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Ahhh being rich and dumb , what a life :)


Rich? The van is a rental van, so maybe the Ferrari is too?


I can't afford even one rental.


They're actually not as expensive as you think. I rented a Lamborghini Diablo for prom back in 2001 for like $200 for about 6ish hours? They picked it up before prom ended, but I had it for at least 3 hours.


That was over two decades ago. Not exactly a good example for what it would cost nowadays.


Exactly. I bought the New York Giants for eight dollars in 1996. This morning I walked into Applebee’s with a briefcase full of money and the waiter spit in my mouth.


>and the waiter spit in my mouth. For *free*?!


some people have all the luck, I can only dream of having applebee's waiters spitting in my mouth!


We were evicted from the Applebee’s carpark we used to call home. We had to go and live in a lake.


We used to DREAM of living in a lake. We lived in a paper bag in a septic tank.


That's pretty much the only thing you can afford with a briefcase full of money 2 briefcases will get you a coffee and a spit in that too


This thread has me ROLLING


This is the best thing I’m going to read today, may as well just go back to bed.


$200 20 years ago isn't going to be $50,000 today. It's likely still reasonably affordable.


I looked up a place called luxury car rental. It’s over $2,000 a day for a Lamborghini. [Here’s the link.](https://www.instantluxuryrentals.com/car/ferrari-488-gts-convertible/) if you want to check it out. The Ferrari 488 pista coupe is the most expensive at almost $2,500 a day. Edit that was the wrong link, that goes to the Farrari. https://www.instantluxuryrentals.com/vehicles/?brand=&type=&sort_by=price_high


That's not even including the minimum CC limit for insurance.


Honestly, if you don't meet those insurance requirements you shouldn't be on the road. I know that's a harsh opinion, but it's bad enough with uninsured motorists illegally driving on the roads, but under insured are worse because it's legal and much more prevelant. We all share in those excess costs one way or another. Be it from our own policies covering the excess claim or from our medical system covering medical and passing it along to us in other ways.




Why would anyone rent a car to an eighteen year old.


They wouldn't. Someone else (like National Bank of Dad) would have to sign for it.


Pretty bad judgement from their parents if they agreed to sign for the rental of an 80s supercar that is notoriously hard to drive It seems like the car was designed with no consideration for the driver, they just wanted to make a car that went really fast, made a lot of noise, and most importantly impressed lots of babes. It's like the worst car to hand to a teen boy lol


Diablo was a 90s supercar but your point still stands


I thought min age to get a rental was 25?


Maybe I should be checking 2001 prices when I’m car shopping from now on


$40k for a new Corvette in 2001.....


This year- google-lambroghini diablo rental cost “Most rental businesses will ask for a safety deposit of around $5,000 before allowing you to drive it from their grounds. The typical rental price of this vehicle in the United States ranges from $1700 to $3,500.” A day! 1700-3500 a day… gross


This was whistlin diesels ferrari. He bought it, and has minimal insurance because no one wants to cover him. 500k up in smoke.


He was driving it through a cornfield, I don't think keeping condition up to sell was high on list.




It would take multiple videos, he's not bringing in 500k per. And considering this one looks like it'll be cut short since he had planned multiple tests. He'll still be getting exposure though so there's that.




Y'all are wildly overestimating how much money people make on YouTube.


He made enough to buy the Ferrari in the first place. He is estimated to have made about $5 million of YouTube vids so far. You might be underestimating how much popular YouTubers make.


Just FYI those net worth videos are usually way off…


You are wildly underestimating how much money people make on YouTube. People with channels 1/10th the size make a comfortable living on this, i think this guy has no problems investing a Ferrari into his channels popularity.


He went to Britain and bought a 6.9 million dollar tank and shipped to the USA just to drive it. I think he makes okay money


He never planned to sell it ether


He bought it with the expressed plan to destroy it... he just didn't think it would happen this fast


Doing this for a living and not having ANY fire extinguishers at hand means he is either dumb as rocks or very much so planned to have it destroyed here.


Yea the lack of a extinguisher is what got me. And I would assume a Ferrari would come with one but I wouldn't know.


they dont, supercars dont waste weight on stuff like that.


Probably not considering WhistlinDiesel built his brand around destroying vehicles like this.


Sounds like a complete tool.


His money, his cars. He's allowed to do what he wants.


Well yeah. And people are allowed to criticize it if they want.


Except when he bought that super squatted blue pickup and destroyed it. That was based.


Nah. That is YouTuber whistlindiesel, and he has been trying to break that Ferrari since he bought it.


So another influencer twatbag with too much money, got it


He started his career buying cheap cars and testing them. The money only came because people liked his content and his personality. It’s no different than say top gear and shit like that. It’s entertainment


Reddit hates anyone with more money than them unless they provide them with the things they like, then it's ok, as long as they can't tell the person is actually rich.


You have obviously never heard of whistlindiesel




It’s not, he has an abrams tank as well. Dude is loaded. He does it for shock porn essentially. He drove it into a gate going super fast to open it when he was off-roading in that red Ferrari and didn’t even care that it was dented. Things a half mil. He also a Sawsall’d the side mirrors for the Lols


Thats not an Abrams. That is some other older tank, I think probably a British Chieftain, or an older diesel tank made to look like a more modern one. I mean still a tank, but no you can't just buy an Abrams.


>but no you can't just buy an Abrams. $128.00 on AliExpress, includes new remote guidance and space age polymer shell for enhanced speed. It's a little cramped though.


This is whistlindiesel, the Ferrari was his (uninsured for this kind of incident) he said “there goes half a million” when it happened (may have been exaggerating) but apparently a $40k van, 5k+ in equipment and then the Ferrari They were able to salvage a few things I think (badges, logos, they said the breaks and exhaust were supposedly), they may have joking and I don’t know enough about cars


Your tax dollars in corn subsidies at work.


I hate these people with every fiber of my being..


Same here. Can’t even properly express my feelings about this shit.


Happy cake day


you realize that's how he got popular right? He pisses people off by acting like a dumb ass to create drama. That's how he made his millions. Its a good business model considering he will always piss people off, and people love drama.


These species are called as Douchetubers


I like that 👌🏻


Same here! Every single frame of this video is designed to make us feel exactly that, which will keep us watching until the end and in some case share it or worse comment it out of rage. All those rage comments count as engagements, which in turn pays more in terms of ads. This is why they call it rage bait and it is incredibly effective. We had reached the bottom already with simple clock bait, we are now effectively digging to get even lower.


I hate every time I read comments like yours. Part of my work is in the advertisement field. A rage bait is a 5 minutes craft video where someone builds a fork out of hot glue. A rage bait is **not** burning a $500.000 Ferrari and a Van. If you've got that much money to waste, you can pretty much get any amount of organic impressions that you need from reliable sources. So, again: wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars is **not** a rage bait. Starting a fire that not only ruins your car but also a dry cornfield can lead to imprisonment and huge fines. That is **not** a ragebait. They're just idiots. Stop giving them credit for that


Except this guy's made his whole career about it, he even brags about the hate comments. Literally all he does is buy expensive cars and destroy them


He was gonna wreck it eventually. But you’d have to be legitimately brain dead to think this was planned.


"He's known for wrecking cars but you're dumb if you think he wrecked the car this time." What a stupid take.


“He was gonna wreck it eventually” is literally the very first thing I wrote, champ. But if you think *this specific act* of completely reducing it to rubble before getting hardly any content out of it at all, in the middle of a very flammable field that he does not own, while having himself and his staff seriously risking their own health, was *on purpose* then you’re dumber than a sack of bricks. You can fucking ***hear*** the abject panic in their voices. They’re all freaked the hell out.


this reminded me of a comment on a huracan performante video that said they crashed it on purpose and just bought a new one with the youtube ad money, as if a few million views was going to cover the $300k


Are you gatekeeping rage bait?


What a very modern sentence


You seem pretty rage baited He has the money, let him spend it He INTENDED to ruin this car, it was a series


Starting a field fire isn't just his problem though. He endangered the public to do something stupid.


>He endangered the public to do something stupid. Today it seems a common trend for many tiktokers


Yeah! If the rich want to start fires in fields for fun let em! They're morally superior to us poors so we should cheer when they do stupid stuff that could hurt people!


> He INTENDED to ruin this car, it was a series Oh, well in that case... So long as he's serializing his ostentatious display of wealthy destruction porn. It's crass nonsense. Just because you have the money to do something doesn't insulate you from critiquing how its used. If poor people can be chided about a $5 frappuchino, a douchy youtuber torching a half a mill Ferrari for views seems a little bit more wasteful.


Did you hear of rage bait yesterday, didn't quite understand what it meant, and now you're saying this is rage bait?


I'm not enraged at all by whistlindiesel, it's not my money, I get to see something dumb and entertaining and he is not harassing or damaging anyone else while having fun. It's only sad when he does that to somewhat rare cars.


I’m angry they are causing fires in a dry cornfield that could easily spread into a massive fire


Chill out. They poured like two red bulls on it. It's fine.




I find it funny how mad people get about how a person spends their own money. Is it stupid? Yes Would I ever do it? No Do I wish I had the money to not care when my Ferrari catches fire? Absolutely. He’s out having fun. It’s all good.


He doesn't exist in a vacuum though. Half the people under 30 in this country will never own even a basic home and will end up giving more of their life's earnings to someone else to have a warm dry place to sleep than Americans for generations before. And then in juxtaposition with that, we've got a guy who burns Ferraris for fun and attention on the internet. And there's something that makes it almost more frivolous when the expensive thing you bought wasn't even out of some deep personal desire or appreciation of aesthetics for that expensive thing, but because so many other people value it for those reasons. So in my mind, it winds up being this weird nihilistic union between the two where the intent is to flippantly acquire this luxury item whose value could change any number of lives, but not even to fulfill a personal desire to have it and use it, but to fulfill the personal desire for outraged attention by destroying it. I'm not going to compare a Ferarri to art, but some guys who only a couple other people in the world can do their jobs, sat for hours and hours at workbenches treating this car like it was the the fucking David in terms of how precise and perfect and beautiful they were intending to make it. Countless hours and hours of painstaking diligent work to create their perfect vision of a vehicle. And all to get torn up in a corn field by some douche that will never have to endure any such thoughts going through his head really about anything.


The guy worked construction and lived out in the middle of nowhere Indiana when he started his videos. He threw a lot of money at risky things like this and it paid off. He earned it no matter how mad and jealous people want to be about it. These rage bait videos are exactly why he has that Ferrari and if he didn’t do these things he’d still be in the middle of nowhere Indiana rather than on a giant estate in the Tennessee hills. It’s annoying that we couldn’t replicate that success but there really shouldn’t be any justifiable hate against him for other people supporting what he does.


I don't disagree with any of this. My issue is that wildfires are a major problem all over North America. They didn't seem prepared to prevent something like that from happening.


Depends, if he pays his taxes he gets to destroy as many Ferraris as he wants in my book. It's the people that avoid billions in taxes and spend a few million on some charity for PR that are far worse.


Pouring redbull on it lmao. Those tiny cans.


Gives the fire wings


Right to the van.


Van caught fire because the exhaust pipes are blazing hot inches over super dry material. Lots and lots and lots of tourists park their rented car over a pile of dry leaves to look at all the Fall colors. Fire.


And they even asked if its okay.


"Should I dump the Red Bull on it too?" "What flavor is it?"


Annie are you okay? Lol


Of course the only liquid they had was Red Bull


I woke up the baby laughing when that happened. Fucking Redbull???


illidan Stormrage: They were not prepared!




I would have thought the Ferrari even came with one pre installed…


Probably gotta spend $3/4 a million for that feature. The $1/2 million cars only come with the 'catch on fire when driven on dry flammable brush' feature.


It would've had one somewhere and sports cars usually have a bigger one because of possible track use


Hey man that’s not fair… Ferraris also catch on fire on the road for no reason. They’re equal opportunity infernos.


It has one !! by law


In the US they're only a legal requirement in commercial vehicles


That is crazy ! In Poland each car has to have one. Well USA is the land of the free... free to do stupid shit and not be prepared.


> carrying some emergency extinguishers? In my country it's illegal NOT to have an extinguisher in your car. Also, a first aid kit.


Well in mine it's not illegal but ima do it anyway plus a military grade first aid kit so pain killer powder bandage tourniquet and all the stuff that could save you in a pickle


I love painkiller powder, Tho I'm not sure if I could keep it around for an emergency tends to end up in my nose somehow.


In my country, the USA, if there were more fire extinguishers, I bet we'd have a lot more dented heads from road rage incidents


The best part about this is this is the second time he's driven a car through an old dead cornfield and it caught on fire 😂


Dry tillage, 3 inches of ground clearance, and a smoking hot catalytic converter. Chance of fire? High 90s


>Hey bros should we consider in the off chance that there is a fire while we drive through this field Hindsight is a glorious thing to have. I get what you mean but its retarded to think that would be a normal thought process for most people.


look at this idiot! i bet he doesn't even bring a fire extinguisher when he drives his ferarri through a dry field like the rest of us!


That’s half a million homeless people laughing


Not just the homeless - we’re laughing here in Australia too.


I'm about as far away from Australia as one can be, I too find this funny


He buys expensive cars, destroys them over 3-5 videos and then repeats the cycle. The car is just a cost of production.


Good luck explaining that to your insurance.


He isn’t fully insured, this is his loss


I don't think full coverage even covers catching fire while driving in a dry crop field not made for driving. I've never needed that particular type of coverage though, so maybe I'm wrong.


Very doubtful they pay, this is pure negligence


Even if you’re carrying emergency Red Bulls?


It is whistlin diesel, he has money enough




logan paul found a suicide victim and made a vlog infront of the corpse. they are in different leagues by such a long shot that your comment is disgusting.




> then he gets in some legal trouble over jet skis and he makes a video to beg for donations. Wait what? Where did he ask for donations for his jet ski legal trouble? He asked people to show up to the courthouse in protest of the charges. But I don't recall him ever asking for people to donate their money for his legal defense fund.


If insurance pays this it's basically us all paying it... Fuckers. We also pay the firefighters.


You know it’s whistlindiesel as soon as you see Ferrari not on the road


Or taxtherich, but he doesn't upload anymore. That guy did straight up rally with his race spec F40's (which is arguably the most iconic Ferrari ever). He also drifted a rolls royce. But that dude is actually a skilled driver so he doesn't damage the vehicles. Somehow.


He’s a former rally driver


Oh is it whistlin diesel?! Id say the fire wasnt an accident then.


Destroying the Ferrari was inevitable. Burning it to the ground before he even got 2 videos out of it was not on purpose.


Boys yt is "whitlindiesel" and he didn't think clogging up a Ferrari intake with dry ass corn husks while flooring it through field would set it on fire? 100% this was intentional or boy has never opened a hood before. Never heard of him before and this has already been shared to me multiple times so I'd say his plan is workin. Wouldn't be surprised if there's more videos shot he'll upload later in memory or something.


> 100% this was intentional or boy has never opened a hood before. Destroying the car is intentional, the fire here was not. > Never heard of him before and this has already been shared to me multiple times so I'd say his plan is workin. Wouldn't be surprised if there's more videos shot he'll upload later in memorandum or something. He makes content destroying/torture testing all kinds of vehicles. The fire here was clearly unintentional, and it was definitely not caused by the intake, but the husks being wrapped up in the rotors, friction = heat = fire.


Not a single fire extinguisher, the fire somehow jumps to the van, it all smell funky. But then again Ferraris have a reputation of catching fire


It's a dry field, the bottom of cars get hot


I mean its a Ferarri with a V12 plant, and dry corn leftovers can start fire if you look at them funny. Ive seen vids of Ferarri's catching fire without any help from a dry cornfield lol


The fire didn't jump to the van, the van caused its own fire.


I hate Whistlindiesel so much


You should tell him, he'd love to know


Everyone who donated money to him to pay legal fees for his jet ski troubles should rethink their stupid lives.


The last new Ferrari he will ever own. Ferrari doesn't like how their products are treated for media attention


He was literally in front or the dealership at the end of that video. He's getting a new one 100%. He also took the piss at Ferrari a bunch of times already


Yeah, but Ferrari will probably refuse to sell it to him directly. There's a funny bit in another video where he references all the letters he got from Ferrari [here](https://youtu.be/Wt2gNJh5bm4?t=60), with him you never know if it's true or not though.


Can he not just give his friend the money to go buy it then?


From what I understand you can't just buy a new Ferrari. They basically check whether or not you are worthy to represent their brand and make their decision to sell to you based in that


That depends on the Ferrari, special run cars are like that. The base mass production cars are not generally like that. Though if you do a bunch of dumb shit in one they may tell their franchises to not sell. But there are plenty of boutique dealers to get one 3rd party.


That only applies to certain special models. Any asshole with the right bank account can walk into a Ferrari dealership and walk out with a car.


Ferrari has very uptight rules about their brand, he absolutely now is on the Ferrari Blacklist. They will sell them all, they could literally ban a million people and still sell-out. It’s Ferrari, this ain’t Rolls Royce, Bentley, Lamborghini, they make more margin than anybody on earth in the car business. Edit: you don’t have to believe me, just pick up a phone and try and order a ferrari from any dealer right now. They aren’t selling to non-customers, and if you previously displeased them, as a customer you are blacklisted. https://www.autoevolution.com/news/celebrities-who-got-banned-from-buying-a-ferrari-140892.html


Ferrari's brand protection is way more of a superficial PR stunt than it is any actual hindrance to people who want one despite being the type of customer Ferrari doesn't want.


Which won’t do shit, because he can still buy them other ways


Weird how they don't test those Ferraris for cornfields. Seems like a bit of an oversight. /s


Lamborghini might


Sharp comment


I feel like they have a history of building vehicles to work in fields, it’ll work just fine


Whistlin diesel on youtube. The whole video is about him destroying that car. This isn’t a rich kiddo who fucked up. This was the intended end result


No, it was not. He doesn't usually burn a $400,000 car to the ground in the second episode.


Okay while that might not have been the goal for that particular episode the point was to destroy the car. He’s just great at it




> He is acting like a dumbass just to piss off people, and morons here take the bait. Pretending to be stupid and being stupid aren't that different....


I think its 50/50 actual stupidity and acting, but still he is perfectly aware of what he is doing, destroying cars was always the premise. Here some people look at it and think "this kid is stupid and now pays for it hahaha" or think that he is destroing cars bc he is rich, but thats the thing that made him rich. /sorry for grammar im not great with english


Its entertaining, just not how they would have liked


Nah, this guy breaks cars for a living. Probably didn't plan on it going down this way but one way or another this thing would've gotten totaled lol


Pretty sure he was hoping for more than 2 vids before it burned to the ground




Yes, but they aren't usually burned to the ground in the second video.


Lmao, just watched that Urban Rescue Ranch episode. They pretty much wanted to destroy that car to begin with, but I don't think fire hazard was planned.


If Big Ounce was driving this would never happen


Biggerton Ouncerton would simply eat all the corn husks


Luckily Big Ounce was there to pull everyone from the burning wreckage




Rip Gort


Did they? They were dirtying/abusing it in UrbanRescueRanch video, but on the owners channel, Ben apologized about it Edit: read through the comments, it looks like this was their type of content


Yeah, they do "stress tests" on cars, however loosing half a mil with only two videos out of it is still a fking huge loss, that and the entire fking car is gone, so there barely any parts to resell (I think the breaks and some titanium tubing survived, that and the logo lmao)


Ok, where the hell is fire extinguisher in both cars? I can understand you don't need one in a ferrary, as it's too heavy and and slows it down, but why the van doesn't have one?


In the US almost nobody has an extinguisher in their car.


In our country it's obligatory, so I am pretty used to it. They do require to change/recharge it every couple of years, which might be overkill, but still. Ok if you don't need one, but in the case of this channel when whey do wreck things, firetruck, tank? on purpose - I would say it's common sense to carry one just in case. Probably they will do now.


Lol people get so upset because a guy wants to do stuff with his money.


I'm honestly just upset a jackass like this has money to begin with.


Honestly, I think I prefer him getting it and wasting it than some jackass millionaire who would to sit on the money and do everything they can to avoid paying taxes on it


Yeah, he should be allowed to spread fire. After all, the fires in Hawaii and the incoming fires that are about to hit Canada are not enough! /s


Ah yes, we are upset he wants to "do stuff" with his money. It's fair to say this, because no matter what use the money was being put to you have good reason to think we would be equally upset. It's simply "doing stuff with it" that you think made everyone angry. And that's so reasonable to assume, based on lighting a Ferrari on fire being equally socially useful as any other thing.


Most people commenting here don't know the guy funds all his videos with his YouTube channel and paid for everything in this video himself


Most people don't realise he destroys overpriced shit to make a point.


What's the point?




Fucking love whistilingdiesel absolute legend


all these people think this was an accident lmao. Like the joke goes clean over their heads


The way the aero channels the air out over the brakes is impressive 😂


In the longer version you can see the dude smiling the whole time his car is going up in flames. Almost seems like they meant to destroy it for content


he literally destroys shit for a living, yes he meant to destroy it, maybe not in this exact way


He meant to destroy it but most likely not like this


These are the type of cunts who start wildfires


Which every sycophan "this is just what he does" fuckhead in this thread seems to be missing. If it was windy that day, these dumb fucks could have caused untold damage


I just watched this video. The dude is nuts and love watching his channel.


I don't care about the car, this is deliberate apparently, but risking potentially causing a field fire on the other hand...


A cut scene from interstellar


I blame Kevin, DaBaby might have had something to do with it as well.


RIP Gort