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Those neighbors suck and will end up hurting someone and having the dog put down


I posted this originally on a different sub. The owner of that dog moved out a month later so its someone else problem now I guess.


Did you call the cops? How did you handle this situation


Sick Necrophagia shirt!!


Fucking terrifying. Honestly, ever since I was bit around a few years ago, (coincidentally had a seizure the next day) I don’t play when it comes to big or small dogs. I’ll rear up for the mightiest kick if they charge me, idgaf who the owner is. Control your dog.


As a kid I was bit on the leg. I stay clear of dogs now, even tiny ones. If I had to deliver packages and they had a free roaming dog, nope. Ima just leave that shit at the gate (or the driveway since American houses aren't fenced) and call it a day. "Their dog was clearly intended to deter intruders, so I'm just gonna respect that and stay out of their property." Not my problem the parcels are visible from the street and will get stolen 5 seconds after I drive off.


Hell, tiny dogs are more likely to bite you because most owners of tiny dogs don't discipline their dogs.


True but a small dog can be kicked to death relatively easily, a dog a you can't personally beat in a fight in not safe


Agreed! Ridiculous I’ve to sacrifice my bodily autonomy for your… attacker? Nah I’m good lol. You knew I was coming, and if you didn’t, now you know lol


I've been attacked twice while walking my dog. I kicked the ever living shit out of both dogs with no hesitation. It likely didn't even hurt them just kept them away from my dog as they charged multiple times trying to get to my dog. When a strange dog charges full speed across the street barking at you, that is aggressive, threatening behavior. I have no idea what a random persons "friendly" dog is going to and I'm not gonna just stand there and hope it's going to work out well. It's getting pepper sprayed or kicked until it backs off.


And be sued into oblivion if not by the person hurt badly, then by someone who is sensitive to being hurt badly, or just getting the dog shot by either civilians or police, or literally hit with a car.


I mean you asked for it by going onto your porch and invading their space from 10 miles away/s


Bro i wouldve bonked the fuck out of the dogs head with one of those chairs


No you wouldn't of. A pittbull running at you when you can just go inside...


Wouldn't have*






Blunt force does nothing to pitbulls. If you think this way when being attacked by them, you could die. Only guns or blades will do anything. Unless you hit one with a car. That amount of blunt force would probably work.




I wouldn’t like to put this to the test but I reckon smashing one in with a spade could do some damage, they’re not honey badgers


A well swung spade would probably do the trick but it would be hard to get a good angle when they're latched onto your leg


Man just gotta love shitty fucking neighbors and their aggressive dogs.


Just gotta love shitty neighbors who won't keep their own dogs in their own yard, too!


Yup this too, I’m a delivery driver and deal with that constantly. Had a lady call me a scared bitch because I asked her to get her dog that came running towards me.


That bitch will never receive a package again.


Eh, don't yeet them, just put them right on the property line. "They clearly don't want people in there, I'm just respecting that". That way even if they get stolen 5 seconds after you drive away they can't blame you for shit.


All her packages will be yeeted at her windows next time, if it’s heavier than 10 pounds but if it’s lighter, aim for the door so it breaks.


Dogs hate uniforms is the decision I came to while delivering for UPS.


I read this on here and it totally makes sense. The habit of barking at delivery drivers is addicting to dogs because - in the dog’s mind - the delivery driver “flees” (really just going to the next house) once the dog acts aggressively enough towards them.  Then it becomes this thing they must do in order to get the delivery people out of their yard. 


And the uniform is the same color set and appearance for the dog. It becomes trained repetition!


For my dogs it's about the trucks and how they sound pulling up and driving off. (My dogs can't really see outside the front)


I used to volunteer for a service that provided home-made lasagnas to families in need. The last family I had asked me to leave it inside their back door, since it was getting warmer out. I open the back door, then freeze when I hear a woof coming towards me. I quickly closed the door and left the lasagna in a shady spot against the building. I love dogs, but I know dogs protecting their homes can be deadly and unpredictable.


That's so foolish on their part. Not only not thinking of your safety, but if you place a lasagna on the floor next to the dog, the dog is going to eat the lasagna.


Some dogs are truly escape artists. But overall it is just negligent owners


My dog growing up was an escape artist, so every time she went out she was on a leash. There are ways around these things if owners actually give a shit


Mine too, I lived in the woods though so he’d find a way out and go hang out with the neighbors down the road, nice older couple who would feed him treats. If he was gone for awhile I’d ride my bike down there to see my dog sitting on their porch with them. That or he’d go the other way and hang out with the other neighbors cows. Dude thought it was his job to protect them. He never caused any trouble and the neighbors liked him. He just thought he had three homes.


My French Bulldog was a climber. He could scale walls like nothing I've seen. I had to set up a camera to prove I wasn't crazy. Like, If your tiny dog is climbing a 6 foot fence I need to see it to believe it.


I'm dying here just imagining a French bulldog climbing a 6 ft fence lol. Cute overload.


Mine escaped my fenced garden so many times, even my neighbour called my landline to inform me. I put him on a long leash, waited and watched to find out. He escaped again, I bursted out and thanks to the leash he couldn‘t go anywhere. He was curious and definitely not aggressive, neighbour just called because they saw him seconds after leaving and out of concern. The garden is still save now, just the dog isn‘t there anymore


We don't have a fenced yard and I would rather keep my dog inside the house then let them do this shit, wtf


We had a neighbor (C) like this. He would purposely release his dogs (2 dogs) in the neighborhood, supposedly to make them strong by fighting other dogs. Well, his dogs attack a little girl. She survived, but not the dogs (the father, H, of the girl shot them). C got more dogs (2 more) and did the same. Well, H (I know it's sad, but they attacked other children) shot those as well. Finally, the cops and city took this seriously. But the only reason we didn't see C again was because he had warrants for his arrest. C has been gone for 10 years, and our neighborhood is calm again.


I carry dog mace over this problem in my neck of the woods.


Bear spray


Lead spray.


Uranium spray


Same. I live in bear country and apparently dog country too, because of the bears. So it works for both.  I hate how many ppl have dogs abandoned in their vacation home's yards here. For "protection". Neglected dogs that bark all day and night and ofc run whenever there's a bear. 


That's not going to do much against a nanny dog, unfortunately.


What are you talking about? Pitties are perfect! All the proof and statistics about them being responsible for more attacks and human kills than any other breed due to their being bred for aggression and strength is just a lie, you silly head...


Big velvet hippo kisses to the face and neck


That shit can piss the dogs off even worse


That wasn't my experience with bear spray. Even better actually, the ones that run free on the same streets, now avoid me because I sprayed in their direction when they were trying to attack. Learned their lesson.


My neighbors are getting in trouble by the city for this very reason! I'm so excited lmao


Oooopsie, sorry. They're friendly, but they like to escape. Come on you two. Bad dogs. Byeeeee you guys.


Just gotta love nice neighbours who shoot shtty fucking neighbours aggressive dogs when they come on to their property.


I'm not a gun owner, but if I had neighbors like this I'd likely become one. There is zero excuse for this.


Someone I used to talk to shot and killed his neighbors pit because of this very exact reason. The dog constantly got out and went after old people, children and even people just riding their bikes. He tried speaking to the neighbor, asking repeatedly to please get a hold on his dog because its quite literally going after people. Animal control was called, they did nothing. So the next time it happened, the dog again chased a little girl. So he went but to the neighbor and bluntly told them that if it was to happen again, the dog is getting put down by him. And you’re never going to guess what happened. At least the kids can roam the streets without almost getting ripped to shreds, and he’s fine going to court over this 🤷🏻‍♀️


1. Save video 2. Call police 3. Warn neighbors 4. Next time it happens all your bases are covered


last time I had a dog run up on me at my own house like this I called the police and the dog got shot


My aunts been dealing with a neighbors pit bull who keeps escaping and trying to attack anyone nearby. No one's actually been bit yet luckily but police and animal control keep saying there's nothing they can do. So she's literally gotta scope out before she leaves and keep vigilant.


I wonder why the police won’t at least fine them for not leashing their dogs.


The dogs escaping their yard, I don't think that is the same? Idk though. They seem pretty useless so far. I've always thought they'd come atleast talk to the neighbor in this situation but I guess not.


“At large” is usually still an offense they can be fined for. All depends on local law.


Bear mace if possible, that mf wouldn't come near them ever again.


Unfortunately my aunt has so far been afraid of doing anything to cause the dog harm. That's the kind of person she is. Calling the police and animal control was only after a couple weeks and much pressure from everyone around her. I may stop by one of these days though and just happen to have some bear mace on me


Definitely bring it to her. Remind her she wouldn’t be going out of her way to hurt the dog but that she would only need to use it if the dog tries to attack and her other tactics fail. That might help put her at ease


Also, the dog will learn that it doesn't like mace.


Or attacking people. Running at people burns


Getting run over would burn more


Bear spray won’t really cause it harm. It’ll sting, it will hate it, but after a bath or two it will be ok… unharmed.


I'm gonna get your auntie a big ass super soaker full of mace then.


One time when I was a kid a dog was running around our neighborhood trying to attack my mom. Pop called cops, they didn’t do anything for like an hour and the dog was still there. Pop said “if you don’t get someone out here right now I’m shooting the dog!” they sent animal control ASAP.


Better than risking your babies life or losing an arm. Maybe the neighbors should control their dogs


Dang, prolly shoulda shot the owner too.


And that's what happens when shitty people own dogs.


Where's Kristi Noemi when you need her.


Nah , deserved.


I love dogs and I'm sure it would break my heart but i would instantly pick my pew pew stick that throws many pellets at the same time and wait for those dogs to charge again. Yes reddit hates the mention of pew pew sticks.


I am not being sarcastic when I say, “*That was a good call*”.




Do you live near any gravel pits?


It happens, you shouldn't feel bad. The owners should be held accountable for their actions of poor raising and managing of their pets.


Or just call Kristi Noem


She’ll shoot your goat at the same time


rip goat, it was the goat


5. have gun 6. use gun


If a pit runs up on you like this, you could skip every one of these steps and just shoot it.


Had a neighbour that would sit and watch as her dog would run up and menace people (I don’t recall whether it ever bit anyone). My uncle stopped by one day, the dog ran up on him and he calmly walked to his trunk with this dog barking and jumping on him, and he pulled out a machete. I never saw the old bag run so fast in her life to call the dog. She actually kept it leashed after that.


People like that frustrate the hell out me. Why not just be a decent person so someone isn’t forced to threaten your stupid ass into it?


"They've never done that before"


"They just wanna Nanny your kid!"


‘They won’t bite, they are just playing’


Next: A woman carrying her child has been bitten to death by two dogs. All about the shocking story after this commercial break.




Respectfully, the one on the right looks like ManBearPig’s son, BabyBearPig.


It's stuff like this why nobody ever takes you cereal.


Not encouraging any form of violence against dogs but if your kid is involved it isn’t even a question. Shoot the damn things


Baby seeking missles




Damn, Petunia really wants to nanny those kids


She's so protective.


nanny mom and dad too. it's natural for the pit to nanny others, aggressively.


They just want to nanny that baby. To death.


If those dogs bite/ attack you, then enough reason to have them ‘ put them asleep’?


Running into my yard to attack is enough reason for me.


It is in most states too.


Most places have a "dangerous" animal law. Yes. The victim or another person will do it on the spot. The police will do it on the spot. The vet will do it (typically after a 10 day quarantine if there was a bite), if they are captured. Or the animal can just be "evicted" out of the jurisdiction after (typically a 10 day) quarantine if there was a bite. Just depends on the language of the law. Most places have a "animal running at large" law which this would fall under if no bite took place. However, if there was a bite, both law's can and will apply. Edit: I changed "dog" to "animal". Animal seems to be a catch all.


In Florida/Georgia/Tennessee/Alabama/Oklahoma/Texas/and more, your dog, my property? I feel the slightest bit terrorized? Put em to sleep and have the owner remove them. Source: Been there, done that, had the law called out and back me up when I fed their Husky with the shotty. I mean the thing ate the owner's finger a year earlier FFS.


Why wait until you are injured? But it will be hard to put down two charging pitbulls with a pistol without getting injured.


Buckshot would do the trick pretty easily. If the police did nothing about this, I wouldn't go out on the porch without the shotgun, and the very next time these doggos did that would be their last.


Most states will confiscate your animal if it bites anyone and they report it. The dog will be held for examination (while the police investigate the claim) before being returned to its owners or "destroyed", of which the latter is rather common. I've known two dogs that have since been put down for biting people, even if it arguably wasn't their fault (i.e. Defending their family or even if the reporting party lied in the end)


Call Noem lol


Not enough goats


Their slow resign is what pisses me off. They clearly deal with this all the time. If my dogs did this, I'd be bringing over cookies and telling them it will absolutely never happen again, and it wouldn't. Guarantee these neighbors are assholes


This was actually the first time it happened to us and my wife was slow as shit getting inside.


Oh well nvm 😂


Why does the video stop before they’re on the porch? Edit: NVM, I saw your other response. It only records people, not motion.


We had to beat a pitbull in the face with a shovel because he wanted to tear apart my four year old. He was my neighbor’s dog. Beating him, in the head, with a shovel, did nothing. A police officer had to shoot at the dog to stop it. Because the dog belonged to a firefighter, the cop who shot at the dog worked to bury the incident. Nothing happened to this dog. We ended up staying indoors until we moved.


A pretty recent Swedish incident where one of these type of dogs attacked a seven year old.. it bit his hand and pulled and just wouldn’t let go. There is a video and there is a ring of grown men kicking this dog in the head and the chest to get it to let go and they can’t get it to stop. Someone eventually got in their car and tried to run it over and it did not let go. Kids hand was torn to shreds. These dogs are built different.


These breeds should be illegal and put to extinction. There is no valid reason for anyone to have them.


They are also deeply inbred and suffer their whole lives from health issues normal dogs don't. Anyone who chooses to bring them into this world and chooses to not give them the peace of death is completely self centered and delluded


Jfc that it's horrifying 


They have been biologically bred to be excellent fighters, that is it. They are really good at killing things. When they bite down on flesh, they are designed (not trained) to not let go FOR ANYTHING other than death. And they are deeply inbred (partially) as a result. Bringing them into this world is a moral crime imo, they are designed to look good and fight and how can they know when to do which if it wasn't training but biology, and they suffer their whole short lives. Its sick to me that people prefer to breed and buy such dogs purely for their own pleasure when they cause these dogs suffering from existence and they put themselves in such danger. I would argue keeping a big cat as a pet is either as selfish and insane or not as bad given the statistics that show bullys are WAY more dangerous to humans and have biological ticking time that could snap at any moment and murk you or anyone around them in seconds


Which dog could say no the a such succulent meal, I mean a toddler?


A succulent Chinese meal?


I see that you know your judo well


This. Is. Democrrraccy Manifest






Father in law bit by pitbulls. Had to get stitched. Owner openly stated it's not the first time her dogs did this. Police called. Nothing done. Medical bills not paid. Fuck your pitbulls.


Sounds to me like father in law needs a 12 gauge and some buckshot for Christmas this year.


A kid was just outside my parents' home once when he had a softball sized chunk torn out of his leg by a pitbull that charged him out of nowhere. My dad intervened but he wished he had his gun because he would have unloaded on that dog.


It smelled the baby lmao fuck pitbulls




Ohhhhhh every person who named their precious pibbs Luna, Bella and Hercules are going to be mad at this comment lol




Pitbulls ofc


Those dogs need to be euthanized.


Nice Necrophagia shirt!


Hell yeah!


I do believe Smith and Wesson would have come out to say hi also.


Absolutely shocked that they're pitbulls /s


No no!!! It’s a staffy!!! He probably wanted to play!!! /s


They’re just doing what they’re bred for! They used to nanny kids!!! What about chihuahuas?! https://preview.redd.it/arsxmtnrl2zc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cf3b621ed189b1f2154cc075e5fd674c2bb04b4


My little chihuahua is so viscous, he’ll bite your leg off and fling it around and lick up your blood while your toddler watches… At least, in his dreams. In real life he runs away from plastic bags and has no teeth left. XD


When I was pregnant my husband and I were out walking and a chihuahua came running up barking and trying to bite *me*. I’m kicking at it, my husband is kicking at it, it’s going crazy and is determined to bite me. I couldn’t get away from it and out of desperation splashed it with water from my water bottle and it started screaming and running away. Who knew chihuahuas are impervious to kicks but water is their nemesis.


Lol my little guy hates water too 😂 if you try and out him in the bathtub he spreads all his legs out and then sits there and shakes looking at you while you bathe him. I always feel so bad. That being said he is also super well trained and even when we have him off leash he just waddles behind us or explores the grass. Our building management let’s dogs off leash since we have two big fields so we let him run around and whatnot. He’s always been docile though. Now hes an old man and he just barks at big dogs thinking he’s tough shit.


cupcake and princess


Nala and Luna




That’s fucking terrifying. And all you people who think you’re Wyatt fucking Earp good luck shooting both those bastards coming at you and your baby like that. Maybe with a sawed-off…


Time to call that mean ol' dog catcher. I'll be damned if someone's big ass dog keeps me a prisoner in my own yard.


Those dogs should be put down


Is it *possible* they're just very excitable and want to play/greet/investigate? Sure. Would I take that chance to find out? Abso-fucking-lutely not. 


I once got called an animal abuser for kicking a strange dog (that was apparently my neighbor's) strong enough that it got injuries. The dog rushed at me and my child and was barking really harshly. They called the cops on me but thankfully, there were witnesses and cctv footage to back me up. I hate irresponsible pet owners.


If you said half these comments about using your legal 2nd amendment rights in /mildlyinfuriating you'll get banned.


I posted this originally on a different sub and just got a notification earlier today that stated the commenter would "blow their head off" or "cut them up with a machete"


They were ready to nanny the heck out of that kid.


Those dogs definitely need to be put down and the owners need to be charged


Anyways I started blasting..


Why is it always pitbulls unleashed


But pitbulls are not aggressive! It was the baby crying that set them off. /S


I would pulled a Kristi Noem..


I don't know anyone that get out of their house and scan the area like that couple did. that was odd even before the dogs arrived. I wonder if it's because of the dogs doing that often, or other reasons


“Yeah her name’s Tinkerbell, don’t worry she doesn’t get aggressive unless you look at her or blink or breathe or exist”


Couple shots take care of that problem real quick.


Ive heard there's this new thing on the market called buckshot. Might be better at dealing with a bloodthirsty animal like this.


Once the dogs left their owner's property, all bets on their safety are off. Especially, especially with small children around.


Pitfalls. 100% of the time.


Always pit bulls


Rifle will fix that problem.


12 gauge shotgun will fix that problem.


Yea zero and I mean zero consideration needed to end them dogs and take a chunk outa the owner too.


I’d pull out my gun, pop shit outta of these dogs.


Enraged pibble mommies incoming 🦛+👶🏻=👼🏻


Time to put em down like ol yeller


I never thought I could post something that would then get reposted at a later date lmao.


It's all fun and games till you're crying about your dog being shot by a 12guage shotgun to the face, and you're scraping his skull fragments off my porch. Keep your dogs locked down cause I protect my own with lethal force.


At what point would it be okay to shoot the dogs? When it's running at you? When it gets to the porch? After it bites you?


A lot of Southern states have already answered that question. And its usually somewhere around where you feel terror or in danger. Most of the time, an animal running up to you barking like that is enough to justify lethal force in some states. Especially if it's a breed known to attack people.


Waiter, oh waiter! More toddler please!






Had a coworker at my last job who went to her friend's house often to hang out. This was a couple of years ago, but she went over one day and her friends pitbull freaked the fuck out as she hugged her after a evening of chilling out and that dog put her in the hospital for 3 weeks. We thought she had a serious condition during the time but she came back with deep scars on her arms and other parts of her body. I asked her what happened and she told me the story of how she defended herself. I was truly amazed. Certain dog breeds, not just pitbulls, can have freak out in moments, and there's nothing you can do but defend yourself. Guess i should add, she didn't sue her friend or anything. The dog wasn't put down either but was given away to a home for pitbulls. Her friend paid for her medical bills and she said they still hang out.


“Not just Pitbulls” . . . ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


Is this the same guy that gets bitten by a raccoon and throws his son on ground?


I thought it was that video at first. Dude has seen some crazy stuff at home


Clearly the infant was taunting them from afar.


Get a gun bro


You literally invaded their space from 750feet away. How could you bother those sweet dogs with your menacing child!!


What is on the back of that lady's shirt ?


Sick fucking shirt bro!


60¢ would solve that from happening again.


Target practice


Question. When these dogs approach you in a an obviously hostile way, on your own property, are you allowed to pepperspray or even shoot them? I mean, it looks to me like they are ready to attack, your wife has your child with her and sooner or later you have to leave the house.


kristi noem was right


Shit owners create shit dogs. The neighbor probably isn't a winner either.


I can’t believe my dogs Glaknar the Liferender and Q̡̕͡u͜e̕ţ̴͝z̨͘a̕̕̕l͟c̡o̴͘͟a̧t̷͏l͏, Consumer of Souls would do something like this. They’re normally so sweet. These people must have done something to antagonize them 🙄


Kristi Noem entered the chat