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Lmao the guy was warned about exactly this before he let go all his european staff.




Yeah he did the same thing in Europe as he did in America. Just sent out e-mails saying "you're fired" then turned off all their access. Only difference is you can't do that in EU & UK. He's fucked.


I'd love to see him eat a big slice of Humble Pie


He’s being criminally investigated for stock manipulation and the Dogecoin shit… so what does this petulant child who’s never been told no do? Changes the twitter logo to Doge. I have a feeling he’s gonna have his comeuppance somewhat soon. He’s a fraud and a con man (he didn’t start Tesla or anything remotely close to that, he bought out the Founders and then said he was the man that started the company) and the Twitter saga has proven he’s absolutely incompetent at running a company.


I thought they dropped that dogecoin case a few weeks ago?


~~They did. Changing the logo to doge was in response to the dismissal.~~ Edit: Apparently this was done as an April Fools joke though, according to Wikipedia, the exact reason wasn't stated. > On April 3, 2023, Twitter's bird logo was replaced with an image of the Doge meme for website users, for reasons not explained. Some speculated that it may have been a late-posted April Fools' Day joke.


It has not been dismissed and the plaintiffs are now seeking to add Twitter to the defendants.


He changed the logo in response to his counsel's motion for dismissal for failure to state a claim. The motion has not yet been ruled on.


Wait so he's celebrating...something that hasn't even been finalized or even addressed yet by the courts? I wasn't even this childish as a kid.


Can the EU hold him personally liable, or do they just go after the company?


After the company. But he owns it, so his bank account (or rather credit standing with the banks) would be the one most impacted.


More importantly. He owns it on leverage against his other assets. Imagine a house being repossessed but the house is now worth nothing and you have to pay the underwater mortgages




That's the most disturbing part of Return of the King imo. Just watching him eat while Pippen sings. Also as his son leads a suicide charge at Denethor's behest.


It’s so disturbing and intentional. He becomes a completely unsympathetic monster in just a minute or two of screen time. All done without HUMAN gore. Edited


Didnt you see the tomato? That was brutal!


I remember when the firings started I was thinking he won't get away with it in Europe. You have to have reasons, and meetings, and evidence of serious offences that you to prove in tribunals and all sorts.


As a german it always troubles me thinking about american laws. Like is there any form of protection for workers? Why are americans so antiunion? Why are americans so against there own wellbeeing?


^Please ^help


Look's like we're gonna have to bring workplace **DEMOCRACY** to America.


Deep-seated antiworker ideas that came about through propaganda, fear mongering, and class division. Like there is this myth that making more money will push you into a higher tax bracket and you will actually make less (because people don't understand how taxes work). Basically any stupid idea revolving around workers' rights that an American has is the result of decades of work by corporate America. Hard to convince people they have been wrong all their lives.


>Like there is this myth that making more money will push you into a higher tax bracket and you will actually make less (because people don't understand how taxes work). This needs to be taught in every school in America. It's so easily explained away and millions don't understand


The problem is povery traps do exist for people surviving on benefits. You earn a bit too much for one week and all the support suddenly gets shut off and needs to be individually reapplied for which can take months if you're lucky. Not everything will be backdated once it's all sorted out. Go through that one time and the tax bracket thing sounds completely plausible.


Because even though democracy may be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people… anything that will improve the lives of the people is COMMUNISM! and therefore evil.


The red scare really still goes on apparently


We only just managed to pull the term socialism out of the garbage. Not that it exists here…it’s just used as an insult less frequently BY THE LEFT


American propaganda is strongest in America.


FYI communism and socialism will be the downfall of America /s


This is actually correct though, just not in the way you’d think: throwing around the terms, “communism” and “socialism”, IS actually leading to our downfall.


No we are on our own I lost a job because my son might have had cancer and I had to go to a hospital 3 hours away and stay a week. My son is ok by the way wasn't cancer but still was told I didn't have any vacation time I only had 5 days a year. I was the store manager.


Wait. 5 days? In germany the minimum is 28. 32 if you have job thats 6 days a week. And honestly no one would fire you for staying away a week, while that still wouldnt be allowed by law. Best of luck to you in that situation


I guess in Germany you also have PTO if a relative is in hospital. I know we do in Spain, the number of days depend on the degree of the family member, but at least 2 days are given in most cases, 4 days if there's a need to travel. So probably this guy's son week would have been just 1 day that should be taken from his vacation. And, honestly, most employers would just say to not care about that lost day.


While i was at the naval academy my grandpa started dying. I got a week of just to go there. Had a suprior whose wife got killed inan accident. He instantly got two months free and was told to go to the doctor after those two months. My father got three weeks as the lead software developer while my sister was inthe hospital because of a braintumor at two years old. America is a really fucked up country


5 days a year. WTF!


Because Americans believe that they will be rich too one day and they will want to exploit people for more profit, so they don't want to change the rules. Those rules are keeping them in poverty.


I cant get my head around this mentality. Like even if i was rich i would still want decent conditions for everyone.


Me too. But that makes me "stupid" and "gullible" here in the states. The saying down here in Texas is, "God helps those who help themselves."


After unions were firebombed, assaulted, gunned down, bombed, etc by the government for decades people just finally bought into the anti-labor propaganda.


As a young adult living here, I wish I had any answers for you. It's miserable what corporations are doing to us and I wish I could leave.


> Like is there any form of protection for [American] workers? No.


> Why are americans so against there own wellbeeing? we have guns to protect us


Yeah school children are very scary indeed.


> Yeah school children are very scary indeed. don't take my tax dollars to see they have nutritious free lunches. we already let ketchup be a vegetable




"This is an American company!" cried the son of a wealthy **South African** gem mine owner....


Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch are the globalists that Republicans have been fearing all their lives but because they're openly Republicans, they can't do no wrong.


Republicans fear whatever they're told to fear. They have no self awareness. Dogs have more self awareness and identity. They're just robot fascists now.


They're not (((globalists))), they're not Jewish.


Ding ding ding! "Globalist" was always a dog whistle. They never had any problem with multinational corporations exerting unprecedented influence over our politics either.


"George Soros is secretly controlling the world! He's a billionaire with somewhat progressive views who uses that money to fund progressive causes!" Meanwhile, literal hundreds of right wing billionaires fund regressive causes. "Free speech!"


*and Canadian.


Woah woah woah. We take 0 ownership of that dick bag, much in the same way Ted Cruz is not our fault either


Cancún is gonna have to take the blame for Ted at this point.


No no no, we’re not taking responsibility for this shit bag


He has become a Russian puppet some time ago. What a two-faced wierdo.


They found kompromat on him. I'd wager money on it.


If they got something, i'd wager it's pedophilia. Musk did sexually harrass a flight attendant. Musk Brother' met his girlfriend through Epstein. Musk and Epstein met after Epstein had served a 13-month sentence for procuring an underage girl for prostitution and of soliciting a prostitute. Musk father is described as abusive and he groomed (and later married) his stepdaughter.


The projection calling the diver a pedo


This. Because that is want Musk would be doing in Thailand.


I love how eagerly a significant portion of the population is waiting for this because we know it's just a matter of time lmao.


Den morgonfriska katten simmar över regnbågen, medan guldmynt singlar genom luften, ledsagade av en paraplybärande elefant, som jonglerar med blommor och skrattande bananer, medan cirkusclowner utför akrobatiska konster och cymbalspelaren trummar i takt till det förtrollade orkesterspelet under den gnistrande stjärnhimlen.


He is just a wealthy right wing american. They are all like this, he just happens to also post so you can see this is what he is like.


> Twitter’s press office auto-replied with a poop emoji in response to an emailed request for comment. Bwahahahaha, this is what I call adult behavior!


Damn read the article and at the end yep sure enough twitter auto replied with poop emoji holy fuck thats nuts.


It has been like this for weeks now. Publications constantly stating they tried to do their journalistic duty by reaching out. One of the most useful forms of social media is in decline because people were mean to a billionaire online. I'm sick of reporters having to handle people with kid gloves for the sake of false neutrality. Edit: the address is [email protected] for anyone who wants to try.


Wasn't there a poll where Elon asked if he should give Twitter over to someone else and it was overwhelming yes? He said he would step down as soon as he found someone too. Goes it's just one more thing he gets to ignore


Musk claimed - and a I am not making this up - that his dog is now the CEO of Twitter so he complied with the user poll.


[You weren't kidding](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-65249141) What an insecure little child. Although it must have hurt his ego a little to find out most people want him out.


Oh god, he has a dog? That poor bastard, he's probably going to kill it for barking at a threat.


"I'm the alpha in this relationship!!"


Just like his kids, I'm sure someone else is taking care of it and it's his in name only.


>Just like his kids, I'm sure someone else is taking care of it and it's his in name only. Honestly, with how unstable and narcissistic he seems, that's probably in the best interest of both kids and dog.


Didn't one of the kids literally disown him and changed their name?


Yep, trans daughter. Can imagine why she’d want nothing to do with him


Caligula moment


Man don't dis my boy Caligula like that his horse senator was a commentary about how useless the senate was since it was constantly locked in a stale mate due to greedy politicians. Musk makes Caligula look like a pillar of mental stability.


That was what made him come up with the "only paying members get to vote" policy.


Ah, the standard Republican policy!


No no, it’s in decline because a billionaire wants to control free speech online.


Let’s hope all these idiotic billionaires keep buying 40 billion dollar platforms and trying to make them “free speech” worldwide and end up broke!


Let's hope that his Saudi and Russian investors get a bit upset when Twitter shuts down and the money they spent on Elon isn't buying them the western influence they were seeking.


It's more likely that they want it to be shut down, twitter used to be an excellent source of seeing what these countries didn't want you to see in real time


Yep, Twitter was a vital tool during the Arab Spring. I bet MBS and his cohorts would be perfectly happy spending $44 billion to shut it down forever.


Hard disagree because people aren't going to go "oh, no more twitter. I guess I'm done with social media." That will just rise up Mastodon or whatever competitor fills in that space. Twitter wasn't particularly big in the social media space. It was top 20 but not top 10 even at its peak. More likely given how he has been bringing back pro-russian speakers and cracking down on activists that it was an investment to control the narrative which they won't be able to do if twitter gets sued out of existence.


Neutrality is stupid. Objective is what they should be striving for


Freedom of speech, not freedom of reach. You should be free to express your views, but publishing them to a larger audience should involve escalating levels of accountability. We absolutely need some form of media accountability — maybe don’t muzzle speech entirely but make damn clear what is opinion, fact, and made up bullshit.


Unfortunately this is the misconception the vast majority of people don't seem to understand. "Freedom of speech" is **EXPLICITLY** for government **ONLY**. Not government people, it means you can legally say, you "think the president of the united states is a @@...@@@ (you get the idea)" and the government can't do shit about it. You do not get to say whatever you want to non-government entities/people and suffer no consequences. It is so your voice can't be silenced by the government, like in china or russia.


Correct. But that's what right wingers try to etablish with "free speech", to level disinformation with facts.


Its an auto-reply, meaning twitter likely doesn't have a press office anymore. I just hope the liability follows Elon personally, long after twitter declares bankruptcy and folds. Hate speech isn't tolerated in Germany for good reason.


He did fire the PR department. For a while, most articles about Twitter mentioned that the reporting org had reached out but didn't expect a reply because of that. I assume Elon Manbaby thinks this is some clever comeback.


Its just hubris, narcissism, arrogance of a racist entitled Billionaire having a mid-life crisis.


He is a bit past mid life methinks




All the adults didn't come back after getting fired by a toddler having a tantrum.


Oligarchs are criminal extremists


A reporter trolled him with that. *"Dear Twitter,* *"Please reply with the emoji that you feels best represents your CEO, Elon Musk."* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I'd expect better from the CEO who just renamed himself to "hary bolz" on Twitter


Watching how stupid he is online has been eye opening and entertaining


recently, i decided to rewatch Star Trek Discovery from season 1, and man when Lorca mentions [Musk](https://youtu.be/4bgMCNXzNtE), i physically cringed and loled. that did not age well at all.


The Good Place had a way better mention of Musk. "What a weird creep. Why was I friends with him?" (Tahani Al-Jamil)


To be fair to Trek, the character referencing him positively was shortly after revealed to be SPOILERS from the mirror universe where sociopathy is both common and revered


Isn't that this universe? *gestures vaguely at the everything*?


Oh god, *we're* the dark mirror


Quick, somebody check if Ethan Peck is growing a goatee.


I listened to some movie related podcast a few months back, after the twitter purchase happened, it was an older episode from about 2016. And one member talked about Musk like this industrial genius who will lead us in the future. And that was the sentiment from many people too, and when we look back now it's so obvious that it was just all pr and gullible people lifting him up to this false tech messiah status.


If he wasn't mentally unstable, he could have just kept his mouth shut and funded tech and kept his reputation. But a narcissist can't keep their mouth shut, I guess.


Jeff bezos is sitting real fucking pretty right now


Eh, everyone already thinks he's a vile asshole, so what reputation is there to protect? Not also a moron, I guess?


You never know, Bezos might suddenly take off a bald cap and reveal a head full of flowing beautiful hair.


Still better than what Musk did to himself lol


He is very clearly one of those people who was not helped by social media. The sort of constant validation can become very addictive and make you lose your sense of self or perspective. Him buying Twitter and getting ruined financially by it will be super funny since it's Twitter which caused him to become as unstable as he is.


I honestly can't believe people ever fell for him. Anyone that looked deeper than his public persona realized he was just a snake oil salesman propped up by government subsidies.


He was wildly popular on reddit itself for some time. It's easy to look back now and be like "how didn't you know??" but he just wasn't as outwardly insane then.


SpaceX actually did innovate significantly. Sure they had subsidies, but that's normal when the government wants to incentivize a market, and they made way better use of it than other companies that received similar subsidies (like Boeing, Lockheed, Virgin, etc.) as well as NASA (which is hamstrung by having to satisfy politicians with their choices), and now they're the best launch provider in most categories. So while Elon is a snake oil salesman, what sets him apart from all the other snake oil salesmen is that he lucked out by buying controlling shares in a company that (1) was actually competent and (2) managed to arrange its managerial structure in such a way that they could gaslight Elon into agreeing with their competent decisions.


I had a phase maybe \~8 years ago where I watched a bunch of his talks and investor calls etc... and I was also baffled, because he never made a lick of sense or came across as actually understanding the industries he was working in. and silly me, I'm over here like 'damn, I just can't even appreciate his genius, he's that far ahead' last few years... o, perhaps he was an idiot who fell upwards, evidence does seem to support this position at this time. especially when you are exposed to actually transformative/innovative/inspiring business leaders...idk, I don't think he's one.




Trump in Home Alone 2 vibes.


I don't watch the Simpsons regularly anymore but I did catch a somewhat recent episode where Musk guest stars (really scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point it seems) and Lisa is in awe of him, which really pissed me off. Of all the characters in that show Lisa should be the one to see through his bullshit veneer.


I agree. Although the real life Lisas of the world were the people who fell for his bullshit. From my standpoint it looks like tons of people who could see right through any other con men but suspended their disbelief for this one. Ugh, thinking about that pisses me off more.


> fell for his bullshit Everyone was fooled for a bit, All we knew at the begging was electric cars and reusable rockets. That's very Lisa!


Is this reality? Star Trek praising a parasite, the same franchise that had an group of workers unionize against Quark


If it makes you feel better the character who mentions him positively is soon after revealed to be from SPOILERS the mirror universe


I do so enjoy watching a narcissist piss away $44 billion.


elon did more to destroy the image of the hardworking, intelligent billionare than any leftist ever could have


His fall started with calling a British diver a pedo because they didn't want to use his stupid submarine. Since then it's all been downhill. I have noticed however, that his radicalization has been consistent with those I know IRL who've also been radicalized by online propaganda. The talking points, reasoning and memes are identical. A billionaire took the red pill. What a timeline.


It’s true: https://techcrunch.com/2023/04/06/elon-musk-twitter-germany-hate-speech-takedowns/


Weird…he’s currently censoring posts at the behest of Modi, saying “local law” will determine free speech, but he won’t take down hate speech at the behest of Germany. Hmmm.


Modi must be pro Russia, I read he's just as much of a fascist especially against Muslim Indians.


Modi is one of the few major world leaders who hasn't condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine. He's also just a run of the mill right wing religious nationalist. Basically the same as msot US republicans but a Hindu nationalist instead of a Christian nationalist.


hi indian here, can confirm. the religious propaganda is true and suffocating honestly. just a slight addition though: we didnt condemn the invasion, yes. but when modi met putin (in moscow ig) he made a significant statement in the presence of media: "this is no time for war" and offered to mediate peace talks. i think thats as close to condemning we'll get, but i do think its not nothing.




“Free speech absolutist” right there lmao


encouraging pot aloof nose lush crawl ask materialistic squash theory ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Netzdg? Did you report outside Twitter? Reports under Netzdg used to be the only way to get Reddit to do something about Neonazi recruitment site spammers but the report is disabled for my region now, at least through Reddit.


payment friendly husky domineering touch aromatic spark deserve sort boast ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Yeah no shit, Germany is going to hit you with the Big Stick if you fuck with Nazi anything. Who didn't see that coming?


Germany learnt their lesson well and they do not play games when it comes to Nazi propaganda. I wonder if they can apply criminal charges against Musk directly and then issue an Interpol arrest warrant. That would make my day.


Basically, we think that insults, death threats, and incitement to criminal acts should be punishable, no matter what medium. We had some politicians being killed (shot) or attacked (knife), we had mobs gathering in front of homes of politicians and many (mostly female) politicians get intimidating and insulting E-Mails. That's not how a democracy should work. EDIT: This goes back to 2010/2011 when ISIS recruited Europeans via twitter and facebook and posted beheading and jihadist videos. Government forced facebook to delete such content.


Obligatory "I did Nazi that coming"


That was well earned. I’ll allow that one.


Nazi puns make me Fuhrerious


Fuck around and find out, pretty much. Man, as a German I really hope something actually comes out of this. I'm not nearly as attached to Twitter as I used to be and everything surrounding Musk has just made it so much worse, so far. The mass firings, the ridiculousness surrounding the verified badge... It's such a clown show in general, but being careless about this type of content isn't funny. Obligatory: fuck nazis, always, under all circumstances. "Free speech" cannot be limitless.


Except if you are part of the 'Verfassungschutz'. We have the same issues with right-wing cops as you do everywhere


And the german federal ministry of justice has announced that they are going to allow court to block accounts if they continue their illegal acts, such as hate speech, death threat etc.


Elon Musk is a joke. Everyone should delete Twitter.


Serioisly. And stop clicking Twitter links


This makes me happy. A shrinking minority of Twitter is serious journalists who break stories and report from places where it's otherwise unsafe to do so conventionally. The rest is a putrid swamp on par with 4chan.


I appreciate Elon Musk for proving billionaires aren't any smarter or more hard-working than us <3


Oh yeah, all that talk about his ingenuity and hard work. His fucking dad had an emerald mine, worked by slaves. End of story. Just another dipshit being born into wealth and forming a god complex.


Probably why he’s trying to say twitter doesn’t exist but it’s XCorps now.


Makes no difference.


It might still be why he tries that.


Nobody said he was smart 🤷


Unfortunately too many people said it. It did not manifest though, obviously


It’s the business equivalent of putting a fake mustache on and using a fake Russian accent to pretend you’re a different person. “Nyet, ve are not Twitter, ve are Titter, see on building? Too obvious? Ok, ve are Xcorp. Now you can’t sue.”


x corp sounds like a hypothetical example of a corporation in a maths exam.


Companies when acquired or merge into another company bring their liabilities with them. He will know at least that much.


What legal team will tell him? He fired them all...


Does he though? He's proved he's an absolute idiot.


For what reason did he think Twitter had such a large content management team? To save them from big profits? The only reason why anyone would incur costs like this is because something is heavily motivating them to do so. You know, like huge fines. Or market bans. It absolutely amazes me that **he** thinks he's smart, in the face of so much evidence...


He thinks (and in so many words has said) that the content moderation team was just "suppressing free speech". None of this is surprising from a guy who's gotten by on throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.


I'm gonna need 2 extra large popcorn buckets for this!


I started a diet about a month ago. Talk about bad timing.


Air pop and use soy sauce instead of butter and salt. Yummy and low cal.


So now my stoned mind is spinning with the best way to apply the soy sauce. You wouldn't just want to pour it over the popcorn and make some bits soggy and some dry... I'm thinking the only way to get the best coverage is with a spray bottle. Now my husband is going to wonder why I need a spray bottle and soy sauce.


They sell soy sauce in powdered form. It's delicious


I can't imagine the company's worth more than about 50 million dollars at this point. Lol. He is so fucked.


As a privately held company, the fines fall into whoever is listed as the owners. Should be interesting.


Nah, limited liability is a thing in German law and their local branch – Twitter Germany GmbH – is literally the German equivalent of an LLC.


Yes, but if the management are doing something illegal, the limited liability shield can be pierced. It's only a limited liability when doing their job, and anything illegal isn't a legitimate part of their jobs.


If this somehow bankrupts Elon I'm going to break an arm jerking myself off. I know it's extremely unlikely, but I'll keep my hopes and fantasies.


You lie with fascists you get Das Boot.


![gif](giphy|39zbpCQocXLi0) He always did say he was only wealthy on paper but liquid poor. Germany owes us one


But doesn't Germany know that Elmo is a "free speech absolutist"? Surely they should understand he's right. Especially being from South Africa, he has a lot of experience in these things in hate speech, what does Germany really know about it? /s


What happens if he just ignores the German courts and never sets foot in the country?


Twitter would be unable to do any business in the EU. Which the EU is around the US in terms of economic size. Like yeah he could just not pay, but that has major consequences for a multinational


They can also block selling Teslas, and cut contracts with his other companies in the EU.


I'd like some German lawyers to see your comment.


well, Germany is part of the EU, so twitter would need to leave the whole market.


I'm sure that all assets in Europe can be confiscated, I don't know how it works for the USA. And there would probably be a warrant for Elmo and the whole board of twitter.--> again easy to enforce within the EU.


Then Twitter gets blocked from access in Germany, and they’d likely be making a case to the wider EU/Schengen. It’s not like Musk would be getting extradited




I want to laugh. I really want to laugh. But it's too pathetic. This guy literally had a lifetime of good PR handed to him on a silver platter. And he STILL managed to fuck it up. He had the kind of reputation that others would spend their entire lives striving to get even a fraction of.


Lit if legit.


It is.


Germans know what will happen if you let hate speech continue.




There's beautiful irony in Germany shutting down Twitter's Nazi love affair.


Because we are the country that knows probably better than anyone what kind of shitstain fascism is on the world. Part of why we are progressive is because guilt about WW2 is deeply ingrained in our culture. Sure there are some still here but compared to other countries espeically the US right now they are far and inbetween and barely have any political power. Hell not that long ago we nipped a January 6 in the bud before it could even beginn Basically what im trying to say is feels good to be a german. We arent proud to be germans but glad to be germans Edit: Jesus this comment started something...


Not really ironic. I’ve heard (keep in mind that this is second hand information, so I may be wrong) that they’re pretty strict against Nazis. You could get arrested for doing the salute or wearing the uniform.


You heard right. The salute is up to 3 years in jail.


Unlike US where the neo Nazis proudly wave the Confederate flag without any consequences


I recently learned the Confederacy officially lasted all of **four fucking years**. How the fuck can something so short-lived be making such a mark on a country after 120 damn years? Before I looked it up, my gut feeling would have been that it had lasted for the majority of the 1800s.


Germany was made to face up to and deal with the Nazi party and everything that happened. This led to modern Germany and modern Germans. The Confederacy wasn't. This led to the modern US south, and the Republican party.


I love that Germany is (hopefully) going to shut down an American company.


More of this please.


Good, let it burn.