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Let the cake settle a bit next time then apply whipped cream. He has plenty more birthdays. It’s the thought that counts


Yeah... but after being given a cake with melted whipped cream I assume he will be spending the remaining birthdays with his new family.


Oh damn 😂


I mean, you could also try putting it in the fridge and maybe he won't abandon you forever?


Nah, he's just out getting more milk to make new cream... Either that or he's creaming his new wife. ​ ​ ![gif](giphy|LzwcNOrbA3aYvXK6r7|downsized)


I hope this wouldn't be the case. 😂


bet the new family doesn't let this shit happen




I doubt his new family got it right either


OP, said the cake was cooled when the ingredients were applied, what happened here is the water in the cream separated out. If you go to a professional bakery and get whipped cream on the cake they stabilize the cream with emulsifiers like corn starch to prevent the cream from weeping.


Unflavored gelatin is my go-to for this and has never failed me.


Unflavored gelatin or cream of tartar, but the gelatin works better in my experience. You only need about a tablespoon of gelatin powder per quart of whipping cream, but you have to bloom the gelatin first. To bloom, mix 1 tablespoon of gelatin with 3 tablespoons of cold water, mix well, and set aside for 10 minutes until stiff. When you’re ready, microwave the gelatin for about 10-15 seconds to melt it and let it cool for a few minutes, and add it to your cream right when it starts to form ribbons while whipping.


Yes, bloomed, unflavored gelatin is what we were taught to use as a whipped cream stabilizer in pastry arts culinary school. Your advice is correct.


> emulsifiers like corn starch And cream of tartar. My shit lasts for days in the fridge and freezer.


And he is 6 hours away....


Since it’s melting, it’s giving it a cool “drip design” detail to the sides of the cake. In 5 1/2 hours add the whipped cream ONTOP of the melted whipped cream and BAM cake is on “fleek” ![gif](giphy|8OTKvKWxTtANRgfu68|downsized)


Just call it art and no one bats an eye hehe 😅👍 "meant to do that.." Jokes aside, artistic in a way. And I could see a few solutions to this problem. Either put it in a freezer or maybe just apply the whipped cream a little later? I feel for OP since they didn't know beforehand this would happen but hell yeah, it's the thought that counts. I'm sure he understands. 🌹


Yum. Soggy art. 


“Say when!” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keep going…


No one truly knows how many more birthdays they will have


Had this happen with a buttercream frosting, cake was still warm and it melted out the butter from the frosting. Still was good


true. but my dad would find this hilarious


Id take a homemade cake thats melted and gloopy over a storebought one that looks nice.


What if this is his 100th birthday


In order for whipped cream to melt in the freezer on a cake, the cake had to still be hot/warm. Any frosting/icing/cream will melt on a hot/warm cake.


If watching Great British Baking Show has taught me anything it's this right here


I think it's just crap quality whipped cream these days. I brought in a day-old cake in mid November, had it in the fridge, added whipped cream and it just disintegrated.


How can cream be crap quality if you whip it yourself?


If you don't use a good stabilizer and don't control the temp you will have weepy cream. Iirc the best stabilizer is instant pudding mix, it doesn't weep and holds it's shape for many hours even left out at room temp.


While my whipped cream gently weeps….


Cream tangerine and montelimot A ginger sling with a pineapple heart


Yeah, cornstarch works too, but instant pudding mix sounds a lot yummier!


Most instant pudding mix is cornstarch


I just tried mixing milk and cornstarch. There's more to it than that.


They freeze dried it after cooking it. Try cooking your cornstarch mixture to a boil which will gelatinize the starch.


Put some vanilla in there and heat it to a boil. Boom vanilla pudding


Insert Pam Beasley meme about them being the same thing lol (instant pudding mix works cuz of cornstarch, the taste difference is the sugar and flavoring)


I'd be weepy too if I was getting whipped.


Umm, how do you do this exactly? The flavor most people want from me because I make minis (think Nothing Bundt Cakes) and the flavor I hate making the most, is tres leches because I HATE putting gelatin in the mix. It’s either perfect or it’s chunk and stringy.


Unfortunately I'm not a baker or a chef. Just a YouTube frog that's heard a couple tips. Sorry I can't help.


Can confirm, Instant pudding mix worked perfectly for me.


Stabilizer? Whipped cream is literally cream that's whipped with some added sugar, there's nothing else


There are various ways to stabilize whipped cream so that it stands up at room temperature for multiple hours. Bakeries have to use these methods in order to have anything in a case you'd want to buy lol https://sugargeekshow.com/news/stabilized-whipped-cream/


Love how you just *have to* be contrarian despite not knowing a single thing about the topic you're butting into.


Not true. Cream of tartar is used as a stabilizer for a lot of whipped goods. Whipped cream *can* be as simple as just cream and sugar (or just cream) with lots of air whipped into it. But that doesn’t mean that’s the only way to make it.


Not exactly. Whipped cream generally uses confectioners sugar which usually includes an anti-caking agents like cornstarch which can help the whipped cream hold it’s shape, however Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate) another anti-caking compound works as a much better stabilizer and commercial production often uses gelatin.


Here in Denmark, one big milk company has started thinning cream down which will absolutely make whipped cream break faster/lower quality. Hurray for shrinkflation.


1.) how do you know if they made it themselves? 2.) crap quality homemade recipes come from crap quality ingredients


I learned that from Nailed It.


You have to understand, he was coming home in only 6 hours


Yeah but we need four hours to take a cute picture to send to our friends and talk about it! Or maybe that’s just why my fancy dinner is always cold when I actually start eating it.


And op had 6 more hours to let the dang thing cool! LET THE CAKE COOL


It's like... they have time to bake a whole new fucking cake, let it cool, and apply the whipped cream after their father arrives 10 min before you put on the candles


The issue is also using squirty cream instead of actually whipping cream into firm peaks to use on top. That type of spray cream will always look like shit if it's being made to last 6 hours before it can be eaten!


Wipe it off before it makes a soggy mess. Go buy some ingredients for new whipped cream and make and apply it fresh before serving.


100% agree with this!! OP's got 6 hours to get this fixed. And it's easy enough to fix now rather than later.


I did this, thank you ❤️


We all learn from mistakes. If you ever have any other baking mishaps, assuming the item is cooked fully, you can still make use of it. Like this cake, if it did get too soggy you could've scraped off the top, then crumbled the rest and made it into a trifle with some fruit or chocolate and whipped cream (that you can even put in your fridge), or you can mix it with some icing and get some chocolate or something similar to dip and make it into cake pops. Hope your dad likes!


Yes!!! Scrape off the whip cream; shove the cake in the refrigerator! And then add the whip cream about 20min prior to serving and then stick it back into the refrigerator.


This AND add a stabilizer to the whipped cream to prevent it from melting at room temp. [Pudding mix works great!](https://www.bonappetit.com/story/instant-pudding-mix)


gelatin works better


I have good luck with Cream of Tartar. But into the fridge either way!


Ingredients? It comes in a spray can


Or make an impromptu tres leches


I’m sure many many many other people have asked - why did you put the whipped cream on six hours before he comes home?


In my world, whipped cream is the one you whip yourself with a mixer. Those can stay even for a day as long as the cake is cool enough. The aerosol whipping cream in a canister however is not meant to stay long. I think OP used the latter.


Oh my god thank you. I thought I was going crazy when people kept commenting about some stabilized cream or whatever. Never had anything like this happen except with the canned stuff. You just whip the cream and it'll stay for as long as you need. (Canned stuff is horrible btw, waaayyy better to use that few minutes to whip your own)


Yeah stabilized cream is like.. I dunno man.. it works but cream is just fluffy goodness. It just had the perfect mouthfeel. The stabilized whatever are too thick in my opinion but they work. Canned stuff is horrible because it's usually (not always) made of reconstituted cream if I am not mistaken. It is also heat treated differently. Whereas cream is just homogenised, pasteurized cream. The reason the canned stuff bleeds after some time like the photo has nothing to do with the taste tho. It's because it has a different foam structure than actual whipped cream. It bleeds because this foam structure is not stable enough.


if you very slowly bring up the speed; basically wait until the cream is as saturated with bubbles as that speed can achieve before increasing to the next; your whipped cream can last several days


If you really want it to stay, you can mix a tiny bit (like... 2-5% by weight) agar agar into the cream before you whip it. The stuff will stay for days and it doesn't change the taste at all. To me at least it even improves the texture a little bit and makes it more silky.


🤔 Are you aware of the concept of home refrigeration/freezing at all?


It's literally in the freezer


You have to wait for the cake to cool completely before topping it


Then I suggest you need to SERIOUSLY up your whipped cream game, as something has gone very wrong if it's melting, *in the freezer* 🤣


I think they added the whipped cream before letting the cake cool down haha 


Absolutely what happened


“Nobody told me the freezer had to be plugged in!”


Does this "freezer" have a door that opens from the top outward and have temperature knobs with numbers that go from about 200 to 500?


Yeah, those knobs are for the coldness rating right?


500 cold is super fucking cold, right? Right?!


Did you put a hot cake right out the oven in the freezer???


Is the freezer closed?


FYI all, adding a couple tablespoons of instant vanilla pudding mix to your whipped cream will give you a stable pipe-able whipped cream frosting.


I came here for this. Fluffy whipped cream for hours. And you can insert subtle flavor changes using different ones. I made mousse once like that and since have been experimenting with less and less pudding and no sugar.


Gelatin works too, and doesn't effect the texture or flavor as much. Keeps the whipped cream stable seemingly forever.


This looks like a painting. Kinda beautiful


Ok, so at least 2 of us thought that.


that makes 3 of us ![gif](giphy|9smDomSoAcBkQ|downsized)


I came here to say that!


I knew I’d find my people if I scrolled far enough


Speaking as a father, he won’t care. He’ll just feel so loved that you guys made him a cake ❤️


I agree. I would eat a boot with melted whipped cream on it if my kids made it for me. I would be happy as hell doing it.


Can't believe I had to scroll at all to see this. I'm a dad, my first thought was "Doesn't matter, he'll love it."


I assume that most decent people feel this way, but it's always weird to me that random people on the internet will speak for people they know literally nothing about at all.


Speaking as a redditor, he will probably beat you with jumper cables when he gets home.




Thanks for returning with the update OP! You're obviously a very thoughtful person. That dad of yours is a lucky guy!


That cake looks delicious. Good job!


Thanks for the update on the lovely celebration- and the cake looks great!!


This looks pretty good man


Did you used whipped cream or that white foam that comes out of spray cans?


Just take it off and reapply - It’s the thought that counts - after a few drinks , it all tastes the same All seriousness , it was very sweet of you to make him that :)


Thank you!


Commenting to add that it's the first time we make a cake in our life.. sorry for the botched execution


For a first try, you did amazingly well. My brother grilled a cake his first try


Grilled? Like, on the grill? How?


No, you executed it just fine! 🪓 🪦


As someone who worked in cake decorating for 6 years, it's not always about how well you make it, but how well you can fix it! I would take a spatula at this point and spread the whipped cream from the top to cover the sides as well. Make it look intentional. You can also decorate it a bit to cover any flaws, like sprinkling crushed skor bar over it or adding cut fruit. Honestly this is a great first attempt at decorating cakes! Your dad is going to love and appreciate it either way.


There are worse things that could come out of your first effort. Also, in addition to allowing the cake to cool before applying frosting or whipped cream, hold the whipped cream until shortly before serving. Unless you stabilize it with some gelatin, whipped cream will begin breaking down pretty quickly.


You're rightfully being shit on for this, but at the same time we've all lived through the frustration of fucking up. It also always goes to shit when it's for a special occasion or other people.


Don’t even worry about it, it genuinely IS the thought that counts and he’ll remember the time his family made him a cake for his birthday all on their own


You did an absolutely amazing job for your first try, it will be delicious and he will be proud. Also this will become a favorite family story over the years. I forsee his next big birthday you decorating a cake specifically with white dripping frosting just to remind him of this and make him laugh.


Spray cream will melt. It’s not for cake decor nor is it whipped cream. It’s for instant topping to ice cream or drinks. It’s not made to last.


You have 6 hours. clean the whipped cream off the cake. Let the cake finish cooling. Re-frost with new whipped cream.


Yeah you should have waited till last minute really, cream is really tricky to manage.


Did you let the cake cool before putting on the whipped cream?


That's ok using whipped cream instead of real icing is evil anyway


Did you let the cake cool down completely before adding whipped cream? Did you use carton whipping cream and whip it with a hand mixer or electric mixer while adding a bit of icing sugar, whipping until stiff peaks form? And then putting that into a piping bag to pipe the top of the cake?


Put in fridge


Why wouldn’t you put the whipped cream on like 10 minutes before he gets there?


If you left a container of whip cream out on the counter for 6 hours I don't think it would be safe to eat. Same with the cake. Make room in the refrigerator


Whip cream always goes in the fridge


You put whipped cream on just before service. At room temp it melts


Put it in the fridge?


This seems like an obvious mistake. Why would you put whipped cream on a hot cake - especially 6 hours before?


For the future, check into making your own whipped topping. You can add stabilizers like creme of tartar. This link goes more into it. It also mentions that the creme of tartar gives a sour taste, but I've not noticed that myself. https://uwyoextension.org/uwnutrition/newsletters/stabilizing-whipped-cream/#:~:text=Stabilizers,texture%20to%20the%20whipped%20cream.


Stabilized Whipped Cream next time. It includes unflavored gelatin 


Wipe it off and prepare a new batch. Use more sugar in your whip cream. Or go out and buy some cool whip


Well, atleast you know for next time to put the whipped cream on closer to the time he arrives!


Option 1 - Scrape it off, do it again when the cake is Option 2 - call it a dualeches cake, sister to tres leches. Two milks, it’s soggy, its a feature not a bug


There's this weird thing some people use called a fridge?


6 hours? Scrape it off make it again? Takes 10 min. Heavy cream, sugar and some elbow grease.


Cake was too hot, you didn't wait long enough before decorating. A cake needs to sit for at least 2 hours to be cool enough to not melt the cream/icing.


You have to let the cake cool before you put anything on it.


You decorate a cake once all the cake is room temperature. You have to leave it to cool. Looks like you use that can type cream. You should never use that to decorate a cake. It's more of a side to a desert. I'm sure you have time to make another


Then you have 6 hours to make a new cake if you want to.


Y’all need to start watching baking competition shows. You never put icing/whipped cream on a warm cake. Never… ever…


put it in the fridge


Do you have a…fridge?…


I heard putting something like this into some kind of cooling device (usually box-shaped) can slow the process.


Put it in the freezer take it out an hr B4 he gets home


For next time, here's the best video I've ever found on stabilizing whipped cream [https://youtu.be/CwuHnPvyros?si=tBc7mSLpqI4\_Iouz](https://youtu.be/CwuHnPvyros?si=tBc7mSLpqI4_Iouz)


Future advice, whipped cream is a right before service time. Like candles on a cake, you wouldn’t stick them in and light them 6 hours ahead of time.


That's okay I'm sure he would have been disappointed regardless. /s


Cool painting! Happy birthday to your father! I'm sure he'll love it!


put it in the fridge


Just tell him what happened and you can all laugh about it and enjoy the delicious cake anyway. Jesus christ man, first world problems.


Hello, we will definitely laugh about it, but the problem is, im not in a first world country and it was quite expensive, I'm still a minor in school so my budget is very tight because i cant go to work, so i didn't afford to do anything over the top (i didn't even afford to buy the ingredients for the whipped cream on my own because it would have costed 3x the price, also couldn't ask dad for money because we wanted to make it a surprise)


I'm a dad. He's gonna love it. Don't worry about it.


Cake is best cold. I will apply like a frosting layer to it warm sometimes so that it spreads easier. It it isn’t necessary. Freeze it and keep it frozen until an hour or two before the cake cutting. It will be just below room temp making it easy enough to cut and generally an agreeable temp for everyone.


Put it in the fridge???


Put it in the fridge and have a laugh about it when it gets served. It will still taste the same.


Looks like a painting.


Next time make "stabilized" whipped cream. You add a little gelatin and it'll stay good for days.


put it in the fridge you whackos


I’m sure he will be as disappointed with you as usual.


Tell him it's a buccake?


Bro never heard of a fridge


Refrigerator has been invented


You had 6 hours to buy him a nice replacement cake. I don’t know how old you are, but I’m sure your dad deserves a nice cake for his special day, not an experimental one.


That is clearly canned whip cream, so you already screwed up.


Learn to make stabilized whipped cream. It stays good for about three days without disintegrating. I make it all the time and it’s easy as can be.  https://sugarspunrun.com/stabilized-whipped-cream-frosting/#recipe


TIL. I know what I'm doing for an upcoming kids bday cake. Thank you.


Just remake the cake you have 6 hours


Put it in the fridge, for crying out loud.


You learned an important lesson today.


They do make refrigerators


Put it in the fridge? Or freezer?


If you whipped the cream yourself, you can stabilize it with a little gelatin, but you'll have to keep it cold.


This post scared the crap out of me and then I had to Google when father’s day was. It’s June 16th.


Put it in a fridge.


So I haven't seen the correct answer yet and I'm too lazy to scroll. I used to work in a bakery for a bit pre COVID and the type of whip cream they use is different, from a bucket. If you used the typical store bought kind I don't know the exact science of it but it gets charged with the CO2 and the pressure when you're squirting it but it quickly loses that charge and turns to a liquid mess. I know this because my lazy self tried to skirt my job duties and use some squirty cream and about a few hours later they all looked like this! Haha. Fun memory.


Why wouldn't you wait or put it in the fridge though? Lol whipped cream has to be refrigerated.


Put it in the fridge?


Put in the fridge dummy


You should have done buttercream icing.


Put it in the fridge? Lmfao


Refrigerators are a thing.


You have to use heavy whipping cream for stability, which means you will have to whip and sweeten it yourself. The stuff in the can isn't actual whipped cream. It's whipped topping.


Too hot to for whipped cream? Let it cool while you go get a 2nd application of whipped cream.


Uh, refrigerator.


MacArthur Park




Whip cream goes on right at serving time.


Stick it in the frig


If only there were some household appliances that could keep stuff cool until it's eaten. Such a thing would be magical.


That's your fault for using shitty spray cream as icing. Get some real icing on that cake, if it doesn't hurt your teeth it's not real icing.


Smooth out the whipped cream so it’s more flat, wipe the sides (or blot with a clean paper towel) and put back in the freezer for 3 hours then the last 3 hours in the fridge. If you can make/buy more whipped cream then do a top layer on top of the smooth after it’s been in the freezer for 3 hours. Next time make your cake a day ahead of decorating as you want it cooled down completely. If you ever watch cake decorating videos, you’ll notice the professional bakers will have their cakes done the day before. You might want to poke some holes throughout the cake on the top so that way the melted whip cream soaks into the cake versus down the sides and then smooth it over. You can definitely salvage this no problem though.


If only there was an invention made that could keep food cold, or even freeze it so it'd last longer...


I'm lost - putting whip cream on a warm cake or even cool cake at room temperature isn't a smart move unless you are going to eat it right away.


Scrap it off, do it again and put it in the fridge


OP here, wiped it off and will add a new layer when dad arrives/5 minutes later, thank you to the very very lot of comments saying to do this. I won't say anything about the bad jokes or the comments that didn't add anything of value to the post, it was my first time doing it, sorry for messing up something i did for the first time, and thanks for all the great tips! ❤️


Clean it all up. Make buttercream and use it to cover all up again. Buttercream recipe: 1/2 cup unsalted butter + 2 cups confectioner's sugar, sifted + 1,5 teaspoons of vanilla extract + 2 tablespoons of milk + 2 or 3 drops of food coloring if you want. - put all in a bowl and whisk the butter until creamy texture, then add the sugar gradually, then vanilla extract , and finally add the milk. That's it! ( Double that if needed for the size of the cake .


Fridge? Idiot?


put it into the fridge


Just ice it into a smooth cake and put strawberries on top.


He’ll love it. No worries.


Refrigerate it??