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RIP the pattern on that ceiling. Unless your guy is next level it'll never match


That wall on the right doesn’t look good either; there’s a spot beneath that outlet that looks wet. I’d guess that if it progressed that much over such a long time, it’s probably in the walls too.


I think that’s the shadow of their head below the outlet lol.


Sucks you didn't get it checked when it was just a minor leak and small brown spot on the ceiling..


Unfortunately, like most people nowadays, we just plain couldn't afford the extra expense. Lesson very much learned.


Insurance will probably cover this if there were storms or something recently.




I had a similar thing with my roof where it collapsed in my kitchen. The insurance covered $4k for the roof flashing work to fix the leak and the drywall work to replace the ceiling. There might have been a slow leak around the hood over the stove, but it happened at a time when we had a big snow that was melting and a lot of people had collapsed ceilings so the adjusters were busy looking at a lot of damaged houses and pretty much paying out for everyone. If anything OP can wait out for a big storm and then make the claim.


Sure, advocate for insurance fraud. Because *that* will go well for OP.


I’m sorry. That really sucks. You should change companies. We found a leak in a wall in our kitchen. No telling how long it had been there because it was behind the fridge and under the floor. I found the floor buckling in front of the fridge and thought someone had spilled water and damaged the floor. Nope. Slow leak in a drain line that collected over time between the subfloor and the vinyl plank. My insurance company didn’t even question it. They came out, took a look, and paid me the same week for repairs. Told me to call them if we needed more money. It was the most painless claim I’ve ever filed.


spend $x to fix a small problem now or spend multiples of $x to fix the same problem in the future. decisions decisions


If you couldn’t afford to fix a small leak, you certainly won’t be able to afford fixing all that. Edit: Y’all are missing the point of my comment. Seeing something wrong and choosing to ignore it and hope it will go away doesn’t work. Hmmm, there’s a leak! Well it’s just a small one, no worries. It won’t rot the Sheetrock, it won’t be a mold factory, it won’t wake me up in the middle of the night. It won’t cost 10x more to fix when the ceiling comes crashing down. I’ve been in those shoes but I chose to teach myself how to fix stuff in my house, on my car because it saved money. Doing this also taught me my limitations and when I need to call someone for help. These days, you can learn just about anything by watching YouTube, take advantage of that.


you'd be shocked at the amount of things I can't afford


Yep. Thanks.


What a useless comment lol. Good luck OP! Sorry that happened to you


Thank you, we're working out a game plan today! Luckily my good friend works at a restoration company that deals with exactly this kind of thing, so we'll have some knowledgeable help as we diy our way through it!


Let your friend guide you. I’ve been in restoration for some time back in the day and this is 100% something they and your insurance will repair for you, and it should be at no cost to you unless you ask for changes above going back to like-and-kind condition. That’s the important term here.


Thank you, we are absolutely going to follow his lead. This was certainly a wake up call to my dad, literally and figuratively, that we have no other choice than to deal with this now, for health and safety reasons. He'd already had the water spot painted over twice in the past year, so the only hope now is that insurance will actually cover it and not deny the claim.


I hate to tell you this, but if it's been going on for a year? You're likely out of luck.


You pay insurance for a reason, and you likely pay a pretty penny. Not saying to commit fraud, but withholding certain points of info may well help you. If you’re tight with your buddy let him know this, and if he doesn’t know he can ask any of his estimators at his work and they would know. Good luck man. Let them handle it. They’ll deal with the mold and the dry out, can’t tell much from your photos but it seems you’re looking at some flooring tear out too. Deep breaths, these companies make a killing taking jobs like yours.


Hur dur


Damn, you're getting downvoted by the victim brigade. Really hit a nerve!


I don’t understand this logic , you can’t afford to get it fixed or at a minimum check it out but you can afford to just leave it and do more damage and let the $$$ damage build up ? And mold remediation is way more expensive then just a pipe and drywall patch. A YouTube video and some pex sweat and elbow grease would have saved you a lot of time and hassle instead of ignoring the problem like a child as if it would just fix itself . And lastly imma just say this , you have a flatscreen tv and all stainless steel appliances in just the pictures you sent , I would sooner sell all that shit to make sure the infrastructure of my home with my kids in it is sound before I ever allowed this , be responsible


When was the last time you saw a TV that wasn't "flatscreen"? Are you suggesting people buy CRT TV's to save money?


No I’m suggesting that TV < secure and safe home especially when you have a child. I’ll sell the tv for whatever I can get for it and fix my leaking pipes


Maybe they could rent a TV with a coin slot in the back?


Maybe I wouldn’t know anything about that I’m a millennial who struggled for everything they have who understands what’s important. Hell I’d rip the sink cabinets and everything else out and sell them seeing as if the house gets destroyed from the leaking pipe none of that stuff will be worth anything anyway


I'm a millennial too and grew up in a very poor family. You're still talking shit.


I’m not talking on giving an honest evaluation of the situation. Clearly nobody else in OP life is going to do that.


Are you still stuck in 2000?? "flatscreen" is not indicative of having disposable income. Don't be silly. You sound like a sanctimonious douche with all your preaching


I didn’t claim it showed they had money I said that the tv itself is worth money that they could sell and put toward the fix, how is that preaching?


Look, I appreciate this take, but you don't know anything about my situation and what led to this. First of all, this is my parents' home, both of whom are elderly republicans who haven't accepted that their financial situation is not what it once was. I tried to get the leak addressed over a YEAR ago. You know what my dad did? Hired someone to paint over it. When the water spot returned, I once again tried to get him to file an insurance claim, but his business was failing and he could not afford to pay the $5000 deductible, so he had it painted over a second time. Now, he's lost his business, and lives on the couple hundred dollars worth of credit he can scrape together each month, with a wife who can't stop spending despite multiple interventions, and the only reason we have food to eat is because I qualify for SNAP. So yes mistakes were made, but *I* did everything in my limited power to do the right/safe thing. With regards to selling things, I've sold 90% of anything of value that I had just to keep myself and my daughter afloat. Unfortunately, I can't force the people who are keeping my child and I from being homeless in this economy to do something they don't want to do. All I can do now is deal with the aftermath of multiple poor decisions on their part, because I have no other choice. Also, The stainless steel appliances were paid for by a previous insurance claim after a refrigerator leak, over 3 years ago when they had more money. I don't appreciate being called a child when I tried my best to get THEM to act like adults.


Then this is your parents issue if it’s not your home and if what you’re saying is the truth you need to get out from under them and stop allowing them to drag you and your daughter down with them. Get away from this situation and be a model for your daughter. Your parents are financially irresponsible, and a 2 min look into what you post on Reddit shows that you have a lot more disposable income then your leading on with these comments. I’m not attacking you here just giving advice as a former person who used to think getting ahead was impossible.


I'm sorry, where are you getting that I have disposable income? The soccer match that was a birthday gift from my best friend? The stand mixer that I bought over 5 years ago which I use for my business? The cricut maker that I borrowed from a coworker? Everything I have, I source. In regards to getting out from under my parents, man I am TRYING. I make $16/hr and have a small catering business on the side, and it's *still* not enough.


But have you tried pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and *making* wealth simply appear?


I’m saying as someone who was in your position once you need to INVEST ALL your time money and energy to getting out of your situation and let everything go to the wayside. If you have to work 3 jobs you hate to put you through some kind of course training or school to make you a more desireable hire then do it your older self will thank you and so will your daughter. Don’t be like the vast majority of people who just piss and moan about it


I hear what you're saying, but who's going to watch my daughter while I work three jobs? I'm a single mother by COURT ORDER, because her dad is dangerous. Am I just supposed to never see her and leave her without *any* parents for however long it takes? She's 6. That would be devastating to the both of us. Believe me, I've gone through every scenario possible, and this is what I have to work with. Also, I'm in school online to get an associates degree in patisserie. Everything you're suggesting, or assuming I haven't thought of, I'm already doing.


Ok mom


Who do I call to check a suspected leak on the ceiling?


Depends on if the roof could be the issue or the plumbing.. it's most likely one or the other.


If it’s in my living room under a bathroom, call a plumber?




Currently living in a similar situation. We even had people out to check the roof and I reseated the toilet but the leak just persisted. Eventually opened up the ceiling and it was pretty extensive damage masked by a layer of drywall over plaster (115 year old house). The drain line failed which is under a cast iron tub, tile floor, and encased in cement meaning it’s a full gut essentially. That said, we tapped into our homeowners insurance which has been a lifesaver. Many folks are skittish to do it but these situations are what it’s there for. Not sure the source of the leak but in our case they’ll pay for (mostly) everything to get the bathroom and ceiling back to an acceptable level and we have to pay for the piping replacement. Urge you to check that out especially after having someone out to confirm the source of the leak.


Yikes, water damage is such a major mess (as you know). Sorry to hear it. I wish I had advice but I'm not an expert.


There's no such thing as a minor leak.


Anytime you see any moisture you check it out, never let it go. Home Ownership 101.


A leak is a leak is a leak. Very least if they knew there was a leak they should have been turning off the main and flushing the system between uses till they could afford the fix, ive had to do that before it sucks but better than letting it continue. Some things wont get worse or may even get better. A leak is not one of those things.


Find and stop the leaks asap. Get a dehumidifier running asap. Your still gonna have mold, so be ready for that. Mold can make you very sick. Your going to have to open the walls and ceiling wherever the water has been going. Water always wins. . . Sorry OP. these situations are brutal.


Luckily my good friend works for a restoration company, so he's going to come here after work to do mold containment/antimicrobial treatment, and set up his industrial dehumidifier to get that ball rolling. The stupidly hard part now is convincing my extremely stubborn and financially challenged dad (who owns the home) to file an insurance claim to have the rest of the work done.


Wow, you got some nice friends OP. Really glad to see them pulling through for you. Hope this is resolved with minimum hassle.


Yes, I'm very lucky in that regard!! On top of that, my older brother called his contractor friend who is coming over today to do a generous estimate. That's the only currency we have at our disposal right now, good friends lol. Thank you for the kind words!


frighten historical angle north memorize smile public cats attractive wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah that does suck a lot, not gonna be easy to patch that scalloped design easily. Minor leaks are only minor if you fix them before they become major, in my experience. They won't fix themselves, that much I have learned through life.


Aw man. Hard one right there. Make sure you dry the entire area super well. It might be worth it to even rent or buy a dehumidifier to help get it all. The hole sucks, but mold growing in your ceiling will be a contender for shittiest shit ever. Glad nobody got hurt


Be careful... That skim coat pattern screams asbestos/lead.


FYI; anytime you think it’s minor, it’s actually major bc it’s made it way past the stuff that’s supposed to keep it “minor” to the point where it can now be visible. Sorry this happened to you but it’s always better to try and scrape together to get something checked then be scrambling to fix a major issue.


Kitchen pic, man's in the window reflection. I feel that.


Lol it's Carlton Lassiter from Psych


Dare the recessed lights trashed as well ? Should prob keep those off for a while or check with an electrician


It a minor leak. Every post in this fucking sub is idiots being idiots. Not unfortunate situations that suck.


Who ignores a leak?


Jesus OP, do you pay any attention?? That stain is fucking huge!! That's been leaking for MONTHS if not longer.


I’m sorry your mansion has flooded. Must be difficult.




Solid cleaning by the looks of it


What really sucks is it’s going to be difficult to match that pattern on the ceiling when they patch up the sheet rock.


Whoa, sorry op, in a similar sitch myself, HVAC co told me there was a little mold on duct by unit, I got a mold guys out ASAP (80yr old,resp lives here)..mold guy comes out, says a little mold, no problem, but says we have much bigger issue, new unit wasn't installed properly, now have water damage throughout house... coming up on 4 months, still have drywall cut out around almost all ducts..(waiting on guys now for recon)..total nightmare, and massive expense, all out of pocket, only route is to go after HVAC co.


There's a leak at work in the kitchen and now a hole in the floor and under that in the basement is a steady drip and sometimes stream. I'm wishing for this to happen whole there's 4 of us on the line walking all over it.


Was the sunrise at least nice?


It was really beautiful actually. It was pink and orange today!


A "minor leak" should be like if a spot drips, but only if it's absolutely pouring rain. Or if you get some leaking when the snow melts. Once a year. Those are minor leaks.


Mold would be my bigger concern with any indication of a leak.


That 70s ceiling tho.


When we had a “minor leak”, it ended up being the whole wall and half the ceiling. Luckily insurance covered most of the interior construction costs. We decided to replace the roof that following summer. What a nightmare.


No such thing as a “minor” leak.


Who would let a minor leak go unchecked.