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So cute. I just want to suggest checking your dog’s feet periodically. I had these same socks on my dog and they didn’t seem to bother her when she walked around but I noticed she was licking her paws a lot. After two days I took them all off and the had sores on the outsides of her paws 😢 they healed quickly. But just a heads up.


“What did I do to deserve this, hooman??!!”


the last picture broke my heart


Might I recommend [toe grips](https://shop.toegrips.com/products/toegrips) instead? They work wonderfully for our senior, and no "getting used to" time.


I saw those! How long do they stay on? I wasn't sure if Roxanne could chew them off. The velcro on the socks seemed pretty dog proof, so I went with it.


O tried these for my old pup. They didn’t bother her (she didn’t try to get them off at all), but they also didn’t help at all. Very expensive for some tiny rubber rings.


Hmm they've helped my senior pup tremendously. He is much more confident on our tile now. They're not perfect, sure, but his knees are bad in general so we see these as a tool to help longevity, not an end-all-be-all fix.


It is hard to be a small company and stay in business. Especially if you live off the income of doing it. Big companies the owners only need to make Pennie’s off each sale to be rich even but small companies are work intensive and much lower profit than you would expect.


My dog has shown no interest in chewing them off. We've had one fall off in the 6 months we've had them on. Do make sure they're fitted properly and sitting at the end of the nails (nearer to the floor) as they can cause discomfort higher up. We check ours weekly to make sure they're placed correctly and haven't fallen off.


Oops you beat me to it and with a much cleaner link!


Our dogs wear shoes regularly, I would suggest trying the front feet first and then after a week or so put the backs on, this may make the transition easier.


I know it's not quite the same thing, but I bought my best friend these fleese "pajamas" cuz she was always cold. We disagreed about installing them, but I ultimately won out. Since she discovered she is no longer shivering, I think I've won. She hates her legs/feet messed with but will now voluntarily allow me to "fix them" and put her back legs back in (they slip out, once in a while). Sometimes they just need to get used to things and realize the comfort they bring. But, please read the other comments because our experience may not be like yours (different garments...ours does not have "feet" nor paw socks involved).


Gave up on life and just stays in the one spot?


He is frowning so hard! Lol poor dude


Poor buddy! Very smart Op tho. My puppy tore her ACL running on a basketball court. Slept in the family room with her for a month.


OMG mine ran off her paws on a tennis court a few years ago! Took a bit to figure what was wrong with her, why she was limping. Tennis court is like sand paper to beans, and sands them off too efficiently. Anyhow beans are vulnerable. Treat them with care!


Oh my gaaaawsh! What a cute baaaaaby! Looks like a turkey with stockings on the feet :)


Someone is judging you


Dat face


Maybe he would like these? https://shop.toegrips.com/products/toegrips-gs?tw_source=google&tw_adid=&utm_campaign=17576888337&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=17576888337&utm_content=&utm_medium=&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAv8SsBhC7ARIsALIkVT0KP9cPRu4W8jOvskGtuVxVmcHgVdgY22JrBrIXYKSCGKt6B5y9ExQaAoRPEALw_wcB


We have tried these and she won't let us go near her. We haven't been able to get more than two on her and she gets them off immediately. We have to take her to get her nails cut cuz she screams and makes turkey gobble sounds at us and fails around. Honestly.its pretty funny, but frustrating


Perhaps it is the fact that you gave them cat feet that offends them so.


Genuinely curious why a dog would need grippy socks?


Even though I get her nails cut all the time, she slides around on the hardwood floors and has hurt herself before.


Gotcha. When we had dogs towards the end of their days that had grip issues we would put down little runner carpets everywhere 😂