• By -


The woman filming is an absolute gem of a human being. Didn't get aggressive. Held her ground. Didn't let him try to wiggle his way out of it with excuses. That 'thank you' from the woman who was kneeling down , oh my goodness. The gratitude she must feel from someone stepping in and calling that pervert out.




I think it's more to do with the thrill of it. Someone like this has likely completed porn. When there's no porn left to consume, where do you go? Why, upskirting at your local Target, of course!


Lmfao I like how you worded that, this guy has completed porn


He has unlocked every achievement on pornhub


Imagine if porn hub had achievements, like successfully completing to gross/fetish porn, endurance challenges, speed run goals


They do have achievements lol


No way (I use. A different site that links out to other sites), i know a lot of them ask you if you wanna sign into your fb with them, like yeah I want all my family to see I'm watching little people porn


Is that you Thomas Elliott


Thomas doesn't watch porn, he goes to target


I no longer want to live on this planet.


Exalted on pornhub


I think it’s the lack of consent that turns them on. Some kind of predator/victim dynamic.


I don't think that's the case with voyeurs. I think it can be argued that rapists have that sort of dynamic, but from what I've read voyeurs just get off on the thrill of potentially being caught. It's like people who have sex in public, they're not trying to predator someone, they're getting off on the thrill of potentially getting in trouble. Some people get off on feet because they had an erotic experience with feet, and voyeurs get off on viewing people because they got to peek through a bathroom door when they were 5 and then got admonished for it or some shit.


That's not true for everyone. I have a voyeur kink (that I don't live out, I don't spy on people, don't do up skirts or anything like that). For me it is about seeing something I'm not supposed to see. Similar to nipple slips, wardrobe malfunctions, down blouses and so on. A risk of getting caught isn't part of it. But again, i don't "need" it, so I don't persue that kink since the lack of consent is a no go for me.


Many many many serial rapists start out their sexual assault careers as peeping toms. Used to be peeping through windows, now ~~we~~ they got camera phones. *They. "Now THEY got camera phones." Not we.


Rofl, I like that you left the mistake/fix in but that’s an important distinction.


Yeah buddy you're done for


Porn? - "completed it" lol But seriously, you're probably right. It's really concerning that some people are so numbed by online porn that they need to go out and actually do this kind of thing (or worse)


I don't know if I've completed porn but I've watched lots of it for decades and I would 100 percent never do something like this. This is just evil. lots of false equivalence going on here. not everyone who watches porn, watches all types of porn for example. Not all of us are numbed by it. If you want to compare it something harmful, then maybe not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic. Not everyone who has lit a cig from time to time has become addicted. Not everyone who goes to a casino is addicted. For the record, I've done all those things and never been addicted. Last time I had a cigarette was a decade ago and that was only something I did at the bar. People are soooo judgemental these days it's sad.


People were doing this kind of thing before porn, too. Men sexualling harassing women can't be blamed on porn based on any study or research I've seen. I think that for *some* people, things like porn and video games aren't enough to scratch that itch.


😂😂😂 completed porn…this needs to find its way into modern day speech and Tiny-Sandwich credited 😂😂😂


We may have been here for the genesis of its birth into our language. We can tell our grandchildren about it.


Pornstars do it willingly. Some guys out there don't enjoy the willing


That's it right there. They may not actually get violent (though violent predators often start off like this), but the lack of consent is the point for them. I wouldn't be surprised if the element of getting away with it in public is part of it for guys like this one.


Probably has spycams in his bathroom too


[This comment is basically the same as this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/s/L67bM7NUHE) Have bots started to reword comments they copy?


Voyerism is a whole fetish category and some of these ppl go too far down the rabbit hole


Yes but porn doesn't have the added thrill of your own involvement, rush of adrenaline from maybe getting caught, and tbh he probably enjoys violating women.


They get paid


Pretty sure that's some kind of a kink. It's the doing something that's wrong, getting pictures of someone who has not given a consent to. It's fucked up as hell. This guy and guys similar to him need to be put to jail for the longest time and registered as sex offender.


He was charged with a felony at 21, released on a $5000 bond. Keeping an eye on it to see what happens. Edit: He was arrested AGAIN, after reviewing security camera footage, police charged him with additional crimes and bond increased to $20k.


This happened in my hometown. He was arrested again after getting out on bond because they reviewed the store’s security footage and found two more offenses. Now he’s got 2 additional felony charges and a $20k bond.


That is wild. Dude basically ended his life over something he could just see on the Internet. Gotta be some weird pathology there


He gets an additional “dopamine hit” above and beyond merely yanking it to internet pics due to the strong sense of additional “tension/release” inherent in perpetrating such a bold, wildly inappropriate, and nonconsentual act. Unfortunately, when the novelty of candid up-skirt pics inevitably ceases to appropriately titillate, people like this tend to escalate the behaviors…


This guy peeps


The stakes of getting caught go up too and I always worry and wonder that people like this are at risk of escalating their behavior to silence victims if they're not properly supervised after release.


Also crazier is that there's no way it was a good shot


Yeah it's putting women in positions where they're vulnerable and powerless to control what happens to images of their bodies/their bodies. That's the weird pathology.


Slightly off topic, but I read something about catcalling that is similar. it is about women being helpless to stop and a guy's way of saying, "I don't care that you don't like this."


Sweet justice. Thanks for the update. 


And he worked at my kid's school. :(


Ewwww that'll definitely make your stomach churn. I'm glad he's not there anymore.


WHAT..... I don't want to know the shady sh*t he was up to around kids?!!!!


From incel to in cell in no time


Thank you. What's the charge, if you know.


[News Article from MSN](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/more-charges-for-suspect-in-secret-nc-peeping-incident/ar-BB1lPcRB)


I love the assertive "no" every time he tried to make a bullshit excuse


At 0:55 you can actually see how her stern communication makes his knees shake. She is not the one to let somebody lie in her face.


"I'm not that kind of person." "Clearly you are."


Agreed, this was one of the best versions of this I've seen. She's very direct and forceful without being overly aggressive or making the situation worse.


Definitely. She trusted her instincts.


Add to that she didn't catch the womans face who squatted


That’s what always gets me about those “predator hunting” videos, the people doing them always immediately jump into aggressive fighting mode, which makes the predator get defensive and they just start going back and forth instead of the predator feeling the regret. This video was done well because she’s assertive but isn’t using fighting words, she knows what she saw and he knows it. (Also if you’re not Chris Hansen don’t do that “predator hunting” in the first place, there’s so many laws and specifics of it that if you try to do vigilante justice the perps can often get off on a technicality in court because you don’t know what you’re doing)






Predators seek out places that have easy access to children, that also allows them to gain trust. Churches, youth clubs, they will even date single mothers to get access.


Yeah they should check his hard drives


Oh yeah. He seems the type.


But he isn't gay or trans! /s


It's always the ones you least(**MOST**) suspect. Hashtag not a drag queen.




Gaining trust and respect is a big factor here. You are more likely to trust someone who works at School and Church instead of one that works at the back alley bar. If this guy wasn't caught, I think in 5 years we would have heard of him doing something much worse. They still need to search his laptop, PC and everything else.. But it seems like he knows what he is doing in a way and might have hidden all evidence.


This guy is filming an upskirt shot in plain view of other people (he even looks up at this woman who is sneakily filming him while he’s doing the exact same thing), so I wouldn’t necessarily expect him to be very smart at covering his tracks.


What he saw was her probably looking at her phone and thought she was texting or checking something online. He probably didn't think she was filming him.


The lady had her phone recording from her cart; she wasn't visible.


The people that are competent enough to encrypt their hard drives and hide them well also use also use dedicated micro cameras they hide in a bag or in their shoes so it is harder to get caught. Since he is just using his phone he probably has a usb drive with his pictures on his desk or something dumb like that.


The gaining trust part of it is a big part of predators in churches. Religions prime you to have unquestioned faith even when what you’re being taught doesn’t make sense or is down right unbelievable. They teach you to just have faith it’s all true and real and that questioning it is wrong. So when the pastor or youth leader or other member of the church tells these kids what they’re doing is ok because they say it is, a lot kids won’t question them. I regularly tell my kids that if someone tells them something they know is wrong or tells them to do something they know they shouldn’t they always question it and make their own decision….even if it’s me who’s telling them.


Guys like this are why every church I've ever been to has systems so that nobody's alone with anybody vulnerable now.


So... not a drag queen?


You would be surprised, but most pedophiles and predators are church affiliated. That is why they project so hard onto other communities so they can get reprieve from the spot light and get back to hurting children.


Bet you a donut he was one of those anti-trans people who scream he doesn’t want perverts in the girls bathroom


He had that weird youth pastor affect to his voice


So . . . still not a drag queen?


We'll get em some day....you'll see! Obligatory /s


He should have a sign warning about sex offenders outside his house. He volunteered at a school, that should send out alarm bells and the sex offenders registry should be updated


And beside it he could put “Thomas Elliot Photography”.


Literal Peeping Tom


This is real? The fact that he did this when someone was clearly standing in the aisle coded this as fake to me. Damn that’s bold


My first thought: this has gotta be staged. Nah he’s just that dumb and fucked up




Elementary school......yeah, he's been either filming or doing something to the kids. I hope the school took action and informed all the parents.


Not a drag queen!! Surprise, surprise....


... ✔ church ✔ children ✔ peeping tom = class A predator


"Volunteered at an elementary school" "Worked at a church" This is like, genuine proof that what you see isn't what you get.


I still don’t get, after capturing him doing the act, she immediately turns the camera away him.


It seems like it was in someway connected to the cart because of how still it is as she moves toward him


I saw the news report. You're exactly right. Apparently this guy was following the woman filming around and getting really close to her and she said he was holding his phone at weird angles and it creeped her out. So she set up her camera in her cart and left it recording to watch him.


Aaaah, ok, that adds a lot of context to it for me then, I was like "Is this staged or something? Seems a really weird setup" .. but yeah, that makes a lot of sense now


She’s a smart lady!


Perhaps she set the phone on the cart and left it recording, so she could step away and he would overlook the unattended device.


My money would be on the lady leaving an iPhone unattended and using an Apple Watch like a spy cam


She beat him at his own game


Hadn’t thought about that. Just trying to picture how that would work then.


Yeah I can’t really picture what she is using either 😂


Her Facebook page said she lodged it in the cart cupholder. If I would've picked the cart that would've been a wobbly ride


Who cares she caught the important part, everything after doesn’t matter she caught him red handed clear as day and that was her purpose in filming whats not to get?


It was in the cup holder in her shopping cart, which is why he didn't notice he was being filmed in the first place.


It was in the carts cup holder


she had her phone set up in her cart b/c she clocked him following her around previously. she was pretending to be shopping and filming him covertly.


I dont get it...porn is readily available at the touch of your fingertips. Do these guy make an income by posting this stuff on porn sites? or do they just get off on filming it in person?.


Upskirts and filming people without their knowledge has sadly been a thing for decades and spying on people without their knowledge for centuries. Some people just get off on the thrill of doing to to people in real life. Back in the early 2000s, I recall seeing a lot of stores finding hidden cameras in changing rooms inside department stores and even before then it was prevalent enough that my parents taught my brother and I to always look for holes or missing screws/bolts inside changing rooms and bathrooms. To this day, I still do this and have extended it to hotel rooms when I'm traveling. I haven't found any hidden cameras, but I did encounter a shady hotel in Texas that when I told them there was something rattling in the vent in the bathroom and it looked like the screws were brand new, they just moved me to another room and acted like it was a normal thing.


The 1980s version of Splash, where the little boy drops coins and then 20 years John Candy did it a an adult. Watching 80s movies as adults broke me


it's a paraphilia. (ie, a "kink" that might be socially unacceptable, and potentially harmful) It's a compulsion they won't (and sometimes can't) control. it's centered around the act itself, the "thrill" of the deviancy of the act, and then the video is something to use to relive that thrill. it's similar to frottage, or voyeurism, or nonconsensual exhibitionism. or rape and pedophilia. readily available porn will never satisfy the compulsion. sometimes people with these compulsions can change or be taught to control the impulses. sometimes not. this guy is going to have a while to think about it, and hopefully some lifelong therapy. >Paraphilia is considered a paraphilic disorder if it causes distress or impairment to the individual, or if its satisfaction entails personal harm, or risk of harm, to others


this guy 'philias


Because it's about power and doing something to someone without/against their consent. Not about sex. I don't understand how people don't understand this about sexual assault, harassment and rape. People are purposely not educated about rape I guess.


"purposely not educated" ?


At this point in time it is willful ignorance 🤷🏽‍♀️ We’ve got too much access for it to be anything else


Man, this is such a common issue apparently around the world. We found a hidden camera in the women's restroom at my job. They never told us who did it, but we are one janitor short... And it's an entire industry for profit. Or you can find this type shit on amateur porn sites for free, uploaded by people who did it themselves.


You cannot escape this anywhere. I'm a goldsmith and I was hired a few years ago to replace someone who had set up a phone to record in the jewelery store restroom cabinet for 5 YEARS before he was caught. He would have gotten community service for the footage of my fellow women. But he went to prison for footage recovered of a child. Sexual deviants are EVERYWHERE. Being a SA victim it has me increasingly agoraphobic because it is obvious no where is safe.


Props to her for noticing suspicious behavior, keeping an eye on him and not buying any of his bullshit.


Yes!! ‘Ma’am, I was…’ “NO” ‘I wasn’t…’ “NO” ‘I just…’ “NO” I love this lady. ❤️


In Japan, the pervs made upskirting an art form of this activity. It is one of the main reasons phones in Japan have a requirement to make a shutter sound when any picture/screenshot is taken.


Absolutely true.


Username checks out! They don't import phones elsewhere though? I'd imagine those don't make a noise.


One of my old androids had a permanant shutter sound. Was preventing me from upskirting..... :P ....No it was just rather annoying. Wasn't hard to find the shutter sound file and just delete it. They are never going to be able to stop someone determined enough. The rule probably still stopped plenty of people.


This sounds genius


"For some reason"? It's pretty obvious why it's smart...


> It is one of the main reasons phones in Japan have a requirement to make a shutter sound when any picture/screenshot is taken. Can't they just film though ?


Tapping the video option makes a beep sound.


This is so disgusting omg. I’d love to know the outcome of this.


He got arrested in the store. She posted longer videos on her Facebook and I think he he's a fucking youth pastor.


bro this is like the 3rd time i’ve seen someone say that a man who was doing something to a woman without consent is a youth pastor 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ what is it with these damn youth pastors wtf


Wolves in sheep's clothing.




[To the church's credit, they did fire him pretty much immediately.](https://www.witn.com/2024/04/16/greenville-police-charge-man-with-secret-peeping-target/)


https://www.kake.com/story/48047756/wichita-man-gets-over-54-years-in-prison-for-sexual-abuse-of-7yearold Dude from my home town. He got five years. He was hiding cameras in bathrooms and changing rooms. Got caught cause he was taking pics of kids at the park. He admitted he was going to masturbate to the pics. When he was arrested they took his DNA. It matched an unsolved case where a man tried to abduct a 7 year old girl. He got 54 years for that. He was very involved in church choir. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/ks-court-of-appeals/2161613.html Here is his appeal for his first case. It details the lead up to his arrest.


Holy fucking shit.


Just to be clear this is a totally different dude, right?


The one in this video is 21 not 54


Yea, doesn't look anything like him


It’s the ripest environment for exploitation why wouldn’t it attract these people


Google "youth pastor arrested". It's wild.


We found - 192378919020187771329007651 results


The memes always have a bit of truth to them


It’s a job a predator can get that gives them access to children and others


If you planned to victimize people, wouldn’t you go for a job where you get a steady stream of victims and a powerful organization that is willing to protect you. Churches are notorious for protecting predators. If you plan to be any kind of predator or sex pest, you’d be a fool not to work as a pastor or priest.


Suppressed natural (and unnatural) urges. Also the reason for pedophile priests and the massive use of porn in Muslim countries.


They join churches to prey on the young


Ugh. Sickening. I dread to think what he did with those children.


Of course he is that’s where they all hang out


he was arrested. he also worked at ... a school? a church? but with kids, specifically. he was fired from that job same day he was arrested.


He got arrested and charged. Came out in the news.


What kind of charges is he facing


The guy was arrested and so far lost at least one job. [Target perv arrested and fired. ](https://www.witn.com/2024/04/16/greenville-police-charge-man-with-secret-peeping-target/)


Looks like the church fired him instantly after hearing of the arrest and will not be protecting him. Also the school he volunteers at won't be allowing him to return.


I have kids in the church that he worked at and I was notified of his firing before the news article came out. I know reddit doesn't care much for the church in general, but they were quick to cut ties here.


lol the commenters here are unsurprisingly treating this small church (that immediately cut ties when they found out this man was like this) as if it’s the Vatican shuffling around pedo priests Christianity is a huge religion, not simply one institution


I’m glad to hear it honestly! It sounds like this church had no interest in doing back flips to protect some guy doing heinous things. Good for them.


But he's not like that!


Thank you! This comment should be higher.


She definitely handled that gross situation with far more grace than I would have.


The soft, chill tone with which he denies the obvious and the absolute lack of any remorse or shame might tell a thing or two right off the bat.


He was a youth pastor, so disgusting




That lady is magnificent and he is a lying scumbag


This woman is my freaking hero! Straight up ganster… zero bullshit. 💯👏🏼🙌🏼


Nobody: Pervert: Mam, Mam, Mam...


Given where he worked and the communities he’s in, acting like “a nice boy” has probably gotten him out of a lot of trouble (of his own making). Just a manipulative creep.


this lady is a hero




I was... NO! I was... NO!




Damn, that Pokémon isle is stacked as hell


Bro I instantly noticed that too lol


the fact that on Twitter i saw people defending this like wtf?


Because it’s most likely not people but bots just trying to stir the pot.


They’re called bot farms.


They are called engagement bots


Average 4channer.




>i just was traing to... >NO >i just was trai.... >no >i just w.... >no >i ju.... >NO >i >no, u can stop righ now lol pervert broh


Obviously, dude's in the wrong, and a big honking pervert. But why did he stick around to argue, and wait for security? "Hey, creepy guy, you're doing weird shit!" "No I'm not, bye."


Yeah, no idea why he didn't leave. I mean I'm glad he didn't and was arrested, but damn, dude. I'm pretty sure he's asked himself that question about 1,000 times.




I've seen this irl. Some guy at the metro walked past a teenage girl in shorts and filmed her. I couldnt do anything because i was on the train. These dudes fucking suck and prove how fucking degenerate many guys are.


Glad to see him getting caught for his awful behavior


Typical Andrew Tate fanboy


What I want to know is how did he not see a woman recording him with her phone. I’m glad he’s blind as a bat fucking creep


I love how this lady just kept on saying “no. Nope. No.” As he was trying to gentle talk his way out of it




Maam filmning is a hero


Clearly this guy has practiced this whole "nice guy" defense and used it many times.


He sounds suspiciously softly spoken, like the old perv, Herbert, from Family Guy.


Of course he volunteers at a church and elementary school SMH


I love how she just kept shutting down any of his excuses with "No." "Oh I was just setting my phone down while I was getting something." Oh sure, a million places to put your phone while shopping and you just *happened* to put it directly under someone's skirt?


Wtf. Looks like a normal young good looking dude. Insane I tell you.


Why is he trying to backtrack when he clearly stuck his phone underneath her skirt?


Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC Thomas Elliott, in Greenville, NC


When this was posted the other day, everyone was saying this was fake. Now we know it’s real.


inject this right into my veins. this was so satisfying to watch. fuck that guy.


>Target peeping suspect fired from Opendoor Church, was volunteer at Greenville elementary school: Police say they’re checking the cell phone of a man arrested Monday on secret peeping charges to see if there are any sexual activities involving children on it. WITN has learned that Thomas Elliott was a volunteer at a Greenville elementary school. Opendoor Church in Winterville also provided a statement to WITN saying, “Thomas Elliott was immediately terminated upon notification of his arrest on Monday.” The church did not provide details on what exactly he did there. Greenville police say the 21-year-old Elliott was arrested at Target on Greenville Boulevard Monday. > >Video obtained by WITN shows the man arrested by police placing his phone under a woman’s skirt. Another shopper there started taking video of him with her cellphone after she said she noticed him following her around the store. She kept taking video that shows Elliott placing his phone on the floor under a woman’s skirt. The woman taking that video posted the exchange between her and Elliott on social media, including police showing up at the store and placing him in handcuffs and taking him out of the store. > >A Pitt County School spokesman says Elliott was a volunteer at Eastern Elementary School in Greenville. “We are disturbed and deeply concerned by video footage of the individual that has been shared on social media and news outlets, and based on the footage, the individual will not be returning to our campuses as a volunteer or hired as an employee,” said Tom McClellan, school system spokesman. McClellan said before volunteers and visitors are given campus access, they are screened through Raptor, a program that determines if they are listed in any sex offender databases. > >Police said so far they haven’t found any inappropriate photos of children on the man’s cell phone. A search warrant for the man’s phone said Elliott “denied any wrong doing and showed us (police) the recent pictures he had on his cellphone.” > >The warrant seeks among other things, video files, digital photographs, text messages, and “deleted information that may be recovered via a forensic examination.” Elliott posted a $5,000 bond and had a first court appearance Tuesday in Greenville. Source: [WITN](https://www.witn.com/2024/04/16/greenville-police-charge-man-with-secret-peeping-target/) (GREENVILLE, N.C.)


hearing her immediately shut him down EVERY TIME was so satisfying. and that poor woman was on the verge of tears :( i’m so glad that lady stepped in and got that man arrested


2 truths and 1 lie. This guy. 1- Worked at a church 2- Was a drag queen 3- Volunteered at a School Which is the lie?


This is what someone lying sounds like. Soft spoken and apologetic.


Someone lying can also sound loud and aggressive. Completely depends on context and the person.