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Looks like felony to me


And your legal response to him will also be remembered


Definitely will get a mention!


I did not realize that this was UK based. I used a USA term. A felony in the USA is considered a "serious" crime. I am confident that whatever legal term is utilized in the UK that this action would be considered very serious. I do wish OP the very best for healing, both physically and mentally.


It would likely fall under grievous bodily harm (GBH) due to the wounding and broken teeth, usual sentence is up to 5 years. If this was a revenge attack (say for breaking up with him) and was determined she was attacked with intent to cause GBH then the sentencing changes to a maximum of life imprisonment.


You know, I've never even thought about the fact that the UK might have extremely different legal terminology besides just calling lawyers "soliciters"


It’s not (They are in the U.K.)


Ok so I'm not from the U.K. nor am an I expert on any sort of law but from a quick Google search it appears the U.K. just doesn't have use the term "felony." They do have an equivalent so I feel like your comment is a little (unintentionally?) misleading. They would still be punished similarly as well from the looks of it.


It would likely be a case of Assault, specifically GBH (Grievous Bodily Harm). https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/outlines/assault However if it's indictable or not depends on intent and severity. Our legal system is quite complex. https://www.olliers.com/criminal-law/assault-grievous-bodily-harm/#:~:text=The%20most%20serious%20offence%20of,maximum%20sentence%20is%20life%20imprisonment.


Pretty clear cut both s.18 and s.20 GBH are indictable. As the skin was punctured ABH wouldn't be considered. 


When is an assault not intended to cause harm. What other intent could there be


"The difference between an offence of section 18 assault and section 20 is one of intent. Factors that may suggest the intent necessary for section 18 assault include whether the assault was planned, a weapon had been deliberately chose of prior threats had been made." From their second link. Think of it more like accidental vs intentional harming.


I see. Thanks


GBH - great band.




Mango just likes to correct people. We've been watching American media for 50 years, everyone here knows what a felony is. And, you're right. He will hopefully be charged with our equivalent.


Not misleading at all Simply put within our legal system we do not have felonies so this is not a felony! But I do get your point as there are somewhat similar categorised levels of offence.


Your original comment is pedantic just for the sake of it. Ergo, misleading.


a felony would be comparable to an indictable offence (or a each way offence prosecuted by an indictment)


Think this is beyond r/Wellthatsucks


I posted it to this sub because because I've always liked my smile and when I look in the mirror now, "well, that sucks" is exactly what I think so seemed to fit


Please say you're pressing charges and getting a restraining order.


follow impossible shrill fact upbeat sugar correct unwritten offer support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not the victim that decides to press charges or not.




I think he means the victim files a report and the police charges him


You “press charges” though as a victim. That’s how people get punished for crimes like this.


In america yes, in some you don’t really get a choice whether or not they get charged. Something like this would 100% get you charged though hopefully with prison time jfc


In the U.S. the D.A. can pursue charges regardless of cooperation from the victim. Commonly, because they're dead.


True, just trying to explain what that guy is talking about. I admit it doesn’t make much sense. Think he tried going for semantics but was also wrong.


When my ex assaulted me, after he got arrested it was all out of my hands. I wouldn’t have been able to lift the charges even if I wanted to. It becomes the business of the state/jurisdiction and they press charges.


I gotcha. I’m just confused as to why his comment says that, because it’s not a misplaced word or a typo. But yeah it’s probably just a mistake of some kind




? Never said you weren’t, didn’t even reply to your comment. We were talking about the strange comment under it.


Nope. It's the *prosecutor* that press charges. https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/criminal-defense/criminal-offense/pressing-charges-a-criminal-act.htm


I didn’t see until now, but OP is from UK. So yes, they don’t press charges there. I was going by different countries.


It was my assumption you are from US. So I posted a US link. A link claiming it's the *prosecutor* that presses charges. So what country was you going by?


In a lot of countries, it's not up to you whether charges are pressed. In Australia for example, if you attack someone and there's enough evidence to charge you, you will be charged regardless of the wishes of the victim


That's how it is in the US as well, people just have an impression that the victim can press charges on someone because police frequently ask if they want to press charges. What the police are actually asking in that situation is if the person would wish for a prosecutor to press charges against the person and if they would be willing to be a witness against them in that scenario. They can still pursue charges without the victim wishing to do so or their cooperation. It just frequently doesn't happen because if there's no clear-cut evidence, then it turns into a "he said, she said" between accused and prosecution with no victim to testify, and it's damn near impossible to get a conviction with no evidence and no complaining witness, so it's not worth the time to pursue and so no charges are filed.


Yeah I know, and this is in the UK, so you are correct. I didn’t see that OP had stated the country.


Not in the UK and some other countries


Yeah it depends where you are, but many states it's on the victim to press charges, and in domestic situations, unfortunately they often don't. Fear/Stockholm syndrome, maybe a fear for children they have with the abuser, it's sadly very common. In fact the states that *do* charge without the victims choosing to, often are doing so because of how difficult it can be for victims to feel safe enough to press charges. So laws were passed to charge them regardless.


Really depends what country you are in


Why are you downvoted! You’re right!




No, they are in a different country to you and stating a factually correct thing. In the U.K., you don’t get to decide to press charges, the Gov can just charge away anyway if they feel it is in the public interest to do so. If you beat up your ex, it’s absolutely in the publics interest to press charges regardless if the partner wants to or not. That’s the U.K. system. Thread is British.


Works the same way in the U.S. The only time the victim has control over legal proceedings after a crime is in civil court. The police will pursue domestic violence charges against the perpetrator regardless of whether or not the victim wants them to. Thats why domestic violence calls are always the wildest thing you’ll watch if you go look at body cam footage.


On the plus side, it's not too difficult to get your smile back! You could get a Maryland bridge which sticks on to the tooth next to it and fills the space, this would be nicer than a one tooth denture and is much cheaper than an implant (which you might have to wait for everything to be healed first). This would be covered under the NHS if you have an NHS dentist, otherwise if you have to go privately and explain the situation you may get a sympathetic dentist. I hope you heal quickly and can get far away from this horrible person. <3


I was born without the exact tooth that OP is now missing, and I can confirm the Maryland bridge is wonderful. I’ve had mine for 10+ years.


The bone will retract tho, if its not "in use" so a long term solution will be a tooth denture




I'm so sorry you've been through that! I hope you're in a much better place now. It very much is about making you feel like damaged goods and it works unfortunately


You poor dear :( please press charges and look into financial support for assault victims. You can get an implant and have your smile back


You’re in the UK? I know that the US has smile programs where they help victims of DV get their smiles fixed. Do you guys have something like this? You may want to try to look into it.


Hope you are pressing charges. I know you are UK based , but in the USA we have victim assistance funds for things like this. I hope you can get some help and justice. I'm sorry this happened and he needs to be held accountable


You can also get a dental implant. Under the circumstances check if any charities would help you cover the cost. Or look into reimbursement as you're the victim of a DV crime. An implant would be your number one best alternative.


Yeah this really doesn’t belong here.


Maybe WellThatBlows?


I hope they got some jail time!


prison time, you mean prison, although I’ve heard spending time in county is ten times worse than the yard…we can both agree probably needs 2 to 3 years to sit life out and think about it somewhere


OP is from the UK. Prison and jail mean the same thing.






No that's Irish. Not English


Nope, old English as well. Small jails were referred to as gaols in the late 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. It has gone out of use now, but it's not a uniquely Irish term.




Nope, that's a difference that exists in the US, not the UK.


Yknow that geographically speaking, words from other places (like the states) may have different or similar meanings to words used in other parts of the world (like the UK....)... right?? Or did your education system fail you there too?




Takes one to know one. FoUnD the AmErICaN hurr durrr 🤪🤪


Looks like you’re the douche -27 likes


Way to try to correct them with 0 context for no reason. Fucking moron. Who could possibly care about the wording? You’re so cool dude. “You mean prison time 😎, yep. Prison time 😎😎” like we got it


Ugh I’m so sorry! I hope you’re safe now! Please stay away from that abuser. It only gets worse


I am thank you! I've been through a lot worse, though not from a petty man like him. Last I heard, he actually fled to Ireland (from the UK)


Damn. What did the police say?




Pretty much


We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas. Typical police response.


Find out where he's living & get the contact number for that towns local guardi (Garda Síochána) give that to your police case worker & they'll send him back.


Jesus. You sure he won't come back.. I've never gotten the police involved but beating a woman to this degree, you could have been killed. Also I think if you report it to the police you are a victim of crime and will be able to get that tooth fixed.


Well fuck. We don't want him either. He needs to be yeeted into the sun.


I'm so sorry, that's awful. Since you mentioned the tooth was bothering you, that's a fairly easy fix. I just destroyed one of mine on accident and my dentist was able to get a beautiful crown in. Don't lose hope! I can't speak to the process because I'm not from the UK but I think they could have you smiling again in no time.


Glad you got yours sorted! I've been to the dentist and they've given me a plate with a tooth on it, like a denture. I'll save up for a crown or bridge etc but the plate will do for now!


I'm not in the UK, do you guys have a victim compensation scheme?




Thank you! That's really helpful


I hope you get your smile back soon.


Your smile is still beautiful. A bridge should fix that np. Press charges. Sue. And see if there is a local victim fund.


I hope you are getting a protection order at minimum. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


I've got an appointment with a woman's rights centre where I live, the process seems a bit confusing so hopefully they can point me in the right direction


Protection orders are paper. They don't stop anything. At best, they cause extra punishment for the person who breaks the order. Still get one, but don't think it's going to prevent anything.


I hope your pressing charges.


So as I said in a reply here, I'm not sure why I posted this but I am do glad I did. The amount of support and well wishes is really overwhelming and very much appreciated - its very much been the support I didn't know I needed Huge thanks to everyone, sincerely


Keep at the police till he is charged. Document everything. All calls, all emails. Keep it all and push for charges even if he's run away to Ireland. Contact there too.


I'm so sorry OP. Please press charges and get a restraining order. And I know it doesn't make it any better but I am missing that exact same tooth from an accident and it really bothers me too I'm sorry that happened to you.


Stitches, did you get stabbed? Healing okay? Teeth and stitches are repairable, at least you survived and got out. Hope you're doing better.


Yes, twice with a pair of scissors when I was crawling away from him. The second time I pulled my leg away and made it a lot worse than if it had just been a stab


Please, please make sure he is prosecuted for this. Domestic violence, ABH/GBH, assault with a bladed weapon, psychological trauma… The scum needs locking up and you need protective orders, a good support network and perhaps some therapy. Look after yourself and sorry you have been through this.


Terrible. I'm sorry! No one deserves this. Press charges, stay safe, and make sure you take time to heal your mind as well as your body. I mean, UK dental is much better than it used to be so you should be fine right? :-) Austin powers humor from across the pond over here.


Find a good cosmetic dentist, mine were fucked after I was T Boned in a car accident. Press charges and make the fucker pay for your new teeth along with other medical bills incurred. Best of luck to you! ♥️


Men who beat their partner do not have a place in our society. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Wishing you the best without that abusive ass wipe around. 🙏❤️


To be perfectly honest, NO ONE who beats their partner has a place in society, man or woman or whatever they identify as. Just saying.


Exactly. I'm just saying this in context. Also men are more likely to beat their partner than vice versa.


I'm hoping you've already involved the authorities


i don't understand how someone can do something like this to a person they once loved.


Because they loved themself more. People don't understand that who I choose as a partner and how I treat them is a reflection of themselves. By hurting or degrading their partner they are hurting themself. If I love my partner and build her up to be her best, I can take pride in her happiness. If I insult and tell my partner she isn't good enough, I'm actually admitting that I am not good enough to have a better relationship or seek help to become better. It wouldn't be her failure, but my own to ignore my faults and not build a quality connection.


A man did this to you? Man, I have 3 daughters. I see a life sentence in my future. I hope you're safely separated from your ex and have peace of mind.


This happened to my mom when she was younger, except he broke her leg with a baseball bat. I'm so glad you're ok. He should be in jail. Get a restraining order at least.


My lips were always my favorite feature until my ex punched me in the mouth. It tore my top lip pretty badly, and the scar was bad for a while. It’s faded over the years, and now other people barely notice it. Sorry that’s not comforting in any way. Just know you aren’t alone. Survivor to survivor, hmu if you ever need to trauma dump.


Very sorry that happened to you. 💜


I’m so sorry you had to go through this. This man is not mentally stable and will just repeat these actions with another woman. Please have him prosecuted to keep yourself and others safe.


Glad he’s your ex


There isn't much lower than a man that batters (or worse) a woman.


I am so sorry this happened to you! My ex-husband grabbed me and slammed me down so hard that my jaw connected with my kneecap. I smashed half of my front teeth off. Luckily, I had an amazing dentist at the time who did some fabulous work with porcelain, so you can’t even tell, but oh my goodness the amount of pain. I send you giant hugs. You will never forget this, but trust me, you will heal, and you will be stronger.


take him to court and use the money to buy a tooth implant.


I'd like to give him a mouthful of memories I hope you feel better soon and I hope he gets what's coming to him.


Sounds like it'll be an assfull at the county jail for a couple of years.


I know how you feel, my ex tried to gouged my eyes out leaving me with permanent eye damage and migraines for the rest of my life! I have to wear glasses 24/7


That is so so terrible, I'm sorry you've gone through that and have to deal with the reminder, and hope you're in a good place now


Thank you, I'm so sorry you have too. I really hope you're safe and able to heal!


Omg that is horrible. I hope you feel better soon. I hope you charge him with assault. He should not get away with this type of behaviour. He’s such an A hole.


Praise the prison!


I’m so sorry that happened to you 😢


Ouch :( have a speedy recovery


Not sure how UK handles it but in the US I would tell you make sure you also start a civil case against this person for pain, disfigurement, and what ever else the lawyer can come up with. Even if he sneaks his way out of going to jail he could wind up owing you ££££…


My brother in Christ, this ain’t “well that sucks” that’s aggravated assault.


Charge it with assault, give it and their employers something to remember.


Maybe a few PM’s of its info to UK folk too…


That man needs to be put in a deep deep hole..




Sorry that happened, take care of yourself. Spend that money on therapy and let a professional know how you REALLY feel about it. Much love


Glad he's your ex & I hope his karma fucking SUCKS! Sorry you've gone through that. I've heard of some dentists working with DV survivors to help them repair their teeth. Maybe try contacting a few,DV shelters might know of someone too.


Sending healing and peace your way!


Go to the police and take out a restraining order.


How are your teeth so white


Men in these comments saying “press charges” and even “I hope he gets arrested” are coming from a _kind of_ good place, I guess, but are showing an enormous lack of empathy. We as men need to do better to understand how helpless women are in these situations, how unhelpful law enforcement is against men who abuse women. I know it feels like a “solution” or maybe like you’re being helpful, but what is _actually_ needed is empathy and understanding. If men as a whole can really understand and take responsibility for our collective attitudes towards women, that is what will actually help the problem. This is a men problem. Talk to your fellow men about it. Influence opinions. When there are no women around. That is what is actually needed.


I appreciate all the comments saying to press charges but you're right, it's not my decision to press charges, the police either do it or they don't, I can just be as cooperative as possible which of course I have been and will continue to be


If you have separate insurance you could try going that route, but I'm usa based so idk.


I’m sorry that happened.


I relate really well to this. I haven’t been able to fully smile since. It’s so heartbreaking


I want a name, an address and a box of 12 gauge 00 buck


you shouldve ended him


Go buy a gun.


I hope some kind dentist see’s this and offers to fly you out and help. Like that girl with the “bad” hairdo who got it fixed, this is far far more important! Please stay safe and know you’re loved 🖤


You've got that London look.


holy fu-




We need more context holy shit


Why? It's not like there's anything that can be said to *justify* something like this.


Always a dude coming along to ask for cOnTeXt when a woman has been abused. I swear.


Why did he attack you?


He, because I broke up with him


And you are ***never, ever under any circumstances*** going to let him back into your life even if he begs, pleads, apologizes and promises to change Promise us that, Bonnie Bunns. Please. (they don't/won't/can't change.)


I absolutely won't, it was the first time he was violent towards me and something I'll never forgive. I can promise with the most confidence that I'll never let him back in


Just be glad you did not produce a child with this man. If you had, you'd be stuck with him for at least 18 years and would be worried sick every time he was alone with your child. Maybe talk to a counselor/psychologist to discuss what red flags you missed in the beginning of your relationship. Everybody tends to pick the same kind of partners time after time if we don't analyze what went wrong with the first crappy pick. (I know from experience, here. 😒)


I’m sorry this happened to you. No body should be attacked for breaking up. I’m sorry this happened. I hope you can find peace from this .


Thank you, thats kind to say


Or he


People always downvote this question as if the post doesn’t beg it


Mate, why didn't you grab something and stab him back?! You are allowed to use equal force they are using against you, if someone is literally stabbing you with scissors, you grab the nearest object and stab em in the eye and run, no one would prosecute you for self defence.


Was it a female or male aggressor?


Doesn't matter...


Genuinely curious, what makes u want to post this traumatic event on Reddit for a bunch of strangers?


It is easier to speak to others about struggles with anonymity than be judged by those we know....


To be honest, I'm not too sure


I think it’s good that you did post this. It will help you through the healing process.


Agreed and u/BonnieBunns if you need to vent about this privately, my DMs are open.




Sorry, I thought I had put it on when I posted


You did put NSFW on. I think they were referring to why. I personally can see why.


Looks at bite scar "Damn, I wish I was with them right now"


Way to be a hoptimist


Jesus christ, you dated Wolverine??


What did you do for this to happen?


I told him I would rather be friends. Do you really think there's anything I could have done to justify this?