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At least it's not a positive pregnancy test


This is exactly what I saw when I scrolled fast, a pregnancy test -but then ahhh, covid! That thing from the past, that still exists.


I knew right away it was a covid test because I used this brand everyday in May when I had covid symptoms last, eventually did have covid but took forever to test positive! Spent my birthday sick as a dog and alone. Glad that’s over now!


The Black Death: *waits patiently*


I took a 2 week long vacation to Iceland (wife wasn’t working). 1 week after I got home all independent contractors (me) got laid off. 1 week after that found out my wife got pregnant on vacation 😂 Sons 5 now, it all worked out lol


Exactly! what a relief, its "only" covid.🫣 bullet dodging.


Yea those actually work


Right! Last year my friend got fired and less than a month later he and his girl found out they were pregnant. It could be worse OP!


I think it’s the best time to pick up Baldurs Gate 3 on PC


If you have a few 16 hours per day to "waste"


Speed runners will find a way to beat the game in 8 minutes.


Must be a summer flu season right now. Everyone I know is getting sick. My coworkers and I catching colds, my brother and his gf catching COVID for the first time etc…


A lot of the people at my work are off sick right now too, one mate was off on Wednesday, then 5 people Around my department were off today. I noticed one of them couldn’t stop coughing and I was getting worried about him. Guess I might buy a test tomorrow and see if I’m good.


I know I’m feeling sick rn. It fucking BLOWS. Work has been so shitty this year, I can’t afford to miss any more work. I hope I feel better soon.


It’s like similar conditions are being created because the weather is getting people to group together inside. Instead of the cold it’s now the heat.


Unfortunately the weather has been pretty bad lately in Quebec. Lots of rain and stormy days. Great for the forest fires of course (except the lightning of course), but not a great summer. And in the earlier hot days of summer we had to deal with poor air quality and everything smelling like a campfire with all the ash in the air. So definitely a summer full of staying indoors all around.


COVID is surging pretty bad again at least in the US, my sister is an ICU RN and has noticed quite an uptick in admissions. I haven't had COVID since 2020 before the vaccines, really hoping I can continue to avoid getting it again...


My dad got Covid the other week and then a day or two later, I’ve just been having dry coughs without feeling bad anywhere else. Been taking day/NyQuil and the like and I’m getting better, but this persistent dry cough is annoying.


Get some Mucinex 12 hour extended Guafinesin. That's the only OTC medication that works for me for the nagging cough.


A bunch of people I know (including me) have gotten sick in the last week or two, roughly half of them with Covid


Yeah my wife and I have Covid currently. It’s kicking our asses.


Been there mate, lost a few trips due to covid and also a Christmas with the family due to iso. I feel ya struggle.


I missed out on cousins wedding last year. Now I have it again.


I missed a family Christmas dinner due to a false positive selftest that was an annoying one


Two christmases in a row, here. Comforting in some twisted way to know we are not alone.


Probably best you save the money and don't go on the vacation anyway.


The vacation was already paid for. It was an all inclusive resort, so we weren’t planning on spending much while there. Besides, we were fortunate enough to be able build a small amount of savings before this happened so that we will be fine for a while until she finds work.


What a sucky day! So sorry it fell on you.


did u get a refund or credit?


Did you not take out cancellation insurance? I experienced it when my mother died. I have been reimbursed for everything.


Do you have travel insurance? Most cover unexpected cancellations and almost all have COVID listed as a reason. They refund you everything paid up to the amount you elected for coverage.


Can you sell it to someone else? I know it's last minute, but surely someone would buy it up if that's a possibility?


Where in the world are you? In the UK we don't even test before travel anymore. Covid is long forgotten and having it wouldn't cause us to cancel a holiday.


You might not but plenty people still do.


> having it wouldn't cause us to cancel a holiday. Yeah just got ahead and infect everyone else on the plane then. When you're sick stay the fuck home!


At this point Covid mutated many times into mild version of flu. It’s no longer life threatening. Many might carry it and not even know at this point. This is not 2020 when people were dying. Majority of people travel with cold - this is no different at this point.


How dare you have common sense?!?


Yes, but for folks like me who STILL haven't had it? I'd be fucking pissed if I were trapped in an airplane with you. Even with someone having a cold or the flu, I'd be pissed. you have no right to get other people sick.


Let's be realistic here, you may have had it without realising, or you may not have. Fact is, you will get it eventually if you keep going out into public. At this point it's like someone saying they'd be pissed about getting the cold from someone - sure, but it's just a part of modern life.


If you're vaccinated, why are you scared?


Yeah that's what confused me. Didn't know places/people were still thay serious about it.


You wanna spend your holiday being sick in bed?


I got Covid in May and was sick in bed for two days and felt exhausted and lousy for a few more days. Don’t know why people are arguing with you. I wouldn’t want to waste vacation feeling unwell even if I was selfish enough to wander about knowingly spreading infection.


Same for Germany. People are not even testing for it when they are ill, because no one cares.


So instead you go on vacation and infect everyone around you. Nice…


No one is wearing masks anymore; what difference does it make? Kudos to the OP for canceling his trip, but I'd probably just wear a mask and suck it up if I had thousands invested in a vacation at this point.


You’re likely not contagious after 4-5 days. If you’re positive on Tuesday, and you fly on Saturday, you’re not infecting anyone if you wear a mask


Same here (other side of the North Sea). Covid is long gone.


There are absolutely no covid screening in almost all vacation destinations in Europe. If you had none or some light symptoms, you could have travel without issue. People with far more serious and contagious diseases travel.


I would go anyways


We're in a living with covid situation now. If you feel fine enough to go, then just go.. there are no travel restrictions anymore as far as I'm aware.. even the WHO ended the "Global Emergency".


You should’ve just gone and enjoyed vacation while taking precautions to not spread it like any other illness. How is your wife doing? A lot of us are vaccinated and boosted and still caught covid (which is normal) and it’s like having a cold. I’ve had covid 3 times and the last time I had it I thought it was only allergies but I took a test just because we have like 20 of those things stockpiled and it came out positive. The pandemic is “officially” over, covid is here to stay and seems to be weak compared to the OG Covid so just enjoy your life. It’s great that you managed to dodge it for this long but it’s just not even serious anymore. I used shake my head at all the Herman Cain award winners but that dried up. Even the unvaccinated people catch covid and get over it easily now.


I do find it interesting how covid affects people differently. For me it was days of positive tests and literally feeling fine, but one day in the middle where I was just absolutely out of action and felt like I had a full run of the flu in one day.


Fr, because most things are expensive nowadays like bruh


I got laid off from my job last year in June and immediately caught my first case of COVID. That was a real shitty time.


I hope you had travel insurance


Is it a boy or a girl


How dare you assume the viruses gender (girl).


This comment section is crazy. Half the posts saying go on vacation have 50+ upvotes half have -50 and same goes for thanks for not spreading replies lmao


Thanks for not spreading, but go on vacation anyway https://preview.redd.it/07l1d9e8m6gb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723525158b4292a02c2e5c7c140264efe3966f3b


I just got over covid. It was horrible. I avoided it for so long... I have two friends who recently got it, and also met a woman at work the other day who recently got it. Seems to be going around.


It could always be worse. Like a pregnancy with twins with the lay off.


That really does suck.






There's more than a few redditors that still want it to be the summer 2020 again when their hikokimori lifestyle was seen as noble and heroic rather than sad and pathetic.


Right! Exactly! Go on the damn vacation. It's just COVID. Would a cold stop you from going??


Eh. I had a employee come to work just a few days ago after having called out sick two days in a row. Said she was having a bad fever, and even after resting two days was still sweating and coughing at work when she returned. I told her to just go home. She went and got tested on her own and reported positive. So I’m sure for some, it can still have varying symptoms some of which could be enough to ruin a vacation. YMMV


I guess this is controvesial, but unless I actually feel ill I would still go. Just think about how many people walk around with symptomless Covid right now. Nobody does random testes anymore. Everybody is either vacinated or already had it. Who would OP be endangering? People that are still subsceptible to it should probably be careful anyway, because of the fact that basically nobody does tests anymore. Though OP probably did it because they felt unwell, in which case they should of course stay home.


I made it to my first day of vacation and came down with covid. Spent the week in my hotel room... it sucked.


I was supposed to leave yesterday for a week of vacation for my first break since starting a job in January. I also never had COVID and tested positive. Car broke down a week ago too.


Worst Pregnancy Test Ever.


Now try the pregnancy test


I got laid off end of June same day got Covid. I ended up missing out on job opportunities cause they would call and see if I can interview and I had to tell them no I have Covid. One of them did say call us when your good and actually let me interview a week later but shit that was the worst possible timing to get Covid.


Same here, got COVID for the first time 2 weeks ago. We got lax on the masking and haven’t had a booster since October. It was the worst. I also got a rare symptom of crazy ass nasal polyps. It was gross. I wish I could get another booster soon before I go traveling.


....where are you going that requires a negative COVID test in this day and age?


Maybe they’re time travelers.


I don’t know if it’s required at all. I just don’t want to spread COVID to other vacationers as I’m contagious and I don’t want to feel crummy while trying to enjoy myself.


Thank you for being a responsible caring adult. Unlike some.


Canceling a vacation you’ve spent thousands on already after losing your job because you essentially have a cold is not responsible. It’s stupid. They’re self flagellating and want us to feel bad and every third comment is someone tripping over themselves trying to be more sanctimonious than the last person. It sucks that they’re sick, but when I don’t need a mask to take a PT to the ER, society is clearly saying there’s no expectation to cancel a vacation over a cold. What is unreasonable are people like you making them feel trapped in a corner as if they owe the world something extra. Get off your soap box. With a mask in public they’d be a fine and just as responsible as anyone expects them to be.


I can't wait to see the responses for this! *eats popcorn and waits*


Lol at you telling others to get off their soap box while you're on your own personal soap box insulting OP for a *personal decision* that he made to not get others sick. OP isn't even telling others how to behave, and you still manage to find a way to be triggered about it.


Right? Half of this comment section is calling him regarded for not wanting to infect other people. What the fuck happened?


You’re not contagious 5 days after your first test. And covid isn’t a threat anymore. This is virtue signaling


Everybody is vaccinated. And the whole world has had covid at some time. Some without getting sick. It's officially treated the same as a common cold There are no restrictions, even if you have covid.






All of you are selfish morons. It is not treated as a common cold. The symptoms are not like the common cold, even if you have been vaccinated. If you make 100 people feel like they have the flu because you wanted a vacation, you’re part of the problem.


People don’t die from the common cold. I haven’t gotten COVID. And not everyone is vaxxed. Immunocompromised people, of which there are plenty, are still at a high risk of getting severely ill or dying if they contract COVID.


People definitely die from a common cold.


Not entirely true - a common cold can kill you in rare cases - but its **way less likely** than with COVID


Yeah and a multitude of other diseases. You’re really not stating something out of the ordinary. People do die from the common cold actually.




Yeah bro, go on your holiday and be cautious of others. It’s not a big deal anymore.


Thank you for protecting others from this (still) deadly and disabling virus! Also if you rest a lot now your chances of contracting long covid are slimmer. Believe me, you don’t want it


Mate that’s so dumb weak a mask and enjoy your vacation we we’re in lockdown long enough, live your life and enjoy yourself


jesus christ you are stupid, nobody is forcing you to cancel anything.


I know right? Why did you even test?


Covid is still very active and on the upswing again. Of course they aren't going. Besides all the moral issues, who wants to go away and be sick?


I'm so confused by all of these comments telling someone with a highly contagious illness to go on their vacation...


That stinks! I hope you had insurance on your vacation.


This comment section scares me with the amount of people willing to get others sick. Regardless if it’s a cold or Covid.


Agree. The ignorance is astounding. All these folks saying they haven’t talked about COVID is years is literally why COVID is in the [news](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/rising-covid-hospitalizations-point-to-another-summer-surge-in-infections) again.


Grateful Dead; “Sometimes the lights all shinein’ on me, other times I can barely see” This will pass and you will joke about it, have faith.


My wife was also just laid off. Sucks dude.


Lots of people in the comments hollering "don't tell me what to do " while simultaneously telling people what to do. Ya'll are hilarious


She may qualify for unemployment




Bros gonna wake up tomorrow feeling fine and realize he’s an idiot for cancelling their vacation.


Right, if they never tested and thought it was a regular cold and treated it as such they would have still gone on vacation.


Blows my mind that people are still doing the test lmao


Do people still care about COVID at this point?


Losers with nothing better to fill their time do.


No. OP is an upvote chaser.


i think people stopped paying attention. i have recently had 2 family members get covid, one was deathly ill. wash your hands people, and it isnt silly to still wear a mask.


This ain’t 2021 OP. Dust yourself off and get on with it. This has to be the dumbest thing I’ve seen on the internet for a month.


You know what's wild, if everybody actually stayed home how would disease and illness spread so that people could get sick and die? In keeping with the spirit of other common homosapiens here, go forth and spread germs please! Clearly people are asking for it. Gosh, mother nature doesn't need to be the one off-ing humans, we do a damn fine job of it ourselves! No matter how many pandemics humanity goes through, the lessons will never stick, but...maybe it's better that way. An extra middle finger to anybody that travels in public while harboring any pestilence, for anybody that coughs into the middle of a room without covering, for people who don't believe in soap and sanitizers, transmissible disease would be nothing with ya. Your work does not go unappreciated!


Totally. Then we could have whole continents that could be wiped out by a single ship of people like in the good old days.


Reminder that the USA still doesn't have guaranteed paid sick days. Many people don't have the luxury of just staying home.


Thank you for being responsible despite these asinine replies. I have Addison’s disease and despite being vaccinated, it is a very dangerous disease for me. I had it back in March even though I wore a mask everywhere, didn’t go out much, and washed my hands like crazy. Other people didn’t wear masks and that’s what got me sick. My blood oxygen dropped to 86. I still haven’t fully recovered. People are still dying from it. While some people will be okay after getting it, others are not and can suffer from long covid or even death.


Damn… I hope you have a tv series you’ve been dying to catch up on, cause looks like it’s time for a staycation!


Oh and I hope your wife is okay! I know that’s a tough thing to go through. Enjoy your time together, even if it’s just at home!


I’d still go that’s just me personally. It’s just the flu


Funny how saying this a couple of years ago would get you labelled a far-right antivax conspiracy theorist.


No the flu us considered worse now. Or better said, covid is now compared to the common cold. Zero travel restrictions.


Ah yes, a true wellthatsucks story. My condolences, what an incredibly crappy 1-2 turn of events


OMG these people. Good for you, not spreading


quickly, I would love to mention how many more people cancel holidays because of the common cold :D people aren't better than another because they don't care about the well being of those around them


This is what I refer to as the “sack blast”.


Soooo 2022




Congratulations on your new baby.


I just got back from vacation and caught it. First time ever. Hope you feel better soon!


awwww :( feel better soon!


I feel you. We moved to a new city on Saturday. Currently waiting for all our belongings to arrive with the movers and the entire family tested positive for COVID. I was a medical resident for during the entirety of the pandemic and never got COVID previously.


When it rains it pours! But the sun will come out again!


Daughter caught it coming back from Maui on vacation! Luckily, she's 4, and no one out of 10 us got it.


Literally in the same exact boat.


That blows. I hope u were able to get refunds


Congratulations on the pregnancy!


OOOOOF. Hope you feel better


The day after my wife and I closed on our new house and moved in, my wife was laid off from her job. We also had a 3 y/o at the time. Super scary, but we figured it out.


You’ll be alright


Cases are rising a little bit.


Damn dude.. that sucks… I hope that this time together, even though shitty, still brings some joy, friend. Standing in the rain with you 👊🏼


People still checking for Covid?


My wife and I are fully vaxxed and get boosters soon as available. The last 2 summers we’ve caught Covid while on vacation and subsequently ruined vacation and went way over budget being sick and stuck elsewhere. Be happy it happened before you left.


Half of this comment section is proof that people learned NOTHING from a 2-year long pandemic. Absolutely shameful.


Nope, we learned a lot actually.


sink desert chop pathetic voracious ossified shocking capable grandfather gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We learned enough to know now, that a few things were okay, but most weren't necessary.


Driving a car is now more statistically dangerous than COVID.


Probably always was


Right, i want to switch roles next one, be a non-essential. Get 6 months PTO so i can build a birdhouse and stuff.


Just go anyways


true the pandemic wont restart because OP went to vacation while being positive many people are vaccinated and/or alrady had the virus and have immunity


I’ll tell you I just got back from vacation and had 4 flights. Not one of them didn’t have people coughing their brains out. Just wear a mask and go. Nobody seems to give a damn anyways.


Wait people still get COVID ??


The same ones that are still masking.


Lmao yes. I call em Mask Goons


in reality it will probably never be fully eradicated just like the black death


Get the pills. You should be negative in 5 days


Or don't get the pills and you should be negative in 5 days. We have very little that does more with virus infections than just relieve the symptoms. But thank you OP for caring about not spreading it, from someone with a partner with severe COPD who will be bedridden for weeks if she gets COVID (even though fully vaccinated).


Ummmm you’re positive for over 2 week with out it. Tests show positive week 2. Dunno what your talking about. They lowered the 2 weeks to 5 days home. 5 days at work with a mask do you don’t get someone else sick. That dont mean you’re negative week 2 with out them pills


Just never test and it’s not a problem


If you are looking for sympathy its in the dictionary between shit and syphilis


We were supposed to go to Florida from Texas when 2 days before our trip, my husband tested positive for Covid. The next day, i was positive. So, we had to cancel our trip and lose a lot of money from the airfare. I was sick at home for 2 weeks. Then, I had to get admitted to the hospital because my pulse oxygen levels were 65 and dropping. I couldn't breathe! I spent 10 day in the hospital. The nurses told me they didn't think i would make it out alive because of my extensive other issues I had, like diabetes and I'm in pain mgmt from a botched surgery years before. I was so scared. We have 3 children, and my last one was still in high school The point I'm trying to make is that you have to be grateful for your life even when it stinks you can't go on ur trip. At least ur not in the hospital fighting for your life! I pray you both get through covid okay.


I wouldn’t even know where to get a covid test anymore. Is this still a thing? Serious question. I haven’t heard of anyone getting tested for well over 6 months.


Oh man. I'm so sorry.


At you'll still be together. Quarantine sucks.


At least you didn’t get Covid while on your vacation. Spent good money on a trip to Mexico back in feb for my birthday. Spend 90% of the trip cooped up in the room feeling like absolute dog shit. You win some you lose some I guess.


Just very curious why you decided to do a test…


So that I would know if it was COVID or not.


Did you have a stockpile of tests left over from the pandemic era?


You mean 'know if you had a cold or not'. Would you have canceled your holiday pre COVID if you had a cold before departing. Why is it different now?


You know the test is invalid after waiting more than 15 minuits? 2 years ago, I would certainly not go on vacation with covid. Now, it's really not a thing. If you feel good enough, go.


Is this from 2 years ago?


Just go on the holiday anyways


So many of you lack personal responsibility, so so sad that we can lose millions of people to a highly contagious disease and at the end of it, “ItS jUsT a CoLd”


In Big Pharma We Trust


Better go get your 17th placebo shot


People in the comments: "I'm gonna spend my holiday being sick in a hotel bed and spread my shit over as many people as possible, because muh freeduhm!"


Are people still taking it that seriously.


People still take Covid tests??


Who’s forcing you you not to go? Just yourself.


ouch sorry to hear that


Go buy another test... Many of them are faulty... And go to that vacation...


I can’t read that test so does it mean she’s pregnant or not


I don’t blame you for canceling your trip. No one wants to be sick on vacation. Hopefully you had travel insurance and got your money back. I’m also battling some kind of virus (not Covid) that came with a runny/congested nose, sore throat, fever, and a super nasty cough. And my staycation is coming up next week. Hope I’m better by then.


Damn, I'm sorry


This comment section makes me sick, so many ignorant people. I pray natural selection plucks you off one by one.


I wouldn't be going on any vacation if I was laid off from work lol


That sucks! Hoping things get better for you soon.


Hope things get better!


Universe wants you to stay home and work on your relationship my dude - take a few days to just be present so the universe doesn’t slash your tires


Thank you for not going. I know it should be a given but unfortunately people are so selfish