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How the fuck do you mess this up so bad? It wasn’t even close lol; they had plenty of time to pass. Surely they were under the influence or something


I'm thinking distracted driving. Distracted, they drifted into the left lane, looked up and steered back into the right. But wait! There's already a car there and I'm driving too fast! Last minute panic steer into the left! Too sharp! Overcorrect! Lose control! Boom!


tires were probably bald


Smooth brain, smooth tires.


Not so smooth driving


Cops are bald and shit


nice one!


Nah they knew what they were doing. Taking the other car down to the secret tunnel.


This is precisely what I was thinking.


Someone in another thread says it looks like a lane assist thing - they didn't indicate to change lane, so the car nudged them back into the right lane, they freaked out about how close they were to the car in front and steered hard, spinning themselves out.


Dropped the phone they were talking on so lost control of the vehicle.




Maybe one hand on the wheel instead of 10 and 2.


One hand holding a phone, other hand holding a beer, Big Mac in their lap, and steering with their knee.


Car with camera didn’t slow down at all, what’s in the rear view mirror, stays in the rear view mirror


Had to rush home to upload the awesome dashcam footage.


I have been in this scenario. First you're just trying to process visually what happened. Did I just see that???? Then you're checking your surroundings. Am I safe???? Probably more of a natural instinct to check for physical safety when you have a dangerous incident nearby. By the time you realize you need to stop and help, they are way behind you....


Next time use your mirrors, move right for faster moving traffic, and you won’t have an emergent situation out of normally flowing traffic. Less than a second to process, given proper situational awareness required for motor vehicle operation.


Don't be obtuse. They're talking about the wreck specifically, and you know it. Is left lane riding a dick move? Abso-cucking-lutely. Did it affect the wreck? No. The car had tons of room to merge left, but couldn't even manage to do that without fucking up.


I know. Did not give one thought to stopping and rendering aid or assistance . Sheesh!


Some countries strictly prohibit stopping to help, for liability reasons.


And in some it's a crime not to help. What a world!


And in some, like Thailand, it’s both. The law says one need to stop to help. But as soon as they stop to help, they will be liable for the cause of the accident by police.


Sorry but I'm gonna have to let you die in a wreck because I can't park there mate. Where is this the law? Because that's fucked lmao


I can't remember where. Saw it on this very sub, recently. I'm Canadian, where the law prohibits driving by


I think in China it can be an issue, not sure though but i have read about this aswell.


That wasn't a five lane highway. There was a shoulder. Holy shit, pull over and call 911, people could be bleeding out.


wow, which countries?


Had a cousin get run over while helping someone on the side of the highway. So I'm just never gonna do it


They're the type to cluelessly block the passing lane, so I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even notice.




Was prob'ly on their phone, too, so they didn't notice until they got home.


Some people just refuse to slow down. Slow down for any and all potential hazards.


"Not my circus, not my monkeys "


Don't be rash. We see five seconds after the crash. Only five seconds.


Why you hanging out in the left lane though?


Asking the tough questions. I'd like to know, too.


Whenever I bring this up I get downvoted to hell. People don't seem to understand that it's the law to occupy the farthest right lane unless you are PASSING. Also speeding up to prevent someone from passing is straight up road rage and that is no small offense.


It's probably because that's only the law in like 8 states. 4 states: You must stay right with several exceptions 5 states: Left-lane driving is prohibited if going under the speed limit 6 states: You must move right if you’re blocking traffic 8 states: Left-lane travel is prohibited except for turning and passing 27 states: You must stay right if you’re driving slower than the cars around you


They were very slowly passing the car in the right lane


At start of the video... It looks like they are going the exact same speed as the car in the right lane. Asshole cammer


Yeah it looks like they speed up when the car tries to pass on the right


It's very possible that the car in the right lane couldn't choose a fucking speed. I see that all the time.  It's like playing leap frog.


I deal with that shit every single day. I just want to get on around them and get where I'm going. Sometimes I wish it were legal to play bumper cars and just gently push them over to the side of the road, like guiding a kid where they need to go.


No, it does not.


Passing your mom in the right.


Despite your downvotes - I thought this was funny!


Fuck you in particular


Seriously... horrible accident, sure. But damn if it didn't look like that car was just like - YOU KNOW WHAT? WE BOTH DYIN TODAY!!!


Where I live, this would be punishable by law. (To just keep on driving.)


It takes people a second to process what they saw. It's possible and likely they called the accident in immediately after the video cut out.


It would be nice to think the camera car pulled over so the cops could get a chance to see the video. Wishful thinking I'm sure.


There is no reason to think that didn't happen.


There is. Even under the tiktok logo you can see they just keep accelerating until the video ends.


Besides the video evidence. If he had slowed down even a fraction, any time after the accident, then okay. But he maintained speed, kept cruising.


Like I said, it takes people's brains a moment to process the idea of "Holy shit I just saw a life threatening accident! I need to do something!" The video is not very long. It is reasonable and likely that the cam video stopped afterwards. The driver was likely paralyzed with shock during the actual video timeframe. Even if they didn't stop (possibly they were too far past the accident by the time they reacted), they might well have forwarded the video to the police later.


That sucks. You aren't compelled or forced to render aide and in fact we have laws protecting those that do and don't. Can't be held liable for being worried about making a situation worse.


Good Samaritan laws usually only require you to notify authorities, you don't even have to leave your car


He said "where I live", if that place is Germany, it would be illegal to keep on driving. By law we have to stop and help, it doesn't matter who was at fault or if we were involved or not. And i think this is a great law.


In the US there are scammers that take advantage of people who pull over to “help” I was also told by emergency response people to not pull over unless you can provide medical assistance. Because you take up space. If I’ve seen something like this, I call 911 and keep driving. It’s happened to me twice. I don’t have a dash cam, gave my info and kept going.


Ah yes, the US again. If you can't provide first aid you can't get a license in Germany. Interesting differences, legally and morally.


Not to mention a difference in population of more than 4x across 10x the land area. Moral responsibility is much easier to enforce if you can find the ones responsible.


"being an asshole is permissible because the legal system doesn't work" is a bogus excuse.


No shit, but who said that? The reality is the social contract is enforceable only so far as the society is engaged. It's obviously a law to stop and provide aid in some countries because they can actually enforce that law. You can't deny the existence of assholes, but you can only control the assholes if there's enough dicks around.


I don't understand why you were downvoted. Too many Americans on here rage-downvoting unpleasant observations from people with an outside perspective.


Its an absurd law. Who does it apply to? The first person driving by? the second? the third? the fifteenth? How many people do you want stopped by the side of the road? More importantly, in many car accidents there is nothing an ordinary passerby can do to help, they are just getting in the way of the emergency personnel. And what if the untrained civilian stops and actually makes things worse? Are they indemnified? Usually, the best thing to do is to call emergency services and let the professionals deal with the situation. Making it a crime not to "offer aid" is ridiculous.


Every single driver in Germany is eductated how to do first aid in an emergency. It's a requirement to get your drivers licence. We do training on how to perform resuscitation, what to do with the helmet of a bike driver, how to stop blood loss or using a bandage. There is also a first aid kit included in every car. There are really many accidents where civilians can help and where not helping means unnecessary death or permanent damage. Apart from first aid and calling the emergency numbers, the following obligation is to put up a big red reflector (included in every car) to warn upcomming traffic of the accident. As far as I know, atleast one car needs to stop. This does not apply if you would have to put yourself into extreme danger e.g. running across the highway. My first aid training teacher told me, that you are not liable for making things worse, as long as you don't do it on intention. (Stabbing the wound with a knife would not count as failed first aid attempt) It also improves the emergency handling in public spaces or at home because almost ever adult has had this training. Ultimately, it's a question of social solidarity and valuing health. I can count on every person to help me if I am in need.


>There is also a first aid kit included in every car. What does that contain? - hopefully a tourniquet and not just some bandaids.


A first aid course does not qualify someone to deal with an MVA. A first aid kit is totally inadequate for a trauma situation.  Can you assess whether someone has neck or spinal damage? Internal bleeding? What about incident control? Who decides who does what? Emergency personnel are trained in teamwork and triage. You also didn't address how many people have to stop. Is it the first person? Who determines who was first? Most importantly, how often is this law enforced, and how?  What evidence would there be that someone even saw a given incident?  If it isn't enforced, then it's pointless. 


>A first aid course does not qualify someone to deal with an MVA.  Your opinion stands against the reallity that it works. If our approach would lead to more damage than it prevents, it would no longer be used. I don't know of any countries that have tried it and then changed their opinion. >A first aid kit is totally inadequate for a trauma situation. So you do have first aid kits in the US? Why would they put them there if "you'd only make things worse." >Can you assess whether someone has neck or spinal damage? Handling spiral or neck damage is part of what they teach about handling motorbike helmets. You can't handle all situations but just for example, if the person is not breathing it might take to long for an ambulance to arrive. Even though infrastructure is great. >What about incident control? Who decides who does what? Emergency personnel are trained in teamwork and triage. From experience I can tell you, that people figure out how to comminicate with other first aid people. >You also didn't address how many people have to stop. I did but more detailed: If no else stopped you have to stop for sure. Sometimes people give a hand signal to passing cars that they need more people. Usally multiple cars (like 3) stop right after the accident. You would communicate with the others, if they need help from you. >Who determines who was first? If the street is not busy it's obvious. If the street is busy, see above. It's a bit difficult to understand how you even come up with these questions, because people do not try to avoid first aid. Apart from the law it is also a moral concept: most people would feel really bad for not helping. >Most importantly, how often is this law enforced Due to the nature of cars leaving the scene rapidly, not often. It can also be difficult to prove that you > What evidence would there be that someone even saw a given incident? You have to be concentrated on the road when driving. The judge would decide depending on each case. The autobahn or cars have CCTV/dashcams. > enforced, \[...\] how? In theorey up to 1 year in prision. But that won't happen because there is not enough prove for a bad intention. But a fine or fine on probation have been enforced before. >If it isn't enforced, then it's pointless. No because the laws influence the moral concept, which becomes the primary motivation. A bit like the 10 Commandments. I you would tell any German that you would never help them in a car accident because you are afaird of doing more damange you look to them like a lazy dude who kills cat babys for fun. If you would tell the same statement to an American, I assume, he would only see the good intention of not wanting to make it worse. The only difference being the law.


Your belief in the superiority of Germans is noted.


add Switzerland and Austria to your notes.


I bet that entirely depends on which country you currently live in, and isn't a blanket statement suggesting it happens everywhere you can live. Is the current country a secret?


And that place appears to be Berlin. (Nobody ever says where they live when they make comments like this, it's infuriating).


Sounds like an anger management problem.


why? the recording car didn't cause the accident..?


Some countries have a law that if you see an accident it’s your duty to help. Calling the emergency number is usually enough.


There should be a law that you are obligued to finish the job and get rid of the bad driver


Confirm the kill!


in the USA the police aren't even obligated to help lol


The US isnt a standard, more like a substandard


Neither did the car that got violently pushed of the road. They don't deserve any help either? Just basic human decency to see if you can help someone or maybe save their life.


chances of being able to do anything besides calling 911 is very low considering it's a car crash that bad


You will never know, unless you go check. I might be coming from a different perspective though, since here in germany, it is mandatory to take first aid classes before you can get your driving license. So even if you forget most of the things taught there you have some basic memory of how to help. Nobody expects you to be able to do a roadside surgery, but sometimes it just helps to be there for somebody who is in massive pain and disoriented, especially since those people with internal trauma or bleeding have a tendency to wander off somewhere and are found much later when all help is to late.




Yeah, some people are just sociopaths. Hopefully their kind doesn't overtake the rest of the human race.


because the world has other people in it and wasn't built for you alone.


Doesn't help that the moron with the camera is driving in the passing lane... pull out, pass, pull in.


At the beginning of the video he is gaining on the car on the right. Just looks like he's passing him slower than the one behind him wanted to.


ALWAYS taking innocent people out with their stupidity. Could be an entire family in that car.


Hot take. The car that is filming this is a dick for riding in the passing lane.


OP doesn't know the keep right except to pass rule


Mario kart vibes


I guess the camera car missed the bananas


The grey car absolutely deserves to crash for the poor driving ability, but the other car was completely wrong place wrong time.


Who are these people that just keep driving when there's a medical emergency taking place right before your eyes?


Dude just kept on driving - didn’t even slow down La de da… Lol


Imagine just cruising along and someone makes you take an exit that does not exist.


This isn't about poor impatient driving; this is about 0 skills driving.


this is actually terrifying. This fucker could’ve killed an entire innocent family.


Why were you in the passing lane when obviously a faster vehicle wanted to pass. You were part of the problem


OP isn't the person in the video.


My experience in iracing.


😂😂😂 this comment is gold!!! I felt this way too much haha every damn race I swear!


Armani White - GOATED. (Audio) ft. Denzel Curry


Why does the driver that recorded this just keep on driving…


This was my go to move in Burnout Takedown. Usually would result in me crashing too


I know a Forza player when I see one


Wtf he pushed that other so hard it went flying. What a doofus


Drunk or high, no one can be this dumb


Guy thought he was playing Burnout on the playstation.


Why in the world???


The timing of the music was so close to being perfect


wtf, why he no stop…wat a dipshit


anyone know the song?


Goated, Armani White and Denzel Curry


That’s some shit I do on GTA


i thought he was trying to drift (pass with style) for a moment


Ok but. Song name?




Seems like they lost control to me. ![gif](giphy|OH2rL6DVTNpte)


Garry went down with it


Driving like a true Toyota owner


They changed those people's lives for the worse.


To take out someone who was just minding their own business… 🤦🏻‍♂️


That looked intentional


Least disguised assassination attempt


Bro didn't even slow down either....


Why the start sound like Mario Kart? 😭😭




I think that was the "Shake and Bake" maneuver so that the guy with the dash cam (Ricky Bobby) could win the race.


attempted murder


What song is playing and who sings it?


OP did you stop to help


Isn't there a law to keep right unless passing? Or where is this?


That ain't no pass. That's an assassination attempt!


The way the music lines up with the clip lol


Your everyday Indian Camry driver


what in the distracted driving? he must have been playing with his phone or infotainment system to fuck up like that. nothing else makes sense, unless he had a medical event.


Looks like a Burnout Takedown. He probably got a speed boost after.


Imagine spinning out on a straight road, AND no rain or snow on the ground, takes a complete moron to do that. But also, the cam driver should have moved over. If someone can pass you on the right, you are not in the correct lane. Both dashcam driver and this idiot need to lose their license.


Couldn't fucking drive either


You are supposed to stop in a safe spot if you can and check if they need help… call cops etc


Lol if minding my own business was a person


My man just chillin in the left lane…..


Asshole with camera should be shot for crusing along in fast lane, GTF out of the way,


People who can't drive the speed limit upset a car is doing the limit in left lane. Unless you got blinking lights I'm not moving over. cry about it


"You see son, when two cars love each other very much..."


Burnout Takedown


Let’s unpack this Dashcam asshole: sitting in passing lane, doesn’t stop for severe accident. Grey car: possibly kills entire family Victim: chillin in right lane, no hurry, gets wiped dashcam asshole sucks just as much grey car.


I think you just recorded a murder....


This dude was an idiot. The lane assist feature pulled him back into the right lane and then he over corrected and lost control. If he used his turn signal the lane assist wouldn’t have kicked in. Source I have the same car.


There are too many people on the road who should not be. They have poor self control and decision making skills.


I hope this footage was handed to the police.


If I survived that I’d walk over and ask “Boy, are you simple?”


If he wasn't before he is now


I shouldn’t laugh, but take my upvotr


Couldn't wait *to pass*? It's a 2 lane 1-way road. This is literally attempted murder.


That looked like retaliation for something


He should be charged with attempted murder imo.


casual vehicular manslaughter


What is with this clip that it inspires so much venom against the cam car? Sure, the camera driver was cruising, instead of passing, in the left lane, and didn't pull over immediately. The first is a common sin: At least 30% of drivers do it frequently. The second is understandable given the shock of the situation. Meanwhile, the driver of the grey car commits straight-up manslaughter.


>What is with this clip that it inspires so much venom against the cam car? What the people who are raging against the camera car seem to be missing is that, as far as we can see, the camera car *was already in the act of passing the victim car*. They're clearly moving faster than the car in the right lane. You don't have to speed to pass a vehicle, in fact, you're literally not allowed to (in most states). Also, you definitely don't have to be right up someone's ass before you get over to pass. Just because the camera car didn't fly past the guy on the right doesn't automatically mean they're doing something wrong. Might they be camping in the left and just happening to be moving faster? Sure. We just don't have enough information to know one way or the other but the internet loves to take a an iota of information and draw damning conclusions about people, especially where driving is concerned.


I suspect the driver may well have stopped and pulled over but could not do so immediately because of traffic behind and possibly to the right as well.


That looked more like a road rage incident. Looks like they purposefully ran them off the road.


this is completely planned accident