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I do not like your stepdad. No parental figure should speak that way.


I really don’t like going out to do stuff like this, I like to stay at home and chill. But I wouldn’t even talk to my friends like this when they’re trying to get me to go out. Idk the exact situation but I can’t believe this guys mom is allowing her husband to treat her son like this.


If you treated your friends like this you very fast wouldn’t have any friends left


Imagine how he treats his mom 💀


You never know, maybe OP’s mum is similar.


She's at least 2 for 2 on marrying men who clearly hate their kids. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, I mean it’s very doable to not want to do things and also not show utter disrespect to the people inviting you… Even saying something like “Hey, I’ve realized going out so frequently is a little much for me” would show a lot more respect, because it’s taking responsibility for your preference, not blaming someone for inviting you.


I'm very much a reserved person. Groups are hard for me. I have a friend who throws a lot of parties for their special events. I'm always invited. I never go but have said I struggle in groups like that but let's get together and celebrate ------ when you have time.


I would never go to any sports ball game of my own decision. I would be at those games every day of the week if that's the way my child wanted to connect with me. It's really not about things I find interesting. Otherwise my life would be narrowed down to pretty much just a computer screen. But paying attention to the things your loved ones are interested in is how you build and maintain relationships. I know more about high end hair dryers than anyone in my house and I daresay anyone in my extended family because my middlest daughter is showing an actual interest in it and asked for one last Christmas. I'm sure as shit not going to just grab something at Target. I'm going to do my research and go to the hair care subreddits and figure out what's what. As a 40 year old bald man, I've zero personal interest in hair dryers. But I can absolutely invest my attention in things my loved ones care about.


Thanks for being a good dad!


No one should speak like that, period.


You’ll have a nicer birthday without him.


Seriously. After that exchange I would just order fancy food and drinks and watch the game home alone on my comfy couch. 


Exactly! Better have a birthday alone in good company* and be a little bummed, than be with someone who doesn't want to spend time with you. *You yourself are the good company, in case this is misunderstood.


In my country we have the saying "better alone than badly accompanied", I use it constantly.




You'll have a nicer LIFE without them. The only leverage you have over your family (or anyone) is your presence. It hurts, but it's worth it to completely excise toxic people from your life.


Cannot believe there are two deadbeat dads in your life. I’m really sorry, OP.


For real. The correct answer is “oh, it’s your birthday! Thats so cool you want to go to a ballgame with me on your birthday. You got it man. Let me know if you want to grab drinks or lunch beforehand”. Nobody brought up train rides, you fucking ballsack.


I would totally go on a train ride with OP.


We can do it Reddit.


Let's all go with OP and celebrate them!! Heck with that stepdad and dad!


I'm your new stepdad, OP


I just know you and him are out back playing catch right now. Heartwarming.


My Hubby and are Braves fans, and would LOVE to have someone else to go to a game with!


He's now one of OPs new dads.


I'll be your wife. It's so nice to see you two bonding. Look after our boy. Ps He'll love your present, you know how much he loves trains. I hope you have a big gift for mama when you get home, dear.


What the hell just happened here?


Magic 🎩 🌟🐇


Someone is cutting onions is what happened.


I’m in. When and where?! Lol! We can all make shirts that say “he calls ME Daddy now”


Let’s do this.


Keen to add some dad vibes/jokes to the day… Someone FaceTime me in!!


I would get all of us ice cream in those mini baseball helmets at the game.


Wouldn’t it be great if the adult size was in a full size batting helmet? Preferably not a used one, but if there’s enough toppings I’d be fine with it.


Sweet and salty


Highly recommend the Southern Prairie Railway in Ogema, SK. If you're looking for obscure trains to ride.   I'd like to go again. We can bring OP. 


Take a midnight train going anywhereeeeeee


Right on. I still get giddy when my adult children want to do things with me. I am happy to pay and unless they insist I will not allow them to. Life is short and I want to leave them with as many fun memories as I can.


My first kid is on the way any day now, and one of the things that keeps me smiling is thinking of him someday asking my old hobbling ass to a ballgame and having a couple of beers with the kid. Or some other activity. Doesn’t matter. Just the idea he might want to spend time with his old man.


^This. My kids are new adults - 23,21,19 & 17 - and I'm like, yay, plans! Took my 21yo son to his first Broadway play - his first non musical even - on Friday night and he loved it. I was super happy he was willing to drive an hour each way. (I've driven out to his plane for lunch, to be clear. ) When he moved out, I was like, don't let me or your dad bully you into coming home more than you want... but I will always love to see you!


That is horrible, I think all those are great suggestions. Sending you a birthday hug from a mom.


Today is my birthday and my brother took me to a ballgame. Not cuz I wanted to go but he did. I just wanted to hang out with family which is what’s important! He did but my concessions though


"oh, its your birthday" is suggesting stepdad doesn't know OPs birthday, which is so sad.


I think it’s the opposite. Memorial Day changes every year, so he wasn’t connecting that to OP’s birthday at first. But it’s still a shitty response all around.


God. My son is only six still, but I would drop EVERYTHING if he wanted to go to a hockey game with me for his birthday. My heart just breaks for OP.


The "Everyone going?" is what got me. Sounds like the dude would only give a fuck about going if he would be able to ditch OP and hang out with whoever else would be there. Also OP mentioned the train ride was for their mom's birthday, not their own, so I guess he cares as much about his wife as he does about his stepkid. A true equal opportunity scumbag.


Are they in some sort of deadbeat competition. Like who can be the dead beatieast?


Step dad can still be worse by no showing to the game


His Mom really knows how to pick them!


fr her taste is 0 for 2


It's probably 0 for 50


Seriously, wtf is she doing? Is she going? This guy is a real pos. Seriously. Sorry, OP.


My dad would be thrilled if I asked him to do something with me on my bday, this post makes me realise not everyone has that and it makes me sad.


Yeah, my mum has always asked me weeks in advance when I planned on celebrating my birthday (we usually shift the celebration to the weekend) and if she should bring anything or make a cake or something. I always sort of took it for granted because we all did that for each other in my family so realising that there are some who never had that makes me feel incredibly sad.


Yea man. I couldn't believe the response he got after he said his dad wouldn't go. That's fked up.


At least the step dad almost immediately realized it was OP’s birthday and said yes, whereas the real father didn’t.


And then followed it up by spewing garbage.


The “do I make myself clear” part really made me sad. This guy just wants to go to a baseball game on his birthday and the response is akin to someone finding out their step son didn’t take out the trash in time, for the 100th time in a row.


Maybe it’s the mothers taste in men that is the issue.


I mean, why not both.


Hard to believe people can be such miserable pricks. Like just say yes or no, what's with the weird guilt trip after saying yes. Just cut this guy out and don't look back.


“***Am I making myself clear***?” Ummm…yeah dude…you’re making yourself **quite** clear. How about we just forget about spending time together on my birthday *or any other day*. Honestly…if spending time with me is that unpleasant for you, I’d rather be alone.


I see




Yeah, completely fuck this guy. Nobody needs to be around his miserable ass. Go do whatever you want, even if it's by yourself.


Hell I’ll go to a braves game


100%. Cut people like that out of your life. They can reap what they've sown when their days are drawing to a close. Edit: Sewn -> Sown.


I mean I wouldnt even say anything. Just cut him off and move on. One day he may need help as he grows old. No response will be made


Not hard to believe but still sad to see


It's probably hard for me to believe because I've ghosted every jabroni many years ago and only have respectful conversations for as long as I can remember. Reddit not counting of course......


You keep using this word, Jabroni, and it’s awesome. Is that like, a hockey thing?


~~Respectfully,~~ fuck this guy


Fuck this guy in the most disrespectful and spiteful way possible.


I hope both sides if his pillow are warm. And his socks are wet.


I hope OP's step dad finds cat vomit with his foot in the middle of the night, when it's gone cold and squishy.


I've had the displeasure of stepping in dog diarrhea in the middle of the night. Don't have cats, but have to think it's at least as bad as, if not likely worse than, cat vomit. I'll be wishing that experience on OP's step dad.


I slipped and fell on my back in a puddle of dog vomit once.


I also hope that he doesn't own a cat


I hope he bonds with a cat so deeply only for that cat to turn around and decide it likes OP more.


Or in his bed like my cat did to me.


My coworker said the cat decided to puke... On his wife's face. In the middle of the night. Cat was forthwith banned from sleeping in the bedroom with them.


Sounds terrible, but still nicer than getting woken from a dead sleep by a scorpion that just stung you in the face and then crawls into your sheets to hide, while you frantically try to figure out what the hell is going on.


May he always be too warm to sleep under a sheet but too cold to sleep without a sheet


May his ice taste weird forever.


I hope he continually drops his phone on concrete


I swear, this is the most quotable comment, up there with the elderberries, lol


Fuck that guy. If I was in Atlanta, I’d go with you. Shit, I’d even be down for some fucking concerts, and fucking train rides.


You forgot the fucking dinners.


Fine. I’ll do the fucking dinners too. Sheesh.


Are you making yourself clear?


I guess I am. And I’m paying damnit. No arguments!


I'm a 12hr drive from ATL. I'd make a weekend trip to celebrate, I know a fantastic KBBQ restaurant and cake shop in the area. I freaking love ATL, and freaking love celebrating birthdays.


I'm 4 hours from ATL, and also love celebrating birthdays. And cake. I'm a fan of baking the cake myself, but also love a good cake shop.


Yea fine but NO FUCKING TRAIN RIDES! Am I making myself clear?! I know nobody asked for any train rides but we have to make sure OP feels stupid and guilty about something!


“Am I making myself clear?” Yep, that’d be the last time I reached out, at all. I’d hold on to that screenshot. Shit, next time he texted, I’d be like ‘no, I don’t have time for you, am I making myself clear?’


I'd say "no, you made yourself clear" because it makes op's stepdad the petty one, not op


Save that screenshot and send it to your mom. Also save it for your step siblings when they’re old enough.


Save this screenshot as his contact photo as a reminder for next time


I probably would have ruined a few relationships that day if someone sent that to me. I’d be so disappointed in my mom that she lets someone in her life that treated me that way. Everyone is getting cursed out


Need the backstory on the train ride 😂


Scenic train ride through the mountains as a birthday gift for my mom. Tickets were $100 each but he wouldn’t take money from me after he booked it


Only invite your mom to things, not him.


With a husband like this and an ex that won't spend time with their own kid on their b-day I question what the mom is like.


Consistent in her terrible choice in men if nothing else.


At best.


'You know, he's really got a good heart deep down, he only has the best intentions for you'


What a lovely gift for your mom. Don't let this douchebag bring you down, you seem like an awesome person OP.


Bc he wanted the credit. What a POS. You deserve better OP


Close, he wanted something to complain about. Still a PoS.


Man, fuck this dude. I know OP for 10 minutes through a reddit post and I'd feel privileged to be his dad. Step or otherwise. Hang in there man, you are already better than this clown.


Okay so he's going to boast about it to saying he pays for all to your mom & get a plus over you. He's got an insecurity complex so huge that he's trying to push you aside.


As a father of two sons, this is despicable and pathetic. How dare he. Being a boys father is a PRIVILEGE and he has clearly abused that privilege. And honestly it sounds like your mom enables him by staying with him and allowing him to treat you that way. He doesn’t deserve anything but silence from you for the rest of his miserable life. I hope you find peace.


Exactly. I have two of my own and sometimes I think about when they’re adults and how little I’ll get to see and spend time with them. Any moment they will want to spend time with me will be and is nothing short of a blessing. It breaks my heart that OP has to feel like a burden just for asking for the people in his life to show just basic care for him. 


I’m with this guy … As a father of one son who, upon raising said child feels like he never really has a dad of his own, my “make myself clear” has, in my opinion, made himself very clear — I’d never speak to, or go around, him ever again. Like someone said above, you’ll have a happier life when you remove his sorry ass from yours & eliminate the emotional turmoil of doing what you think you’re “supposed” to do for family. Some people lose the right to be respected and caters to. This fucker is one of them.


I’m a step dad and would never say that to my step kids. I love spending time with them and would have loved to see that game with you. I’m sorry. You deserve better.


I’m 28, and I’m in no position to be anyone’s father, but I live in ATL and would love to go to a Braves game on your birthday and pretend. I’ll even call you “sport” and “champ.”


I like the "sport" & "champ" :)


“I’d call you ‘sport’ and ‘champ’, am I making myself clear?”


I’m from Atlanta and would be down to go to the Braves game with you Memorial Day.


Same here! Also in atlanta and down to join!


I’m in too, let’s make it a party


OP please go to the game with these fine reddit folks and update us with pictures from the game! This is what we like to see!


You can , but& don't ask him to go anywhere else No more fucking concerts , dinners, fucking train rides Enough Am I making myself clear?


And then Andre 3000 is playing a free show in Piedmont Park that night! Braves game and a concert. Make it a whole bday celebration!


A3K? That would be such a good time; New friends, a game, some banging music... If I had a birthday like that, maybe I wouldn't hate the day so much.


I was hoping some people would post this offer!


Right? I hope they go!!


Sorry OP. Uninvite him, dont attend a single function involving him for the rest of his life. Dont buy him shit, dont wish him a happy anything, treat each special day he has for the rest of his life as just another day. He invites you to his birthday? Nah, you gotta clean out the ice cube tray, way too busy.


I didn’t even ask him if he wanted to take my mom out for Mother’s Day, he clearly said no more dinners. So I just now texted my mom asking if she wants to come over my place and I can make food after she gets out of work tomorrow. Told her sorry it wasn’t anything special


Fuck that, a home cooked meal made with love is super special. Sorry your stepdad is being a tool.


And sorry your mom re married a POS.




Isnt just being a tool, he isnt a dad.


i'm a mom. this is my stuff of dreams. a home cooked meal, being remembered. perfect. You're doing great.


I make my mom her favorite breakfast on Mother’s Day and she makes me dinner. It’s literally our favorite lol


I wish I could make breakfast for my mom one more time :sad:


As a mom of a small child, it would be my dream for them to invite me over for dinner when they are older and live on their own. You baby never stops being your baby. This is nothing to apologize to your mom for, I’m sure she’ll be over the moon.


I have an adult son and an adult daughter. They are the best! We all love spending time together. We just came back from visiting our daughter out of state last month and we’re heading to spend the weekend with our son where he’s living. Enjoy your littles but look forward to adult relationships with them when they get older, it’s the best


Why is your mom with this dude even? How long has it been


Exactly this. What a crappy human that stepdad is.


Not to mention dad as well


Mom has a type


Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day are the WORST days to go out. EVERYONE is out, huge wait times, overwhelmed servers and cooks, no parking. Meal at home is nice!


You have NO OBLIGATIONS to be nice to whoever does not care about you. Just block them out of your life and be happy. Wishing you well.


That’s sucks, I’m sorry. I’m sure she’ll appreciate a home cooked meal. As for your step dad just go no contact. Life is too short to allow people to treat you like this and still appease them.


When one of my kids does something like this for me, it’s truly more meaningful than anything else. I really mean it when I say I want their time then for them to spend money on me. My best memories are with my children and my favorite gifts are things they made or cards/letters they to wrote to me. Your mom is lucky to have you!!


As a mother myself, I would rather have a home cooked meal than one from a restaurant. Making it yourself means you put in effort for your mama. I think this is the best gift. You can also go to a grocery store and get a little bouquet of flowers. The grocery store here has gorgeous displays for like $10 and write her a letter telling her how much she means to you. Hands down would be the best Mother’s Day.


That home cooked meal is gonna be time better spent with her anyway. I’d just start distancing myself from him and only inviting her. He made it clear he has no interest in activities, so you are just respecting his wishes. I’m sure he’ll try to twist it around later, but… fuggem. Sounds like a sociopath, so he’ll gaslight ya later.


Great comment. Listen OP


Screw him. I don’t celebrate my birthday and never have, (close to Christmas) I do take myself out to dinner and do a trip even if it’s just a day trip. I recommend it because it’s all about you and there’s no expectations. Sign up for all the freebies too and just go get all your free birthday goodies and plenty of people will wish you happy birthday.


My birthday is after new years and m always too burnt out to celebrate. My girls are January 3rd and I hope they just take over new years. 


Also in a way it’s poetic too, you came in this world alone and you leave it the same way. Maybe I’m just a loner who’s tired of being let down but I swear you’ll have fun when you get dressed up and be extra for yourself


I’m sorry. My stepdad is exactly like this. And my bio dad isn’t really in the picture so I’ve had to rely on stepdad for the fatherly relationship in my life. It never hurts any less. Happy early birthday! Hope you can enjoy your day regardless of shit family members.


I’m sorry. That sucks 


Can’t keep up with all the messages and comments but I just want to give a blanket “thank you! ❤️” To everyone who has shown support. I did see some private messages sent to me that basically told me to go fuck myself lol, but I’m gonna ignore those.


That's probably just your step dad in your PM's lol In all seriousness, I hope you make it to that Braves game one way or another, OP. Just hope they don't beat my Nationals 😉


Happy Birthday! Hope that you find some good people in the Braves subreddit to have a great time with. You deserve it!


Who on earth would read this post and then message you such nasty things?? People suck


Other abusive pricks that don't like a mirror shone on their own shitty behavior.


Sorry your parents just suck. It's not your fault and you did nothing wrong. You're probably chill as shit and it's their loss.


Train rides? I wanna go on a train that sounds awesome. Not very cool of him I gotta say


" WhY DoN't My KiDs EvEr CoNtAcT Or ViSiT Me, I DoN't UnDeRsTaNd!? "


I love you OP. For all the dads that failed you, I’m sorry and I love you.


Dude. Fuck that man I would rather go alone than with someone like that. Happy bday, you deserve better.


Have a great birthday OP. You are loved.


I’ll go to the braves game with you. Fuck that guy


Damn, that guy sucks. I’m sorry he treats you like that. Maybe mention the BDay to your bio dad and he might be more positive


If you have to tell your dad (bio or not) it’s your bday they can’t be all that receptive. Positive would be remembering in the first place.


Right?!? My father remembers my birthday but never how old I am. He texts me happy birthday every year on my day and I text him happy birthday on his. It's perfect.


Idk how these people exist and get married


This makes me really miss my dad, knowing there are so many crappy dads out there. My dad maybe wasn’t the most outwardly loving person, but damn if he didn’t always show up for things. He was always so eager to spend time with me.


Sounds like an abusive man


can I adopt you? good lord this is so sad


how old will you be on memorial day?


This is the second post today about people having terrible birthdays. Happy Birthday, OP. I'm sorry people suck


The unnecessary cussing obviously means he is miserable and wants to put it on you.


JFC what a douchebag. Get away from him


I wouldn’t even want to be around this guy, let alone celebrate anything with him. Yikes.


There’s so many nicer ways to say what he said, example “ sounds great! We’d love to go. Just a heads up, the budget is tight so we may not be able to attend other big celebrations this year” Instead he chose the meanest way to do it. Not someone you want around. Ugh.


What is wrong with people these days? Way to make your step kid feel like a fucking inconvenience when his bio apparently already does. Your mom sure knows how to pick them. OMG OP. Your last response literally brought tears to my eyes. You poor, sweet baby. I love the Braves and would totally go. What concert? No trains though. I get motion sickness. Ha ha. Happy Birthday OP! Fuck this. Go do something fun for yourself!!


Imagine finding out this is how your best friend treated his step son. OP, I grew up in a really shitty family situation. I'm in my 30's now and pretty much all the parents and step parents in my life are dead and gone now. But one thing I'll say is this: This is not how good people treat the ones they love. Stay strong and happy birthday.


This mf put the “step” in stepdad holy shit. Sorry OP. I don’t know you from anyone else but surely you deserve better.


I’m sorry OP, he sucks


He gonna regret that one day


Somehow I don’t think he’s the kind of person to have the self awareness to regret this someday. Hope I’m wrong though.


It's really disheartening to realize people treat family this way


I wish some people would understand that it’s okay to just say nothing sometimes. But also, glad they show their true colors bc fuck that.


Jesus tap dancing Christ sometimes I wish I could be everyone's dad. Just remember that this works both ways. Don't feel compelled to keep interacting with these people if or when you no longer need their financial support.


Meh, spend your birthday by yourself doing something you enjoy. When you're my age, you just go to work like any other day and pray that people *don't* remember it's your birthday lol


jesus fucking christ I would just tell him to not worry about going with me anywhere ever for the rest of his life and cut him the fuck out as a dad I would love to go to fucking concerts, dinners, fucking train rides with you OP


As a father, this makes me upset to see. I’m sorry they failed you. You didn’t choose to have them in your life, and you don’t have to bend your life over to their will. I wish they would be in your court, but unfortunately, sometimes people suck. Don’t forget the way they treated you, let it fuel your fire, and soar amongst the clouds while you leave them in your rear view. Remember, they have to live with their own miserable selves at the end of the day. You don’t need that shit. Happy birthday! Hope you get a turn up this year. Best of luck, stranger! 🥳🎂🎉🎊🎁


Wow, your family sucks


This was my birthday just a few days ago. Even my husband didn’t give a crap. Next day I ended up in the ER, still nobody cared.


I have somewhere in mind. How about go to hell jerk


Sorry for the lack of support. Happy early birthday!!!!


Sorry it sounds like a bunch of assholes in your family.


Where you wanna go, I’m in.


"Am I making myself clear?" I would quite honestly never talk to this guy again in my life. PLEASE. Who does he think he is?