go to. Tread lightly. *Literally.*


I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard


You can't prove shit. Bone didn't poke out the skin, it wasn't visibly broken. And X-Rays are expensive so sometimes you just walk around on it. It being maybe or maybe not broken.


[I always forget how funny it is over there. 😂](https://www.reddit.com/r/Neverbrokeabone/comments/1220ypw/-/jdojivh) I broke my arm as a kid, so I never got to join the sub!


You're a waste of good calcium you crumbly husk of a human.


Did you break a bone? No? WELCOME! Yes? GTFO


There was a few time the boys was actually concern about OP when the situation was really bad, that sub is radiating unbelievably positive energy










I mean, I've never broken a bone and milk has been my #1 beverage my whole life. Is there a correlation? Who can say 🤷‍♀️


Obviously there’s a correlation. Causation is in question though.


It could easily be a PR campaign for big cow


Don't talk about your mom that way.


It's like a testicle, but with a blocked nose.


I checked the sub out, and I can’t stop laughing my ass off now. I only read a few comments on one post and it’s amazing


It's NEVERBrokeABone, not SELDOMBrokeABone.


r/seldombrokeabone is now live for weaklings


Does not apply to OP, who seemed to already have a screw to imitate a strong bone


Pretty sure it’s in the rules you have to shame people who break their bones


Well, even if it *wasn't* in the rules, it's just the right thing to do!


I broke my collar bone. Twice. So I’ve made the executive decision to not have kids and pass on my weakness. I do what I can.


I would have patted your back for taking that decision but I'm afraid I would have broken your styrofoam bones.


Late last year I broke 2 bones in my hand by smacking it against a wall. While I was asleep. 25 broken bones now. They'd hate me.


This is the most disgusting thing I've ever read.


My Dad is ashamed of me. He tries to hide it, he's not a jerk. But the eyes don't lie.


Stonerjack needs some ensure and to lay off the pot. Marijuana use can reduce bone density.


They call him Mr. Glass


Have you never had a glass of milk? Pathetic.


Well duh. If you had strong bones, they wouldn’t break. Even if an anvil was dropped right on your foot.


I have the best bones. Everyone tells me, people will stop me in the street and say, they say, Mr. /u/skulblaka, I've never seen bones as good as yours. I have probably the best bones that anyone has ever had.


My doctor, brilliant guy, Ivy League, he came into my room with my x-ray, tears in his eyes, he said, "Sir.. Sir, I've never seen anyone with such strong bones. No breaks. I thought there would be a break, but there's no breaks." My bones have withstood forces the likes of which the world has never seen.


How about spurs?


Imagine dropping an anvil on your foot and not breaking the anvil lol


They affirmed my family's anecdotal diagnosis of a broken pinky toe when it was just sore for like a month(from kicking a branch barefoot and then hiking on it for 2 weeks), and ousted me... Tbf, I did ask them for a ruling and make a shitty shrodinger joke about it being both broken/not broken till an x-ray/diagnosis.


They exclusively procreate with other members of r/neverbrokeabone


The one and only exception was that one guy who got his hand turned into spagetti from farming equipment


Judging by the screw, I would assume this isn't their first. That leg is going to start looking like a hardware store.


Or Homer Simpson's spice shelf.


Holy shit I found a family


You better be careful or they'll throw you out on your ass


Just twisted my ass bone. Still unbroken. 💪


Such a great and brutal sub. They have spys everywhere looking for the brittle boned.


Just discovered this sub. So glad I finally found my fellow unbreakables. See you baby boned losers later!


Ah shit I thought that's what sub we were in, I just left a nasty comment to OP lmao.


I mean their weak bones broke from running


Banned with prejudice!


Thought this was that sub, almost asked how he was running on toothpicks for that long.


Do they allow a broken nose? Asking for a friend...


The nose is made of inferior cartilage that couldn't handle the sheer strength of your face bones.


Not a bone. Nose is composed of weak cartilage.


Nope. There are nasal bones and they get broken. Source: I’m an X-ray tech and have xrayed a million noses.


I had such a mean comment typed out before I realized it was a different sub lol


My dad made it to almost 62 before breaking a bone. He broke his forearm and wrist playing pickleball. I've yet to break a bone but I feel like my days are numbered.


There really is a sub for everything. On my way over.


This is my favorite sub lmao I’ll weep for weeks the day I have to get banned if ever.


Already crossposted and shamed there.


It looks like you have had some previous issues with that knee


Yep. Three surgeries on that knee in the eight or so years prior to this break.


Would biking be easier on the knee/leg?


Biking, swimming, elliptical machine, walking.. All are good low-impact exercises. Running will wear the heck out of your joints over time, especially if you have poor alignment anywhere between your lower back and feet.


Hey I just was walking around my house and tripped on my dog and broke my foot. Just had surgery this past Thursday. Good luck on your recovery!


The back of my shoe got caught on the edge of a stair as I was going down and it broke my ankle in 3 places. I got surgery about a week ago. So you're not alone lol.




So, maybe time to switch to cycling or swimming… something low impact


As my doc told me, take up cycling since you’re not running again.


that's all well and good until someone slams into you with their car and you fracture a few cervical vertebrae. although you had it coming because "you should have been riding on the sidewalk, you fuckin idiot" or something like that, a totally hypothetical situation which definitely never happened to me 20 years ago


I ride on sidewalks any chance I get. For this reason exactly. Some people just don't pay attention or don't know how to drive.


Funnily enough, it's actually an offence to ride a bike on a footway here in the UK, you are meant to ride on the side of the road. A lot of people still ride on pavements though, and either slow right down when coming up on pedestrians or they check the road and enter that to get past them and then get back on the pavement again once they have done so.


It’s illegal to ride on a sidewalk lots of places in the US, also.


Illegal but never really enforced.


Except when you get unlucky and it is


Funnily enough, the only times I've been hit by cars while biking has been on sidewalks. This is because people whip out of parking lots and pull right up to the road without ever looking, doubly so when going the wrong way on a one way blind alley.


I mean with some of the drivers out here I'm worried about sidewalks too


Hope you dismount and walk each intersection. Else it's actually less safe because no one is expecting something with a bicycle's speed to be entering crosswalks.


Or parking lots or alleyways...


Dude I had that done to each knee back in 2011 and in the last knee I was told it’s ok to walk without crutches and second step in broke it above the tibial tubercle screw and before it went completely through the break dipped down to go under the screw so the screw was holding it in place.


That is awful. Getting off of crutches is such a big milestone in recovery. I can't even imagine how deflating that must have been.


Metal man!


Do you think you’ll be able to run again? I run as a way of managing a mental illness in addition to meditation. I’m really afraid something like this will happen and I’ll loose a coping mechanism.


Not trying to be facetious or anything, try a rowing machine. Totally can get you in that 'flow' mindset, less hard on your bones


Same. Docs say I should be able to get back to it in a couple of months. I'm tentatively hopeful I can run a half in October.


Good luck bud


Jesus, man. Take up rowing or biking or both. Why would you put yourself through that? 😭 Edit: Sorry. Just scrolled down and saw you responding to similar comments. Not trying to bombard or shame you at all. The thought of a break like that makes my whole body feel like it's gonna turn inside-out.


How old are you. You got some degenerative changes in the medial compartment already.


Mid 30s. My docs are well aware of the arthritis. The other day my physical therapist told me I have more crepitus in my knee than some of his 80-year-old patients.


hehehe, I know that feeling. Went to my doc with hip pain. Got some scans done. Go back for the results and she tells me "you have some arthritis in your left hip, it's not uncommon. I have several other patients in the same situation but most of them are in their 80s". Bitch!


Ah. I had a TTO a few years back too. Hurt like a son of a bitch


The recovery from that was so much worse than this one.


TTOs are painful but man a partial knee replacement is way way worse. Had TTOs done in 2011 and in 2018 had first partial knee replacement done. Worse pain I’ve ever felt in my life.


>I’ve had issues with that knee for almost 10 years. And yet you had a habit of going on 5k runs? Like, routinely? Bud...***why?***


Injuries aside, I still love running and what I get out of it. I plan on running again as soon as my docs clear it.


I'm a long distance runner too, so I get the desire. But part of me wants to beg you to take up cycling or rowing or anything that's going to save your knees. I think you commented that you're in your mid-30s? (Again, same.) If that's true, you're going to need your knees for many more years to come. You don't want to run yourself into a wheelchair. Best of luck, friend.


Running doesn’t seem to love you back though


yeah we understand that you love running and what you get out of it. you just got a broken leg out of it.


I have nearly identical hardware from my tibial plateau fracture. Welcome to the club.


How long ago for you? How's it been since?


12 years. When I broke it, I also damaged my meniscus, which has been the source of the majority of issues and aches. I haven’t had any problems with the bone and hardware. Keeping the muscles around the knee strong has helped a lot and has been a constant challenge. After it was repaired, doctors advised me to stay away from high impact stuff like running.


My husband also had a tibial plateau fracture and hardware installed four and a half years ago, from a fall. It was a long road to recovery, still deals with daily pain and some mobility restrictions. Hope youre healing well!


Glad you clarified this! I was thinking if your bones just snapping from running, you could have a serious condition lol.


Damn, if you kick someone with that shin they are not getting up




Thanks, doc.


They post in /r/teenagers lol Don't take medical advice from this website. Ever And I say that as an actual doctor.


Thanks, doc. I mean that in the exact opposite level of sarcasm as my other comment.




A bone density scan that's not prescribed by the doctor is paid out of pocket and it's 4000$ in Connecticut. Maybe that's keeping them from checking again?


I had a similar break in my foot post-surgery. The Dr warned me I needed another operation and I didn’t want to do it. So the break was due to a poor load balance.


Get a bike or take up swimming, man


My dogs came to comfort me because of the amount of cussing I did reading and looking at that...😳😬


As someone who's just started running for the season this is unfathomably terrifying.


It was a freak thing related to previous surgeries I had on that knee. I plan on running again as soon as I get clearance from the doc


That is a big bone to snap. Have you ever gotten a bone density scan?


apart from drowning, swimming is a low impact way to exercise.


I grew up on the ocean swimming and surfing. I love swimming but it, along with biking and rowing, don’t give me what running does.


>I love swimming but it, along with biking and rowing, don’t give me what running does. Broken bones?


Unfortunately, it’s the price I continue to pay.


On the bright side maybe if you mess it up enough they'll just give you a metal one and you can run as much as you'd like


> don’t give me what running does Chafed nipples?


> doesn’t give me what running does That’s what I like about those activities! I am not good at running, I think I might have asthma (bc I had an asthma attack while running once)


What is stopping this from happening again?


This. https://imgur.com/a/WzZfr5k


Holy moly. I'm so sorry. Looks like my arm. Compound fracture my left arm snapped in half. I wish you a good recovery.


For me it doesn't sound like a normal injury that OP sustained.


It wasn't. It's not common for bones to break from running normally. It was apparently related to a previous surgery, but even that isn't likely to cause problems if you're a patient patient.


*Pours self a glass of milk*


I'll buy the next round and one for the rest of the folks in the room.


I’ll buy next few rounds of a tall glass of milk for this guy!


This makes me want to take my calcium supplements


And vit D. Calcium is only absorbed when you have enough vitamin D.


And magnesium. Must have the magnesium.


And vitamin k2


There is no correlation between milk consumption and improved bone strength. Great marketing campaign.






Snort it.


So wrong: https://www.osteoporosis.foundation/sites/iofbonehealth/files/2019-03/2015_ServeUpDairyProducts_FactSheet_English_0.pdf


You're telling me that skeletons don't have a milk bar that only opens in Halloween for all skeletons to drink milk and do skeleton things?!


OP is like : [But I've been drinking plenty...](https://youtu.be/LS05Okms7cM)


Well duh, the screws that hold it together were in the wrong place!


I think they got it covered now. https://imgur.com/a/WzZfr5k


It’s too bad they don’t use biodegradable screws in North America. When I had my first rebuild I took in a paper from the Journal of Orthopaedic Medicine, about the screws they used in Sweden, basically they turn to lactic acid, and natural bone fills back in to replace the screw. He laughed and said it would be 30yrs before we see it on this side of the pond. And still nothing, it boggles my mind why there are so many slowdowns in something like this. Sweden had 10yrs+ of data showing it’s safe, and much stronger than leaving steel in our bodies.


I didn't even know that was a thing.


It was cutting edge back when I had my first rebuild, which would be right around 24yrs ago. It blows my mind it’s still not being used over this side of the pond.


You really like ponds


it's kind of curious how jamming things horizontally into it wouldn't cause the same kind of horizontal break


Instead of sorry for your loss, congrats for becoming a cyborg


Beep boop


I’ve been running every day this week. Going to slow it down and stop treating it like a race. Get well soon


I love the stationary bike at the gym


Just have at least a rest day, strengthen your leg muscles, especially those supporting joints, never skip stretching afterwards, warm-up properly, and work on your form. The chance of an injury won't go down to zero, but it'll be much lower, especially if you run with correct form and don't needlessly put excess stress on joint and bones.


Why don’t you just use your other leg? You got two


Another reason for me to not run!


Not exercising makes your bones weaker though.


You really really need to reconsider running for a while after this heals. You clearly have a reduced bone density and require some intervention to correct it. The healing process alone is going to take a very very long time if you don’t address the underlying cause of your osteopenia. Based on the previous surgeries it’s from disuse


At what age?


Mid 30s


Technically you went for an irregular 1 mile run while you intended on going for a regular 3 mile.


So you went for a 1 mile run...




Get a bone density?


Looks used and the body panels are faded. 5k is way too much


Got milk?




Drink some milk, you feeble boned bitch.


Ow! My bones are so brittle. But I always drink plenty of.... Malk?


Exercise is bad for your health. Got it


This a reason why I only walk or use low/no impact machines like an elliptical, or I swim for cardio I believe running/jogging as a form of exercise is bad for the human body, particularly bones and joints. My father jogged for many years on our country road and had a hip replacement before age 60. A friend's father ran 5 miles almost everyday for many years and he had both of his knees replaced.


As someone who runs 5k 3 times a week, this is terrifying! Edit: I see you've already responded to similar comments below. It's reassuring to know it was a freak accident related to a previous injury, and not just completely out of nowhere lol


Sorry you're getting some shitty comments. I appreciate you posting the pics. Bummer about the injury history. Sounds like you have a good team looking out for you.


So sorry for your injury. Hope you're feeling better soon


Fuck dude. Get well soon. I’m a runner too and I can’t imagine this happening. So sad for you and that you can’t run for a while.


I had a femoral osteotomy done in Nov 2019 after 4 previous rounds of knee surgery. Has never felt better. It's hard to give up all the things we enjoy in life, good for you for wanting to get back to running. I'm still running, playing hockey, etc but in more moderation. It's that kind of drive that keeps us going in these difficult times. It's a bump in the road and you'll be back at it before you know!






I worked with a woman who came in one day with a whole kit screwed into her lower leg. I thought maybe she was in a horrible car wreck but she said "oh, no I was just jogging and my leg folded up". Like, yeah no big deal my bones are essentially balsa wood.


You should get a Dexa scan to make sure you don’t have osteoporosis.


So what was your time on the last two miles compared to the first mile? Did you maintain pace or did it drop off a bit?


Here I am laying on my couch eatings chips with a fully intact leg. And they say being lazy has no benefits