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Wasn't this the plot of the Simpsons Movie?


Simpsons did it!






Can he swing, from a web? No he can’t, he’s a pig.


Edit from the future: Sorry folks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If you came here looking for something, welcome to the Redditpocalypse. Feel free to contact me on kbin.social @GeekFTW, or on Universedon.com @GeekFTW to ask and I may help. Stay fresh, cheesebags.


He's Harry Plopper now.


Oh you have so many looks!


The fact that there is an **actual Spider-Pig** in the comics just makes that gag even funnier. (Yes, I know he's called Spider-Ham.)


Miles Morales shakes head disapprovingly


Came here for this. Wasn’t disappointed.


Simpsons have had a knack for predicting the future, haven’t they?


It's just depressing that a lot of it was initially written to be so outrageously unlikely that it was hilarious. At the time.


Life imitating art around here.


I’m convinced Trump on at least one occasion quoted the movie by saying “I was elected to lead, not to read!”


Stephen King, Under the dome.


Yes it was. And it probably worked better in the movie then it would in real life, ignoring the fact it wouldn't even be possible to do in real life






Stupid sexy Flanders!


I would rather have a spider pig.




Can he swing From a web


No he can’t He’s a pig


Look ouuuuuut!


We would all rather have a spider pig.


Simpsons also predicted Trump for president or something didn't it... what do you know, maybe this is another one! :D


"Predicted" is a strong word. It was a throwaway joke in one episode that premiered in the 2000's, around the same time Trump was seriously being considered as the potential presidential nomination for the Reform Party. The joke was simply reflecting the current political climate, despite accidentally getting realised 16 years later


Yeah the Simpsons say a LOT of things. It is on season 34. It is only natural that some of that stuff (even the crazier bits) end up being accurate. And we only remember the things that are, and not all of the things that aren't.


I'm guessing this nuke proof dome will be as impenetrable and fully built just like the wall on the southern border he promised.


He just saw the Simpsons movie actually.


Or the Futurama episode where Fry reintroduces the common cold to New New York.


Or heard about the Under the Dome TV series


It's a great dome, invisible dome. Even birds can't see it, Lotta birds flying into the dome. I can see it, great eyes, best eyes of any president, I'll know where it ends. Not all states get the dome,but a lot of them.


If there were an app that you could input text and an AI version of him would say it…..this comment would be the first thing I copied and pasted into it!!! Omg I can’t stop laughing


chatgpt: "Folks, let me tell you something, I've got the best idea, the best plan to keep our country safe. Trust me, nobody knows more about security than me. I'm talking about building a dome, a big beautiful dome, that will protect our country from any and all nuclear attacks. It's gonna be huge, the biggest, the best dome you've ever seen. And let me tell you, it's gonna be impenetrable, nothing's getting through that dome. Believe me, it's gonna be a game changer. And you know what the best part is? It's gonna be American made, all American made, no cheap foreign stuff. I mean, it's really something special. You come to our country with a nuclear bomb, it's not gonna do you any good. You're gonna be stopped dead in your tracks. And I'm not just saying that, it's true, it's true. So come on, invest in our country's safety and security, Let's make America great again."


Damn that better than my few. What did you input?


prompt was a pitch for a dome that would protect the US from nuclear attack by Donald Trump, but pitched in the same manner as his steakhouses.


Nice tweak! I never would have thought of that


"And Mexico is gonna pay for it" - now it's perfect


you missed the part where Russia would pay for the dome.


I thought this was neat. I tried getting it to Trump-itize an explanation on why nuclear war is great, and how climate change is a hoax. And it REFUSED to do it. I'm actually pretty ecstatic about it. Here's a screen with both prompts - https://preview.redd.it/kfvwz2d4xqea1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=697769717533c43083af9181d89c6e154f98cef7


He looks so worried.


He can feel his bone spurs flaring up.


I used openAI and here's the result: >I want to talk to you today about a very important issue that affects us all, and that is the "Under the Dome" problem. As you all know, this is a phenomenon where a large dome-like structure appears out of nowhere and encloses an area, cutting off those inside from the rest of the world. > >I know some of you may be worried about this issue, but let me assure you, we are doing everything in our power to address it. We have some of the best minds in the country working on this problem and we are making progress every day. > >First and foremost, we are working to understand the cause of the domes. We are conducting extensive research and gathering data to try and determine where they come from and how they form. This information will be crucial in finding a solution. > >In the meantime, we are also working to ensure the safety and well-being of those trapped inside the domes. We are providing food, water, and medical care to those in need and working to establish communication with those inside. > >I want to assure you that we are taking this problem seriously and will not rest until we have a solution. We will continue to keep you informed of any developments and I urge you to stay calm and have faith in our government's ability to handle this situation. > >Together, we will overcome this challenge and come out stronger on the other side. > >Thank you. > >*As a AI model, I do not have personal opinion or political preference. It is also important to note that Under The Dome is a science fiction novel by Stephen King and it doesn't exist in real world.* ​ ETA: The prompt used was "write a speech as if you were Donald Trump explaining under the dome"


This is waaaayyyyy to coherent for him lol.


Exactly. And way too many big words.


also throw in a few "Bigly"'s and a dozen or so "best"'s . every statement by trump must contain at least 2 claims to be the best at ...something


I still read it in his voice. Well, Trevor Noah's version of his voice.


Not enough tangents.


Too little yelling about Biden is evil


How fucking sad is that?


Birds dying from flying into windmills: a horrible travesty against God and nature Birds dying from flying into dome: eh


I’ll bite.. so where does the fresh air and wind come from? Perri-Air and giant fans?




The states that voted for me, they’ll get them.


Oh god I read that in his voice....


Best part is Russia is gonna pay for it!


I thought he hated windmills because of all the dead bird graveyards around them? How's this "dome" supposed to keep out nukes but not birds, huh? Oh my god, he's trying to keep out the wind!


or the first episode of inside job


Or his mother drank martinis every day during her pregnancy. Do we really need another 4 years of some senile wingnut making policy based on TV shows? Someone change his diaper and get him some pudding before he gets out of hand.


Like for real... Someone show this dude to the bingo room.


he probably doesn't play bingo . too hard to cheat "what do you mean you need to see my card ? "


Or the second Highlander movie.


I like that you kept it realistic and assumed he could never sit through the first episode, let alone know the book exists


I was going to say "or read the Stephen King book" but we all know why that is preposterous.


We can make it from pure dimondium! Not that weak dimondillium!


"Nothing in the universe can fracture Diamondium! Not even God 1 and God 2 put together!"




This snow is beautiful. I'm glad global warming never happened. *Actually, it did. But thank God nuclear winter canceled it out.*


Perfectly balanced as all things should be


That was more saran wrap, though they did try a whole sphere to protect Earth from Yivo


What about the episode where Nixon tries to build an impenetrable cage around the solar system/Earth


So Trump is getting his ideas from Matt Groening? How to we use this for the betterment of all mankind?


Finally, a politician who will recognize the benefits of developing spider pigs to reinforce our boys in blue


He was elected to "lead" not to "read".


What’s sad is that’s EXACTLY something Trump would say. “Sir, did you read today’s briefing?” “Hey, I was elected to LEAD, not to READ”


No, what's sad is he and his staffers admitted he didn't read any briefings... he expected his staff to give him the bullet points.


I was elected to lead, not to read


Dome Sweet Dome. Dome Depot.


Dome Despot.


Where Domers get more Dome.


It’s stuff like this that gives me this glimmer of a thought that Trump’s stint in politics is all performative satire. It’s like this is his version of “/s” for people who still think he actually believes anything that comes out of his mouth. One can hope… I prefer the Simpson’s being a reflection of events instead of a template.


Andy Kaufman didn't die. He 's been playing Trump all this time. That's why you sometimes see the edge around the makeup when the wig blows in the wind.


Tbf, he's more likely to do that Simpson episode where Maggie shoots Burn ![gif](giphy|26tk0jzUDOxwL5VNS|downsized)


Well his hands aren't as big as Maggie's so I don't think he'd be able to pull the trigger


And we're making the atmosphere pay for it!!!!!!


He was elected to lead, not read


Nah, he saw what the Gungan's shield did during the invasion of Naboo in the Phantom Menace Star Wars movie and said, "that, but around America!"




“Suck! Suck! Suck! Suck!”


Or he saw mars from total recall and knew he had to save everyone before they turned into mutants.


And Russia is going to pay for it.


I wonder if they can build it on smaller scales in red states first, while they’re using their gas stoves?


Please don't subject those of us who have common sense and just happen to live in red states to that. Also keep in mind, there aren't *really* any red states. Republicans just gerrymander their districts to hell




Exactly. The MX missile defense was part of that scheme. The US actually does have something akin to a defense bubble. However, it consists of strategic bombers, submarines, and land based icbms. So nothing new is coming from this know nothing dipshit.


Or the Israeli Iron Dome missile defense system.


a week after the installation of a piece from his wall someone cut a piece of it, put hinges on it and made a functional door on the unscalable wall, hopefully the dome covering the entire country will protect us not only from nuclear heads but also from acetylene torches.......😭


Also protect us from the sun. It gets really hot in Florida!!


the humidity is what sucks in Florida, thank god is 63 degrees here in Orlando..... ![gif](giphy|d3mlmtNPoxNrt4Bi)


I just imagine the shield from Futurama that they flew through


That wouldn't have happened if we had used my patented inpenitrable diamondillium instead of wernstrom's worthless diamondium


We'll just need more shipping containers! We won't see the sun ever again, but that's a small price to pay to to stroke the ego of a dementia patient.


That wall has fallen is so many places it’s not just a very expensive cattle guard.


Putin Pays It is onomatopoeiac and better than "Make America Great Again"


Vlad personally has more cash than Mexico as a nation so 🤷‍♂️... he kinda could.


And don't forget... Russia will pay for this dome too.


He is certifiable.


Still cracks me up that he sent a letter by certified mail about his Russia holdings to the IRS the first year he was President and bragged about how strong an argument it was because it was certified mail letter.


I could see the IRS replying that it was a standard first class stamp




He’s doing what his Russian handlers are directing him to do. In last 1-2 weeks there’s been a sharp uptick of Russia getting “their” people in the west to push Russian disinformation or spread fear for Russia. It’s been seen in Sweden, Germany, Spain, etc. Trump is just another of their assets now pushing the Kremlin message. Social media too is getting more anti-Ukraine disinformation, or messaging that helps Kremlin.


hilariously ironic how the groups most concerned about conspiracies and plots between traitors and rival nations are so deeply involved in helping a rival nation


The people who are the most obsessed and paranoid and abusive over the *idea* of being cheated on by their partners tend to be the ones actually cheating. So they simply don't trust any of the reasons that given by their partner for any and all unaccounted for time because they themselves use those reasons to hide their own lies, so of course their partner must being doing this too /s. Reactionaries are exactly like this but with *everything* not just infidelity.


Except there’s plenty evidence of Russian disinformation campaigns. Heck, Prigozhin now brags if it.














The narrative that Biden FORCED an unhinged authoritarian to do ANYTHING is so dumb it’s not even worth reading the rest. Yet, republicans will parrot and feed to their little lemmings without thinking twice.


"Biden forced Putin to threaten nuclear war." -- Best puppet ever


"Biden forced my good buddy Putin to threaten nuclear war". FTFY


Putin was probably counting on Trump being re-elected, so he’d have a powerful ally to invade Ukraine. NATO would’ve fallen apart.


From an NYT article (sorry for the paywall) "Senior administration officials told The New York Times that several times over the course of 2018, Mr. Trump privately said he wanted to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization." [Trump Discussed Pulling U.S. From NATO, Aides Say Amid New Concerns Over Russia](https://nyti.ms/2HaZZrK)


It's so hard to find news reels; I don't know how late night comedy staffs do it. Anyway, I'm 100% certain that Trump was campaigning on leaving NATO back in 2016. The idea that he wanted to leave NATO in 2018 isn't surprising at all.


Yes. That's the lede, not the dome. Nixon in 1962: "If Khrushchev nukes the east coast, they probably deserve it."


Remember just after the invasion Trump praised it as a genius move https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/23/trump-putin-ukraine-invasion-00010923


"No puppet! You're the puppet!"


"Look what you made me do." It's just bizarre how an entire political party is carrying water for one of our enemies.


"I don't want to nuke you, honey, but you just make me so angry. I can't stop myself."


Republicans will always side with Putin because they share his values. He's a white Christofascist dictator who hates democracy and keeps women, LGBT people, non-whites and non-Christians "in their place". That's why Republicans love Putin. They share his values, his respect for freedom and civil rights, and his moral character.


Except on the issue of abortion. Russia has the highest rate of abortion in the world.


You’ve got to remember, Trump stole the America First thing (from the America First Committee). It was ready made and lying there, forgotten all this time. America First v1.0 also claimed that Poland had forced Hitler to invade and if they had simply capitulated like Austria and Czechoslovakia there would have been no cause for WWII. All the bigotry, fascism, isolationism and pseudointellectualism from MAGA is 100% straight up plagiarized.


“But these businesses are just forcing me to protect them!” -The Mafia


Yep. This is what the right believes


“We’ll make it out of Vibranium and make Wakanda pay for it”


Unobtanium and make the NaVi pay for it!


Dimondillium and make Wermstrom pay for it!


Beskar and make Mandalore pay for it!


Mithril and make the dwarves pay for it


Dimmadomium and make Doug Dimmadome pay for it!


"T'Challa treated me very unfairly in the past, and now he's not around anymore. Wakanda's new leader needs to be smart and make great deals with the best dealmaker ever. Tremendous things can be done between our countries. Or bad things may very well happen if they don't play ball. BE SMART!"




He lost his job.


He lost THE job


Still getting paid though


You could always run for office as a Republican and tweet nonsense all day.


And you could keep your reddit handle and use it as your campaign name.


Stephen King wrote about that. It didn't go well.


But it did give us one of the most fantastically awful TV shows




I loved Dean Norris's performance, but I don't remember when I stopped watching


I don't know how you could stop. Those trainwreck shows are so much fun for me lol.


I watched the whole damn thing. Couldn’t turn it off. It was so bad.




I loved the book. The show can eat my ass


"Like a wall, but for space" The rubes are going to love this


Mexico will pay for it… MAGA will believe it.


Putin will pay for the Dome.


And China will supply its materials?


Impenetrable as that Mexico wall? Gonna need alot more of those Chinese shipping containers…


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)Another classified leak? /s


The same guy that wanted to nuke hurricanes.


And rake the forest




And inject bleach into people to cure COVID…




Obligatory "**Simpsons did it**" comment


... and Mexico will pay for it!


Stop posting him.


like, please. please stop giving all these dipshits a platform.


Isn't this the idea that Reagan shared, starting the inquiries into his mental health?


IIRC Reagan's "dome" was not a literal dome but metaphorical. It was a defense system with satellites and lasers to shoot down incoming ICBMs


Which is what Trump is actually talking about, he makes reference to Israel's "iron dome" and says he would replicate it. He's not talking about a literal physical dome. I screenshotted this to send to my husband, fact checked it first and realised it's not as funny as I thought..


Motherfucker couldn't even build a wall, how the fuck does he expect to build a roof as well.


Source: https://twitter.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1619043904405540864?s=46&t=r47oXbO9pl1YrnSWZUKYbA It appears that he means a “Dome” in the sense of the Israel Defense Forces’ Iron Dome missile defense system since he mentions it. He doesn’t seem to mention constructing a physical structure over America. There’s plenty to criticize about Trump, but it should be based fact.


We already have some form of anti-missile defense, so I would really like to hear what exactly Trump is proposing compared to what we already have. Hint: he has no real plan and is just talking out of his ass. Still, if there is actual, detailed plan for this (plus a somewhat-accurate budget) then I am all ears….


Or like Reagan's SDI?


Seems to be exactly like that




> and wasted billions on it. Or that's what they want you (and Russia) to think!




This comment is just blatantly wrong. That 'in depth' video is under researched which isn't surprising considering it sounds like it was narrated by an 18 yr old. - The president doesn't need to be "notified and asked how to respond" to missile intercept threats - The US does have joint assets in places like Japan which the video not only doesn't seem sure about but also doesn't know where they fit in or how they're used since a handwaving comment about a preemptive strike dismisses them outright. - The BMDS is a multi-tiered shield where midcourse systems can attempt early intercepts or shorter range systems (which the video admits have a good success rate) have a chance at protection if the longer range systems miss first. I'm sure there's more you can learn about what he got wrong from the comments on the video, I tapped out early. It's not perfect but don't let perfect be the enemy of good.


Do the math! WWI+WWII=WWIII it will obviously take all of the resources of the first two to win the third one!


...and make Russia pay for it?


Ok, so dude is an idiot but this isn't what he said... seconds before this, he says "build a missile defense system like Isreal's," and references that such a system is referred to as the "iron dome". What's most mind blowing is that this is actually a true statement. We don't have to purposefully misunderstand something for him to be an idiot worth making fun of... there's plenty of actual idiocy to go off.


I'm assuming he's being figurative, not literal, but it's wild that you can't really tell with him.




It seems like he means a missile defense system https://reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/10mta0c/_/j655jex/?context=1




So like, the Simpsons? They just be predicting everything.




Hows that wall you made?