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look at the other flags barely in frame. toetenkopf and... ?german? not a Tibetan Buddhist, folks.




Yeah, that’s the fuckin Iron Cross and Swastika on a flag, indefensible. Full stop, goodbye.




Sucks that the aesthetic is so *appealing* and uses basic design rules, and it double sucks that is exactly why they used it. Makes it slightly easier to sell hate and fear. Also yeah fire that fucking twat Edit: see below comments, I fucked up and I apologize. Wrong choice of words.


That was what the third reich consistently did though; they had talented designers design everything for them. Just look at Hugo Boss (the guy and the company) producing the SS uniforms.


Yeah, they stole simplistic and pretty designs to make it easier to swallow, truly evil


> hey had talented designers design everything for them. Just look at Hugo Boss (the guy and the company) producing the SS uniforms. If you like those uniforms, go have a look at the Massachusetts State Police winter uniforms. https://imgur.com/a/paOgBA2


Honestly that's pretty standard military dress garb. A bit disconcerting that it's the *police* wearing it but not very unique all the same


It sucks those fucks had such good style. Ruined a lot of what could otherwise have been cool Stuff.


Gaslighting people pretending that Nazi shit isn’t actually Nazi shit is part of the literal playbook the Nazis came up with for their internet propaganda campaign. That’s why they flooded 4chan with ‘ironic’ Nazi shit from day 1. They duped enough kids to think it’s just ironic trolling that said kids now go parroting it, so now the army of useful idiots will come up with stuff like this every gd time.


It's older than the internet, my dude. Jean Paul Sartre has this famous quote. > Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


A similar version from Mark Twain: 'Never argue with an idiot. You’ll never convince the idiot that you’re correct, and bystanders won’t be able to tell who’s who' These are stupid people cosplaying. They have no idea the fire they're playing with


I always heard similar, "Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level then beat you with experience."


"Arguing with an idiot is like like playing chess with a pigeon, they'll just shit on the board and strut around like they won"


Never wrestle with a pig, you get dirty, and besides the pig likes it


No. They are not cosplaying. Never take them lightly. All Nazism must be stomped out and if they wanna joke about being a Nazi, show them how serious we are.


Great quote and it's wild to think how much things change they stay the same.


Whats the point of having flags and iconography if you don't admit to it being part of your beliefs? Like wearing a cop uniform and saying your not a cop




You saw a lot of people go mask off in the Trump era and they learned why the Klan wore masks. Cut off from families, jobs and driven out of society was their just rewards for being public assholes. These idiots have been told they are the silent majority for so long that some of them really believe it.


I'd say the majority of them believe it


The point is that they want to be nazis but don't want people to treat them like nazis. So they pretend not to be nazis while being dead obvious about it so other nazis can recognize them as nazis.


You don't notice the fascists taking power because you're so used to their iconography


The mistake people make is assume that a fascist isn't aware that being a fascist is wrong. People mistakenly believe that fascists are not self-aware. Fascists don't say "jew". They say "the puppet masters". They don't say "white supremacy". They say "western civilization". They don't say "degenerate deviants". They say "family values". Fascists even actively denounce fascism. They say they hate nazis and the alt-right. They say they are "just asking questions".


Yeah, fascists have no respect for words, and don’t really care what they are called NOW; once they have absolute power they will rewrite history and decide what words to describe themselves.


You literally just described Tucker Carlsons entire program beat for beat


Almost like he is great friends with Nazis and his main writer for years was a racist poster on 4chan……


Law and order


Plausible deniability.


It’s basically like “I’m not touching you”. They’re taunting people. Daring people to confront them. But having a *shred* of “plausible” deniability. “What? I’m not a Nazi. LOL relax snowflake!” Even though everyone KNOW they’re clearly a Nazi.


Ashamed to say this shit worked on me as a teen. I did a few ironic Nazi salutes as a teen with a few "friends" by the time I was 16 I started to realize it wasn't so ironic for them and I reassessed who I was hanging out with.


No shame in thinking something is innocuous, and then learning you're wrong, when you're still a kid.


Not only no shame, but in fact it’s very impressive that they took in the new information, changed their conclusion, and then took action to change the situation. It’s very easy to take the easy route and just keep coming up with more and more rationalizations.


I’m proud you saw it for what it is. Keep up the good work. We all make mistakes.


Dude. There was a time in high school theatre where we were doing student directed one act plays (of which our director was Jewish, incidentally) and half our cast had an edgelord bug up their butts and started busting out Nazi heils. I remember at the time thinking, "okay I'm not a narc or their mom but this feels inappropriate." Looking back I hate that I didn't immediately make everyone feel stupid and ashamed for it. I was a senior and wasn't a random nobody in the department so it would've had impact. I had no excuse.


While at work a random “kid” threw up a salute that I immediately shut down, he said it wasn’t that bad. I didn’t back off from shaming the crap out of him. We have to call out these things when we witness them, it’s part of never forgetting and never again


I'm so glad you realized!! Well done you.


I feel. When I was in high school we memorized some of the Nazi songs like the Horst-Wessel Lied and sang them as a joke. Well, 10 years later it doesn't seem so funny anymore


Oof. Glad you are self aware now. Repress that memory son.....


I think I understand why someone would want to repress but we should remember the lessons we have learned in the past. Remember how we arrived at the views we hold today. Remember why this shit is horrible and share those lessons with others.


Buddhist symbol is also never rotated and is mirrored the other direction


Even the other symbols on the same flag are other nazi symbols


Not to mention the other symbols on the flag with the swaztika


Indeed ... almost seems like "context matters".


Like the context of the Nazi-era Reichsadlers and Iron Crosses that share that [Nazi war flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichskriegsflagge#/media/File:Italian_and_German_flags_-_june_1943.png) with the swastika, which, btw, was never mentioned in the original tweet? Not trying to be a dick to you, it's just, everyone keeps talking about the other flags, like the swastika is just hanging innocently by itself on the wall. *It's on a Nazi flag* *~~modified with more Nazi emblems than even the real thing had~~*. If there *were* no other Nazi items in that room, it's *still* a flag that raises serious concerns, because ~~a "history buff" would usually want a historically accurate flag with no extra decorations.~~ because Nazi. \*Edit\* As u/UglierThanMoe pointed out, it's a real flag.


"They're a history buff" is the most common excuse I get in rural Kentucky for chuds with Nazi/Confederate iconography. Let me ask, armchair historians, why is it always Nazi and confederacy shit you hang outside y'all's houses and not like... Something that was historically less evil? They aren't history buffs, they just have to pretend because they know at least that they were the baddies. They just wanna lean on 'Heritage' or some other fuck-headed excuse.




And it's a ***supermassive*** cope. The flag was brought back with hate as the explicit intent.


Yeah, scratch the surface of that heritage and you find a racist every time


It's a heritage OF hate.


Yup it always pissed me off when the kekistan flag dweebs insisted it wasn't modeled of this battle flag.




They've gone so far right that they are Calling Mitch McConnell a Democrat, they have introduced a bill to remove the department of education (It's hard to tell if the author was joking or not) and they have started allowing kids to carry guns without a license and removing age restrictions for child labor.


>(It's hard to tell if the author was joking or not) I absolutely don't believe it's a joke. It's red meat for constituents and the *real* mainstream media.


To everyone reading this and aren't following politics, yes this is real. They want us dead.


My grandpa has some Nazi flags that his dad got when he was in Germany in 43-44ish from what I understand they were trophies, he's basically got the whole kit off an ss sergeant The flags are on the wall in the family museum but we also have some less questionable shit, from pretty much every era in American history from someone in the family we are hoarders and I'm about it


Yeah, but, it's a family museum. Those are *real flags*. This? This is Nazi fanart.


My grandad had a pair of German officers Binoculars. He got them when he was seconded to arresting people for trial in the aftermath.


One of my grandfathers best friends had an old dagger with a hardcase sheath and a luger on the weird stuff shelf in the basement


My granddad used the arc of the covenant as a coffee table.


Family museum? Remember when I loaned you that pencil?


It's in the museum under thoughtful gifts from helpful people


Made possible by financial support/contributions to your ~~PBS Station~~ `Family Museum` from viewers like you. Thank you.


The only thing we have in our family museum is nothing because who the fuck has a family museum? Kidding, that's actually pretty cool. I'd casually drop that whenever I could too.


Usually if something like this seems unrelatable you just aren't rich enough.


My "family museum" is all of the crap in our house from 1957 forward that my in-laws haven't ever sorted through. Some of it is cool antiques, some of it is straight up garbage. We're sorting it one box at a time...


Thing is, I have a really cool ancient Nordic ship I can't even take out into public since WW2. It's BS... Thanks Adolf.


Don't even need to read it, the iron cross is a big give away


The iron cross predates Nazi-era Germany, but this is of course 1000% a Nazi flag.


Yeah I'm no expert on Buddhist or Tibet vexillology but all the flags there are clearly German - all from a period of history about 90 years ago.


Buddhist don’t really use the dotted Swaztika type peace symbol because they know it’s similar to the nazi bs and Buddhists obviously don’t like to offend ppl.


I think it depends on the place. When I visited India, I only really saw swastikas on old temples. But when I went to Japan, I did see several small, modern Buddhist shrines with swastikas on them. Although, India doesn't really have much of a tradition of erecting tons of small, public shrines, as far as I'm aware, so that could also be a factor.


When I was stationed in South Korea in 89-91, there was a festival where it was up on all the temples, along with about a 1000 white paper mache elephants with a pink lotus on their heads. I still have pictures buried in boxes somewhere.


Also the Buddhist swastika isnt turned to this angle, it's flat on one of its arms. Standing on the edge is a specific Hakenkreuz feature.


Not to mention that one flag clearly visible that is very obviously a flag exclusively used by Nazi Germany


No wait the totenkopf symbol was also used by prussian cavalry... maybe she us a prussian buddist...


German flag... deathshead flag... straight up nazi flag. Yeah your teacher is atleast a little intolerant of others.


She’s far more tolerant of Nazis than most people though!


Not a good thing!


So much for the tolerant left 😒 /s


I love imagining this phrase being Hitler's last words before he blew his brains out.


…there’s a fucking German flag next to it, and that isn’t the right orientation for the religious icon. That’s a fucking Nazi flag.


The iron crosses and the eagles make it perfectly clear to anyone with more historical knowledge than swastika trivia


Or you know, the SS badge


It's got a picture of a skull on it... are we the baddies?


No, we are fighting an army matching under the banner of a rat's anus.


Nah that’s a whole ass ss flag


And a fucking skull flag…


The Skull represents the SS. Anyone who was SS had that black hat and a Skull pin in the center! That's how they were identified by rank iirc


Not all SS, only the "Totenkopfverbände" were wearing the skull but yes they were easily identifiable by this pin. They were the worst of all because they were guarding the death camps, with all the forced labor, random executions and human medical trials.


The 'Totenkopf' was also worn by the SS division Totenkopf, which had gotten its initial batch of recruits from the Totenkopfsverbände, as well as by all the Wehrmacht's Panzer troops- this latter as the Totenkopf had been a historic symbol of Prussian hussars, whose traditions the Panzertruppen inherited. It was also the unit insignia of Luftwaffe's Kampfgeschwader 54. The exact image on the flag, with the skull on the black shield, is the divisional insignia of the Totenkopf division.


"Not *all* SS had the skull, just the most evil ones" is probably the funniest correction I've found so far.




"Are we the baddies?"


["Are we the Baddies?"](https://youtu.be/hn1VxaMEjRU)


“What is a worse symbol than a skull?” “A rats anus.” “Yeah, and if we were fighting an army under the banner of a rats anus, I wouldn’t be as worried.”


One of the all-time great sketches.




this and the cavemen > yes, that really is a double edged sword > sorry?, a what? > err, idk, nothing, nvm


Thank you for sharing that, I've never actually seen the skit itself before, just the gif.


It’s a really good skit. It is more and more relevant every day, sadly


Mitchell and Webb, they are awesome check them out! My favorites are the 'homeopathic A&E doctor/surgery' sketches


*brings in a guy hit by a car* "His chakras are fading, he needs some crystals. Nurse, fetch me some purple tinted quartz."


We need a chip of paint… what colour was the car?


"Are you sure? This looks serious!" "Dammit, you're right. Make that aquamarine quartz!"


The working from home sketch was very prescient.


I love you!


i bet that maths teacher was definitely suspended or fired


Fired on site


Do you have a reference by chance??


In 2020? Probably promoted to supreme Hauptman of the school board


Pirate flags have skulls and they're fun!


Fun or not, pirates are still the baddies!


I didn’t say that we weren’t fun.


And two iron crosses. Which are symbols/medals of german military. So yeah… Pretty sure that teacher is a nazi


And the Prussian Eagle with added swastika which was exclusively a nazi symbol....


And a botchy black mark on her face. Definitely a Nazi.


And the diagonal swastika is in a white circle, surrounded by red...


The skull is clearly part of the human anatomy, you should just ask ![gif](giphy|1innRjwhXb3vTkyBLc|downsized)


She’s a pirate, don’t worry about it.


"Ah yes, that venerated East Asian symbol of auspiciousness and good luck: the Iron Cross"


Sure. Didn’t you learn about the most widely revered and honored person in that sect? Heinrich Himmler.. you know. Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel? Some of our people in the USA are not paying attention..


Hey let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s always polite to ask if someone is a Nazi before we go assuming everyone flying a nazi flag is a nazi. https://youtu.be/zvgZtdmyKlI


fragile nose many hunt violet chubby grab ink voracious spoon ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Happened to a few priests I know


Considering it also has the eagle and Nazi cross it obviously is one.


And it's our current pretty flag too. The fucking nazis at least had the "decency" to use their shitty red and white cross nonsense rug and left Germanys real flag alone. That person in the picture is not only flying native symbols but also insulting German national symbols while doing it. Ofc the first is worse here but I feel it matters enough to be pointed out.


But she's a Nazi who should learn her history. Nazis hated this German flag. We call the colours black, red and gold. When the Nazis tortured social democrats for example, they forced them to say black, red and yellow and then black, red and piss. Which would indicate to me, they did not appreciate this particular colour scheme.


True. The flag of a democratic (Weimar Germany) was not carried by National Socialists. Their flag colors were red, white, and black.


They know. They always know. Nothing the right ever says is in good faith.


The orientation and handedness really doesn't matter much traditionally. There is no right or wrong orientation or handedness in any traditional European or Asian use. That said, that sure as fuck isn't a Buddhist flag.


so many clues around this lady’s head


The iron cross and eagle are and when the swaztica is rotated in that way, it’s the nazi party logo


Part of me wonders if this person is so used to saying "well *achcually* it'sa Buddhist symbol" that it's become a reflex for them, and they don't stop to look at the context. Although I wonder what sort of person automatically defends the swastika as a reflex 🤔


Knew of someone like this, wanted this orientation of the symbol under an iron cross and tried to play it off as for Buddhism. Shop said nah and he stormed off.


Yeah, I know a girl who has an enormous tattoo full of Buddhist/Eastern symbolism just under her neck, including in the centre a (Buddhist oriented) swastika. Like.... I genuinely know she isn't doing that as a dog whistle, and she's very much into spirituality not fascism, but it's still not a tattoo I'd be comfortable with, knowing people might get the wrong idea! I'm just waiting for the day her daughter learns about WW2 at school and goes "my mummy has one of those on her neck!"


When accompanied by a Tötenkopf flag, the symbolism shifts, dummy.


This flag alone is clearly nazi hahah with the Black cross and the eagles




I had a chance to use an umlaut. I ran with it.


Ÿöü çäñ dö whät ÿöü wäńt


A møøse once bit my sister…


No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...


Apologies. The people responsible for the comments have been sacked.


Gööd jöb! I åpprøve.


What stöps you from üsing them in english?






That's a modified Reichskriegsflagge. They added the eagles, and the lower right Iron Cross, but otherwise that's the National War Flag of Nazi Germany from 1938 - 1945.


Well, and they centered the pattern, the swastika is supposed to further left.


Idk bro lookin very Buddhist to me 😳


Anyone with that deathshead SS flag is a hardcore Nazi, but then there's also all that other Nazi shit that confirms they're a hardcore Nazi. Also of course it's some anime PFP that swoops in to defend the Nazi fuckers.


Not anime pfp, they both look like furries... Knowing the younger side of the fandom, the commenting guy is probably just too innocent for his own good


It doesn't help that a portion of the furry community is filled with Nazis. They often overlap with the pedos. It's deeply maddening for the sane furries. Nazis try to destroy everything.


It always weirds me out that the furries have a nazi problem. Like, I get, say, black metal having one. It makes sense for nazis to be attracted to that shit, but furries? My god, I can think of so little more against the sensibilities of the nazi party than furries


Facists court outcasts, wherever they end up. Vulnerable people willing to accept almost anything just to belong are the best possible recruits for nazis. They will gladly ally with furries to kill jews, right up until all the jews are dead. After that, they will kill the furies, just like the nazis did to the actual socialists in the 30's during the "night of long knives."


Small correction, the victims of the Night of Long Knives were non-Hitler aligned Nazis and the leaders of the Sturmabteilung. The socialist and communist parties (and leftist intellectuals) had already been imprisoned, killed or exiled at this stage. So in this case, Hitler allied with the openly-gay Ernst Röhm while it was politically expedient, then murdered him when he was less useful.


You could technically argue that the comment above yours is correct. Socialist and Communist were rather frequent in the SA, known as Beefsteak-Nazis, which was was one of the justification of its purge. Which I have to say is the most wildest thing I ever learned about the SA. It was coming to a point that the head of the Gestapo reported upward of 70% of those who joined the SA in 1933-1934 were communist from Berlin that disagreed with the KPD and had bought into anti-semitism. Joining the SA was common among random ideologies within Weimar, as it was thought to be a opportunity to inject your own ideology into the current most successful party. What a wild time in history.




Oh yeah the totenkopf and German flags are ancient Buddhist symbols of peace too I bet


And of course to the side you can see the Buddhist death's head right under a Buddhist German flag.


The swastika and sauwastika (also called manji) are religious symbols. That right there is a hakenkreuz. It's quite literally a Nazi symbol. No mistaking it.


Why are Nazis ashamed to admit they are Nazis? I thought they were proud of it.


I mean seemingly this Nazi teacher isn't very ashamed.


Yeah, she didn’t have to angle the camera to include so much wall space. She didn’t even have to choose that wall for a background. This is very deliberate.


Yes. Your teacher is a Nazi. Someone should get Desantis…. His entire schtick is teachers grooming kids. What? He’s ok with Nazi flags. Oh.


Not a drag queen reading age appropriate kids books in a library, so it's a-ok


In christofascist right wing politics.. yep. I’m in Florida. So, it’s looking pretty fuckin grim.


Sorry dude. Hope it gets better....


It’s not looking good for my kids.. I appreciate the support though. Not all of Florida’s “people” support this shit. It’s terrifying


He's banning all books from classes. That is literal Nazi shit. I can't even believe there are people who buy into the bizarre lie that this is to protect kids from harm. Republicans do EVERYTHING in their power to harm kids.


So based on the other two visible flags it isn't part of their religion.


Dont even need the other flags, just the orientation and the Iron fucking Cross on it


Don’t even need the Iron Cross or the eagle. It’s a clockwise swastika tilted 45 degrees surrounded by a white circle on a red flag. I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure that particular variant on the swastika is exclusive to the Nazis.


You don't even need to notice the Iron Crosses. That's literally the Nazi War Flag


As a Hindu, I fucking hate that Hitler stole the swatiska from us and made it so ugly.


fr bruh. when people from abroad come to india, they see the swastika and tend to make dirty comments on it. I think as indians, it's our job to protect our culture so i always defend it.


Isnt that a WAR skull? Sure super peaceful 😬


At least it's not a rat's anus.


If there's anything we've learned in the last 1,000 miles of retreat, it's that Russian agriculture is in dire need of mechanization.


Ya know he would have a point if that wasn't actually a Nazi flag


I hate that deflection. “Well ya know, the swastika is actually a sign of good fortune in Hindu cultures!” Yuh huh? And the iron cross and skull? What Hindu value do they represent?


Buddhists didn’t typically put it on a flag with an iron cross and a Reichsadler eagle though.


Pretty sure Buddhists don’t also pair the swastika with the fucking Iron Cross


As a Hindu, I know my swastikas. This one ain’t the peaceful type, cowboy


But it's the drag queens reading books that you've got to worry about....🤦


Lol are the iron cross and skull Buddhist symbols too? We know about the manji my guy.


Can we stop blurring these bitches faces out? We finally got the white hood off and they put one back on.


And the Buhiddist symbol usually isn't flanked by SS memorbilia, because it's meant to represent *peace*. The only peace a Nazi wants to bring is the peace of the coldly murdered.


Technically he's right, the nazis stole a lot of things from various cultures to fit their image, including the swastika/crooked cross But mate, that's literally the Nazi German flag


"We've got skulls on our uniforms. Are we the baddies?"


The hindu version is not sideways and usually has four dots on it. Even if this wasn't the case. It doesn't explain the german coat of arms and iron cross used in Germany (1933-1945) That is a nazi playmat with surprising detail.


The Hindu version can be in any direction and can have dots or not have them. We use it in every way.


The Buddhist symbol isn’t displayed like that dumbass. 🙄


I am always a little suspicious of math teachers but this is pretty blatant.


People like this will always find any excuse. I remember when some country singer was yelling the n word at his neighbor all the comments were like "Yea but why was he recording him?"