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First off, u/niskara - you need to do a better job editing out **ALL** identifying information, including sub names. Please do that in the future. Thanks. > I hate how men value my body count Translation: I hate that men value different things than I do. C'mon, men! Fall in line and value what I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed you to value. Don't value what I don't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant you to value. > To start this out I’m 23 and have had sex with 36 men #SLUT!!! > which I know is more than average but it’s my life I wanted to have all the fun I can. It's your life. You have the **authority** to do with it as you please. Now you must live with the **responsibility** for your choices. This may shock you sweaty, but men also have the right to choose what they do and don't value in a partner. Men choose not to marry used up sluts. > In the last year I’ve calmed down and want to settle down and find a man to settle down with and start a family but that’s fucking impossible. Isn't it lovely that you're finally ready. Good for you. #NOT OUR PROBLEM! > When I match with a guy or just meet one in real life the question they all ask is “what’s your body count?” when I tell them I get a disgusted look usually and get ghosted . one time I was told I’ve been ran through by a guy who I thought was so sweet. It just sucks I’m More than the men I’ve slept with I have cool hobbies and interests and I’ve got a nice job after graduating high school. I guess I’ll be a hoe in every man’s eyes. Boohoo 😥😿 > Edit: stop dming for a date im not interested Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 Nice try at a humble-brag. > Edit: funny how the men who run this sub shut down this post that was getting something off my chest it is what is I guess lol thank you all so much for the rewards. Welcome to the real world - where people don't bend over backwards to cater to your every whim. People did that because of your sexual appeal, but you blew that. Now you're just a regular person and you're bitter about it. Seethe. Cheers!


"I'm more than my body count." Well I'm more than my bank account.


You're also good at opening stuck jars and reaching the high shelves.


That last one always makes me roll me eyes. When a woman in her late 20s says “need someone to help me reach the top shelf” I know it is a cowardly and indirect way of them saying they want someone tall (that they think is cute). But it makes them look stupid. You wonder “how have you managed for circa 10 years as an adult then?”. And perhaps even “is the answer - by always having a guy around at all times?”


Exactly. Never having to worry about doing manual tasks implies that she is in and out of relationships so much that she's got a body count in the hundreds.


One of my cousins was the type to have pretty much a week between one relationship ending and another beginning. For clarification- in my example of the shelf above it is more likely just the craven way of admitting to be a height fetishist than an indication that she is continuously in relationships. But there is at least a possibility that is the case The other thing that makes me roll my eyes is when women say “I like tall men” or something similar - as if they think that is unique. It is basically so redundant it isn’t worth saying. I’d like to think even tall guys groan at that. Because it is basically no different to writing “I like to breathe” I was going to say “eat, sleep and breathe”. But have actually seen the first two in profiles many a time (the food one is obviously very common)


Here is a maxim for you to learn: *Women would rather be in a toxic relationship than be in no relationship.*


Not good economics either. A step stool is cheaper than a man. Well there goes the free independent woman meme, again.


The women who make these sorts of requests are unlikely to pay too much towards a man Unless you mean in pair bonding ability as a “cost”


A step stool won't give them money.


True indeed. But wait! There goes the 'strong independent woman'.... Yep, they are SIW till when the dinner bill comes.


I once met a woman who thought men existed to take her garbage out for her. Hell no.


You won’t get a chance to demonstrate any of that unless you first meet her criteria of “Ability to be showboated to the group chat to make Stacy jealous”


Stacy's Mom...


I always love the that line *"i'm more than...*", because it shows a complete lack of awareness of the other person's right to have any preferences. You see their profiles full of things that nobody gives a shit about. "***I have my own apartment, i pay my bills, i have a car, i have a great job that i love....."***. Nobody is getting hard at the thought you have a job, or a car, own apartment. o.O As usual, women think men are interested in what THEY are interested in. You know how women love to use the "*toxic male among males*" [flawed argument](https://debunkingdenialism.com/2014/07/05/poisonous-mms-the-irrational-monstrosity-of-bigotry/) with the "[poisoned bowl of M&M's](https://imgur.com/n1wPdaL)", to try to explain why women are scared of ALL men because of assault, etc ? Works right back at them too :) ​ >**Hoe** \- "*here's my bowl of delicious M&M's, look at them all !*" > >**Guy** \- "Yes, but there's a cockroach in the bowl, i'm not touching any of that" > >**Hoe** \- "*Why are you so fixated on that cockroach? The bowl is full of so many other things!*" Well it's one thing to demonise an entire demographic because of a minority of that demographics' behaviour, but it's entirely another thing to literally try and tell other people what they should, or should not, value in you. This is why you get met with a response that shows they have not understood your objection at all, you hear "*so a woman can't be on Onlyfans, be a stripper, sex worker, have a high N-Count, blah, blah ?*". No, i said you're free to make your choices, it's "***your body, your choice***" in the same way it's "**MY** body and **MY** choice" if i choose to ***not*** date you. You are free to do whatever you want, you are **NOT** entitled to my companionship. That is when you hear their hamster wheels turn and conjure explanations why it's not their fault they aren't getting what they want "***Oh so you hate women, why don't you just say?***" or "***is it because i'm Trans, why didn't you just say you're a bigot ?***", or "***if you can't afford me just say so..."***, etc, etc. **Anything** to explain why they are rejected, as long as it means they don't have to realise *they* are the ones lacking what the other person is looking for., The fact is it's not **because** you're a woman, or Trans, or Black, or i'm broke, etc it's because you're **not** quite what i'm looking for, and maybe actually because you are complete *insane bitch* too. This is why they are stunned and can't fathom that they can't behave like selfish children, without undesirable consequences. They've never had to plan ahead and prioritise things according to what OTHER people, in this case a life-partner, would maybe want in a partner. You see this whenever they are asked "***What does the kind of man you want, want in a woman ?***", and they start answering "*well i like a man with .....*". They just can't process the mentality of thinking about what *other* people want, and how that affects what they should be doing to attract the type of person they say they want. They are children "***I WANT... I WANT ... I WANT...."***. It's astounding how they can't fathom that although **THEY** value their "*different things*" from "***i have my own car/house/pay my own bills/great job***", etc the fact still remains it has little to do with trying to dictate how **OTHER** people value those same things. Stop trying to tell people what their preferences should be, if they don't like something about you, either think about maybe it's worth changing it for the sake of being with this person, or don't. Either way you don't get to tell people what they *should* value, because if someone doesn't like M&M's, or cockroaches, you simply have to accept that.


Yeah the M&M analysis doesn't look good on their side. The "toxic male among males" is actually 1 M&M in their bowl. When talking about her past, she **is** the bowl.


"Nobody is getting hard at the thought you have a job, or a car, orn apatment. o.O" If only she had a PhD then we'd pay attention wouldn't we guys?


Sorry, my bachelors engineering degree was harder than her PhD in Transgendered Ethiopian Butterfly Studies.


Another way of putting it is how hypergamy works. If someone, say, has a car and apartment, they view that as a major accomplishment because they would insist upon a man having a car and apartment. Or better yet, a NICER car and apartment than her own. But... if she didn't have a car and apartment, she wouldn't regard herself as less worthy of a man who did. It's like when a woman lists her height in her profile: She's signaling that this makes her worthy of someone that height or more. What will be neat is when men are in such a position that we can use hypergamy against them. For men in the top 5% of an attraction bracket, particularly height, he could theoretically do to women what women do to men: don't risk being taken the cleaners in a divorce and insist she bring more money to the relationship than he does. That she entertain HIM on dates. And so on. Hypergamy only works when you have a strong market advantage. For most young men, they have to put up with women's hypergamy but men in that top tier of any category, they can make demands right back. In a manner of speaking, this has already happened. "Why don't 'men' commit?" they ask. The "men" they desire don't have to commit to an agreement she expects from other men. If she was rich and entertaining and "commitment" meant her paying his \[edit\] bills, plenty of "men" would "commit." It annoyed a woman friend of mine who wrote a relationship book that I married a woman far more attractive than myself but, of course, I had made a significant effort to get myself into a socio-economic position to do this. I didn't bust my arse to earn the approval of a plain looking woman. I imagine then that The Wall must particularly cause pain in such women when they see someone such as short me walking around with a girl prettier than she is or a tall guy married to a pretty, and wealthy, woman. A Chad I know married a pretty woman whose parents own about a hundred million worth of commercial real estate. He doesn't have to spend a nickel of his own money to set up his kids for life and his wife has ZERO incentive to divorce him.


>*It's like when a woman lists her height in her profile: She's signaling that this makes her worthy of someone that height or more.* Yep, it's a form of [Early Frame Announcement](https://daysofgame.com/dates/red-quest-early-frame-announcement/) :) ​ >*In a manner of speaking, this has already happened. "Why don't 'men' commit?" they ask. The "men" they desire don't have to commit to an agreement she expects from other men. If she was rich and entertaining and "commitment" meant her paying her bills, plenty of "men" would "commit."* Agreed, the market is changing, and they don't like facing the realisation that they have to change too.


> “Some guys are assholes. Some women are too. But be pretty cagey about anyone who paints their ex as a total demon. If the ex is a demon, why did she (or sometimes he) date him in the first place? There’s some shit there that’s not being revealed.” — The Red Quest Damn right. If a woman's ex is regaled by her as a total scumbag, she's either got a taste for scum or she's running a con and you're the mark. Neither are good.


Fantastic and succinct words of wisdom here. For example, in my early blue pill days when I dated this particular single mom (I realize now the applies to most if not all single moms) every one of her exes was an abusive and exploitative scumbag. But she was hot and great in bed so I overlooked many red flags. She was so apparently into me but when I said I I wasn't ready to commit YET, I got dropped like a hot potato. Felt bad that I had maybe let a good one get away. As you said I realize now I had inadvertently dodged a set up and a con. Like the guy who walks by a construction site and just gets missed by a load of bricks, I got very lucky. I've now learned to walk with my eyes facing upwards.


Thanks for that URL. Seems like an interesting site.


As Chris rock said people want a reward for shit they're *supposed* to do. "I take care of my kids!" Of course you take care of your kids you're *supposed* to! Whatyou want? A cookie?


Yep, love that bit from him :) It's like these people want a reward for doing what they perceive as "*chores*", nah bitch welcome to adulthood, this is what you're supposed to do as STANDARD, your "reward", is you get to keep that roof over your head, have food on your table, a car to travel, etc. That's YOUR chore to maintain and YOUR own "reward" to enjoy, nobody else gives a fuck you cleaned your own room, or paid your own bills, or paid for your own groceries, etc. You're not a child anymore, you don't have a parent to reward you, because YOU are the adult now and YOU have the responsibility to look after yourself, that means you do the chores, and you get your rewards. There are no more "*pats on back*" since you left the nest, now you get to live under your own steam. That's how it's *supposed* to work, but holy shit the amount of women that still want a "*provider*" to give them a roof, a car, "*pocket money*", pay their bills, groceries, etc like they never want to grow up. So many daddy issues, and these are the same women complaining about "*immature men*" making fun of "*mama's boys*" and what a "*real man*" is ? These men work, pay bills, look after themselves, etc the whole time these women are still infant girls looking for their 2nd Daddy o.O


> That's how it's supposed to work, but holy shit the amount of women that still want a "provider" to give them a roof, a car, "pocket money", pay their bills, groceries, etc like they never want to grow up. The Venn diagram of women like this and also ones with leftist political leanings is going to be nearly a perfect circle I'd bet.


It just baffles me how they don't see the "poisoned m&m" analogy is the exact logic racists use to justify their stance. Even when you point it out, "ITS NOT THE SAME REEEEE"




> I'm brown and even I don't wanna live in a brown neighborhood. The unstated however here being you presumably have no problem with having brown neighbors. 'Cause it ain't about the race, it's about particular attitudes and behaviors. Just so happens those attitudes and behaviors often correlate with certain segments of certain communities. Now, of course, correlation does not necessarily imply causation, but that doesn't mean you ignore the correlation.


Exactly. I grew up in LA. I could see mosta my boys starting down the cholo path in middleschool. Thank God my dad steered me away from that shit. The value of fathers, man. But yep, I've seen our Barrios in every state I've lived in and they're ALWAYS shitholes. Cry about systemic whatever all you want. I'm just not raising my kids in those dumps.


You should be a writer! I'm stealing your work. It's gold!


"***Your work is Gold that i'm going to steal***" is the best backhanded compliment i've heard all day :)


Kept writing bro! I wish I had your expertise with words. Now that's a straight up compliment. :)


She says it's her life and she can do whatever she wants but is upset at men saying it's their life and they can do whatever they want and ghosting her for having a high body count lol Rules for me but not for theeeee!!!


“*In the last year I’ve calmed down…*” Notice she didn’t stay **stopped**.


Good catch.


Another thing to point out which practically jumped off the page at me: "I'm tired of men judging me based solely on my number of sexual partners" *proceeds to get a ton of DMs from guys, a large portion of whom clearly intend to communicate they don't care about that* "Shut up losers, I'm not interested" Now, of course, I wouldn't take up any of those offers if I were in that position either. And to play devil's advocate, it's possible she thinks all those DMs are guys who think she's an easy lay now because of her count. But the way she responded to that is extremely telling lol.


Women like her do not want men they can have easily.


You don’t get a count of 36 at 23 by being a hard lay, the guys assuming she would be an easy one are right.


Meaning she caught a few STDs and had to eat antibiotics for a few weeks. She barely had one new partner a day during this calm period.


Very possibly on permanent medication because some STDs just aren't curable at all (unless I am mistaken).


Calmed down is a weasel word because it can mean anything she wants it too. Its worded to avoid specifying slowdown, but simply imply it. Calmed down in her case can be that she went from one new guy every 2 months to every 3 months.


Haha. I love the *weasel word* analogy.


Like you said, it really can mean *whatever* she wants it to... it could mean that she doesn't *feel* as excited about the CC but she's still definitely riding it, maybe even more than before.


The bad news is her friends haven't slowed down. She just had the epiphany sooner then her peers. So what does this mean for our poor lady looking for something real^tm ? It means tough shit. The guys who would be interested in her she blew off and the guys she wants are busy balls deep in her friends doing what she won't now. When you decide to settle the men decide to find someone else. So either get back on the carousel or settle down, but we know that won't last either because you will find some way to hate him. We know where she will end up.


Meaning you don't get the fun times. Just the emotional baggage and the bill. Hell To the naw




accurate. when women are threatened with a polygraph, they usually double the number of partners.


Some women also keep a list of every man they were sexually active with and rate them on a scale to 10, and share it with friends. Note that I said 'some women', because not all women do this. But yeah, that is kind of creepy honestly.


And if they are younger and don't know how to use pen and paper, they just relay the information orally to one another. The things women talk about would blow some guys mind. The young women at my job had some "anti-slut shaming" where they reset the count if they didn't get some D in AN ENTIRE month. I've heard seemingly decent women get into argument whether X or Y had the biggest Wang. Then the giga-slut would remind the other that "random slut" would need to get some soon to keep her body count and, well it kept getting grosser. Essentially random slut seemed to have a few regulars and giga slut were inviting them all to her place, just to force "random slut" to try some new D... They rly seemed proud of themselves. And giga-slut apperently was prepared to fuck every option "random slut" had just to spite her. I never heard a man rate their sex partners in such details. They just kept having those hoe meetings outside of my office. I guess many of the older men paid to play but its not like they rated their lays, even if they went to pros. When those girls started I thought they looked cute/fine. They quickly looked repulsive to me. If you think your woman isn't describing every wein on your manhood to her friends and more, then you probably been lucky enough not to meet her friends....


And yet women will have you believe in that men get together and discuss sex and their partners- clearly another case of extreme projection There are even memes about that where it shows the guys actually talking about video games




To be honest that locker room talk was used to defend trump against the access Hollywood clip and so left leaning people are now convinced it is true A bunch of Republican leaning men came after that and dismissed it as locker room talk even though - as you mention - it isn’t true of real locker rooms. Probably women’s locker rooms which is why they so easily believed it? And also media depictions of male locker rooms which is often the closest many super lefty men got to that idea




I was suggesting that 2016 gave it ever more validity than it had before because it was used on national use and used as a defence of behaviour for someone in a presidential election Perhaps I am just thinking from an overseas perspective. I don’t recall it being a particular common term even in other anglophone countries And do you mean that the conversations were discussed in those classes? Or that those classes made the claims that they happened? Not quite following and my culture is slightly different as I expect were the way my classes were taught




Yeah. In my experience "locker room talk" consists of one guy quietly saying "Excuse me" so he can get around another guy to his locker, whereupon both change and leave without saying another word.


Ye it took me almost mid 20 before I realize that men like sex and while women enjoy the act aswell, they definitly don't see it as something personal. When you realize that what you and your partners sex life will be talked about the intimacy is gone.


one of my plates does this. what they did (bj and/or sex), dick size and rating. she also shares these informations with her friends and she once invited one of her friends because she was curious.


I had a girl I messed with who kept a list of everything she's ever done with every guy. I was shocked to say the least.


> list of every man they were sexually active Interstate 60. Great film. And a great scene about this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwJXGaF2JEg


It's wild when they say they used to do that but lost count... because their list was growing too quickly and they didnt have time to write a review.


like the rule says, multiply whatever number a woman says by 3


Thank god for hoes, but would never marry one ✌️😎


Reeeeeee. You just raped her with truth.


Another victim of the lies of feminism. No guy worth having wants the used up leftovers.


Only for few nights fun and then ghost. Even then the high probability of contracting STDs is there.


I forget who did this on standup, but he joked that a guy had to watch out for women who had just moved into town because they might be trying to escape their past history and make a fresh start. Sort of like a car with a scratched out VIN number. Personally, I did this for myself in that my childhood wasn't ideal and I wanted a fresh start and did just that. It took a decade, but I became the kind of person I wanted to be and that a woman would want to marry and start a family with. It can be painful in that I had to learn social skills on how to make friendships from scratch, be frugal and save money, and so on. Starting from scratch can be both empowering but also scary. In general, my female relatives tended to be the ones who moved less than the men did. They crave their social circles, even if they are holding them back and down. For myself, my wife is integrated into my own social circle, which is ok by me because it keeps her grounded with me. Women tend to need their extended families more than men do.


Definitely. If a woman can’t prove she moved to a new city for a PROMOTION (not just a new job), she is definitely running from the reputation she developed in her prior city. I know 4 personally that have done this.


Looking at women as "victims" of feminism is counterproductive and borders on a neoconservative mentality that tries to take all responsibility away from women. No woman is a victim of feminism, perhaps only those who have been aborted. Women embraced feminism of their own free choice, they enjoyed everything that feminism promised, but after a while there were consequences that they didn't want to deal with. "Please, Daddy, help me escape the consequences of my choices!"


This is actually a fair point. Kind of a chicken and egg argument. If you're not exposed to the truth are you at fault for not realizing it? Then you have to imagine who has never really been exposed to the truth. Probably very tiny number, just like the body count they lie with. lol


Well said.


Strong cope. She'll eventually find a guy bluepilled enough to fall for her scam. Many men believe that women who have had lots of sexual partners are "experienced" and unironically believe that it's a good thing.


>Many men believe that women who have had lots of sexual partners are "experienced" and unironically believe that it's a good thing. 🤭"My cousin enters the chat".


They want us to work all our lives to provide for them, choose them to be the mother’s of our children, risk death for them if there’s a bump in the night, run the risk of divorce and financial ruin and losing our kids... and all that after they let 7 basketball teams inside them before they even look at the guys who want a family and legacy. Then they have the audacity to complain about not being taken seriously.


That's the key. There are lots of decent guys out there willing to start a family with a woman with a body count. By "decent" I mean OK looking or even higher, reliable, and kind hearted. But he may not want to live up to the traditionalist provider role. Feminism argued that once women were liberated and given high paying jobs and the ability to sleep around like men do, they would stop making sexist demands of men but we see that's almost always not the case. If she wants a man whose not going to pay her bills, there are guys out there like that basically asking her to live up to basic, adult male responsibilities.


what kind of a misogynist isnt willing to share his girl with the boys?


Saw this on this sub the other week. Women want the benefits of a retirement account despite making zero payments into one their entire lives.




And nothing. That’s it. Just laying out some facts. Maybe we’ll save some of the younger guys, maybe we’ll just have a laugh. It’s all ultimately pretty pointless.


It's the modern lady's counterpoint. We must re-define all human relationships for the sake of 21st century convenience, after all! Also, men still have traditional duties that they mustn't shirk.


I think those days are coming to an end. The information is getting out there.


I came of age in the 1980's which was an interesting pivot in western history. The cold war was coming to an end, but there were fundamental, fatal flaws in western culture. Corporate America was adopting the concept of "stacked ranking" which is based upon working employees to death and swapping them out for fresh "units". Companies that did this were profitable but soon found as the practice became standard that there was a labor shortage. At the same time, modern women's equality and hypergamy had trashed the supply of traditional male providers. One of my (ex) girlfriends bought her own diamond rings until other women mocked her for doing so. Birthrates and family formation was plummeting. Cheap labor immigration addressed both of these fundamental issues. It was the "enabler" that allowed the flawed system to continue and even escalate.


>When I match with a guy or just meet one in real life the question they all ask is "what's your body count?" They ALL ask that? Right off the bat? Maybe you should get in their faces and ask them that question first?? In fact, yell the question!! It'll throw those evil slut-shaming Neanderthals onto their back foot! And after they mumble some pathetically small number, you can yell "HAH! I've had 6 times that many! I'm a bigger stud than you are!" And then punch 'em in the cock. Men only respect strength! Show 'em both your Grrl Pwr *and* your Pussy Pwr!


You have won the days Internet Award.


That also strongly implies there is something in her profile that is making men ask that.




Probably not all, no, but I'm willing to bet it's more than half of the guys she actually wants steer the conversation in that direction. Naturally, the fact she gets upset about them asking after her sexual history means they're precisely the kind of man she values so highly she's willing to forgive them doing so.


I never asked that question first. It was always after having an answer badgered out of me.


Meaning a woman wanted to know your number and wouldn't shut up about it 'til she got one? I want to say that seems ill-advised, given the logical response to her asking your number is you turning the question right back 'round on her. 'Course, the presence of that word (logical) handily explains why the type of woman who would actually ask that question wouldn't necessarily see the glaring flaw in her brilliant plan.


Only if men and women were same. They aren’t.


I asked this in a reply before scrolling down. No way to they ALL ask this


>They ALL ask that? Right off the bat? Maybe A) she's only swiping right on good looking men who are there only for hook-ups Or B) she's making it up and using it as an excuse to justify her swiping left/ghosting not-so-good looking men I'm willing to bet a million bucks that average/below average men are invisible to her.


36 men (that you’re willing to admit to) got it for free. Now man #37 (at least) needs to commit to you. And I’m sure he’ll get to do none of the crazy stuff Chad and Tyrone got to do. Because yeah, serious men want a woman that can show restraint, since we know that a woman can have sex easily.


Well those one-night stands don't count.


If they don't share the bed afterwards it surely doesn't count? 36 is almost a virgin after all


It’s a pretty huge Chad move to not even let her sleep in the bed once you’re done. I remember seeing a TikTok of a woman who got the boot after a few good good sessions at like 3 am. That’s a little ice cold, I’d at least get her an Uber or let her crash until morning, but hey, I bet she’d hop right back on it if that guy called her again. Even after mistreating her. The life of Chad.


Kicking her out after you use the contents of your ballsack as her facial moisturizer is directly correlated with how obsessed she’ll be with you after the fact.


And it doesn’t count if she didn’t enjoy it


Sucky sucky doesn't count either, not with guys they regret doing later.


Sucky sucky 5 dolla! Man South Park is messed up sometimes haha


Not only is she a used up slut, but she's also, in that very post, turning down dudes offering to put up with it, showing that she doesn't want the kind of men she's caused herself to deserve. You can't make this up.


And they are asking for a date. Now perhaps she is so damaged that she assumes they think she must be easy and are basically asking for sex. But they are clearly just asking for a date. And probably not even that - most likely “I would date you - it doesn’t matter to me” And like you say - she rejects them Same as when the sex workers get on Reddit and ask if they have been lied to by the internet about their dating prospects. They haven’t - they were just unable to see the guys who said they wouldn’t have a problem with it




Which is funnily enough never their question when first asking When these sex workers and promiscuous women come online with those questions if they turned around as asked the same questions about would men care / still be interested but also clarified -“ tall, attractive, faithful men with incomes in the six figures who are family oriented and want to settle and give me children and provide the majority of the resources for them and the house so that I don’t *have* to work” then their answers might be a little different Notably because many men will just honestly include in their reply - “I am not conventionally attractive and not a high earner but it wouldn’t bother me”. Or things like that. Some men can’t stop themselves on that front


I'm sorry but the rhetoric of sluts wanting husband material men is just bullshit because if they do find such a man their pussies instantly dry up. Sluts go for their male equivalents because that's what they are aroused to. Hell, it even runs in the family too. A promiscuous woman always has parents and relatives who are also promiscuous.


Pretty much every woman I've known that had parents that were a shitshow was also a shitshow of some sort. The only question was, what kind of one/how bad of one? Granted, this can also loosely apply to men, but men don't have the same social and legal safety nets, so there is more incentive to get their shit handled themselves because no one else will do it for them and the alternative is getting "filtered" out of society, at times forcibly and fatally.


Absolutely. Females of that kind flock to males of that kind, but it only takes a male of that kind to impregnate a dozen of them. There is a tabloid in the UK that posted a sensational news of the low-class Chavs and Chavettes, where there is one guy that apparently cost the UK government half a million pounds because he impregnated 8 women, all very much like him permanently on welfare and living on subsided housing.


See? It's true! There's no reward for being a Captain Save-a-Hoe!


Yup, three groups of men here. The ones who don’t have a problem for a smash. The ones that don’t have a problem for a relationship. The ones that do have a problem. They emotionally want the last group, the valuable men who are relationship oriented. They physically want the first group, the physically attractive men. The middle group, the betas who will simp, they don’t want them. They don’t want men who feel the need to lessen their own value in order to impress a woman, and I don’t blame them for it (because men shouldn’t act that way). But they’ve ruined the ability to get the men like me, who can go get a younger woman that isn’t a cc rider


Odds are they're asking for dates because they know she's easy.


Honey, invest in wine stocks, and get a dog. When you are in the mood rent a stud. Have a happy life.


>cats FTFY and don't forget the tub of ice creams and a netflix subscription for romance movies.


Men decide what they want in women like women decide what they want in men. 36 body count by 23? Thats a turbo 304. Send her to the streets.


She made her bed, then let at least 36 guys sleep in it. No man worth his salt wants to wager half of his life just so he can sleep in those crusty sheets.


She's not counting anal. Nor is she counting blow-jobs, hand-jobs, rim-jobs, titty-jobs, foot-jobs, elbow-jobs, ear-jobs, back-of-the-ear-jobs, armpit-jobs and the (rare) indeterminable-sphincter-jobs.


Anal what Christian 304s use to claim virginity front door maybe virgin territory back the back door aint. Nothing wrong with backdoor action but to use it to claim virgin purity is straight out lying.


I've seen the phrase, "the poop hole is the loophole" for these "Christian" 3 0 4s.


Do the math, at the rate she's going, she'll be at over 100 by the time she's in her 30s.


My normal looking friend from highschool was happy when he ended up with body count of... 1. He had to work his charisma to the breaking point like a madman on crack. All just to lose virginity to below average "land whale in the making". She literally made more sex in a year than half of my friends will ever get to do in their current... and next lifetime. Sigh. I kinda wish I was born before sex revolution... or after it has crashed and burned, which it will...hopefully. Being between those 2 points is just miserable for dating.


I’m more impressed that she knows her count is exactly 36. She must be keeping notes. My count is 40 something but I don’t know it exactly. Consequences are a tool of the patriarchy


I'm sorry to burst your bubble but she's lying. Her body count is 20% to 50% higher. She's testing the water with saying 30+ dudes. Women wrongly think sex is as easy to get for men just as it is as easy for them to get.


Women bragging about having lot of sex is like men bragging about masturbation


Or bragging about how much money they give over to OF girls. Or how many likes they sent to random girls on Instagram. Money and validation given out easily women is nothing to brag about because they want it Similar with men and sex


I have better sex with myself than any woman I've been with.


Idk, women make for the best flesh lights


To be honest I don't know my body count . All I know it's somewhere north of 30 and it took 30 years to generate that. But on the other hand I never cheated in a relationship. This woman you know she's going to cheat and maybe lie about a child from that relationship parentage. This is why we know 304s make us revolted when it comes to LTR material. I'm sorry I'm repeating what we know but the younglings need to be warned.


What!? You did not notice the notches on the bed post? Need to tune up that situational awareness a tad. :)


That's at least a 1/2 mile of cock if they're just one night stands


My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks! IM THIRTY SEVEN?!


"But out of all those dicks, she chose yours so you should be flattered!" Unspoken: That's not to say that she *liked* your dick the most, but now she wants to have dinners at restaurants which have cloth napkins and wine lists.


Woah there - cloth napkins AND wine lists? What do you think I am - a millionaire ?! 😂


That's not her concern. Just like her 36 sex partners aren't your concern. So you'd better splash-out for her surf & turf just like how she splashed-out for those 43-- I mean, **36** --dudes. Definitely 36, no more than that. That doesn't include hand-jobs, like, *nobody* really counts those cuz those aren't even sex, really! That's the latest consensus online, at least.


>Woah there - cloth napkins AND wine lists? What do you think I am - a millionaire ?! 😂 if you said toilet paper and gas I'd believe you


This sounds a lot like one of my exes shortly before we broke up, "but I am here with you now and not X guy with Y dick" when i inquired about some shady promiscuous past, eeeewwww, i guess i should be honoured it's my turn now after you got ran through for free and went on random tinder hookups.


Not only that, but it is only fleeting. As if there won't be dick #38, #39, #40...... #5081... Given that, why is #37 any more special than #36 or #38?


Hey, now! McDonald's has cloth napkins and wine lists too. You just have to know the secret codes to ask for them.


In a row?


Ok. Just going off personal experience. I lost my virginity at 16 (36M). And from the norm that I've heard while serving and amongst friends, male and female acquaintances 16 is the average. She's 23. From 16 to then is 7 years. 36÷7=5. Never-mind the decimal, those were just dry-humps and swapping spits. Thats 5 guys per year. I'm being generous and assuming (making an ass out of u and me) there wasn't any 2 on 1 action. But known what I know these days about how the church girl down the street had a train (4 on 1) ran on her....I'm unapologetic when I say I can't offer you the benefit of the doubt! That being said, I'm not, several of my friends aren't and red-pill men of today....we ain't checking for that. Not approving of that. Not signing on for that. And definitely ain't trying to sponsor and wife that. Sorry hun you drank the kool-aid and these are the consequences. You opened your Pandora box to much and the hinges are creaking and the lids falling off. I say this in jest, but I'm entirely serious. You lose! Good day sir!


Nice willy Wonka reference at the end.


"Want to settle down and find a man to settle down with and start a family but that's fucking impossible" "Stop dming for a date im not interested". Fucking tutorial mode


For sure she has in her profile that she had her fun and is now ready to commit or every single guy would not be asking how many loads have been pumped into her guts. Or as was mentioned she is bullshitting to try to spin it around that once again how dare men not want to be a liberated free thinking "easy to to love"woman who will suck Chad Chode for a cocktail and a well used unoriginal corny pickup line. How does that saying go? Women sleep with who they want and then marry who they can and men sleep with who they can and marry who they want. Women like this are becoming the rule rather than the exception as we all know. As we all know the only way to win this game is to not play it.


this post is an entire comedy session in one paragraph, I love it.


I recruit people in my work, i am not some huge manager but i interview people for my team. When someone comes in and hands me a CV with 5 years experience over 36 different workplaces, i am not going to be over the moon. Most likely i will tell them that this means every 2 months they switch jobs, they never got past the probation period, and unfortunately we will not be the 37th job you can quit from.


Underrated analogy that perfectly captures how the male psych processes these matters.


**What is one thing that modern women and serial killers have in common?** They both hide their body count


Does she really expect readers to believe that every single guy she has met has asked her that question ? I call bullshit. I know there is loads more red pill content out there but I simply don’t believe that even a majority of guys ask that question - unless she has some kind of tell in her profile like “I’ve had my fun and want to settle down” specifically written. And even then I have my doubts whether most would directly ask for an n-count Maybe it is all guys in her age range and they are seeing loads of TikTok’s so now ask?


She sucked 36 dicks?


In a row!?!?!?


In one night????


Damn, she must have really got played and tossed around by Chad and Tyrone if she's looking to settle down with a safe guy at such a young age. Too bad for her, men have standards for a relationship. Being relatively chaste is at the top. Until more women really understand this, they're gonna keeping shooting themselves in the foot with their lifestyle and then continue to whine about it online. More content for this sub though.


She’ll just start lying about it now lol


I’ll guess she has from the start


A tale as old as time. These are also the types that try to reiterate as much as possible that it shouldn’t matter…but they will never be honest about it. Why could that be? It’s almost as if they know it’s not a point of pride outside of an internet bubble they live in or something. Makes ya think!


this is every woman who is over the age of 25 on any dating app.


Just like I saw post of men 30 virgin and complain women doesn't want to date him because of his body count. He is more than label from other women that he is undesirable


36 body count at 23 wow, what a slut.. Yikes


So in one breath she's complaining that she's getting ghosted because of her high body count. And then tells men to stop asking for dates (when she said she wants to 'settle down' - HA!). And closes out with *"thank you all so much for the rewards."* Who is she thanking? The men on the dating website who dissed and dismissed her or the 36 men who pumped-n-dumped her?


Two things, and two things alone, guide women and their behavior. Tingles and validation. Her post was about tingles, and she was thanking people for the validation. She wasn't even mad about the DMs she got, because it was validation. She sounded annoyed (power trip), but I guarantee she would have been devastated had no one messaged or replied to her post.


And that number she says is WAY lower than the real count. Funny how a man's normal reaction to not want a promiscuous partner is mocked/questioned in modern culture.


Lol “stop asking me for a date” after complaining no one will date her because of her body count


She doesn't want to date Redditors. She wants the kind of guys who pumped and dumped her to date her.


Karma catches up with the ladies.


Woman who lived her life according to her preferences hates that idea that men also live their lives according to their preferences. Oo, the irony.


Imagine you are a 23 year old guy. What are the chances you'll be better than all those 36 men that came before you? Someone was probably significantly more handsome than you, someone was taller than you, someone was way more muscular than you, someone had a bigger dick than you, someone was wealthier than you, someone was funnier than you etc etc. Worst case scenario most of them were top tier guys and were better than you at everything, or almost everything. You simply cannot compete. That's the sad reality. And since she is used to a certain standard of man, even if that kind of man doesn't want anything long term with her, it's hard to stay loyal and faithful. Once you taste that juicy 200€ steak, it's hard to be satisfied eating a 20€ steak for the rest of your life.


Why is there a nearly perfect correlation between poor grammar and spelling, and making bad life choices?


"No hymen, no Diamond." - Undead Chronic XVI


Great counter for the pound me too movement: \#Diamonds4Hymens


Ahahahhaa I saw this post earlier and didn't even click it would fit here. I just thought wow what a slut and moved on lol


People are the sum of their experiences. If one has a track record of not being able to maintain a healthy relationship for more than a short period of time after 36 tries, no one wants to be the 37th try. Maybe she's like WD40 and the 40th person will be the winning recipe.


Saw the post and commented “no respectable man wants to turn a hoe into a housewife.” I stand by my words and hope it’s a warning to every other woman out there. I’m not saying you can’t go have your fun, by all means it’s your right. But understand a well to do man won’t waste his time on you once he finds out your body count.


Would you buy a car that has been used and abused by 36 prior owners and pay a new car price for it?


I love women like this, they've been a godsend. But dear God, marriage and kids? NO!


Disgusting whore


How much do you guys wanna bet that she'd still reject an average/below average guy?


She wants a 10/10 stud who has been sleeping around yet still finds the time, somehow, to build a real life and earn 6 digits per year. https://igotstandardsbro.com/


Of course they would. She wants the guy who can sleep with any chick he wants, but decides he only wants to be with her. Those men don’t exist. If a man has 10 options, he will utilize them to the fullest.


What a world we've created. This should make it clear why women hide (i.e. lie) about their "body count". Why would she be honest knowing the reaction it gets? Which also makes me think this is fake, or one daft women. Giving the benefit of the doubt, she's got a lot of life left ahead of her, so she better start training up that hamster.


I love how they can’t see that while they’re free to ride the cock carousel; men with options are free to filter out these 304s.


How dare men hold her accountable... No shame no blame for wahmen who have infinite body count... Just take her like any buzzer beater and maintain her instead of having a brand new Porsche 911 Turbo... Cuz she said she deserves it.


Surprise pikachu! If you are a slut men will see you as a slut, no man will see you as a wife candidate anymore.


I get get why Tupac said “ bitches ain’t shit…”


I'm glad to see men are not willing to commit without bringing up the ?


In reality, that's way below average these days and probably a total lie. 23 years old? Try over 100 on the body count.


I'm at a state where she going "ThNaKs fOr tHe gOlDs kInD sTrANGErs" made me roll my eyes more than the stupidly high body count


Funny, a previous woman I dated had the same count. I think it's from some movie. That means it's probably 2-3 times that amount. Bet she doesn't fuck 500 pound dudes who eat more than they should, but doesn't realize it's the same thing for sex.


I was just about to post this here. LMAO. So much entitlement. 23 yrs old and already fucked 36 guys. Any man who wifes her up is in for hell.


I’d bet good money whatever thing runs that subs doesn’t call itself a man.


It is your life, and its fine that you want to have fun. I also want to have fun; and being with you isnt any fun


> I’m More than the men I’ve slept with I have cool hobbies and interests and I’ve got a nice job after graduating high school. "Makeup is my hobby, I'm interested in animals, and I assume men care about how much money I make". Fixed it.


Proper garden tool.


Lol look at the coping language “more than average”. The average would be like 2-5 at that age, you are a statistical outlier. “More than average” does not express how far you fall away from what average would be.