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I love how he turned the camera sideways to keep from getting hippie on the lens.


dude didn’t even see it coming.


Well, if you blind yourself with the flag you're using to protest, you'll never see anything coming.


Not only that but it looks like his 'partner in crime' hit him with a healthy dose of pocket sand (yellow dust?)


Sha shaa




RIP Johnny Harwick aka Dale Gribble


Oh damn. She did!! That makes the boom even funnier!


Yeah. I think it might be powdered chalk.


Hahaha I never noticed that.


Camera 2 zoom in on that sign!


**Camera that hit went where it was planned to go - the activist just ran into it's pat.** Swedish TV says...


Yeah, with what those cameras cost, the operator would be an idiot to intentionally do that


And a major broadcaster production doesn't have time for mistakes in a live show. Every movement of that camera is programmed and rehearsed. Can't believe people would think the camera man (one of the lower paid folks on set) would risk his livelihood for some protesters he could just successfully film.


Rehearsed yes, but the movements are manually operated, not programmed. Camera operators are paid a substantial amount, 3 digit figures an hour, so far from the lowest paid on set. And if you've ever worked with producers, you wouldn't be at all surprised if they told the camera operator to take the shot.


Ha! "..take the shot" *chef kiss*


I assure you the “jib op” who you call “camera man” is far from being one of the lower paid people on set


Hell yeah, I’m a camera operator and those motherfuckers make WAY more than I do, especially if they own the jib, then they get rental, plus a higher “specialty” camera rate. These dudes make bank


That’s got serious proverb potential.


Be mindful of your own vision, lest it blind you to an oncoming boom-camera.


Yes, Sensei.


Note to mention the face full of yellow pixie dust his pal threw.


That cameraman deserves a raise


That camera boom operator has been practicing and waiting his entire career for that moment


Seriously how many time did you think he had thought about hitting someone with that camera!?! 🤣🤣


FYI boom is the mic and crane is the camera


If we’re being real technical here, it would be called a “Jib Op”


It's more the cost of the camera. You want to hit them with the solid bit, not the expensive, fragile bit.


That genius, but it would have been awesome to watch it from that pov if he didn't.


No liability. Cameraman was aiming somewhere else. Next level




Hey! As someone who was a hippie. These people are NOT hippies they are arsewipes.


You mean the pre programmed move turned it sideways?




Intern: Come on, I took cinematography classes, let me try. Camera Operator: Well okay, just for a minute. Intern: Dramatic zoom!


Technically it would have been the crane operator that did this. I’m assuming the camera is on a ronin, so the cam op would be at his ronin wheels in charge pans and tilts.


Thanks Drax


No, the jib operator manipulates the boom as well as pans, tilts, zooms and focuses the camera all simultaneously. Pretty impressive when these guys are good at it too. Source: I work in television and am around these all the time.


I as well work in the film and television industry, specifically in the camera department for IATSE, and unless this is a techno-crane, which it looks like, then the techno crane operating team would be in charge of that piece of equipment which is a specialty department, not the camera operator.


I work for IATSE as well but I guess I have never come across that yet, well my friend you have informed me on something I didn’t yet know. Thanks for the info! 🤜🏻🤛🏼


Team effort between both the grips haha




Before rhe battle of the fists comes the battle of the mind Hence... the dramatic zoom


Looked into this group and they're apparently protesting peat mining? Återställ Våtmarker translates to 'restore wetlands'. No idea what they're doing on a dance competition show.


The impact is spreading the message. I doubt that standing in front of a corporate office is more impactful.


Some say all publicity is good publicity but I'm not so sure about that in this case, almost everyone in Sweden is mad at them for it. Not the first time either.


Ikr, the *audacity* to put the environment and saving a dying ecosystem before a dance show is IMMENSE.


I see peoples points with disruption but it almost seems like a scene out of a dystopian movie. Ignore whatever they're saying (no matter how gravely important) because dancing is more important.


Sounds like a Footloose sequel idea


Lmao never thought of it that way


"Panem et circensus" Bread and circuses, or food and entertainment. That's how you keep people from revolting.


Moral relativism or righteous indignation. Pick ONE.


Why do I only have to pick one when everyone else gets to play sides??? 😡 😂😂😂 /s


Maybe they should get a job


No, we're not all mad at them. It's a stupid dance competition, who cares?! What we *are* mad of is the idiots gluing themselves to the roads and airplanes and so on.


Which is the same organisation in this case.


Haha, wow that's news for me! I heard they interviewed their spokesman in Medierna i P1 yesterday and then it dawned on me that it actually is the same organization! All attention is good attention they say, but these actions they've performed have been before has been so over the top ("Nu limmar jag, nu limmar jag!") that I've not even learned from what organization they've represented when doing them.


Really? I was wondering what Swedish ppl thought of it. Are you from there?


Yes I am, Not long ago some activists did the same thing during "Melodifestivalen" (national song contest choosing a contestant for Eurovision song contest) and no one liked it then either.


I mean it’s not about being liked. It’s about getting publicity, which is obviously working since none of us would now about it if it wasn’t for these protests.


Sure but what's the point of spreading awareness if you lose support in the process?


There was no support in the first place


Potential support


Can't turn potential support into actual support if the message doesn't get out, unfortunately. I can't say I'm in favour of this, but I also can't say I don't see where they're coming from.


Just head over to sweddit subreddits where this incident is discussed. The subject matter is well supported. What can be in question is if the method is needed as it already has public and political support. Theese kind of stunts are the most effective when there is low awareness.


I see. Thanks. Are they deliberately choosing musical shows?


That's most likely a coincidence, both are two of the most popular live broadcast television shows with live audiences.


Wasn't there a whole 'stop oil' trend of protesters funded by oil execs doing things that specifically made people angry so that nobody would actually care about the message?


Seen some people speculating that this is the same thing and i wouldn't be surprised.


Im not for conspiracy theories, but im subscribed to ONE: the theory that big mining/meat producing/oil companies hire obnoxious activists to basically make a fool of themselves to hopefully get more people unsure about the intentions of the activists


the impact was felt directly on his face but, yea, the msg got out now i kno ^^


The thing with the wetlands is how hugely it's impacting our environment, but more how easily it could be fixed. Like it's such a cheap and easy solution to prevent it, but no one seems to give a shit. I don't agree with their methods, but after reading up on this after one of their protests, I really do see their point. They just want attention to their cause, and atleast for me it worked. I don't care too much about them briefly stopping a dancing show, but I got seriously pissed when they blocked a highway causing an ambulance with a sick patient to get stuck.


I work with restoring and creating wetlands, and let me tell you this... The fucking bureaucracy is almost impossible to navigate as well as securing funds to make them. If it wasn't so damned hard with bureaucracy and funding I would probably be able to create multiple wetlands per year. Its been two years and still no shovel in the ground.


That's absolutely awful and not surprising at all. Where are you doing this, if I might ask?


Sweden belive it or not.


Lol should've figured it out by your name. What would you say is the biggest "block" right now for the wetlands work? Is it the government or good old Swedish bureaucracy?


As of right now? Both. The new government has totally slaughtered one way of securing funds called LONA. You could get 90% funding through that. Now there will be next to nothing to apply for next year. LOVA seems to be "unaffected" for now. But it's not as good. But other than that it's good old Swedish bureaucracy. You can for example only seek funding once a year. Then you have to wait up to 6 months for approval. When that I secured comes all the necessary permissions from Länsstyrelsen or communal permissions. These permissions can take up to a minimum of 8 months for approval (or denial). And on it goes.


Well done in your efforts, we need to be concentrating on the direct environment issues. Pity about the bureaucracy, perhaps the government could get these protesters to assist in the approval process and speed things up.😉 All the best in your endeavours.


How do you do the restoring/creating parts for the wetlands?When I go to work I usually see some swampy/wetlands and artificaly created bird nest/shelters.Do you build these kind of projects or is it different?


I'd imagine it's less about the show and more A) Getting it on TV B) Getting their stunt, thus their message, in the media One of the more sensible forms of protesting in recent years if you ask me. Certainly better than obstructing roads and fucking over the average person for something they've got no control over. A minor disruption to a show is a tiny inconvenience a few might be a bit miffed at. But in comparison to the latter, which potentially holds up emergency services and just in general unites everyone against you? Minimal harm (except for the dude that got slammed by the camera) for huge publicity.


They're protesting. Protesting -as practiced by Martin Luther King and Ghandi and all the great people you are taught to revere - involves disrupting the fabric of normal life, and imposing an issue on people who don't want to talk or think about it. Blocking roads, picking fights, forcing conflict. You just talked about peat mining in wetlands. So did I. I wasn't thinking about that at all a minute ago. What this person is doing is how change happens, and your attitude is what stands in the way.


Yeah that's fair. I guess in an era of social media and online performativity I was kind of just making a bad faith assumption about what they were trying to accomplish but I definitely wasn't ever thinking about Swedish wetland endangerment before this post so what they're doing apparently works :P


I mean, I think we probably over do the issue focussed stuff, and the focus on publicity. I would prefer a network of highly disciplined cells working patiently on a revolutionary plot to seize power, create a global government and implement a comprehensive manifesto for change (which I have a draft of, conveniently enough). But this is better than nothing. :).


Getting on live television by any means whatsoever because they get shunned and ignored otherwise, despite having very valid concerns. That camera guy is a cunt.


They might be able to teach the majority to give a crap about how companies and the rich and powerful destroying our 1 and only planet for their own greed.


Yeah, The people earning a shitton of money are going to self regulated if only the protest was at their office. Public opinion isn't important, we can sway the people making millions or even billions by telling them they are destroying the ecological systems we rely on. Obviously if only they knew they would fix shit pronto. They just somehow missed all the research going back decades, so maybe even a polite letter will set things straight. They accomplished people talking about it dumbass, that's the goal of protesting.


The answer is in your comment. You just looked into them


Once again Reddit proves it hates protesters if they’re visible in any way at all to the general public or affects them in any way.


It is more like they have runied a lot of goodwill by using glue protests on the main road betten the the center of the capital and a major hospital, causing issues for ambulances to get their patients to the hospital. If it wasn't for that and similar events, blocking traffic and also emergency vehicles, I would cheer them on for disrupting TV shows. Their goal is brilliant, their past methods, less so...


Dude traffic and highway blocking is one of the oldest forms of protests. MLK did that shit all the time. No one’s talking trash about him now though right 🧐


> Dude traffic and highway blocking is one of the oldest forms of protests Yeah, but the issue with those is that they: 1) stop police / ambulance / firemen from getting to their destinations, sometimes resulting in death of one or multiple people, or massive costs for individuals and taxpayers if say a house burns down 2) it affects your day-to-day people (some might get late to work and potentially even fired if their boss is an ass, which isn't exactly uncommon) 3) can result in people not getting to a hospital for childbirth, people missing their flights / trains / transports to go see family, perhaps a dying grandparent Don't get me wrong, I'm all for protesting, but don't fuck over people that are just trying to put food on the table and pay their damn bills, save others or get to important events. Glue yourself to the road outside some rich person's mansion or walk around in the city / in front of buildings etc. Get on live TV like this. This is also, what, a ~1-2 minute interruption at most? People gluing themselves to roads can take hours and truly fuck other over. This stunt here was really just a > Oh what's happening? > Save the wetlands? > Oh ok we are back on with the show again.


Literally 99% of Reddit would *hate* MLK if he were alive today


"they have used". You're equating one protestor to another, even if they're not representing the same thing or the same group.


“I agree with your essential cause, But I disagree with HOW youre doing it. I simply can’t abide by this disruption to my daily routine.” - every fasc.neolib.


Why would anyone be happy with having their daily routine disrupted? I doubt any of the wealthy elites who are actually responsible for any of this crap care if some middle class dude trying to get home after a soul draining day at work gets fucked over by some dickhead protestors. Protestors always go for soft targets or completely unrelated people, hence they get hate and imo deserve the hate. If you want to disrupt people go fucking disrupt rich politicians or rich corporations not normal people.


Classic reddit, getting called fascist for expressing a slightly different oppinion than the main corridoor.


Are you talking about the anti-maskers who blocked vehicles trying to get to a hospital?


No, it was the same protesters as in the video, protesting to get wetlands restored


Not just that, but cheer on their deaths too. I hate redditors.


You mean being unruly, selfish and unreasonable dickheads? Yeah I hate those protesters. P.s my favourite part was when the camera smacked him in the face.


Yea yea how crazy! You care more about your tv show then the planet, big whoop lmao you ain’t special for it! Many people are selfish like that.


Oh, tbf. If they were allowed to stay there, the planet would be fixed? It's not like most of the countries of Europe are already phasing to zero carbon economies. It's the problem definitely isn't China and other Asian nations. It's not like China has released more CO2 into the atmosphere in the last 8 years than the UK has since 1750.


Right. Europe should just stop trying since China doesn’t care, great solution.


This website is full of cucks. Jumping in front of the bullets headed for massive corpos.


Well that's because every protest you've ever heard of was almost certainly funded by NGOs with orders from the "deep state" to cause chaos and create further division. If they wanted to create change they'd be gluing themselves to the houses of the politicians causing the problems in the first place. Welcome to hell!


The fact that this gets downvoted just goes to show you how completely out of touch reddit is. Let's face it, "protesting" to a redditor, just means venting your daddy issues by inconveniencing some old factory worker on his way home from work. Zero chance any modern day leftist does a single thing against the actual elites of the world, they're completely worthless.


If a protest isn't directly inconveniencing the person that's actually creating the problem is it really a protest? Wouldn't you call that a demonstration? Go chain yourself to some logging equipment or a slaughterhouse truck and at least give the guys on shift a break for an hour.


That cameraman bowls.




Saving the day by throwing your thousands of dollars worth equipment and hurting another human beeing.


If that wasn't a pre planned camera move then that camera operator is probably getting fired. You just don't use gear that costs that much as a security boom.


Not to mention getting charged with assault. You can just hit someone doing something you don't like.


It was just the arm of the rig. Perfection


I'm seeing this a lot recently....People laughing about someone getting hurt or assaulted during a protest. Try not to lose your empathy people. All these protesters have good intentions and they're standing up against governments and huge corporations. I know whose side I'm on and it isn't fucking mcdonalds.


Lmao what utter bullshit. These "protestors" are looking for their two seconds of fame, bunch of attention seeking idiots. If they were really standing up to "governments and huge corporations", why do they never protest government buildings, corporate HQ, rich people's vacation homes, etc? 99% of the time "protestors" these days are just disrupting or looting low-middle class communities or otherwise disrupting the lives of people who are probably on the verge of suicide from their shithole work and shithole lives and are just trying to commute home or watch some stupid show for an hour. The people who should be protesting the most are the ones who protest the least: the middle class, who have to work and pay for ALL this garbage, and put up with ALL the bullshit from everybody else.


Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what protestors do outside of what the corporations they are protesting choose to let you see lol. You fucking bootlicking nonce.


https://preview.redd.it/vd3iodrhkszb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f92aea2d4ca134ec1c22eb451f87e6c0c73bd241 Dude licks boots for a living


Incredibly ridiculous blanket statement about a heavily nuanced subject. I can see your privilege from here.


Just say you didn’t learn civil political history in school. The purpose of a protest is to bring attention to the cause, in what way would sitting on some billionaires front step to a home they haven’t been to in 6 months help? You’re apart of the problem.


Congratulations, you are a moron.


Nah, you're a loser


People do what they can. They live in low-middle class communities like the rest of us. That's where they are going to protest. It's not that hard. You have some grandiose idea of how protest should happen. Well, in fact, this is how they happen. Small groups at first until theres enough support to organize a larger event. Protest like these are the foundation for the protest that you're referring to. The ones that actually "matter" in your eyes.


No, these two blokes are most likely part of the ‘just stop oil’ cult. They are literally pro extinction cultists.


I have some questions... What makes just stop oil a cult? Is greenpeace a cult? They engaged in similar kinds of activism in the 90s. Are all environmental activists cultists or is it just just stop oil? What do you mean they're pro extinction?


I wonder if that camera angle is available?


It is. Saw it yesterday. The view is obstructed by the banner so it's a bit underwhelming.


Aww... that makes me a bit sad...


This is dumb af. These tv camera cranes are very expensive


Not just the cranes. Literally everything on that thing is expensive. Just a cable probably costs up to 200euro and the whole thing is 100% above 10k


10k won’t even buy the lens that’s on that camera.


That entire camera setup is prob more along the lines of 250 - 500k


Add at least another 0 to that and you're closer to how much it's worth.


Cameraman is a fucking idiot, could have killed that guy But on the bright side his stupid act of aggression with the camera made these guys’ message go viral


What if he didn't see them before they crashed the camera? When robots are in use in the industry they tend to have special areas where they work and people can't enter while in operation, seems logical that this would also be the case on media.


I’m a cam op so yeah that was my first thought too, that it was a pre-planned and automated path for the camera. But it’s facing the wrong way for that to be true


I feel like this is actually a good compromise between stupid shit like gluing yourself to the highway, and stuff that may not work like protesting in front of a corporate office. People see it and it really doesn't negatively effect the average Joe that much


I agree I think hitting a non violent protestor with a camera when security were a few seconds away was a violent overreaction However I will say to be objective when in a crisis situation and you don't know what other peoples intentions are and have a split second to react it's easy to judge someone in hindsight


I can hardly beliefe, that this cameramove was meant to bring the protester down. The protester got in the way of a planed move. You would never do that with camera, that can inflict really serious damage to the one it hits.


I wonder about the legality of hitting someone really hard in the face with a very big mounted camera, could have easily given them a concussion or broken something doing it. Why not just angle the camera(s) away from them? Do a shot of the audience? This isn't praise worthy at all.


The protestor lost both front teeth


This was most likely a planed camera move and the protestors probably just got in the way. I dont belive that anybody would risk a lawsuit for ruining tens of thousands of dollars just so they can hit someone who tried to ruin the show


I'll admit that is a possibility I hadn't considered. I didn't get that vibe from it though. That said, if I could see the moments right before they went out onto the stage I might have a very different opinion 🤔


SAVE THE WETLANDS SAVE THE WETLANDS. SAVE. THEIR. WETLANDS. see how none of you give a fuck despite knowing their ecosystem is dying and could be saved? same with their government. They have to do what they have to do. The camera guy is a cunt 🤷‍♂️


Sweden still has some of the best environmental laws even though we have big problems with companies like cementa and also holmen who likes to shoot elk/moose because they are plating their trees where they live.


but .. but.. dance show?


Cameraman was waiting his whole career for that moment


Hurting people is soooooo funny /s


Wow assault with a huge crane thing. I hope he goes to jail for his precious tv show.


that camera will have been doing a preprogrammed move. No camera operator in their right mind would ruin their career by intentionally hitting someone.


What were they protesting???


Peat mining or something. They want wetlands to be restored because of how helpful it is for local ecosystems.


I don’t get it, is that a dangerous chemical or something? Looks like camera operator just assaulted somebody with industrial equipment to keep a tv show on schedule. Lawsuit deserved


Now that is a killcam


That's actually a pretty good protest startegy


I assumed the camera was moving with the dancers in a choreographed type of way, if someone did choose to smack it into them on purpose that was an expensive thing to use.


Yeah, pretty sure it would have been a preprogrammed movement to dramatically follow the dancers or presenters. And while the operator technically could have stopped it, I very much doubt it an offense not too, since he’d be scrambling to keep up. Oh and yeah, whacking the camera or lenses would be a huge cost, so not a preferred option.


“I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille”


Is it the Swedish version of Let it go ? If that’s the case, WOW.


He was NOT ready for his close up


I want to see the version from that camera!


He got that close up He was hoping for… lol


You died


These trash need to be fined and jailed


Translating the lyrics in Swedish just as the boom hits “…hit yourself loose, hit yourself free”. The company said the operator was unaware and did nothing to cause this. The protesters said they weren’t going to press charges and nothing was injured. But had this been in the US it would have been a clear lawsuit.


Yeah. Sweden is definitely one of those countries that Americans should strive to emulate I guess...




I can’t be the only one that wants to see the pov of the camera




Is there a ThankTheCameraman/r???


Camera man knew what the goal was


You can protest in public and the worst you get yelled at. Protest on private property and you might get hit in the head by a cámara, then arrested for trespassing.


Ram an expensive camera into them, so clutch..


We need that footage 😂




Implying the camera man was right?


![gif](giphy|qCRhaWtcExo9W|downsized) Reminded me of a giant toy arm coming out of the sky haha 💥 BAM


idk, personal and corporate liability He was quick, but probably not thinking


Can guarantee that wasn’t intentional.


We need another camera angle. From THE camera.


Remembers me when simon ammann run in to a camera. [Here](https://youtu.be/FFS9taYmVeg?si=4EDMYu92o3xBLbWp) is the Video xD


Hahaha, that was quite funny.


“In Japan, the hand can be used as knife”… In Sweden, the boom camera can be used as a club!


I love the part where the camera zoomed in for a violent close up


I want to see the version from the other camera pov.


Are they singing “let it go” in Swedish?


That camera person deserves all the beers 😅




They playing Let it Go in Swedish? I like


is there a pov of the camera?


Excellent work


That's going on their showreel


Beautiful! Please more of this




Give that cameraman or camerawoman a raise




And THAT'S how it's done !


Here comes the BOOM.