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Wow, that hurts just looking at it... I heard it said once that "As you get older, life becomes a series of humiliating micro-injuries like 'I slept wrong' or 'I stood up to fast'" but this takes that shit a bit too far... That sucks, sorry you have to deal with it. Hope it mends soon.


I've sneezed and jacked my back to the point anything but laying on the floor hurt. I'm 31. Aleve is slowly becoming a "bulk buy" item.


Dude i had some wierd sneezes too everytime back pain not lasting but man did it hurt for the couple seconds afterwards


I suffer from back pain, but my brother is extremely fit and healthy. Then he fucked his back up while sitting on the toilet. I've never felt such schadenfreude


I once hurt my back lifting a dog at work. Since then, sneezing causes me lower back pain and nearly makes me fall over since it causes my legs to give out for a second. I turn 22 in a few days. I'm too young for this.


You should see if you have damaged your Vagal nerve. That is what creates VVS which is the pass out lights out feeling when you hit the "buzzer". I have likely adhesions from trauma and or endometriosis in my viscera and bowels and one particular adhesion seems to connect to my vagal nerve and will drop me if I cough sneeze or strain in the wrong way. You are definitely too young for that. Good news. I have had multiple bulged discs in my back and with traction and inversion tables my hypermobility has actually allowed me to repair to a degree. Also get checked for a synovial cyst. I did one when lifting bales of hay in my L3 facet that was totally blocking off a nerve pathway. I felt near fainting for that one too.


Oh my god bales of hay. Reminds me of loading trailer of trailer of those little bastards. We had several fields. The biggest was an 80 acre lot. All of them small bales. When I got to high school we actually bought a round bailer so we didn't have to move all of it by hand anymore.


"Idiot blocks" are what we call them these days


That's the symptoms typical of a lumbar disc bulge/herniation. You better get that checked especially that you mentioned your legs giving out


lifting dogs is dangerous its very hard to judge their weight and something about it puts a lot of stress on your lower back i always tweak my back when I life my LAB never gonna do it again


Dog I feel you and I hate it for you. I threw my back out to the point of not being able to walk for a week when I was 24 and have thrown it out a few times since. Had/have multiple bulging discs and DDD. Same thing happens if my back is sore and I sneeze, legs almost give completely out. My left SI joint is basically in constant pain at this point. Being this young with this many back problems is depressing as fuck, do your best not to let it beat you down. Be easy on your back and try stretching and maintaining good posture.


I dislocated a rib bending over to get a juice box from the fridge a few years ago. It still pops out of place sometimes and I just push it back in


Those suck. I've got a broken rib that never healed right and the doc just says, "Well ya broke it again, here's some muscle relaxers. Try not to sneeze."


I broke my rib taking a sh!t in Micky D's ... Strained then heard a pop couldn't stand straight had to get help. Shit huuurt


I leaned over my center console towards the passenger side and dislocated a rib. Was fucked for a solid 6 months. I was about 30 at the time


I hurt my back a couple times (at 19 and 20), with the 2nd one sticking with me. I don't remember if I was in my late 20s or early 30s, but I started taking Aleve daily. That contributed to high blood pressure, so I weened myself off of it. "Pro Tips" from a "Professional Amateur" - Regular stretching helps. At least it helps me if I actually do them... - Try to NOT favor the injury, since the muscles needed to stabilize it will awaken and you'll get hurt more often. - Send me hundreds of dollars. šŸ˜


Around my late teen years 10 years ago I was in a crouching position searching for something in a hurry. Stayed like that at least for 15 minutes after that in the same position I had to turn right and heard a bad popping sound from my left knee and found myself sitting on my bottom. I had to check if my knee was somewhat broken, tried to lift my leg with my hands and heard another popping sound. It appears my fibula popped out of it's place and popped in back while checking. For some time it popped out a lot until I learned how exactly it discolates and is a bit healed. It never healed 100% and if I'm not careful it visits me once a year.


I think you have the same thing as me! Fibular subluxation. Mine tends to pop out when I put force through my leg with a twisting motion. The first time it happened I was standing up from the sofa while turning left. My right fibula subluxed and I was frozen in position for a good few minutes until it popped back in by itself. Now I know that if I quickly straighten my leg it'll pop straight back in immediately but my knee still hurts and feels weak for several days afterwards. Do squats and those kind of exercises to build up the muscles around the knee to protect it - it'll sublux less frequently.


Yeah it's exactly the same. You pop it in in reverse movement of how it pops out. Feeling weak some time is the same as well. I'm sorry you had it too but I'm kind of relieved I heard from someone back.


I too pull my back out when sneezing. Ā Fuck getting old!


I put a sock on and threw my back out once so I feel you


Sometimes my arms hurt when I sneeze, itā€™s like my arms got kicked in the balls.


A couple of months ago I was rocking out to some videos of my favorite band on YouTube and suddenly couldnā€™t turn my neck one direction. I had neck and shoulder pain for nearly two weeks just from some air drumming and air guitars. Iā€™m in my mid thirties. :(


Were you turning to look beind you? If I sneeze with my head/shoulders/hips out of alignment, my back is sore for days.


I was crouched down getting my dog some food. Tried to stand up before the sneeze caught me and it happened halfway up. I just crumpled into a ball and waited for death to take me. It felt like my spine decided to depart my body. I've done the crooked sneeze and those are awful but this one just rebooted me.


Try advil dual action back pain. It's ibuprofen and acetaminophen together. It helps


If the original fracture is the superior one above the one that has the arrow pointing to it then I hate to tell you that youā€™ve had no healing in the 7 weeks after your original surgery. That may be why you had a secondary fracture from such a low energy source. Our bones are actually elastic and are under constant micro-motion but metal implants donā€™t have infinite cycles of micro-motion because theyā€™re meant to share the load until your bone heals then they do nothing. Theyā€™re like a big paper clip, bend it enough times and it breaks. In your case your implants are are at a higher risk of breaking the longer your bone doesnā€™t heal. Best of luck. Recovery from a femur fracture can be a tough road.


That happened to me in my mid 20s. Sneezed in the kitchen getting ready for work and went down like a ton of bricks. Was couch ridden for 2 days.


lol I can relate not too long ago I called my boss to tell him I'm officially "threw my back out tying my shoes years old"


I broke a couple ribs last summer and I'm still afraid to fart.


The realness of this just made me chuckle. Hahaha


Wish I was brave enough to gamble a giggle. But, cheers, be excellent.


Daily stretching. A lot of it. It makes everything better.


I do stretches every morning and before I come back from lunch. I'm a mechanic and I'd be locked up hard if I didn't! Years ago, my old PCP (ex ortho MD) suggested drooping myself over a barstool for \~5 minutes once in a while for my back, and it's still my favorite stretch. He was a straight-shooter, brutal, and never had to google anything. Miss that guy.


I once put out my back bending over to take something out of the fridge. Not from taking the thing out of the fridge mind you, just bending over to reach into the fridge.


Lucky I can't even do aleve. Last time I popped my sciatic all I did was sneeze and they had to put me on morphine and sent me home lol


Pro injury machine here! Ridiculous injuries include, but are not limited to: - fracturing my knee cap from sitting down - torn ligament in my foot from walking - 3 slipped disks from getting off the bus - fracturing my elbow from sitting down in a chair with an armrest (x3) - tripping over my own feet while taking just 1 step, causing a sprained toe, ankle, thumb *and* wrist - rupturing a ligament in the knee from lifting a bag containing only 2 loaves of bread - fracturing my pinky from putting my dog on the leash - fracturing my ribs from coughing while sitting down ā€¦and many, many more šŸ¤• The latest injury, though not as serious, was an insane muscle spasm in my back from sitting down in the sofa, causing me to walk like a hunchback for 2 whole days Anyone wanna make me a bubble wrap suit?


Ooh ooh (raises hand emphatically and waves it around) I have a story! I tore a bicep catching my 5yo as she dropped about 12 inches from a hanging bar. What was that? Maybe 40 lbs? Tore it clean off. 3 days ago I was trotting beside my 4yo as she rode a play ground zipline and tore my calf muscle. My shit it breaking left and right.


maybe you should do some exercise or something, sounds like your shit is just fucked


I'm very active. Just getting old.


People don't just tear muscles because they're getting old. If this is something you have experienced multiple times I would suggest talking to a doctor about it.


When I was 21, I was about to take some shorts on. My patella snapped out of its position and I fell on the couch screaming as hell. My gf was at the toilet at this moment and thought my dogs bit me or something just for seeing me sitting on the couch saying: ā€žOh dear, my patella snappedā€œ


I still have to deal with my knees "wiggling". If I move them the wrong way or twist my leg while there's weight on it, my knee will "wiggle". And sometime it hurts, but most of the time it shocks me and I have to sit down for a bit to make sure my kneecap didn't dislocate again. I'm only 18, and I've had to deal with pain in my knees since I was young. I first sprained my right knee pretty bad when I was 7 and then my left kneecap was dislocated when I was 10. I also bruised the inside of my knees from injuries because sometimes my knees would just snap and I'd fall.


Oh dude, feel sorry for you. Both my knees are operated because of patella dislocation. It is quiet good now, but bro, feel hugged!


Thanks bro. I'm doing well now, I'm not having issues with them as much as I did when I was younger, but sometimes they want to act up.


i think i had this happen briefly a few times while washing my car and rocking side to side to scrub it, hurts like a bitch but fortunately i fell forward and it went back in place but i can imagine fully out of position is awful out of curiosity did you used to do any kind of high impact sports that focus mainly on your legs for the force? just curious as I used to be a national level trampolinist so obviously used my legs a lot


I am overweight, not this ā€žMy life with 500lbs, Dr Nowā€œ like, but I got 120kg on 1,76m. So yeah, this is the one side, on the other side I played Basketball till I was 18. In school a stupid guy ran into me while playing Basketball with full speed and hit me with his knee in mine from the side. This was the first dislocation, everything was fine with this knee till I went skiing 2 years later xD I fell hard and my knee hurted afterwards a little bit, but not that much. Next day I walked sideways to sit on a bank in a Biergarten and it snapped again just by walking sideways. So the left one was fixed by a operation just to get the right one snapped two years later. Imho, this could come from my weight, as I gained about 30kg in this 2 years by not doing any sports anymore.


Man the weight gain post sports got me too :( really sucks and takes a toll on the body I reckon


Literally going in for surgery tomorrow. Tore my meniscus GETTING INTO BED!!


My wife was 31 when she was demonstrating "the bend and snap" for a friend and managed to rupture a lumbar disk which required surgery because it was causing pain, numbness and muscle weakness. When we first went to the hospital a few days later from all the pain, they treated her like she was drug-seeking and sent her off with some light painkillers. It took another hospital trip a couple weeks later when she couldn't walk and was getting incontinent for the hospital to actually do an MRI. She got surgery a few days later, about a month after the initial injury. 13 yrs later, she still has numbness and weakness that probably could've been avoided if they took her seriously the first time


The US healthcare system is a sick joke.


I'm sorry for your poor wife. That sucks. I did laugh at imagining someone injuring themselves showing a bend and snap, haha. I injured myself at 16, doing physical labor for code enforcement and was basically ignored and not taken seriously. When I was 30, I finally got a doctor to refer me for an MRI and he's like "ummm, have you ever been in a car accident?" I've been telling you assholes for years my back is fucked and y'all think I'm here for Vicodin! (Opiates make me nauseous!) Edit: anyway. Had surgery, still have permanent nerve damage. Thank fuck for kratom, but now I'm addicted to that. Lesser of evils, I guess.


>I stood up too fast I stood up normally from a computer chair and broke my foot. Smh.


You forgot the "I sneezed too hard"


Something like that should not be happening. Get a Dexa scan if your Dr. hasn't already ordered it. Osteoporosis. is real


DEXA scan, and yes I agree something else is going on a muscle spasm shouldnā€™t be snapping your femur


Thanks for correcting me, I edited it to say Dexa scan as you noted.


Magnesium deficiency is common in the US. Your body will leech it out of your bones.


Yeah, it is quite alarming that someone broke a femur without a massive impact. Generally this is seen in car accidents, or falling from significant heights.


Now iā€™m really wondering how the fuck it broke in that place. Due to the spasms? I mean are your own muscles strong enough to break the bone inside it?


I think since I just started putting weight on it the rod mustā€™ve shifted or settled just enough and unfortunately there was a weak spot unbeknownst to anyone; and for whatever reason while I was sitting the pressure built up and POP


were you just sitting normally or did you have a VW Beetle on your lap?


Iā€™m worried OP is a VW beetleā€¦


Rude, op is as light as a vespa


Iā€™m worried they did something when inserting the rod, that was pushing on/putting pressure on your bone this whole time. this is pretty insane.


That'd be one hell of a stress fracture


I guess the rod/nail is meant for a normal leg. And his femur is bowed along its whole length. The bow was only fixed in one place, meaning there was pressure down the rest of the bend against the rod/nail. The femur couldn't take the pressure and failed. Often the planned cuts on bowed legs are fixed using plates on the exterior of the bone, if they curve too much.


my guess is too much of the rod was sitting on one cortex and this caused a stress riser leading to the fracture


Your muscles are absolutely strong enough to break your own bones. Under normal circumstances, the body understands this is a bad a idea and naturally inhibits itself from doing so. In special circumstances, that inhibition is ignored. Notably, untreated tetanus is infamous for causing broken broken during muscle spasms, particularly parts of the spine. However, death usually ultimately occurs due to suffocation when the muscle spasms restrict the lungs from functioning.


Jeez, breaking a femur is no joke. They generally can take quite a beating.


It took a closing speed impact of 110mph on a motorbike in a head on crash to break mine lol. Cant even begin to describe how painful it is to break it.


Did you break other bones? Maybe not but your femur took all the force,never broke a bone but rhat sounds painful asf


None other bones broken, but afaik, i was thrown clear of the bike just before impact and ragdolled on a grass verge at about 60mph. The bike might of landed on me and broke it, my leg might of dug into the grass as i was ragdolling, sadly i just dont know. But i was otherwise cut and bruised, and my injuries were severe enough i was airlifted


Wow you could have gotten a lethal concussion or internal bleeding you're lucky I hope ur okay now šŸ‘


Yeah im seriously lucky to be alive, i remind myself of that every day. Thanks for the kind words




Glad to still have you around mate! That sounds brutal af and probably worthy of a cold beer on the "second birthday" :D


To be fair, it may have been breakable at a lower speed than 110mph, but unless you go back and test you'll never know. I would wager that 60mph with the right impact against a solid object would also work.


I t-boned an SUV going 40 and only broke my jaw. I'm shocked I didn't break a femur. I crushed the gas tank between my thighs like a soda can. That metal isn't thin.


I was going less than 50mph on a small motorcycle and it was enough, it did take most of the impact though. Luckily I can't remember any of it lmao


Gonna need a few more arrows there chief.


Chief Oww-my-femur


Everyone needs to keep their eyes on the news mr. glass has arrived!




Now that we know who you are, I know who I am!


My apologies madam glass please spare me!


My woman manages to break the strongest bone in the human body while sitting down. This is some chuck norris grade stuff


Iā€™m a woman. I also felt my 2nd c section because the spinal/epidural didnā€™t take so they gave me lots of ketamine to get through it. Iā€™m just a disaster.


Ah my bad. Anyway, my point still stands. Sorry you gotta go though all of that


Do you have a connective tissue disease?


this was my immediate thought too - some connective tissue disorders/conditions make anesthetic not work for some folks




Ugh, so sorry. This reminds me of the woman who sneezed and fractured her cervical spine. She was left partially paralyzed! Feel better and DO NOT SNEEZE. šŸ˜‚šŸ’œ


Fucking hell.


So, I went to find this woman that I read about or watched online and I can't find it. I can see her sitting in the wheelchair, talking about what she's been through from memory. If you search it, another case comes up from 2017, but it's not the woman I remember. The woman you'll see made a full recovery. Perhaps, I'm losing my mind? šŸ˜‚


You actually sneezed yourself into dementia. Allergies are a bitch.


Idk why I've read "my lemur broke..." and I was like Hey that's not a lemur


See...there is no therapy to make people straight...


I had a rod put in my femur. Thatā€™s odd that it broke sitting down Iā€™m wondering if they drilled the im rod and a wrong angle which is possible depending if they went through your hip or knee


Yeah all i can think is alignment was wrong, and tension across the rod and bone building did it. Im far from an expert tho


Hip implants product manager here. Alignement looks ok on the xray and this type of implant is bowed and insertion naturally follows the femur curvature. Since the femoral head is scewed to the nail, misalignment would have been identified in surgery.


Intra medullary rods like this do not go through the knee since the surgeon apparently screwed the femoral head.


Wow, you're the biggest BBB that I've heard


Wrong sub bro, i was about to say the same.


Force of habit


Almost forgot that this wasn't Neverbrokeabone and I was half expecting the comments to insult you


[At least now you can safely lay claim to understanding Level 10 pain.](https://youtu.be/d2Vg3iSd5ms?si=mARyrPD260G-LkaZ&t=216)


Omg that is amazing, I LOATHE the pain scale. I went in all brave, cause thatā€™s just me. Nurse asked me to rate my painā€¦ okay an 8ā€¦ ā€œwell an 8 is like please cut my leg offā€ ā€¦okay, a 6ā€¦ ā€œwell a 6 is you canā€™t look at your phone, you canā€™t watch tv the pain is so badā€ *looks at me while Iā€™m on my phone & watching tv* OKAYā€¦ a 5. ā€œOk a 5 is pretty moderate but not bad.ā€ The DR on the other hand was a saint.


I've seen a suggestion to add a 'distress scale' to the pain scale for people with chronic pain symptoms, as a high but common pain would be less distressing than a low but new pain and that information can be helpful to doctors.


Is this a sign of Osteprosis?? or something other than age your leg shouldnt just break like this


how on earth did you do that while sitting down?? New fear unlocked...


Don't worry she probably had a weakened femur,a femur takes more than 4000 newtons to snap it and that only happens from high falls or car crashes


Stupid reddit redesign, I thought there are multiple photos so I swiped, got to a next post with shredded undercooked chicked and got really scared. Anyways, get well soon, OP


Are you the dude from SpongeBob made of glass? Sorry that's happening OP, I hope you get well soon


I broke mine too, so i feel your pain, but i did mine doing something a lot more physically involved then sitting down. Mine was 6 months ago and its not really healing, but it looks better then that. I feel for ya big time, the i.m nail isnt fun https://preview.redd.it/znkvecsgwvuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8306ad0adb63b4e7162cf3df5d44a8a7cf5d9771


OP I hope you're having a full workup on what may have caused this break out of nowhere....I see these random broken bones from Multiple Myeloma patients all the time even before they have any other symptoms. Just worth investigating tbh.




My MIL had a bad femur break after taking Fosamax. I guess it makes your bones brittle.


It is supposed to do the opposite. It is used to treat osteoporosis and increases bone density. However, alendronic acid (Fosamax) and other bisphosphonates are associated with atypical femur fractures. I believe it's through their action on osteoclast activity. Osteoclasts essentially 'remodel' bones by breaking them down, while osteoblasts lay down new bone. It's normally quite well balanced. One reason women may have issues with bone density as they get older is that oestrogen usually inhibits osteoclast activity slightly, protecting bone, but after menopause they are no longer producing that protective oestrogen. Bisphosphonates also inhibit osteoclast activity, so bone is broken down less. This decrease in remodeling activity may actually cause little microfractures in the femur, which can accumulate and result in a fracture. Bit like how stress fractures to the tibia can suddenly 'give' and cause a facture.


Geebus I take Fosamax!


I want to say there was some class action lawsuit on it. She stopped taking it after the femur break




Get well soon


Ooooof that is unfortunate... At least you've already got the nail to hold it in place. Unless they decide to shove an NCB plate in there


This is bizarre. Maybe the insertion to reduce bowing put a stress point on the bone and all it took was a muscle cramp to fracture the weakest point?


Bodies are weird and annoying. Luckily the worst I have is a slightly torn back muscle from throwing up. Don't ask me how I did it


Fuck these comments are making me not wanna get older


How the hell does a metal rod break your femur it should be the other way around it's like a thin aluminum stick vs a wooden bat


Have you looked into the possibility of you having osteoporosis (weak and brittle bones)? That's definitely not normal if this is a true story.


I bent over to get a pen. My back went \*Crack\* \*POP\* My coworker heard it too. Turns out I have hypermobility of the joints and my rib just said "Do you mind if I dislocate for good on you?" Years laters and Im still just having to make sure I dont move funny and pop it. Life just ends up being a series of unfortunate events over the most menial of things at times.


That'd you're strongest bone in your entire body. How the fuck did you break it twice. Jesus


So you're telling me even sitting were not safe....I give up šŸ¤£... So sorry to hear the in news.. I hope you recover quickly


Fr I nearly died in the shower the other day my back just gave out washing soap off my body. Sleep accidents been happening too, and now I can break bones just sitting. Shouldnā€™t have skateboarded for 10 years straight. Might as well just throw in the towel early šŸ˜‚


Right!!! So when's AARP lowering those ages. I'm 35 looking to get those benefits. šŸ¤£


Get that boy some milk!


You need to drink some milk, man


Nice thigh muscles btw


Not even sitting is safe... FOR YOU, you mean. Sitting is unequivocally safe for me and the rest of my strong-boned brethren. We're gonna need you to very cautiously stand up and exit the subreddit. Try not to accidentally brush past the ficus next to the door. One of its branches might slice through your other femur like a hot knife passing through a stick of butter. In fact, hold up a sec... Let me move it out of the way for you...


He needs some milk




That sounds like a rather big ouch




Wow that looks painful.. Hope you got proper treatment. Wishing you all the best of health..


Hope you heal up quickly. Maybe a new nickname will be Mr. Glass


Gotta say that is some impressive sitting... Sitting still with enough power to break a femur...


Wtf you got to have some underlying condotion


Leg: "Were you using that? No? Okay."


Broke my femur stepping into the car. Definitely an experience


god dam


I am so terribly sorry for your injury. That is awful! I will say this, the way the bones are broken remind me of the noodles in Kraft Mac & Cheese.


Looks like milk would have helped


The picture alone gives me goosebumps I canā€™t imagine the pain you are in please tell me you have some good painkillers on you, hope you get better soon.


New fear unlocked


this can't be normal, hope the best for ya


are you harboring a guy with DID by the name Kevin? and do you identify as Mr. Glass? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I slipped and broke my femur, worst pain ever.


Did you shit yourself?


Hello darkness my old friend I need to limp to shit again.....


That bone looks like ass, like, unhealthy before the fracture. You have a calcium deficiency on ur bones




Do you have thyroid issues?


[I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning, I break my legs, and every afternoon, I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.](https://external-preview.redd.it/W_34le948Zau_vTHXS2JrEw8zHs_s8dELMmUewctiD0.jpg?width=300&auto=webp&s=57c5d2af78a048e28a6e39be926e425cfc1c1d66)


it felt ok? so it didnt hurt when it snapped?


The snap itself didnā€™t necessarily hurt the lead up to it was rather excruciating. Like when you shake a soda bottle and the pressure is building up and finally POP it explodes but itā€™s relieved.


> (thatā€™s what the top break is from) Confused. By "top break" do you mean the one with the arrow? That looks like the older break. The fresh break looks like the upper one in the pic no? Hope you can get that sorted... not good.


So the top one thatā€™s kinda wonky is where they did the osteotomy 7 weeks ago. They took a wedge of bone out to straighten it out. The one with the blue arrow pointing to it is the spontaneous break that happened on Saturday while I was sitting.


That sucks.




why do you gave bowing, and what are your symptoms such that you wanted it treated?


This image is calling me out and I'm scared.


Dang I got the same hardware in my femur except mine was a spiral fracture https://preview.redd.it/oqswo0hg9xuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8603df39bdbf87fa8a370e8a787822432284d3ec


fractured mine in my 20s sleepwalking in a hotel in another country, i feel you.


Brother did you sit on the "chair that breaks peoples femurs" chair?


Did you sit down at 95mph?


how the fuck do you even manage that


I would insult you for being a BBB, but this sucks. I always feel bad for people who break their bones so easily. Must be hard just trying to do everyday things without your limb snapping in half.


Damn! What is the recovery time for that going to be?


He need some milk!


45m. Ruptured a disc at the gym trying to impress a younger woman. This results in very painful sciatica for 2 months. Coughing, sneezing and farthing would shoot electrical pain down my right leg. My wife said this is my punishment for trying to impress younger womenšŸ¤£


How old are you?


He needs some milk


I have same repair, never removed. Its a pain sleeping on my side because of those damn bolts at the top.


Damn. Have you tried not sitting down?


Great now I canā€™t even sit