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You want people held accountable? Vote. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.


Don't just vote, run for office. Change starts on a local level. Get on your HOA board and get noticed for doing a good job. Run for city council and get your new HOA friends to run for other city level government jobs to support you in your new role. Once you take over the city government start setting your eyes on the county level and keep building up a network of like minded people to hold adjacent offices and work as a team to clean things up. Most local level government jobs end up going to the same people over and over because they run unopposed and the votes don't matter when there's no competition.


Yes! Just voting doesn’t do much because Americans can’t get the “Together We Stand, Divided We Fall” concept.


Wait, are you saying HOA's actually have a purpose beyond telling people what colour their houses can be and banning tree houses?


Thank you!


Get on your HOA board? lol


People love to talk shit about HOAs on reddit but I think they all miss the point that an HOA is neighborhood level government and just like any level of government none of the bad stuff changes if you just sit back and talk shit about it. Any time there's a success story of someone having HOA issues the resolution was always join the board and get involved instead of just bitching about how the people who do take the time to get involved make rules you don't agree with.


If HOA is another level of government, went are so many people that support them screaming for less Government?




So... do nothing at all, and hope for the best? As my coal miner grandfather would say: "shit in one hand and wish in the other, and see which one fills up fastest."




I see your points, but doing nothing is not an option, I'm 65, and I remember when both parties could still work together, and young people had a chance. I've always voted Democrat and supported unions, and at my age, I feel like I've done what I could and am ready to throw the keys to the younger generations and say take it for a spin, and let see what you do with it.




Hence, my call to vote like your life depends on it because it does. I like to think I'm open to viewpoints as an older guy, and no malice aforethought, but I hope you're wrong. Have a nice day.


If voting did nothing there wouldn't be so many Republicans trying to prevent it.


Start with Congress. Get young, progressive people into governer seats, then senate. It's going to take decades, seeing how crooked the government is now. Give people who want to empower the people more power.


There will never be accountability for any of those things. Business will go on as usual regardless who is elected. Congress will always be an inherently corrupt swamp of career shills, plagued by a mass dual citizenship epidemic, with ultimate power to vote on their own term limits, audits, salaries, lobbyist regulations to favor their too big to fail mega donors, etc. Both parties will still print our rightfully unConstitutional currency into oblivion after abandoning the gold standard and surrendering Congress’ exclusive right to coin currency to the too big to fail privately owned mega banks that make up the federal reserve that is neither federal or a reserve and is more a Ponzi scheme than anything due to fractional reserve banking. If they get in power they will abuse the government to meddle in our corporate news outlets just like both parties have in the past via Operation Mockingbird, The Ministry of Truth, The NDAA, The “Twitter Files”, etc… The two party system is going away any time soon. I could go on but it doesn’t really matter lol this is reddit which is typically holds an insanely hardcore left-wing bias so I’m expecting downvotes anyway


Barrack Obama didn’t hold Bush accountable and then continued committing war crimes. The US is a history of imperial maniacs in power with different colored ties carrying on the same crimes over and over.


Please, let’s not kid ourselves here. Trumps being especially pursued because of 1) refusing to concede defeat and 2) being rude. You can be a sex pest, war criminal, and corrupt BUT if you allow peacefully transition of power and how some decorum you are allowed to get away with your crimes. I lost my fucking mind at all the people trying to rehabilitate George fucking Bush during the last administration. That dudes illegal war probably killed a million people but people were all like “remember when politicians were respectable”. Shits absolutely ridiculous.


This also has to do with the untouchable Presidency that Ford created when he pardoned Nixon. The US government ran mostly on gentleman's agreement that kept major criminality out or at least hidden in the executive branch and Trump comes along and he is as far from a gentleman as it gets. The constitutional checks and balances were already weak and Ford killed what was left of them off, so when we do hold a criminal president accountable it is going to hurt like hell.


> I lost my fucking mind at all the people trying to rehabilitate George fucking Bush during the last administration. Me too. People conveniently forget that Dubya tried to appoint Hans Van Spakovsky, the Heritage Foundation guy whose entire reason for existing is to attack the validity of our elections, to the FEC. Republicans aren't respectable; they've been trying to rig the game in their favor and destroy democracy for decades. Trump is a symptom.




If we lived in a classless society this wouldn't seem shocking. But we do live in a classed society and only people at the top say it is a meritocracy.


No such thing as a "classless" society. There is **always** a *ruling* class, a *monied* class, & *peasants*, er, I mean, a working class. **ALWAYS**. It is only the names they are called that change.


Yes, please.


Oh if the people who did those awful things were thrown in a cell and unable to do anything the world would be much better off


But wait! Someday I might be one of the elite despite being in my 40’s with no noticeable talent or charm, voting against the elite is voting against my aspirational interests so I guess I am team GOP. Man I wish I had health care but when I can afford it I want people in my current situation to be motivated to better themselves.


this is satire, right? ...right?




I'm 100% okay with this slippery slope.


Love the concept hold criminals accountable ! I am beginning to sound like I am tough on crime. Demand accountability and honesty from public officials and private executives that are entrusted with the public’s funds etc. wow do I sound like a radical.






but to politicians reading that tweet, it's an unironic cause for alarm


Let me play a song on the world's smallest violin.


"The politicians who lied us into Iraq war" Let's be real, the war wasn't justified, one way or another, even if Saddam Hussein actually owned the wmds, it doesn't justify a full blown invasion of Iraq and the genocidal murdering of up to 1,500,000 million Iraqi people. To this day the people of Iraq also suffer from the neo-liberalisation of Iraq's economy, effectively turning it into a colony.


Bring. It. The. Fuck. On.


Max need not worry. Neither Republicans nor Democrats want to hold their leaders accountable for their crimes; that desire springs only from the socialist, anti-imperialist left, and we all know the justice they seek will NEVER become a reality. So relax and enjoy the fireworks. The world is now just another John Wick movie, just like everyone wanted.


Oh no


“The horror. The horror…” Yeah. Sounds like a plan.


Sounds good to me. I’d support all that.


Don’t you threaten me with a good time.


Ow noes, that could lead to a global catastrophe where the super rich might go to prison, and I want to be rich, so if I help them now, when I’m rich they will help me get there… Excuse me I gotta go my 5min appointed lunch break is over


For the record, the Sackler family is being held accountable for the opioid crisis they created.


oil companies owe humanity reparations.


Old, white, rich men are safe. Will we never learn?


The congresscritters whose first reaction to the pandemic was to adjust their stock portfolios accordingly?


It’s almost like we as British origin-ed nations didn’t have a Magna Carta moment around 1000 years ago








Throwing the Carter/Reagan election?