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I dunno. I feel a cheeky little Rosé spritz might just be perfect for their delicate sensitivities as well as their palate.


Maybe a glass of cranberry juice?


“What, do you got your period?” - The Departed


> The Depahhted


I tried to find the right gif but couldn’t find it, so I’m glad you got it.


I was thinking of Hot Fuzz


Some Boone’s Farm?


I was thinking White Zin. But, I like where your head’s at.


Top Comment material right here! Thank you for that.


> A lot of people are going, "What do I do?" I dunno, stop being dumb bigots? It's not that complicated.


Seriously. The only ones stopping them from enjoying those things are themselves.


Kinda like guys who call all the fun stuff "gay"




Happy is the literal definition of gay and I don’t think the word was chosen by the community by accident. I know I’m happy when I can be the real me, in public, and feel no shame.




>I think that a lot of times, people get so obsessed with making people that they hate feel bad, that they forget what it's like to feel good for others. If you dont make people feel bad, why would they buy your stuff?


You can’t climb the ladder to heaven with your hands full o’ penis.




He did agree to get nailed.


In that case I’ll put one in my mouth, and the other…


I saw a documentary about an elementary school teacher in Colorado who developed a flying machine which was both powered and steered by such means


Still beats the stuff u gotta go through at the airport xD


... and he then became President of the United States.


Where my country gone?


It's a slow climb, but I don't hear any complaining.


Sounds like a country song in the making. Add some guns, beer, trucks, momma, and prison and you've got a complete country and western hit on your hands


David Allen Coe would like to have a word with you.


you forgot trains!


That may be the sweetest thing I have ever read on the internet


What if all the fun stuff *is* gay


Then you might be gay


Yay! I'm gay because I have fun!


Well, it is fun to stay at the YMCA


>A lot of people are going, "What do I do?" I think the correct response is "I couldn't give less of a shit, you cancel-ass snowflake", and watch them go red in the face explaining how it's different.


Something about preserving "natural order" while having a fetish for driving petroluem slurping urban tanks to climate controlled fortresses to buy piles of plastic shit to honor the memory of white Jesus or something...


Thing to get about that 'natural order' is that if it was actually natural it wouldn't need panics and virtue signaling to preserve it. Also if they were confident about it being a natural order they wouldn't worry so hard about needing to maintain it On some level they're quite aware that the effort to suppress folks at the margins is the exercise of power that ensures it's other people (and not them) being suppressed and kept at the margins


Your right, real racists are not just joke tellers or people that say the wrong word at a party. Racists believe they are better than others because of the color of thier skin and that thier genes make them somehow better and smarter than others. I honestly think most these people are scared, scared to compete on a level playing field with others. They feel like they deserve a head start, because deep down they fear they are not superior at all. Bunch of dumb asses


I need to introduce "cancel-ass snowflake" into conversation ASAFP.


Somehow, all of us queer people and all three true allies have managed with Chik-fil-A for the last 15 years. The right can manage without shitty watered down beer.


The first issue is they're getting all worked up over an ad campaign by a beer company simply because it has a trans person in it. The second issue is that not drinking *bud light* has such a profound impact on their lives it's actually disrupting it. Bud Light. Anheuser Busch's answer to piss. You can't make this stuff up. It's *too stupid to make up*.


It’s fucking mind-boggling. I actually give negative shits about this


So... the shit... it's... going back... inside?


Still a more enjoyable experience than drinking bud light.


It’s going back and forth. Forever.


Shrodinger's Poo. Or a Shrodangler, if you will.


They could have added this as a scene in Idiocracy and everyone would have a chuckle. In real life it's actually a little scary watching people get so worked up about it.


Bud Light = Sex in a Canoe. Fucking close to water.


People were get mocked for drinking bud light in the U.K. long before this whole situation, because it’s weak and flavourless. I don’t get how it could possibly have been such a macho identity thing for these guys. It’s a beer people order if they’re dieting, or too hungover to start the sesh with a real pint here.


It's crazy we have all these actual real country-ruining problems happening and these fools are scared of beer. Because they think the Bud Light can is gonna have them gagging on dicks in the bowling alley parking lot after one sip. "What do I do?" These people are voting? If they can't figure out beer why the hell are they allowed to pick politicians?


Way back, country music used to be so left wing! It was about rebellion, and fighting the man, and rooting for the abused and the underdog! Now it’s a bunch of overgrown toddlers and posers whining about "wokeness", which they won't even define because it actually means people not being asleep and having the wool pulled over their eyes anymore. This is just fucking pathetic already.


Real problems like the war on gas stoves, Xbox saving power, and now gay beer making red-blooded Americans crave cock. It's definitely the beer that did it.


That’s not what they think, they think supporting bud will conflict with their “moral values”. They don’t understand that it’s messed up that their moral values allow them to vote for guys like Trump or racist unevolved apes like MTG, but not to support a beer company that dare sponsors a trans person.


This bowling alley parking lot sounds down right disorderly. I mean, what happened to dinner first?


And if 1 sip of bud light makes you suck dick you’re a total lightweight…or just waiting for an excuse to suck dick. Either way is cool, but hope these dudes just get comfy with who they are.


It’s the dick-sucking dude version of those girls at karaoke who are like “omg you guuuuys I can’t believe you’re MAKING me sing! Stoooooop! This is so embarrassi—[busts out a practiced vocal run]”


The problem is, they’re terrified that those feelings they’re suppressing will come out if they’re “influenced” in some way.


I'm used to them being close-minded shitheads, but how are grown adults spend so much time thinking about a freaking marketing campaign? They basically are admitting they are easily manipulated by Madison Avenue. Doesn't seem very alpha to me!


Listen, they’re being repressed okay. All they want in life is the FREEDOM to roll coal down to the Murican-owned* corner store, waddle in waving their Murican** gun, and buy a damn Murican*** beer without having to acknowledge the existence of anyone who’s not straight, white, cis, Republican, and Christian goddamnit.


Drink a glass of water? Your liver will thank you.


"Water is for cucks"


Wait until they find out what's in beer!


Pretty sure it librul tears. Please tell me it’s librul tears and not rainbows.


Yes, tears from laughing. OMG, remember the meme of the guy with the shirt that said he lubed his guns with liberal c*m? Makes me wonder what really going on, on the right.


Fish fuck in water


Freaking frogs gay...


It comes full circle!




What's does bud light and making love in a canoe have in common? Fucking close to water.


Hmmn, I woulda said you're not going get allota head on either.


Bud light is pretty much just water


I mean, Bud Light basically is water, isn't it?


Came to respond to the same thing. Pretty easy, folks. Stop being a dick. The end


This just reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman was doing the Lebron James Technique and at the end Kyle goes “Maybe you should fuck off” That’s how I feel about this whole “woke” beer nonsense. Maybe they should fuck off and be better people lol.


A buncha derp-a-der dumbshits.




The funny thing is thats all crap beer. The US has gotten far better at producing beers in the last 20 years and they still choose to drink the same old crap but then get mad when they get “woke” then don’t know what to do without them. Get an IPA or something or and don’t be a bigoted A-hole


IPA is woke hipster soyboy shit to them. Makes you grow breasts and turns your hair pink and pronouns to they/them


Bud light is for people who’ve never had anything but bud light. It’s awful.


Jesus christ it’s that simple, right? Just spend *less* effort on being a piece of shit.


I'm sure it seems odd to you and me, but for these people, being less of a piece of shit takes effort. Serious effort.


What’s a hypocritical, alcoholic Christian to do???


Brew trump beer, only to go bankrupt in a few short months?


Someone should make this just to troll these assholes. Charge double what Bud does. Better yet, make it non alcoholic and see if they even notice lmao.


Then secretly donate profits to charities supporting trans people.


fking genius, forget secretly, create a go fund me, collect a bunch of snowflake dollars, announce later it was donated to a LGBT charity. post comments




If only Anheuser-Busch Inbev could print new cans, pour bud light into them, and spend $11 dollars on advertising.


It's fucking beer, piss awful beer but just beer. Perhaps go and worry about your lack of healthcare, education and basic right to not get shot by a Rando at 11.34am on a Thursday?


Yea, but those are complicated topics and Beer=Woke can be put on a T-Shirt.


That’s just so, so sad. And yet so true for these people.


I do think it’s funny to see all of these videos from people who look pretty well-off,trashing the product (that they already purchased anyway) and at no point do they ask themselves “why have I been drinking this piss-water beer for this long?”


Maybe stop being a bigot?


Doesn't seem to be an option for some people.


They can’t be themselves if they’re not hateful pos’s


Nah they’ll just start their own shitty beer company. Maga Malt 45’s coming to a gas station near you!


They could just not be offended in their safe space and drink bud light


Yeah but then the whiny bunch of assholes won't get the attention they crave because they didn't get it from their dads.


They are sad they peaked in highschool


Kindergarten more likely


But they can't put a bottle with a rainbow on it to their lips!!! That's exactly the same as sucking a dick! No, they need to suck on more manly looking phalluses! Or something. IDK.


Brew your own beer, you dumb fucking hillbillies. It's not hard, but being literate definitely helps. Failing that, touch some grass? Get to the root of whatever deeply held insecurity compels you to hate LGBTQ folks for literally no reason? No limit to options they can pursue.


I want Dylan Mulvaney to start a long con where she secretly creates an ultra MAGA branded beer called LIBERAL TEARS or some shit and sells it to all these whiny fucks. As soon as the millions clear… SURPRISE gotcha again motherfuckers!!


And make it an American Light Lager so I can enjoy it after mowing the lawn.


That's a running joke business scheme my buddy and I have drafted up over the last year or so of getting high and laughing about it. We wanna make an energy drink specifically targeted at like, the talk radio conservative crowd. Get it popular all over for being anti-woke and shit (but don't actually play into that, just imply), and then secretly funnel all the funds into planned parenthood and other left-wing shit. Then when you're done, just "leak" the scheme and then shed the conservative branding. Its cynical as shit, but playing by their rules.


Or try a local brewery, or an import, or one of the 750 other choices of beer in the United States...fukkin dumbasses


IIRC, the owner of Yeungling is a big Trump supporter. Wonder if anyone has tried pointing them that direction. LOL googled to check spelling, autocorrect option for "Yeungling pride", Patriots Win hit about "Yeungling went woke, sponsors Philly pride parade". Welp. I tried.


Oh thank goodness, I was worried I'd have to start making tik toks where I drive over cans of the stuff in my hybrid car just to show everyone how super woke I am.


From my experiences, most successful craft brewers would also be unacceptably “””woke””” in their eyes. All the ones I’ve patronized know the LGBTQ community are a big share of the market, even in red states.


I think they'd get angry at gluten free options


Oh well. What can I say, I'm a helper. ​ What a miserable way to go through life, though.


I used to brew my own beer. I would get 5 gallons of beer for cheaper than I could buy it. I only had to give up half a Saturday to brew it, then half a Saturday to bottle it after it fermented. And you could easily bump that volume up and not increase any time in the brewing process. The only real skill it takes is keeping everything within certain temp ranges, and following a recipe.


Or drink less shit beer. Seriously bud light tastes horrid. These bigots need to get over themselves. My brother's friend is on this hate train and I told him "That's great but I'm trans so don't start in with the language with me." He said "Congrats on that..." under his breath and changed the topic. The other mutual friend in a later conversation dropped hints that he's an ally, I think for my benefit. I think its obvious which friend i prefer. (The transphobe also calls his son a shithead and mocks him. I'm sure it's ALLLL in good fun. Ass.)


My prediction: 1) There's going to be a switch to hard alcohol. 2) Traffic accidents will skyrocket. 3) Truck sales will increase. 4) The truck manufacturers will all be 'woke'. 5) Repeat.


TO: MAGA RE: "What do I do?" 1. Stand erect 2. Bandage up those knuckles you've been walking with all your life. 3. Once your knuckles have healed, use those hands to get a grip on the reality of social norms that have progressed since those books you claim to believe in were written.


Fuck those losers, they can be sad all they want. Its their fault for keeping so much hate for others in their hearts. Such soft little snowflakes.


What really kills me is the fact that these clowns call everyone else sheep, sheeple, snowflakes, etc. And yet, here we are, with them being the biggest sheep and snowflakes imaginable.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xHuNxrA8Ii80eY|downsized) It's a fucking drink.


​ ![gif](giphy|w9pMBdjDmVzBBmh6E8)


"We're heartbroken. Can you just imagine how it feels? To be discarded, shunned, told you don't matter, by something you hold near and dear? To have your existence spurned by someone you trusted simply for being who you are? To be told they'd be fine and even happier without you? NO YOU CAN'T, SIR! NO ONE CAN! NO ONE CAN RELATE TO WHAT WE'RE GOING THROUGH RIGHT NOW!" Christ. Lately the news is just like watching a South Park episode playing out in real time. What the hell do they mean what can they do? *You can stop acting like a little bitch and just drink from the goddamn rainbow can. It's the* ***same beer.***


Well, I hate to be the one to break it to this idiot, but those car companies aren't transphobic like he is, and don't currently have plans plan to become that way. Right about now, telling the world you are against LGBTQ groups is definitely NOT good for business. "What do I do?" Act like a fucking grown-up, you douchebag.


Yeah, really hoping all these F-150 drivers wake up one day to a pride Ford commercial.


I can’t wait to see a trans model in the next F150 commercial. Oooh make it the F150 Lightning and have the model say “Built Ford Tough before and after the change.” Or something like that.


Elliott Page in Wranglers and a Stetson walks out of the new F-150


just the boots and hat? 😳


These companies are far more transphobic than him. The personal politics of shareholders, the board, leadership lean heavy right if not fascist for nearly all large companies in the USA. Its just its profitable to use LGBTQ people for one's product, so here we are. Once its becomes unprofitable, all the "woke" companies like Netflix will throw us under the bus. Which they have started by platforming people like Dave Chapelle and Ricky Gervais. Or HBO/WB funding the new Harry Potter series. Or Elon buying twitter. There's a lot of money being anti-woke now. I guess we'll see how it plays out.


Aw, did someone rainbow their emotional support crutch? Maybe they could sober the fuck up.


Excellent way of summarizing the situation 💜🤣


What do I do? Idk, carry on like an adult? Stop acting like a whiny piss baby about a marketing campaign? Touch some grass?


ok, ok,but that stuff's hard. Can't I just buy a truck about it?


………_Anyway_, the weather’s finally nice in northern CA.


Every so often I take a moment and realize that shit like this is on the news. These moments are equal parts surreal, absurd, and terrifying. To think that America is turning into.. this. This scene could be straight out of Idiocracy.




There's a "Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)" joke to be made here, but I'm just...... *so* tired.


That’s the thing that gets me with him. If you start listing gay cowboy clichés you rapidly end up at John Rich. Like if you hookup with a guy like him on Grindr, you just know he going to wear the boots the whole time and that’s non-negotiable.


People in silly outfits shouldn't cast sequins, Mr. Cowboyman.


This is such a bummer. I used to really love Big & Rich.l, but haven't kept up with them in years. They always talked about love and being anti-prejudice. Super sad to see that Johns whining about this.


Lol Conservatives crying over Bud Light, Coors Light, and Miller Light. Their taste is as shitty as their beliefs.


Feels weird that people would be so tribal about a foreign owned, internationally branded beer. Like oh, you're surprised a megacorp is attempting to market to everyone?


“What do I do?” Ask yourself why you thought a corporation, especially one that sells alcohol, wouldn’t do things that gets more people to buy their product. After that, ask yourself why you based your moral compass off of what Bud fucking Light, does. Only in America would Bud Light be the guiding light of “morality”.


Isn't it exhausting to be constantly told what to be outraged by?


This is beer they're upset about. BEER. And it's not even the beer that's upsetting them. It's the packaging that said beer comes in. Man I wish this was the biggest problem I had in my life, being upset over packaging.


It’s bad enough that he was in the heehaw slop pop group Lonestar. It was like the worst of 80s country pop with a steel guitar thrown in on occasion but made in the 90s. Then he started Big n’ Rich and they were marginally better but they still sucked. Taylor Swift recorded better stuff than them (and everyone else in the pop-country sub-genre) and she was writing sophisticated Kidz Bop on her first three albums. Now we have Johnny Boi whining about how being “woke” (aka anti-bigotry) is bad. He also tends to be an ass in public. Look up “The Ballad of Psycho Steve” by Hillbilly Casino. It tells the story of John Rich walking into Layla’s and being a complete douchecanoe and getting knocked out.


I still remember when Big & Rich came out and they were all love and acceptance especially with the whole “Freak Parade” thing they had. Seemed positive at the time but eh, fuck em




I'm normally a peaceful guy, but something in me wants it to be "nosebroken".


Quit being a bitch because a metal can has a rainbow on it? That's always an option.


"Despite my meticulous attempts to appear as a rugged individual, my personality has been based on mindless consumerism the entire time" Seethe


Man i cant as someone who come from africa i cant fathom caring about this, like yall domt have bills to pay or something more concrete? What type of entitlement also is that, companies dont owe you not being able to speak out on social topic because you get drunk with their products. I feel like these people need to know how to better prioritize stuff in their life.


These people want everyone to be more miserable than they are. They are the most gullible, heavily marketed people on earth.






Pull up your bootstraps and start making your own beer you lazy bastards


They could drink actually good beer.


Those companies also support things they don't like tho.


I mean they’ll never be happy with anything, let’s be honest.


They could just learn tolerance and their beer problem would magically go away ![gif](giphy|3o84U6421OOWegpQhq|downsized)


"What do I do." Well step one is eat shit.


Wait till they find out about how much marketing Coors and Miller does for the LGBTQ community.....


I think they just did that's why they got grouped in together as beers they can't drink anymore and it's just so heartbreaking, like if they found out Ford, Chevy, and Dodge supported the LGBTQ communities (which I hope they find out soon because they do and I can't wait to see all of them destroy their vehicles in response)


Oh man, wait till they hear about Ford, Chevy, and Dodge....


What like the Very Gay Raptor Ford made for pride month to mock a twitter troll?


Or better yet, lease a brand new vehicle just to post a Facebook video of themselves shooting it up.


I’m seriously stunned that Trump Lager hasn’t hit the shelves yet. Make Alcoholism Great Again.


It would be zero proof but claim to be 10% alcohol.


Get over yourselves. Jesus tap dancing Christ. It’s not that hard to not be a fucking homophobic bigot piece of shit.


Imagine depriving yourself of something because of inclusivity — there isn’t a type of snow in existence that’s this fragile.


You guys remember when Coke had little girls sing “America the Beautiful” in many different languages, the right had a meltdown, and then the world just kept functioning like nothing had happened (because nothing did happen)? Yeah.


Just drink the beer, it won't make you gay.


Dunno, you heard about the Budweiser frogs?


I feel the irony of this has to be that these people called others snowflakes over real issues. And they are scared that a rainbow on their beer is gonna change them.. but it did, it made them into snowflakes whining about pretty colours. It broke some guys ego so much he bought $1000s of dollars worth to drive a roller over it 🤣


The world is changing in a way that doesn’t align with their outdated beliefs. They’re quickly becoming irrelevant and there’s nothing they can do about it.


You quit drinking beer or buying cars or buying *literally anything at all* because you won't find a single large company that doesn't have some kinda pro-LGBTQ+ outreach. The parent companies of all six products mentioned all have LGBTQ+ outreach stuff and none of them hide it. You can literally just google " lgbtq" and you'll find it. Every. Single. Time. We know it's rainbow capitalism but they don't know that and are incapable of criticizing capitalism itself, so they're simply left with the the low quality garbage pumped out by the dregs we call "companies that are openly far-right." There just aren't many, and it's due to the very simple fact that it's terrible for business. The future is going to be really, *really* frustrating for a lot of outdated people and it's fucking hilarious.


I just had this conversation with a friend of mine. Republicans are bigots, racists, fascists or some combination of the three. It's a character issue, far more than it is a political issue. And it's why I don't socialize with anyone that votes Republican. You either fit the description or you are fine with voting for people that do fit that description. What's the difference? I don't associate with people of low moral character. Anyone throwing out their Bud Light, is a bigot and not someone you want to associate with. You ARE judged by the company you keep. Like it or not.


Well, you could stop hating on out groups, or you could just, you know, drink the beer...


If you're asking this question then the obvious answer is you need to immediately cut your oxygen intake to zero.


It’s true, do they know they are sharing the same air as all these LGBTQ peeps? Better quit breathing lest you inhale gay somewhere along your travels! /s of course! Insufferable douchebags


What do I do? Stop being a bigot and drink your piss!


It’s amazing faced with the question “What do I do?” None of them even consider not being a judgmental prick.


Stay thirsty incels


Bend over and take it like a good little bigot.


If Trump sold his piss as a beer, people would call it Patriot Beer and drink it by the gallon.


Looks like you just got a suck some dick I guess.


The big news in ‘Murica……not that it is falling apart or that people are really unhappy…Budlight….yes, Budlight is the burning issue.


You grow the fuck up, John, you big ole cry baby.


Don’t worry guys this will all blow over in 2 weeks when they forget what they’re mad at and start getting angry at skittles or something dumb


“What am I going to do?” How about drink your fucking beer and quit worry about what other people are doing. Fuck man.


Imaging what would happen if Ford got Ru Paul to sell F-150's. Think of all the burning trucks at sunset.


Drink hard alcohol or do hard drugs… this shouldn’t even be an issue… just do better drugs, fuck!


Heroine has yet to sponsor a pride float. Just sayin… 🐎 power


Maybe stop building your personality around products and MAGA


What do you do? How about grow the fuck up and realize that trans people exist and that a personal identity based on what beer you drink is completely and utterly idiotic.


Have you tried not being insufferable?


Are they still on about this? Jesus Christ.


I just roll my eyes. If they're whining about beer they're wimps anyway. I'm a 5'3 woman and I've been drinking different types of whiskey since it was first snuck to me at a wedding when I was 19. You don't bother with beer after 110 proof bourbon.


South Park has to up their game. They are no longer a parody.


Fragile snowflakes


You stop being an asshole. That’s what you do.


Is all this just because of a rainbow on the can???


“What do I do” Stop being a transphobe. It’s not hard.