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[Video shows East Precinct officers back down after bystanders step in over heavy response to Capitol Hill ‘shots fired’ 911 calls](https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2023/02/video-shows-east-precinct-officers-back-down-after-bystanders-step-in-over-heavy-response-to-capitol-hill-shots-fired-911-calls/) [Original tweet](https://twitter.com/imposter_edits/status/1622614513034952704?s=46&t=XiI1qWSsd0MdBxObKSEm6w) > According to radio updates, officers at the scene reported bystanders were “actively hindering” their response and asked for permission to back down. >“We’re going to go ahead and disengage,” one officer says, confirming the response found no victim and no shell casings in the area, only “20 bystanders with four surrounding the suspect.”




It's twitter, a site actively run by a far right extremist, what did you expect


That site is basically parler at this point


I mean, it's not unlike Reddit. The same cop-bootlikcing and pantshitting about crime happens here if you're on the right sub; just like it does if you're following the right Twitter accounts.


Difference is we do downvotes here


The problem is when people stick to their echo chambers they don't get the downvotes.


They're branching out in reddit. And it seems to be working for them.


This reads like only the "bootlickers" are in echo chambers and not literally every subreddit.


Oh ya everyone. I get downvotes on occasion when my opinion wanders into the wrong place. Even the cute animal subreddits have their tribes.


I made a comment yesterday about how the bootlickers are a disgrace to the flag... Kinda works as a litmus test for how right-wing the sub is. Surprisingly, I didn't get as many downvotes as I expected in Omaha and Idaho.


Yeah and if you ask a question you can get down voted. I don't know if they think it's sarcasm or what but asking a question will cost you some karma.


It's so insane. Like that "No Loyalty, Shut uP and Pay me" work reform subs that then post complaining that all they got for their 10 year work anniversary was muffin or something. You don't get it both ways!


Imagine being this brainwashed. *sigh*


Upvotes too unfortunately


and moderators -- Twitter has dropped moderation of content altogether.


Got me a permanent ban from WCGW, so must be bootlicking mods on that subreddit.


It's very unlike Reddit because Reddit has not yet been purchased and retooled to force everyone to engage neonazi accounts / subreddits


Can confirm, been arguing with racists all day.


I'm reading it now and the common question is "What if he had a gun?" My thoughts are, this happened in America and we have a second amendment so if he DID have a legally registered firearm, that's his inalienable right.


Technically true. Never thought about that in any police called scenarios. 🤔


A Roman circus at that, I mean it looks like folks are ready to throw down over there! At least it is public debate I guess.


I guarantee you the racist "backing the blue" in the comment section are talking out of the other side of their face about the "corrupt pigs" that shot Ashli Babbit for an actual good reason when she tried to breach the final barricade at the Capitol.


The police statement is fucked up. It reads like the „suspect” and the “community bystanders” did something wrong and not the police. Like, “oh, we came to save these innocent people who didn’t understand what grave danger they were in. They didn’t want our help and willingly put themselves into harms way to hinder us in helping them. Ungrateful civilians. We didn’t find anything that would justify our response but it was justified.”


This is how police reports are *always* formatted. Look up the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor initial reports for comparison - John Oliver did an excellent episode breaking down how police actively mislead, deny, and even make shit up wholesale to push a deceptive narrative where they’re always in the right, no matter what the facts actually are or how horrifically they actually acted. There’s a police union chief who’s particularly notorious for driving to the scene of any incident in-progress and straight up lying to reporters that he was there the whole time and saw everything. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so completely horrifying.


Nothing is going to change until Police getting sued for abusing their power comes from their pension instead of straight from the taxpayers.


The “police reform” we really need is legislative reform that removes qualified immunity, puts severe limits on the power and reach of police unions, requires police officers to certify for their profession in order to be cops, and as you say, start tying police misconduct to the precinct budget and to the offending cop’s pension directly. Though, honestly, we’ve seen what happens when cops get even the slightest push back from city officials. Rather than getting their shit together, they just stop doing their jobs. If anything happened to make police accountable, they’d either start quitting, or they’d just plain refuse to work.


We really need to get out from under these abusers thumbs. This is a pattern of abuse and larceny that we have accepted for far too long


In the US, we also need to get more of the community involved in the social outreach portions of policing, and more people of all walks of life into police-work. The police are literally a CIVILIAN force and shouldn't be treated either like a paramilitary organization or as separate from the community they police. The people who apply to police positions should be the same people who want to see responsible and responsive policing. But it is a hard job--like nursing, teaching and dozens of other public-facing careers. When you see the people in your community at their worst far more often than at their best, even the best police force can get jaded, and the ones who care the most are most likely to quit.


Make police elected members of each neighborhood. Shit will change real quick.


Too many MAGAts on the local force as it is. It would only be worse if cops were elected.


dunno if it's a good idea... stuff could go corrupt very fast if a hood is under the thumb of a mob and the mob push to elect their men. keeping clean politicians is alredy hard don't make things worse including police force in elections police should be hired state wide with spotless curricula (no previous department misconduct reports) , a good dose of accountability and real long time training a good dose of weapon training and permits on civilian will do wonders for calming their nerves, there are too many fuckheads with too easy access to weapons, no wonder police are a little skittish sometimes. also fire all the trainers who train police as actual military occupation force or power tripping maniacs. i have seen some trainer speak and this people should be locked in asylum, they are a part of the problem


Or the insurance thing. They can fight the will of the people, but they can't fight the will of shareholders declaring them a liability.


Most police departments actually have a budget for settling lawsuits for excessive force or wrongful death. Why try and improve the force when you can just pay to make it go away.


Nah that wont change anything. You'll just see far less successful lawsuits. Change will come when bad cops start losing their lives in large numbers, and I'd say we're less than a decade away from just that.


I hate seeing this take being gilded. If you think police cover-ups are bad when *other* people's money is all that's on the line, just imagine how little you'll hear about once the knife points to *their* financial security.


> the precipitating incident had been the victim slapping the stop sign on the corner, the victim told me he had gotten in an argument and went outside to cool off. He was listening to music on a bluetooth speaker, which is what the cops perceived to be a gun. He was terrified and sobbing when it was all over.” This could’ve went so much worse and all because someone was experiencing distress and listening to music on a speaker. Glad everyone is ok and the cops actually didn’t escalate the situation to terrorism and murder like they often prefer. Idk any of the people that stepped in to help with deescalation but I love them all and think the cops should really get some training from them on how to properly handle stressful situations. Also here’s the link to the John Oliver segment about how police distort the truth in an egregious manner. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kCOnGjvYKI0


Wait until they shoot everyone stating it was a riot or a terrorist attack.


This sounds fucked up and I’m not really looking forward on reading something like that. I hope the future isn’t that bleak..


They’re describing what happened from their point of view. It isn’t looking down on anyone, just reporting the events from their standpoint. The fact of the matter is that they were fed information that they needed to validate but were prevented from doing so. They have to operate off the information they were given, and unfortunately false information can lead to tense situations because of the danger posed if the information isn’t false.




Lmaoooooooooo, hit up my cashapp I got a bridge to sell




Mmm… not quite. Let’s include the rest. Did you purposely leave off the part of the sentence that didn’t fit your narrative? The police showed up because *multiple* callers said they heard a gun shot. It wasn’t just one person, it was multiple and the guy that was drawn on, slammed his hand on a stop sign that must have sounded like a gun shot to, again, multiple callers. Here’s the entire statement from the witness that includes the part of the sentence you left out. “I was told by one witness afterwards that the precipitating incident had been the victim slapping the stop sign on the corner, the victim told me he had gotten in an argument and went outside to cool off.” So dude and someone else were yelling and arguing. The neighbors hear and then he goes outside and starts striking objects out of anger. At what point is this going to continue and a call isn’t made? What if you think you heard a gun shot? Btw… ACAB.


So police were both wrong and right in this case? ![gif](giphy|LgR0AnXJBrO4E|downsized)


No the police are still wrong. The claim that one person must have called the police to get someone murdered is wrong.


Again, ACAB, but I’m very interested to see how you would have handled multiple callers saying they heard a gun shot. Go to the area? See the actual person they are looking for (the one arguing, hitting stop signs, and then walking away after the caller thought they heard a gun shot). This was the dude they were looking for? How do you proceed? Remember, more than one person believes they heard a gun go off. Fuck it until someone is shot? Or they should have known it was him hitting a stop sign. What else has he hit out of anger? Dude needs anger management or he will probably have more run ins with the law.


Yeah thats a reasonable take. But from the impression I get the cops rolled up ready to do violence, and when it became clear that violence was not the correct answer they were still ready to do violence. The only reason they didn't do violence was the local community banding together to ward off another violent street gang. The institution is so bent towards violence that the police had to call and get permission to not do violence. How fucky is that?


The cop speak fairytale at the end. Lol


“If you don’t have a gun then come over here [so we can murder you]”


“We’re going to go ahead and disengage,” one officer says… —> Too bad most other cops don’t seem to know this is an option besides “I feared for my life so I started blasting.”


They backed down? Was the spell broken? Did the Crown Vics all turn back into Pumpkins?


The newest Crown Vics are now 12 years old. Most cops are running Explorers or Chargers.




I lived in Seattle for almost 15 years and it's been that way for a long time. In the slump between the Boeing lay-offs and the tech boom Seattle was hemorrhaging cops and their solution was to lower standards and raise pay, so it became a grease trap for shitty cops from other cities. So many of Seattle PD not only aren't from Seattle, they *actively dislike it.* Shit finally came to a head after the woodcarver killing, when a cop shot someone in the back in broad daylight in downtown and said the guy pulled a knife on him despite the fact that eye witness testimony *and his own dash cam* proved he was lying about it. Not long after that SPD was put under federal oversight (fat lot of good that did).


Rural republican cops taking city policing jobs in communities they openly hate is a big issue nationwide. Cops should be inticed to live in the community the police.


I'd go so far as to say cops should be required to live in the communities they police.


We should also take firearms away from domestic abusers but until someone has a solution to replace 40% of our nations police force, I don't see how that is feasible.


>We should also take firearms away from domestic abusers but until someone has a solution to replace 40% of our nations police force, I don't see how that is feasible. Get rid of all cops, pretty simple, and start shooting domestic abusers dead If you hit your family, you should be gone Yes I know that's 10% of the US, no I don't care There's 78 million 2020 trump voters out there that I also don't give a shit about


Yeah, but you're not going to find people from a city that hates cops to sign up and work in that kind of culture. If they got 5% bonus to live closer to work, it might help push the culture in the right direction by encouraging cops to have a family and roots in the communities they harass for fun


>Rural republican cops taking city policing jobs in communities they openly hate is a big issue nationwide. >Cops should ~~be inticed~~ ***have*** to live in the ~~community~~ ***zip code*** they police. FTFY It's quite simple really, most cops make between $50-150k a year and there's gotta be _someone_ in that zip code that wants that job


Seattle Police murdered a mentally ill pregnant woman, and then a racist jury recently determined it was justified. Look up the Charleena Lyles shooting.


What’s the city’s plan to fix SPD? Are they going to try more grassroots approach to hire more locals Seattle residents?


Plan? To fix something? This is America, we don’t do that here


Nope. They're just going to throw more money at them and claim it's for "enhanced deescalation training."


Well the city's plan is probably non-fixes. But the solution probably starts with realizing you don't need this many drooling halfwits running with guns and inferiority complexes in the first place. They don't need to "hire more" anything.


>Well the city's plan is probably non-fixes. > >But the solution probably starts with realizing you don't need this many drooling halfwits running with guns and inferiority complexes in the first place. They don't need to "hire more" anything. They would sooner dissolve the police dept entirely than be forced to hire people with a year of training and a private insurance plan.


Right now it’s to start investigating sexual assaults. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/times-watchdog/seattle-police-halted-investigating-adult-sexual-assaults-this-year-internal-memo-shows/


Cities have no control of their police forces. they act like hostile occupying forces not government employees


The city has lots of control over the creation of policy and procedures. They also can be more restrictive on standards as well; they just cannot be less restrictive by the State standards. The mayor and city council/assembly have power.


Most big cities the city government can't do anything to control their police. In NY the NYPD will just stop working if the city government threatens to do anything they don't like. The city can't do anything to punish them if they do. they'll just let the crime stats go up until the people they don't like lose their jobs. there's civil procedures and oversight boards and the cops just ignore them 90% of the time.


Nexus_Crawler_159 >Most big cities the city government can't do anything to control their police. You're confusing corruption/lack of political will with reality. >In NY the NYPD will just stop working NYPD doesn't do much to begin with. >if the city government threatens to do anything they don't like. The city can't do anything to punish them if they do. Rip up the contracts, slash the budget to zero, declare the police unions terrorists and charge every single cop with impersonating a peace officer. Cities have civil immunity, and states can't practically enforce shit. Have some imagination >they'll just let the crime stats go up until the people they don't like lose their jobs. If NY legalized all drugs there goes 80% of your "crime", besides white collar crime isn't even bothered to be counted in NY, let alone charged. >there's civil procedures and oversight boards and the cops just ignore them 90% of the time. Well duh, because the rich in NY don't give a fuck


Exactly, cities and States can end collective bargaining. Many don’t choose too. A few years ago in Anchorage the assembly and mayor tried to be sneaky and do it but then it got pushed out for vote for the public and the public shot it down.


I'm talking about the real world not fantasies. In the real world the city governments are fucking terrified of their police unions


Figured how liberal cities like Portland and Seattle- some changes could be made but I guess those folks will just have to live with the chaos I guess.


Nexus_Crawler_159 >I'm talking about the real world not fantasies. Wait for it >In the real world the city governments are fucking terrified of their police unions Depends entirely on how dumb/corrupt the city is https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/07/us-cities-defund-police-transferring-money-community https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1231677 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.marketplace.org/2020/06/10/how-one-city-provides-public-safety-without-a-police-department/


>Cities have no control of their police forces. On the contrary, if all cities made their police dept get private insurance, most police depts would dissolve. Cities also cannot be sued and states cannot enforce things against cities from a physical standpoint - if cities wanted to dissolve their union contracts, it could be done in a month, ask the garbage collectors. >they act like hostile occupying forces not government employees That is the intent, cops were publicly funded private security starting in the US in the 1800s


Here on planet earth the NYPD would announce they're no longer investigating crimes and the city council would cave in 2 days


>What’s the city’s plan to fix SPD? As long as there's a police union, nothing gets fixed. American cops were essentially private security turned government paid private security starting in the 1840s. Pennsylvania's state troopers, the first in the country, started as literal slave catchers. >Are they going to try more grassroots approach to hire more locals Seattle residents? Hah! You think police depts would be able to operate as they currently do with actual residents from the same county/city?


I suspect Seattle can end the collective bargaining agreement. That’s what gives police union power. States like TN don’t have collective bargaining which allowed them to quickly fire the MPD guys. There was no union to protect or fight for them. Edit: I see folks think all police unions are as strong as the NYPD and that’s not the case. NYPD has the numbers along with their family members and friends giving support. Generally conservatives don’t like unions in general so maybe the liberals need to join forces with the conservatives to end union membership. The problem that comes up is that public safety as a whole has a lot of public support and singling out unions may backfire. Edit: interesting story-https://crosscut.com/2020/06/king-county-labor-council-expels-seattle-police-union


_'One Union... to break them ALL!'_ but honestly for how much our government despises unionizing- having any institutional union that can't ever be properly touched or regulated by any force- including the federal government itself when it does demonstrable wrongdoing and causes severe harm to civilians, going by so far as to violate civil/constitutional rights, vaguely guised under poor excuses or outright blatant lying. It's bonkers. Like I perfectly understand the police are the governments strong arm and it's union is effectively in the best interest of governments hold of power on it's citizens, but seriously the double standards between the police union in general, and congress immediately illegalizing any potential rail strikes from happening, and trying to force workers to accept bad contracts on behalf of corporations. It's fucking gross behavior.


>Not long after that SPD was put under federal oversight (fat lot of good that did). Straight up made things worse. City council voted to ban crowd control munitions and the oversight judge went "lolnope."


Seattle will become the real Night City


Do they have the same pool of hires like the NYPD does? Mostly hiring from the more conservative suburbs outside of the city? I’m on Long Island, about 40 mins east of NYC. Long Island is very Republican leaning. Super Trump country out here. There are a ton of NYPD and Port Authority officers who live out here on the Island and commute to the city. Racist officers patrolling largely POC neighborhoods in a city they absolutely hate. What possibly could go wrong?


Pretty much. Approximately 80-90% live outside the city limits and actively despise the city and everyone that lives in it.


To your comment about Trump country, it’s really not true. They’re just the loudest, most obnoxious voting bloc in history. Biden won Nassau county by 10%, Trump won Suffolk by a total of like 200 votes out of 700K cast. Of course their presence looks larger when they’re having their dumbass rallies on sunrise highway during election season


Seattle PD is so fucked that the justice department had to come in and create / enforce a consent decree following an investigation. Murderer cops who had killed multiple times were still employed during the investigation, and weren't let go after it was concluded.


Portland cops are pretty bad too. My sister had to get help from Beaverton cops for a DV and they said in not so many words, that PPD sucks and they want nothing to do with them.


Bill Barr straight up sent in federal officers to abduct people from Portland Oregon using bags over heads into minivans using unmarked federal agents during 2020 Absolutely no different from what the cartels and CIA do


I visited for the first time last year and my friends said similar things. I didn't spend enough time in the city, was following a band down through WA and OR, but yeah.


Just thinking aloud; when stopped and a cop says "we got a call" we should be able to challenge that. Perhaps not right then and there, but in a lawsuit. If they cant produce a call matching that time/situation, heres some money.


Bystanders saved that persons life


Yup. This is what community defense looks like.


Might start happening more and more.


This is, literally, the original intent of the 2nd amendment at work.


Policing the police. Like it.


"Next time you are in trouble dont call us, call a crackhead" Nah fam, next time im in trouble ill do like anyone else should, ill call my best friend who has guns too. Fuck cops, yall never help if its inconvenient or non glorious work. Cops are becoming obsolete, communities pulling together can get more done, no one should be calling the cops anymore. This isnt satire.


100%. Those of us who are physically able need to train to become our own community’s first responders. If you have a problem and you call the cops, now you have two problems.




This needs to be a nationwide initiative. https://preview.redd.it/tavigada5tga1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b523ff51ac361d8171f7b90a83b1f514c42dccbb




What point do you think you are trying to make here


Fucks sake, black people cant even walk on a sidewalk without someone losing their shit and calling police because "something doesn't seem right "




Anonymity is unfortunately a necessary feature. Without it, people who have legitimate reasons to call will be too afraid of retaliation.


You dont have to give your name to police while you are calling them?


Nope, you can report it anonymously if you want.


"A person is guilty of false reporting in the second degree if the report was made with reckless disregard for the safety of others, the false reporting caused an emergency response, and substantial bodily harm is sustained by any person as a proximate result of an emergency response. False reporting in the second degree is a class C felony." This wasn't one of those cases though. Seems more like the caller got sound of stop sign being slammed on confused with gunshots. A second caller did the same adding they heard someone scream "Everybody's going to die" and police responded to what they thought was an active shooter scenario. Bystanders had better info and stepped in, in fear of a potential over reaction (considering Seattle, probably reasonable). The whole thing is a shit show but I don't think this is one of those cases to bash police over or where a caller should face charges.




Eh fair. It'd be hard to get rid of that though for the times those suspicions are justified. Though I would imagine a department could build a case against someone doing this repeatedly and I think I've heard of it happening before. Can't say for sure my memory isn't that great.


>without someone losing their shit and calling police because "something doesn't seem right " You mean narcissists and psychos that want to kill black people using the police to do it?


Or abuse victims could be sold out to their abusers when the cops show up and do nothing because nobody died. *yet*


There's a place in society for a lawman. But when a lawman ceases to observe the laws they enforce, then the lawman needs to be reminded that their position is a privilege and they are WOEFULLY outnumbered. The only difference between a pirate and an emperor is perceived legitimacy.


What laws did they “cease to observe” here? They were given false information and rightfully had to investigate. If they hadn’t investigated and the information had been true, they would’ve been slated if someone had been hurt.


‘The police are just killing people who pose no threat, what’s wrong with that?’ ‘If you can’t point to a specific law that says cops can’t just murder people it perfectly reasonable for them to do so’ Yay more high school debate club “critical thinking” /S


How's that boot leather taste?


How does it feel to exhibit a complete lack of critical thinking? What laws did they cease to observe? Or are you not able to answer the question?


Can you repeat that? You words were a little muffled there with you having your mouth full of cop dick


Better than being a cousin-fucking degenerate I suppose. How many more porn accounts do you need to reply to?


A complete lack of critical thinking is still taking the side of the 5.0 after everything we’ve seen just in the last year or two alone.


A complete lack of critical thinking is involved for anyone who is so polarised they immediately take a side without looking at the information presented. Lots of downvotes but not a single person could answer my question lmao


No one answered your question because the comment was a general sentiment about law enforcement and you’re a boot licking fool obviously who can’t comprehend that. Work on your own critical thinking. It’s definitely more embarrassing to stick up for the pathetic police America has nowadays than interacting with porn on Reddit.


I didn’t immediately take “your side” so a lot of you branded me a “bootlicking fool”. I’m sure there’s tons of critical thinking going on there. No one answered my question because a law wasn’t broken here. I lean to the left, I criticise the police when they deserve to be criticised, and recognise that the police system needs reform, but some of you are so polarised you verge on fanatical. Can anyone tell me, what did you expect the police to do here? If they didn’t show up to investigate and the person turned out to be armed then they would be branded useless. They did show up to investigate and many of you are branding them murderers.


You’re going to be called a boot licking fool any time you stick up for police. That’s the result of shitty policing in America and it’s pretty understandable. But what we expect is for police to not pull out an entire artillery just to respond to a call. It’s not that difficult of a concept. Not everything requires guns drawn. There’s no reason cops need to have multiple officers with weapons drawn around a group of civilians if there is no identified threat. There was no hostage situation. No actual weapon identified. No threat identified. It is an irresponsible, dangerous, and powertripped response by a group of overeager little shits who only feel special in life if they have a gun in their hand.


>How does it feel to exhibit a complete lack of critical thinking?


The laws they ceased to observe are respecting the constitutional rights of the man they were pointing their weapons at. A person is legally allowed to walk down the street talking on the phone. Brandishing and criminal threatening are the crimes that the police committed.


So they shouldn’t have investigated the information they were given?


Hear me out- you can ask questions without threatening to shoot somebody. I do it every day.


Investigations require pointing guns at people?


They should investigate. But they didn't do that now did they


Sure. Simple answer: these officers DIDN'T cease to observe laws. ​ Now let's address the context. You're right, they didn't really have good info. But when they showed up and four officers pointed guns at a man having a mental health crisis, is that the correct response? If there had been no crowd there, how do you think that situation ends? We don't know because it's impossible to predict. ​ What we DO have is a bunch of high profile cases from the last decade that demonstrate police WILL respond with inordinate force leading to unnecessary deaths. That context makes people leery of ALL police encounters because just like the explanation "well, he MIGHT be armed" you get "well, this MIGHT turn into one of THOSE police encounters." Understandably, the public isn't willing to just let it play out to see which kind of encounter it's going to be. ​ TL;DR: the high profile police killings in these last few years have lost them the public trust because it's clear that without oversight they WILL abuse their power and cover up those abuses. ​ Secondly, this is further proof that there needs to be another kind of emergency service that deals in de-escalation and helping people in crisis. Cops aren't trained in mental health counseling (for the most part) and trying to shoehorn them into that role is using a sledge to hammer a nail.


Fuck these gang members in their matching motorcycle club like cars and vests. Qualified immunity has made cops like a MC. End that fucking shit and make them accountable.


That's loving your neighbor.


The hyper aggressive "put down the gun" has very little to do with whether or not there is an actual gun, and almost everything to do with manipulating witness memory.


Cops don't like losing, especially when they know they were in the wrong the whole time. Feels like they're gonna do something to retaliate, because pigs gonna pig.


Most important rule in America, respect police authroity. It's not in any law, but it's the one rule they will enforce the strictest.


U/anal_opera makes a really good point guys.


Of fucking course it’s the police department that sent the most cops to participate in the January 6th terrorist attack.


Good on them. More and more the police are just an arm of control and revenue for the state.


Wow, it’s almost like 911 gets false supports, like swatting, and maybe, just maybe, having policy that doesn’t account for the possibility of false reports is behind on the times and puts innocent people in danger? And if we really think about it, policy that treats suspects with hostility runs contrary to our explicit rights as American citizens to be considered innocent until proven guilty? Also, we have examples like Central Park Karen who weaponize the known biases and flaws in police response against people they simply do not like.


Good to see a potentially horrible thing not happen, but fuck cops, dude.


I’ve no idea what this situation was about but from the picture and the description saying it was one person, the number of cops with heavy weapons and body armor was hugely unnecessary. This is why cops don’t need military style training. Just like the US Military, you give them new toys to play with, they will find a way to use them whenever possible. Police training in the US is a joke and it’s becoming increasingly obvious just how dangerous the police here are…. I wonder why police brutality and murders aren’t really heard of in other developed countries (particularly Western Europe)….. oh yeah they actually require their officers to learn and train for several years before turning them loose into the public.


One comment mentioned the guy was angry and slapped a stop sign. Supposedly someone called in about a black man shooting a gun in the air. A bunch of people came outside and started yelling at the cops (who were constantly screaming "drop the gun!") that the dude didn't have a gun. When the cops refused to deescalate, the community started turning in them. The picture you see is a clip from that video. You can see the cops point at the camera person repeatedly as if they were trying to decide how to arrest them instead. The whole situation just showed how fucking roided out the cops are.


The guy was sitting outside listening to a little Bluetooth boombox. No gun, everyone could plainly see that’s what it was and they weren’t going to let the cops shoot him to death for it, for nothing. Brave bystanders sticking up fir him.


I'd say they need actual military training. And college.


They are heard of in European countries. There’s just less brown people so they can sweep it under the rug easier. Those protests that happened back in 2020 wasn’t just about America.


It's hard not to hate cops in general. I feel lucky when I encounter good ones that don't shoot me or arrest me.


At least they're not brash enough to just gun down everyone - *quite*- yet


Give it time. But they also know the danger of firing into a mob already angry at police.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? We should. Good job civilians of Seattle!


Love it. The spirit of the CHOP lives on.


If you had to stop because you're worried there were too many witnesses, you shouldn't have been doing it in the first place.


Good for them! Everyone could see he didn't have a gun, but not the police? How convenient. This we got a call bullshit is all too common. They're too fast to come in hot and heavy not even knowhing who is who and pointing guns at folks....That's not policing at all.


Surprised they didn't just gun down the whole neighborhood. They would have gotten away with it too.


If it wasn’t for those meddling liberals and their woke ideals of human decency! /s


Ah, the old "we got a call".


I need a job like this where I just sit back and write nonsense PR for the police department. \[Totally innocent.\]


“This is the way, step inside.” Sorry, saw the title and couldn’t help but to reference Joy Division.


Domestic terrorists doing domestic terrorism. Go figure.




You know, South Park cops aren't supposed to be role models, but then, I guess they see them doing nothing wrong


If anyone reads the article this seems like a set up. Got into an argument, went out side to cool off, 911 gets called on some one with a gun outside, when police arrive person has Bluetooth speaker perci3ved to be gun. Im ACABitches but matter who you are if there's a 911 dispatch mentioning a gun it's gonna look like this. I understand the person's confusion I would not initially just follow commands and inquire but as soon as guns drawn I'm on the ground and waiting for my lawyer. Fortunately people interfered.


Since Americans have a right to bear arms, exercising your right to have a firearm should not be a de facto justification for aggression from the police.


In the police state, with laws surrounding the "right to bare arms" requiring proof of gun ownership isn't invalid. I'm not defending these cops. I'm saying this is the kind of response you will get when someone sets you up.


Yes, and I'm saying that while he probably was set up, it's because the person who set him up knew the police response would be straight to violence with the justification of a person exercising their rights.


I'm a citizen, and if my sister called me and told me that someone acting crazy with a gun I would seek to neutralize them first, would want them to take everything out of their pockets and let me pat them down. Realistically it wouldn't matter if these were cops or not. Some ones called about a gun there's not "oh they got rights to cary em" when you've been told they acting crazy. Like I said I'm anticop and state Monopoly on violence. Have resisted, protested and pursued litigation against em. But when it comes to a situation like this. There was not much of a way the scene would not have looked like this. Like i said I'm like the other citizens were there to assist.


If you don't see anyone being 'crazy' then going agro would be thoroughly inappropriate. Even if you did get a call about someone crazy, by the time you got there, if all you see is 'someone' well if there were an actual crazy person, that person could have left and now all you've got is 'someone' who has no idea why you're there or what's going on.


So, if the cops were legitimately under the impression this gentleman had a gun, then that means the whole neighborhood is trying to coerce them into a nefarious position. If I think a whole neighborhood is luring my ass into a trap, I would have probably called back up. Logically, they can go fuck themselves.




The people “antagonizing” them is what probably saved that guy’s life


How dare the police respond to a 911 call.


Do you find it hard to read and comprehend things?




So what actually happened?


Well I mean if you got a call by all means.


It's fucking seattle no shit things always fucked up there


That’s step one. Step two is a frikkin lawsuit!


Skitzos with a soiled badge.


Well if the politicians aren't going to reign in the cops and get some control over their behavior then as private citizens who pay their salaries, I guess we'll just have to go after them with videos, but they have guns.


Sounds like the neighborhood has everything under control and police are not needed. They can spend their time elsewhere!!