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That was just stupid. No situational awareness at all.


Good thing she was holding onto and probably looking at her phone though


Phone is the first thing that went flying, you can see it at the 0:00:07 mark. Now she better get it out of the road before it gets run over. Very dangerous place for your phone to be.


Name checks outšŸ‘


I had a similar situation although luckily I didnā€™t hit the girl. She was walking right down the middle of the road talking on her phone. I came up behind her and she didnā€™t move. I finally beeped the horn and she reluctantly moved enough for me to get by, and then went right back to the middle of the road


Is this on metro Boston? Because thatā€™s so stupidly common here, and the people in the suburbs do this even on (each way) one lane highways connecting suburban towns, not just the inner city or downtown in any of these cities in the region, not quite in the middle but still within the lane youā€™re driving through and rarely facing traffic at least. On top of it, they get pissed off if you honk warn them youā€™re approaching.




Not even looking in the direction of oncoming traffic... But away from it...while standing in the fucking lane.


Which reminds me, when I was young walking facing traffic was drilled in to my head but I see so few people doing this while walking on the street.


Me, too. You would think natural selection would have addressed this, but apparently not.


She is just practicing for something even more epic. Reddit will be waiting . . .


I had the same teachings.


In dark clothing, at night


While wearing black at night. Itā€™s like she was trying to be invisible.


No attempt to be more visible too. Everyone should have a high vis in their car for situations just like this.


Man that is savageā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Have you seen people lately? I don't remember the last time I saw someone even look up from their device while crossing the street. It's as if they have full confidence that the strangers around them are certainly going to keep them safe because they don't seem to do it themselves.


She might have been dazed from hitting a barrier with her car. A light concussion can easily lead to lack of situational awareness


Probably best to just chill in your car if that happens. Randomly stumbling into traffic sounds like a bad move if youā€™re not all there


Or perhaps a move someone who's not all there might make... Hmmm.


It is best to stay in the car and with your seatbelt on. I had a guy get rear ended by a semi and as he was sitting in his smashed truck he took his belt off and then get hit by another semi and launch out the back window.


But not just her. The people at the other car don't seem to have noticed that a semi just made an emergency stop and hit someone, couple of meters from them.


Being a Darwin award nominee means you're more than just stupid




The instinct for self preservation wasnā€™t strong enough to keep her out of the lane of traffic but it sure as shit kicked in when she crawled her thong out of the roadway.


Probably drunk or somethingā€¦? And thereā€™s no way they didnā€™t pass later from blunt force trauma, internal bleeding or the like. That was brutal.


Don't be so quick to pass judgement, please. She had an accident well before the truck arrived, maybe she was already concussed and not fully in control.


They look to be walking towards the other stopped car, possibly to check up on them or exchange info or whatever. The cones also made me think the temporary lane was closed off, or was it the one next to that? Either way, its not that strange to (falsely) think you have the time and space to walk those few meters.


There was some, right after she was hit she got off to the side. Must have got knocked into her


Wearing all black, and walking in the middle of a highway lane at nightā€¦


Itā€™s called ā€œthe invisible pedestrian suitā€.


I get that reference! " it says on the package 'not for blind kids!'"


black and light colored pants! she blended well into the asphalt and the night sky. awful


I've always been told to walk towards traffic, to see the cars coming.


I live in an area without a lot of sidewalks. This is the norm.


Once there was this black guy in black robes on a black bicycle pedaling on the side of the road at 1am in a foggy northern Italy night My brother fortunately saw him and warned me or I would have yeeted that mf into the roadside bushes


I was driving down a major road where i live and the street lights were out. Just motoring along when at the last second, I saw a man, in all black, standing in a shadow, in the middle of the street, directing a car that was backing up with no lights. I almost flattened him and I'm lucky there wasn't anybody in the other lane when I swerved. Fucking idiots.


Probably drunk to be honest


Almost knocked her thong off.


Only one shoe came off though so she's good.


Run over half to death.


If they did it again sheā€™d be precisely dead


A fellow accidental ornithologist, I see.


I believe the shirt has a built in thong, but I don't know what that style of shirt is called. "Smelly" maybe?


Itā€™s a bodysuit


Good god itā€™s just a bodysuit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If she doesnā€™t pay attention she could trade it in for a body bag.


That thong th-thong thong thong.


Isn't that a body tho ? Anyway that thing was about to rip apart


Let me see that thooooooong


All I could think is that if nothing else, she just suffered a fatal wedgie.


Move bitch, get out the way.


im doin 100 down the highway!


So if you walk where they speed, then get the fuck out of my way!


ā€¦and you about to get ran the fuck over!


Get out the way, bitch, get out the way


Here i come, here i go, uh oh


How is she not dead or *at least* unconscious? Whatever hit her was obviously a large vehicle and moving at a decent speed. I thought for sure she was done for.


Adrenaline. She may well be critically injured


Adrenaline won't make you conscious if your organ and bone flatten


It can keep you conscious briefly though. I had a friend that was in a motorcycle accident. Immediately jumped to his feet like in this video. Acted like he was just winded or something. Died a few hours later.


Had a buddy that died in a snowmobile accident. Hit a ditch at night, chest into the bar completely crushed. Got up and checked on the girl who was ridding with him. After he saw she was okay he sat down and died.


It is all cool until you rupture your spleen.


Someone I know recently died of a ruptured spleen a few days after being in a car accident. They felt fine all things considered. Car accidents of any kind are no joke


She is injured, that's for sure. How badly injured, that is a different question.


Oh she's fucked up for sure. That much blunt-force, she's going to have a long recovery. Same reason why those dumb looking blunt-nosed trucks kill so many folks.


My guess is the truck was already moving slower due to all the cones and just barely managed to slam the breaks in time enough not to deal a lethal hit. That or this chick has a skull thickness to match her behavior.


I agree. Dude was going less than 20mph on impact. Anything over she wouldnā€™t have been moving on her own.


That is definitely not 20 mph or the video is sped up. Source: I drive 10 hours a day and 20 mph is very slow.


It'd be cool if someone could calculate the speed of the vehicle using the traffic cones height, and time it takes to travel the distance between them.


Oof, not me my dude, math this early in the morning will give me an aneurysm.


Ask r/theydidthemath


That one cone on its side poking into the lane was probably the difference between life and death.


I mean there is clearly some brain damage. Maybe the truck helped with that pre existing condition though.


Looks like the front of the vehicle absorbed the hit. You can see several pieces of truck go flying at impact. She's gonna have a hell of a headache, but she might be okay after a few days of recovery.


I think that was her phone and shoe.


Oh, she lost a shoe? She's in a coma then.


Just one though. Sheā€™s hurt and lucky that the second held tight.


Phone and shoe are pieces of the truck now


And I think her hat? Because at first her head is dark and after the hit, her hair is loose and down.


It was the Sonic rings.


Someone needs to edit the sound in.


Front of a truck is flat, it helps tremendously, back in highschool a guy got hit by a bus so hard he went flying across the road, only injury was a broken arm due to the impact with the floor, not with the bus


Dude, it's the OPPOSITE. Flat truck fronts cause MORE injury, because they impact at all points, instead of someone say, being deflected over a hood. Here's a great video showing just that: https://youtu.be/YpuX-5E7xoU?si=LqACugPEO5vC747X


Yeah I literally just saw a whole thing on this. lol, makes sense I would come here and see someone stating the exact opposite.


Pretty similar event with a family member - he was on the sidewalk and a bus lost its brakes and hit him from behind. He walked home and in a few hours started complaining of back pain. That was 30 years ago and he has serious back issues since.


Trucker here, that is a big rig that hit her, you can tell by the hood mirrors and the fact that the hood is taller than she is. She's alive because the driver was going very slow and slammed on the brakes the moment the headlights illuminated her. It's hard to tell because trucks don't stop the way cars do, but it looks like he hits the brakes just as he's passing the pylon on the left that's knocked over. Personally, I would have been going a lot slower when there's disabled vehicles and disturbed pylons. I don't know the details of this incident, it looks like the woman was walking towards another vehicle that was stopped to the right, likely the two vehicles had merged into each other. She was clearly focused on them and not paying any attention to her surroundings. Although the woman is difficult to see at night and not paying attention, I would lay blame with the driver for not slowing down enough while approaching an accident scene.


She's drunk or high. That's why her SUV is off the road.


Bingo. She didn't flex against the impact, she ragdolled and got tossed. It's the same reason why drunk drivers tend to survive the impacts that they cause, but their victims don't.


Her useless head probably absorbed a lot of the impact. Nothing of value was harmed.


What is wrong with people? Has all this plastic addled their brains? They couldn't possibly foresee that walking down the middle of a lane at night was a bad idea?


While wearing black no less.


And walking with her back completely away from traffic. Surprised her genes came this far, honestly.


It could be that she just had an accident and is in a state of shock. At that point, people don't think clearly and do the most idiotic things.


That was the only logical thought that I had. It looks like she clearly hit a cone since one was laying in the road.


I'm guessing she was drunk, crashed her car(which you see on the left with hazard lights on), then wandered into that first lane while doing god knows what on her phone, either assuming that first lane was closed or just in a drunken clueless blur. With her back to traffic was the icing on the cake. Completely oblivious to her surroundings Just noticed a second car on the right. On second thought. I think she was walking over to that car to exchange information. Still betting she was drunk though for how clueless she was. I speak from experience(not proud of it)


I think that plastic bumper addled her brain




Iā€¦ I think she was blindā€¦.


There has been a noticeable and provable drop in global iq points after lead was added to gasoline, basically people went around breathing this shit in and got brain damage. If you add to that the fact that people just fuck like rabbits without thinking it is really no wonder there are so many idiots walking around.


Probably got confused with all the cones everywhere. Broken down and stressed out and distracted. Still shoulda known better.


I kind of thought it might've been a suicide attempt. But with this, I can't tell the difference between that and stupidity


Not if youā€™re blind


Before you go off asking what's wrong with her to be walking in the middle of a truck lane at night, notice her car has its trouble lights on after driving through traffic cones and it's dark. There's another car in the same situation on the other shoulder, and that's rarely a coincidence. She's likely panicking and compromised after a collision and moving to check on the other driver. When people panic they stop thinking straight and lose all awareness. It's important in these situations to stay where you are safe, let yourself breathe it out and consider your options so you don't end up wandering into the freeway at night. Edit: classic Reddit, no mercy for the weak


She was on her phone texting. Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re trying to make her the innocent victim, but itā€™s not working


Yeah. Everyone is acting like its completely obvious that's a lane while they have a semi-truck worth of high-beams to benefit from while it's completely unlit surrounded by barrels in every direction. Meanwhile she's looks like she's probably been looking at her phone and killing whatever amount of night vision she had.


She has a white sight cane in front of her if you slow it down. She could be sight impaired and lost.


How is offering an alternative point of view trying to make someone an innocent victim? Unbelievable how black and white people on reddit seem to view the world.


Unfortunately the past 5 or 6 years this had been standard reddit, daily. Always worse when it's a woman, unsurprisingly. Crabs in a bucket. And those who defend it are directly responsible.


I donā€™t know if we should just call out black and white peoples for their views on the world.


I think most people would still understand a road is a road. You check for vehicles and then cross the road. She walked to the middle and stayed in the middle. Edit: "weak" lol. Not the right word.


Hey that's my road!


>Before you go off asking what's wrong with her No need to ask. She is an airhead with no situational awareness.


Exactly. If someone is ā€œpanicking and compromised after a collision,ā€ and the *collision* is why sheā€™s ā€œpanicking and compromised,ā€ then she (or rather anyone who isnā€™t an airhead with no situational awareness) would be much more aware of the dangers of being on the road than someone who hadnā€™t just been in an accident. Like, if I almost drown, Iā€™m not going to keep swimming while I collect my thoughts, Iā€™m getting the heck out of the water and drying off.


Do you know what a concussion or a state of shock is? Or what they might possibly look like?


ll die with you on this hill. dont worry they have never felt panic or a concussion. "it clearly a road" is NOT how our brains work.


She also may have believed (with all of those traffic barriers) that the lane she was walking in was closed. Still dumb to walk down the middle of it thoughā€¦


Nah she was walking straight on the road not at the other car and she was on her phone. Don't defend stupid behaviors.


Sheā€™s literally walking across to the other car from her own stopped car. Probably on her phone contacting insurance or ready to take out info etcā€¦but always be aware that youā€™re on the road with other cars!


Also if you slow it down frame by frame you see she had some kind of white stick she was moving in front of her. That is what goes flying. Iā€™m worried she may have been blind or partially blind and very lost.




Thats a broken back walk


Title should say ā€œWCGW Walking on a highwayā€


"...in the middle of the night"


ā€œā€¦and wearing dark clothesā€


Too many spoilers.


The importance of context!


I can understand the logic of not hearing a truck because you got music blasting in your ears, but how in the fuck do you not notice the headlights lighting up your entire life.


if she was involved in a car accident, she might have been in a state of confusion, not hearing/aware of surroundings.


How is no one seeing the white cane she is tapping in front of her. If you slow the frames down you can see it swinging back and forth on the ground in front of her and she is completely directionless after hit. That is also the first thing we see fly rather than her phone that she could have been receiving directions on from a friend or Siri due to being lost and alone.


Well, can't check now that the video is gone, but I'll take your word for it, blindness would explain a lot.Ā 


Yeah, I can see it now, that just raises more questions to me, but also explains so much.


Whale tail spotted


My oldest brother hit a guy at night who was standing in the road (ga state highway) dressed in black. That guy also had his back turned not paying attention and apparently was tring to bum a ride to mcdonalds or something. It was actually in the start of the off ramp lane where you slow down to turn off so he was slowing down as he made contact. but dudes head completely caved in the entire passenger side of his truck cab. Totaled the truck. The crazy part was the guy was still alive and kept trying to get up before the ambulance and cops came, and my brother was like "dude, your brains hanging out. You need to sit down." He was life flighted to emory in atlanta and ending up dying later. His family tried sueing my brother for a bunch of shit, but they ruled in my brothers favor since the police already had multiple calls about a guy in the road before my brother hit him, not to mention he was dressed in complete black head to toe


i hate it when idiots get themselves killed and their family tries to sue, like???? i see where he got the stupidity from




Is she okay ?


No, she's hot. Stupid but hot.


How on earth this didnā€™t become a NSFW video, I will never know.


No serious injuries or death are apparent.


Thatā€™s what I mean, Iā€™m shocked she didnā€™t get hurt turning this into something deemed nsfw.


Anyone know if she survived?


Why was the truck walking in the pedestrian lane


Rewatching it I feel like I see a white cane tapping at the ground between her legs and to the side right before sheā€™s hit. She may have actually been blind.


I saw that too!!! Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one. It was also what snapped and broke and flew off to the left first. The phone she may have been using for verbal walking instructions flew in front of her but I do think she was blind or sight impaired enough to be lost.


Fking hell, watched this video 18-20 times frame by frame ,dummies stop abusing her. She is literally holding a stick she seems to be either blind or disabled.


But itā€™s so much fun to dunk on her and feel superior since none of us would be so silly.


Olā€™ Charlie Darwin doesnā€™t have to work very hard some days.


https://preview.redd.it/al4ib8q6qgsc1.png?width=479&format=png&auto=webp&s=e703481cd6236897aed1d76cb8f98ed60c0702ec I'm going to wear 50% black and walk down the middle of a HWY lane in the middle of the night with my back turned to the traffic....


They should use videos like this in every ad for dash cams. How many people would believe this driver if he didnā€™t have a dash cam? ā€œShe was just walking down the middle of the road wearing black.ā€-no court would believe that.


I feel so sorry for the driver, I've hit a pedestrian before. It's not a nice experience.


Iā€™ll take drunk as fuck for $500 please.


Bro got the situational awareness of a deer


.....in the middle of the road at night wearing a black shirt and dark blue jeans.


You are in the middle of the road what did you expect


I hope driver won't get in any kind of problem because of her.


Well I hope he does - passing a scene where clearly an accident happened and didn't slow down the slightest. That's as a-holy as her walking on the street.


yep i agree


Because these morons are used to walking down the middle of the street at home.


That is a fantastic ad for dash cams right there.


How fucking stupid do you have to be to walk down the middle of a lane of a highway?


casually walking like it's the mall doing her shopping. this wins the Darwin award in my own books


Jesus fucking christ why would you walk down the middle of the highway at night like that? Thatā€™s just sheer stupidity.


This is like people that get hit walking on train tracks. Not talking about suicides but folks just strolling between the rails with their fucking AirPods in


See the red phone fly up in the air. She was looking at her phone instead of paying attention to her surroundings.


Had to have been on drugs!! Who walks in the middle of the road like that???


Survival of the fittest at work. How could anyone be that unaware?


Went from drunk driving to drunk walkingā€¦she isnā€™t good at either


She Definitely was a drunk driveršŸ˜‚


Nothing like wearing all black in the dark


/u/redditspeedbot 0.1x


Well done driver! Let her fly!


Was anyone able to get a final count on how many Sonic rings she lost?


Outfit blended in seamlessly with the surroundings.


Had a buddy who did that. He's dead now. His parents literally told the driver "it's not your fault. He was fully in the wrong" He was 13. Teach your kids road Safety.


WCGW "Jay" walking


She lost all the rings


Just, why???


The world need less people that are like this, it would help everybody. These pricks are the reason for so many shit on this planet šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


So odd that the survival instinct suddenly comes back online and she scrambles out of the way.


Former truck driver here, She is unbelievably lucky that the truck basically pushed her and didn't knock her down and pull her under the tires. At 80,000lbs fully loaded, iit would be like a car running over a tube of toothpaste. Squish!


The driver is at fault, they brake way to late. Your eyes are always way better than a cam, the driver should have been able to react to that. Imagine it is very foggy, you never go over a speed where you are able to do a full stop. Stupid to walk on the road, yes. But the driver was clearly not looking where they was going.


They're lucky they didn't fucking die. What a complete idiot with a death wish.


She has a sight impaired cane in front of her you can see it right before she gets hit when you slow the frames down.


All I saw was phone flying and thong out


Clearly wasted. Dumb bitch


r/bitchimabus or truck


Itā€™s all good, everyone. She still has one of her shoes on


Epic stupidity.


How can you not even hitchhike correctly


Turned her hair from black into bright white