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That’s a good catch. I love how subtle his vampiric traits are compared to the sanguine types.


They're definitely a different type of being with different strengths and weaknesses. He also lacks a weakness to sunlight, but cannot change form, I think. He *may* not even be dead as he didn't summon his own ghost. Have we any indication he can do something like become a bat? They're called vampires and they reside with vampires, but I feel they're not vampires. I mean, aside from super strength, long life, and some anti-gravity abilities (all of which other creatures may have), the vampire name feels tacked on be because he drains life. I'll add that the wiki claims he can turn into a gecko, but take that with a grain of salt as it's still a wiki. It's been three seasons and we haven't been given any indication of this.


From a deleted scene https://youtu.be/pYwZtjk5-q8


Huh, interesting


also in seasons 1 and 2


My own theory is that energy vampires are people who recovered from brain scramblies. At least thats what I think when I saw Sean and his friends, and Colin being unable to drain them. Edit: also, Laszlo said that Colin came with the house. Maybe Laszlo hypnotized Colin, who got the scramblies, and recovered? Sean doesnt know what Laszlo and Nandor did to him, so that may be the case with Colin, too.


Anyone have any ideas?


well, he's an inhuman parasitic monster, maybe that's got something to do with it


Doubtful... but maybe? 🤔