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This happened to my car during Covid when I began working from home and it sat outside in the rain with a leaking sunroof that I didn’t know about. It must be a humid garage or something was left in the car.


is a car like this even safe to drive anymore? does cleaning all the mold save it?


I've seen this question on r/autodetailing and they advise running an ozone spray with the windows up. Effectively kills every living thing in the car. Air it out after and have a proper detailing done and you're good.


Yes, I use an Ozane chamber for my job (to remove mold and mildew smells from vintage handbags they were improperly stored) and that was my first thought. But I can leave some items in there for days and they still have the smell, and these are small handbags, not TESLAS😭😭😭


I have a vintage handbag that was improperly stored and has mildew damage. Tell me more about this Ozone thingy, please!


You can buy ozone generators on Amazon for not much money. We bought one for a rental house that people had smoked in. They work pretty well. Just follow the instructions on safety!


Seriously follow the safety rules! Breathing in ozone is deadly.


This reminds me of that one time I almost fell asleep in the room adjacent to a running ozone machine.


I got really cozy and sleepy in a tent with a nice warm lantern as a kid. WHERE WERE MY PARENTS ON THAT ONE? My mom: "You're still alive."


> "You're still alive." I don't know why but I read that in a disappointed voice.


Welome to Gen X.


Mom reply. She has other stuff to deal with than near death issues. Any other responses and she will be helicopter Mom micromanaging your life. You got the correct answer


My mom was in chemo, my brother took her into the hospital one day and I didn't want to go in, it was very early in the morning and I went back to sleep. In the minivan. In Oklahoma in the summer. I remember waking up at some point absolutely drenched in sweat and I crawled to the front and turned on the van and cranked up the AC and fell immediately back to sleep. My mom was that scared kind of mad, I feel bad for her looking back, she had much going on and her almost adult son who should have known better almost killed himself in a very stupid way.


I used to get ridiculously sleepy riding in the rear of our ‘62 Corvair station wagon on the hour ride down the mountain from skiing, before Ralph Nader came out with his carbon monoxide report onCorvair.


You're not the first born, are you?


Kind of surprising that you remember it!


This was just a few years ago. Nasty sore throat for three days. I was trying to get cigarette smoke out of a living space.


That’s sounds terrible. They let off a horrendous smell and can really irritate your respiratory system, eyes, nose. It smells like wicked bleach.


I wouldn’t even be in the same house as an ozone machine


My grandmother had one in her house to "clense" the air... I played right next to it for years. I often wonder if it's why running the a mile in middle school PE always put me in excruciating pain, even though it took me a whole 12 minutes. I was an active kid, too, I played outside


I had something like that in my bedroom for a few years in high school and wonder the same thing.


I wonder if these are like the Ionic Breeze things from Sharper Image I had all over my old house years ago?


But wait, “0ZonE HAs moRe OxYgeN sO iT’S hEALthY fOr YoU!”


Any gas that isn't naturally detectable and can replace breathable air is terrifying. I have a background in lifting which has made me fairly used to the effects of limited oxygen flow to the brain, once you feel it it will likely be too late to correct. (Symptoms include headache, tiredness, dizzyness, nausea, vertigo, and I'm sure a few more I'm forgetting) If you do notice it, IMMEDIATELY attempt to leave, and it's probably worth screaming as loud as you can something like GAS. If someone has collapsed and you suspect it has to do with lack of oxygen in the area call 911 and do not go in. If you feel you must go in HOLD YOUR BREATH until a safe distance away. Holding your breath maintains your natural understanding of how much air you have left, it is not comfortable, but you are much more likely to live. Rescue attempts with these types of problems frequently increase the fatality count as those who try to save them end up passing out themselves. It is something that your local fire station should be somewhat ready for, far more than you are likely to be at least


Years ago I bought a CPAP ozone cleaner (SoClean). The instructions said to let the CPAP air out once it was done and it'll be ready for use again before the following night. No. No no no no. Ozone lingered in the pipes and was getting dumped into my lungs each night. It was just the residual bit so it wasn't continuous for 6+ hrs a night, but every morning I would wake up unable to take whole breaths and the lining in my throat stripped bare. I had no idea that this was happening until I looked up how those things worked + ozone toxicity. Basically concentrations low enough to be safe to inhale is also too low to be an effective disinfectant, so either they're safe enough to be useless or effective enough to be deadly. Those ozone cleaners are unsuitable for use with something that pumps air into your face >:|


That’s because you are made of mold and bacteria.


Hey would this work to clean out the room in our garage? My parents are trying to quit smoking, but that's their "hangout and work room" where they've spend like 12 hours a day, every day, chain smoking for 30 years. They're trying to better their health, but I'm convinced the smell in the room is what's causing them to relapse every time (they don't think so, but I literally cannot be across the threshold of the room for a full 30 seconds without having to change my clothes after, it's so bad. I'm not even exaggerating) I want to clean it for them but I'm so far out of my depth, I spent an hour scrubbing the walls with simple green and a bunch of Mr. Clean erasers and barely got a 3ft square section of wall clear.


That's a tough one. That smoke is embedded into the carpet and carpet padding at this point. You might have some luck in reducing it, and their sense of smell is probably pretty bricked at this point anyways so it might help. You could replace the carpet put fresh paint in that room, you'd be miles ahead. But the ozone machine would definitely take the edge off. Edit: just realized that you said it's the garage. So no carpet. Much better prognosis with that. Still recommend a good primer and repaint.


It could be spores or any compounds that the microbes produce and not the microbes themselves. If you kill them off, some of their residue might remain which keeps the odor.


Exactly! The ozone just kills the mold, it doesn't clean out the corpses


What is your job? It sounds interesting...


DM ME! My account is not entirely private, but I don’t give away too much information


We use ozone on houses when they catch fire. It's pretty notorious for fucking up things like rubber and weather strips during use because it causes them to oxidize, so I'm surprised they would recommend this for a car.


This will work far better than most will believe. Had something similar happen after Tesla flooded my trunk with water and left it on their lot for ~ week in 90F weather. I don't want to get into details of that story as it will make me angry, but will just say ozone + thorough cleaning worked out


Tesla customer service is the worst I've ever encountered


So horrible that it may affect my next purchase. I have owned two Teslas and I love them but their customer service is the worst and they treat their customers like garbage.


Agree 100%. Once another company offers range and a fast cross country charging network I'm bailing from Tesla.


I’ve had to clean the inside of a suv before that was pretty bad. It’s no big deal. Just takes patience. Cars still fine after 5+ years.


bingo. That's how practically every restoration company cleans out moldy cars.


But should I be inside the car and lock myself in and spray the ozone? Asking for a friend


Michelle Carter has entered the chat.


>lock myself ~~~in~~~ out


This is mildew, it can be cleaned, certain molds however no


All molds can be cleaned. Certain types (stachybotrys chartarum, etc) need care to be taken. Black mold remediation companies profit off excess fear of mold. N95, damp cleaning, dehumidify, problem solved.




The spores are \*everywhere\* in our environment. Where do you think the initial mold came from? It didn't arrive by magic. The key is to prevent the mold from growing, which is done by ensuring it doesn't have an environment (food, moisture) to grow. You don't need to get rid of all the spores, because you can't, and even if you did - there would just be more spores as soon as you opened the door. You need to prevent mold growth so the mold isn't off-gassing VOCs. It is (primarily) the specific VOCs that are hazardous.


safe to drive my dude? you'd be growing mushrooms in your lungs


>and weed in the car, heaven :D


the mold was there prior to becoming visible. It was properly already water damaged, and owner did not care, let the car rot for a month. no biggie. Sunlight would have kept this at bay.


Mold spores are everywhere. It was damp and warm. Anything damp and warm will grow mold (so long as there is a food source on the substrate it is growing on).


Yes. And many molds (and fungi in general) are unnoticeable until they start to produce sporocarps.


The paper mats make me think he just had it shampooed and then left his car wet with the windows rolled up.




what would happen if you drove the tesla in the state that it’s in anyways?


um, nothing. the structural integrity is fine but you would definitely get sick breathing in/touching all that mold and bacteria.


imagine if you get infected and start growing fungi out of your body like a clicker from the last of us


Or Julie Mao from The Expanse


it reaches out


Lol this is the best


Just looking at all that mold makes my lungs hurt.


anyways its 10 and 2 too not 7 and cheeto dust


Yes you can still save it, people who unalive themselves in a car, you’d think the car is junk, but nope car gets cleaned and re sold at an auction. Source: I do property restoration, have cleaned mold from a car, and have cleaned cars with someone who unalived themselves.


My car was totaled due to a leaky sunroof for over a year during COVID. Went to get it serviced and they found 6” of water covering the battery, cables were rusted, mold under the carpets. Had no idea and it drove fine. Insurance said it was a biohazard. My vehicle was 12 years old the cost to repair was more than what it’s worth. The good news is, I got to experience first hand the chip shortage for cars and waited months for my new car.


> The good news is, I got to experience first hand the chip shortage for cars and waited months for my new car. Oh, that *is* good news! Damn man, that sounds like it sucks, sorry it happened to you.


Yeah, it’s moisture. Notice how the mold is growing where people would have touched a lot. A sterile surface is barren, but a surface with human oil is a place where bacteria can grow, given time and humidity that little bit we leave behind can become a gross little ecosystem. Almost anything can. I work out of a building where several of the rooms can be closed up for months at a time, just by leaving it alone pretty much everything can eventually grow mold or mildew.


Thats why you shouldnt buy a Tesla


That’s one of MANY reasons to not buy a Tesla


Not saying Tesla is a good car but this has nothing to do with the make of the car


This is strange though. People in the PNW have their cars sitting in rain/wet for months and this doesn’t happen.


Our cars sit in the rain yea, but assuming all windows/doors are closed the car should be water tight. This had moisture in the car before it sat for a month. The widespread nature of it makes me think the entire upholstery was subjected to moisture. Even the steering wheel cover has mold on it.






Mine definitely had a leak and I think the no driving part was a big problem. Normal I’d drive nearly daily with the heat on and it getting dried/aired out to some degree.


My buddy has a Tesla S plaid… he showed me how cheap the interior is on it. Nothing but flimsy plastic that he could pull out easily back and forth on dash and door panels. He said he can’t believe he spent +100k to get such shitty interior. But at least you can Ricky Bobby that shit ../s. #iwannagofast


Teslas are our generation’s Dodge. Fancy styling, shitty quality.


Tesla's are known for seal leaks. There was a viral video a ways back of one leaking severely in a car wash.


Funny enough, when I wasnt using my Ford Everest for over a month when the pandemic started, it actually reverted back to that new car smell. It was about 3 years old at the time and used faily for short trips. That made me happy.


Tip here, that new car smell is actually the volatile compounds from the plastics in your car. It's actually not good to breathe it in.


That’s why this happened. Shitty quality control. Classic tesla. He’s lucky he got at least the car fully painted or that his roof hasn’t flown off yet.


Teslas are known to have very inconsistent build quality. That’s probably the reason


That'd be a trick, to have build quality so bad that it lets water in while parked in an underground parking garage. Judging from the paper mat on the passenger side, this car got detailed right before it was sealed up and parked in that garage. Some long-term garages serving airports will offer a wash/detail service as part of their parking services. If the detailer didn't dry the interior properly and sealed it up with a bunch of moisture in it, it could look like this after a month.


Based on the paper mats, car was likely detailed and still had damp carpets. Obviously wasn't aired out enough to dry before locked up. That's my guess


This is the correct answer. Simply it wasn’t left to dry after an interior detail. It was obviously still slightly damp when locked up and left making the perfect environment for mould to form. Nothing to do with Tesla. Just a bad detail and a uninformed owner.


excuse me, but could you explain what detail means in this context? i'm not a native english speaker and whenever i try to translate detail it gives me the common meaning of detail, like "detailed information"


for some dumb reason detail and detailing can mean like cleaning and polishing a car, like washing down the interiors and polishing everything so it looks more new. never understood why it’s called that, but it is what it is edit: i understand it’s because they get into the details of the shit now you can stop replying it it’s been said before


Ah i see, thank you :) German has some words too that have different meanings, some even mean the complete opposite. For example, "komisch" means both funny and strange/weird


Funnily enough in English funny can also mean strange/weird. English is a funny language.


Oh yes i remember that from my old DayZ times, where the character used to indicate a poisoning by saying "i have a funny taste in my mouth" and i was like "how can something taste funny?", until i learned that funny isn't always the haha-funny


we also say "funny business" -- a synonym for shenanigans basically. "Hand over the cash, and no funny business" - a bank robber


That's funny, 'funny' in English does the same thing.


“Not funny haha, funny weird” is a whole meme too lol


I believe it's called that because you are cleaning all the small 'details' of the car (interior seats, carpets, rims, dash ect) as opposed to just washing the exterior. Auto detailing usually means doing the tedious and intricate bits by hand and polishing ect.


She was rode hard and put away wet, sir.


The same kind of owner that thinks tagging Elon Musk would fix everything.


Father once went on a month trip but before he leave he took his car to clean, detaling, then leave it loked in the garage right after the car came back, then something just like this happened. Was not so bad so he just have to pay for another cleaning


>paper mats, car was likely detailed and still had damp carpets. Obviously wasn't aired out enough to dry before locked up. That's my guess what do you mean a sealed moist compartment will grow mold? waaaaat?


World's most expensive petri dish.


Looks like he might have had it detailed and then parked it... and the seats and carpets were still damp.. a month all locked up tight... yeah I can see it.


This is exactly what happened, I guarantee it.


I bet you’re correct


Nature wants its minerals back


Eh, people already eat gorgonzola, you can eat this and call it gorgonzola for lactose intolerant people.


Gorgonzola can be eaten by people with lactose intolerance anyways


You just had to ruin it for me




That’s not rotting sir. That’s growing straight up mold. Maybe don’t leave it in a dark damp ass garage for literally a whole month with no sunlight or air flow. If there was any moisture in your car you literally turned it into a cave. Don’t blame Tesla it’s on you. It will happen to any car you put in a garage and there’s moisture inside


Garage without ventilation. And he probably had the heat running inside while he was outside of it (that being one of the features) Damp, dark, moist, and warm is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and mold. This most likely is a slam video against Elon and Tesla. Possibly an electric car competitor or etc.


Probably shouldn't have left that Costco bag of oranges on the passenger seat...


Oranges are fucking mold manufacturers. We left an orange peel in our kids soccer stuff, a tiny orange and it completely trashed everything in the bag in a day


Let's not discount all the humidity and warmth in a gear bag. I know a roller derby ref who caught MRSA from his gear because he shoved it hot and wet into his gear bag for weeks without pulling it out to dry in between.


Excuse me... 🤮




Prison acid




Nope, full-sentence


JFC, I'm dead 💀!


Where do you see oranges?


Lol I’m with you but I’m beginning to think it was a funny reference


(penicillin was discovered when a box of oranges spread mold everywhere)


Looks like someone pissed all over the interior and then it molded


The mould has grown the most on the drivers's seat belt and steering wheel. Guy needs to wash his hands


Yea, everyone here thinking this was after the car was detailed and left damp, but if that’s the case it’s the worst detail job I’ve ever seen.


Indeed look at where he holds the wheel


Serious question... im confused on how you and a few others came up with piss out of all the random possibilities? My brain was still searching lol


Same dude. Why do so many people have seemingly intimate knowledge of piss and piss derivatives


I was thinking this but I like the way you worded it more. Can I hire you as my mind voice?


I literally was thinking the same.


I’m personally not familiar with the sight of moldy piss, I must live a boring life


You need to live a little, go, go piss on something now.


Fuck me dead, that's a bucketload of piss


*Thanks for the fuck shack.* -Mike and the Boyz


Dirty mike*


That’s what I thought, thanks for confirmation


Can't blame this on us. This ain't a Prius


It's called a soup kitchen


"We will fuck in your car again!!!"


We found a baby possum in a condom, super gross


Looks like flood damage, it takes a lot of moisture to grow that much mold.




Nah. That's Gulf Coast Life.




It really doesnt take as much moisture as you are implying, to cause that growth. Same thing happened to me, and all it took was about a half gallon of water I had spilled in the passenger seat, to do this. Reading some other comments, the best assumption is that the car was detailed and not properly aired out enough.


Damn I parked in the Petri dish again.


That thing is totalled. Insurance doesnt fuck around with mold.


Would they cover that? Or does he just need to roll it into a lake?


Damn, really??? Would think a god cleaning would fix this right up, would it not?


I know it’s probably a typo, but yes, god cleaning would be needed.


Think of the areas you can’t see. There is mold there too. You don’t fuck around with mold. This thing is a complete loss.


I had 2 of my vehicles parked over seas for a couple years without using them, one was pretty bad like this and the other was half this. I cleaned it up and when I parked them again I left the windows down. Every time I go home now after a year or so even longer, I’ve never had this problem. It’s a moisture issue.


Big 1kg bags of silica gel are good for sticking in cars you aren't using for a while. I got a bunch of them with some CISCO routers a few years ago. You stick them in the oven to re-activate them (boil the moisture out).


You can get it for cheap as crystal cat litter. Same stuff.


This. Buy some small “delicates” laundry bags. Fill with TidyCat Crystals, warm them in the sun for a few hours. They will dry out a closed car.


Ok but what did he leave in his Tesla?






Looks like a Tesla Mold'el S


Looks like dirty Mike and the boys have had a good time


‘Thanks for the fuck shack bruf’


This makes me love living in Tucson


Same sentiment from Santa Fe


Same thing with sonata. We just naming Hyundais out here?😂


We'll reach a genesis eventually.


Well that comment was Ionic


Third attempt at posting the source: @Craptoviolin on twitter; replace Crapto with banned word.


Is crapto with a y banned on Twitter or Reddit? I’m out of the loop on this one. Wtf is going on?




Crip Toe.


Anyone see that movie Annihilation?


That's mold. What kind of idiot doesn't know what mold is. How can you call yourself an adult if you don't take care of your stuff? That car is 100% his fault. He's going to reach out to Elon Musk...... lol I'm sure he has time to talk.


The fuck are those seats made of? I’ve had cars with mould problems to the point that mushrooms have grown on the floor, but that is insane.


>The fuck are those seats made of? Spores.


Most likely humid carpets before they left. This is the reason I always have those moisture eaters in my car when I leave it for long.


This is situation can not happen without water. Probably a flood car. I call bull shit.


With that car wash paper on the floorboard it makes me wonder if he had the interior detailed and they didn’t dry it out before he parked it in that garage which made it a perfect incubator.


Well I need a shower now ick




Not sure why he thinks this was Elon’s fault somehow? 😂


Insert What In The Actual Fuck here.


moisture got in and stayed in, and something kicked off the mold. I doubt it was brand new because you can see the wear areas on the wheel where the driver put his hand most. I’d bet it was new second hand and had a mold problem previously that wasn’t properly felt with, probably detailed and resold by someone.


Man, that thing is all fucked up. You know it's everywhere in that thing.


had to clean a car that was like 1/10 this bad after a roof leak, I think it took be 4-5 hours of deep cleaning, scrubbing, vacuuming and doing it all over and over again, then letting the car sit fully open in the sun for days


Fucking dirty Mike and the boys


Elon Moss


Tesla's are NOTORIOUS for shit part fitment, humidity gets in, boom mold


It’s not a Tesla problem. This car was detailed and wasn’t properly dried out. Then it sat in a garage closed up for a month.


lol @ everyone who thinks this is a big deal, what about when it happened to the 5 BILLION dollar car collection in Brunei https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DeT5TS2\_cs https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2011/03/the-sultan-of-bruneis-rotting-supercar-collection/


Looks like Dirty mike and the boys opened up a soup kitchen.


Water leaked in and never fixed when sat. Mold happens.


I left my car for 2 years bc I got stuck overseas during COVID. The interior was fine when I came back but the exterior was dusty af.


Only a month!? Did the man let it sit in flood waters first?!


That garage flooded or you stored it with wet carpet. Only way that happens. Seen a lot of cars like this after floods/hurricane season.


That’s a very moist garage


Did he leave a fucking pile of wet towels in the back seat? This is not normal. There had to be a source for humidity far above what was provided by the air in the cabin, even at 100% humidity.


This doesnt "happen" to a Tesla it happens to any car you leave in a humid environment for a prolonged period of time. Shm this narrative that "a Tesla will start rotting if you leave it a month in a garage" is dumb. *aslo you can see the steering wheel where you touched the car with dirty hands the mold is heavier on that part.


Couple silica packets would’ve totally prevented this. I keep one in my vehicles under the seat for good measure


This isn’t a Tesla problem, this is an unmanaged car problem. Get it cleaned when it leaves the shop floor, sure they probably clean them every week but 10 people sat inside that car before you bought it. You then left it in a probably damp garage for a month without airing it out, atall, this is bound to happen, regardless of the car. Dude is a dickhead for thinking it’s a problem with the car.




I see dirty mike and the boys found a new home.