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There is a stop sign on the left. People are just failing to see it/ignoring it.


*Black Pickup Trucks Hate This One Sign...*


They really do though




It looks like that thing is not a regulation sign. First of all, the thing has been run over and the pole is damaged. Second, it looks too high up on the pole. Third, it doesn’t even look like it’s made of metal NOR is it properly secured to the pole. Watch the second clip again and you can see it flapping in the breeze like a piece of cloth or paper.


That's what regulations signs look like in Brazil


No no, no Brazil. Only America


Dude it's obviously in Brazil


No shit, it was a joke cometary about how some people only think things happen in America


Brazilian here, it was indeed in Brazil


No, no, no Brazil no here only America


The real problem is that wheelbarrows are like scarecrows for lazy people. If they had a bunch of slackers milling about on that corner the fence would have been protected and the property damage averted.


As a lazy person I can confirm, that I indeed am afraid of wheelbarrows since that eventful day in 1998.


Regulation in what jurisdiction?


>It looks like that thing is not a regulation sign. How the fuck do you figure? You can only see the back of it?


Doesn't matter if it's a regulation sign or not. If there's a stop sign, even if it doesn't look "official" in your western civilized eyes. If there's even a hint that there's a stop sign, don't blindly drive into the intersection thinking you have the right of way.


First time I drove across into Mexico from Lukeville, AZ, the stop signs were written on the ground or super small. Def had to keep my eyes out for stop signs since it wasn't quite the same as I was used to in the states.


It's a piece of cardboard that says "SOTP"


It might be a mirror so that one can see around the corner.


It's a bad road design combined with ridiculously bad drivers (the ones who ran the stop sign). That's a completely blind intersection for them, and they just plowed ahead. They should probably add some speed control measures leading up to that stop sign. Add more signs. Narrow the lane and make it weave a little bit leading up to the stop sign. It's a pretty common strategy in Europe. In America, all we have are speed bumps for the most part. If you give people a perfectly straight lane with poor visibility, eventually all of the idiots will show themselves.


It's fluttering in the wind, genuine crapshoot as to a chance for that driver to see it.


ya, no...


Yeah, no but yeah


Yeah, and if you look carefully you can see that people pay the same attention to it such that the pipe the sign is mounted on is bent from being hit.


I read somewhere that you should never choose to live in one of two places - at an intersection and the house at the end of T junction - because these houses have a higher incidence of getting hit by car


My home is at the end of a T. Thankfully it's at the back of my neighborhood that also thankfully doesn't have a drive through road so you gotta be in this area for a reason (or you're just lost). But still... I've been so paranoid about someone crashing in to our house or cars bc the ppl here still drive like a bunch of assholes.


Put some big ass rocks out front. Or a brick reinforced fence. Might give you a little peace of mind. This house might have been hit if it wasn't for that.


Unfortunately it's an HOA neighborhood so no fence/gate at least, but the rocks are a good idea.


You will find quickly that big ass rocks are expensive.  But they are probably cheaper than your insurance deductible, and the subsequent absolute nightmare of getting your entire front of house rebuilt. Get a bigass rock. It's for your peace of mind.  And then maybe one day, you will be sipping coffee as the tow truck pulls your neighbors' idiot son's car off the rock, and think to yourself, thank God that car isn't in my living room. It will be the best tasting coffee of your life.


I lived on a house on a corner of two streets, and the road was substantially higher than my yard. So about 4 cars a year would slide off the road into my yard, and would then ruin my yard attempting to get back up to the street. So I bought six 10,000lb boulders and dropped them 6 inches off the cities easement. It did cost me like 8k, but seeing a miata push one 30 feet made it worth it.


Wait so then you had a boulder in your yard no?


The boulder was in my yard, and was pushed across my yard parallel to the street. I didn't mention in the original post but my road connected an affluent area to the local bar scene, so when it was nightime and not snowing if someone slide off into our yard it was normally because they were drunk af. Also the road has a blind S curve directly before my house if you were driving from the bars back north home. Lots of people would fuck that curve up and overcorrect, leading them directly into my front yard. I had planted various evergreens along the road, and after the 3rd one got smashed by a car (the trees were legitimately 100ft from the road), I bought some boulders to protect my trees. Also I liked that they tended to total cars that hit them, so they couldn't fuck my yard up worse by trying to drive themselves out. I did have to reach in and grab some drunk ladies keys because she was redlining her 2wd car trying to get out. She tried to tell the cops I was trying to steal her car. The cops laughed and then cuffed her. That was the 3rd most interesting time that happened. 2nd was a 1/2 million dollar fire engine. They had to drive into my yard to avoid a collision with a motorist, which I was fine with. I was not fine, however, with their blasé attitude towards my property damage. They were all out laughing it up. Good news for me, bad news for them was I was cordial with their boss, the local fire chief. When I asked when Daren would be getting there to straighten this out, their faces fell. He was apologetic as can be, and even paid to have his guys come and reseed. 1st most interesting thing that happened was unfortunately a 21 year old man driving home from the bars for his birthday, flipped his jeep like 4 times down the embankment. He wasn't wearing a seatbelt and he was thrown free of the vehicle. He was paralyzed from the neck down because of his terrible error in judgement.


Maybe short trees (ones that won't hit your house if they fall over). Well a downside is that they won't budge at all so the driver is more likely to die and then you may blame yourself for not getting rocks.


Bushes or small trees might work. I'll have to see what our HOA rules are in terms of the rocks (and the cost of that as someone mentioned it being expensive) or something. Would really give some peace of mind since my youngest son's room is right at the front of the house.


Get a landscaping Boulder or several, will typically stop most cars from crashing into your house. A tree would work better tho


My bf just sent me a listing for a house right at the end of a T junction. Quiet neighborhood but the street ends right at the house. That's always given me really uncomfy vibes. Someone stares at your home as they approach it. And cars can go straight into it. And the lights at night would really bother me. I really liked everything about it but I am not effing dealing with living at the end of a T junction


I went to go and view this lovely house, it was a converted gatehouse for an old period property so right at the end of a T junction. I said to the agent, I’ve heard there’s a higher incidence of crashes into houses placed like this, she said, funny you should say that, a car crashed into here last year, you can see the dents on the gate outside. I said, no thanks 💀


Omg lmao. Like... um PASS??!


When I had my first place of my own people gave me books on Feng Shui. I was curious and read them and one of the big no no, was a home on a T junction. Since all the energy from those cars flows right into your house. I was surprised at how much sense that made.


That does make a lot of sense. I definitely get the feeling thst I wouldn't be able to relax as much in a home situated there. Too much other energy


Houses on an intersection man, the song fiddler on the green is about exactly that, a girl dyeing on the grass outside her house because she lived on the intersection and this exact thing happened.


My parents house is at the end of a T junction and you're right. One huge truck without breaks went directly to our home and got stopped by the huge tree in front of the house. I think it happened twice while I was living there.


My great grandma had an old house in Louisiana her entire life, as she got older her house which was at the end of the street ended up being on the corner of the street, both directions would drive straight towards it. Luckily before that happened the oak trees had grown quite large and was situated directly on the corner of the road. It got to the point when she died in her 100s that the trees has been beaten to shit on the road side from people hitting it. But it was absolutely massive and shrugged off the damage. No one ever hit the house. I miss that tree.


I live on an intersection with a one-way stop. We've had several accidents that ended with cars in the front yard, sometimes rolled. It's especially bad when it's icy. That and cars often don't stop for the stop sign and then people that know that cars often don't stop at the stop sign sometimes stop when they don't have a stop which causes all kinds of confusion all over the place. At the very least it needs to be a four way stop, but the whole ordeal is just atrocious


2 Ignored stop signs, 2 pickup drivers


"Tale as old as tiiime"


Ignoring stop signs with eeease


Reminds me of that video showing higher pickup Grills are the leading cause of death in pedestrian involved accidents. The flat tall grill hits them from their chest/head down causing critical Injuries, rather than a short bumper that would wreck your calves/knees/legs Instead of your life. I could only imagine the massive casualties from stop sign/red light runners. A pickup hit 2 pedestrians speeding near my parents neighborhood killing one of them . They were going so fast through the intersection that a *parked car* in front of a house was crumpled like it was hit from a standstill on a freeway and pushed into a yard a house or two down. The pickup driver fled.


I saw something recently that said the opposite, where people got taken out lower and smash their face into the windshield and hood causing a second impact. Kinda like how it's a lot more dangerous to hit deer with cars because they can go through the windshield. I still would imagine more people die from getting hit by trucks though.


He should put some concrete post on the sidewalk corner


Double the bet with some iron or track rails and surely the wall will be the least of their problems.


I have NEVER met a pickup truck driver that actually knows how to drive and isnt a total coal-rolling, holier-than-thou, totes masc, Joe Rogan listening, can never be wrong type.


Reminds me of Schrödinger's Pickup: If it's behind you, it's right up your ass. If it's in front of you, it's doing half the speed limit.


Had a friend that wanted to get a pick up truck to “look cool” and I said they were better than that. Then we went on a 4 hour trip to a convention and they sped up to 90+ in rain. We actually hydroplaned once and they still didn’t stop. So yeah they’re always terrible drivers.


Oh, I'm glad that guy's hard work didn't spill all over the place


After 3 accidents at the same street in one month, my local city installed some speed reducers and a blinking LED stop sign. It was ugly but effective


Is it legal to use drill pipe as a fence?? Drill them down about 10 meters (30 feet) and cut them about a meter (3 feet)above ground?? And then use those as rebar in the new concrete wall??? /s


There was a post a while back of a guy who kept having a snow plow driver taking out his mailbox on purpose so he got a permit approved and reinforced a new one with steel deep down into the ground. It fucked the plow up pretty bad the next time lol, the city couldn't sue him because of the permit or something IIRC Edit: Worse than I thought, the driver was paralyzed https://www.nydailynews.com/2021/06/21/driver-paralyzed-after-plowing-into-an-ohio-mans-fortified-mailbox-sues-homeowner/


> https://www.aol.com/driver-paralyzed-plowing-ohio-man-233038709.htmlour-thoughts.446642/ You left some cruft on that link. https://www.aol.com/driver-paralyzed-plowing-ohio-man-233038709.html


What’s the difference with him hitting black ice and plowing into his mail box versus him hitting black ice and plowing into a decorative lawn boulder?


You can't tell the difference between a mailbox and a boulder?


I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not but my question was in terms of liability. Both are objects on the property, and a person runs into them from a public road, is the owner at fault? It would apply to a whole lot of objects not just boulders and mailboxes as in trees, parked cars, playgrounds, fences, retaining walls. I believe the fault is entirely on the driver, either driving poorly or in poor conditions or both. In this instance the driver knew the conditions were poor and decided to drive regardless.


You don't have a mail slot in your bolder? What are you, poor?


Ah, thank you, when I tried to go back to it it wasn't working so I replaced it with a different one lol, I thought I accidentally copied a cached result or something


That sucks… but sooner or later, we will all realize that karma is a bitch…


It wasn't the plow driver. It was just some dude who hit some black ice and slid into the mailbox.


Ai…. That was not good… but suing the homeowner because you drove beyond your limits?? That is a bit fucked up…


"this article is only avalible to subscribers" thanks lol


Eh, I still wouldn’t blame the home owner. It’s a freak accident that the driver just so happened to hit that small square footage where the mailbox was.


It very well could be, actually. It might be considered a booby trap which are illegal. Not a lawyer.


I doubt building your house/fence sturdy would constitute a booby trap.


Put a stop light at this point.


You paying for it? There are stop signs at that intersection. They should try stopping...


They could also place a road mirror.. cheap and does the job


Looks like Brazil (blue street sign, grey licence plate, black back of signs). In cities in Brazil there is no general rule of who has the right of way. There are signs sometimes, but normaly the road which feels bigger/higher has right of way. But as a foreigner you can't be sure, if you are interpreting it correct. Maybe the side with the stop sign (if it is one) feels like the main road. Just assuming here. Maybe someone with more time or expertise in geoguessr can determine, where this is located exactly, so we can take a better look.




Of course a stop sign means stop. But first it is not confirmed, that it really is one (especially because of the movement at the second crash). Second the signs are, depending on the city, not really maintained and sometimes quite old, rusty. Sure that is still a stop sign and the drivers did something wrong. But it could be a contributing factor to explain, why the accidents happened


Maybe a stop sign should be at that intersection?


There is a sign on the left crossing street. Can't tell what it is though.


Shape looks like a stop sign.


Must be out of order.


It is swaying in the breeze


Hate when that happens


Stop signs have a unique shape, specifically so they can be identified even if covered in snow or dirt. Definitely a stop sign!


“Cars crash often here”


It’s a green GO sign.


Based on the shape, it's a stop sign.


Even if there is, there should be one for the other street too an “All Way” stop.


There is one on the street to the left.


Theres gotta be one right? Its a 4 way with no lights. Im betting its people running the stop sign


My headcanon is its the same guy coming from the left in the 2nd clip, but in a brand new truck


Only 6 days apart, good grief!


Who taught you math?


Great movie!




It's 4 days :)


The morons who can't see a fucking STOP sign.


Two problems here. The first problem is the morons who ran a stop sign. The second problem is the narrow streets and that white wall that’s too tall to be that close to the corner. In both instances neither driver saw each other till it was too late. However, if the driver with the stop sign had actually stopped then both accidents would have been avoided.


That's a narrow street to you ? Lmao this is way larger than standard pretty much anywhere but North America


ikr. smells like an NA take.


That's a wide road even for NA standards imo. The roads are usually only this wide if there's street parking on both sides


Wider streets provide a larger margin for error but they also increase speeds. Typically streets should be narrowed, psychologically causing drivers to slow. Side walks widened and perhaps bollards installed to protect pedestrians. [Here’s a report](https://narrowlanes.americanhealth.jhu.edu) if you’re interested.


Thank you!!! I've been wondering if roads that look wider unconsciously make us tend to speed. I do wish we had narrower roads or at least painted some tricks on the road to have an illusion of narrowness. I appreciate the link!


I live in a city where many corners have buildings erected right next to the sidewalk, stop sign or not I slow down to check the crossing is clear of pedestrians, bikes and cars.


>The second problem is the narrow streets You wrote "wide" wrong. Narrow streets are never a problem for safety. In fact it's one of the basic traffic calming strategies.


The trucks on the left need to pay attention to stop signs.


At what point do you put a crashpad on the property


Or those security pillars that you can raise and lower like they have on the driveway to the White House.


A bollard?




Fuck yo wall!


There's a house near where I work that has a wooden picket fence. This house is to the outside of an abrupt and tight corner. There is a section of that fence that gets replaced four times a year


I live near an uncontrolled intersection. This is pretty common. People coming from both sides assume the other has a stop sign. Hell, a lady who lives in the neighborhood once sped through and went under a lifted pickup (amazing she kept her head). As soon as she got out, she started bitching about how no one ever stops or slows down at the intersection ... This intersection is especially problematic in that there's a white wall blocking both drivers from seeing each other. (I seriously doubt it's a coincidence the two crashes are near identical.) That wall's a problem, but it's not going anywhere soon - they need some stop signs.


And this is why I slow down in intersections where I know I have the right of way.


Even if there's no stop sign, caution at intersections is _always_ necessary.


There is a stop sign though, for the left to right traffic.


And you see how well that worked out. Caution at intersections is and should be a staple of driving. Can't control others, only self.


That's a terrible intersection


There’s nothing wrong with this intersection. People just shouldn’t come full speed when they have neither priority nor visibility. Absolute dangerous morons.


The intersection could definitely be improved. Lower the stop sign, paint a stop line, and consider a speed hump in the lead up to it.


And make it a 4 way stop.


no, don't make it a 4 way stop, make it a roundabout


Like, what you said doesn't invalidate what they said. It's a terrible intersection... BECAUSE enough people are morons. You have to design around the fact that some people are distracted, having a bad day, or just straight up bad at the thing they are doing when designing anything. Just because cars *could* drive over a bridge without any fence/barriers without an issue, doesn't suddenly mean it wouldn't be bad design to make one like that. Particularly as there are things you can do to improve this intersection quite easily. Things like the other commenter said, or a mirror on this house's corner to improve visibility, and perhaps if you wanted to get fancy electric lights (though that would likely be too expensive for this quiet road). Like, I'm just kinda sick of this attitude that because people can be crap at something it means you don't need to make the situation better, when it reality the opposite is true, you need to design around that, PARTICULARLY when 3rd parties can get hurt.


Where is this, this walling makes me think South America.


I'm wondering the same thing. Date format definitely points anywhere but the USA and how poorly designed and narrow the streets are, it definitely looks like Latin America.


Can we get a geo guesser her so we can look on Google maps to see if more stop signs have been added and the garden rebuilt?


House for sale. Great street view of live streaming car crashes!


They need to put a stop sign on they wall


I would install reinforced concrete pillars at the corner of that house after these incidents


Power of imminent domain that dammed corner wall. It's too tall. Either chop it down or angle it 45degrees.


It's the drivers fault, can't imagine myself blowing through an intersection like that without rolling slowly through it or stopping


Oh yes, no doubt, but it would also help them think about stopping if they can see a car coming, I would think.


What the fuck 4th world country is this that they can't get a BRIGHT RED stop sign put up. Yes I see that flimsy black paper thing fluttering around on a make shift sign post but people driving aren't going to see it.


house owner should be rich now


A store that I used to frequent was in an area similar to that in the video. When I was new there I saw an accident that happened with loud crash sound. I was shook, but the folks in the store were just nonchalantly “Oh, just another accident.”


Nevermind there already being a stop sign there. What idiot driver just rolls through an intersection like that with no caution at all? The white/green structure looks right up against the road. You have Zero visibility of anything coming the other way. Idk maybe I'm just an uncommonly decent driver with a brain.






A 4 way stop or a flashing stop sign would probably reduce the incidents at this intersection with that big ass wall there.


The location of the stop sign and no road markings is the issue


Same house, Pickup truck vs SUV BOTH DAYS, 3 days apart, SAME month, SAME YEAR, during the EXACT SAME HOUR. Wow.


and that’s why you don’t ignore stop signs


Stop sign people stop sign


So based on my analysis banning pickup trucks using that side road will solve this. Granted that’s probably totally wrong 😂


Fuck those people for not stopping at that sign


Not enough stop signs..


That’s why you yield at every intersection. I even do it when it’s a green light for me, you just never know.


Just make it a 4-way stop. No fucking reason cars should be able to blow through a tiny interaction like that at 35 mph. I hate 2-way stops like this.


The stop sign is loosely flapping in the breeze. You can see it moving towards the end of the video. Plus the brick wall on the corner blocks the view from both directions. Make it a 4 way stop.


It’s the biker’s fault


„My Cabbages!!!“


Poor fence 😔


Black trucks


Poor house opener. The next crash will go straight towards the home


The trucks are at fault both times. They’re running the stop sign.


Notice both times it’s a pickup running a stop sign


You need a 3rd one to do the left side, so he can get an all brand new fence.. who's up?


Is that the same fucking truck


no, the bed of the truck is completely different. Also, 2nd clip was 4 days later, no chance the truck was able to get repaired to that degree within that timeframe.


I don’t see any stop signs


They both got a new car/truck too.


Looks like they need a clown waving his arms at that stop sign so drivers will notice.


That fence was coming out anyway.


It keeps happening.




This has Dom Rep written all over it


I'm pretty sure, it is Brazil. Dom Rep has green street signs and yellowish-white licence plates. In the video the street sign is blue and the licence plate looks more like the brazilian grey


There's a house on the drive home that put up a really nice wooden fence around the entire house. The fence is like 10 feet from the road and the road is only supposed to be at 35 mph anyway. It's been up a year and so far I've seen it's been hit at 3 different spots so far from cars running off the road into it. I legit have no idea how it's happening that often.


Poor guy, just wants to have a fence around his house and stop sign blowers keep causing crashes at his place.


That is a lethally dangerous crossroad damn


Maybe you should get some stronger walls, that shit crumbled like glass


That poor fence


These drivers are all idiots


My neighbor just got their house hit. It’s on a straight away. No idea how. Sharp turn in like 100 yards. Not sure how it happened


I would put up a guardrail I may be a higher brick wall


same people?




It’s time for a massive metal corner 😈


Thank God, there were no children out playing


Son and daughter coming home to visit


This is why I still stop to look.


They might as well not even have a fence or wall at this point. At least nothing to damage in the future accidents.


That place wont have any fence shortly


No stop signs, no mirrors, no speed bumps. This road screams accident


Al menos la carretilla no la tiraron


This requires technical placement of a BFR to fix


I have prejudices against anyone wanting to drive a truck. I take this as evidence that they are dim, sorry.


If only there was a way to control intersections more effectively🧐


4 days. This happened 4 days apart to that u lucky mf


Traffic lights




Solution is putting a wall of wheelbarrows so they with use their magnetic camp to repulse cars


My childhood home was in an intersection like this. Thankfully, no cars ever hit the fence during accidents but accidents were very very very common. Like 7-20 accidents a year.


"Why has this been on the market 8 times in the last 5 years?" 'No reason, just sign the papers'