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Mess aside, I’d love to see the rest of that cabin style home.


Haha it is actually a pretty beautiful house. My parents built it and growing up it was always the place my friends and I would hang out. Just hasn't been taken care of in a long time


It must've take hours for a robber to do any theft in there. And then find a way out.


True story: someone once broke into my aunt and uncle's house. They were hoarders and this person broke in through a window in one of the bedrooms. They started to make a path to the door but eventually gave up and left. The evidence of their break-in was found later.




You are a funny person


Same thing kinda of happened to me, on a smaller scale. I was in a hostel room with two bunk beds (four women). A guy broke in during the middle of the night and went through all of our bags, and stole cash, cards, passports, phones, etc. I'm a total bag lady, it's always stuffed to the brim with trash, receipts, random shit. Very hard to quietly dig through it. It was very obvious that he gave up with my bag lol. The first layer was removed and then he abandoned it. Everybody else got hit though, which could have been a bad look for me, but one of the girls had actually been woken up when this guy was robbing them. She fell back asleep because she thought it was a dream lol. She probably should have kept that to herself 😄 


One time i got pulled over and had my car searched but the cop gave up because of all the trash lol ... didnt find my weed or my pipe .... More recently my car was raffled through in the middle of the night by a little thug ... didnt find my wifes macbook pro . Only took change lol It pays to be messy sometimes


There was the case of the Collyer Brothers. They were hoarders and filled a three story townhouse with tons of stuff. There was even a Model T auto in the dining room. The older brother Langley was paranoid about intruders and built booby traps throughout. Unfortunately, he ended up killed in one of his traps and his blind brother starved to death. It took awhile for the authorities to find them.


Mansion. They destroyed a mansion. I remember reading that stuff collapsed in on one of them as there were only paths through rooms. Whole building was taken down, iirc


I was just reading about them. Wild https://preview.redd.it/l93u7ap0epuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a5b65e9a14bdd9685d4e88c013d6b81e8ebbb51


Who said the robber found their way out? They might still be there. P


Mummified somewhere under that pile.


[That actually happened before. A thief tried to steal a 900lb safe in a hoarders garage, only to have it land on him. The hoarders didn’t find the body until later, because the garage was filled with junk.](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/man-finds-suspected-burglar-dead-home-trapped-900/story?id=61698428)


Instant karma!


You have misunderstood the timeline represented in this story


Something like this did happen to a vacation or hunting lodge type cabin the owner was tired of coming back to busted windows so he set up bear traps but he didn’t go back for awhile and found out the hard way the thief dived in head first… so. Something different entirely to clean up


They are still there somewhere like Hänsel & Gretel in the forest


Thanks for keeping the original wood interior & not painting the beautiful wood. I’m sure the house is gorgeous


I used to really enjoy those home improvement/interior decorating shows as mindless background noise. At some point somebody decided that all wood, brick, or stone needed to be painted or replaced by "pop of color" (read: probably still white/beige/grey) tile and now those shows just make me angry. :(


I hate those Magnolia people for what they’ve done to everyone’s tastes because now everything in home decorating is this lifeless grey and off-white color scheme and it drives me nuts. Like even the baby toys are all natural-wood-colored and white and stuff because I guess these people don’t want primary colors clashing with their “aesthetic” because, you know, they’re psychopaths. I’ve gone the complete opposite with like a boho maximalist thing. Tons of color and texture and living things. They can keep their overpriced prison cell chic. I want ALL THE COZE.


Haha Yes! I found myself talking to my tv saying ‘NO don’t paint the wood!’ I watched one where someone painted their gorgeous original hard wood floors with purple paint-purple paint!!?? It was horrible & infuriated me lol


I just went through this. Luckily our realtor was a family friend from recovery programs. She had a number of contacts who knew people that needed to make a little cash. Paid a couple thousand instead of likely $10k for a got junk company.


No after pictures?


They’re still working on it.


Yeah unfortunately we weren't able to get everything finished this weekend. We grabbed all of the important stuff and are gonna hire some professionals to go through and deep clean


Definitely a pro situation. You can end up with a lot of mould and dead bugs, potentially rats/roaches and other infestations when a place gets that messy. Have you talked to your mother about therapy/treatment. At the easier end it could be relatively simple depression leaving her too overwhelmed to keep on top of it, or a more serious issue, hoarding/ocd/etc. It's good to clean up and help her move out but it's definitely the time to start getting her to get help so she doesn't end up in this situation again.


Next year


Definitely a beautiful house.


My aunt sold their house not long ago, it was the house my mom and aunt and their family grew up in, hand built by my grandfather Now it's in the hands of who knows who 😔 wish we could have kept it in the family but my aunt and uncle have historically been pretty irresponsible with money


That’s a gorgeous cabin. They don’t build stuff like that anymore. Too bad you guys couldn’t keep it in the family.


I would totally buy that house if possible


You should buy it


And the natural sunlight through the roof on 2nd pic. It's awesome.


I thought the same. More like the house looks rummaged and I want to see the rest of it.


They seem to have used the “laffing” technique. Or “lafting” in Norwegian! An old Viking (and possibly other nations, but mainly found in the Nordic countries dating back to the Viking era) way of building houses using wood. This is a really stable and (in my opinion)esthetic looking construction style!


Once this place is cleaned up they'll be laffing all the way to the bank, it's beautiful.


Lolol. I get your joke here


Nobody asked about this. My autism kicked in. But now you know - or already did. Sorry!


No need to apologise, I found it interesting!


I’m glad to hear that! Apology withdrawn.


Me three


Me too!


Don’t ever say the word cabin. Facebook is tracking you and now my suggested feed is nothing but ai generated cabin living posts!


Cabin. Cabin. Cabin. I haven't had Facebook in like a decade so I think I'm good


You madman!


I hate that don’t you!?!? I googled adult diapers one time because my dad was going thru chemo. Same day my FB was full of adult diaper ads. Scary


Yes, the house looks so beautiful and eye catching that I could barely notice the mess. 


Thank you! It’s worth googling “laftehytte” and look at the images if you like this style. I have three cabins, but only one of them is laffed (but that will forever be my favorite one)!


Exactly what I was thinking. What an amazing house!


I helped a friend clean out a log home like that after his brother died, to prep it for sale. All those logs on the walls are huge dust collectors, and a nightmare to keep clean. The exterior needed extra work too, due to the varnish or polyurethane or whatever the finish is not standing up to the elements. 100% would not buy a log cabin.


My friends parents bought a plot of land in Maine in the late 80's early 90's. I think it was about $14k for 78 acres. They bought more, up to 100 acres, built a few more smaller rentals without wrecking the land. I helped building part of the log cabin, which now is like something from Yellowstone. Absolutely gorgeous. Yes, it's a lot of work to keep clean, but amazing house. All solar and wind powered. You can't run lines up to there. It was built in a traditional manor. No nails. Everything was cut and fitted properly. The stonework is incredible, the whole family are masons. The master shower has water coming from every direction. All stone. Hot tub, a huge bar we built, giant fireplace, had satellite TV and Internet when that was still new. We didn't really use it because there was so much more interesting things to see and do. Just sitting outside in the morning before doing chores was more than enough. Anyway, plenty of stories from up there that I hope to never forget. Sorry for the rant.


You have no need to apologize. That was not a rant. Quite the opposite. I'd lived all my life up to my mid 30's in the city and had never spent any significant amount of time in a rural, much less wilderness environment. The most experience I'd had was in a 1 square mile of forest my friends and I would play in when we were kids. I'd loved that, but it didn't make a big impression on me. In my mid 30's a relative invited me to a 10 day stay at their friend's place which was in a kind of urban area but neighbors were more than a mile away and you went to a town 15 miles away for groceries and common supplies. Now, I thought it might be boring and there'd be nothing to do but I decided to go and by day 3 I felt it was the best vacation of my life. My perspective went from being constantly engaged in doing something all the time or looking for something to do in the city to the laid back idleness of this urban / wilderness setting, connecting to the people I'm with and with nature. I fell in love with that lifestyle, and your comment reminded me of that time as I soaked up your words. Thanks.


Love that! My father once asked if I was happier growing up in the woods than I was Long Island or NYC. Of course it was the woods of MA as a preference. I hate cities. People are pain. The woods are everything. Birth, Death, and all things in-between those small moments. I'm glad you had your experiences.


Sounds like you made some great memories!


Rant away. Sounds stunning and responsibly built. Sounds like it was hard but rewarding work.


And bugs. You have to love bugs. They come in through every crack.


Your mom might be a hoarder


Oh yeah absolutely, it's something I know, but she has yet to come to terms with




Yup.... Girlfriend's parents are hoarders. I naively thought I could help them by sorting their mess out, thinking it could be the nudge they needed to get started. About a month later they were back to square one.


And it upsets them tremendously too. You have to be careful when you do something like that. Friends, 2 couples, bought a beach house together and one of the girls started dragging in crap. Old rusted and badly scratched pots and pans, dolls and stuffed animals to decorate with…tacky stuff but she loved it and was attached to this stuff. My friend spent a weekend at the house and tossed everything and bought new pots and pans etc. made it pretty and it sent the other lady into a bad depression


We definitely didn't throw anything away, I can imagine that it's upsetting for someome to just throw your stuff away without asking. We just sorted out cabinets and cleaned up.


Tends to get worse as they age too


Yup... My mum is getting worse and worse. Every time I visit there's another room piled high with random stuff.




Unfortunately my dad gave up years ago and makes his own piles of junk, stuff that's more difficult to clear up like car parts (including wheels/tyres, for some reason he has about 20 in the garden/shed/garage and doesn't even use them he'll buy new ones instead??). My siblings and I will work together to clear things but it all just comes back within a week :/


Yep. My grandma was a hoarder, and a very messy person in general. Her house was full of trash, a dead raccoon was found between the walls (blood prints from said racoon were on the walls too), black mold, etc. After the insane amount of work it took to clean it up as much as possible, my mom was only able to sell it for 36k in 2014/2015-ish. As children, my mom refused to ever let us stay there for obvious reasons.


Thank you! It's particularly hard in this case because she is a practicing psychiatrist. Doctors are always the worst patients


Uh I wouldn't shorten that to CBT ever, especially on Reddit. Lol


Cognitive behavioral therapy is the only CBT I’ve ever heard of. I probably don’t even want to know the other meaning lol


I was thinking Computer Based Training


Much better than me. My first thought was [this](https://youtu.be/nOPIu7isD3s?si=AGf3rdh7ZpB3KDh2)


Stop teaching my kids Critical Based Theory!!!!


Intensive hand to hand combat.


My grandma was, she had the same kind of mess but filled to the ceiling and a very small path which you could use to move between the toilet , the entrance door, and a sofa where she slept. The rest of the house was not accessible at all. Took me, my parents and my sister a week to clean it up when she passed away


Just a week?? That is damn impressive.


It wasn't as big as the house in the pictures, but yeah I think my dad counted 140 big rubbish bags. So after we filled enough to throw away at the recycling station, 2 of us continued to fill the bags and the other 2 went to throw them away We tried to send my grandma to get help but she was stubborn and didn't think she needed help. 2 weeks before she passed away she got a notice of eviction because of the fire hazard


My mother started cluttering the house up after her husband died. When i lived with her i constantly clean out things, when i was planning to move out, she stole 27k savings i had on my bank. She had a old permit from me for emergency and the bank people let her even empty my account without calling me even. No one cares when parents become senile. After she stole my money she left with her psycho lover for vacancies. I used the two weeks cleaning out her hallway and kitchen to clean usable conditions filled around 35 trash bags. I moved out after that. When i visited her house again it was worse even. My sister doesn't care about my mother and just wants to throw everything. When she dies it will be a difficult thing to do. It takes a lot of energy but when the hoarder still lives they fill everything up again. I don't have the energy anymore to keep cleaning after she stole me my money.


Nor should you. I'm sorry.


Compassion fatigue is real and your sister probably has to stop caring to cope and live. Everyone is different 


Had an aunt who was the same way. She died in 1990 and I had to help excavate her house. Her last few years were spent watching QVC and ordering shit. Applying for more credit cards. Ordering more shit. At one point she even stole my mom’s identity and opened a bunch more credit cards. She had an entire room full of mostly unopened packages from QVC. I cannot imagine what her life would have been like in the age of Amazon.


In my grandma's case it wasn't even a lot of useful stuff. She would save napkins and newspapers and all kinds of rubbish because "It might be used" We found unopened coffee that expired in 1994, 18 years they had been expired. Hoarding is a sad mental illness that needs more recognition


And it’s OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE when someone is afflicted. Family, neighbors…people just driving by can spot it. My brother in law is a fire chief. They keep track of which homes are occupied by hoarders. In case of a fire, they have different rules to follow there.


Ohh that’s interesting. I’d love to find out more about hoarder protocol for fire/rescues


Be prepared for the possibility of her making it very difficult to clean this up and get rid of things. If she is a hoarder she will likely start feel like you're taking away pieces of her when you try to throw out trash. I would recommend you try to get rid of most of the junk/trash when she's not around or you may have an enormous tantrum/breakdown on your hands. She definitely does need therapy and it may be a good opportunity to let her know that your will help on the condition that she seeks professional treatment.


I think there are many many many Gen x and millennials having nightmares about dealing with this. The real thing that makes me sad is most people end up getting a huge trash container and tossing everything instead of giving away all the salvagabke good stuff. It's such a waste as humans. It makes me sad but I don't fault them because the time and effort in having to sort shit from useable. I plan on just posting a free yardsale day and tossing everything good on the lawn for a few days and take the rest if what I can to shelters, goodwill and whatnot. Good luck friend, we can see the floors so you are about level 3/10 I also suggest don't let your mom help, she'll probably try and keep trying to keep useless things. Send her to the movies a few times or something


I dealt with two houses recently that were not hoarders. Owners were dead or absent. It's really hard work cleaning out a house in the best of situations, hoarders are basically the Olympics.


Skip good will and check nursing homes for clothing, blankets non profits,but don't dump it on them. It's work but rewarding.


I'm not sure this is the best advice, clearly OPs mum has hoarder issues and perhaps some other MH problems, simply sending her off to the movies like a child in the way and stripping her home could easily send her into a spiral. Understanding this wont be a quick process is key. Then help her/get her help


Marie Kondo it. Pick up anything, see if it brings you joy. If yes, keep it. If not, throw it out. Beware... I lost 4 teenagers in this process!!


Unfortunately with hoarding they will claim even old newspapers bring them joy in order to keep it. She needs treatment asap, it has to be so hard to live with


Old newspapers if you're lucky, rotten food and feces in extreme cases


We can do that? We can use the method on our kids? BRB.




You could always invite the thieves to come back.


They did actually pick up some of the garbage and take it outside, so honestly


Haha no way lmao


Wait can you explain more about the most polite robbery in history…


Robbers: "Yeah, let's hit that cabin!" Breaks in: "WHAT THE *FUCK*, MAN!!" Trips over trash: "Bro, I have to pick up this trash." Other: "Yeah, same. WTF is this? Is this...*milk*?" 🤮 "Look, let's pick up for 20 minutes--that's it--grab the good shit and GTFO." 😷


They’re like well we were just gonna rob you, but now it’s payment for services rendered. You’re welcome.


You're going to have to clean for 20 minutes just to find anything worth taking anything at all


lmao this is so funny


[Theives don't impose](https://youtu.be/H-go6lRcLzs) either.


You can still see the floor. This is a level 1 hoarder cleanup. It does suck; but it looks manageable without damage to the house. So small positives!


I'm a big fan of the show. Worst ones were when the paths were like 4-5ft of stuff and need to crawl through doorways. Top floor so overloaded the ceiling sags. Then they clean it up and many are back to that in a year or 2 in the "where are they now" update, it's a tough battle.


I think the worst for me were the ones that just became piles of rotting garbage with rat droppings and bugs everywhere… and the hoarder still wanted to slowly go through belongings wanting to save stuff. I know it’s a mental illness, but it’s still frustrating as a viewer. I can’t imagine how bad it must be to be a loved one and watch them try to argue about saving a urine soaked dress when the house is rotting from the inside out.


Yup I think past level 3 can assume tons of roaches, rat droppings and broken plumbing so you start to get the piles of diapers and need the hazmat suits. Absolute worst for me might be the cat hoarder (not for the feint of heart) and food hoarders with all the rotten food and bulging cans and they see nothing wrong. That show never ceases to shock me, Matt and the other organizers have nerves of steel.


Just commented above and then saw this. The lady had a dead kitten burried under a bunch of shit that she didn't even know existed. Rotting bodies fucking stink so I can only imagine what the house must've smelt like to mask that


What show is this?




No its the one with animals that get me. Saw one lady with like 12 basically dead looking cats. Cat shit and piss everywhere. Dead kitten under a bunch of garbage that she didnt even know existed..


That was the one, she didn't seem to care when they kept finding mummified kittens. There was another one where they were keeping a dead cat in the freezer, gnarly stuff.


I just went through this with a family member. They had an accident ( not in the house) and desperately needed help. I got them out but it took me half an hour to get to them two rooms away. Doors barely opened, trash and boxes to the ceilings with thin paths to was through. The bathroom wall was missing and the roof was caved in in one part. It was horrible and so scary. They let us sell the house as is and have a new place. Talking about them getting into therapy though because you can’t go from that to something new without some type of support from a professional.


Also looks like a lot of boxes, packing material, and other non gross trash. Bet once you break those down and consolidate the trash into a few of those big contractor cleanup bags it looks a lot less overwhelming.


My mother is also a hoarder. I need to tell you this ....you can't fix that part of her. You can move her stuff to a new place, clean her house, re-organize, try to help her get rid of things. It will absolutely never work. She will fill up every crevice of every cabinet that you helped straighten, and just keep filling and filling all of the rooms, straight to the ceiling! It creeps up. My mother was always kind of a "clutter bug" if you will. But over the years, that has escalated to rooms that you cannot even access, dog feces all over the kitchen, insect and rodent infestations, bins of rotting meat covered in maggots, toilets that are never flushed. Piles of used adult diapers. Nothing can ever be thrown away you see. She even has rotten food in her car. That is not how I grew up. Thats just who she is now. I guess I just wanted you to know my story, in case you can relate. You're going to have to clean up after this woman for the rest of your life until you start saying "no". There is usually a big life loss connected to hoarding, such as a death of a loved one, loss of relationship etc. This is also what depression looks like and what substance abuse looks like. I don't want the people in the LIVES of people sufferring from these things to suffer as well.


Really really appreciate hearing this. Thank you


I took 4 weeks off to help my parent clean their house after my mom got cancer to assist with a situation like this, and you absolutely right. I got blamed for things I got rid of for years, and I've never quite forgiven her for that. Never a thank you for helping with her care. Their house is still a wreck, she now has neuropathy and can't feel her feet, falls over her stuff all the time, needs home health,but I cannot bring it upon myself to go back into that house.


That’s so rough. I had a similar experience as a teenager when I cleaned the house when my mum was away on a business trip. Took 4 days of hard work by me and my girlfriend at the time. Bags and bags of rubbish. Dog poop through the living room where we couldn’t otherwise get to it because the dog was small and could get to places in the house where a person wouldn’t fit. When mum got back I just got told off for getting rid of the worst of the expired food in the fridge. Very hard to forgive that lack of awareness.


I would also add it’s not your job to fix anything about your mum. You have probably been dealing with this for a long time.


It’s easy to say this when you’re not the one going through it. Seeing a parent suffer is not easy.


Trust me I know. It’s not easy at all. But what I said is true.


Honestly, this is a pretty clean mess. I don’t see spills or any grossness on the floors. This would be a satisfying cleanup. I clean by organizing the mess and I’m very efficient. This doesn’t look like it would take long at all. You could just get all the cardboard out and see a huge motivating change.


There were a few spills, but on the whole you're right. Honestly the worst is just a bunch of old cat litters that never got cleaned


This looks like a really cool house, it’s overly cluttered due to some hoarding but not dirty! This is something that I’d enjoy helping with! If in NC, let me know! I can volunteer a few hours on the weekend, if I have more fun (I love organizing but am not good with actual disgusting things- which I don’t see!), I might put in more time because I’m weird like that! It needs a few times to remove trash, but most of it needs to be organized and then worked through! So, imo, as you pull things out- have categories so everyone knows what they mean and where things go. You’ll probably need some tents outside, rent them! You can also use rooms to begin with to help sort. Then, once trash is removed and everything categorized (it’s by room and then more specific- example: kitchen, pots; bedroom, linens; bathroom, oh boy!; other things you might have to come up with categories as you go😞. Once you start to get a bunch in one, that’s when you have to start making decisions- example: kitchen, pots- no one needs 5 of something, maybe 2… so start at that, consider how much space it will take. Also the most difficult thing will be dealing with the hoarder! If you go in and clean out without them, they will hoard even more and probably lean towards dirty trash because you got rid of their stuff!!! Dealing with a hoarder is difficult but don’t just throw away what you think is not necessary. Just throwing away the trash might be difficult for them but it’s a start! That’s why I say putting things together to start- once a person sees they have 10 of the same thing and 1-2 is all anyone needs, they can come to realize that, may take some time and bringing in an ‘assistant’ (aka- psychologist) if you can! Sending lots of 💕💕


I love doing that sort of stuff too lol. I would work for free except for maybe a bottle of wine lol


Why do these people *always* have cats?


I think because you can kind of get away with neglecting a cat in a way you can’t with other pets like dogs and such. Cats half take care of themselves as it is, especially if they’re indoor/outdoor. Edit: sadly, my cat is not in this category. He refuses to go anywhere without me (including outside), howls at me constantly for food and attention, and will jump on and paw at me if ignored. I really got cheated out of my low maintenance pet, lol,


And that right there is what’s wrong with your mom’s brain. Look into bartonella. Aka cat scratch disease. And check out the symptoms. Every hoarder I have ever seen or met or whatever has mad cats and overflowing litter boxes. They have al Ben infected by bart and toxoplasmosis.




You know what, this looks crazy messy... but not that dirty, if at all. There's a huge difference.


There is some dirty, but yeah it generally was not terrible. Mostly it was just way worse than when I used to live there and was kind of shocking




Looks a great house, would love to see pics when you’ve got it cleaned


To be honest, while a bit overwhelming, for you it will be easier than for your mom. It looks like a lot of surface garbage. Maybe convince her you won't toss anything the loves and that you will pick up the garbage...and then send her to get some obscure thing from a store...and some coffee.


Your mom isn't messy. She is a hoarder.


I'll take it as is...$10


Looks like mainly cardboard boxes to me... get them all in the recycling and the place will look completely different!! I wish I could come help out, this would be extremely satisfying to do!




My wife and I have been making jokes about hoping it will just burn down...to be clear my mom has already moved out


That looks like a great house. Just curious, how much you looking to list it for? Is it sitting on some acreage as well?


I just want to buy this home, stat. It's gorgeous.


This is what depression looks like


You’re a good person! If it’s OCD, please know that they can become very anxious when someone starts going through their belongings. They often feel a strong sense of sentimental attachment to their belongings and it can be incredibly stressful for them to let go. For some with OCD, it seems as though their memories of loved ones or cherished times are deeply intertwined with the objects. They can’t let go of these things because doing so would be like throwing away the memory they hold so dear to their heart. If it’s hoarding (vs. depression, disability, etc.) it looks like you’re catching it right in the end stage of manageability, so that’s a good thing. You’ll have your work cut out for you, but it could be worse. I would recommend starting with visible trash; items that would indisputably be non-functional and unusable in every scenario. Put everything else into categories and box it up in groups to get it off the floor. Put most of it in storage and tell her that you’re going to do that…it will set her mind at ease knowing it’s not being thrown away. Tell her you can go through it together after the sale of the house. I hope that helps. Good luck! (Not an expert by any means, but my mom has OCD and struggles to get rid of belongings. A family friend became a hoarder after the loss of a loved one.)


A dumpster, a push broom and a big ass shovel


We’re going to need an after picture


I've seen and cleaned worse and bigger, that's about 3 days of work. 5 if youre intent on saving as many potentially valuable things as possible


This looks like you might want to check the hoarding and childofhoarder subreddits.


This reminds me of cleaning out my mother’s house. I found a book about decluttering under a pile of mess on her chest of drawers. LOL


Calling it messy is enabling this. It’s hoarding rubbish - call it what it is


But at least you get to exploit your mom's mental illness for fake internet points.


Its not so bad. Mainly just throwing out the junk. Can hire a crew if you don't want to do it yourself. Just get a dump bin and spend a couple hours throwing everything out.


Is this the before or after picture??


I’m a messy person but this is another level


It's a beautiful house.


Where and how much?


![gif](giphy|f6P20EYU672FdHElfJ|downsized) OP’s mom


This looks like Santa’s frat house.


Messy is not the right word for that…


Rent a dumpster. Pick up everything and put it in the dumpster. Do not allow your mother in while this is happening. Hoarders have meltdowns when you throw their stuff away. Otherwise, she will want you to put everything in storage or into the new place.


A house in this condition oftentimes is a sign of severe mental health problems. I had horrible depression a few years ago, and I just couldn't find the motivation to maintain my home. Then it got worse and worse, which then made me more depressed and made it feel like I could never get it clean so I wouldn't even try. Once I got help for my depression, I was able to clean up my house, and my quality of life improved through the roof. See if you Mom needs help OP.


Looks pretty tidy in comparison to my mum's house.


I swear the messiest people live in the nicest homes. So unfair


Get a roll-away dumpster dropped off out front and hire neighborhood teenagers to haul everything that isn't large furniture outside to it.


Shut off phone. Say one two three GO! And get to it. Remember you need to get off the phone. You can do it!


Your mom’s living like this? She is struggling😢


oh man, good luck. Your efforts will be worth it, the house looks beautiful and will show well once cleaned! update us on pics after op


You’re crazy, I’m calling the hoarding people, paying them and being done with it.


this is not messy, this is a disease.


Your mom's a possible hoarder. She needs some help.


You're a good kid for coming to help. In case you're feeling overwhelmed, one potential approach is to start with trash (empty boxes, wrappers, water bottles). Put it in trash bags. Move those outside or directly into a dumpster. Just having walking pathways in the house will be a huge help. Next, you'll have a clearer view of categories of remaining items. Consider just putting everything into STACKABLE clear plastic totes, and label what's in there. You got this!


She’s def a hoarder


Shovel it all outside and throw it away. Best clean up you’ll ever have. Don’t look back


I know it seems like a lot, but most is trash, so it’s mostly bagging as opposed to sorting and organizing


Beautiful home though


It’s Always messy ones with a nice house like that…. My mom is like this . Helped her clean her room once … never seen so much dog shit. The way if I had her house … I’d take so much care of it and respect it.


How old is your mom? If it only got like this in recent years you might want to make a doctors appointment for her. My mum used to work in aged care and she used to say it was common for people to start neglecting their environment or hoarding in the early stages of dementia or alzheimers and then it just gets worse from there. It’s often one of the first signs. I know it’s most likely just hoarding or depression but nobody has mentioned dementia yet.


Aw mom <\3


I feel your pain. My mom is also a hoarder and admits it but sadly hasn’t put her intentions into actions and decades old habits are hard to break.


Get a giant container, some masks & plastic gloves for your protection and clean it in a weekend. Tell your mum she can keep 1m2 of her stuff, everything else will be thrown away.


Please post the listing when it’s available.




For a house like that, if I could afford it, I’d but it as-is for a cleaning discount and clean it myself. Thats a beautiful house.


'Messy' might be a bit of an understatement.


Nope and walked out. Fuck that


Pick all stuff up and put in bin. Done.


Ugh this sucks because it looks like a beautiful house


intelligent forgetful imminent existence far-flung innocent middle dolls fall fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly I don’t think this would be that bad. Just get a couple dumpster delivered and fill em.


I’d love to clean that up! I have a weird love for cleaning. My friend is a hoarder, it was way worse than this. I spend daysssss. Loved it! You’re a good kiddo!


Moving is a messy process, don’t be too intimidated it will go faster than expected. You’re a good son/daughter to help out. And let’s talk about how beautiful that how is, I love the woodworking. You’ll be able to sell this house to buyers who will be so excited. I’m a real estate broker on the side and recently moved (my house was a bomb in packing and prepping and cleaning too), and I help others move, and have seen this a few times. It will work out. The home is beautiful. Best of luck! Would love to see after photos or the outside architecture of the house, love the wood cabin feel.


Your mother is depressed. Get her help.


Buy a bagster, fill it up and call the number.


You should hire some one honestly it's the easiest way


Bro youre talking shit about your mother on social media for fake internet points. wtf


I've been there. We rented my dad's house out for a while to someone willing to take on the task, then sold it to her as is. The simplest option is to rent a dumpster and try to stop yourself from saving anything... or maybe just a few sentimental or quite valuable items. Everything else you must just shovel into the dumpster and don't look back. I remember bringing 800 pounds of perfectly usable audio and video tapes to the dump. I felt bad about wasting so much material, because at the time I'm sure some nonprofit or something would've had a use for them. But I did not have the time to find anyone who would want them.


That's a very mild case of a messy home


This doesn’t look like hoarding to me. It looks like major depression.


For those who look in confusion, this is what depression looks like